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Tanaman kentang, semua orang mengenalnya tapi tak banyak yang mengertibahwa penanamannya

membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan tidak mudah, semua orang ingin membeli kentang dengan harga
murah tanpa mereka tahu jerih payah petani kentang, termasuk saya.

People know about potato but most of them don’t know that has too long time for planting potato and
it’s not easy, everyone want to buy potatoes with cheap price including me.

Hingga akhirnya saya sadar bahwa menanam kentang sangat sulit dan tidak semudah memakan
kentang rebus yang sudah matang, penanamannya membutuhkan waktu lama dan tidak mudah, saya
pernah mengalaminya dan saya merasa bangga pernah melakukannya.

In the end, I knew if planting potato is not as easy as we eat fried potato, we need a long time in
planting it, I've experienced it and I feel proud to have done it.

Dan hari itu tiba, saya dan teman teman lain serta beberapa guru pergi ke desa sukapura tempat
dimana banyak tanaman kentang tumbuh, banyak petani yang menanam kentang di daerah tersebut
karena dataran tinggi.

When I was senior high school, my school held study tour to Sukapura, part area of Probolinggo
region near with Bromo mountain, many farmers there planted potato because in the high field.

Kentang adalah tanaman yang sulit di tanam karena kadar air yang dibutuhkan harus tetap terjaga
karena akan menyebabkan kentang kusut jika terlalu kering namun dataran tinggi adalah tempat yang
cocok karena meskipun terik matahari pun suhunya tetap terjaga, namun jika terlalu basah karena
sering hujan maka akan menyebabkan kentang busuk cara mengatasinya dengan menyemprotkan
pestisida agar tetap terjaga dan tidak mudah terkena hama.

Potato is a plant that is difficult to plant because moisture must be maintained because it will cause
the potatoes to tangle if too dry but the plateau is a suitable place because even get hot sun
temperature is maintained, but if too wet because it often rains it will cause potatoes rotten ways to
overcome by spraying pesticides to stay awake and not easily affected by pests.

Saya membantu petani kentang untuk penanaman , dihari pertama saya menanam kentang saya
mencakul lahan, sebelumnya petani disana sudah menjemur tanah lahanya, lalu mencakul untuk
membuat gundukan, lalu membuat lubang untuk diisi bibit kentangnya dan diberi jarak setiap
lubangnya setelah itu di tutup menggunakan tanah lalu di beri pupuk setelah itu di semprot
menggunakan pestisida dan ditunggu hingga panen, panen kentang dilakukan ketika umur kentang
sudah 90 hari.

I helped the potato farmers for planting, on the first day I planted the potato I caught the land before
the farmers dry their land so I did not help the bunch to make a mound, then make a hole to fill the
seed of potatoes, then closed using the soil and given fertilizer after it was sprayed using pesticides
and waited until harvest, the harvestment of potato was done when the potato's age was 90 days

Most of farmers there said that potatoes were very difficult to plant cause they are rottem, and when
early harvested potatoes many are not worth to sell. So i want to know more knowledge why potatoes
were easly rotten and what were impact that cause these potatoesss to spoiled
at the time i planted potatoes because most of farmers in the sukapura village plant potatoes, maybe
most of farmers there choose potatoes because the area was plateu and suitable for planting potatoes.

i planted potatoes on some lands, potatoes planted on the land that get enough intensity of sunlight
then mattock of soil up to loose and let a few days to the ground exposed to sunlight and not too loose

i went to that palce during the rainy season, many farmers there were starting to plant their land with
potatoes, they choose that month so that their potatoes could get more water.

after the soil is loose give compost then give the distance of hole in the top to put the seeds, after that i
closed the hole that has been tubers that have to grow. about 3 moth i planted with the farmers where i
lived but many potatoes were not worth to sell.

Most of farmers there said that potatoes were very difficult to plant because they were rotten, and
when the early harvestment of potatoes many were not worth to sell. so, i want to know more
knowledge why potatoes are easly rotten and what impacts are causing these potatoes to spoiled.
Almost everyone is familiar with potato plantation, but only a few of them that know the planting
process of potato takes a lot of time and effort too, people want to get potatoes with spending a little
money they have without giving attention how much the efforts of the farmers take into the process,
including me

But now i come to a realization that planting potato is complex and not as easy as eating them. The
planting process take a long time and was not easy, i have experienced and i was pround of it.

The day came, when i was in high school, I, my friends and a few teachers went to Sukapura village
that was like a heaven of potato! The field were full of it! I bet it was because the latitude was
supportive of doing so.

The reason why it is hard to plant potatoes is because the amount of water, it must be watched
carefully otherwise it will not do so good for the skin of the plant. That’s the reason why it is the right
place in plateau areas because even though the sun is shining but the temperature stays low, however
if it gets too watery ( too much rain maybe) the it will cause the potatoes to rot, and the only way the
farmers can do to solve such promble is to spray enough pestisides.

I got chance to help the farmers to plant them, and on my first day i set the field before planted that
had been dried under the sun for a few days by the farmers, so i helped them to make mounds, holes
to plant the seeds, for each hole we need to give space so it can grow well and then we covered it with
the mounded sands. We also helped them to give fertilizer and pesticide too. We might be done just
right there, but the farmers had to waot for other 90 days for the potatoes to harvest.

While planting them, the farmers shared with us on how hard days when the potatoes fail to harvest
because they rot too fast, they dont sell a lot and that could be a serious problem that why i wanted to
learn more about planting potatoes and all the complicated ways behind planting them.

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