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Okay! I've found out that today is World Vegetarians' Day.

I've found out that there are some very unusual

pumpkins, squashes, tomatoes, carrots, turnips, lettuces, coconuts and, what those in the States don't want
you to find out about, cabbages in the world. There are some Chinese cabbages at these links, , , . The picture of one is given here, , but the name is inaccurate. I see
some here on the
Instagram page of @culinarybreedingnetwork , but I have no idea what their names are. There's also the
radicchio that those in the States (stupidly) refer to as being a lettuce. Obviously, this looks more like a
cabbage or some varieties look like a lettuce-cabbage or rose-cabbage. I've found some of them at this link, ,
treviso.html , and . There's also another lettuce-cabbage or
rose-cabbage called crane red. Those in the States, of course, stupidly refer to it as a kale. It's right here, . Here
are some pictures of some "regular," for lack of a better term, cabbages right here, , , .

Now, I want you to focus your attention on something that the States don't want you and the rest of us
outside of the States to know about. They don't want you to know that there are things known as cabbage
trees. And here's a picture of some filderkraut cabbages that look as if they're being carried by what looks
like a bulldozer, . Behold! You have
cabbage trees! The thing that you don't want to know about AND see! There are pointed ear varieties (and
others, such as the Aubervilliers, the perfection drumhead savoy, glory of Enkhuizen, premium late flat
Dutch cabbage and Brunswick cabbage) that have little or no outer leaves! These are shown in the links that
are given in the previous post.

To say that world trade is not going well is saying the very least! Those in the States are pretending to work
and pretending that they know anything about trade. Now, in I'm going to speak in Jamaican patois and
translate the parts that are difficult to understand. Nuh worl' trade naah gwaan (not going on) 'round here!
Nuh bumboclaat worl' trade naah gwaan 'roun here! Dem bum up (bung, restrict, hinder, hold back) worl'
trade! Dat's why people come an boom up (bomb) dem bumboclaat inna di Worl' Trade Centre deh so! Dem
deh deh (they are there) a pose up, pose up, pose up, pose up, pose up, pose up, pose up, pose up…a pose up
inna bumboclaat corna office inna World Trade Centre! Dem only a pretend fi wuk (to work) an know ’bout
trade! Dat’s why people tun Muslim inna life! A who di bumboclaat dem tink dem a ramp wid (play with)!
A who di bumboclaat dem tink dem a ramp wid! A people dem a ramp wid suh! Dem deh sinting deh up
inna di States (those things in the States) nuh waah live a happy life! Di only ting dem know bout trade a fi
use di baseball trading cyaad (cards) an' Pokemon trading cyaad dem! Mi cyaah (cannot) puddung (put
down) a Squirtle Pokemon cyaad fi get air-to-wata meka (maker)! Mi cyaah puddung nuh Exeggecute
Pokemon cyaad fi get nuh Wyandotte, Aracuan, an Bantram chicken egg, weh mi cyaah get out here inna
Jamaica! Mi cyaah puddung one Jigglypuff Pokemon cyaad fi get nuh cabbage! (In Standard English now) I
can't do that because, for one, Jigglypuff looks almost like a cabbage, but looks nothing like those cabbages
shown at those links; and, I'm human, which means I use paper currency! The only things those in the States
trade are germs and diseases! They trade and export germs and diseases! But they hold back the water, the
seeds to grow the food (since they can't and won't grow it), and the cleaning aids to grow food and clean our
surroundings so that we can be germs- and disease-free! Don't you see they want to wipe out humanity!
They are the worst sociopaths in the history of the world; and, because of this, they are the worst biological
and chemical terrorists! They should be defeated and destroyed!

We can't even get any good coconuts around here! Those in the States disrespected the South Pacific Islands
during the Second World War by burning down the conchilla trees, which are also necessary to make gin
and tonic and is the cure for malaria and other diseases! That should show you right there that they're the
worst biological and chemical terrorists that humanity has had to contend with...ever! They have so many
coconuts, shown here and they probably
have the coconuts that have flesh with showing every color of the rainbow. It looks like some of them are
shown here,
DIY-Parts-Fake-Cake-Decorating-Polymer-Clay-Sweets/32714219381.html?isOrigTitle=true but the title,
when translated, mentions something about chocolate sprinkles. But chocolate sprinkles doesn't look like
that. There's also the butter coconut that those in the States (stupidly, once again) refer to as sprouted
coconut. The picture is right here, . The flesh looks like
butter and some say it tastes like sponge cake and cotton candy. They call the site, but
there's no way in fuck that those grow in Miami. There are many Ebola types and shit everywhere in the
States. NOTHING CAN GROW THERE. I saw one of them call the praying hands banana, which we also
can't get because of extremely poor trade relations on their part, Miami fruit! That's how those fucking
overgrown penguin-rats like to lie and deceive. They mean they wished they had that so that they could call
it Miami fruit! There're probably coconuts with flesh like milk and cream, and the insides probably have
milk and cream in them. But countries are holding on to their produce because the States continues to hold
on to things related to water, health, hygiene, sanitation and cleanliness!

This is World Vegetarians Day, and what do the vegetarians (those who are not) have to eat? (In Jamaican
patois) Wi haffi (have to) batta batta (struggle) wid wi piece a pumpkin, piece a cabbage, piece a tomato,
piece a coconut, piece a guava an piece a mango! I want to tell you about the guavas I found out about on
@harmonygardens_az on Instagram. I've learned that there are lemon candy, beautiful blush, pear-shaped,
Barbie pink and Malaysian red guavas, and I'm living in a tropical country, and I don't see any of those! I
saw sunset, citrus cream, and coconut cream mangoes, and I'm living in on a street with mango trees, and
I've never seen or heard of those mangoes! Don't worry trying to go on Instagram to see them because that
page has been conveniently deleted; that is, convenient for them, but inconvenient for us! That's why those
in the States should CONTINUE to eat shit! They shit everywhere and they can't grow anything because of
it! And trying to spite the whole world because we say they should wash their full-of-shit asses and
assholes--and wash them well--and stop spreading germs all over the place! Humanity needs justice so that
civilization can continue!

Oh! You deleted my post about bombing but I am saying those in the States to push people to fight against
them because it seems as if they're fighting against the world when they're spreading germs and diseases,
and holding back the things that we need! Dem a push war to people suh people push back war to dem
bumboclaat! That's war, you know! That's biological and chemical warfare they're dealing with as well as
trade war! When a place pushes a fight to a country that country won't just sit down and take it!

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