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Received: 28 April 2017 Revised: 6 November 2017 Accepted: 29 December 2017

DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2883


Treated urban wastewater irrigation effects on bioenergy

sorghum biomass, quality, and soil salinity in an arid
Girisha Ganjegunte1 | April Ulery2 | Genhua Niu1 | Yanqi Wu3

Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Texas A&M
University System, El Paso, TX, USA Abstract
Plant and Environmental Sciences Land degradation due to elevated salinity and sodicity is a serious problem affecting many irrigated
Department, New Mexico State University, regions of the world. Salinity coupled with freshwater scarcity has forced many farmers in arid
Las Cruces, NM, USA regions to abandon agricultural lands. This study evaluated irrigation potential of marginal quality
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, treated urban wastewater to produce bioenergy sorghum on saline soils collected from an aban-
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK,
doned degraded salt affected lands in Texas and New Mexico under greenhouse conditions. Study
results indicated that the energy sorghum biomass production and quality under wastewater irriga-
G. Ganjegunte, PhD, Associate Professor of tion were comparable to that irrigated with freshwater on nonsaline soils. Soil salinity especially in
Water Resources and Salinity Management, the subsurface increased over time under wastewater irrigation compared to that under freshwater
Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Texas
irrigation. Soil sodicity (measured by sodium adsorption ratios) increased over time in all water–soil
A&M AgriLife Research Center, Texas A&M
University System, 1380 A&M Circle, El Paso, treatment combinations. Sodicity values were higher in treatments that received wastewater irri-
TX 79927‐5020, USA. gation with no addition of calcium to counter sodium. Although sodicity exceeded the threshold
value, no impairment in soil permeability was observed. Study results indicated a great potential
for marginal quality water irrigation to improve degraded saline land productivity. Further field
Funding information
studies are required to confirm our greenhouse study results and the potential of bioenergy crops
South Central Sun Grant Initiative, Grant/
Award Number: AB‐5‐61770.2 TAMRF5 especially on saline soils and to highlight treated wastewater as a potential irrigation source.
Ganjegunte AB‐5‐61770.2 TAMRF5; USDA‐
Hatch project, Grant/Award Numbers: TEX0‐ KEY W ORDS
1‐9162 and 1001806
degraded saline land, freshwater scarcity, land development, marginal water quality, soil salinity and
sodicity, west Texas

1 | I N T RO D U CT I O N parts of the United States, has experienced severe drought, and as a

result, freshwater (FW) available to agriculture is declining. This scar-
Globally, land degradation due to elevated salinity is estimated to be city of water has also worsened the salinity situation as adequate
about a billion hectares (Food and Agriculture Organization of the quantities of water required to leach salts below root zone are no lon-
United Nations & Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils, 2015). ger available. Dual problems of elevated salinity and FW scarcity have
The rate of land degradation due to elevated salinity in irrigated areas forced many growers to abandon their lands.
is about 1.5 million hectares per year, which results in an annual reve- The cropping pattern in the region is dominated by just three crops—
nue loss of $12 billion (Umali, 1993). In North America, about 15.8 mil- cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), pecan (Carya illinoinensis [Wang] K. Koch),
lion hectares are salt affected. In the United States, most of land and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). These crops require higher amounts of
degradation due to salt accumulation has occurred in the western parts water (cotton, alfalfa, and pecan require 86, 153, and 153 cm per year,
due to improper irrigation practices. Agriculture in the Rio Grande Pro- respectively) because of high evapotranspiration rates in the region.
ject area that covers parts of New Mexico (NM) and Texas (TX) is However, recent water allotments by the irrigation district have been
totally dependent on irrigation because the annual precipitation is far far lower than these needs ranging from 15 to 60 cm (Ganjegunte, Ulery,
less than the potential evapotranspiration. A significant proportion of Niu, & Wu, 2018; Ganjegunte & Clark, 2017). Consequently, growers in
irrigated area in the region suffers from salinity (Ganjegunte, Ulery, the region are increasingly abandoning cotton and alfalfa fields that
Niu, & Wu, 2017; Cox et al., 2018). In recent years, TX, like many other occupy more than half of the irrigated acreage to salvage their cash crop

534 Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Land Degrad Dev. 2018;29:534–542.

(pecan). The total area under production in southeastern NM and west TX (Promkhambut, Younger, Polthanee, & Akkasaeng, 2010). Energy
has declined from about 143,605 hectares in 1964 to 69,237 hectares in sorghum's theoretical ethanol yield is at least 25% higher than that of
2000 (Miyamoto, Yuan, & Anand, 2007; Texas Water Development Board grain sorghum (Rao et al., 2016). A type of forage sorghum sudangrass
[TWDB], 2001). The latest figures are not readily available, but severe (Sorghum bicolor var. Sudanese) is already being cultivated in the west
drought in recent years has forced abandonment of even greater area. TX/southern NM region, and the amount of water required to grow
Abandoned degraded salt affected agricultural lands can be devel- this crop is far less than the three major crops that dominate the
oped if less water‐intensive crops (e.g., energy sorghum—Sorghum cropping pattern. This study evaluated the potential for energy sor-
biocolor L. [Moench]) can be irrigated with marginal quality waters that ghum production with WW irrigation on salt‐affected soils collected
are available in adequate quantities (Papanikolaou & Sakellariou‐ from southern NM and west TX under greenhouse conditions that sim-
Makrantonaki, 2012; Sakellariou‐Makrantonaki & Dimakas, 2013; ulated the regional climate.
Sakellariou‐Makrantonaki, Giouvanis, Soulti, Papadakis, & Koliou,
2012; Sakellariou‐Makrantonaki, Papalexis, Nakos, & Kalavrouziotis,
2007). Different marginal quality waters including brackish groundwa-
ter, produced water from the oil industry, reject water from power
plant cooling towers, and treated urban wastewater (WW) are avail-
able in western TX and southern NM and could be used to grow less
2.1 | Greenhouse experiment details
water‐intensive and salt‐tolerant energy sorghum (Maucieri et al., Study region is characterized by extremely arid conditions with an
2016). The study region is home to El Paso, one of the largest cities annual potential evapotranspiration of 194 cm (Penman–Monteith
in TX, with a population of about 700,000 and annually treating 76 bil- method), mean precipitation of 17 cm, wind speed of 1.21 m s−1, rela-
lion liters of urban WW. As only 13% of the treated WW is reused, tive humidity of 48%, temperature range of −3.4 to 35.8 °C, and solar
there is a great opportunity for utilizing this alternative water source. radiation of 19.78 MJ m−2 day−1. Monthly average temperature, rela-
Treated urban WW is increasingly being used for agriculture in tive humidity, precipitation, and daily evapotranspiration details are
many parts of the globe (National Academies Press, 2012; Xu, Wu, presented in Table 1.
Chang, & Zhang, 2010). This increased reuse of treated urban WW is Split‐plot design under greenhouse conditions that simulated tem-
due to a combination of factors such as prolonged drought, climate perature, light, and humidity conditions of the region was used to deter-
variability, laws preventing direct discharge of WW into surface mine the effects of two water qualities (main plots; treated WW and
waters, and the need to conserve FW (Assouline, Narkis, Gherabli, & FW) on two soil types (subplots) collected from two locations (Alamo-
Sposito, 2016). Worldwide, estimated agricultural land area under gordo, NM, and El Paso, TX) that received two soil treatments
WW irrigation is about 20 million hectares (Corcoran et al., 2010). In (subsubplots; gypsum + sulfur [G + S] and no amendments [NA]) at
the United States, about 8% of total WW generated is reused and two depths (repeated measures; 0–15 and 15–30 cm). Each water–
the figures are far lower for TX and NM (Miller, 2006; TWDB, 2017). soil–amendment combination was replicated 3 times. The source of
Energy sorghum is a type of high biomass sorghum that has a long treated WW was a nearby (Roberto Bustamante) WW treatment plant.
vegetative growth phase. Consequently, energy sorghum has greater The treatment process consisted of screening, de‐gritting, pre‐aeration,
light interception and higher radiation use efficiency (Rao et al., primary settling, aeration, secondary settling, and chlorine disinfection.
2016). It yields more than twice the biomass of grain sorghum ranging Source of FW was the tap water at the greenhouse, which is the filtered
between 15 and 40 Mg ha−1 (Packer & Rooney, 2014). In addition to and chlorine‐disinfected Rio Grande river water. Properties of fresh and
greater productivity, energy sorghum is drought and salt tolerant marginal quality waters used in the study are provided in Table 2.

TABLE 1 Long‐term climatic data for the study area

Potential evapotranspiration
Max temp. Min temp. Avg temp. Precipitation cm
Month °C °C °C Relative humidity % cm (Penman–Monteith)

January 15.7 −3.2 6.2 53.3 0.711 7.254

February 17.7 −1.4 8.2 47.0 0.889 10.304
March 21.3 2.0 11.7 39.6 0.711 16.151
April 26.6 6.9 16.8 37.6 0.483 20.130
May 31.4 11.0 21.2 38.4 0.508 23.529
June 35.8 16.2 26.0 40.2 1.473 24.990
July 35.4 19.1 27.3 51.9 3.505 23.064
August 34.4 17.6 24.9 55.5 3.353 21.669
September 31.9 13.6 22.8 55.1 2.667 17.760
October 27.1 6.8 16.9 53.4 1.346 13.702
November 20.0 0.4 10.2 51.3 0.610 9.000
December 15.4 −3.4 6.1 54.9 0.660 6.231
Annual (sum) 16.916 193.784

TABLE 2 Selected properties of irrigation waters used for the study Cambic Gypsiorthids; U.S. Department of Agriculture–Natural
(mean ± standard deviation) Resources Conservation Services [USDA‐NRCS], 2012).
Freshwater Treated wastewater As preexperiment soil sodicity (as measured by sodium adsorption

EC (dS m ) −1
1.3 ± 0.3 2.5 ± 0.4 ratio or SAR) values were already high (Table 3; see Section 2.3 for

pH 7.3 ± 0.4 7.0 ± 0.3 more details on methods) and WW also contained elevated amounts

SAR 5.3 ± 1.5 9.0 ± 2.3 of sodium (Table 2), gypsum was added to column soils to counter

(mg L )−1
0.2 ± 0.1 0.4 ± 0.1 the sodicity. Gypsum is a sparingly soluble salt, and to enhance its dis-

Ca 2+ −1
(mg L ) 69.7 ± 97.0 101.4 ± 118.9 solution, elemental sulfur was added to gypsum treatments. In soil, ele-

K+ (mg L−1) 32.2 ± 54.4 46.8 ± 59.6 mental S would be converted to sulfuric acid by microbes, and this

Mg 2+
(mg L ) −1
19.0 ± 27.8 31.0 ± 37.9 acidification can increase the solubility of gypsum. Gypsum and ele-
Na (mg L ) −1
184.8 ± 158.8 388.9 ± 310.3 mental S were added at the rates of 9 and 1.6 Mg ha−1, respectively.

NH4+ (mg L−1) – 10.02 ± 8.12 These rates were based on exchangeable sodium derived from soil

F− (mg L−1) 1.1 ± 0.9 2.0 ± 3.2 SAR values and the amount of Na that would be added by the WW

Cl (mg L ) −1
184.6 ± 96.3 374.5 ± 103.9 during the course of the study period. Because of the elevated salinity,

Br (mg L ) −1
0.1 ± 0.1 1.1 ± 1.7 it is a common practice in the study region to apply irrigation by sur-

NO3 (mg L ) −1
5.9 ± 3.6 61.8 ± 27.6 face flooding. We used the same method to apply a total of 69 cm of

PO43− (mg L−1) 2.3 ± 3.2 8.7 ± 5.0 irrigation water, which is the amount used to grow forage sudangrass

SO4 2−
(mg L ) −1
66.5 ± 66.2 192.8 ± 50.4 sorghum (Sorghum biocolor var. Sudanese) in some parts of the study

BOD5 (mg L ) −1
– 3.2 ± 0.9 region during periods of water scarcity. Because this amount was much

Fecal coliform – 3.3 ± 5.6 lower than the greenhouse evapotranspiration rate (194 cm), no drain-
(CFU 100 ml−1) age water was observed in this study.

Note. CFU = colony‐forming unit; EC = electrical conductivity; SAR = sodium

adsorption ratio. 2.2 | Energy sorghum growth and biomass quality
Soil columns were used to evaluate energy sorghum performance At the center of each column, two seeds of the energy sorghum ES‐
and changes to soil salinity parameters under greenhouse conditions 5200 cultivar by Ceres Inc. (Boston, MA, USA) were sown 1 cm deep
during the study period. Soil columns were constructed from 0‐ to in late April of each year (2012, 2014, and 2015), and after 6 weeks,
15‐cm‐depth and 15‐ to 30‐cm‐depth soils collected from an aban- one plant was removed by cutting at the soil surface. This was equal
doned degraded saline cotton field in El Paso, TX, and the agricultural to about 16 plants per square meter, within the range recommended
research area of the Brackish Groundwater National Desalination by the seed manufacturer. The same column was used to test a partic-
Research Facility in Alamogordo, NM. Prior to sample collection, the ular water–soil–amendment treatment replication among 3 years of
bulk densities of the degraded saline lands at two depths were deter- the study period so that cumulative changes in soil properties could
mined (Grossman & Reinsch, 2002). Processed soil samples were be evaluated. All columns were fertilized at the rate equivalent to
repacked into polyvinyl chloride columns that had a diameter of 28 48:48:48 kg acre−1 of N:P2O5:K2O. Because WW contained apprecia-
and 38 cm depth to simulate field bulk density at their respective ble amounts of NO3─N and PO4─P, the amount of fertilizer applied to
depths. At the bottom of each column, a threaded steel tube with ball the WW‐irrigated soil columns were adjusted to keep the nutrient
valve was attached to collect drainage water, if any. The dominant map application rates similar. During 2015, aphid infestation was noticed
unit at the El Paso, TX, cotton field was Harkey silty clay loam (coarse‐ in some plants, so plants were sprayed with Whirlwind™ pesticide
silty, mixed (calcareous) thermic Typic Torrifluvents), and the soil at Ala- (44.9% chlorpyrifos) at the rate of 8 ml L−1. Plants were harvested after
mogordo, NM, was an Alamogordo variant (fine‐loamy, mixed, thermic 180 days, and aboveground dry biomass production was recorded

TABLE 3 Selected physical and chemical properties of soil before the onset of the study (mean ± standard deviation)
TX 0–15 cm TX 15–30 cm NM 0–15 cm NM 15–30 cm

pH (sat. paste) 8.07 ± 0.22 8.40 ± 0.12 7.86 ± 0.25 7.99 ± 0.11
Electrical conductivity ECe (dS m ) 4.86 ± 1.88 9.72 ± 1.24 4.85 ± 0.67 9.36 ± 1.63
Sodium adsorption ratio 8.4 ± 1.1 9.9 ± 0.7 2.6 ± 0.5 5.5 ± 1.3
Cation exchange capacity (cmol(c) kg−1) 18.47 ± 0.62 18.81 ± 0.73 22.49 ± 8.88 22.54 ± 8.45
Texture Loam Clay loam Silty clay Clay
Bulk density (Mg m ) 1.37 ± 0.07 1.21 ± 0.17 1.27 ± 0.11 1.30 ± 0.05
Sodium (sat. paste, mg L−1) 602 ± 159 1,097 ± 167 286 ± 68 776 ± 206
Calcium (sat. paste, mg L−1) 317 ± 111 728 ± 124 676 ± 109 1,003 ± 87
Magnesium (sat. paste, mg L−1) 43 ± 21 123 ± 25 132 ± 36 291 ± 49
Chloride (sat. paste, mg L ) 696 ± 378 2,031 ± 251 160 ± 50 1,213 ± 373
Sulfate (sat. paste, mg L−1) 211 ± 117 851 ± 138 1,340 ± 68 1,203 ± 76

Note. EC, electrical conductivity; NM = New Mexico; TX = Texas.


after drying at 70 °C. Biomass bioenergy quality parameters were ana- Processed soil samples were analyzed for saturated paste extract EC
lyzed using near‐infrared reflectance spectroscopy in the Dairy One (ECe; Rhoades, 1996), pH (Thomas, 1996), major cations (Na, Ca, and
Laboratory (Ithaca, NY, USA). Recent advances in near‐infrared reflec- Mg), and anions (Cl and SO4) using ion chromatography (Tabatabai &
tance spectroscopy have made it possible to analytically determine Frankenberger, 1996). SAR of the soil samples were estimated from
acceptable quality parameters without the need for wet chemistry ver- Ca, Mg, and Na concentrations using the empirical equation.
ifications (Guimaraces, Simeone, Parrella, & Sena, 2014; Schmer et al.,
2012). Biomass and bioenergy quality parameters included water‐ 2.4 | Data analyses
soluble carbohydrates, hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin, and ash content.
Repeated measures analysis of variance and least significant difference
test were used to determine the significance of treatment effects and
2.3 | Irrigation water quality, initial characterization their interactions at p ≤ .05 using SPSS software (version 24).
of soils, soil salinity, and sodicity Mauchly's test of sphericity was used to test the assumption that the
variances of the differences between all combinations of related
Irrigation water samples were collected before the study and at regular
groups must be equal. When assumptions of sphericity were violated,
intervals (every 2 months) during the study period. Selected chemical
corrections were used depending upon eta (ƞ).
properties of the irrigation water samples such as pH, electrical conduc-
tivity (EC), calcium, magnesium, potassium sodium, boron, chlorides,
nitrates, phosphates, and sulfates were analyzed as per American Public 3 | RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Health Association (2005). Chemical properties of water samples are
presented in Table 2. Biological oxygen demand and fecal coliforms
3.1 | Sorghum biomass production and bioenergy
are regularly monitored by the WW treatment plant to meet the Texas
Commission on Environment Quality standards and those data are
available to the public on request (El Paso Water Utilities, 2015). Energy sorghum annual biomass production (oven dry (OD) weight)
Before the onset of the study (baseline) and at the end of each ranged from 1,824 g/m2 in the first year (2012) FW‐amended NM soil
year (after the harvest), soil samples were collected from two depths (FW‐NM‐[G + S] treatment) to 3,319 g/m2 in 2014 with FW
(0–15 and 15–30 cm) in each of the columns using a 5‐cm‐diameter nonamended TX soil (FW‐TX‐NA treatment; Figure 1). Growth year,
soil auger. Holes created by sampling were plugged with extra soil from water quality, soil type, and soil amendment additions were significant.
the same depths collected from study sites. These sampled areas were None of the interactions among growth year, water, soil, amendments,
flagged and not sampled subsequently. Texture of the processed sam- and depths were significant. In all treatments, second year (2014) pro-
ples was analyzed using hydrometer method (Gee & Or, 2002). duction was the highest, and biomass production in 2014‐FW‐TX‐NA

FIGURE 1 Energy sorghum biomass production (dry weight basis) in columns constructed from soil samples from two locations (New Mexico and
Texas) irrigated with two water qualities (freshwater and treated wastewater) amended with (GS) or without (NA) gypsum + sulfur. Error bars
indicate standard deviation

was significantly greater than all other treatment combinations except biomass production under nonsaline conditions, energy sorghum
2014‐FW‐NM‐NA, 2014‐WW‐TX‐NA, 2014‐FW‐NM‐(G + S), and biomass production levels on saline soils in our study was comparable.
2015‐FW‐TX‐NA (Figure 1). Yield increases in 2014 compared to Thus, the results of our study indicated a high tolerance of bioenergy
2012 ranged from 7% in WW‐NM‐NA treatment to 56% in FW‐NM‐ sorghum to elevated salinity. This has significant implications for
(G + S) treatment. Biomass production in 2015 was also higher than alleviating degraded saline lands and improving their productivity.
2012 for the respective treatments. Biomass production under WW Similar to our study, Almodares, Hadi, and Ahmadpour (2008)
irrigation across growth years and soil amendments averaged at about reported high tolerance of some select cultivars of sweet sorghum when
2,308 g/m2, which was significantly lower than 2,606 g/m2 biomass the soil salinity increased. They reported sorghum stem biomass (fresh
production across treatments under FW irrigation. It was interesting weight basis) production at the rate of 67 Mg ha−1 even under a high
to note that energy sorghum did not respond to addition of gypsum salinity of 12 dS m−1. Our study results indicated that during the 3 years
and sulfur. On average (G + S), columns produced about 2,353 g/m of production, total biomass production (includes stem weight) on fresh
compared to 2,561 g/m2 in nonamended soils. We theorize that the weight basis ranged from 56 to 74 Mg ha−1 (converted from per square
biomass did not respond to gypsum and sulfur addition because soils meter to 10,000 m2). In contrast to the above results, Chen et al. (2017)
of the study region are naturally enriched with gypsum (Ganjegunte reported a total biomass (OD weight) production of 10 Mg ha−1 on mar-
et al., 2017; USDA‐NRCS, 2012). ginal lands that received a total of 348 mm of rainfall in northeast China.
The biomass production values reported in our study are in Biomass production tends to be greater under irrigated conditions due
agreement with the values reported for energy sorghum produced to more favorable moisture conditions. Habyarimana et al. (2004)
in other parts of TX and elsewhere (Chen et al., 2017; Habyarimana, reported that sorghum yielded 33 to 51 Mg ha−1 under irrigation com-
Laureti, De Ninno, & Lorenzoni, 2004; Meki, Snider, Kiniry, Raper, & pared to 20 to 29 Mg ha−1 under rainfed conditions in Italy. Thus, our
Rocateli, 2013; Wight et al., 2012). Biomass yields of 30 Mg ha or results indicated that marginal quality water can be successfully used
3,000 g m (OD weight) was reported near College Station, TX to irrigate energy sorghum on abandoned degraded saline lands.
(Rooney, Blumenthal, Bean, & Mullet, 2007). Wight et al. (2012) Sorghum biomass quality results are presented in Figure 2a–d. Our
reported that ES‐5200 cultivar of bioenergy sorghum produced results indicated that water‐soluble carbohydrate concentrations in
20.2 to 23.1 Mg ha−1 y−1 at College Station, TX, and 22.5 to sorghum biomass ranged from 7% to 22%, and significant growth year
−1 −1
26.1 Mg ha y at Weslaco, TX. Although these values represent differences were observed for a given water–soil type–amendment

FIGURE 2 (a) Water‐soluble carbohydrates, (b) hemicellulose + cellulose, (c) lignin, and (d) ash contents of biomass samples grown on soils from
two locations (New Mexico [NM] and Texas [TX]), irrigated with two water qualities (freshwater [FW] and treated wastewater [WW]), and
amended with gypsum and sulfur (G + S) or not amended (NA). Error bars indicate standard deviation

combination (Figure 2a). Water‐soluble carbohydrate concentrations similar to that produced on nonsaline land. This has important implica-
decreased with time over 3 years as soil salinity increased. Similar to tions for bioenergy production on the degraded lands.
our results, Almodares et al. (2008) reported decreased soluble carbo- Details of soil organic carbon and nutrient dynamics under FW and
hydrate (sucrose, fructose, and glucose) concentrations in energy sor- WW irrigation are discussed in a related article that is under review. In
ghum with increasing salinity. Exact reasons for carbohydrate summary, soil organic matter decreased from initial concentrations of
decrease under elevated salinity are unknown; however, some 15.96 and 14.56 g kg−1 to 11.59 and 8.15 g kg−1 in the upper 30 cm
researchers have attributed this trend to a range of mechanisms of WW‐irrigated NM and TX soils by the end of that study, respectively.
involving tissue rehydration to breakdown of soluble carbohydrates Organic matter content in the upper 30 cm also declined to 11.53 and
(Lacerda, Cambraia, Oliva, & Ruiz, 2005). Addition of gypsum and sul- 8.72 g kg−1 in FW‐irrigated NM and TX soils at the end of this study.
fur to soils did not show significant effects on soluble carbohydrate The decline in organic matter could be due to high biomass harvest that
concentrations in our study. resulted in low residue return to the soil and high temperatures of the
Results indicated that the combined concentration of hemicellu- region simulated in the greenhouse, which might have facilitated higher
lose and cellulose (holocellulose) found in plant cell walls ranged from decomposition rates of soil organic matter (Meki et al., 2013). However,
26% in the first year in 2012‐WW‐NM‐(G + S) treatment to 54% in WW irrigation had additional benefits. Using the NO3 and PO4─P con-
2015‐WW‐NM‐NA treatment (Figure 2b). No significant differences centrations in WW (Table 2), it is estimated that at the rate 69 cm of irri-
between (G + S)‐amended and nonamended treatments were gation application, WW can supply about 96 and 60 kg of N and P per
observed. In general, holocellulose content increased with salinity hectare. This will help in reducing fertilizer costs for producing crops
and time over 3 years. Our results for holocellulose concentrations on degraded lands with marginal quality WW.
agree well with the range of 43% to 54% reported for different types
of sorghum by Rao et al. (2016). Our energy sorghum samples
contained 4.6% to 6.6% lignin and 6.2% to 12.6% ash content
3.2 | Soil pH, salinity, and sodicity
(Figure 2c,d). Although the reported range for acid insoluble lignin (of Soil pH decreased over time from 8.4 in 0–15 cm depth of TX baseline
4.63% to 16.82%) in the literature compares well with our numbers, samples to 6.7 in the 15–30 cm depth of the 2015 WW‐irrigated,
the ash content in our study was much higher than the range reported nonamended NM soil (WW‐NM‐NA; Figure 3). Effects of growth year,
in the literature (1.83% to 3.2%), which could be due to the elevated water qualities, and soil amendments on soil pH were significant.
salinity of the soils that were used to grow the energy sorghum (Rao Interactive effects of Growth Year × Amendments, Water Qual-
et al., 2016). The above results indicate that biomass quality of energy ity × Amendments, Growth Year × Soil Depth, Growth Year × Soil
sorghum grown on degraded saline land with marginal water was Type × Amendments, and Growth Year × Water × Soil Type × Soil

FIGURE 3 Changes in pH values of soil columns constructed using samples collected from two locations (New Mexico [NM] and Texas [TX]),
irrigated with two water qualities (freshwater [FW] and treated wastewater [WW]), amended with gypsum and sulfur (G + S) or not amended
(NA) at two depths (0–15 and 15–30 cm). Error bars indicate standard deviation

FIGURE 4 Changes in saturated paste extract electrical conductivity (ECe) values of soil columns constructed using samples collected from two
locations (New Mexico [NM] and Texas [TX]), irrigated with two water qualities (freshwater [FW] and treated wastewater [WW]), amended
with gypsum and sulfur (G + S) or not amended (NA) at two depths (0–15 and 15–30 cm). Error bars indicate standard deviation

FIGURE 5 Changes in saturated paste extract sodium adsorption ratio values of soil columns constructed using samples collected from two
locations (New Mexico [NM] and Texas [TX]), irrigated with two water qualities (freshwater [FW] and treated wastewater [WW]), amended
with gypsum and sulfur (G + S) or not amended (NA) at two depths (0–15 and 15–30 cm). Error bars indicate standard deviation

Depth on soil pH were all significant. In general, soil pH decreased with confirm production potential of bioenergy feedstocks on degraded
time in both TX and NM soils probably because additional water solu- saline lands and to highlight treated WW as a potential irrigation source.
bilized native gypsum and other divalent salts. Dominance of divalent
cations in the diffuse double layer can lower soil solution pH because ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
of the formation of neutral ionic pairs (Essington, 2003). This project was supported by the South Central Sun Grant Initiative
Solubilization and redistribution of salts that were already present Seed Grant Program (award # AB‐5‐61770.2 TAMRF5 Ganjegunte).
in the degraded saline lands used in our study and salts added by WW Part of Dr. Ganjegunte's salary was provided by the USDA‐Hatch pro-
could have resulted in the higher salinity of the root zone (Figure 4). ject (Accession No. 1001806 and Project number: TEX0‐1‐9162).
Baseline ECe values indicated that in both NM and TX degraded lands, Local cotton grower Mr. Jon Witty and Mr. Randall Shaw, Facility Man-
soil salinity exceeded the threshold value. Irrigation with FW (that had ager at BGNDRF, Alamogordo, NM, provided access to study fields.
a total dissolved solids [TDS] concentration of 832 mg L−1) or WW Technical assistance by Carlos Castro, Monique Ontiveros, Priscilla
(TDS of 1,600 mg L−1) resulted in the downward movement of dis- Reyes, and John Clark is greatly appreciated.
solved salts. Expectedly, irrigation with WW that had higher TDS
resulted in higher root‐zone salinity than the FW. Highest ECe values ORCID
were observed at 15–30 cm depth of 2014‐WW‐NM‐(G + S) treat-
Girisha Ganjegunte
ment combination. Results indicated that in most treatment combina-
tions, subsurface soil salinity levels were greater than the surface soil
salinity. This may be due to leaching of salts as a result of improved
Almodares, A., Hadi, M. R., & Ahmadpour, H. (2008). Sorghum stem yield
permeability because of gypsum and also the greater clay content of and soluble carbohydrates under different salinity levels. African Journal
subsurface soils, which has a tendency to accumulate salts. of Biotechnology, 7, 4051–4055.
Soils with higher salinity also had higher sodicity after 2 years of irri- American Public Health Association (APHA) (2005). Standard methods for
gation (Figure 5). This indicated that irrigated soils were both saline and examination of water and wastewater (21st ed.). Washington DC: Amer-
ican Public Health Association.
sodic. Synchronized increases in salinity and sodicity of the soils indi-
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