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Appendix I: Burial Data Tables

The composition of the following data tables should, I believe, be

fairly clear and straightforward. But some comment is required about the

data in a few categories.

Ceramic Phase

The dating of the burials must only be considered as approximate.

This is for the simple reason that the date of the ceramic phases is only

approximate. Since the burials were most often dated by the ceramic fill

in which each was found or by the pots placed as grave goods, then con-

sequently, the date of the burials can only be approximate. Burials of

known rulers or those which contained grave goods with a date(s) inscribed

have, of course, been reliably and accurately dated. But I believe it is

simpler to list and date all of them under the ceramic phases. The burials

dated to a particular phase are, however, listed in general chronological

order. So, for example, Burial 31, the first of the Imix phase burials at

Tikal, is of an earlier date than the last, Burial 1. This logic applies

to every burial of every phase of every site.

Burial Enumeration

The burials of several sites had to be specially enumerated for these

tables while the enumeration adopted by the excavators at other sites has

a logic that may not be immediately apparent. As a result, some explan-

ation of burial enumeration is required for each site.

1) Mountain Cow: The enumeration follows the sequence of appearance of the

burials in Thompson's text (Thompson 1931). Thus Chu1tun A becomes Burial

1, Chu1tun B becomes Burial 2, Chultun C becomes Burial 3, Vaulted Chamber


I, Mound N becomes Burial 4, Burial III becomes Burial 5, Vaulted Chamber

11 becomes Burial 6, Vaulted Chamber I, Mound A becomes Burial 7, Vaulted

Chamber 111 becomes Burial 8, Burial VII becomes Burial 9, Burial 11 be-

comes Burial 10, Vaulted Chamber X becomes Burial 11, Chultun D becomes

Burial 12, Burial IV becomes Burial 13, Vaulted Chamber IX becomes Burial

14, Vaulted Chamber IV becomes Burial 15, Burial VIII becomes Burial 16,

and Burials 17 and 18 are the two remaining, unnumbered burials. This may

appear unnecessarily confusing but listing the burials in this way

eliminates cumbersome terms, indicates them simply as burials, and provides

a simple number for each.

2) Baking Pot: The 27 burials at Baking Pot are specially enumerated for

the tables since burials found at different locations within the site were

numbered identically by the different excavators. To avoid confusion,

Ricketson's (1931) Burial 1 has to be distinguished from the Bullards

(1965) Burial 1, and the Willey et al. (1965) Burial 1 and so on. The

simplest method to distinguish them is to add the first letter of the last

names of the respective excavators to the burials they found. Thus,

Ricketson's 15 burials from Mound G are referred to by the letter R and

follow his original numerical order. They are numbered RI to R15. The

same applies to the Bullards burials which are referred to and listed as

Bl to B7. The same principle applies to the Willey burials but because 4

burials were numbered the same from different mounds, the following

arrangement is made: Burial 1 of Group I, Plaza I is WI, Burial 2 of Group

I, Plaza I is W2, Burial I of Mound 3 is W3, Burial 2 of Mound 3 is W4,

and Burial 3 of Mound 3 is W5.

3) Barton Ramie: The burials for this site follow the enumeration imple-

mented by the original excavators, i.e. providing the number of the mound

in which the burial was found followed by the burial number.


However, the composition of 2 burials, 147-2 and 123-11, are

different from the original. Burials 2, 3 & 4 of Mound 147 were so mixed

they are considered here as a single, multiple burial, 147-2, and not sep-

arately as originally presented (Willey et al. 1965: 142 & 554). There-

fore, there are no Burials 147-3 or 147-4 in the tables. Burials 11 and

12 of Mound 123 are considered a single burial of a mother and child,

Burial 123-11, as suggested by the original excavators but for some reason

presented separately (ibid.: 118 & 549). Consequently, there is no Burial

123-12 in the tables.

4) Bengue Viejo & San Jos~: At both sites the burials are enumerated in the way

originally adopted by Thompson (1940 & 1939, respectively), which was to

number the burials separately for each plaza group in which they were

found. There is one exception. In these tables, Burial B4, San Jos~, in-

cludes Burial B5. The interments were so mixed they are considered as one

burial, B4, and not separately as Thompson had done (Thompson 1939: 199).

Therefore, there is no Burial B5 in the tables.

5) Holmul: My enumeration follows the numerical order of Merwin & Vaillant

(1932), but since they did not adopt any formal numbering system I have

inserted the letter of the building in which each burial was found in

front of the burial number. Thus, the burials of Building B, Group 11,

consist of Burials Bl, B2, etc., and the burials of Buildings E and X,

consist of El and Xl, etc., respectively. But a problem arises by the

fact that burials were discovered in two different Building Fls. To avoid

confusion, the burials of Building F, Group I, are prefixed with the num-

ber 1, and the letter F, and the burials of Building F, Group 11, are pre-

fixed with the number 2, and the letter F. So, for example, Burial 1 of

Building F, Group I, is IF1, and Burial 1 of Building F, Group 11, is 2Fl.

The composition of 3 groups of burials are considered differently.


Burials B17 - B19 were so mixed I have considered them as a single,

multiple interment, Burial B17, and not as individual burials. Burials

B3 and B4, though disturbed, consisted of only 1 body and should therefore

be considered a single interment, Burial B3. And Burials B13 & B14 were

so mixed they are best considered as the single, multiple interment,

Burial B13. Thus, Burials BIS, B19, B4 & B14 have been eliminated from the

6) Uaxacttin: All burials are enumerated as originally established by the

excavators, i.e. prefixed with the letter of the plaza group in which each

was found and followed by the burial number, e.g. AI, Bl, El, etc. The

burials found in housemounds are prefixed with the letters HM.

7) Tikal: The 107 burials of this site follow the original method of

enumeration and are numbered in the order of their discovery. The few

problematical deposits are prefixed with the letters PD.

S) Altun Ha: The enumeration for this site is the same as that adopted by

Pendergast (1979, 1982 & n.d.). The burial number is prefixed by the

structure in which each was found, e.g. Burial E-14/7. Burials that

Pendergast considered as tombs were prefixed with the letter T, e.g. TB-4/7.

I do the same even though I have not classified all his tombs as tombs,

e.g. TE-l/2 which I classified as a simple crypt.

In the tables are included the skull burials found in front of Str.

C-13 which were not listed by Pendergast. These are numbered as Burials

C-13/34 and C-13/35. In addition, Burial C-23/1 is separated into 3 dis-

tinct interments, a, b & c, as implied by Pendergast (1982: 250) but for

some reason not actually listed as such. They are in the tables.

9) Dzibilchaltun: The enumeration is the same as that used by Andrews and

Andrews (1980). It consists of a burial number prefixed by the structure

in which it was found, e.g. Burial 12-1. One burial, 96-6, is separated

into 2 burials, 6a & 6b, because the 2 skeletons appear to have been dis-

tinct, non-contemporary, interments.

10) Altar de Sacrificios & Seibal: The Altar burials are enumerated as they

were by Smith (1972) and the Seibal burials are enumerated as they were by

Tourtellot (in press). The Seibal problematical deposits are prefixed by

PD, and the burials of both sites were simply numbered by the order of

11) Copan: The enumeration follows the methods adopted by Gordon (1896) and

Longyear (1952). Gordon's Burials were simply numbered and those he con-

sidered as tombs were prefixed with the letter T. I do the same regardless

of whether I classified a grave as a tomb or not. The Longyear enumeration

has a rather different and more complex logic. A burial number is

composed of the number of a burial in the order of its discovery in a par-

ticular year followed by the year of discovery. So, for example, the

first burial found in 1938 becomes 1-38, or the second found in 1946 be-

comes 2-46, and so on. Burials he thought were tombs are enumerated the

same way with an additional prefix of the letter T. I do the same regard-

less of my classification of each grave.

However, 2 sets of burials, Burials 34 & 35 and 25 & 26, are both con-

sidered as contemporary, Single, multiple interments, Burials 34 & 25, by

me rather than individual interments (Longyear 1952: 36-37). Therefore,

Burials 35 & 26 do not appear in the tables.

12) Piedras Negras: The enumeration is the same as used by Coe (1959) but

includes the infant sacrifice designated as a cache, Cache R-3-2 or Lot 16,

by Coe (ibid.: 95) but as Burial 16 in the tables. It may be a dedicatory

cache but it is also clearly an interment and treated as such here.

13) Palengue: The burials of Palenque are a compilation of interments

found by different excavators which were either not numbered or not dis-

tinguished. Distinction is made by using the first letter of the last

name of the respective archaeologist who discovered them, or the first

letter of the building in which each was found, as a prefix to the burial

number. Thus, 11 becomes Pacal's burial found in the Temple of lnscrip-

tions (Ruz 1954 & 1973); the R burials are those discovered by the Bands

(1961); the C burials are those found in the Temple of the fount (Ruz

1958b); the E burials are those found in Temple XVIII (Eighteen)(Ruz

1958a); and the A burials are those from Temple XVIII-A (Ruz 1962). The S

burials, which were discovered by Blom & LaFarge (1925-27), remain un-


14) Tonin': The enumeration follows the method adopted by Becquelin and

Baudez (1979). It consists of the burial number prefixed by the Roman

numeral of the operation number in which each burial was found. So, for

example, V-I is the first burial of excavation operation, V. A problem does

arise with 4 graves which were reused. Consequently, the burials are dis-

tinguished by the additional letters, A, B, and C. The burials in question

are IV-3A & IV-3B,C, IV-9A & IV-9B, IV-lA & IV-IB,C, and IV-2A & IV-2B,C.

Burial III-IA,B is merely a contemporary, multiple burial.

Grave Location

This means more or less what it says, i.e. in what structure, plaza or

whatever each burial was found. The floor level or statum in which each

burial was found is not specified, but an indication is made if burials were

found under benches, stelae, altars, or special burial constructions.

Grave Context

This refers to the type of structure in which a burial was found.

The contexts are as described and defined in the text (chpter 3).

Grave Type

The grave types are as I have classified them (chapter 2) but it is

the grave varieties, not just the types, which are listed. Consequently, I

have used the Roman numeral and Arabic number combination from the clas-

sification for simple graves in order to distinguish their otherwise unnamed

varieties (see Table 2). The same is done for capped pits (111:4) in order

to distinguish them from simple pits and emphasize their inclusion as a

variety of eist.


The categories under this heading are straightforward and simply

follow what has already been explained in the text (chapters 4, 5, 6 & 7).
For multiple burials, skeletons are distinguished by the letters, a, b, c,

etc. The methods used to age skeletons are not precise and should only be

used as a rough guide. The age groups are distinguished as follows I

1) infants - less than 2;

2) children - 2 to 12;

3) youths - 12 to 17;

4) young adults - 18 to 25.

5) adults - 25 to 40;

6) old adults - over 40.

It should also be pointed out that the number of interred and their age and

sex for the Altun Ha sample are based on the lab analysis and not upon the

on site estimation.

Grave Furniture

This category refers to the approximate number of grave goods for each

burial, and is separated into the sub-headings of pottery and stuccoed

vessels, jade, shell, flint/obsidian, and other. The number of grave goods

should only be considered as approximate for some burials because the pre-

cise number of a specific type of grave good was not always provided by

the original excavators. This particularly applies to the very well fur-

nished temple and household shrine burials. In such instances, it was

merely stated that, for example, jade was present, jade beads or shell

beads were present, hundreds of jade beads, flint blades, etc., were

present, or a many beaded bracelet, anklet, necklace or collar was present.

Such approximation does not really occur for non-temple burials because

there was simply far less furniture, and every bead or fragment was counted.

One aspect of the grave goods that is not indicated in the tables (nor

discussed in the text) is the position of grave goods. This is because the

positions were not always indicated in the excavation reports, and position

may not always have been important or meaningful (though it probably was in

some instances, e.g. bowl over skull, shell over skull, jade bead in mouth

and stingray spine by pelvis). Jade beads and shell beads were usually

found in positions consistent with them having been worn as necklaces,

collars, bracelets and anklets. The location of pots in graves was not

consistent so I suggest space availability or the whim of the burial party

primarily influenced where pots were placed in graves. The following, how-

ever, should be noted:

1) Bome of the best furnished burials contained goods that had been placed

in wall niches, or in caches immediately adjacent to, below, or atop the


2) pots frequently contained items of furniture, e.g. jade or shell beads

and/or flint or obsidian blades, and unanalysed organic remains;

3) stingray spines were usually placed by the pelvis of the deceased;

4) jade beads were sometimes found in positions consistent with them having

been placed in the mouth.

The position of stingray spines may be meaningful. Some art and

iconography depict male individuals, usually Maya lords, mutilating their

virile member with stingray spines (Schele & Miller 1986). Placing a

stingray spine by the pelvis of the deceased may indicate that the person

had practised this bloodletting during life and would continue to practise

it in the hereafter (see Table 100).

The placing of a jade bead in the mouth of the deceased was a common

Pan Mesoamerican custom (Ruz 1968: 162 & 166). It has also been written

about in the ethnohistoric literature. Landa informs us that it was cus-

tomary in o~uer to provide the deceased with money - jade beads could be

used as currency - to buy food in the afterworld (Tozzer 1941: 130). It

seems the custom is of some antiquity probably for the same reason. Per-

haps the organic residues in pots were food left for the very same purpose.

The following is a list of the abbreviations used in the data tables:

I) Ceramic Phase

Fl P - Floral Park

E Herm - Early Hermitage

TR - SL Trans Tiger Run - Spanish Lookout Transition

BV - Benque Viejo

SJ San Jos~

n) Provenance

Gr. Group

Str. Structure

Cons. Construction

sub. substructure

In) Skeleton

ext extended inf - infant

fl flexed m - male

sup supine f female

sev severed

crshd - crushed

btwn - between

Sk Skeleton

sk skull

sec secondary

frgs fragments

oa - old adult

a - adult

ya - young adult

y - youth

ch child
IV) Grave Furniture

ani animal

ant, antl antler

bl blade(s)

bd, bds bead or beads

bn bone

brclt bracelet

c., crvd carved

cara - carapace

char - charcoal

chrd charred

cl clay

con contained

cres crescent

croc crocodile

crys crystalline

cyl cylinder

ecc eccentric

efl earflare( s)

eng sk engraved skull

fig - figure(s)

fl flint

flk, flks - flake or flakes

frg, frgs fragment(s)

gm green

hem hematite

hum - human

imp implement

impr - impreSSion

iDCl including

inl inlay

ins - inscribed

ir py - iron pyrite

j jade

j & py - jade & pyrite (mosaic)

j & sh - jade & shell (mosaic)

jps mos - jade, pyrite & shell mosaic

jag - jaguar

kn - knife

m - mother (of pearl)

M of P - Mother of Pearl

mand - mandible

met - metate

min pcs - mineral pieces

ndl, ndle - needle(s)

nod - nodule

ob, obj - object(s)

obs - obsidian

oe - ocelot
or, om, oma, oms - omament( s)

pes pieces

pen, pend - pendant

perf - perforated

phal - phalange(s)

pigm - pigment
pI, plq - plaque

pnt - paint

pol - polished

poly - polychrome

ptd - painted

pyr - pyrite

rmn, rmns - remains

ser, serp - serpentine

sh & obs mos - shell & obsidian mosaic

sk - skeleton

sl - slate

sndl, spnd, spndl - spindle

spat - spatula

st - stone

st sp - stingray spine

tana - tanager

tex, text - textile

tpr - tapir

tth - tooth or teeth

tur - turtle

vert - vertebra(e)

whrl - whorl

wrkd - worked
TAIlL~; I I MOUN'1'1i 114 CUW

ipprox. Provenance Skeleton Grave Furni ture

Date -

CeruUc Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave No. Uead PoatHon Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Pha.e Bo. Context Type of Omt. Vessels Obsidian
1 Chultun A, plaza chultun 1 NB flexed left A 3 pots: poly. dish,
Plaza I, Tzimin poly. vase & 1 pot

2 Chultun B, west plaza chultun ? secondary bowl, dish & vase

of Plaza X, , (?)
Tzimin Kax

3 Chultun C, plaza chul tun 1 SW flexed A 6 pots: 2 plates, 10 ornament

Plaza VI, Tzimin right 3 bowls & 1 vase
8 4 vaulted chamber, residence simple ? secondary 7 pots, including 2 earflares lobs.
.... N
Mound N, Plaza I, crypt (?) 2 bowls, 1 jar, 1 dish 2 beads knife
Callal CunU and 1 vase
,"I 0
~ Q plaza eimple 2 seated, 1 ya m
5 east of Mound N, 7 5 to
:<I ~ Plaza I, Cahal crypt NE others
Cunll were

6 Mound A (east), household etone-lined ~ 3 sets of 25 potsl 11 plates, ~ beadB 1 necklace frgs. stone axe &
Plaza 11, Tzimin shrine tomb (?) teeth only 9 vases & 5 bowls 1 earnare • 13 beads spearhead

7 Mound A (east), household unspecified 1 S flexed left 3 pots. 1 poly. vase & metate
Plaza 11, Tzimin shrine crypt 2 poly bowls
6 Mound A (east), household elaborate 6 disturbed 6 mandibles 18 pots. 12 bowls, 6 3 shells
....'" Flaza 11, Tzimin shrine orypt (?) only vases. 1 incensario
9 east .ound, Plaza household uncapped ? secondary 7 pots: 5 bowls & 2 obs. bl., 3 tpr. can-
ei XII, Tzimin Kax shrine cist (?) vases ecc. fl. ines, 1 rock

.. 10 on top of Burial
4, Mound N, Cahal
residence aimple 1 extended 5 pots. 2 bowls & 3
!l 1'3
0 11 in front of east plaza aimple I 2 bowls 2 discs, 1 2 shells, 2 2 etone
mound, Plaza VI, crypt en. bd. 1 disc spindle whrl
I>- Kax

~0 17 Mound N, Cr. 1I,

Hatzcap Ceel
? ~remat1on 2 bowls cl. fig.
, 16 Mound M, Gr. 11, household limpls ? cremation 3 incensarios
Hatzcap Ceel ehrine 1'4


Provenance Skeleton Grave Pumi ture

eeruie Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave No. Head Position Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flintl Other
Pha.e 110. Contnt Type of Omt. Vessels Obsidian

12 hultun 0, Plaza plaza chultun ? pile of 3 bowls

IV, Tzl111n Kax bones
( secondary)

13 ound A, (eaat), household simple I seated y 16 paired pots in sd-

PI. 11, Tzimin Ka~ shrine orypt joining chamber
14 east mound, Plaza household ~spacified J;t!Pl'Y r.:MJ'TY GRAVh!
1I, Tzimln Kax shrine tomb
15 Plaza Ill, Cahal plaza jurlapaci fied 1 J,! flexed
punil !Crypt
0 16 ~ound A (east), ~ouaehold simple 4 mandibles
le 4 3 beads frgs. 3 turtle
Plaza I, Tzimin !shrine III only carapaces

--- --
TAllLr: Il. BAKING PO'l'
Approx. Provenance Skeleton Grave Furn 1 ture

Ceruic Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave No. Head Poaition Mutilation AlSe Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flin~/ Other
Phase lIo. Context Type of Omt. Vessels Ob9idian

R4 Mound G, Plaza ceremonial simple 1 '! prone, ext. headless

Ill, Group I platfom III

R5 Mound G, Plaza ceremonial simple 1 S prone, ext. headless

Ill, Group I platfom 1.1

R7 Mound G, Plaza oeremonial simple 1 S prone, ext. oa m

Ill, Group 1 platform 1,1

RB Mound G, Plaza ceremonial haphazard ' 1 S prone, ext. ya f

lll, Group I platform cist
r- R9 Mound G, Plaza oeremonial simple 1 S prone, ext. a f
I Ill, Group I platform 1:1
'4) RIO Mound G, Plaza ceremonial unknown unexcavated
lIl, Group I platform
... Rll Mound G, Plaza ceremonial simple 1 S prone, ext. a m st.spindle
1JI, Group I platform 1:1 ~horl

Rl2 1,0uM G, Plaza ceremonial simple 1 S prone, ext. a f I vase

P: Ill, Group I platfol'lD 1:1

~ R15 liound G, Plaza ceremonial simple 1 S prone, ext. a ID I bead I shell 2 bone bd.
Ill, Group I platform 1.1 wrkd. antlt'r

Rl4 liound G, Flaza ceremonial aimple 1 S prone, ext. ch

Ill, Group I platform 1.1

R15 Hound G, Plaza ceremonial alaborate 1 S prone, ext a 2 pots 5 bd. 2 ef! 2 sliell 11 pyrite
Ill, Group I platform crypt 25 frg. rosettes 2 wrkd. bone

B4 str. A, Group 11, temple .iaple 1 S prone, e"t. ob. point a f

rooa 1 1.1 n eyeball

B5 Str. A,Group II, temple haphazard 1 S ~xt. supine a poly bowl contained 2 crvd. pen. crvd. fig. 19 obs. slate pi. &:
~ room 1 cist bone ndl, bone tool, 4
carved bone awls, 7
2 beads 2+ orns. &:
bI. also
in bowl
i r. py, & bone
spindle whorls in bowl texti le
B1 ,tr. A, Group 11, temple simple 1 S ext. a ~ bowls (2 poly) &~ bone or.&
A room 1 112 dishes (1 poly) jps mos.
B~ n front of altar, temple simple 1 H ch 2 bowls (1 poly) st. spindle
8:.: iroom
I, Str. A,
Group II
altar crypt whorl

B2 in froDt of Stela plaza haphazard 1 SI!: prone, ext. a
~, Group II stela ciat
p, B6 1n bench, room '2, temple simple 1 S prone, ext. a 1 bowl 2 pins
str. At Gr. 11 III

Approx. Provenance Skeleton Grave Fuml tUn!

Grave Location Grave Grave No. Head PositLon Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
eerulc Bur.
Context Type of Omt. Vessels Obsidian
Pha.e 110.

HO B1 n front of bench, temple simple 1 secondary skull and ya 1 poly bowl, 1 poly vase
1 bowl, 1 jar & I urn
~I..: • roOIl 2, Str. A, 1:1 (in urn) le~ bones
p.,o· "r. II only

Wl k>laza I, Gr. I plaza simple 1 S ext. ya


W2 k>laza I, Gr. I plaza simple 1 S ext. ya

0 80
..... .ousemound ~, Gr. house mound simple 1 S prone, ext. ya 2 c. bone
~ w~
§;! I 1 III
0 8r- SS!!: prone, ext. a
..:I W4 :ousemound 3, Gr. housemound simple 1
:x:~ • 1 1.1
H~ •
~ .~ W5 lousemound 3, Gr. house mound simple 1 a
g;~ I 1.1

RI just off Mound G, ceremonial simple 1 !!: ext. supine oa m mano &: met.
laza Ill, Gr. I platfo,," 1.1

R2 just off Mound G, oeremonial simple 1 W n. right a m

U ... 'laza Ill, Gr. I platfo,," 1.1

8 .....
! Cl R3 Just off Mound G,
Plaza Ill, Gr. I
ceremonial sillple
platfo,," 1.1
1 E n. left oa f
A 0
...• ~
R6 just off Mound G, cerellOnial si.ple 1 E ext. supine ya f
Plaza Ill, Gr. I platfoI'1ll III

Approx. Provell&llce Skeleton Grave Furni ture
Dah ~-~~-

Ceramic Bur. Gravo! Location Grave Grave No. Head Position Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade 3hell Fl1n t/ Cth"r
Phase No. Context Type of Ornt. Vessels Ob91,han
Bad. --
z0 inf bowl containing infant
E-o ~ 124-1 BR-124. double house mound simple 1 secondary.
in bowl
~ .Q mound with 1,1
housemound simple 1 N ext. supine ch m clay fip;.
124-~ BR-124. double
~.i.-~o• mound with 1:1
~~~ BR-12~

54;".1 BR-154 housemound tlaphazard 1 N ext. prone a m 2 pots

st. hemi-
:« ~54-2 BR-154 housemound simple 1 N ext. prone oa m
0 1,1 sphere

~~a u
~54-} BR-154 housemound simple 1 N ext. ya f st. herni-
'H III 1,1 sptjere

Ul a
, '" N
154-4 BR-154 house mound simple 1 a f
o~ • 1.1
~ 8
~ '" 154-5 BR-154 housemound simple no data
z • .Q 124-2 BR-l 24 • double housemound simple 1 N ext. sup. a m bowl over skull & 1 1 bead
other bowl
~~88 mound with 1.1
~~ ,,",rl BR-123
E·dillll ' " 20-1 BR-20 housemound simple 1 S ext. prone a 3 pots I ohs. hI.
S'" N
~~§~ 1:2

123- BR-123. double housemound simple 1 NB n. sup. a f

o I 34 taOund wl th
"'" ·0
... ""• '" 123- BR-123. double houselDOund simple 1 S ext. prone a m
~ii!8~ 35 aound with III
~~rl": BR-124

123- bR-123. double housemound capped pit 1 S sxt. prone a m 3 pots 1 bead 2 adornos.
~~ }O .cURd with BR-124 1III4 40 beads
i1l",~ (cist)
... .... '" 3 pots including 1 poly 1 pendant
123- BR-123. double houaemound simple 1 S ext. prone ya f
}1 mound with BR-124 crypt bowl

..: •• 51,R 123- BR-123. double housemound aimple 1 S ext. prone ya m bowl over skull & 1 jar
~ OP::
... A. 20 aound with BR-124 III

- - -- RAMIE

Approx. Provenance Skeleton Grave Fumi ture


Grave Location Grave
Head Poei tion
Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed
Vessels '~'"'" Flint!

BR-12}, double housemound simple 1 seated ya } pots: 1 poly bowl, 1 pendan t

..ound with BII-124 1.2 1 bowl'" 1 jar

12~- IlH-123. double housemound simple 1 S ext. prone oa m

14 mound with BR-124 1.1
12}- BR-123, double housemound simple 1 S ext. prone ya m 1 poly bowl &; 1 bowl 1 bead lobs. bl.
I 1.1
19 mound with BH-124
..... 12}- BR-12}, double housemound simple I S ext. sup. ya m

21 mound with BII-124 1.1

123- 811-123. double housemound simple I S ext. prone a m I pot

~2 mound with BII-124 1.1
, 1-26 I!R-l housemound simple 1 S ext. ch m
'-' k
.-: Cl> 88
'" ....

~; Q 15-3 BR-15 housemound uncapped

I S ext. prone a .

ffi km'"
0 .... ..:
141-1 BR-147 housemound simple I S ext. a
G·, J! t 8 III
1-16 BR-l housemound partial 1 S ext. sup. a miniature jar 4 obs. bl

simple I S ext. sup. oa f

I H ""0Eo< 1-17 BR-I houeewound
simple 1 inr
;~ ~...
1-20 BR-l houselDOund
I 1-21 BR-l housemound eimple 1 S ext. prone a
~~ 8 III
n 1-22 BR-I houaelllOund aillple
I S ext. prone a . 2 bone spat.
gjt-< -<
~~ 1-2~ BR-l houeelllOund ai_pIe
1 S ext. prone a 1 c. bone tube

ill:;.: l-l~ BR-I housemound ai.ple I S ext. sup. inr 4 pots but association
HO 112 uncertain
p.,H 0
BR-I houselllOund aimple 1 ext. inr 4 pots? - Bee 1-13
Ul Ul
- '"
1-14 S
I ~ J 1.1 above
~ ~
..: E; • 1-15 BR-I houeelllOund Simple 1 S ext. sup. inr 4 pots? - see I-I}
ffi El
~ 1,1 above
~8 ..: houee_ound simple 1 S ext. y f 4 pote? - aee 1-13
E<.:I 1-18 BR-I
1.1 above

Approx. Provell&llce Slceleton Grave Furrd ture


Grave No. Read Po at Hon Mutilation Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
eerule Bur. Grave Location Grave
of Omt. Vessels Obsidian
Pha.a Mo. Cont8llt 1'1JMI
I Bod.

.6 inf 4 pots? - see 1-15 abov
UlZ'-Oll"'\. 1-19 BR-I housemound simple I
I;;! r- 101

housemound simple 1 S ext. sup. ya f

1-25 BR-l
75-1 BH-75 housemound simple 1 S ext. prone inf
o...:l g
BR-151 housemound simple 1 S ext. prone a
S '"r:l
..: ext. prone a
151-2 BR-151 housemound simple 1 S

housemound simple I aced seated ya 20 pots. includes bowl 2 shells &0 3 obs. hI. tur. cara,
1-6 BR-I S n. bI. ~ Ill!. nd}e.
1,1 W over skull &0 3 poly 1 om.
1 ecc. Cl. bl! tubes
bn. "dIe.
8R-I housemound haphazard 1 S ext. prone ya m 1 pot
H cist
simple 1 S ext. prone oa bl!. sra t.
z 260-1 BR-260 housemound
;2 1.2

S So 260-2 8R-260 hou.emound simple 1 S ext. prone a 1 poly bowl, I bowl <5. stone
0 @~ 1.2 1 jar
~ 0

S 3'0

aimple 1 S ext. prone left leg a 3 pote I jag. pen. 3 obs. bl. 1 in. s1. axe
260-, BR-260 houaemound
:>: ffi'" 1.2 removed I s1. mace
UI H'"
1 ser.celt
:;j ~<=i
~ bn. tub,,~
, 260-4 BR-260 housemound aimple I S ext. prone a bowl &; 1 jar ) obs. bi. I bone awl
S 1.2

ffl 260-5 BR-260 houeemound aimple 1 :; ext. prone ya

e> 1.2

~ouaemound all,ple I S sxt. prone a m

155-' BR-I 55

S 155-4 BR-155 ~usemound simple 1 a f

@ 1.1
§ ~
155-5 BR-155 ihOUS8lBOund si.ple
1 S !ext. prone a r

155-6 BI!-155 housembund simple 1 S ext. prone a

Approx. Provenance Skeleton Crave Fumi tun


Crave Location Crave Crave No. Head Posi tion Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell rlint/ Other
Ceraaic Bur. Obsidian
Pha.e 110. Context Type of Omt. Vessels

1-4 BR-I ~ousemound head cist 1 ~ ext. prone a 2 milliature pots

1-10 BR-I house mound aimple 1 ~ ext. prone ya f ') shells


2 beads I bead
1-11 ~H t>ousemound aimple 1

1-24 BR-I housemound simple 1 S ext. prone ch 1 pot


4-2 BR-4 housemound capped pit 1 seated a

( cist)

75-2 BR-75 jhousemound simple 1 S ext. prone ya m 2 pots

a 2 pots 2 shells,
~ 62-1 BR-62 Ihousemound aimple 1 S ext. prone
1.2 4 adornos,
I 1 pendant
123-2 8&-123. double housemound simple 1 S ext. prone ch
A mound with BR-124 1.1
123-3 1>R-123. double housemound aimple 1 S ext. prone a f 1 bune tube
S ~ound with BR-124 1.2
8..:I 123-5 ER-123. double housemound simple I a f 2 pots
.'ound wi th BR-124 1.1

123-6 I>R-123. double houeemound aimple 1 a 1 sL spindle

~ound with BR-124 1.1 whorl

123-7 hR-123. double houssmound simple 1 S ext. prone a 1 bone tub.,

H mound with BR-124 1.1
!J) 123-6 LR-123. double housallOund almple 1 S ext. prone oa m lobs. bl.
mound with BR-124 1.1

123-9 BR-123. double housemound simple 1 S ext. prone oa f

mound with BR-124 1.1

123- BR-123. double houaemound simple 1 S ext. prone OIl f 3 bowls, 1 containing 9 pebbles
10 lIOund wi th BR-124 1.1 9 pebbles

123- BR-123. double housemound aimple 2. a S axt. prone a f

11 lIOund with 1lR-124 112 b S ext. ch

123- BR-12,. double l'(Jusemound ai_pIe I ch

15 lIOund vi th BR-124 III

123- BR-12~. double housemound simple 1 S ext. prone oa f 3 pots. bowl, jar & charred
16 aDund with BR-124 1. 2 vase bean

Approx. Provenance Skeleton Grave Furniture


Bur. Grave Location Grav. Crave No. Head Post tion Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flintl Other
eerule Obsidian
PhaBe lIo. Context Type of Omt. Vessels

12}- BR-12~. double housemound simple 1 S ext. prone oa ID 1 bowl

11 mound with BR-124 III
bousemound simple 1 S ext. prone a m 4 potsl I being poly I bn. ndle.
12}- BR-123, double I tth.pend.
18 mound with BR-124 III
housemound simple 1 S ext. prone y 3 pots I jar, bowl & )0 beads & 1 fL hI.
12~- BR-12}, double
22 mound with BR-124 1.1 drum 1 earflare

123- BR-123. double housemound simple 1 S ext. prone ya m

23 .aund with BR-124 112

12}- BR-123, double housemound simple 1 ya f 1 pot

24 mound with BH-124 1.1

12}- BR-123. double housemound simple I S ext. prone a m

2) mound w1 th IlR-124 III
123- BR-12}, double housemound simple I S ext. prone a f
26 mound with IlR-124 lol
123- IlR-123. double housemound simple I S ext. prone ya f 2 beads
28 mound with BR-124 112
ext. prone oa m
12}- BR-123. double housemound simple 1 S
29 mound with BR-124 112

B 123- ~-123, double housemound simple 1 S ext. prone a I bowl carboni zed
0 1,1 ~quaBh se"d
:.: 36 ~und with BH-124
H 30-1 BIl-130 houselllOund aimple I S ext. prone a 1 pot

130-2 BR-I 30 houeemound .imple 1 S ext. prone ya f 1 pot


130-} BR-l 30 housemound Simple 1 S ext. prone a

ffl 1.1

130-4 BR-I30 housellound simple
1 aeated a f 1 bone ob.

130-5 BR-l 30 houaelJlOund aiaple I seated ya f 2 pots


1~5-1 BR-l 35 housemound simple 1 S ext. prone ya


U5-2 BR-1)5 houseJllOund aimple 1 S ext. prone a 3 pots, 1 being poly


147-2 BR-147 houa.lIOund siaple ~I a a f 4 potsl lover child, 22 fl ints

III b a I with 9 flints &
C ch I with l~ flints

Approx, Proftnance Skeleton Grave Fum! tun


Ceraaic Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave No. Head Poe1Uon MutUa tion Ase Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Pb&.. 10. Contut Type of Omt. Vessels Obsidian

167-1 BR-167 housemound simple 1 S ext. inf


167-2 BR-167 housemound simple 1 S ext. prone a m


167-} BR-167 housemound simple 1 S ext. prone a m

~ 167-4 BR-167 house mound simple 1 s ext. prone a f

8r- 167-5 BR-167 house mound simple I S ext. prone a 2 pots, I being poly
..: 161-6 BR-167 housemound simple 1 S ext. prone Y
fil0 I bone ...,1
0 194-2 BR-194 housemound simple I S ext. prone a 1 pot 1 adorno,
1.1 1 rosette

194-} BR-194 housemound simple 1 S ext. prone a


194-4 BR-194 housemound simple 1 S ext. prone a

194-5 BR-194 housemound simple 1 SII' ext. prone ch


1'-1 BR-l housellOund simple 1 S ext. prone a 2 bowls over skull lobs. bI.
l-} BR-I housemound simple 1 S ext. prone a 1 poly pot
So 1:1
WZA 94-1 BR-194 houaemound simple 1 S ext. prone a 4 bowls, 2 being I bead 5 beads 2 ser.Ld.
Eo< ~ •
;:le;..: III miniature

1-5 BR-I housemound simple 1 S ext. prone lnf necklace of

lal 1 ~ beads

1-7 BR-I bousemound haphazard 1 aced seated a f

0 cist N
:.: §
:3 ....I
1-9 BR-9 housemound haphazard 1 faced aeated ya
ffi~ cist S
.... E<
~~ 8R-4 housemound si.ple 1 S ext. prone a 2 st.spnd

1))11: A 1.1 whorls
j 12'-4 81;-12,. double
l80und vi th BR-124
hOUBellOund simple
1 S ext. prone oa . 1
lnrox• p""Dance Skeleton Grave Furni tun

GraVe Ho. Head Position Mutilation l~ Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
CerUlic Bur. Grave Location Grave
Pba.. la. Context Typa of Ornt. Vessela

12~ 1IR-12~, double housemoWld simple 1 ye f

21 QIOWld wi th BR-124 III

12~- BR-12}, double housemoW1d eimple 1 ~w ext. prone e m

33 QlOWld with BR-124 hI
1 S ext. ya f st.cres.
144-1 BR-144 hou8emoWld simple

144-2 BR-144 houBemoWld simple I S ext. prone oa f

§.... 144-} BR-144 housemound simple 1 S ext. prone ya f

0 144-4 BR-144 housemoWld simple 1 disturbed a

0 112

r:> 144-5 BR-144 housemound simple 1 S ext. prone a f 1 pot

~ ..:
:.; 1:2
0 144-6 BR-144 houeemoWld simple 1 S ext. prone ya f
:.1 144-1 BR-144 housemoWld simple 1 S ext. prone a
8...:I h2

155-1 BIi-155 housemoWld eimple I
155-: BR-155 housemoWld simple 1 S ext. prone a m
~ 112
162- BR-162 housemoW1d eimple I S ext. a
Approx. ProftnaDCe Skeleton Crave Fumi ture

Cerule Bur. Crave Location Grave Grave 110. Head POaition Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flintl Other
Pha.e Bo. Context Type of Omt. Vessela Obsidian

8 below Floor 3, Ihousehold simple 1 flexed ch 12 pots

:>0• ........
Str, B-1, east shrine III
'HH side of plaza

Bl below .'loor 2, household aimple 1 <i ext. BUp. a

~ Str. B-1, east shrine lal
8a- side of res. plaz
§~8 B2 below bench,
Str. B-1, east
oapped pi t
1 S ext. looted ring of
~ m
III eide of res. plaz (eiBt)
Approx. Pro",.nanc. Skeleton GUY. Furniture

CeraaJ.c Bur. GUY. Location Grave Grav. No. Head POaition KutUaUon Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Ph••• 10. Cont.xt Type of Omt. Vessela Obsidian
H.n C15 Str. C7 aub- residence simple 1 ~ ext. sup. a m I) bivalves. 1 fl kn 2 bone tool
'" atructure III , beads'" 7 1 stone
flk or Mon
>< ~ • ceremonial aimple 1 bead
D2 Platform Dl 1 aeconda~ 1 urn '" 1 dish
~",,,! platform III (in urn
; -<

84 Str. 84 palace simple 21 a S flexed a 1 stucco bow 1

111 b S flexed a

B6 Str. B4 palace aimple 1 S flexed a bowl ove r sk ull 1 bead

8 89 Str, 84 simple 1 S!!; n. left a 1 bead

8N c16 Room A, Str. C7 residence simple 1 S n. sup. ch

aubstructure III
H •
HQ C17 Room A., Str. C7 residence simple 1 S n. left a 2 shells-
--.: lal
0 CIB Room A, Str. C7 residence simple 1 S ext. sup. a m
~ Dl Platform Dl ceremonial aimple 1 secondary 13 dishes on exterior
platform crypt portion of grave

A.l Str. A4. east temple simple 1 S ext. sup. a } dishes '" I bowl plaque frgs 2 shells rab cara
aide of plaza III fish bones

A5 Str. A4, east temple simple 21a skull onl, a 1 dish over the 2 I bead
aide of plaza III b skull only ch skulls

8 A6 Str. A4, east temple simple 1 skull only a 1 dish over skull I fl bl
r- aide of plaza III
AB Str. A4, east tsmple ai.ple 1 skull only a skull in 2 bowls and
8 aide of plaza III covered by a third
'" B25 Booa C, Str. 81 residence sillple 1 S n. right a
H '" III
C4 B32 ROOII C, Str. Bl residence sillple I a

C5 RODa H, Str, C~ aillple 1 :; ~xt. sup. ch I dish


C14 ROOII .t, Str. C7 residence .i_p}e

1 S left a . 1 dish lobs bl

Approx. Provenance Skeleton Grave Furni tun


Ceruio Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave Ko. Head Poai tion Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Pba.e 110. Context Type of Omt. Vesselll Obsidian

oeremonial aimple 1 ~ ext. sup. a 2 e f1, 1 c. ~ pearls

~ 0 A2 Str. A5
I platform 1,1 amulet
H E-o
cerelDOnial eimple 1 ~ ext. sup. a 1 bowl & 1 vase 45 beads 1 bivalve hemati te
Str. A5

Ul '"
platform 1,1 over skull disc
~ A
-.; B2 Roo. C, Str. Bl reeidence eilllple no data 1 stucco vase, 1 vase 1 pendant &
~ 1,1 and 1 bowl I conch

><. 90
ext. BUp. a 1 vase & 1 bowl
~;~r-~ AlO Room C, Str. A6 residence simple 1 S
Ul R 1:1
..: I

All Room A, Str. A6 residence silllple 1 S oh 1 bivalve 2 n bl ~ whistle

1,1 figs.

B8 Room B, Str. Bl residence simple 1 S n. right inf 1 bowl 11 shells 2 whistle

1,1 fip:s.

BI0 Room B, Str. Bl rellidence simple 1 S n. left inr

Bll Room B, Str. Bl residence simple 1 S flexed ch 1 bowl S whistle
III figs.

B12 Room B, Str. Bl residence eimple 1 S inf 1 bowl

RoolII C, Str. B4 palaee simple 1 S fl. eup. a 1 bowl & ~ jars
0 B14
I 817 ROD. B, Str. B4 palace eimple 1 S 1. left a
B19 Room B, Str. B4 palace simple 1 S n. left a ID

..: B20 Room B, Str. B4 palace eimple 1 S n. 18ft a 1 bowl 1 en
B21 Hoom C, Str. B4 palace eimple 1 S n. right y 1 dish over skull and 1 whistle
1,1 1 vase fig & I
::;j bone orna.

B22 Room B, Str. Bl residence simple 1 S n. left ch


B23 Room A, Str. B4 palace simple 1 S n. left a m 1 bowl


824 Room A, Str. B4 palace Bimple I W n. right ch I bowl 1 conch and

III I pendant
--- V, SAN
- -- JOS~

lpprox. Pro.enanee Skeleton Grave Fumi ture


Grave Grave No. Hea.d Poai tion Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
eerute Bur. Grave Location
Context Type of Omt. Vessels Obsidian
Phase \foe
simple no data 1 vase, 1 bowl & 1 di sh
B26 RoolI C, Str. III ~sidence

B28 RooII B, Str. Bl residence simple 1 S n. right a bowl over skull

B29 Str. B, ceremonial simple 1 N n. right oa m 2 bowls
platform 1.1

residence simple 1 ~ n. right a 1 dish over skull & 1

B~O Room B, Stro Bl other di.h

B}l RoolI B, Str. III residence simple 1 S ya m

g 1.1
1 di se & 2 lobs bl 1 bone om.
Room B, Stro B1 residence simple 1 a
1 B'4 ornaments 1 bone awl,
1.1 I bone nd!.
RoolI A, Str. c6 residence simple 1 seated inf
~ 1:1
... Str. D2 erellonial simple 1 b: fl. right a
platform III

D5 Str. D2 ceremonial simple 1 S ext. sup. inf

~ platform III

D6 Str. D2 ceremonial simple 1 S no right oa m

platform III
Str. D2 ceremonial simple 1 S no sup. oa f bowl over skull
platform III

Bl Str. B4 palace aillple 1 S no right a

81, Room B, Str. Bl reaidence aimple
1 SW n. right ch
en '"
B15 R~o. A, Str. B4 palac, simple 1 S& flo left a
~ 112

~z lI'\
r- B16 RooII A, Str. B4 palace aimple 1 S& Cl. right a 2 vases 2 bivalves 6 bone bds,
bone fig,
o r-
E-o .. 112
bone ndl,
I pol .tone
.,0 B18 ROOII, Str. 114 palace simple 1 S flexed a 1 dish, 1 Jar & 2 bowls 81 shells &
1 ornament
2 lione tool
1 clay bead
z 1 Mofl' ring
Str. B2 ceremonial simple 1 S n. right a 1 jar, 1 dish & 1 vase
platform III

Approx. Provenance ~keleton Grave Fumi ture


Grave Location Grave Grave No. Head Position Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Cerule Bur.
Mo. Context Type of Ornt. Vessels Obsidian

n. textile
CB below bench,
/ioom G, Str. C4
palace simple
1 S right ch

~ carved tex til e
C,) below bench, palace simple 1 S fl. right ch
Ul \Hoom G, Str. C4 1.1 ~ulet

>-- U"\
ch 1 shell & wristlet of
head cist 1 S fl. left
DJ '" Cl) Cll Hoom ", Str. C4 palace
llI, , 1 bead 12 bone bds
Cis • H
.~ U"\
r- 1 bowl 1 bead 1 whistle
r- C12 Hoom ~', Str. C4 palace simple 1 S flexed inf
~§ hI rip; & 1
r~ r:i textile
0 .;
Cn Room I!:, Str. C4 palace simple 1 inf
~ 1,1

D, Str. D2 ceremonial simple 1 S fl. right a m 1 bowl &: I dish over 8 ornaments 1 bone toul
j 1.1 skull

Room B, Str. A8 residence siwple 1 S fl. prone ch 2 beads A: 1 bn pen,

A3 I tth pen
I: 1 2 shells &
1 plq of

Room B, Str. A6 residence simple 1 S fl. left a I vase, 2 jars, 1 drum, 1 eee fl
1.1 and 1 bowl over skull

Room D, Str • .1.8 residence Bimple I S fl. left a 1 vase 2 obs bl

1.1 1 fl imp

B7 Room C, Str. B4 palace aimple I S n. left a f bowl over skull

'"Eo< 1.1
~ Cl Room C, Str. C~ palace Bimple 1 S],; fl. left inf
-< 1.1
~ <',
~ C2 Room C, Str. C5 palace aimple 1 S n. left inf
~ 0
~ C3 Room F, Str. C5 palace aimple 1 S inf
::- I III

'"...,0 8
III Cl) C4 Room F, Str. C5 palace simple I S ch
~ '"
cC C7 beneath bench,
Room F, Str. C5
palace aimple
1 N ch 6 shells A:
1 ornament

C6 Rooa A, Str. C5 palace simple 1 S Cl. left a I at spndle

1.1 whorl

CIO Rooa G, Str. C5 palace siafle 1 S n. right a 2 bowls

'lULl!: VI SAlt JOSE

Approx. Proftn&nce Skele tOl' Grave 'urn! ture


Grave Grave /fo. aea.d Position Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
CerUlic Bur. Crave Location
Context Type or Omt. Vessels Obsidian
Pba •• Ro.

>~8 0 B3 1(0011 I!:, Str. Jl4 palace uimple 1 N\I fl. right a
\ilP.i,.:)~ 1.1
o u E~ • ",.
"'sj;!J8 B33 )(oom A, Str. l!4 palace 8imple 1 G fl. left inr
~ .. ID ...
0 1.1
o ~


Approx. Skeleton Grave Fum! ture


Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flintl Other

Ceraaic Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave No. He&d Posi tion Mutilation Age Sex
Vessels Obsidian
Phase No. Context Type of Omt.

B21 below Chamber 9, temple capped pit 1 . 7 pots. 4 bowls, I jar,

1 vase & I plate
Str. 8, Group 11 IlI.4
0 (oist)
~ pots: 2 bowla & I jar I bead ~ beads
below Chamber 6, temple unspeci fied 1 secondary a
I 820
0 Str. a, Group 11 crypt
..; B17 Chamber 8, temple unspecifiec ~
? 7 pots. ) bowls, I vase
& 1 stand
1 bead & I
p-een & red
paint frt~s.
<Il crypt
Str. B, Group 11

5 potal 1 contained 1 shell 1 st sp &

B16 Ch_ber 7, temple capped pi t 1 a wrkd at
stingray spine & worked
Str. B, Group 11 II1:4
(cist) stone
8 1 fragment 1 conch & lobs frg ? wrkd st,
'" I
B15 Room 4, Str. B.
Group II
temple simple
1 secondary 1 ornament 4 wrkd bn &
chrd wood
H 0
0 7 fragments 6 frgs and 1 bn frg ,~
N disturbed
B~ Room 1, Str. B, temple simple 1 1 ornalUen t 20 micd frg
.-l Group Il 114
~0 ~... Bl~ Room 2. Str. B. temple simple 2.a E ext. sup. a 5 bowls, 2 jars & 4 I bead 2 shells,
67 beads &
~ Lones &
gnl paint
ext. sup. a bowls with lids; I lid
"" Group II 1:4 b K
over skull & 1 poly I frg. fr.-;s.
bowl covered in_st~c~~ - -- --- --

4 bowlsl I poly with 7 beads ~ shells, lobs kn 1 ins st sp

B5 Doorway of Hoom 2 temple aimple 1 N est. prone a 6 bonE' vb,
lid. 1 contained skull 07 beads,
Str. B, Group 11 1'4 2 rings & 6 7 teeth, 19
and 1 contained 1 jade
bead, 1 shell, lobs rgs. deer pha1,
1 wand, 129
kn &: 1 tooth
min pes, 2
pyr bds, 1
c. antler &
grn pnt fr/\

19 pots including 1 1 ef! & 1 2 shells &: I st sp, I

8 81 Room 1, Str. H, temple simple 1 S fl. left ya
poly bowl ornament frgs clay disc,
'" Group Il 1:4 I bone rinp;
I 1 ptd slate
gm pnt rre

8 2 st Ws, 1
H '" B2 Room 1, Str. a, temple simple 1 S ext. sup_ a 3< frgs '" 7 3 cut shells 2 obs kn
Group II 1'4 beads & 1 orna. I fl poir11 st sp. 3
mica frc;s,
.-l ... 1 bone, I
vrkd tth '"
grn pnt frg

BIO Room 2. Str. 8. temple aimple 1 I!: a 1 poly vase '" I vase I flint animal skin
Group n 1'4

lpprox. Provenance 5lceleton Grave Fumi ture


Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave No. Head Posl tion Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
No. Context Type of Omt. Vessels Obsidian

simple 1 S ext. sup. a 7 pots, I vi tb skull icb efl, 2 bd 9 shells, 11 5 bone bds
B6 Room I, Str. B, temple
Group II 1.4 bowl Il< 7 frgs ornaments.. 2 antler,
3 ptd fres I ins antl
8 I eng sk,
'" mica peSt
H I ins pyr, i
tth, wrkd
8 bone & red
'" gm pnt fl

ii1 A..., 1 W fl. right a lobs kn chrd wood

B9 Room 2, Str. Il, temple simple
Group Il 1'4

B22 Chamber 10, temple !unspecified 1 4 bowls

Str. B, Group 11 crypt

1 fl. left a I fl ce It 1 boue bd,

);1 Room 2, Str. 1.:, ~ousemound simple S
0 clay bd ,~
Group 1I 1.5
clay fig.
1.:2 Room 3, Str. ~, housemound simple 1 ],; fl. left y
~ 8 Group Il III
'" 2Fl Str. ~', Group II house mound simple 1 W n. right y
~ .., 1.1
0 ...:
2F2 Str. F, Group 11 housemound simple 1 S n. left y lobs kn

IFl Str. F, Group I household unspecified 1 SE fl. left a 3 poly bowls &2 poly textile &
shrine crypt vases mat

belov 1I00m I, household simple 1 S ext. sup. y 2 bowls & 1 vase I oLs kn st spnJl
0 Xl
crypt horl, chn
r-- Str. X shrine
~ood &. te x-
;> I ile
I fl kn extile &.
~.4 '" X2 below Room I,
Str. X
1 S flexed Y
~urked bon.
< X} below Room I, household simple 1 S fl. right a lobs flk tohrd wood
Str. X shrine crypt

Approx. proVtlll&llce Skeleton Grave Fumi ture


Grave Location Grave Grave No. Head Poal tion Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jad. Shell Flint! Other
eerule Bur. Obsidian
Pha •• 110. Context Type of Omt. Vesseh

simple 1 oa m 2 beads
E~ ~roup E Plaza, plaza
~aBt of E-VII Bub 1.1
INE corner of plaza simple 1 extended a
'" E1
jUroup E Plaza 1,1
8 plaza simple 1 N n. prone a m 1 conch, 1 I clay
'" Ea NE corner of c. death's whistle, 2
~roup E Plaza 1:1
I head clay en

plaza silllple 1 W ext. prone oa 713 beads 20 beads

i5 8 E9 NE corner of
... '" Group E Plaza

El} South of Str. VII plaza simple 1 N

Group E Plaza 1.1

secondary, inf 2 bowlsl 1 contained & neck ace of 1 adul t

EIO near Stela 19. plaza aimple 1
atela 1.2 btwn. bowls I covered skeleton 1 bead and 91 beads phalanx
Str. E-II stairs

Ell south of Str. VII plaza simple 1 NW n. right ch

Group E Plaza 1.1

E12 Group E Plaza plaza simple 1 I!; ext. prone. skull sev., a 1 bowl
1.1 secondary face and.

in front of Str. plaza simple 1 UNKotCAVATJW

E-VIII. Group E 1:1
0 Plaza

'" E15 NW part of Group plaza simple 2. a N ext. prone ch

E Plaza 1.1 b N fl. sup. ~kull orshcl f
'"-< ~y death
Fa I
~ E20 NW part of Group plaza simple I secondary a
:OIl U
E Plaza lal
u ..;
A9 earliest Str. cerellOnial Simple 1 N flexed a 1 bowl
8 A-I platform platform 1:1
A61 Str. A-V house- houaellOund aimple 1 a 1 jar
lIOund platform 1.1

A6~ Str. A-V houae- housemound aimple 1 NW inf 1 bowl charcoal

lIOund platform 1.1

A56 Str. A-V houae- houaeAlOund simple 1 S ext. sup. inf 1 olla sherd over rharcoal
lIOund platfona III skull

Approx. Provenance Skeleton Grave Fumi tun


No. Head Poalt1on Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell FUnt/ Other
Ceruic Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave
Phase .0. Context Type of
Omt. Vessels

n. left a m bow love r skull charcoal

11'\ A50 A-V house houselDOund uncapped 1 S
N cist
platfonD platfonD
A 1 bowl & I dish
... A70 ~itr. A-V house housemound
1 N ext. sup. a
flexed ch 1 dish over skull charcoal
fj A5~ Str. A-V houss house mound simple 1 S
~ ,,; platfornl platform III
f1. left, inr body in olla fl in t chi I charcoal &
u An Str. A-V house houaemound simple 1 S
8 tooth
platform platfornl 1,2 secondary
'" in olla

inr 2 dishes contained and I shell 4 o~s bl st bead,

El altar, centre temple simple 1 secondary,
btwn bowls covered skeleton ~ adul t
room, Str. E-II altar 112 IPhalanges

Str. E-VII temple simple 1 E ext. prone severed a f

crypt skull

inr 1 dish 71 pieces I piece I fl int I clay disc

E4 altar, centre temple simple 1
I" 1 clay
room, Str. E-II altar bi rd I s head

N n. right ya m I broken metate over ",etate

E6 front room, temple capped pit I
btr. i!!-V III:4 skull

E21 altar, south temple simple 1 secondary oa 2 dishes contained and 9 bds, 1
112 btwn bowls covered skeleton pen & 2 en
roOll, Str. ~;-I altar

1 secondary skull, axil ch 2 dishes contained and

E22 altar, str. B-ll temple simple
.. atlas onb covered skull
altar 112
altar, Str. E-II templs simple 1 secondary skull and y m 2 dishes contained and
altar 112 atlas only covered skull
'" A75 Str. A-XV te.ple uncapped 1 ch chrd rope
'".< A6 Pyl'&llid C, ceremonial Bi.ple 1 If flexed oa ID 1 bead shell over 1 et sp,
..:I skull codex nnos
0 Str. A-I platform crypt
tj simple 1 secondary iscattered 2 a
Eo< A5 Pyramid D, ceremonial
Str. A-I platform III !aides of

A27 South Court btwn. plaza siaple 1 secondary skull, axis a ID 2 bowls covered skull
Stela A1 & Str. atela 1:1 ~ atlas anI

I A~5 Str. A-V house

1 If ext. aup. inf
Approx. Steleton
Provenance Cra.,. rllmltllA

Ceraalc BIlr. Grave Location Crave Crave No. Head PodUon MIlUlation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Phaee Mo. Context Type of Omt. Vesseh Obsidian

8 A59 below East Court, temple simple 1 t: n. left a

Str. A-V court 1:1
,.., '"
N A66 below top step or temple simple 1 ~ fl. left, in!' bowls contained and bead M or I' mat, ochre,
. stairs, Str. A-V court crypt secondary,
btwn bowls
covered skeleton, plus
another bowl
charcoal &

BI substructure temple stone-lined 5' a :.; n. right a f 2 poly bowls, 1 poly ornaments
8 pIa trorm , Str. tomb b ~1th Sk. a inr dish, 4 bowls & 2 jars
..... '"I B-VIII c 1<: extended a f
k d disturbed ch
8 e j,; inr
N ~

B2 Str. B-XI ceremonial simple 2. a W n. sup. a f 2 dishes, 1 jar, 1 pol 1 beads 482 beads & ) obs. 52 ir, py bd
S A platform crypt b E n. sup. a f bowl & 2 bowls carved lancets &: bone dj se
~ death's
8 head

Cl below west stairs temple elaborate I faced seated no face a m 6 pots 115 pieces, 26 pieces 4 obs flk renl8.ins of
of Str. C-I crypt W 5 beads 6; mosaic mask
1 pendant

C2 below plaza, west plaza simple I N n. right a f 2 poly plates & 2 bowls 1 carved
of Str. C-I 1,1 pendant

A29 below special teaple stone-lined I E ext. sup. a IQ 25 pots (1 poly) & lid, 2 beads & 16 shells & codex nuns,
burial platform tomb 1 dish con. 2 shells, 2 earflares 1 necklace I st. sP.
Cons. F, Str. A-V 1 dish con. ochre.& wi th penda" 2 pearls,
2 bowls con. jade hematl te ,~

A'9 below court, temple aimple 1 N n. right a m charcoal

8 Str. A-V court crypt
A,l below special temple stone-lined 1 B ext. sup. a m 19 pots; 2 con. jade 16 beads 10 shells & 4 obs. quail sk.
burial platform tomb beads, 1 con. ochre 6; 2 efl wi tb lancets & 1 crystal,
8or. Cons. G, Str. A-V 1 con. 4 obs. lancets jade mos. lobs bone tube &
'" spine jaguar phal
A22 below special temple rock-cut 1 B
A ~xt. supine a m ~5 pota (1 poly); most jade '" shell
..: burial platform
Cons. H, Str. A-V
contained perishable neck ~ce
I red ptd.
st sp, jag
:.: remaina , ash, co pal & jade ~ shell tth, copal,
~ charcoal ear are
bone tube '"
2 shells textile
A20 below special temple laborate 1 g ext. supine face a 6 pots including poly
burial platfoM crypt removed 75 pieces '" bone plq,
Cona, I, Str. A-V bowl & effigy vessel; 29 beads cop.l, (1 ja,
2 bowls con. charcoal tth, crystal
and co pal /\ mosaic
~sk frgH.
.. -.~~ -_.- ---.. --- - - - - - - - ' - - -------

Approx. Provenance Slteleton Crave PIlmltlln


Ceraalc Bur. Grave Location Grave Crave Ne. aead Position Mutilation la- Se .. Pottery or Stllccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Pha.. 10. Context Type of Omt. Vessels Obsidian

A2 weet chamber ceremonial elaborate 1 If ext. supine a m 1 poly vase contained 1 bead some shells 1 c. bone
below platform, platform crypt shrew bones necklace,
lyre ~, Str. A-I at ap, bone
r.- antler

A} ..,st chamber ceremonial simple I If ext. supine a 4 poly vessels, I with I efl &: pcs some beads clay fig.
below platform, platrorm crypt kill hole and conch
lyre K, Str. A-I

A4 south side of ceremonial Bimple I W ext. supine a 2 pots

east chamber of platform crypt
furial A3, Pyre B
Str. A-I

AIO between west and ceremonial simple 1 secondary skull only 3 pots
east chambers, platform 1.5
Eurials A2 &: A},
Iyr. E, Str. A-I

A23 below special temple simple I If ext. supine a } poly bowls and I poly I bead & 2 1 stingray
burial platform crypt plate earflares spine and
0 Cons. V, Str. A-V charcoal
A21 telow koom 5, palace capped pit 1 N ext. supine inr I pot fl int 2 tihrew sk,
..... Str. A-XVIII III:4 chips iguana jaw &.
( cist) charcoal

f.l 8 A24 below Room 21, palace uncapped I ~ n. prone inf charcoal
Str. A-V cist

A25 Eoom 21, Str. A-V palace simple 1 W n. prone inf charcoal

11M2 !lousemound II house uncapped 1 NW flexed I dish &. I poly vase

platform cist which contained bone
and 2 shrews

11M3 Ilousemound I house capped pi t I NW fl. right a RI 2 dishes &. I poly bowl;
platform 11114 skull in I di sh

HH8 110usemound II house chultun 1 NI>: n. right a m poly bowl &: poly vase

A~ in bench, lim. 19 palace ailllple 1 N n. right a } pots: poly plate, copal and
Str. A-V crypt poly bowl &. 1 jar with charcoal
~ co pal

A62 RoOIII 22. Str. A-V palac. aimple 1 S n. left inr charcoal
A~2 in bench, Hoo. 19 palace dlllpl. 1 •• condary oa f 1 jar
~ Str. A-V crypt
~ ...:
'l'AW.~; VU. UAXAC'l'UII
- ~ ~

Approx. Pnvenance Skeleton Grave Fumi tun


Ceraaic Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave 110. Head Poaition Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Pba. . lIo. Context T1P8 of Omt. Vessela Obsidian

140 below bench, palace simple I N n. right oa m I vase, poly dish, poly 2 beads, I nla t & tex tile
Room 27, Str. A-V crypt bowl & 1 poly plate efl & 1 om impressions
con. jade & cocoa bean

142 Room 27. Str. A-V palace simple I W n. riGht a m Ibone tool

A55 Room 27. Str. A-V palace aimple 1 N n. left 1nl' 5 pieces charcoal

A69 Room 27, Str. A-V palace aimple I NI> n. right 1nl' Fharcoal

All below bench, palace partial I N n. left a ID

Room 42. Str. A-V cist

A19 South Court, palace siDlple 1 N n. left a f charcoal

Str. A-V court crypt

A}Cl Room 41. Str. A-V palace oapped pit 1 N Cl. right a f 1 clay
11114 spindle
8CO ( cist) whorl

A3.~ Room 2, Str. A-V palace partial 1 N n. right a f I disc animal &
I cist bi rd bones

A36 under west stairs palace head cist 1 W secondary skull only? ch
8.... Str. A-V

A 154 below passageway, palace capped pit 1 W n. left ior

...; Str. A-V II1,4

A58 below East Court, palace capped pit 1 N fl. right inf
~ Str. A-V court III'4
f!l ( oist)
A60 below Eaat Court, palace capped pit I N Cl. right a f charcoal
Str. A-V oourt 11114
( oist)

IIM4 HouaellOund I houae aimple 1

platform 1.2

1IM5 Hou8elDOund I house head oist 1 NW n. left ch ~ beads


IIM7 HouselllOund 11 house uncapped I S Cl. right

platform cist

ilM9 HouaellOund 11 house uncapped 1 E n. left a f 3 obs bl

platfol'll oist

Approx. Proyel\Ulce Skeleton Crave Furoi ture


Crave Crave Ko. Head Position Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flintl Other
eeruie Bur. Crave Location
T;rpe of Omt. Vessels Obsidian
Pha.. Mo. Conte"t

HMIO lIouseround II house unoapped 1 N n. right ch

platform eist

house simple 1 flexed a m 2 pots

HMI lIousemound Il
platform crypt
<Xl house uncapped I Nil fl. right 1 bowl & 1 poly vase
HM6 bousemound II
I platfolln cist
0 house uncapped I N flexed a m 2 vases
0 HMll lIousemound 11
r-- platfonn cist
8 9..; HMI 2 Iiousemound IV house uncapped I W n. left a 1 poly bowl & 1 vase
platform cist

lIousemound IV house simple 1 N flexed a 1 bowl

platform III

inf 1 stucco vase & I poly 10 pieces M of }

A48 below bench, palace simple 1 N ext. supine
bowl ornament
!toom 68, Str. A-V crypt

B} below stairs, palace simple I a

Dtr. B-XIIl 1.1

N n. right a m textile &

A74 below stairs, ceremonial simple I
rope imIJr.,
:;tr. A-11 platform crypt

A8 Douth Court. palace simple 1 K fl. left ch 1 bowl

Str. A-V court 112

eimple 1 K ext. supine ch 1 dish & I bowl charcoal

A57 below bench, palace
Room 51, Str. A-V crypt

~ A}7 Room 57, Str. A-V palace simple I secondary a f

a f 1 vase, 1 dish & 1 plato 1 bead 2 obs flk bone tool,
'" A41 West Terrace, palace simple
1 N ext. supine
cel t & crys
Str. A-V
8ex> hematite

~ A4} below bench, palace aillple 1 N ext. supine a m 1 plate, 2 bowls, 1 pol ~ beads textile &
A fioc.6}, Str. A-V crypt vase, & miniature jar mat impress.
..; contained co pal copal

145 below bench, palace eimple 1 W n. right a DI 2 beads 2 obs 2 hone tools
f.oc. 71, Str. A-V crypt lancets ~ bone orna,
peccary tusk
armadi 110 '"

A65 passageway, palace aimple 1 N inr

l;tr. A-V 1.1
Approx. PlOftllUOl Skeleton Crave Fumi tun

Cerwc Bur. Crave Location Crave Crave No. aead POaltion Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint! Other
Pba.. 10. Context Type of Omt. Vessela Obaidian

Al1 in bench, Room 5, palace Wlcapped 1 W n. right a m bone bead &

Str. A-V cist charcoal

1.26 ~ast Court Terrac palace capped pit 1 N n. supine inf charcoal
Str. A-V lII.4

A28 East Court, Str. palace capped pit 1 N n. lert a m b()ne tube.
A-V court IlI:4 stucco,
( cist) textile .10

A64 in bench, Room 28 palace simple 1 (,; n. left ya f 1 bowl over skull & 1 1 ornament charcoal
Str. A-V 1.2 dish

A52 in bench, Room 68 palace capped pit 1 W n. right a m textlle &

Str. A-V lII.4 hasket
( cist) impression,
1 touth

0 A44 in bench, Hoom 71 palace partial 2.11. W n. right a f her1!a tile
a.. Str. A-V ciat b inf

I A46 East Terrace, palace simple 1 N n. left a m 1 dish over skull bo"e tool &
Str. A-V 1.2 2 per canine

n. ya m 1 bowl over skull

2 A41 East Terrace,
Str. A-V
palace uncapped
1 N right

..... A51 East Terrace, palace simple 1 N n. right a f 1 bowl over skull
Str. A-V 1.2
!!lE-< A~ in bench, Room 50 palace aimple 1 N ext. supine a m 1 bowl, 1 plate & 1 7 earflares
Str. A-V crypt poly vase

A61 Room 88, Str. A-V palace uncapped 1 E n. left a f

A68 Room 88, Str. A-V palace ai.ple 1 N n. right a f

A11 East Court, Str. palace aimple 1 disturbed inr

A-V court 1.2

A12 Eaat Court, Str. palace ai.ple 1 disturbed ch

A-V court 1.2

Al8 East Plaza pla&a ai.ple 1 secondary IIkull only ya f animal and
u 1.1 cut human

t; A 116 ~ooa 70, Str. A-V palace partial 1 NW n. prone ch 2 beads & 1 charcoal
cist en
P- .<
lpproll. P_JIUlCe Skeleton Grave rUnli tun

Ceraa1c Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave No. Head Po.lUon Mutilation !se Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Pba.. 10. Context 'l'Jpe of Omt. Vessels Obsidian

Al3 East Court, palace simple 1 VI ~xt. prone ya m

..: .
Str. A-V court 1:1
<>~ A7 in debris, Str. palace simple 1 disturbed a
E-o • 1.1
"'': A-V

Ai Room 10, Str. palace simple 1 N fl. right ch

A-XVIlI 112

A12 in debris, Str. palace simple 1 a f

A-V 1:1

A14 Chultun AI, Str. temple chultWl 1 flexed

A-XV Platfora platform

Al5 ChultWl A2, Str. temple chu1tWl 1 n. supine a

A-XV Platform platform
East Court, Str. palace capped pit 1 N n. right ch 1 pendant
A49 in mouth
A-V court III.4
( cist)

central chamber, temple simple 1 N fl. supine oa m 1 shell, 4 4 bone pcs

t.:5 and mandible
Str. E-X 1.2 ornaments '"
~ £16 Group £ Plaza plaza st~fle
i:'l ext. supine s m 1 shell jag ttll <I.
t.:17 Group t.: Plaza plaza simple 1 S
102 sherds

~ E18 ~E corner of plaza simple 1 NB supine

Croup E Plaza III

E19 Group B Plaza plaza simple 1 N ext. supine ya


·. 'I'AB1J,; VIlli TIOL
lpprox. P~ce Skeleton Crav. rum i tun

e.rule Bur. Crav. Location Grave Grave Ho. Head Poaition Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Pha.e Bo. Context 'f7pe of Omt. Vessel. Obsidian
'".... u.
0 62 Str. 2C-61 housemound chu1tun 1 N right a m 1 pot

8"; 120 North Acropolis refuse pit simple 1 SII a

"" '"
C>1 refuse pit 1.1

"" 158 Str. 5F-17 house uncapped 1 faced seated a m 1 bowl over skull, 1 cinnabar
~6o platform cist ~ jar & 1 plate
N U\ ' "
E-< ... '"

122 Str. 5D-sub.l4, ceremonial simple 1 secondary. inf 2 plates contained &
North Acropolis platform 1.2 btwn bowls covered body
ai 123 Str. 5D-sub.14, ceremonial simple 1 secondary. a 2 I'lates contained &
North Acropolis platform 1.2 btwn bowls covered body
'" 126 Str. 5D-sub.14, ceremonial simple 1 secondary. a 2 plates cor.tained &
I North Acropolis platform 1.2 btwn bowls covered body

~ '" N 121 North Acropolis oeremonial simple 1 seated ya beads beads and
tJ:: Terrace platform 1.2 pendants

164 North Acropolis ceremonial unoapped 1 S ext. supine a 4 pots beads stingray
PIatfom platfom c1st spine

166 below 5D- gub.U, temple stone-lined 2.a N ext. supine a f 20 pots contained beads beads and stinKray
North Acropolis tomb b secondary, severed a f marine and perishable carved spine frrs.
severed sk. skull in material, 1 contained pendant
0 only bowl female skull

167 below 5O-sub.IO, temple atone-lined 3·a I!: ext. aupine a m 13 pots & 2 stuccoed bead brclt pearl &.
'"-< North Acropolis tomb b secondary, a f gourds; second female &,necklace grt'ens tone
btwn bowls and infant between 2 with 2 c. fif~rjne
I c secondary, inf sets of bowls pendants
btwn bowls

~ 128 below apecial housshold Bimple I secondary, a f 6 pots /I; I urn con. 165 beads 414 beads 1 fl nod stingray
III burial structure shrine crypt in urn body &,I efl. &,3 shells spines, bone
u .....
0 6E-sub.l-lat I'1Sps. bird
:=> bone, BtUCCO,
U Cinnabar

85 belov 5D-sub.2, ta.ple I- tone-l1 ned I If"acsd .. eatect in skull and a 11 26 pots including one 1 bead 1 shell & 1 jade
North Acropolh tOllb S veaBel femurs that contained body 1 bead mosaic mask,
relBOved stinp,ray
spine &.
~g6 125 belov 5D-22-4th ce rellOn i al rock-cut 2.a to: extended a •
·1 «............
fl int
E-< " ' 0 stain, North platrom toeb b secondary, chips
disturbed aLove
/. poC ~ A• in fUnt
oC • grave
I u oC layer

Approx. Pro'ftnanGe Skeleton Grave rum! ture


Gra.,. No. aellAl Position Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Cena1c Bur. Cra.,. Location Crave
Pba. . 10. Context ~ of Omt. Vesseh

unspecified 2a a m 16 pots: ~ poly & 1 1 shell obs flks quartzite

22 below ')D-26, temple
tomb b a m stucco cylinder metate &
North Acropolis
I Leyden
I late (?)

supine a m ~ animal
146 Str. 6C-4~ house haphazard 1 N
platfom cist

15} below 6E-sub.l, house oapped pit 1 N supine a m

Group 6E-l platform IlIa 4

169 below 5D-7-lst, house unknown 1 S h. left a 1 bowl & I vase

8q Group ')D-l platform

1,)2 below 6E-26-2nd, house haphazard 1 secondary ya f 2 bowls & 2 dishes

H Group 6E-l platform cist

I 0 left a
.r- 64 below 2G-61 house simple 1 S
'" platform 1,1
..: Q haphazard 1 W supine ch
H 1}8 between 6E-sub.l house
~ and 6E-sub.} platform ciot

midden. west of midden simple 7 disturbed, ~8 pots shells and green basalt mane
North Acropolis 1:1 secondary conch obsidian & metatc,
mosaic plq.
& pearls

10 below Str. 5D-}4, temple rock-cut 10.a extended a m ~2 pots. 1 poly and I figurine shell • 1 stulgray
Temple of Hed tomb b-J ? 6 stuccoed ~f Curl NOSE bead and SPIOf'S, 5
Stela, North ishe 11 head- turtle Ci:lr·u
Acropolis ~ressi 2 croc, owb;t
losaic efl jays &: t3.0a
'" 48 below 51J-}}-}rd tsmple rock-cut seate!! no hands or a m ,0 pots including 1 100· beads, 2 green sti ngray
stairs, North tomb " a skull poly bowl. 1 alabaster disc collar shells pbs bl &: spines,
Acropolis b ya m bowl &: 1 stuccoed cyl. &: 4 efl. gray obs lava mano &:
c 18 m !bl. metate,

bi rd bones
& texti le

Q In in front of Str. palace unknown 1 la ID J pots including 2 poly

shell and
slate mos.
:..: -: 5D-1l, Cen tral platfom
I'D74 Str. SC-I') .idden palace W1Ic:lIOwn 1 cremation a beads beads green &: mano ,~
.idden grey obs u.etate.

107 Str. 4H-4 household unknown 5+:a a I poly jar &: I poly
shrine b-c ? bo"l
TAIU.lo: VIll: 'WL

Approll. Pro.,.l\&IIce Skeleton Crave Furni t.UR


Cerulic Bur. Crave Location Grave Crave Ko. He&4 Poait1on Mut.ilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Pba •• 110. Cont.est. Tne of Omt. Vessela Obsidian

101 St.r. 4\1-4 household unknown no data 1 bowl


94 St.r. 4H-4 household W1known no data 2 poly bowls

0 shrine
'" 13 vessels including 1 finger 2 pendants, 29 ece fl 1 st sp &
160 below Str. 7r-~0 household rock-cut ~:a N ext. supine a m
shrine tomb b ch m 2 perishable stuccoed ring &; 11 ~ efl and 3 ecc obs 3 imitatior\
c y m vessels & 1 stuccoed beads 6 shells 24 obs quetzal sk,
8"<t alabaster bowl; some ncluding pores textile,
contained perishable over a's j&s mos.
A remains skull mask &
... j&py mos.
~ 1 pot 1 shelJ 1 spider
162 below 7F-~. Gr. plaza chultun 2:a S ext. prone a f &
7F-l Plaza b secondary inf fr!;s. monkey sk.
& bone
tool s

4~ Str. 4f'-6 house simple 1 N ext. supinE a m

platfom 1.2

51 Str. 2G-59 household sillple 1 N n. right a m 1 vessel fragment I clay

shrine 1.1 bead

119 below Cr. 1i!:-6 plaza simple 1 E ya

Plaza 1:1

l~ Str. 6C-41 house simple I N supine a m 2

platform 112
205 Str. 10-7 house capped pit 1 It n. lert a m
~ ....
8 platfom IlI.4
6~ Chultun 2G-IO house chultun 1 11 n. supine oa f
H belov Str. 2G-14 platrom

~ '" 130 Str. 6E-eub.l house eimple 1 11 n. right a f 1 vase & skull on 1
plateors hI plate
~ <C lU Chultun 6C-IO plaza ohul tun 2.a 11 supine ya e 2 fl flk bone rj n~
b a &;6 ani
54 :Ot.r. 2G-59 household el.ple 1 N left a 2 bovls & I vase
shrine 1.2

511 ttr. 2G-59 household eillple 1 N a 1 bowl over SKull, 1

.hrine hI vase, I plate & I bowl

65 Br. '1'-24 house capped pi t 1 J,; ext. supine a

platrono J] 1.4
( cl:Jt)
TAIIl.~; VUlt 'l'IIAL

lpproI. Pl'O'ftIlUlCe Skeleton Crave Fumi ture


Cer. .le Bur. Crave Location GRve Crave 110. Head Poait1on Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell F11n t/ Other
Pha.e Ito. Context Type of Omt. Vesaela Obaidian

below Str. 51)-32, temple unspecified 1 oa m ~ wooden stuccoed beads &. 5 shells, 1 stingray
195 ~eBsels, 2 poly bowls, earflares 1 pendant, spine &0 2
l:orth Acropolis tomb
2 poly plates, 1 vase &. pearl and alabaster
1 jar, stuccoed ~ooden beads figures
throne & 4 stuccoed
~ooden Manikin-Sceptre

2 Platform 7F-l house simple 1 SE n. right oa m

platform 1.1

N n. left y carved
3 Platform 7~'-l house simple 1
1.1 calei te ob.

temple unknown secondary & 3 fragmen ted & fragments 1 eec fl & stucco
PDl9 above Hurial 22,
disturbed mismatched vessels lobs frgs.
Str. 5D-26 , North

Str. 7F-3O household partial 1 secondary a m 1 poly bowl

Platform shrine cist

1 N ext. supine oa m 1 plate, 1 vase & 2 pol 1 bead 3 shells 2 st sp. 2

140 Str. 7.'-30 household elaborate
crypt bowls coral pes &
1 crys hem
roi rror
1}2 below 7F-3O stai I household 8imple 1 N supine Y 2 bowls & 1 cache vase; 4 j & Bh 18 shells 8 ecc fl, r> st sp, 13
~ I
crypt eccentrics i~ vase & mosaics &: 9 ece ohs ~ird sk. 2
Po shrine
skull on vase lid pieces 2 obs bl fish bn, 6
'"e e .oral, 37
'" narine ani.
z ~ slones & )

~ A
mm phalan!,:"
194 Str. 7f'-3O household simple 1 H extended ch
o!I shrine 1.2

l8~ Str. 5D-46 , elite unknown 1 a m 2 pots Cl poly) 1 shell 1 fl flk,

~ Central Acropol1li res1dsnce obs chi ps

72 Str. 5C-8 household rock-cut 1 a r 1 poly bowl

shrine tomb

184 below stairs of elite unknown 1 a f 1 poly bowl &. 1 cooking 3 di scs lobs bl ~ st sndle

5D-46 , Central residence pot "'hor! s ,~ 1

Acropolis bn needle

25 Str. 5D-35 tellple rock-cut 1 a 11 12 pots on north bench 1 carved shells and pearls, ja~.
tollb including I poly cyl. pendant & beads pelt, st ap.
beads wood 'bier,
mat.\ 1e.11l
fish ~o!les .\
TAHLI!: Y I "r!"
approx. ProftllUlce S"ele\on Grave Fum! tun

e.rule Bur. Graye LoeaUon Grave Grave ICo. Head. Position Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Phue 10. Coatellt 'tT{)e of Omt. VellBela Obsidian

temple stone-lined 1 on bier a m 2 poly bowls, 2 bowls, 2 pendants beads st sp, wood
24 Str. 5D-}}, North
Acropolis tomb 1 plate & 1 vase and beads bier & tex,
pearl s &

household elaborate 1 N extended a m 1 lidded cyl., 1 poly 2 beads I she 11

150 :;tr. 7F-30
shrine crypt plate, 1 poly bowl &
1 bowl beneath head

household elaborate I N ext. supine a m 2 poly plates, 1 bowl & lobs bl

0 159 :;tr. 1F-}1
shrine crypt 1 cylinder
H I 200 ~tr. 5D-22 , North temple unspecified 1 a m 4 poly bowls, I poly
f!l plate & 1 poly vase

""' 61

titre 4G-9 household

unknown I 1 poly bowl, 1 cylinder
and 2 poly plates
.( fl int
~ 96 Ltr. 4H-4 household unknown 1 4 pots (2 poly)
8 shrine
08 inf
145 titre 6C-45 house simple 1 secondary
~ platform 112

19} below stairs of household capped pit 1 N ext. eupin a f 1 poly plate & 1 cyl 1 shell "" 1 carved
~tr. 7F-31 shrine IIII4 1 perforato stone &
(ciet) rodent sk.

,1 Str. 4F-' house simple 1 N n. right a 2 bowls

pI atro na III

45 Str. 4~'-26 house capped pi t 1 S left a m 5 bowls, 1 inverted 1 shell 1 fJ flk

under skull
platform IIII4
49 Str. 2G-59 household capped pi t 1 N n. right a m 2 bowls, I inverted
80"\ shrine lIII4 under skull & 1 vase
50 Str. 2G-59 houlIBhold 8imple I N prone a 11 1 vase & 2 bowls, love
ehrine 1.2 skull
.... 52 Str. 2G-59 bounhold e1mple 1 ellt. aup1ne oa 11 2 vases & 1 bowl
ahrine 112
El ~ .. 56 Str. 2G-59 household eillple I t: tl. left a 11 1 plate, 1 vase & 1 frg
ahrine 1.2

59 Str. 2G-59 houlehold aiaple 1 \I right a a

.hrine 1:2

. 60 Str. 2G-59 houeehold

1 H ca 11 1 plate

Approx. Provenance Skeleton Crave Fumi tun


Bur. Crave Location Crave Crave No. Head Position Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Cerea1c Obsidian
Pha.e Ita. Context Type of Omt. Vessela

66 Str. ~~'-24 house capped pi t I N ext. supine a lA I bowl & I vase

platform llI:4

67 Str. 3~'-2; house simple 1 r; n. right a m

platfonn Id

69 Str. 3F-26 house simple 1 W left oa

platfonn Id

Str. 6E-26 house haphazard 1 N supine a lA fragments

platfonn ciot

151 Str. 61':-sub.l house haphazard 3:a N ~xt. supine ya lA

Platform platform ciat b N supine inf

c N supine ch

171 Str. 5D-7 house haphazard 1 N supine oa m 1 bead

platform cist

212 1n plaza 1n front plaza aim"le 1 N supine a m 1 plate, 1 bowl & 1

of Str. 4C-34 III vase

170 Platform 5D-29 house simple 1 E fl. right y f

platforn 112

53 Str. 2G-59 household simple 1 N fl. right 1 vase

0 ahrine III
68 Str. 3F-26 house capped pit 1 N fl. right a 1 vase & 2 bowls; 1
I platform II1I4 bowl inverted under
(cist) skull

household capped pit 1 N flexed a 1 vase & 3 bowls; 1 1 bead

70 plaza platform
bowl inverted under
in front of shrine II1I4
Str. 3.'-27 (cist) skull

A 131 Str. 6E-sub.l house Bimpls 1 N a

...: Platfol'lD platform III

189 Str. 4G-7 house simple 1 N n. left a 1 plate inverted under

platfonD crypt skull, 1 bowl & 1 vase

118 Croup 6E-14 Plaza plaza simple 1 a m 3 pets


55 Str. 2C-59 household simple 1 N prone y

shrine crypt

61 Platform 4F-6 house simple 1 N right y

platform 112

161 Platform 6b:-l house simple 1 flexed ch

platform 112
Approx. Provenance Skeleton Crave Fum! tun

eer. .ie Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave 110. Ilead Position Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Phase Ko. Context Tne of Omt. Vessels Obsidian

Str. 61l-9 household unknown 1 a m 3 pots (1 poly)


Str. 611-9 household unknown 1 a m 1 poly plate 11< 1 p,.ly

shrine vase

7F-l Platform 11'1 household simple 1 N supine Y m 1 poly plate, 1 bowl & 5 shells, 4 1 flint 1 ins bn,
190 adornos, 4 cbip 70 pes ellt
front of 7F-30 shrine 1.2 2 cylinders
discs & bn, block,
1 object tth, char &

household partial 1 N supine ya f 2 poly plates, 2 poly 1 bead

191 7F-l Platform in
front of 7P-30 shrine ciat bowls & 1 cylinder

capped pi t 1 l!: extended a f 1 poly plate & 2 bowls; lobs bl I st sndle

192 Room 5, Str. ell te
skull on an inverted whorl, fi sh
7F-29 residence III:4
(cht) bowll 1 bowl con. fish bones, crbn
bones & carbon &. stucco

4 Str. 1~'-~O household simple 1 N extended a

shrine 1.1

116 Temple I temple stone-lined 1 N ext. supine oa m 22 ve .. "els including 114 bead shells 1 sla le plq
tomb jade mosaic vessel, 1 collar, 3 jps mos
stuccoed alabaster fig., efl, plq, stinl:-
vase, 11 poly vases. ankl ts & ray sl>inps
~ 1 stuccoed cyl., 4 poly
plates & 2 poly bowls
& c. bone
plaque; 37 ins bn3
I 160 pcs. in & )2 others
total (jI jag & DC
~ 8 Ibs. pel ts and
~ 8r- mat & text
,,; 80 Str. 5C-ll household unknown no data 1 poly plate, 1 poly
« Bhrine bowl & 1 poly cylinder

88 Str. 4H-4 household unknown 1 a III 2 bowls & 1 poly cyl.


89 Str. 411-4 household unknown 1 1 poly cylinder & 2

shrine other pots

90 Str. 4/1-4 household unknown no data 1 cylinder. 1 bowl & 1

shrine poly plate
I 105 Str. 411-4 household unknown no data 4 pots (2 poly)
I 15 Str. 5G-ll household Wlknown no data 1 poly bowl, I poly
shrine cylinder & 2 poly
\ plates
PNftnanCe Skeleton Grave Furni ture

Ceraaio Bur. Greve LocaUon Grave Greve No. Head Position Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Ph... 10. Context 'l'7JMI of Ornt. Vessela Obsidian

196 Str. 5D-n, sw ceremonial 1 W ext.ended oa m 45 ceramic vessels 1 carved several layer of 2 stingray
corner of Great platform tomb including 22 poly, 1 figurine shells flint & spines, jag
Plaza jade mosaic cyl inder & including obs chips pelts, 1
1 painted & stuccoed lover py mos slat.
wooden vessel skull disc &

91 Str. 4H-4 household unknown no data 2 poly bowls & 1 poly

ahrine cylinder
71 Str. 5D-ll, Grea temple unspeci fiee 1 N ext. supinE a f ~ poly cylinders, 2 1 carved 1 shell & flint & 6 pearls,
Plaza tomb poly plates & 1 poly pendant worked obs flks fel ine pel t
bowl; I plate over sk. shells cinnabar
~ 8 97 Str. 4H-4 household no data 2 poly bowls & I cyl.
<- unknown
.,j 6 Inner Iioom, temple capped pi t disturbed a 1 poly plate
Temple I III'4
( cist)

1 Str. 7~'-~ household elaborate 1 sested oa m 1 poly bowl & 1 other

shrine crypt bowl
~ 00
208 Str. lD-l7 house simple 1 N n. right oa f
A '" '" platform 1.2

I 01
....u C 5 Inner Room, temple eillple 1 disturbed a f 4 plates, ~ vessels, ~ 1 bead co pal
e· '" '"
a-. Temple I 1.1 censers & 1 effigy
~j A vessel
p.,u .;

Approx. Pro"enanca Skeleton Crave Fum i ture

Grave Crave No. Head Position Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Caraalc Bur. Crave Location
Context Type of Ornt. Vessela Obsidian
Pha. . Ro.

fl. supine a 10 shells

C-l~/ Str. C-l~ ceremonial simple 1 E
}l platform III
a f 1 fragruen t 1 Cl flk
C-l~1 Str. C-l ~ ceremonial simple 1 W ext. supin.
32 platform 1:1

1 SI; n. left a m 373 beads

C-131 Str. C-l~ ceremonial simple
21 platform III
!ext. supine a m sherds of 2 or more 1 fragment 2 fl bJ
1 ~.Ic.:
~-l}/ Str. O-l} ceremonial simple
veHsels over skull
33 platform III

}Ia W n. prone a m 1 jar with Sk. aj 2 1 shell &

"" C-13/
Str. 0-13 ceremonial
1.2 b NW fl. supine a f bowls with Sk. b, 1 2 discs
8 0 flragment a f over ~k. b's skull
Str. C-13 ceremonial simple 1 secondary a
I C-13/
25 platform 1.2

S 8 oa m 1 fI bJ
C-l}/ Str. C-l} ceremonial simple 2: a NW fl. right
>< '" 26 platform III b fragments oa
1 W disturbed a
i2 C-13/ Str. C-l ~ ceremonial simple
i:i 26 platform 1:1

C-l}/ Str. C-l~ ceremonial dmple 1 disturbed a

29 platform Is1

C-13/ Str. C-13 ceremonia.l simple 1 disturbed Y

~ platform lal

SE ext. supine y f 4 beads charcoal

C-13/ Str. C-13 cerellOnial simple 11a
b NW ext. supine ya m 1 dish'" 1 bovl vi th vith a &
5 platrol"ll la2
secondary a 01 Sic. b B beads
d secondary oa f vi th b
e secondary oa
f a m
g a

ce retlOn ial I S secondary skull & ya m 1 bowl charcoal ...

C-l3/ Str. C-l} uncapped
platform lover legs child's
1 cist
relDOved tooth
"" C-l}/ Str. C-l} cerellOnial
2. a
b N
r I bead
simple 2. a secondary ior I bovl ~ shells charcoal
S C-l~1 Str. C-13 cerellanial
>< platform 112 b secondary inf
I 9
cerellDnial simple }I a aced sea tee! a f 1 bead 1 shell charccal
C-13. Str. C-13
~ 10 platfo", III S
secondary ch
c secondary a

Approx. !'zoftaanc. Skeleton Grave rumi ture


earuie Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave No. Head. Poaition Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jad.e Shell Flint/ Other
10. Cont.ext T1Jle of Omt. Vesseh Obsidian

51a secondary a f 1 jar & 1 bowl ~ beads charcoal

c-l~1 Str. C-l~ ceremonial silAple
platfonn III b secondary a
c secondary a
d secondary a
e secondary a

ext. supine a m charcoal

C-l~ ceremonial simple 1 ~r.:
C-13/ str.
12 platform 1:1

secondary ch charcual
C-13/ Str. C-13 ceremonial simple 2.a
platform III b a
a f charcudl
_1~1 Str. C-l3 ceremonial simple 1 faced seated
14 platform III S~

ext. supine ya f charcoal

~-131 Str. C-13 ceremonial simple 1 N
15 platform III
21a SP; ext. supine a m I jar &: 1 bowl 5 ahells 1 bn tube &:
c-l~1 Str. C-13 ceremonial simple
17 platform 111
b ch 1 dish over Sk. b's 4 beads lobs bl

secondary y charcoal
C-13/ Str. C-13 ceremonisl simple 1
18 platform III
.q C-13/ Str. C-l} ceremonial aimple 2,a E n. right y charcoal
19 platform III b skull only a

ceremonial simple I E ext. supine oa f 1 disc charcoal

8..... C-l3/ Str. C-13
20 platform III
oeremonial aimple 1 secondary inf 1 jar 1 bead charcoal
C-13/ Str. C-13
I 1 platform 112

S cerelaOnial simple 1 secondary inf charcoal

C-l3/ Str. C-l~
>< platform 1:2
~ 2

ceremonial 1 aecondary inf charcoal

C-13/ Str. C-13
3 platform 112

cerellOnial aimple 1 secondary inf charcoal

C-l}/ Str. C-13
4 platform la2

C-13/ Str. C-l} oeremonial aimple 4:a secondary a m 1 fl bl charcoal

6 platform 112 b aecondary oa m
C secondary a
~ d secondary a

C-13, Str. C-13 ceremonial aiaple 1 scattered a charcoal

16 platf01'lll III

C-13, Str. C-1} oerelllOnial aimple 2.a secondary inf 12 beads tl shells 1 fl bl charcoal
21 platfo1'll hI b secondary inr
....". 'IX' AI.'I'IIN HA

A.pprox. PEQftnance Skeleton Cra"e Fumi ture


Ceraa1c Bur. Crave Location Cra". Crav. 110. Uead POeitiOD Mutilation Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Pbaee 10. Context '1'JP8 of Omt. Vessels Obsidian

2:a secondary ya bone pin &0

C-l)/ Str. C-13 cerelllonial Wlcapped charcoal
<'I platform b secondary a
22 clst
S 8.... I secondary oa f
>< C-l3/ Str. C-13 ceremonial simple
:3 23 platform 1,1
ilaza in front plaza simple 1 skull, oa
-13/ atlas &
34 of :;tr. C-l:l III
axis only
:n I
ceremonial simple 1 calvarium a
j 0 Ic-l~/ Str. C-l~ stairs
u only
'" :55 platform 1.1
>- q ch 2efl
&-2/6 Str. '!:-2 boulder residence simple 1 S ext. supin
~ < core platform 1,1

5tr. 8-5 core palatial I W inf
'" 8-5/1
1 ext. supine oa 1 bowl &0 1 dish con 10 discs; lobs III L bOflt' too 1 ,
C-18/ 5tr. C-18 .... sldence simple S
4 tth, ? py,
~ shell beads 1 pendant &0
>< 8.... 14 III
beads 2 bi rd bones
>< Q
1 canine
~ ..; e-18/
Str. C-l8 residence simple
1 ch

I B ext. supine a 3 discs, 3 2 obs bl 2 bOlle tools

C-1B/ Str. C-IB residence simple
val V(~S &
val ve frag.

e-lB/ Str. C-18 residence simple 1 S n. supine a

9 1.1
simple ext. supine a 1 bead
C-IB/ Str. C-IB residence ,'a S
10 1,1 b Y
c inr

residence &imple 1 secondary inf 1 plate containing

C-18/ Str. C-lB infant
11 1.1 in plate
'" C-18/ Str. C-18 residence simple 1 \/ ext. supine a 1 bowl
12 1.1
a 8....

C-18/ Str. C-IB residence simple '.a E ext. supIne a f I Vase

I} 1,1 b secondary & m
C ?

D-IO Str. D-I0 residence sillple
1 N extended a ID 1 dish & 1 bowl 2 en & 2
2 discs

Approx. Provenance Skeleton Grave Fumi ture


Grave Grave No. Head Position MutilatIon Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Ceraaic Bur. Grave Location
Pha.e "0. Context T)'PII of
Omt. Vessel.

8 ~-I)/2 below stairs. temple uncapped 1 N ext. supine y 1 bowl & 1 jar 1 bead o adornos lobs bl 3 bone
and I disc adornos &:
'" Str. A-I) cist
8.... 3 dog tth

~ <>
... Str. A-8 temple haphazard 1 S ext. prone oa f 2 bowls 1 bead 2 obs flk " bone ndl
clst & 1 disc

D-lO/ Str. D-IO residence unknown 2:a disturbed oa f

1 b inr

A-8/6 Str. A-8 temple simple 1 l!: ext. supine ch 1 bowl


A-8/1 Str. A-8 temple simple I secondary! a m 1 jar contained body &
112 in urn I bowl

A-8/8 Str. A-8 temple uncapped 1 t: ext. supine ch 1 bead

A-l/2 Str. A-I temple uncapped 1 li: ext. supine feet & lowe y 5 jars, 1 dish, 1 plate, 3 pendants 280t! beads & 4 chert 22 bn ndles,
legs miasin 1 cylinder & 1 censer 10 shell s, frp:s & 4 bn rip-s,
but including 6 obs flk , clay fig,
... '"'" disturbed shell over 2 clay

~ '"•
face whistles,
coral, I
s lone, 1
• .... hem pend, 1
...~ ....
shark t th,
crys hem '"
I jps mos.
..; A mask
~ <
A-l/~ :.;tr. A-I temple elaborate
1 l!: ext. supine a m I bowl I carved
2 shells

8-6/1 :';tr. 1!-6 ceremonial simple 1 l!: ext. supine a m

platform III

A-}/l below stairs of te.ple uncapped 1 N ext. supine a m 2 pots

f;tr. A-~ ciBt

E-5/4 :itr. E-5 residence capped pit 1 a 1 poly bowl con jade 2 beads
IlIa 4 bead, another poly bowl,
( ciat) 1 bowl & 1 jar
'" E-I)/<' Str. E-5 residence capped pit 1 S extended y 1 bowl lobs flk
ffi (cist)
'" 0-2/. Str. 0-2 reaidence ai_ple 1 S extended a I poly bowl

0-2/' Str. 0-2 reBidence et.ple 1 a
&pprolt. Skaleton Crave Fumi ture

Bur. GravB Location CravB GravB Ho. Head Poaition Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Caraa1c Obaidian
Pha.. 10. Contaxt T)'pe of Omt. Vessela
It'. P-2/6 Str. 1>-2 residence simple 1 a

u 0-2/1 1 Str. 1>-2 residence simple 1 a ID I jar & 1 dish 1 en
A 112
1'A-l/1 below apecial temple stone-lined 1 S ext. supine a m 6 bowls, 3 poly bowls, 260 beads, 844 beads, 2 en & 1 79 pearls,
burial cons., tomb I poly dish, 2 jars, 16 carved 2697 discs, 1 chert 499 hem bds,
Platform 5, 1 plate, 1 diEh & 4 pendants, 5 carved pot con. 13 st sp
Str. A-l incensarios; some may 400 pes. pendants & 21 ecc fl frgs, codex
have contained 1 uncarved & 27 obs frGs, clay
perishable remains & 11 pcs. pcs. diBC. bone
bead & ndle,
wood nnns &

",E-l/ balow special household simple 1 St: ext. supine a m 1 jar, 4 bowls, 3 21 beads & 496 beads, hnndreds pyr & slat"
burial cons., shrine crypt incensarios 22 [rags. l! discs, fl flk mirror, l?O
E-I-A, Str. E-l 17 inlays OVt~r crys. hem.
& 8 peB. grave &. pes., bone
21 ece fl disc, clay
fig. & 1
st irw:ray

E-7/ Str. E-7 household simple 1 S extended ch 1 poly bowl & 1 jar
u shrine III
>< t:-7/ Str. ~:-7 household simple 1 S ext. prone in[ 2 bowls
~ '"
r- shrine crypt
Il'\ 42

I E-7/ Str. E-7 household haphazard 1 S ext. prone inf 1 jar

I shrine ciet

f5u Il'\ C-16/ Str. C-16 reddence uncapped
1 SW ext. SUpinE ch
...:I A
..: C-16/
Str. C-16 residence haphazard
I S ~xt. supine a 2 efl & 1
E-< reddence aillple I H fl right a f 2 beads 2 discs
C-16/ Str. C-16
H 1&2

C-16/ Str. c-16 reaidence aillple I a f I dish I pendant

19 1.3

C-16/ Str. c-16 residence unknown 1 t: ~xt. supine oa m


C-16/ Str. C-16 residence simple I I!: ~xt. supine no a f I poly dish
22 III calvarium

'I'A HI.~~ IX A -rUN HA.

Approx. Proftn&rlce Skeleton Crave Furniture


Ceraale Bur. Grave Location Crave Creve 110. Head. PoeiUon MutUation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Pba.. 10. Context TJPII cC Omt. Vessels Obsidian

-4'; Str. C-4~ residence simple 1 a m


reeidence simple 21a E extended a 1 poly bowl, 1 dish & I pendant 9 beads, } 2 obs flk
-43/ Str. C-4~
111 b ? a I jar discs & I
~ pendant

residence simple 1 S a lobs flk

-43/ Str. C-43

residence simple 21a N prone a m 1 vase & 1 bowl 5 beads & 2 obs flk 1 bone tube
C-43/ Str. C-43
111 b ? a 2 ladles & 2 chert
5 blades

residence simple 1 S ext. supine a C 1 bowl 2 efl & 1 lobs flk

C-43/ Str. C-43
Id mosaic & 1 green
obs flk

C-4}/ Str. C-43 re8idence head ci8t 1 E ext. prone a f

TA-6/ in special burial temple !elaborate 1 disturbed a 4 poly bowls & 1 bowl, 3 beads & 5 beads, } elate frgs,
1 oonstruction, crypt stuccoed wood fragment. ~1 frags. pearls & 174 erys
Stair Block 1, 60 pes. hem pes,
Str. A-6 2 clay fig,
& 1 green-
0 stone

'"'" TB-4/ in special burial temple stone-lined 1 S iext. supine a m 2 stuccoed wooden bowls 152 beads a 124 beads, b6 ecc fl 2 crys hem
I 7 oonstruction, tomb (1 poly), 3 poly bowls, part of 5 shell, 1 ~ mass of pyr mirrors
<> 1 poly dish & 1 bowl bracelets, pectoral, flint &, pcs, 3 st
Stair Block 2,
~ 0 !anklets & 4 pearls & klhips spines, 21
Str. B-4
1 carved
30 a:rmad i lle
shark vert,
coral, 3 hn
Q pendant of ndl, 1 ins
Kinich Ahau ant pin,
.c 1& 2 other wood bier,
pendants; stuc. wood,
1 bead wae feline phal,
in mouth cloth &. mat
nnos, cord
cinnabar &.

T&-l/ below special
burial cons.,
E-l-A, Str. E-l
1 S extended a r I poly bowl, 1 eomposit 20 beads, 1 530 beads & , obs bl, I bone di sc,
bowl, 1 ineeBsario, 1
dish con. periahable
disc, 1
inlay & 4
2 discs 4
fl bl & 61 erys hem
20 eee fl. pes & 1
Innns & 1 bowl con j. bd. frgs. cobble

I TB-41 below special

6 burial cons.,
temple elaborate 1 S ext. supine e . 2 poly bowls, 1 poly
dish, 1 stuccoed ob.,
102 beads, 118 beads, 1 obs flk, 98+ erys
crypt 6 c. hum. 12+ shells 19 ece n.hem pcs, 3
Stair Block " . 1 bowl, 1 dish & pen, 1 jag i& 2 pearls stones &
Str. B-4 2 incenaarios p"n, 1 plq blue pigrn.
_____ ~r.. s.

Approx. PzooveDUloe Skeleton Grave Fum! tun


eerule Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave No. Head Position Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
10. Context 'l'1Jl8 or Omt. Vessele Obsidian

temple simple 1 S ext. supine oa f 1 bowl

A-8/1 Str. A-6 platfonu

temple uneapped 1 .,; ext. supine Y

A-8/4 Str. A-6
temple uncapped I .,; ext. supine a m
1.-8/5 below bench.
Room 1, Str. A-6 c18t

0-16/ Str. 0-16 reaidence aimple 1 ch 1 jar

8 1.2

0-16/ Str. 0-16 residence simple 1 SW ext. supine y

9 1.1
ext. supine a m 2 poly bowls 1 sherd
0-16/ Str. C-16 residence simple 1 S
11 1.1

simple 1 .,; extended ch 2 bowls lobs flk

0-16/ Str. C-16 residence
16 1:1

residence simple ~.a W ext. supine a f 2 poly bowls, I dish &. 17 pcs. 2 discs
c-16/ Str. C-16
crypt b ? ya 1 sherd
0 c ? ya
....0 .,; 1 Dead 1 ornament 2 stingray
c-16/ Str. C-16 residence capped pit 1 ext. supine feet
miSSing spine frgs.
I 21 111.4
>D C-16, Str. c-16 residence simple 1 E extended ch
§ 15 1.1

~ c-16
Str. C-16 residsnce simple
1 aecondary eh I poly bowl

~ C-18
Str. C-16 resioence aimpls
1 secondary ch

reBidence simpls I secondary inf 1 dlsh contained 2 discs 11 obs bl

0-16/ Str. C-16
6 112 in oish infant

0-18/ Str. C-18 residence simple 2.a secondary oa m

7 1.1 b ?

E-7/2 fitr. E-7 household eapped pit ~.a S ext. supine a m 1 bowl &. 1 poly bowl I bead&.:5 I mos. fig. obs flk
shrine IlIa4 b S ext. supinE a m with Sk. a en wi th with Sk. a with Sk.a
(01810) c secondary a Sk. a
I poly jar &. 2 dishes 16 frgs. 1 bead &. 1 ~ 2 obs bI 1 crys hem
with Sk. b with Sk. b frgs with &.1 ece disc with
Sk. b n with Sk. b
Sk. b

~7/ Str. E-7 household uncapped I S ext. supine ch I bead

26 shrine eist
'I'A8L~; IX. A~'I'\JN HA

Approx. Pcoftaance Skel.ton Grave Fumi ture


Ceraa1c Bur. Grav. Location Grav. Grave No. Head Poai tion Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Phaae Ito. Contex\ Type of Omt. Vessela Obsidian

}.a !i ext. supine oa 1 bowl & poly bowl with 1 pin wi th

E-7/ Str. ~;-1 household capped pit
b secondary ch Sk. a Sk. a
~ shrine III .4
(cist) in bowl 1 poly bowl contained
c disturbed a ~k. b

y f 1 pcly bowl 1 bead 1 frg. i green

&-1/ &tr. &-1 household simple 1 S ext. supine
stone frp;.
}l shrine crypt with red

!i ext. supine a m I bowl 2 beads & 6 frgs • 49 crys

....-1/ Hr. &-1 household capped pit 2.a
inr 8 frgs. hem pcs.
40 shrine Il1l4 b
pxt. supine a f 1 bowl with Sk. b 1 bead with 1 bone pin
.... -7/ f-tr. ~:-1 household haphazard 2.a 5
with :;k. b
shrine cist b S pxt. supine inf Sk. b
2:a S xt. supine m 4 bowls with Sk. a I disc with lobs bl
E-1/ Str. E-1 household simple &
inf I poly bowl with Sk. b Sk. b wi th Sk.a
28 shrine crypt b pn cap slab

E-7/ Str. &-7 household unknown 1 N a f

2') shrine

1 E ,",xt. supine inf 2 discs lobs flk

E-1/ Str. &-1 household simple
t'l 0
,2 shrine crypt
~ r-
Hr. E-1 household uncapped 1 E ~xt. supine inf
~ E-1/
}} shrine cist

E-1/ Str. &-1 household aimpla 1 extended inf
shrine crypt

Str. E-1 household simple 2.a SW ext. supine inf 1 pot, 2 bowls, 1 dish
>-0 ci E-7/
shrine 1.1 b W at feet of inf & 1 pitcher
~ < '5 !ik. a

household simple 1 SW ext. supine ch 1 poly bowl & 1 jar lobs flk
E-7/ Str. E-7
}6 ehrine crypt

E-7/ Str. &-7 household simple 1 W ext. supine ch

,7 shrine III

Str. E-7 household aimple 1 S ext. prone ch 1 poly bowl

}8 shrine crypt

1'.-7/ Str. E-7 household simple 1 SW inf 1 bowl

'9 shrine crypt

E-7/ Str .....-7 household unknown 1 inr

45 shrine

.... -2/ Str. E-2 residence aillple 1 .... ext. supine a

TA Kl¥ rx. A i.TUN HA

Approx. Proyenance Skeleton Grave Fumiture


Cer.-ic Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave Mo. Head Poai tion Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell FUnt/ Other
Bo. Context T)'lI8 of Omt. Vessela Oba1d1an

residence capped pit 1 W xt. supine a 1 dish

E-2/~ 1jtr. E-2

reaidence simple 1 \; ext. prone 1nr 2 poly bowls 4 discs & 9 diSCS &
E-21/ Str. 10:-21 2 pendants 1 bead
1 crypt

residence Bimple 1 a 1 bowl

D-2/9 Str. D-2

far. D-2 residence simple 1 SI!! extended ch 1 poly bowl

10 111

D-2/ Str. D-2 residence capped pit 1 a

11 1Il.4

Str. D-2 reBidence capped pit 1 S extended a m 1 poly bowl & 1 bowl
12 111:4

residence unknown 1 disturbed oa 1 poly bowl 1 disc & 2 lobs flk 1 stone riF.
D- 1OI 1itr. D-10 beads

0-2}/ litr. C-2} residence capped pit 2.a S ext. supine a

le III.4 b disturbed y
j::i (ciat)
~ 8..... 0-2~/ Str. 0-2~ residence capped pit 1 I!: ext. prone a m 1 poly vase lobs flk
la III'4
0-2~/ str. C-2} residence capped pit 1 w ext. prone a f 1 jar
Ib 111:4
>< ""'"
~ 0-22/ litr. C-22 residence ai.ple 1 aecondary a f 1 bowl
I'! 6 III
0-22/ Str. C-22 residence capped pit 1 \; ext. supine a 1 poly bowl & 1 dish
1 Il1z4

0-22/ Str. C-22 residence capped pit 2.a I!: ext. supine a f 2 bowls
8 IIl.4 b ?
( cist)

C-22/ Str. C-22 residence ei.ple 1 I!: ext. eupine a m 2 bowls


C-I0/ Str. C-1O reBidence li.ple 1 M extended inr lobe flk

9 orypt

C-IO/ Str. C-I0 reBidence atmple 1 I!: ext. lupine y

10 orypt

Approx. pzoo•• nanoe Skeleton Grave Fumi ture


Grave Grave No. Head Poa1tion Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell "lint/ Other
Grave Location
Context 1n- of
Omt. Vessela Obsidian

c-lol Str. C-IO residence head cist 2". N inf 1 jar 57 beads
11 b inf

c-lol Str. C-lO residence simple 1 NJ,! extended inf

12 Id

C-lO/ Str. C-IO residence simple 1 N ext. supine ch 1 poly bowl

1~ III

C-IO/ Str. C-IO residence simple 1 J,! fl. supine ch 1 bowl &. 1 shoe pot
14 III

C-lO/ Str. C-lO residence simple 1 I!: inf 1 shoe pot

15 crypt

C-lO/ Str. C-IO residence simple 1 secondary inf

16 II~

C-lOj Str. C-lO residence e1mple 1 SI!: extended inr 1 dish

17 III

C-lOl Str. C-IO residence simple 21a NI!: ext. 8upim ya f lobs flk
18 III b secondary y f

C-IO, Str. C-IO residence simple 1 S ext. supine ch
:..: 19 III
C-10, Str. C-IO residence simple 1 NW ext. supine a f
8I"- 20 III

TB-41 below Stair Block te.ple elaborate 1 S ext. supiDE a m 2 bowls &. 1 jar with 4 efl, 16 159 bds, 4 26 obs flk 6 st sp, 1
2 4, top of Stair 11, crypt 10 eccentric flints I bds, 11 obj, } pend 2 fl bl, bn ndl, 20
0 ~tr. B-4 2 stuccoed objects carved 7 pearls, &. 26 fl f1k deer phal,
~ 10 ecc
~ pendants &. 16 shells, }7 ani tth,
>< 15 frgs, incl lover fl. 141 crys
iil face hem pes, 1
pearl, 1
gm stOD" &.
« cinrJabar

rf.-l/ below special elaborate 1 S ."t. supine a 11 4 bowls, 2 poly bowls }9 bds, 4 IO} Ms, )0 '} obs flk, 8 stiflp,ray
household &. 4 jarsl 1 bowl con. carved spi nes, 74
burial cons., crypt mOB pes, 3 14 fl flk,
.brlne 9 crya. hem. pes &. 2 pendants, shells, I lobs core pearls, 66
E-l-II, Str. B-1
shell rosettes &. 1 jar } pendants, valve &. 9 &. n acc crys hem
contained eggshell 47 mos pes bivalvesll n. pcs, coral
&. 2} frgs. bivalve 1 py disc,
, con. jade I bo disc,
pendant I slate
diSC, pyr
f mi rror.
serp fig,
shark tth,
ani tth,
stone fir:;
TAIlLl!: ... ll.""N Ul

Approx. Provenanca Skelaton Grave Fum! ture


Cer. .lc Bur. Grave Location Grave Grava Ko. Head Pod Uon Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Ko. Context TTPI' of Omt. Vessels Obsidian

8t- E-14/ :ltr. ~14 palatial simple 1 S ext. supine ya 1 dish. 1 poly bowl & 1 bead & 1 o crys hem
1 jar disc pes
~ 6 7 residence crypt
sa :s
>--:;!j simple 1 inr 2 poly bowls
pj ;=> E-l4/ :ltr. E-14 palatial
6 residence III
~ .0;

palatial W1capped 1 W skull a 1 poly bowl

E-14/ in Bench ~, 1I00m
residence cist fragments
5 " Str. E-14

l!: ext. supine ch 2 obs flk

E-14/ in Bench 4. Hoom palatisl simple 1
6 3, Str. E-14 residence crypt

E-141 in Bench 4, 1I00m palatial simple 1 N ext. supine ch

9 3, Str. 10:-14 residence crypt

palatial simple 2.a W ext. supine oa m 2 beads

E-14/ 1n Bench 5, Hoom
2 5, Str. 10.:-14 residence crypt b ? oa

residence simple 1 W extended a m 1 bowl

0-44/ Str. C-44

'-2/2 Str. l!:-2 residence simple 1 SE ext. prone y f


secondary a f
~-2/1 Str. F.-2 residence simple 1

E-2/4 Str. ~2 residence almple 1 N ext. prone a m


a '" 0
E-2/5 Str. 10.:-2 residence simple 2.a N n. right a f

I- f
1.1 b ? a
• C-18/ l;tr. C-18 residence si/llple ~.a I!: xt. prone oa m 1 pendant 1 conch ~ bone
1.1 b a /11 tools. 1
8I- c y bone spoon,
1 bone ndl.
'" 1 perr
~ Q hum incisor
j cC
C-18/ Str. C-18 residence capped pit 1 S ext. supine oa /11 1 bowl'" 1 jar
~ Ill.4

C-18/ t;tr. C-18 reeidence capped pit 1 I!: 8xt. supine a /11 1 bowl 2 obs flk 1 mane
4 111&4

c-16/ :ltr. C-16 residence siaple 1 S ext. supine a

2 1.1

c-16/ Str. c-16 residence uncapped 1 S extended a

4 ciBt
' •• ,,' .•' IX· AI,TUN HA

Approx. Proyenance Skeleton Crave rurni tun


Crave Location Crave Crave No. Head Position Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Ceraaic Bur.
Context Type of Ornt. Vessels Obsidian
Pha.. Mo.

residence simple I I!: ext. supine Y I poly vase, I poly

C-16/ Str. c-16 plate & I bowl
5 crypt

haphazard 1 I!: ext. supine a 1 bowl & 1 dish 2 efl

c-16/ Str. C-16 residence
6 ciet
or. ext. supine a 1 puly bowl
r- C-16/ Str. c-16 residence simple 1 I!:
R 1 1.2
~ • C-16/ Str. c-16 residence simple 1 a
0 14 1.1
10' r--
j E ext. prone a 2 obs flk
C-16/ Str. c-16 residence simple 1
A 1 1.2
residence simple 1 ch 1 bowl over skull
C-16/ Str. c-16

stone-line, 1 S ext. supine a 2 incensarios filled } pendants B shells, } Cl bl, 7 pearls,

B-4/1 below face of temple
diBturbed with ash & 4 jars &0 285 frgs. 2 valves, 24 obs ob 1 ser eel t,
Stair Block 6, tomb
2 beads, 3 4 eee Cl coral, 132
Str. B-4 obj & 432 erys hem
frgs. pes. &0 2

~ tone-li ned 1 S ext. supine a f1 int container lhuman 3 eee fl

irB-4/' below Platform 1 temple
tomb disturbed contained 2 eee. flints fig pendan
of str. 8-4
secondary ir inf 1 Jar contained infant lobs flk
8 &-1/ in Bench 2, Room household simple 1
1, Str. ~;-7 shrine 1.5 urn & sealed by bowl
ext. supine y 2 obs flk
• C-6/2 Str. c-6 household
capped pit
1 E
( cist)
.00; '"
C-6/~ Str. c-6 hou..hold &illple 1 skull only inf
!i! shrine 1,1
ci Billple 1 E extended inf lobs flk
< C-IO/
in Bench I,
Str. C-IO

a C-IO/
in bench, Str.
residence .illple
1 I!: ext. supine inf 1 ehell

&-211 Str. B-21 residence capped pit

1 S extended a • 1 bowl 2 efl, 1 bd
1 pendant
lobs flk
( ciet)

Str. B-21 residsnce ai.ple 1 S ext. supine e 11 1 Cl bl

4 1,2
Approx. Provenance Skeleton Grave Fumi ture

Grave Ko. Head PosItion Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Cerule Bur. Grave Location Grave
Type of Omt. Vessels Obsidian
Pha•• Bo. Context

hapha:z.ard 1 ~ ext. prone inf 1 jar 6 beads

C-IO/ in IIench 2. residence
~ Str. C-IO cist

residence partial I S ext. supine ch 2 jars & I dish 1 bead 2 obs flk
C-IO/ in Bench 2. Room
4 1, Str. C-IO cist

simple 2:a :.; extended a r I c. bead,

C-1O/ In Bench 2. Room residence
crypt b a m 2 valves &
5 1, Str. C-10
3 crab claw

residence unoapped I ),; ext. supine ch 2 bowls

C-10/ in llench 2, Room
<'< 7 1, Str. C-IO cist
'" 2:a N ext. supine inr
1!!-14/ in Bench 1, lloom palatial 81mple
residence crypt b at feet of y
• 4 I, Str. E-14
Sic. a

:z; g 1!!-14/ in Bench 5, Room palatial simple 1 If ext. prone pelvis cut
and fl ipped
oa f I vase

~ 1 5, Str. ~;-14 residence crypt

round to be

..: inr 1 shoe pot & I poly 1 disc & 1

E-1~/ Str. I!!-l~ residence simple 1
1.1 dish shell
8 residence 8imple 2.8 If ext. prone 8 ID 1 ef!
j 8-51/ Str. E-51
1 orypt b disturbed

'1'8-4/ below i'latrorm 15 temple elaborate 1 disturbed 8 2 incensari08 & 2 I bead & 6 discs, I 16 ece fl
crypt burnt pottery frgs. 145+ frgs. bead, 2
~ of Str. 11-4
burnt frgs
& frgs.

~, residence silllple 1 S ext. prone 8 m 2 discs, ~

C-1O/ in Bench Str.
C-lO 1.1 beads & 1
'" inr 1 bowl & 1 dish
I r 21/ Str. !!:-21 reaidence aimple
1 aecondary
In urn
~ i'!-21/ Str. E-21 reaidence .imple 1 disturbed 8 1 va8e
~ -< r.-21/f Str. E-21 reaidence capped pit 1 a

or. ai.ple 2.a S di8turbed y 1 bowl & 1 Jar 1 piece 5 shells, 1 fl obj 3 crys hem
'" -7/ Str. E-1 houaehold
III inr 2 8dornos, &. obs flk. diSCS, 1
~ or.•
10 Bhrina b
2 discs & pyr bd, 1

~ crab claw atone disc

1 sherd
disc & 1
-4 bone pin

Approx. Pzo_nance Skeleton Grave Fum! ture


Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave Mo. Uead Poaition Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
10. Context TJP8 of Omt. Vessele Obsidian

household Bimple 2.a e; xt. supine Y 1 poly bowl spindle

~-7/ Str. 1!:-7 whorl
12 shrine crypt b at reet of inl'
Sk. a

E-7/ :'.tr. ':-1 household simple 2.a l!: extended a f

15 shrine crypt b ya

E-1/ Str. E-1 household haphazard 1 l!: ext. supine ch

17 shrine cist

capped pit 1 E ext. supine a f 1 jar 2 obs

E-7/ Hr. !!:-7 household
shrine III.4 lance ts
( cist)

household simple 1 l!: ext. supine 1 bowl lobs flk

E-7/ Etr. !!:-7
19 shrine III disturbed

E-7/ Hr. &-1 household haphazard 1 l!: n. right ch

20 shrine cist
ID E-7/
Str. E-1 household
unknown 1

household uncapped 1 S ext. supine ch 1 bowl 1 piece 3 shells 2 bone
E-7/ Str. 1!:-7
~ '" N
23 shrine cist
E-1/ ~tr. E-1 household capped pit I W ext. supine a m
24 shrine IU:4

>- '-5/1 Etr. 1!:-5 residence !limple 1 N extended a f

~ 1:1

Hr. 1!:-5 residence capped pit 1 N sxtended a f

( cist)

Str. ~5 residence simple 1 N sxtended a m 1 disc lobs flk


Str. E-7 household aimple 21a S ext. supine y 3 bowls 1 bead I bone ndl,
shrine crypt b disturbed inr clay bead,
crys hem

l!:-3/1 Str. E-3 residence simple I W ext. supine a m

~ Id

>< I
E-,/2 Str. &-3 residence eimple 2.a N ext. prone & f 1 bowl
~ III b N fr&glD8nta inf
101 ¥:'-14/ Str. E-14 palatial ai.ple 1 l!: ext. aupine inf 109 frg &
f< A residence crypt I obj.
j -<
'L"AHLh: IX .a. 'rllN U.I.

lpprox. pzo...nuce Skeleton Grave Fumi ture


Ceraa1c Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave Mo. aead Position Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Pba.. Mo. Cont.ext. Type of Omt. Vessela Obsidian

household simple 1 I!: ext. prone a m 1 large jar sherd

~1/1 Str. E-7
shrine III

2:a !ext. supine oa 11 stone

E-1/9 Str. E-1 household simple N
disturbed inf beads &. 3
shrine 1:1 b
discs; 1
crys hem

E-7/ :ltr. 1!:-7 household simple 1 I!: ext. prone inl'

13 shrine crypt

E-1/ Str. 1!:-1 household simple 2:a I!: ext. prone inr
11 shrine III b S ext. prone inf

E-7/ : Str. 1!:-7 household simple 1 W ext. prone a f 1 jar & 1 poly bowl
a-. shrine
16 112

Str. E-1 household uncapped 1 N extended ch 1 jar ove r body

22 shrine cist
8-1/ Str. &-7 household unknown 1 inr
44 shrine

simple S ext. prone ch 1 bowl & 1 jar lobs flk

E-7/6 Str. &-7 household 1
or-. shrine 1:5

&-1/1 Str. &-1 household aimple 1 E ext. prone inr

shrine 115
1!:-1/e Str. 1::-7 houeehold Bimple 1 E ext. prone ch
A ahrine 1.2
capped pit 1 E ext. prone inr I jar
Str. &-13 residence
E-< &-541 Str. E-54 palatial capped pit 1 S ext. supine y
j residence 111:4 disturbed

E-541 Str. &-54 palatial

1 secondary 08 .. 1 efl
~-54/ Str. E-54 palatial uncapped
2.a W ext. supine a
.. 1 pot
6 reeidence b

iE-S4/ Str. E-54 palatial Bimple 1 secondary inr 1 carved 2 beads

7 residence 1.1 pendant

E-54/ Str. E->\ palaUal atmple 1 N inr

6 reBidence lal
Appro1t. Provenance Sk.l.ton Grave Fumi tUN

Cer_le Bur. Grave Location Grave Grav. No. Bead PoaiHon Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Pha•• 10. Context Type of Omt. Vessele Obsidian

8-54/ Str. E-54 palatial simple 1 ~ ~xt. supine inr 2 ecc fl

10 residence crypt

E-54/ Str. B-54 palatial Wlcapped 1 S ext. supine a f 2 bowls 1 ornament

11 residence cist

E-54/ Str. E-'>4 palatial simple 1 b: /'Ixt. supine a

12 residence III

palatial simple 2:. secondary oa m

~ E-51/ Str. b:-51
2 residence III above Sk. b
b b: ext. supine a f 1 jar & 1 bowl sherd 1 shell wi tI 4 oLs flk
"i th Sk. b Sk. b ~ith :;k.b
TB-4/ below Platform 17 temple elaborate 1 S extended a m 4 bowls & 2 incensarioe 1 bead 4 discs 32 ece n
~ 0
4 of Str. B-4 crypt i" Bobs

E-l}/ Str. b:-l} residence uncapped 1 N ext. supine a m 1 jar & 1 bowl 1 she 11
1 cist

.; Str. ~;"7 household simple 1 W ext. prone ch

">1 E-7/>;
8 shrine III
E-7/4 Str. )';"7 household unknown no data

E-7/5 Str. )';"7 household unknown no data


0-2/1 3tr. D-2 residence simple 1 b: extended a 1 bowl } beads 1 valve 6 obs flk 1 sti ngray
III 2 fl bl !spine. crys

... [hem frr,s,
pyrl te ,~
>-8 ~lune bead

'i~ ~2/8 Str. D-2 residence Bimple

1 S extended a f 1 clay
~ ~histle fit;.

-22/ Str. C-22 reBidence aimple 1 S ext. supine a f 1 bowl & 1 poly bowl 1 bead lobs nk 1 perf dog
0 1:5 disturbed tth
'" C-22/" Str. C-22 residence simple 1 I!: ext. supine skull oa m } pins &
I 2 I.} missing 1 disc
C-22/ Str. C-22 residence capped pit 1 S ext. supine a f
'">-« 0
a-. ~ III.4
~ ( cist)
A C-22/ Str. C-22 residence simple 2.a ext. prone
11: a
< 4 III b ch
ProvenallCle Sk.leton Grav. I'umiture

Ceraaic Bur. Grave Location Grave Grav. No. Head Poaiticn Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Pba.. 10. Context 'l'ne of Omt. Vessela Obsidian

C-22/ Str. C-22 residence simple 1 S ext. supine skull a f

5 1.1 fragmentary missing

'6-54/ Str. 10;-54 palatial haphazard 2.a W ext. supine a m 1 bowl 1 bead 1 bead & l) 1 fl core, stingray
9 residence cist b '0/ ext. supine inr objects 10 obs fH spines, 1
~ 143 ecc eline claw,
0 fl prys hem
a.. ~ 1 se t bone
-< ,in &. 4
>< I talactites
E-54/ Ltr. E-54 palatial partial 1 10; ext. prone a 1 cylinder & 2 bowls 2 obs flk
~ I residence cist

A E-54/ Str. 10;-54 palatial simple 2.a 10; ext. supine a m 1 bowl 1 fl bl
« 2 residence crypt b ch
,.. palatial simpls r; ext. supine a
-' E-54/ Str. E-54 1
~ residence crypt
C-10/ Str. C-lO residence simple 1 disturbed inf 2 dishes 3 obs flk

8-~/1 Str. B-3 palatial uncapped 2.a 10; fl. right a f

residence cist b E fl. left ya f
.... B-3/2 Str. B-3 palatial simple 1 SE n. right ya r
residence 1,1

. '"
8 D-2/< Str. D-2 residence capped pit
N ext. prone oa
1 jar

;:a Q
( ciBt)

..: 'D-2/~ Str. 1>-2 residence Bimple 1 N ~xt. supine - y


C-6/4 Str. C-6 household simple 1 secondary ch

ahrine 112

~ I N
D-2/7 Str. D-2 residence limple extended a f
Str. B-4 temple aimple 1 W ext. supine y
8-4/1 11
El .5 C-6/1 str. c-6 household simple 1 W n. right y
f:( on
ahrine III
011 '"
cl C-O/ Str. C-43 reddenc. dmple 21. aecondary y
Ul ~ 1 III b aeoondary y
u A-l/l Str. A-l te.ple dmple 1 S ext. aup. a m 1 disc
f:( III

Approx. Provenance Skel.ton Grav. Furniture


Cer_le Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave No. Head Pod tion Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flintl Other
Context Type of Omt. Vessels Obsidian
Pha•• 110.

Str. A-, temple almple 2.a secondary a m

A-5/1 r
1.2 b secondary a
t;1 0• n. right oa m
A-8/2 Str. A-8 temple simple 1 NI!:
o!I~ ~ 1.1
08 .
H Z Cl
A-8/~ Str. A-8 temple simple 1 NI!: n. supine oa m
~~ .< 1.1
fi:;&! &-11 Str. &-1 household simple 1 a
&! 46 shrine III
- ~-----~
uu~ ~. UU~U~~nA~~un

Provenance Skeleton Grave Furniture

Ceraaic Bur. Grave LocaUon Grave Crave Mo. Head POaition Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Pba.. 10. Context 'l'Jpe of Ornt. Vessela Obsidian

605-f1 Str. 605. Mirador residence simple 1 secondary ch 1 jar contained child
Group 1:1 in urn and cove red by dish;
k 1 other jar
D u
.... ... r>o5-1 Str. 605, HiradoI residence simple 1 secondary inr 1 jar contained infant
8 Group Itl in urn and covered by dish
u '"I
b05-6 Str. 605 residence simple 2:a secondary bones 11: a m
~ -D8
.. 1:1 b secondary skulls
a m

~05-~ Str. 605 residence simple 1 flexed no skull a m

k U 1,1
'" 0 ~05-4 utr. 605 residence simple 1 secondary oa m
~ ""'I 1,1
8""' [605-9 ~tr. 605 residence simple 1 secondary ch
~j"" 1,1

450-1 ~tr. 450, Komcher ceremonial simple ~:a W ext. supine headless oa m 1 dish in place of f1 bead &: 1 1 bead 2 sherd
u Group platfom 1,1 b headless a f Sk. a's skull lPendant pendants &:
... c ch 1 sherd
~ .....
0 dlsc

8 450-2 ~tr. 450 cerellOnial simple 1 ~ flexed a
'" platfora 1,1
""' 605-1 ~tr. 605 residence simple 1 secondary a
8 A
~ ..: 605-5 ~tr. 605 residence simple ~:a secondary a 5 beads &: I 4 beads 1 bone

0 '"u. 1:1 b
pendaIlt needle

~ 8 605- Str. 605 residence aimple 1 secondary inr
~ 10 1:1
~ 500-4 str. 500 cere_nial aimple 1 secondary diBIIBmbered oa 11 Jar contained severed
'" platfora III & 8evered
skull with a dish used
as a lid

I ~707-
Str. ~707 residence simple
I secondary a m

Pi 605-, Str. 605 residence aimple I ~ n. left a ID
T,lIIU; x. IWTRTLI'U, I ....." ..

Appzoz. pzo".nance Skeleton Grave Fumi ture


Cerulc Bur. Location Grave Grave Ito. Head Position Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Ro. Context '1'1]18 of Omt. Vessela Obsidian

226-2 Str. 226 residence simple 1 n. prone rlOhands or ch 1 Jar

III eetl poor

226-4 Str. 226 residence simple 1 n. right, inf I jar contained infant
112 but sec. il wi Ul 1 dish as lid

226-5 Str. 226 residence chultun 1 N extended ong bones a m

.r. jpurposely
226-6 Str. 226 residence elaborate looted
N 0
.... disturbed
225-1 Str. 225 residence simple
~ ..;
::0 605-2 Str. 605 residence simple 1 W fl. left ~eath blow a m
u III to right
>< side of

226-:5 Str. 226 residence simple I no skull, a m

1,1 poorly pre

simple 1 secondary a 1 bowl & 1 large poly 4 efl, 15 5 beads, 2 stone bead,
612-1 Kaatern Structure household
shrine 112 sherd [beads & 2 adornos & bird bones
litre 612
pendants 2 frgs. & fish ver-
'" 612-2 ~stern structure household simple 1 flexed 2 bowls ~ beads I bead } obs pes I sherd
djsc, bird,
H I !;tr. 612 shrine crypt
p., rodent &.
snake bones

612-:5 ~stsrn Structure household eillple 1 seated 1 poly bowl 1 bead 1 bead

j e:i Str. 612 shrine crypt

226-1 Str. 226 residence simple 1 E extended a m


6-1 Str. 6, Te.ple temple simple 1 seoondary ya m

of 1 Dolls III
~ Group

.... I
12-1 ~tro 12, Platfo~ cerellOnial si.ple looted
to weet of Te.ple platrom crypt
8 of 1 Dolls
'" 1 shell
l~l below bench, ? 1 bowl 1 eCl & 2
<.> A vaul ted ai.ple
West ROOII, Str. residence beads
oC crypt
• 'AH ~l"..i AI lU. IHL:HAJJTUn

Approx. Provenance Skeleton Grave Fumi ture


Ceraaic Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave No. Head Poaition Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Pha.. 10. Context T1P8 of Omt. Veseel. ObBldian

vaulted simple 2.a \,; extended a 1 jar contained infant

14-1 Str. 14
residence crypt b secondary inr wi th sherd as lid
in urn

~O vaul ted simple 1 ch

~l Str.
residence crypt

residence simple no bones 6 sherds

359-1 Str. 359
crypt found

simple I W 3 bowls 1 bead

nl-l Str. Bl vaulted
residence crypt

711-1 Str. 771 residence simple 1 fragments

I pendant
~84-1 Str. 784 vaulted simple no bonee
residence crypt found

a m 4 pots 1 bead 2 pendal')ts

790-1 Str. 190 vaul ted simple 2". S extended
residence crypt b a f
0 W ext. supine a 1 dish & 1 vase
<Xl 2009- Str. 2009 vaul ted simple I
1 residence crypt
household ~tone-l1ned 51a ext. in a m 4 bowls, } dishes, I 2 efl 129 beads & 1 sherd
6969- Str. 6969, east
rl I side of periphera shrine tomb ~st Vault bottle & 1 poly dish 4 frc;s. di se, S
b ext. in a f in East Vault; poly stone spndl
8 !!:ast Vault dish inverted under Whorls, 4
'" c rgs. in head of Sk. a bone spndl
West Vaul t whorls & 1
0 q d jakull onl y , severed oa m 1 dish at base of bone disc
<> < ibase of skull stairs and I diSh over
each of the severed
in East
Vaul t

iskull only, severed - oa m skulls
ibase of skull

}6- East Shrine, household simple I secondary ch I jar conta1r,ed child 1 bead I mano
Bub.7 Str. :58-Bub. shrine It2 in um covered by poly vase

}6- !.:as t Shrine, household simple 21a both sec. inf 1 jar contained both
Bub.B Str. :58-sub. shrine 1.1 b in urn inf infants

}6- East Shrine, household simple 1 J.: a m

sub.l str. :58-sub. Bhrine crypt

'" §
East Shrine,
Str. }6-Bub.
extended ch
1 bowl I bead & I b pendants,
efl 22 shells

c ch & 1 frg •
.... 8 d skull only a m

Approx. Proftnance Skeleton Crave Fum! tun


Bur. Crave Location Crave Grave No. Head Poaition Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
10. Context TJP4I of Omt. Vessels Obsldian
Pba ••

looted 2 efl
below bench, ~st household
Shrine, Str. 3B- shrine
household uncapped 1 ~ extended ch 1 dish 7 pendants 2 burnt
~ East Shrine,
shrine ciBt 1\0 16 beads stones ptd
sub.6 Str. 38-aub.

in terrace, household simple 1 E extended a 1 plate over skull &

Str. 38-aub. shrine crypt 2 other pots

96-9 in terrace of vaulted aimple 1 E extended a

Str. 96 residence 1.2

vaulted simple no bones 3 pots 1 spindle

384-1 Str. 384. west
residence crypt found whorl
residence of
Croup 38 complex

384-2 Str. 384. west vaulted aimple 1 eecondary ch 1 jar contained child
residence of residence 112 in urn covered by inverted
Croup 38 complex plate

Str. 384, west vaulted simple 2:a E extended a 2 pots on crypt roof 1 shell
residence of residence crypt b E extended a
§... Croup 38 complex

385-1 Str. ~5, south vaulted elaborate 2:. N extended face missin a 9 pots 1 bead 1 pottery
residence of residence crypt &;legs de- whistle. 1
I Group 38 complex fleshed clay pen
b secondary, ch &; rattler
mixed with fang
'" ash
...0 '" 385-2 Str. 385. south vaulted simple 1 E extended no face \!t 1 plate over faceless
reeidence of residence crypt legs de- skull & 1 other pot
A Croup 38 complex fleshed
... -<
385-3 Str. 385, south vaulted silllple 1 E extended no face a 1 plate over faceless
residence of residence crypt skull
Croup 38 complex
<> 385-01 Str. 385, south vaulted ai.p1e 1 aecondary inf 1 urn contained infant 8 beads 1 serpent
residence of residence 112 in um pluB another urn fang
Group ~ oomplex

385-5 Str. ,85, south vaulted eiaple 1 aecondary inf 1 jar contained infant n stones
reBidence of residence 1.2 in um covered by inverted
G~up 38 coaplex plate

38~ Str. 385, BOuth vaulted siaple 1 W flexed inf 1 bowl over skull 1 bead
reBidence of residence 1.2
Group 38 coaplex
,,,, "UN

ApproX. Provenance Skeleton Crave Fumi tun


Ceraalc Bur. Crave Location Crave Crave No. Head Position Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Pha •• Ro. Context 'rJp8 of Omt. Vessela Obsidian

Str. ~5, south vaul ted ailllple 1 flexed ch

residence of reaidence 112
§... Croup ~6 complex
silllple 1 r; extended ch I plate over skull 1 blue ptd
...0 ~5-8 Str. ~5, south vaulted
residence crypt bead
residence of
.... 8
-t) Croup ~6 cOlllplex
vaulted silllple 1 secondary ch 1 jar contained child
~u Q

~5-9 Str. ~5, south
reBidence of residence 112 in urn covered by inverted
Croup ~ complex plate

residence silllple I & extended 1 bowl & 2 dishes 1 carved

117-1 Str. 717 pendant
platform crypt

vaulted silllple no bones 1 dish & 1 censer 1 shell

1H-I Str. n1
residence crypt found

no bones 1 bowl 2 fragments 1 flint imestone

00~1 Str. lOO~ vaulted eimple inedallion
found scraper
residence orypt

vaulted Bimple 1 & ext. supine a f 2 dishes & 1 vase 2 pieces 2 efl & 1
005-1 Str. 1005 bead
reBidence crypt

vaulted Billlple 41a & extended I femur hac a 2 bowls & 1 dish 1 fossil
11 00 5- Str. 1005
residence crypt b secondary been a
0 .econdary drilled a
d sscondary y

2000- Str. 2000 residence Bimple no bones I bowl & I plate

orypt found

2014- Str. 2014 reaidence aimple no bonee

N crypt found
~ .... 2020- Str. 2020 reaidence dlllple
no bones I jar &. I bowl I shell
...0 I 2 dishes &. 1 bowl
3000- Str. ~ reaidence al.ple no bones
.... 8 1 orypt found
I dish
~ 3022- Str. 3022 maidence ailllple 1 & extended a III
(.) orypt
f< .c ~2~ Str. 302~ reaidence ai.ple 1 a 1 bowl 1 shell
:! orypt

'107- Str. ,101 vaulted ai.pie no bone. 2 dishes, one with 1 shell
residenoe crypt found 'kill' hole

m6- Str. ~5~ reeidence eilllple 1 SE extended ch 1 bowl over skull

1 crypt
·rAIlI.~; x D:t:T .. T1 ....UI ....IIN

Approx. PEOyenanC4I Skeleton Grave Purni tun


Grave Location Gnve Crave Ko. Head POsition Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Cena1c Bur.
Context Tne of Omt. Vessele Obsidian
Pba.. 110.
Bod. -
vaulted simple no bones 2 dishes & 1 bowl
,558- below bench, found
1 centre room, residence crypt
Str. 5558
'" ~ carved I clay fi,.:.
0 residence simple no bones
~ 6844- Str. 6844 pendants
u §
1 crypt found
residence simple no bones 2 bowls & 1 dish
0 I 6870- Str. 6870
1 crypt found
8r-- looted
6965- Str. 6965 residence simple
@) crypt
u Q
r.., ..: holes in a 1 bowl & 1 dish 2 shells 1 stune
,;. 6965 Str. 6965 residence simple 1 extended spindle
j 2 crypt Ilongbones

household simple 1 (,; sxtended a f 1 dish

,IH in Str. ,6
terrace shrine crypt
ch 2 bowls 1 shell charcoal
,a-4 ::itr. ,a household aimple 1 l!: extended
shrine crypt

vaulted si.ple looted 1 bowl

101-1 Str. 101
residence crypt

simple 1 SE ext. supine 2 dishes & 1 vase 1 carved 1 mosaic,

722-1 Str. 722 residence 2 discs &
crypt pendant
5 frgs.

si.ple 1 extended a ID 3 dishes & 2 vases 1 bead & 2 1 pendant &

810-1 Str. 610 vaulted N
4 frgs.
residencs crypt efl
810-~ Str. 810 vaulted simple looted
residence crypt
• 1 pendant I bone awl
lino-, Str. 810 vaulted atmple looted
g residence crypt
'" 2006- Str. 2006 residencs simple no bones 2 bowls 1 pendant
A crypt found
~u .< ,no- Str. ,110 vau1tsd at.p1e 1 W extended a ID 2 bowls, 2 dishes & 1
residence crypt jar; 1 dish over skull

Str. 5615 vaulted at.ple "a secondary oa 2 dishes, 1 bowl & 1 1 disc & 2
1 residsnce crypt b secondary a vase beads
c secondary y

5115- Str. '715 residence si.ple no bones 6 pots 1 bead

1 crypt found

Str. '717 residence si.ple 1 extended 1 vase & 1 plate 1 shell

1 crypt
TAJi ~; A Il".l.:ra.. 1."".1.& [."'IIN

Approx. Pro".nanc. Skel.ton Crave Furniture


C.raaic Bur. Crav. Location Crav. Crave No. Head. Position Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flintl Other
Phaa. No. Context Type of Omt. Vessels Obsidian

~121- Str. }121 residence simple no bones 1 dish & 1 bowl

crypt found

}86- ~tr. }86, north vaulted simple no bones 2 plates & 1 bowl I frg.
residence of residence crypt found
Croup }8 complex

}86- Str. }86, north vaulted simple 1 l> extended I plate & I bowl
residence of residence crypt
Group }8 complex

}86-} Str. }86, north vaulted simple I I!: extended I plate over skull
residence of residence crypt
Group }8 complex

}86-4 Str. }86, north vaulted simple fragments 1 urn with body?
residence of residence III in urn?
Croup ,8 complex

}86-5 ~tr. ,86, north vaulted simple fragments 1 urn wi th body?

residence of residence III in urn?
Group }8 complex

51-1 east room. vaulted simple no bones I bowl, I metate cache, 5 shells metate
§.... Str. 57 residence crypt found box contained 5 shells cache box &
1 ea.t room, vaulted aimple looted
Str. 57 residence crypt
§ vaulted simple
N 57-' east room, Str.57 looted
reeidence crypt
. 51-4 vest room, Str.51 Vaulted aimpIe 21a N ext. supine a } dishes, , vases & 1 bead
rasidence orypt b J.: flexed 2 bowle, 1 bowl over

57-5 vest room, Str.51 vaulted aimple 21a I!! ext. supine no face a f 1 plate over skull of
residence crypt b severed a f Sk. a & } bowls
skull only

57-6 vest roOll, Str.57 vaulted aimpla 21a S ext. supine oa m I dish over skull of 1 bead
residence crypt b secondary inf Sk. a

96-1 veet room, Str.96 vaulted eimple 1 ch

residence crypt

96-2 vest room, Str.96 vaulted simple I ch

raaidence crypt

96-, oantra reOll, .,aul teG simple 21a i: a I dish ov.r skull of 2 beads 1 frg. animal
Str. 96 raaldance crypt b a Sk. a, plus another bones
jar, bowl & dish
.pproz. Proftl\&llce Slceleton Grave Furniture

Ceru1c Bur. Crave Location Grave Grave No. Head. Podtion Mutilation .ge Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Phaee 10. Context Type of Ornt. Vessels Obsidian

96-4 oentre roOll, vaulted siaple 1 fragments

Str. 96 residence crypt.

96-5 centre room, vaulted simpls 1 },; extended, 4 incomplete jars, 2 lobs bl
Str. 96 residence crypt disturbed vases & 2 dishesl 1
jar sherd over skull

96-6. east room, vaulted unoapped 1 extended a 2 dishes &: I vase

Str. 96 residence ciet

96-6\ east room, vaulted simple 1 },; ext. supine y 3 bowls &: 1 dish
Str. 96 residence crypt

96-1 east room, vaul ted simple frll6l1lents 1 dish &: 1 bo",l
Str. 96 residence crypt
§.... east room, vaulted uncapped I fraements ch 1 dish, 1 jar &: 1 vase 2 whistle
Str. 96 residence cist figs.
'" 95-2 south room, vaul ted simple 4.a },; ~xt. supine oa m 4 bowls &: 4 dishes 2 beads
Str. 95 residence crypt b E flexed ya m
<Xl c E flexed severed a f
d femur only
~ 95-~ eouth room,
Str. 95
1 a f 1 bowl, 1 vase &: 2
1 bead 2 pieces

55-1 Str. 55 pUace ai.ple ~.a S ext. supine a m I dish over skull of
1.2 b S ext. supine a f Sk. al dish, bowl &: ja
c N ext. supine a m also ",i th Sic. a

55-2 Str. 55 palace simple 1 },; fl. right ya f 1 bowl &: 1 vase 1 shell

'" f::l
!i!kU 3003- Str. 300~ reeidence aillple no bones
o o
1 crypt found
!il 825-1 Str. 825 reeidence si.ple frapents 1 bowl & 1 dish
t-.t ~.-t~

95-1 north roo_, vaul ted capped pit 2.a loiter legs ya m
Str. 95 residence IIlI4 only
(olat) b lOiter legs ya m
'" ........ only
~ ~
18000- Str. 8000 vaulted Sillple no bones
N ..; 1 reaidence crypt found
- ---------
_'l'ABUo: llla &1 ••&11 IIIo! <>&""T~'IC]OS

PZO'ftDUCe Slteleton Grave Film! tllre

eerulo Bur. Grave LocaUon Grave Grave 110. Bead. PoalUon Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or St.llccoed Jade Shell FHnt/ Other
PU.. 10. Context 'fJpe of Omt. Vessela Obsidian

1}5 east of Str. B-~ plaza eimple I N\,; n. left ya m


temple simple 1 W fl. left ya f 1 jar over skull

124 Str. B-I!
flexed ch 1 jar over body fish teeth
125 Str. B-lI temple simple 1 & armadillo
III shell

SW ext. supine ch 4 pots; 1 bowl over 1 fl core

127 Str. B-1 temple simple 3:a
112 b NB inf skull of Sk. a , 1 bowl
c SW ext. supine inf over skull of Sk. u, 1
bowl over skull of Sk.c
& 1 bowl over flint cor
rj '" temple simple 1 S fl. lert a m 1 bowl over skull deer antler
I'. I 129 Str. B-lI & stone
cel t
i:i 8
'" l}l Housemound 7 house simple 1 S ext. supine oa m 1 bowl 1 pendant
platfol'lll 1.1 in mouth

simple 1 S ext. supine oa m 1 plate 14 beads 8 lime encr 1 incised

13 HousellOund 2 house
I I shells stone
platrorm 1.1 plaque
~ u.r.
1'.0 • fl. supine a f
z8 Q 14 Housemound 2 house aimple 1 \,;

~~"'-< platform III

6 HousellOund 2 houee simple 1 S ext. supine a m 1 bowl

platfom 1.1

,1 HOII.._und 2 hou. . ei.ple 1 SI!: n. lert a f 1 fl int

platfom III chopper

41 HOWl..aund 40 hou.. ei.ple 1 W ext. eupine a m 1 bowl over skull, 1 1 frg.

~ platrol'll 1.1 bowl & 1 miniature 011&
A 5' Str. B-1 te.ple al.ple I N ext. eupine a f
.c 1.1

• 65 Str. B-1 te.ple eimple

I aced
eeated ya • I bowl

~ <.>
97 in refuae pt t of MUM aiaple 2.a ecattered a f 1 boll1 1 hon!, tube
~Po I'll
~OWlUOunci 26 platrom III b eecond&1')' inf
~ budale

104 Bou_unci 16 hoUM aiaple 1 I!: lext.. eupine ya 1 bowl over skull, 1 I fl int Iwrkd stone
platfom 1.1 Jar & 2 bowls frg.
'" wrkd

Approx. Provenance Skeleton Grave Fumi ture

Ceraalc Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave No. Rea.! Poai tion l4utila tion Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Pha.e 10. Context T1JIe or Omt. Vessels Obsidian
temple elaborate 1 E ext. supine ya m 2 bowls 1 bead in copaJ in
105 Str. B-Ill
crypt mouth ,"outh

HousellOund 11 house simple 1 S[O; ext. supine a f 1 bowl over skull 1 bead in
platform Isl mouth

106 Str. B-II temple simple 1 S ext. Bupine calvarium ya
'" III missing;
poor preser
...: vation?

I 110 Str. B-II temple simpls 1 ~ ext. supine a

;i III
j ~
Str. 8-11 temple Wlcapped 1 W fl. supine a m 2 bowls & skull in 1 1 bead in
Po 119
..i cist vase mouth
fl. supine ch
'" 130 Housemound 10 house
1 W

136 Housemound 8 house simple 1 inf 3 bowls

platform III

temple simple 1 E ext. supine a m 1 bead & I 1 shell ove 1 stingray

99 Str. B-Ill
1.2 piece mouth, 1 spine I 1
adorno & 1 bone bead,
disc pyri te dIsc
& wooden

101 plaza in front of plaza simple 1 eecondary lnf 1 urn contained infant I aos bl fish bones,
Ul I
.,....: Str. B-II III in urn & all other furniture bi rd t;()n~ &
obs pellets
;7i ....
'" 1 killed bowl over 4 veg obj?
113 Rousemound 38 house simple 1 a
platfol"ll 1.1 skull
-< 134 1I0usemound 8 house simple 1 N fl. left ch 1 bowl over skull 6 tinklers
platform 1.1

12 Bousemound 2 house simple 1 NB flexed ch 1 bowl over skull &

I ~6o 1 olla under skull
Ul -< U"\ ..... platform 1:1
-< .... '"
~~A U6 Housemound ~ house simple 1 N fl. supine a ID 1 bowl over skull
Uic:i.< platform 1.1

I 1 llousemound 2 house simple 1 SW fl. left a 1 poly bowl over skull 1 bead I stone
00 platform 1:1 and 1 other bowl disc
' " U"\
-< 103 IlousellOund 18 house simple 1 W fl. right a 1 bowl
E-<A platform 112
Approx. Provenance Site le ton Grave Fumi ture

Ceraaic Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave No. Head I Post Uon Mutilation I Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Ko. Context 'f7p8 of Omi. Vessela Obaldlan

o 106 'Housemound 20 house simple N n. supine ya 1 bowl over skull

r- platform 101

simple N n. supine oa m 1 killed poly bowl over 2 adornos I ob~ bl 1 stone

115 'lIousemound ~6 house
skull, 1 bowl. 1 jar with jade cense r
-< .
platform 1.1
mos & 2

ril s n. left oa f I poly bowl 4 beads ~ beads 1 stingray

.... Q 116 'Housemound 36 house simple
spine &
~ ~ platform III
stone inl

<fl 11"\
~, • •
I 11"\ 117 'Housemound }7 house simple ext. supine a m
.... ;.:; &>:Q 0 platform 1.1
« >< rol ...

42 plaza in front of plaza head cist N n. right a f 1 bowl over skull & 1
Str. A-II other bowl

51 Str. A-I palace simple 1 w n. right inf 1 bowl over skull


54 Str. A-I palace simple 1 inf


<Xl 96 Str. A-Ill ceremonial simpls s ext. supine ya m I killed poly bowl overll adomo in
'" platform 1.1 skull 7 lOOS pcs.

100 'Str. A-I palace simpls N n. right inf I poly plate over skull
Ul 0
~ ~ 112 I Housemound }6 house simple 1 N n. right a m I killed poly bowl overll bead
&i platform 1.1 skull & lather bowl in mouth
114 '"ousemound 36 house simple N ext. supine a I poly plate over Skull12 beads
'" platform 1.1 and 2 bowls in mouth

122 'Housemound 20 house simple 1 If n. risht ya I poly bowl over skull

platform 1.1

27 'Housemound 2 house simple 1 s n. left a f 1 plate over skull &
00 platform 1.1 1 bowl
If) r- '"
~ ~ lI"\\D
f.l§. 26 I Housemound 2 house simple w ext. supine a 2 bowls
P.i~~ III
f;u-..: platform

6 Str. A-I palace simple w n. prone ya m

10 1.1
>< 11"\
o 25 Rousemound 2 houss partial I t: ext. supine a I poly plate over 1 shell 1 metate
~ Q platform cist skull, 2 bowls & 1 poly necklace with kill
5 .~ bowl hole
q'.1ll ,'~1 .1.,..11 Il~: SA

Approx. Provenance Skeleton Crave Furni ture


eerulc Bur. Grave Location Grave No. Head Poel tion Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Phase Ro. Context Type of Omt. Vessel. Obsidian

Housemound 2 house simple 1 ch 1 plate over skull &

0 29
1 poly vase
platfol1D 1.1
Str. A-I palace simple I W ext. left ch 10 beads 1 whi te
U'o 44 stone bead
>- <0 1,1
~ '"
0 A
55 Str. A-I palace simple 1 ya m
-< 1,1 ._---
.... 1 bowl
24 Housemound 2 house simple 1 a
~ Cf;'£
>- '" .....
platfoX'lll III
Q 56 Str. A-I palace simple 1 mandible ya m
~ III only
:xl ..:

1 Housemound ~9 house simple 2,a S ext. supine a 1 plate over adult

platform 1,1 b ch skull & 1 poly bowl

:52 Housemound 2 house simple 1 flexed a 1 poly bowl

platform 1.1

:59 fire pi t, palace simple 1 secondary oa f

Str. A-I 1.2

47 Str. A-I palace simple 1 g n. supine a f 1 bowl over skull


48 Str. A-I palace simple 1 g n. supine ya m


9~ Housemound 26 house simple 1 N ext. supine a m 2 dishes & :5 poly 2 beads

0 platform 1:2 bowls
ceremonial uncapped 1 g ext. supine a f 1 plate over skull, 2 beads 1 flint
96 ~tr. A-Ill
platform cist 1 poly bowl, 1 poly knife
I jar & another plate

111 !jtr. A-II ceremonial simple 1 W fl. right inr

'" 0'"
H platform 1.1

128 !jtr. A-lII ceremonial elaborate 1 I!: ext. supine a f 5 stuccoed plates, ~ ~79 beads & 577 beads & ~ obs flk, 1 stingray
~ stuccoed jars, 1 2 adornos 11 frgs 10 obs hi, spine & 75
platform crypt
< stuccoed bowl, 1 killed I jade bea 1 M of P 1 DLs cor~ fr,:s. (11
poly plate over Bku11, was in bead & 5 9000 carv"d) ,
2 bowls, 2 jars Dlouth rgs. plus fl int slate mirror
2 green stuccoed clay shell over chips over .0< pyri te,
discs & bars, 6 clay ~outh p;rave mat runs ...
efl, 1 clay bar, 10 wood
clay beads, 1 clay
pendant & 11 clay disc

132 lIoussmound 41 house simple 1 N fl, right a 1 bowl 1 feline

platronD III tooth

Approx. Provenance Slteleton Crave Fumi tu ...


Bur. Crave Location Grave Grav. No. Head Poait1on Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
No. Context Type of Omt. Vessels Obsidian
Pha . .

0 I Housemound 40 house simple 2,a t: fl. left ch
..... l"
platform Id b inf
, Str. A-Ill ceremonial
1 !:it: fl. left a 1 dish & 1 plate

0 a f 1 killed plate over
..., C7\ }O Housemound 2 house "simple 1 N fl. right
0 platform III skull
0 I

I 0 120 Str. A-11 ceremonial simple 1 skull only a

z '" platform 111
..: Q 121 Str. A-I! ceremonial simple 1 t: fl. left a 1 bowl over skull, 1
Po ~ platform III poly bowl & lather

Str. A-Ill ceremonial simple I W fl. left ya f 2 poly bowls

platform 1.1

Str. A-Ill ceremonial simple 1 Nt: inf 1 poly bowl over body
platform 1.1

11 in barrow pi t, plaza simple 21a ya f

South Plaza 1.2 b inf

22 Housemound 2 house haphazard 1 W fl. supine a m 2 poly bowls

platform cist

Str. A-I palace simple 21a S fl. Bupine a f 1 poly plate over
36 ch adult female'S skull
1.1 b

~ ,8 Str. A-I palace simple

1 I!: fl. left a 1 bowl

58 Str. A-I palace sim~le 1 t: fl. rIght a m 1 plate over skull &
11 1 bowl
c3 <D
2 64 Str. A-I palace simple 1 faced seated a m 1 vase, 1 dish &1 I bone spa t
crypt NW plate
co; 78 House mound 25 house simple 1 NW fl. right ya
platfonn 1:3

79 Housemound 25 house haphazard 1 )0; n. left head & y 1 bowl over skull (?) lobs bl
platform cist but hands and 2 other bowls
disturbed missing

80 Housemound 25 house simple 1 S fl. supine ya sherds from 2 pots

platform Id

87 Housemound 25 house shlple 1 NW ext. supine inf

platrom Id
Approx. ProveDallCe Skeleton Crave Pum1 ture

Ceraaic Bur. Crave Location Crave Crave 110. Bead POaition Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
PbaH 10. Context 'I'TJ18 of Omt. Vessel. Obsidian

88 Str. A-Ill ceremonial simple I j,; ext. supine a m 9 poly pots & ') pots I adorno &. 2 adornos &0 lobs bl 12 clay
platform 112 35 beads I shell bds. 1 bone
pin, 1 bone
obj <I< wood

89 Str. A-Ill ceremonial head cist I E n. lert skull ya m 1 plate & 1 poly jar 1 bead 1 fl int
platfom missing chip
~ 91 Housemound 21 house aimple 1 N flexed a
platfom 112
102 HoussllOund 17 house aimple 1 N n. right a 2 bowls, 1 with kill
platform III hole
houss simple 1 xt. supine a 2 bowls & 2 plates
109 Housemound 22 SI!:
platfom III
123 Housemound 10 house aillple 1 NW n. supine inf
platform III

126 Str. C-I ceremonial simple 1 N n. right a 1 killed dish over

platform 1&2 skull, I poly bowl &.
I other bowl

31 Str. A-I palace simple I W Bxt. aupine ch


40 Str. A-I palace simple 1 faced aeated a m

1.2 NW

43 Str. A-I palace simple 1 I!: n. right a f


45 Str. A-I palace simple I inf


'" 46 Str. A-I palace simple 1 inf


0 59 Str. A-I palace aillple 1 E ext. supine ya f

I Q)

u 63 Str. A-I palace aimple I S n. right a f
-< 66 Str. A-I palace simple I B ext. supine skull a f
1.1 missing

68 Str. A-Ill ceremonial simple 1 S n. left oa f

platform 1.1
Tt.IM: )() t U~AK D~ SACKU'lCIOa

Approx. Proql\UlCe Skele t.on Crave Fumi t.un


Cer_Ic hr. Cra.,e LocaUon Cra.,e lirave Mo. Head PoeiUon Mutilation Ase Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint./ Other
Pha. . ID. Context Type or Omt.. Vesseh Oba1dlan
n !itr. A-I palace aimple

:;tr. A-l11 cere..,nial eiaple 1 ~; f1. left a m

plaHoI'll 1.1

75 :ar. A-lI I cere.Kmial eiaple I N n. right a m

platfors 1.2

17 :ar. A-Ill cere_nial eiapIe 1 I!: n. right inf

pia tto rs III

81 ~tr. A-Ill cere.onial eiaple 1 a

platfoI'll III

8~ ~tr. A-Ill cerellOnial eiaple 1 E n. aupine a a

0 platfors 112
~...,. '"'" 84 :.;tr. A-Ill cere_nial head ciat 1 I!: n. aupine ch
I platfoI'll
~ 86 :3tr. A-Ill ce1'8llOnial aiaple 1 I!: n. lert a a
r- platfo", Itl
2 A 90 Str. A-Ill cal'ellOnial eiapla 1 S n. right ya a
-< plattoI'll lal

94 Str. A-Ill carellOnial aiapla 1 E n. right. inf

platfom Itl

Str. A-Ill oerellOnial aiepla I ya f

plattors 1.1

9 Str. A-I palace eiaple I sw n. aupine a


10 Str. A-I palace ataple 1 E n. right a r

ya 1 bowl over skull & 1
'" 15 HoueellOund 2 house
pi at. fo l'II
1 E
other bowl
19 Houae.ound 2 houae eiaple 1 E n. prone a f 2 bowls 2 notched
platroI'lll Itl teeth
.., ~ 20 Houee.ound 2 house aimple 1 skull only a
~...,. platrom III
.., 21 Houaeaound 2 house simple 1 aced aeated a
'" I bowl on skull & 2
platform III N other bowls

23 HousellOund 2 house dmple 1 SW n. supine a m 1 olla

platfoI'lll III
\ \
"'A.l\\.~: '(I' AL'Uli Il~~ ';ACRIIIIC os
lpprox. PZOYenance Skeleton Gra"e Furniture

Cra"e Cra"e No. Head Poal tion Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jad. Shell Flintl Other
Ceruic Bur. Cra". LocaUon
Pha.., .0. Contest 'ne of
Omt. Vessela Obddian

~4 5tr. A-I palace aimple I .) n. left a


:itr. A-I palace aimple I a


palace aillple I ch 1 bowl over skull

50 Str. A-I

palace aillple 1 E fl. left a ID 1 bowl inverted under

52 Str. A-I
laI skull & 1 other bowl

palace ei.ple I ~; ext. supine a f 1 poly bowl & I poly

57 Str. A-I
112 vase

60 Str. A-I palace ei.ple 1 I-.: n. right a f


61 Str. A-I palace aillple I I-.: n. right oa f I bowl over skull


62 Str. A-I palace aillple 1 N n. supine oa 11 1 large sherd over

1.2 skull & 2 bowls

Str. A-Ill cerellOnial aillpIe 1 I-.: fl. right a f

platfor. I1I
1 ~; Cl. right ch 1 bowl over skull & 1 26 ocelot
69 Str. A-Ill ceremonial aillph
• other bowl tooth neck-
platform 112
70 Str. A-Ill ceremonial aillple 1 N n. aupine a DI

,,; platfor. 1.1

.( 21a E n. supine ch
71 Str. A-Ill cerellOnial aillple
pia Ho"" 1.1 b N n. supine ya 11

72 Str. A-I palace aillple 1 ., n. right y 1 bowl


76 Str. A-Ill cerelDOnial dmple 1 E n. supine a f 1 large sherd

platfor. III

82 Str. A-I palace Bimple I N n. right ch I bowl over skull 2 obs bl


:itr. A-Ill carP-fROnial sillple I I-.: ext. supine femurs oa m 1 killed bowl over I fl lnt
platform III purposely skull blade

:i ..
~'ol Str. A-Il oeremonial aimple 1 skull only a
() f--4 platform 1.2
TJ\III,~: Xla "LT"" DI\: :';ACRll"ICIOr

Appro:a. PCOYenat\ce Skeleton Crave Pumi ture


Grave Crav. No. Head Poal tion Mutilation Age S.x Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Fllnt/ Other
eerule Bur. Grave LoeaUon
Conte:at Type or Omt. Vesael. Obddian
Pba.. 10.

ceremonial sillple 1 skull only oa m

85 :.Jtr. A-11
p1atfol'lll 111

2 :.Jtr. A-I palace simple 1 j,; n. left a


house IIll1ple 1 ~; n. left a 1 plate over skull & 1

16 HouaelDOund 2
platrorm III other pot

HousellOund 2 house aimple 1 incomplete inr

platform III
~ 1
aillple 1 flexed a
~ 18 HOUB• .,Und 2 house
platform 1.1

~ 26 HoullellOund 2 house lIi_ple 1 flexed a

platform lal
:.Jtr. A-I palace ei_ple 1 flexed a


Approx. Provenance Skeleton Grave Furniture


Grave Grave No. Head Poe1Uon MuUlation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
CeruJ.c Bur. Gra"e Location
Context of Omt. Vessela Obsidian
Pha.e 110. T1JI8

1 ~; ext. supine a m 2 stones
,..; 11 Group A Plaza plaza si.ple
.:i 8
'" 1 N ext. supine a m ~no
0 plaza head cist
5 North Plaza,
Group A

.... 16 :';outh Plaza, plaza aimple 1 ~ n. right ya f

Group A III
.c ~~ :ar. A-~ household aimple 1 E ch
ahrine 1,1
..; 2 pieces 1 serpentine
U 42 :ar.59 houa. aimpl. 1 N n. left a ID 1 dish over skull '" }
bowls bead
,..; 1,1


8 Ii: ~ pots turtle

PD46 Utr. 24 patio houa. ai.pls I
'" platform 1,1 carapace

ce rellCnial ai.ple I N extended a f I ornament

18 Utr. D-24
fol '"

, 22 :;tr. C-24 house aiaple 1 N ,"xt. supine a f 1 killsd dish over
.. ....
platform III

.iaple 1 S n. left a 11 1 dish over skull 1 turtle

:01 A ~ Utr. C-24 house
shell '" 1
j .< platrom 1,1

:.;tr. 24 patio house aiaple 1 E Cl. right a 11 I poly dish over skull
platrom 1,1 24 patio hou.e aiapls I W Cl. right a f

platrom 1,1

9 Str. ~l patio houae aimple I ~; n. right a f I poly bowl

platform 1,2
..... y I poly dish over skull
..... 19 in Court C of palace aiaple 1 N supine
Str. D-~ !)Curt 1,1 and I poly plate
; ..1 I
~ :t.. 21 Str. C-~2 patio house eiaple 1
platfo1'lO 111

§~ Cl
29 in .idden of
Str. D-26
.idden ai.ple
1 NI!: Cl. left idiameu,bered ya ID

17 Str. A-2, South ceremonial head cist 1 N a .. I poly bowl
Plaza, Group A platfonll

2} Str. C-~2 patio house partial 1 S n. right a 11 I poly bowl

platfoJ'RI cist
,.11111." U 11 5~:I\lA1.

Appn,.. Pro_nanee Skeleton Crave Furni ture


Age Sex Potter")' or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other

e.....le Bur. Crave LocaUon Crave Crave Ito. Head Poai tion "utUaUon
Vesaels ObBldian
Pha.. 1o. Context
'ne of

:;tr. C-~7 patio house head ci st I N fl. rir,ht a 11 1 bowl illvprled under
plaUnno skull'" I ulher bowl

25 :ar. c-~;> patio house

pia Ho""
I .. fI. lert a 11 1 be"d

1'~9 :ar. C-'7 patio houee aiaple di sturbed

platfonn 1.2

~ Str. 4":-10 houaehold haphaurd 1 W n. right ,a 11 1 plate & I poly vaae 2 tooth
shrine ciet necklace

Str. 4";"10 household haphaurd 1 N fI. right a 11 ;> poly bowls & I poly 1 bead
H plale In lIOuth
ahrine ciat

40 Str. 4~:-IO hou ..hold parUal 1 ..: fi. left a 11

IIhrine eht
~ Str. 410:-10 household a1.ple 1 badly skull only a I poly plate & I vase
E-< 44
H '" ahrine 1.2 • dilllurbed
~ Q 45 Str. 4E-IO bou. .hold hapha&&rd 1 Jo: aecondary a • 1 dieh &I poly vase
~ ...: ahrine clat

41 Str. IH-8 pat10 bou..

1 a •
Str. 47 hou .. al.ple 1 ..: fl. right a • 1 poly dish &1 poly

'" plaUono 1.2 bowl

12 Str. 51 patlo house al.ple 1 N

~ platroM 1.1
,2 Str. A-30 patio bou. . unoapped
I N rl. right a •
• 110.'
PD48 Str. 75d patio houa. unknown 1 E a
~ Ht- platfoR
~ .~
PD50 Str. 40-l6c hou.. unknown I badly skull
pIatrom dIBturbed only

palaoe oapped pi t I seated ya r I poly plate, 1 bowl & ~ beads ;> efl 11 bone
Str. A-14
111.4 I dish over skull, plUB beads'" 2
(ciat) ;> vsses & I olher bowl redstone

.... '"
2 North Plau, pla&& haphazard I
ellt. 8upine y. . 1 dish
.., cist
I IQ ci
Group A

North I'lau, plaza head ciat I W ellt. supine ch I whistle

Group A fipurlnp
TAB!,\<: n. S&IB"L
Approx. Provenance Skeleton Grave Furni ture

Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave No. Head Position Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Ko. Coniexi 'l'1JIe of Omt. Vessels Obsidian

Sir. A-l3, by ceremonial simple 12:a skull only a

Ball Court A-19 platform 1,2 b skull only ya m
c W extended a m
d skull only ya m
e ? ya m
f skull only ye m
g skull only ya m
h skull only
j skull only ya m
k skull only ya m
1 skull only ya m
m skull only ya m

8 Str. 24 patio house simple 1 E fl. left ch 1 dish

platronD },l

10 Str. 26 patio house simple 2:a E !ext. supine ya f 2 bowls

platfonD crypt b ch

l~ Str. 26d. east household simple 1 W extended ch

uni t of shrine 1:1
residen tial

household simple 1 N fl. right a m 1 bowl, 1 dish & 1 vase toad &
14 Str. 26d, east
unit of shrine crypt snake bones
residen tial

crocodi le
,.., 15 ~:ast Plaza, plaza simple 1 E extended ya f 2 pots
....« '"
Group D 1.1
20 Str. n patio house head cist 1 E ext. supine a m 1 poly bowl & 1 bowl
« 21 Str. C-}}d household haphazard 1 E a 1 poly dish &1 dish
shrine cist

PD51 Str. C-~3c house simple 1 ch f 1 bowl & 1 plate 3 beads

platfonD 1.2

26 Str. C-32 house simple 1 E ext. supine ya m 2 bowls &1 plate mica
platform 1.2

28 Str. C-lO ceremonial haphazard 1 E fl. left ya f

platform cist

31 Str. C-24 house simple 1 N extended a m 1 vase & 1 bowl

platform 1.1

}4 Str. A-}Oe household simple 1 E Cl. left ya m 1 bowl

shrine 1:2
TflBl.1-.: XlI: SElBAL

Approx. Provenance Skeleton Furniture


Greve Grave No. Head Position Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Ceraalc Bur. Grave Location
Context 'l'ype of Ornt. Vessel. Obsidian
Pha.e 10.

household simple 2:a I!: extended a 2 plates & 2 bowls

}5 Str. A-}Oe
shrine 1.2 b ch

head cist 1 ~: ext. supine a m 1 dish over skull, 1

}8 Str. C-l5b house
platform bowl & I plate

• }9 Str. C-15b house capped pit 1 secondary a ID

platform IlI.4
...:I '"


CO (cist)
house simple badly
.., l'D41 Str. A-6Od
platform III disturbed

Approx. Provenance Slceleton Crave Furn! tun


Grave Location Crave Grave No. Head Pod tion Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
eerule Bur.
Context Type of Omt. Vessel. Obsidian
Ph ••• Ko.

1> extended a miniature jar filled ~ beads 2 bone

2-~ landing field, unknown partial 1
with ochre ear flares
west of Co pan cist

f;outh Court plaza simple 1 1> ex t. supine a m 3 bewls


unknown simple 1 ch 2 bowls, 1 jar & 1

}-46 In eroded river-
1:1 candelaro
bank, south of

In plaza to west plaza simple 1 W ext. supine a 1 vase & 1 bewl

of Acropolis 1:1

simple 1 W ext. supine lower legs a m 1 jar & I bowl 1 bead 4 pendants
1-46 below West Court plaza
severed at
terrace 1.1
plaza west of plaza simple 1 fragments skull frgs. ch 1 bowl over skull
'Q I 9-46
'oound 1 III only
u 0
m 5 bowls & I vase with
unknown simple 1 ),; ext. prone a
N T12- in eroded river-
bank, south of crypt lid
,.. 42

-< 1-42 in eroded river- unknown simple 1 W ext. prone a m

bank, south of 1.1

in eroded river- unknown simple 1 extended a 1 bead I fl pain 2 clay erl

14-42 lobs
bank, south of 1:1

1-42 in eroded river- unknown simple 1 E n. right a 1 bowl

bank, south of 1.1

T21- landing field, unknown aimple 1 l!: flexed a m 1 bowl & 1 vase
42 west of Copan crypt

2.a W n. right a 2 poly bowls, 4 bowls 1 bead ~ obs antler frg.

19 Mound }6, south house head cist
and 2 cups knives
of Acropolis platfom b ch
Ul <XI dep r bones
j 20 Hound }6, south house simple 1 a 2 bowls
u platrom 1.1
I of Acropolis
simple 1 NE n. right a 2 poly bowls, 1 bowl, I bead clay stamp
28 Hound 36, south house
r- of Acropolis platfom 1:1 I vase & 2 cups & clay
'" spindle
j <=;
-< house simple 1 N fl. supine a 2 bowls I pendant
~l Mound }6, south
of Acropolis platform Is!


Approx. Provenance Skeleton Grave Fumi ture


Grave Location Grave Grave No. Read Poai tion Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Cer_lc Bur.
Context Type of Omt. Vessels Obsidian
Phaee No.

2,& fl. left a 1 bowl

~4 Mound 36, eouth house simple ~" Ch
of AcropoliS platform 1.1 b

~ Mound ~, south house simple 1 !;

of Acropolis platfonn 1,1

1-38 in plaza to the plaza simple 1 ch I poly vase, I jar &

vest of West 1.1 I incensario

Que brad a unknown simple 1 a I poly vase

Sesesmiles 1,1

landing field, unknown simple 1 ch 1 poly bowl

vest of Copan III

Mound 30, south house simple 1 J,; fl. right a m

of Aoropolis platforD' 1.1

1-40 in eroded river- unknown simple 1 a 1 poly vase

bank, south of III

2-42 eroded riverbank, unknown simple 1 W flexed a 2 poly vases & 1 poly I pendant
Isouth of Acropolis crypt bowl & 2 efl
co }-42 eroded riverbank, unknown simple I J,; flexed a 1 poly bowl & 1 bowl
;3 I south of Acropolis 1:1
of"> Tl plaza between plaza stone-line, 21& S ext. supine a } poly vases, 1 poly beads I ornament clay whstle,
t- ? dish, 1 poly bowl, 1 bone ndle,
Mounds }4 & }6 tomb b
'" vase, I dish, I bowl turtle cara
and 4 miniature pots & 2 inci sed
A pec. skulls
E-o 2 poly vases, 1 poly beads beads points s tone beads
j T2 plaza between plaza stone-line 1 S ext. supine
"ounds 34 & ~ tomb bowl & I jar & animal

T} in stairs of unknown elaborate 1 E !ext. supine a 1 poly bowl & } dishes frgs. I shell con. obs frgs Animal bone
D,ound to north of crypt pearls, jade
Great Plaza & ochre

T4 in .aund to west unknown stone-lined 1 NJ,; !ext. supine a 4 vases 1 carved lobs bl
of Acropolis tomb pendant, 4
beads & 2
Tll '.ound 59, NW of unknown elaborate 1 S !ext. supine a 1 poly vase, 4 jars, 3 frgs frgs pearls &
IIcropolis crypt ~ases, 2 bowls & I fish bones
incensario; 1 Jar con.
jade & shell frgs,
pearls & fish bOlles
'rAIILt: Xl 11 , CO¥AM
Approx. Provenance Skeleton Grave Fumi ture

Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave /fo. Head Poai tion Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Bo. Context 'l'7JIe of Omt. Vessele Obsidian

unknown unknown no data 2 dishes & 2 cups

'1'l-~5 landing field,
weat of Copan

in mound south of unknown unspecified 1 flexed I poly vase I bead pyri te

crypt mirror frg
Mound }2

unknown elaborate 1 faced seated a I vase 2efl

'1'2-38 in mound south of
Mound }2 crypt NW

'1'3-}6 in Group 5 Court, plaza unknown no data 1 poly vase, 1 dish '"
NI!: of Acropolis I bowl

'1'1-39 near Stela 5, plaza elaborate 1 N~; flexed a I poly oowl '" 2 cups 3 beads
Group 6 crypt

'1'1-41 2 klls. /fW of unknown unknown no data 1 cup'" 1 bowl 2 earflares


'1'1-42 eroded riverbank unknown e1abo.rate no data I poly jar & 1 jar I frg.
~outh of Acropolis crypt

'1'13- eroded ri verbank unknown elaborate 2,a I!: flexed a I poly vase, 2 bowls '"
42 outh of Acropol is crypt b l!: flexed a 1 flask

'1'15- eroded riverbank unknown capped pit 1 S a 1 cup, 1 bowl '" 1 poly
42 ~outh of Acropolis 1III4 bowl

.. (ciBt)

'".... unknown elaborate 1 Cl. left a 1 bead

u '"
'1'11- eroded riverbank
42 ~outh of Acropolis crypt

rl-46 eroded riverbank Wlknown simple 1 flexed a 1 jar & 3 poly bowls
~outh of Acropol is crypt
unknown elaborate 1 flexed a
'" '1'2-46 eroded ri verbank
south of Acropolis crypt
'-'l .,;
E-< .( '1'18- eroded riverbank unknown simple 1 N flexed a 1 poly bowl & 1 poly beads
....« 42 south of Acropolis crypt jar

1-41 eroded riverbank unknown simple 1 a 1 poly effigy jar'" 1 1 clay fig.
Bouth of Acropolis III cup

}-}9 in court between plaza Bimple 1 S Cl. right a

ft.ounds }O '" } 3 III

1-43 in ditch 500 ID. WlknoVll simple no data 1 poly effigy jar
£W of Acropolis III

6-46 by West Court plaza simple 1 faced seated a

1'errace III \,;

26-42 landing field, Wlknown simple 1 ch 1 poly bowl & 1 cup

west of Copan 1.1
~ ~ ~~
Xl 11 : COPAK
Approx. Provenance Skeleton Grave Furni ture

Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave No. Head Posi tion Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
110. Context Type of Omt. Vessels Obsidian
Pha ••

ch 1 poly di sh
24 Mound 36. south house uncapped 1
'" '"
of Acropoli s platform cist
t,; a m 1 poly bowl charcoal
f.<jn 25 Hound 36, sou th house simple 2:a flexed
platform 1.1 b ~W flexed a
j u ~ of Acropolis

'1'5 in mound to west unknown haphazard 1 N fl. right a

of Acropolis cist

plaza elaborate ~.a a 1 jar &1 incensario lobs fr/,: stalactite

'1'6 Group 5 1-laza.
NE of Acropolis crypt b a
c skull only a

1 a 1 dish & 1 jar 1 metate

'P7 west of Acropolil unknown elaborate
80 ch 2 incensarios & 5 celt& frg obs frr;s stone frr;s
.... '1'10 riverbank, south unknown simple 1
plUJllbate jars
u of Aoropolis crypt
simple no data ~ poly bowls & I plum-
'1'1-40 Hound 7. near Wlknown
co Hieroglyphic 1.4 bate vase
f-< Stairs
p.. A
in front of plaza simple 1 W flexed a 1 bowl 1 bead
..: '1'4-46
Temple 22. ],;ast crypt

Hound }6. south house simple 1 N fl. left a

of Acropolis platform I: 1

, Hound 36. south

of Acropolis
t,; n. left
1 miniature vase

8 Mound 36. south house simple 1 a

of Acropolis platform 1:1

1} Mound 36. south house simple 1 a 1 vase beads

of Acropolis platform III in mouth

16 Mound 36. south house simple 1 seated a 1 vase

of Acropolis platform III
1 a

17 Mound ~6. south
of Acropolis
E-< 21 Mound ~6. south house uncapped 1 E fl. supine a
:z: of f.cropolis platform cist

27 Mound 36. south house simple 1 ch 1 she 11 lobs kn

of Acropolis platform 1,1

29 Mound 36. south house simple 1 a

of Acropolis platform },l

Approx. Provenance Skeleton \ Grave Furni ture

Caraaic Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave No. Head 1'ooit10n Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell "lintl Other
Phase No. Context Type of Ornt. Vessels Obsidian

,0 Mound ~, south
of Acropolis
I ch
..: ,2 M"und }6, south house simple 1 ch 2 beads 1 disc and
of Acropolis platforn. III many beads
Mound ,6, south house simple 1 SE fl. left a
z " of Acropolis platfonn 1,1


,[,Alll,\'; A1V: I'U;IJKA~ IIl!1.iKA~

Provenance Skeleton Grave >'umi ture

C.r..... ic 8ur.
Phase No.
Grave Location Grav~
Pouition Mutilation Age Sex Pottery and
Vessel ..
~tuccoed Jacle Shell I P lint/

0 88 16 Str. R-} temple simple
~"'A "''''
... I 1.2
1 secondary inf infant placed between
2 bowls
3 pieces

10 In plaza in front plaza stone-lined 1 skull in cut skull & ch 1 bowl ove r seve red 1 carved 4 beads. 3 flint bi rd claws
of Str. U-} tomb wall niche mandi ble skull pendant, 4 discs, 2 !'lakes &0 animal
ornaments & ornaments & canine
46 beads frgs.

5 In terrace floor palace s tone-li ned }:a left ch 1 plate, 1 lid, , clay 2 carved 7 shells, 21 stinr:r"y
of ~tr. J-; acropol is tomb b N ext. supine a ID obj. , 124 clay beads, jaguar 213 beads, spIne fq:s
c Cl ext. supine ch 4 clay eff'igy uhells pendants, 17 obj &0 6 ;> pyr mos
1 effigy frgs. plq, 6(,
stingray amazonite
spine, 150 lJd~, bOCle
beads, 24 awl, bi rd
pm, 3en bones, ')
I'< 11 frgs. phal, Ani
canine. 2
u pyr rHOS,
8a-- c. jag.
bont: &.
u stalacti te

1 Str. V-I vaul ted simple 1 Ne; extended, a f probably looted

residence crypt disturbed
E-< '" 2 Str. V-I vaulted simple 1 Ne; .xtended ya 17 beads I;' beads, 1 B tint~ray
j residence crypt ~isc &0 2 spine &
pmaments shark tth

~ Str. V-I vaulted simple 2.a Ne; ext. supine a f

residence crypt b NlJ ext. supine
, ch

4 below ball court, ball court simple I NW disturbed a m

Str. K-6 1:2

6 in hillside cave cave simple I j,; ext. supine a m 2 bone

1:2 beads, anl
bones & 2
stalacti te

7 Str. R-2 ceremonial
head cist 1 SW extended a m
." 8 Str. R-} temple simple 1 NW ext. supine
A a f
9 Str. R-~ temple simple 1 unexcavated

Approx. Provenance Skeleton Fumi ture


Bur. Crave Location Grave Grave No. Head Posi tion Mutilation Age Sel[ Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell Flint/ Other
Context Type of Omt. Yessela Obsidian
Phase No.

11 at the foot of temple stone-lined 6:a N ext. supine a m o pots, 2 stucco heads 41 disc 3 shells 5 pearls,
tomb b ~ extended a f crown, 118 contained 3 bone ndl,
tomb shaft stair,
c N flexed a bead colla 2 jade efl, shell & pyr
Temple of
'"'" Inscriptions d
e NI;
seated a
189 bead
7 jade bds,
2 jade
mosaic mask
f N a 10 finger discs & I 2 jade,
.... :ikeletons rings, 2 pearl, all shell &
covered in pearl en &
8 b-f placed carvt-'d
cinnabar 9 slate
'" at foot of
2, 200 beac pendan ls
P.l stairs by
f'E-<J A tomb bracelets,
.~ entrance more tJeads
'" 118 pes.

south platfonD, unknown capped pi t I N flexed a I poly plate & 1 jar

Group IV I1I:4
( cist)

1112 south platfonD, unknmtll simple 2:a flexed a m

Group IV 1.2 b a

RI3 south platfonll, unknown uncapped 2, secondary ch?

Group IV cist

Ra south pIa tfonll, unknown partial I flexed ch

Group IV cist

RIO south pla.tform, unknown simple 1 N ext. supine ch

GroUiJ IV crypt

Rll south pIa tfonll, unknown simple I N extended ya ID

fj 0 Group IV crypt
E-< 0
j er-
R6 south pIa tfonll, unknown simple 1 N extended a 1 pot
I Group IV crypt
...0 0 unknown simple 1 N extended a I pot
RI south pIa tfonll,
'"'" Group IV crypt

R2 south pIa tfortll, unknown simple I extended a I pot
Group IV crypt
R7 north platform, unknown simple 2i;B N extended a I pot
r.. Group IV crypt t secondary
R3 north pIa tfonll, unknown simple 2+:' N extended a I pot bone ndls
Group IV orypt secondary and teeth

N extended a f 2 bowls 1 pendant & bone ndles

R5 north platform, unknown simple 2 .. a
Group IV crypt b secondary
R4 north platfonn, unknown capped pit 1 N extended a I bowl
Group IV III :4
.a.nuuC! ,.. •• .I1\~I:.l'tI.l\rCl

Approx. Skeleton
Provenance Grave Furni ture

Cer_lc Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave No. lIead Posi tion Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or Stuccoed Jade Shell ~'lintl Other
Phase No. Context Type of Omt. Vessels Obsidian

Al portico, Temple temple elaborate 2i:a a f 1 ~~ bead 2 shells &: 9 obs bl mano, atone
~VIII-A crypt b secondary necklace j & s mos. pendant &:
clay rip:.

A2 south end of temple elaborate no data 1 bowl &: I cylinder 22 bead ~ shells &: 96 obs bl 1 pyri te
portiCO, Temple crypt bracelet &: 19 plaques frgs. mirror, I
~VIlI-A I disc bone ndle &:
sh &: ob mos

A4 north end of temple simple 1 N supine oa m beads 2 pendants &

portico, Temple 112 ~ plaques

A3 back room, Temple temple stone-lined 2.a N flexed ya m 6 pots 2~ beads &: ~ inseri Led .3 stone
!xVII I-A tomb b N !ext. supine a f 2efl ~lises & 2 pendants &:
!ctiscs jade mosaic

Cl central room, temple ~epecified no data 1 vase 6 Leads &: lobs kn bone ndle &0
~emplo del Conde crypt 1 efl textile

C2 north room, Templ' temple elaborate no data I pot 6 beads ~ obs kn I stone
0 del Conde crypt bead
C} south room, Templ, temple ~nspecified no data I pot 2 disc &: 4 shells stinKl'ay
, del Conde orypt 5 beads spine, ant
disc &:
j stone bead

...0 '"'"
El south end, Templ. temple ~napeol fled no data
XVIII crypt
E2 Temple XVIII temple ~specified no data 2 pots 2 plaques, incised ~ fl int pearls
<" crypt 4 pendants, conch pendants
26 beads &: &: obs kn
~ I mosaic
~ E.3 Temple XVII I temple ~nspecified no data 2 Sun God mosaic
crypt figs. &:

E4 between Burials temple simple no data

El &: E2, Temple 1.5

E5 between Burials temple simple no data 2 pots

B2 & B3, Temple I"

SI Group I mound unknown Unspeci fied disturbed 2 pots

tomb 1 figurine

T1\1l1.b I.Vt t'AI.I';l'IIoI.UL

Approx. Grave F'urni ture

Provenance Skeleton

No. Posi tion Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or ~auccoed Jade Shell "lint/ Other
Ceramic Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave Head
of Vessels Obsidian
Phase No. Context Type Omt.

52 Group 1 mound unknown unspecified 2:a on crypt ya bone ndl &.

tomb lid stone spnd
b secondary whorl
0 5~ Group 1 plaza plaza elaborate I N 2 pots 1 bead I clay
a-- crypt spindle
j 0
S4 Group 1 plaza plaza simple I N 2 pots

0 S5 vest mound of unknown stone-lined disturbed 2 pots I bead I conch lobs kn meta te. 2
q Group 11 tomb figs &0 ~
..: bone ndles
~ 56 Group G pIa tform unknown unspecified I N extended 2 !'. of l'
...t!l crypt earflares
L----.. - ------ -

Approx. })rovt!oance Skeleton Grave furnl ture


CeraJllic Bur. Grave Location Grave Grave No. Head I I'osi tion Mutilation Age Sex Pottery or ~tuccoed Jade Shell .'1 in t/ Other
Context 'Pype of Ornt. Vessels Obsidian
Phase No.

IV-lA in plaza, near plaza stone-lined disturbed

Str. E5-1O tomb and reused
in j'ost-

Iv-6 below UtI'. ~)-l~ telDple elaborate 4:a disturbed a ID 14 pots wi th Sk. d, &:
pedestal crypt b di sturbed a ID 2 with others
c dis turbed a ID 1 calcite vase with
d N lex t. supine a In Sk. d

IV-2A below Str. E5-10 temple elabora te 6 disturbed 5 a 4 m

pedestal crypt and reused lint I f
in Post-

IV-~A in plaza, south plaza elaborate I disturbed a m ~ poly pots & I pot
of Str. ]0;5-15 crypt and reused
in I'ost-

IV-4 b~low Str. E5-15 temple elaborate disturbed 5 poly pots, 15 pots &: 2 plaques &: I green blrd
pedestal crypt ~ lids ~ frgs. obs bl bones

IV-5 bf,low Str. E5-15 temple elaborate I N ext. supine ~ poly pots &: 6 pets 2 [res.
pedestal crypt
co disturbed
IV-9A below Stl'. E5-B temple simple
pedes tal crypt and reused
0 in I'ost-
.n Classic
u IIl-1 Stl' • •'4-611 residence simple 2:a inf 5 poly pots &: ~ pots frgs. ) fl bl stin"ray
or. A,II crypt b inf spine &: 3
w pyr mos
..; 111-2 Stl'. r'4-~E residence unspecified I S ext. supine a
.1 residence simple I inf
III-4 ~tl'. "4-~j)

V-2 Str. )';3-5 residence simple I N ext. supine a m I pot mano &.
crypt meta le,

V-3 ~tr. ),;~-4 residence unspecified I N ext. supine a f I poly pot &: I pot

V-4 ~tl'. ]';3-4 residence simple I N ext. supine inf


V-5 !.tr. E3-4 residence simple 1 N ext. supine a m 1 poly pot I< I pot dog
crypt skeleton

-- - ---- 1,V

Approx. ~}keletull Grave ~'u",i ture

~ur. Grave Loca hon Grave ~rave No. Head l'osi tion Mutlla tion Age ~iex l'ottery or Stuccoed Jade Jhell \ r'l int/ \ Uther
No. Context 111ype of Urllt. Vecsdo I Obsi,-llan I
Phase Hod.
V-I Str. )';3-') residence simple 1 N ext. supine a r
<0 1:1
'0 I V-1 Str. ':3-) resldence simple I N ex t. sUlJIIle a ~ poly "ots & ~ VOts
j I: 1
<.> 0
'-D Ill- ~ Str. "4-3C residence W1known 1 I': ext. supine a
j A V-6 Str. ),;3-~ residence unknown I second",ry & a m 2 poly pots
.-.: fragmentary

IV-B below Str. ),;5-6 temple elaborate 1 faced seated a m beads 2 anklets copper &
pedestal crypt S gold

V-3B in plaza, south plaza elaborate I N ext. supjne a m 3 pots beads 4 bone
of Btr. f;')-l') crypt tools

0 V-9B below Str. ),;')-8 temple simple I secondary cremation 2 pots 70 beads 32 beads copper '"
0 gold
pedestal crypt ill urn
between Strs. plaza I secondary cremation a f 2 pots 60 beads 38 beads i) coppe r
'0 IV-7 uncapped
E~-3 & )';~-12 cist in urn rinp:s &
j I
<.> gold
0 beads 28 beads, obs fr,.;s 1 pyr mos
.." IV-l in plaza, near plaza stone-lined 9 mandibles 8a 6f 3 pots & 2 poly pots
0 10 shells & plaque
B,C Str. ~;~-IO tomb only 2m
S?- 4 mosaic
. plaques

Q IV-2
below Str. .;)-10
temple elaborate
6 disturIJed 5a

2 pots beads copper

I v} N
~8 1:1 below Str. lJ)-l temple simple 1 secondary cremation a 1 pot 1 mosaic 50 frgs. t-1uth~!r of
;.) f-< UJ ~ crypt in urn mask I'earl
e;-. (;J:'s



Appendix 11: Illustrations of Grave Types and Varieties

The followine figures are of most of the grave varieties as described

and defined in my classification scheme (chapter 2). Three varieties are

not illustrated: unspecified crypt, unspecified tomb and rock-cut tomb.

The unspecified crypt and tomb varieties are not illustrated because of the

obvious reason that the categories only exist on account of inadequate

description. A rock-cut tomb is not illustrated simply because it has

effectively the same appearance (ideally) as a stone lined tomb.

One grave type, chultun, is not illustrated either. This is simply

because readers should be familiar with what chultuns are and because

chultuns do not necessarily have one form or dimension.

The figures are as follows:

Figure 11:1 - Grave Type 1:1 - simple, formless graves in debris fill

o 2. m.
Figure II·. 2 - Grave Type 1:2 - simple pit

O·S m
Figure 11:3 - Grave Type 1:3 - ceiling slab, a simple grave with

skeleton resting on stone slabs which form the roof of a grave below


, .. -

-'. .: _. .- -.- _..- .............. - .. -~ --- ....-... ~ ~:

.. • • _ c:" fI# __ a d - ... - . -
- -,.,--

- -~~~~-~__-----o--~----------_----_--~----~-~-------=~~~~·~
.,.. ~ <=>

o 0·5 ",
Figure 1I:4 - Grave Type I:4 - blocked up room

- - - - ------

I I" I

o 1 3 It f 1ft_
Figure 11:5 - Grave Type 1:5 - simple grave in which corpse was placed

between the walls of existing stone lined graves and thus formine the

impression of being stone lined

Simple Grave
Crypt 1
Crypt 2

, ,

\ ~.C? 't \ '\ , -t


0 0.5 1 m
Figure 11:6 - Grave Type 111:1 - haphazard cist

o OS m·
Figure 11:7 - Grave Type 111:2 - partial cist

0.5 m
Figure II: 8 - Grave Type In:3 - he ad cist

o 0·5 m·
Figure 11:9 - Grave Type 111:4 - capped pit

o o·s '" .
Figure Il: 10 - G::--ave Type Ill: 5 - uncapped cia t

~ _ _~L_ _~L_ _ _ _ _ _l -_ _~'_ _ _ __

'- ----A'---_

,--- --r
f r

o o·S m.
Figure II:ll - Grave Type IV:2 - simple crypt

o 0.5 m
Figure 11:12 - Grave Type IV:3 - elaborate crypt

Example A

o 0.5 1.0 ID

Example B

o 0.5 l.Om
Figure 11:13 - Grave Type V:3 - stone lined tomb

o l.Om


Appendix Ill: Additional Burials Not in the Analysis

The following is a list of burials which have recently been published

but not included in the analysis. The same sort of data is provided as

listed in the tables of Appendix I. A brief comment is added for each

burial if there is some noteworthy aspect about it or there is some feature

in common with important aspects discussed in the text, e.g. evidence for

sacrifice, the extent of the furnishings, etc.

I: Komchen, Dzibilchaltun (Merida Museum)

Burial No. - ?

Location & Context - ?

Grave Type - uncapped cist

Body & Position - extended, supine; adult

Head Orientation - ?

Grave Furniture - 7 pots of various forms; 1 plate was over skull

Date - ?

11: Coba (Benavides 1981: 98-99 & Fig. 45)

Burial No. - ?

Location & Context - beneath a plaza altar in front of Stela 27

Grave Type - uncapped cist (but possibly a simple crypt)

Body & Position - uncertain, but possibly flexed or secondary

Head Orientation - ?

Grave Furniture - none visible

Date - ?

Comment - Its proximity to Stela 27 and placement below an altar suggests

this was a dedicatory cache burial.


Ill: Colha (Hester, Eaton & Shafer 1980: 77, 119-20, 163-72 & 179-80)

Burial No. - 2003-1

Location & Context - Str. III (residence)

Grave Type - pit; 1:2

Body & Position - extended, supine; infant

Head Orientation - SE

Grave Furniture - vase and 1 shell bead

Date - Protoclassic, i.e. A.D. 50-200

Burial No. - 2008-6

Location & Context - housemound

Grave Type - simple; 1:1

Body & Position - fragmentary

Head Orientation - ?

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Late Classic

Burial No. - 2008-7

Location & Context - housemound

Grave Type - simple pit; 1:2

Body & Position - ?

Head Orientation - ?

Grave Furniture - 1 bowl

Date - Tepeu 2

Burial No. - 2008-1

Location & Context - housemound

Grave Type - simple; 1:1


Body & Position - disturbed

Head Orientation - ?

Grave Furniture - 3 flint celts

Date - Late Classic

Burial No. - 2008-3

Location & Context - housemound

Grave Type - simple; 1:1

Body & Position - fragmentary

Head Orientation - ?

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Late Classic

Burial No. 2008-2

Location & Context - housemound

Grave Type - simple pit; 1:2

Body & Position - mandible & femurs only, but disturbed

Head Orientation - ?

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Late Classic

Comment - Though the burial is disturbed, the presence of just a mandible

and femur suggests this individual was sacrificed.

Burial No. - 2008-4

Location & Context - housemound

Grave Type - simple pit; 1:2

Body & Position - extended; young adult male

Head Orientation - ?

Grave Furniture - none


Date - Late Classic

Comment - This burial was in the same pit as 2008-2. The fact that they

were together suggests the two should be considered as a multiple burial,

perhaps of a primary interment accompanied by a sacrificial victim. The

lack of furniture would be unusual for such a combination, however.

Burial No. - 2008-5

Location & Context - housemound

Grave Type - simple; 1:1

Body & Position - fragmentary

Head Orientation - ?

Grave Furniture - 1 poly bowl

Date - Late Classic

Burial No. - 2011-1

Location & Context - south side of main ceremonial plaza in front of a temple

or ceremonial platform

Grave Type - large simple pit; 1:2

Body & Position - 2 layers of severed skulls (27) and mandibles only (3);

the 30 individuals consisted of 9 children, 3 youths, 17 adults and 1 old

adult; at least 7 were male and 8 were female.

Grave Furniture - a shell, numerous large sherds and numerous chert flakes

~ - Terminal Classic

Comment - The pit was covered by a considerable amount of burnt masonry.

It is suggested that perhaps the skulls represent members of the elite who

were killed and the ceremonial structure then intentionally destroyed as

part of mass destruction at the site. The act may have contributed to the

collapse of the site in the Terminal Classic. This is possible but I

believe there is a much better explanation. The fact that the pit was very

well constructed suggests it was done to prevent the skulls from being

damaged. They succeeded, but such efforts to prevent destruction of the

skulls does not suggest simple killing to me. Sacrifice is more likely,

though this would be the first instance of a burial of a mass sacrifice

of a mixed age group and sex. I suggest this burial may be indicative of

a sacrifice of captive warriors, slave women and their children after some

successful raid, battle, designation of an heir or coronation. The exten-

sive amounts of burnt masonry could be the remains of the ritual cele-

brations after the mass sacrifice. In other words, this burial may be the

result of the sort of act depicted on the murals of Bonampak.

Burial No. - 2012-1

Location & Context - uncertain, but possible household shrine

Grave Type - simple pit; 1:2

Body & Position - a: seated adult

b+: fragmentary

Grave Furniture - 6 vessels and fragments of others

Date - Late Classic

Comment - There is the possibility that this grave had been reused. The

fragmentary remains of human bones and sherds may be from a previous inter-


Burial No. 2012-2

Location & Context - uncertain, but possible household shrine

Grave Type - ?

Body & Position - several disarticulated skeletons; secondary

Grave Furniture - 1 vessel

Date - Late Classic

Comment - The obvious disarticulation implies sacrifice.


All of the burials are numbered as in the text, but prefixed with the

operation number in which each was found.

IV: Nohrnul (HafuIDond 1985: 239-43, 246-50, 254-57 & 529-31)

The following burials are numbered as in the text but are prefixed

with the structure number in which each was found.

Burial No. - 139-1

Location & Context - Str. 139; residence

Grave Type - simple pit; 1:2

Body & Position - disturbed

Grave Furniture - sherds

Date - Late/Terminal Classic

Burial No. - 139-2

Location & Context - as above

Grave Type - simple pit; 1:2

Body & Position - disturbed

Grave Furniture - 1 bowl

Date - Late/Terminal Classic

Burial No. - 139-3

Location & Context - as above

Body & Position - extended, supine; adult

Head Orientation - head to E

Grave Furniture - 1 bowl

Date - Late/Terminal Classic

Burial No. - 139-4

Location & Context - as above

Grave Type - simple pit; 1:2

Body & Position - fragmentary

Head Orientation - head to N

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Late/Terminal Classic

Burial No. - 139-5

Location & Context - as above

Grave Type - haphazard cist

Body & Position - no remains

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Late/Terminal Classic

Burial No. - 139-6

Location & Context - as above

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - disintegrated

Grave Furniture - none

~ - Late/Terminal Classic

Burial No. - 139-7

Location & Context - as above

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - fragmentary

Head Orientation - head to N

Grave Furniture - vase & bowl

Date - Tepeu 3 (Terminal Classic)

Burial No. - 139-8

Location & Context - as above

Grave Type - probably a simple crypt

Body & Position - fragmentary

Head Orientation - head to E

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Late/Terminal Classic

Burial No. - 139-9

Location & Context - as above

Grave Type - simple crypt

Body & Position - ?

Head Orientation - head to E

Grave Furniture - 2 vessels

Date - Late/Terminal Classic

Burial No. - 139-10

Location & Context - as above

Grave Type - uncapped cist

Body & Position - ?

Head Orientation - head to E

Grave Furniture - vase & plate; plate was over skull

Date - Terminal Classic

Burial No. - 139-11

Location & Context - beneath bench, Str. 139; residence

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - no remains

Grave Furniture - 1 dish

Date - Late Classic

Comment - There is nothing unusual or striking about any of these burials.

They are typical for residences. It is nice to have a bench burial.

Burial No.- 141-1

Location & Context - Str. 141; residence

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - fragments

Grave Furniture - obsidian blade and chert flakes

Date - Terminal Classic

Burial No. - 141-2

Location & Context - as above

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - fragments

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Terminal Classic

Burial No. 141-3

Location & Context - as above

Grave TyPe - simple

Body & Position - fragmentary

Head Orientation - head to W

Grave Furniture - 1 bowl

Date - Terminal Classic

Burial No. - 141-4

Location & Context - as above

Grave TyPe - partial cist


Body & Position - fragmentary

Head Orientation - head to E

Grave Furniture - bowl over skull

Date - Terminal Classic

Burial No. - 141-5

Location & Context - as above

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - fragmentary

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Terminal Classic

Burial No. - 141-6

Location & Context - as above

Grave Type - simple pit; 1:2

Body & Position - fragmentary

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Terminal Classic

Burial No. - 141-7

Location & Context - as above

Grave TyPe - simple pit; 1:2

Body & Position - fragmentary

Grave Furniture - poly plate

Date - Terminal Classic

Burial No. - 141-8

Location & Context - as above

Grave TYpe - simple pit; I:2

Body & Fosition - fragmentary

Grave r'urni ture - none

Date - Terminal Classic

Burial No. - 141-9

Location & Context - as above

Grave Type - simple pit; 1:2

Body & Position - fragmentary

Grave Furniture - 1 bowl

Date - Terminal Classic

Comment - There is nothing unusual about these residential burials either.

The fragmentary condition of the skeletal remains is exasperating.

Burial No. 138-1

Location & Context - Str. 138; its location on the eastern perimeter of

the residential plaza suggests this may be a household shrine

Grave Type - simple pit; 1:2

Body & Position - seated

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Protoclassic, i.e. A.D. 50-250

Burial No. - 138-2

Location & Context - as above

Grave Type - capped pit; 111:4

Body & Position - flexed left

Head Orientation - head to N

Grave Furniture - bowl & jar

Date - Protoolassic

Burial No. - 138-3

Location & Context - as above

Grave Type - simple pit; 1:2

Body & Position - seated

Grave Furniture - 1 bowl over skull and 1 pebble

Date - Protoclassic

Comment - The meagre amounts of furniture in these 3 graves would suggest

that str. 138 was not a household shrine. It otherwise fits the Plaza Plan

B arrangement.

The following burials are located in unnumbered structures. Conse-

quently, these burials are enumerated by the operation number of the ex-

cavation followed by the burial number in the text.

Burial No. - 304B-2

Location & Context - mound of unknown function

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - fragmentary

Grave Furniture - 1 bowl

Date - Early Classic

Burial No. - 304C-l

Location & Context - mound of unknown function; different from mound of 304B

Grave Type - haphazard cist

Body & Position - skull only

Grave Furniture - 2 pots over skull

Date - Terminal Classic

Burial No. - 304C-2

Location & Context - as above

Grave Type - haphazard cist

Body & Position - skull only

Grave Furniture - 1 bowl

Date - Terminal Classic

Burial No. - 304C-3

Location & Context - as above

Grave Type - haphazard cist

Body & Position - skull only

Grave Furniture - bowl over skull and 3 obsidian blades

Date - Terminal Classic

Burial No. - 304C-4

Location & Context - as above

Grave Type - haphazard cist

Body & Position - skull only

Grave Furniture - pot over skull

Date - Terminal Classic

Comment - There were 3 other suspected skull only burials in this mound.

Each had stones placed haphazardly over the skulls in the shape of a cairn.

I suspect these were sacrifices of some kind, either individually or as a

mass sacrifice.

Burial No. - 304C-9

Location & Context - mound of unknown function

Grave Type - simple pit; I:2

Body & Position - fragnents

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Terminal Classic


Burial No. 304C-lO

Location & Context - as above

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - extended

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Terminal Classic

Burial No. - 304C-ll

Location & Context - as above

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - extended

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Terminal Classic

Burial No. - 304C-l5

Location & Context - as above

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - disarticulated; possibly secondary

Grave Furniture - jar over skull

Date - Terminal Classic

Burial No. - 304C-l8

Location & Context - as above

Grave Type - haphazard cist

Body & Position - disarticulated; possibly secondary

Grave Furniture - pot over skull

Date - Terminal Classic

Comment - There is nothing unusual about these. These latter burials

would suggest the mounds were nothing more than residential. The skull

burials might suggest a ceremonial purpose.

Nine skeletons had their head orientation discerned: 5 were head to ~,

3 head to N & 1 head to west. The prevalence of head to E is similar to

Dzibilchaltun, and the residential prevalence at Altun Ha. The presence of

some head to N brings a similarity with Uaxacttin and Tikal. The sample is

exasperatingly small.

V: Quirigua (Sharer 1978: 51; Sharer et al. 1979: 59; Jones & Sharer 1980: 16)

Despite extensive excavation at this site, only 2 burials were found.

These are as follows:

Burial No. - 2C-3/1

Location & Context Str. 2C-3; though located on the east side of a resi-

dential plaza, the excavators suggest it was a residence.

Grave Type - simple pit; I:2

Body & Position - extended, supine; adult female

Head Orientation - head to E

Grave Furniture - I celt and 6 copper discs

Date - Terminal Classic/Early Postclassic

Burial No. - IB-6/1

Location & Context - Str. lB-6; a probable household shrine on the eastern

perimeter of a court of the Main Acropolis.

Grave Type - simple crypt with benches along sides

Body & Position - extended, supine; adult

Head Orientation - head to N

Grave Furniture - 2 vases & 1 bowl

Date - ca. A.D. 600
VI: Xunantunich (Bengue Viejo) (MacKie 1985: 69, 75-77, 84-87 & 176-79)

The remains of at least 5 burials were found in one building, Str.

A-15, a fairly substantial residence. The burials are as follows:

Burial No. - A-IS/l

Location & Context - in topsoil above Room 2 of Str. A-15, a large resi-


Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - infant; fragmentary

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Benque Viejo IV or later, i.e. Postclassic

Burial No. - A-1S/2

Location & Context - below floor of Room 1, Str. A-1S

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - extended, prone; child

Head Orientation - head to S

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Benque Viejo IIIb

Burial No. - A-15/3

Looation & Context - in benoh of Room 2, Str. A-15

Grave Type - extended, prone; child; no traoe of cranium, but all other

bones artioulated.

Head Orientation -head to S

Grave Furniture - 3 jade beads & 1 jade disc

Date - Benque Viejo IIIb

Comment - see Burial 4 below


Burial No. - A-lS/4

Location & Context - in bench below Buial 3 and disturbed by it

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - extended, prone; adult; cranium missing

Head Orientation - head to S

Grave Furniture - 3 animal teeth and 1 jade disc

Date - Benque Viejo IIIb

Comment - At first glance, the missing crania of Burials A-l5/3 & 4 may

thought to be the result of disturbance. Burial 4 certainly was disturbed

by the placing of Burial 3, since the mandible, axis and right clavicle of

the adult were lying on top of the child. But the cranium of the adult was

definitely not present, nor was the child's. Therefore, intentional

removal seems more likely. Does this mean these 2 individuals were sacri-

ficed as MacKie suggests (MacKie 1985: 87)? It would seem logical and

these examples could fit with some other examples of dedicatory cache

burials (Table 103). However, there is a far better argument for this

state of affairs to which, in fact, MacKie alludes (ibid.: 86), but does

not quite jump in. The missing crania in this instance are indicative of

ancestor worship and were retained as idols by the descendents. Why do I

believe this? There are 3 reasons: 1) Placed in front of the bench con-

taining the 2 burials was a small disc shaped limestone altar. 2) The

removal of the crania would fit with Landa's descriptions of the removal

of the skulls of ancestors to be retained for worship. 3) MacKie found

pieces of human cranial bone in deposits of Room 2 and the midden that may

belong to the missing crania (ibid.: 87). Therefore, I suggest that ances-

tor worship was practised at the altar in front of this bench, specifically

of the individuals buried in it and with their removed crania. Moreover,

MacKie's suggestion that the adult cranium was placed in the upper niche

of the rear wall for safe keeping (ibid.) is probably dead right.

Burial No. - A-15/5

Location & Context - in topsoil above Str. A-15

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - fragmentary; possibly adult female

Grave Furniture - none

Date - postabandonment of structure; Postclassic

General Comment - The 3 individuals whose head orientation and body position

were discerned were all extended prone with head to the south. This com-

plies exactly with the prevailing position and orientation of the deceased

at nearby Baking Pot and Barton Ramie, and the orientation complies with

2/3 of Thompson's (1940) Benque Viejo burials (Table IV, Appendix I). The

extended prone position with head to south certainly does seem to be the

regional convention.

VII: Tikal (Haviland 1985: 123-153)

The publication of Tikal Reports 19 provides data on 31 burials

from Groups 4F-l and 4F-2. The burials are as follows:

Burial No. - 11
Looation & Context - Str. 4F-43; residence or domestic ancillary

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - a: old adult male was extended supine

b: severed skull

Head Orientation - a: head to N

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Ik phase, oa. A.D. 600-700

Comment - This may be an instance of the sacrifice of Sk. b to accompany

Sk. a. Unlike our usually well furnished examples, however (Table 102),

this was unfurnished and therefore, atypical.


Bur. No. - 12

Location & Context - Str. 4F-l; probably a residence platform

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - uncertain; possibly skull only

Head Orientation - head to E?

Grave Furniture - poly bowl over skull

~ - Ik-Imix transition; A.D. 675-725

Comment - This is possibly a skull burial; possibly a badly disturbed

burial; or possibly part of Burial 18.

Burial No. - 13

Location & Context - Str. 4F-15; residence

Grave Type - simple

BodY & Position - child was flexed right

Head Orientation - head to N

Grave Furniture - clay spindle whorl

Date - Late Classic

Burial No. - 14
Location & Context - Str. 4F-l5; residence

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - adult female was flexed right

Head Orientation - head to W

Grave Furniture - 2 poly bowls and 2 shell rosettes

Date - Imix; A.D. 100-800

Burial No. - 15
Location & Context - Str. 4F-43; probable residence or domestic ancillary

Grave Type - capped pit; 111:4


Body & Position - a: child was extended prone

b: skull & mandible

Head Orientation - a: head to N

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Ik; A.D. 600-700

Comment - This is another instance of a sacrificial victim accompanying

the primary interment in which there was no furniture.

Burial No. - 16

Location & Context - Str. 4F-15; residence

Grave TyPe - pit

Body & Position - old adult female was flexed right

Head Orientation - head to E

Grave Furniture - 2 bowls & 1 metate

Date - Ik; ca. A.D. 600-700

Burial No. - 17
Location & Context - Str. 4F-43; residence or domestic ancillary

Grave TyPe - simple

Body & Position - young adult was seated
Grave Furniture - 1 bowl

Date - Ik; ca. A.D. 600-700

Burial No. - 18
Location & Context - Str. 4F-l; house platform

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - infant was extended

Head Orientation - head to S

Grave Furniture - 1 poly bowl, 1 clay drum & 1 whistle figurine


Date - Ik-Irnix transition; i.e. A.D. 700

Comment - It is possible that the severed skull of Burial 12 is actually

part of this burial. This would then be another instance of a sacrifial

victim accompanying a primary interment. At least in this instance there

is some grave furniture.

Burial No. - 20

Location & Context - Str. 41<'-15; residence

Grave Type - partial cist

Body & Position - young adult female was flexed right

Head Orientation - head to N

Grave ~llrniture - none

Date - probably Ik; A.D. 600-700

Burial No. - 21

Location & Context - Str. 4F-15; residence

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - no bones

Grave Furniture - 2 poly bowls & 1 poly cylinder

~ - Imix; ca. A.D. 750-850

Comment - Is this an unused grave?

Burial No. - 25

Location & Context - Str. 4E-31; this range type structure was either

ceremonial or residential

Grave Type - circular pit

Body & Position - old adult male was flexed

Grave Furniture - none

~ - Eznab; Terminal Classic and postabandonment


Burial No. - 26

Location & Context - Str. 4E-3l

Grave Type - capped pit; 111:4

Body & Position - a: old adult female was flexed right

b: child was extended right

Head Orientation - both with head to N

Grave Furniture - 1 poly bowl and 1 stone spindle whorl

~ - Imix
Comment - This may be a child sacrifice to accompany the dying mother

(Table 101).

Burial No. - 27

Location & Context - Str. 4E-31

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - old adult male was flexed left

Head Orientation - head to N

Grave Furniture - 1 poly plate

Date - Imix
Comment - The old adult male may have received a death blow to the skull.

Burial No. - 28

Location & Context - Str. 4E-3l

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - adult female was extended right

Head Orientation - head to N

Grave Furniture - 1 poly plate

~ - Imix

Burial No. - 29

Location & Context - Str. 4E-31

Grave Type - pit

Body & Position - a: child was extended supine

b: child was extended supine

Head Orientation - a: head to N

b: head to S

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Imix

Burial No. - 30

Location & Context - Str. 4E-31

Grave Type - pit

Body & Position - extended adult

Head Orientation - head to S

Grave Furniture - 2 poly bowls & 1 poly plate

Date - Imix

Comment - Haviland suggsts that Burials 26 - 30 were all contemporary and

imply either mass murder or sacrifice (Haviland 1985: 132).

Burial No. - 31

Location & Context - Str. 4F-3; probable residence

Grave Type - capped pit; 111:4

Body & Position - adult was flexed right

Head Orientation - head to N

Grave Furniture - 1 bowl inverted under skull, 1 plate, 1 poly cylinder

and 10 flint flakes

~ - Early Imix

Burial No. - 32

Location & Context - Str. 4F-4; probable residence

Grave Type - haphazard cist

Body & Position - old adult male was flexed supine

Head Orientation - head to N

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Ik-Imix transition

Burial No. - 33
Location & Context - northeast of Quarry 4F-I

Grave Type - pit

Body & Position - disturbed or scattered adult

Grave Furniture - 1 dish

~ - Manik (Early Classic)

Burial No. - 34

Location & Context - east of Quarry 4F-l

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - child was flexed right

Head Orientation - head to N

Grave Furniture - 1 bowl & I flint flake

Date - Manik

Burial No. - 35
Location & Context - east of Quarry 4F-I and possibly under a small

household shrine, Str. 4F-8

Grave Type - large pit resembling a chultun

Body & Position - adult was flexed left

Head Orientation - head to S


Grave Furniture - 1 dish inverted beneath head, 4 bowls, 1 cylinder and 1

obsidian flake

Date - Manik

Comment - Haviland (1985: 135) argues this burial had been located under

a small shrine (household shrine). The wealth of the burial would support

such a suggestion and the building may have been constructed as a memorial

to this interment.

Burial No. - 36

Location & Context - east of Quarry 4F-l

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - child was flexed left

Head Orientation - head to N

Grave Furniture - 2 flint bifaces

Date - Manik

Burial No. - 37

Location & Context - Quarry 4F-l

Grave TyPe - haphazard cist

Body & Position - headless adult male was supine

Head Orientation - neck to NE

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Manik

Comment - probably a sacrifice

Burial No. - 38

Location & Context - Quarry 4F-l

Grave Type - haphazard cist or pit

Body & Position - very robust old adult male; flexed supine

Head Orientation - head to N

Grave Furniture - 1 bowl inverted beneath head, 1 poly plate & 1 poly


Date - Imix

BnTial No. - 39
Location & Context - Str. 4F-7; probable residence

Grave TyPe - haphazard cist

Body & Position - old adult female was flexed right

Head Orientation - head to N

Grave Furniture - 1 poly bowl under head, 1 poly cylinder & 1 poly dish

Date - Imix

Burial No. 40

Location & Context - Str. 4F-7

Grave TyPe - pit

Body & Position - adult male was extended right

Head Orientation - head to N

Grave Furniture - 1 clay barrel

~ - Ik-Imix transition

Burial No. - 41

Location & Context - Str. 4F-7

Grave Type - simple

Body & Position - child

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Imix

Burial No. - 42

Location & Context - Str. 4F-7

Grave Type - partial cist

Body & Position - adult male was extended right

Head Orientation - head to N

Grave Furniture - poly bowl inverted beneath head, 1 poly plate & 1 poly


Date - Imix

Comment - Haviland suggests that each building modification of Str. 4F-7 was

associated with a burial (Burials 39-42) (Haviland 1985: 137-39). If this

is true, do these modifications amount to memorials to the deceased? If so,

does this imply ancestor worship among the common population here?

Burial No. - 43

Location & Context - Str. 4F-6; probable residence

Grave Type - simple pit

Body & Position - old adult male was extended supine; feet were removed

Head Orientation - head to N

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Ik-Imix transition

Burial No. - 44

Looation & Context - Str. 4F-IO; probable residence

Grave Type - simple pit

Body & Position - ohild was flexed right

Head Orientation - head to W

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Ik

Burial No. - 163

Location & Context - in bedrock of second chamber of Chultun 4F-l

Grave Type - chultun

Body & Position - infant was flexed right

Head Orientation - head to SE

Grave Furniture - none

Date - Classic Period

General Comment - The prevalence of head orientation to the north for Tikal

deceased persists with this Group 4F-l and 4F-2 sample. Of the 28 skele-

tons whose head orientation was discerned, 18 head to north and 19 in a

northerly direction. This equates to 64% and 68%, respectively, about the

same proportion as exists with our Tikal sample (Table 112). The prevalence

of bowl under skull as opposed to bowl over skull also persists with this

sample. The 5 in this sample may be added to the 9/13 in our sample (Table

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