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Holocaust Vocabulary

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1. Aktion The term used for anti-Jewish operations 16. Balfour 1917, Britain's declaration of support for the
carried out against Jews under Nazi orders. It Declaration foundation of a Jewish state or nation in
most commonly was used for deportation in Palestine.
killing operations
17. Belzac A death camp located in the south eastern
2. Allies The nations fighting Nazi Germany and Fascist Poland alongside a main railway line.
Italy during World War II, primarily Great Between 550,000 and 600,000 Jews were
Britain, the Soviet Union and the United States. killed their
3. Anschluss The German annexation of Austria in March 18. Bergen- concentration camp where Anne Frank died
1938 Belsen
4. Anti- Hatred of Jews 19. Bergen- A Nazi concentration camp located in
Semitism belsen northern Germany established in 1943 this is
where and Frank died
5. Appell The rollcall of prisoners that could take hours.
Prisoners were forced to stand outside and all 20. Bermuda A conference convened by the United States
types of weather, usually with out proper Conference and Great Britain on April 19, 1943,
clothing. These were called for if I the ostensibly to find solutions for wartime
commandment of the camp in order to account refugees. In fact, it marked the high point of
for all prisoners and or of the prisoners to efforts by officials in both nations to thwart
witness special punishment or deaths of their a move for more effective action to rescue
fellow prisoners European Jewry.
6. Appellplatz Refers to the square where a roll call was held. 21. Bermuda A conference between the United States and
conference Great Britain to find solutions for wartime
7. Arbeit German words on the gate at Auschwitz; "work
refugees. It marked the High Point of efforts
Macht Frei makes you free"
by officials to rescue the European Jews
8. armed Acts of opposition, defiance, or sabotage using
22. Blood Libel A superstition that the Jews would cut
resistance weapons or including typical battles, attacks,
Christian children and take their blood for
or guerrilla strikes.
9. Aryan In Nazi terminology, the Master Race.
23. Blood libel ...
10. Auschwitz Nazi extermination camp in Poland, the largest
24. Boycott A refusal to buy or use goods and services.
center of mass murder during the Holocaust.
Close to a million Jews, Gypsies, Communists, 25. Brownshirts the Nazi Party militia in Germany
and others were killed there. (p. 800)
26. Buchenwald one of the first major camps on German soil
11. Auschwitz- Located in Poland, largest death camp built by Concentration
Birkenau the Nazis; over 2,000,000 people died there by Camp
means of starvation, diease, and gassing;
27. Bund Hitler's indoctrination group geared towards
Birkenau is often referred to as Auschwitz II
Deutscher making the women support Hitler's regime
12. Auschwitz The last of the three camps, construction began Madel
Monowitz in the late 1941 and the camp opened in 1942. A
28. bystander one who looks on or observes, a person
massive slave labor camp. Over 30,000
present but not taking part
prisoners died in this camp. The life span of
prisoners it was 3 to 4 months. 29. canada name given to the storage buildings by the
prisoners who worded in them
13. Auschwitz Two reports about a mass murders taking place
Protocols at Auschwitz based on information provided by 30. caricature an exaggerated portrayal of one's features
four escapees from the camp in 1944 31. Chelmno First death camp (used a gas chamber)
14. Axis The world powers, originally Nazi Germany 32. Christianity A monotheistic system of beliefs and
and Fascist Italy, extended to Japan when it practices based on the Old Testament and
entered the war the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the
15. Babi Yar A deep ravine outside the Ukrainian city of Kiev, New Testament and emphasizing the role of
where the Einsatzgruppen murdered and buried Jesus as savior.
close to 34,000 Jews over the course of two 33. collaboration the act of working together
days (September 29-30, 1941
34. Communism a political theory derived from Karl Marx, 52. hate speech words that attack groups such as racial,
advocating class war and leading to a ethnic, religious, and sexual minorities
society in which all property is publicly
53. Judenrein German term that means "pure" or "clean"
owned and each person works and is paid
of Jews
according to their abilities and needs.
54. Kindertransport Plan to remove German Jewish children to
35. Concentration prison camps used under the rule of Hitler
Camps in Nazi Germany. Conditions were inhuman,
and prisoners, mostly Jewish people, were 55. Kovno Ghetto had 30,000 jews but were soon massacred
generally starved or worked to death, or by Lituanian volunteers under German
killed immediately. command

36. Crematorium Furnaces where human bodies were burned 56. Krakow Ghetto The ghetto in Krakow, Poland, where Oskar
Schindler gave factory jobs to remaining
37. Denial refusing to believe or even perceive painful
Jews thus saving them from deportation in
March 1943.
38. Evian 32 countries met to discuss the fate of
57. Kristallnacht "Night of Broken Glass"
Conference Jewish refugees
58. Ku Klux Klan White supremacy organization that
39. Extermination Nazi camps equipped with gassing facilities
intimidated blacks out of their newly found
Camps for mass murder of Jews
40. Fascism A political system headed by a dictator that
59. Lebensraum living space
calls for extreme nationalism and racism and
no tolerance of opposition 60. liquidate A Nazi way of destroying a ghetto and its
people by murdering Jews on the outskirts
41. Final Solution Hitler's program of systematically killing the
of town
entire Jewish people
61. Lodz Ghetto a daily chronicle of events in the Lodz
42. Fuhrer Adolf Hitler's title as chancellor and head of
Chronicle ghetto
state in Germany.
43. Gas Chambers This was the primary method of murder in
death camps. Buildings or parts of buildings
which were sealed off and air tight so that
large numbers of people could be murdered
by poisonous gas.
44. gendarme armed police officer, especially in France
and other European countries
45. Genocide Deliberate extermination of a racial or
cultural group
46. Gentile A non-Jewish person
47. Gestapo Nazi secret police
48. Ghetto During the middle Ages, a neighborhood in
a city set up by law to be inhabited only by
Jews; now used to denote a section of a city
in which members of any minority group live
because of social, legal, or economic
49. Gypsies wanderers, people who don't settle in one
50. hate crime a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other
prejudice, typically one involving violence.
51. hate groups are organizations that promote hostility or
violence toward others based on race and
other factors.

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