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tober 28h, 1950 ‘The War Tatated 13 Vol. 1 A Permanent Picture Record of the Second Great War No. 7 agian” near Sirasbours, pouring (Re “fr oF enim. he War Muaroted Odtober 28h, 1630 Poland Under the Heel of the Conqueror Little more than a. month after the first act of war the Fuchrer of the Nari, Reich centered Poland's capital_at_ a. con the scattered outposts of Polish resistance hoisted the white Bag Of ae eae cree Soni oes ovea Pir emiepeeyecset Sea guard of honour at tho air-port he drove Inte the city to the Plac Wolnosci, sitcated in the diplomatic quarter. The immediate neighbourhood was decorated ith green garlands, and there was little to remind the conqueror of the havoo that the siege had wrought. From those Dbusiness quarter, where the destruction hhad beon most terrible, the parade was carefully shepherded, ‘At the close of the proceedings, the e Fuchrer issued an Onder of the Day, thanking the troops which bad bee ‘engaged in the Polish eonquest. It read rant of Warman are he nh rn hetgragh a ‘eg bea Sean ‘tear the capital, are picking of straogisrs at te Pollan army a0 ons ofthe city, the suburbs and the. Bad jer. AU almowt the same hour the last of der On September 1 yoo fll ito lin, in com: aor wih my of, pet Go Heh cfc and ant Fon a ‘courageously ad valiantly. sens T ta ae attcpate In the cakquest of Waray, ‘TAD day oetindres conta th eeping wet ths a lg of nang why Tope Inambakable confided the nation ag {0 len armed forces and ite leaders. We reonber oe ded dead ofthe Great the troops that hat Germany might lie, "Unerfamners Baten im proud joy everywhere im Gertaany we stand {ngether more easly than ever tnd st tighten fg ote hele bass In his speech in tho Reichstag the next day, Hitler aunounced that Germany's losses in. the Polish campaign had been 10,572 killed, 30,322 wounded, and 3,100 missing. ‘* With’the fall of tho fortrosses of Warsaw and Modlin,” the Fuehror went on, “and the surrender of Hela, the Polish campaign is ended.” ‘The result of the struggle had been the complete Gestruction of all the Polish armies “Now,” he added, ‘694,000 prisoners have begun to march towards Berlin.” A little later he paid a tribute to the German navy which had carried out its DUN Stra etre Hat rite aceuing © pio oma Nazi Guns in Stricken Warsaw’s Ruined Streets

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