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Unit Three Outline: ‘THE LINKAGE INSTITUTIONS’ (Media, Political Parties, Interest

Groups, Elections)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
10/12 10/13 Advisory: 10/14 Half Day of 10/15
Shortened Class School
Ch. 10 Media Ch. 10 Media
Ch. 10 Media Ch. 10 Media

Chapter 10 Quiz,
Vocab, Questions-

10/18 10/19 10/20 10/21 10/22

Ch. 7 Political Ch. 7 Political Ch. 7 Political Ch. 7 Political Chapter 7 Quiz,
Parties Parties Parties Parties Vocab, Questions-
Political Parties
Current Event
Roundtable Political Party
Discussion: Media Assignment Due

10/25 10/26 10/27 10/28 10/29 End of the 1st

Current Event Ch. 9 Interest Ch. 9 Interest Ch. 9 Interest
Roundtable Groups Groups Groups Ch. 8 Elections &
Discussion: Political Campaigns
Parties Chapter 9 Quiz,
Vocab, Questions-
Interest Groups

11/1 NO SCHOOL 11/2 NO SCHOOL: 11/3 11/4 11/5 Campaign

Election Day Finance
Ch. 8 Elections & Ch. 8 Elections & Ch. 8 Elections &
Campaigns Ch. 8 Elections & Campaigns Campaigns
Chapter 8 Quiz,
Vocab, Questions-

11/8 Campaign 11/9 Campaign 11/10 11/11 11/12 NO SCHOOL:

Finance Finance Campaign Parent/Teacher
Finance Unit 3 Exam Conference Day
Current Event Unit 3 OP-ED Due (Reflection due)
Discussion: Elections Unit 3 Exam
Unit III Vocabulary & Review Questions
*For each vocabulary concept, write a succinct definition using your own words that is
no longer than 10 words in length!*

Chapter 10: Media

Adversarial press Mass Media Libel
Muckraker Fairness doctrine Slander
Gatekeepers Equal time rule Telecommunications Act of
Sound bite Right-of-reply rule 1996
“Leaking” a story Sensationalism
Political editorializing rule “Horse-Race” journalism

Review Questions:
1. Describe the evolution of journalism in United States political history and indicate the
differences between the party press and the mass media of today.
2. Demonstrate how the characteristics of the electronic media have affected the actions
of public officials and candidates for national office.
3. Describe the impact of the pattern of ownership and control of the media on the
distribution of news.
4. Describe the rules that govern the media and contrast the regulation of electronic and
print media. Indicate the impact of libel laws on freedom of the press and of government
rules on broadcasters.
5. How did the decision in New York Times v. United States (1971) affect first
amendment freedoms for Americans?

Chapter 7: Political Parties

Political party Divided Government “Straight ticket voting”
National chairperson Soft money National committee
(political party context) Super delegates (political party context)
Dealignment (elections 2-party system Caucus (elections context)
context) National convention Third Party
Realignment (elections Political machine Single-Member districts
context) Plurality (elections context) Congressional campaign
“Rank and File” “Split ticket Voting” committee

Review Questions:
10. Define the term political party and contrast the structures of the European and
American parties, paying particular attention to the federal structure of the United States
system and the concept of party identification.
20. Trace the development of the United States party system through its four periods
(question based from textbook). Explain why parties have been less popular since the
New Deal.
30. Describe the structure of a major political party using a visual diagram. Distinguish
powerful from powerless party units.
4. Compare and Contrast the ideological differences between the Democrats and
5. Why do we have a 2-Party system in the United States of America? Provide at least 3
reasons for this phenomenon.
6. What are “political machines”? What are the pros and cons of “political machines”?
Chapter 9: Interest Groups
Interest Group Lobbying Political Action Committee
Economic Interest Group Direct Lobbying (PAC)
Public Interest Group Litigation Free-Rider problem
Trade Associations Grass-roots movement “Revolving Door”
Labor Unions Ratings (interest group
Lobbyist context)

Review Questions:
1. Explain why the characteristics of United States society and government encourage a
multiplicity of interest groups.
2. Indicate the historical conditions under which interest groups are likely to form and
specify the kinds of organizations Americans are most likely to join.
3. Describe several methods that interest groups use to formulate and carry out their
political objectives, especially the lobbying techniques used to gain public support.
4. Explain why courts have become an important forum for public interest groups.
5. Describe some of the current regulations placed on interest groups.
6. Describe the problems involved with the “revolving door” problem facing government
workers and interest groups.

Chapter 8: Elections and Campaigns

Incumbent Political Action Committee Electoral College
Retrospective voting vs. (PAC) Federal Elections
Prospective voting General election Commission
Caucus vs. Primary election Soft money vs. Hard money 527 Political Organizations
Open Primary vs. Closed Off-year Elections Independent expenditure
Primary Referendum Issue Advocacy
“Coattails Effect” Initiative

Review Questions:
1. Demonstrate the differences between the party-oriented campaigns of the nineteenth
century and the candidate-oriented ones of today.
2. Discuss how important campaign funding is to election outcomes, what the major
sources of such funding are under current laws and how successful reform legislation has
been in removing improper monetary influences from United States elections.
3. Create a simple visual outline listing the process of electing the president and for
electing members of Congress.
4. Describe the history of campaign finance limits in USA electoral history going back to the
early 1970s.
5. Describe what laws exist currently that limit campaign donations.
6. Why are campaign finance regulations so controversial? (consider the constitutional

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