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Eur Radiol (2002) 12:1273–1294

DOI 10.1007/s00330-002-1439-6 EMERGENCY RADIOLOGY

G. Gavelli Traumatic injuries: imaging of thoracic injuries

R. Canini
P. Bertaccini
G. Battista
C. Bnà
R. Fattori

Published online: 20 April 2002 Abstract Chest trauma is one of the film. In particular, spiral CT (SCT)
© Springer-Verlag 2002 most important causes of death, in assumes a fundamental role in the
particular in individuals under the demonstration of mediastinal hemor-
age of 40 years. The mortality rate rhage and direct signs of aortic le-
Categorical Course ECR 2003
for chest trauma, often related to mo- sions. At present, SCT is routinely
tor vehicle accidents, is approxi- part of a diagnostic evaluation which
mately 15.5%; it increases dramati- also includes scans of the brain and
cally to 77% with associated shock the abdomen in polytraumatized pa-
and head injury (Glasgow scores of tients. Magnetic resonance is the ide-
3–4). The accurate diagnosis of pa- al method for visualizing diaphrag-
thologies consequent to blunt chest matic lesions. Furthermore, recent
G. Gavelli (✉) · R. Canini · P. Bertaccini trauma depends on a complete reports have demonstrated the high
G. Battista · C. Bnà · R. Fattori knowledge of the different clinical diagnostic value of MR in evaluating
Dipartimento Clinico di Scienze and radiological manifestations. The aortic injuries. The purpose of this
Radiologiche ed Istocitopatologiche
Radiodiagnostica III, first diagnostic approach is classical- article is to review the most common
Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi, ly based on chest X-ray often carried radiological patterns related to chest
Università degli Studi di Bologna, out on supine position at the hospital trauma.
Via Massarenti, 40136 Bologna, Italy admission. A CT study must then be
e-mail: performed in all chest trauma pa- Keywords Chest trauma · Thorax ·
Tel.: +39-051-6363383 tients in whom there is even the Thoracic injuries · Imaging
Fax: +39-051-3497979 smallest diagnostic doubt on plain

Imaging of thoracic injuries Therefore, a chest X-ray can be the only diagnostic
tool for the radiologist who must have a deep knowledge
The accurate diagnosis of pathologies consequent to of the possibilities and limits of this modality which, for
blunt chest trauma depends on a complete knowledge of example, may not point out or may underestimate the
the different clinical and radiological manifestations. In presence and/or extension of lesions of chest wall, lung,
Europe, the incidence of penetrating trauma is definitely and mediastinum. Poor-quality radiographs are, there-
lower than that of closed trauma. fore, not acceptable.
Even though it is well-known that chest radiography is Since it is often not possible to move the patient from
less sensitive and accurate than CT, the diagnostic approach the supine position, it can be very useful to perform an
to chest trauma is classically based on the evaluation of the additional lateral radiograph with horizontal incidence of
chest film carried out on supine position at the moment of the ray. With this projection, it is easier to evaluate the
hospital admission. Moreover, many patients have very un- presence of a pleural effusion or a pneumothorax and to
stable clinical conditions which make it difficult to bring identify eventual sternal fractures. A CT study must be
them to the radiology department. When this happens, the performed in all chest trauma patients in which there is
presence of medical personnel, nurses, and emergency sup- even the smallest diagnostic doubt on plain film. In par-
port is necessary in the event of a medical emergency. ticular, spiral CT assumes a fundamental role in the de-

monstration of arterial lesions and mediastinal hemor-

rhage. Computed tomography of the chest is a routine
work-up which also includes scans of the brain and the
abdomen in polytraumatized patients.
The mortality rate for chest trauma is approximately
15.5%. It increases dramatically to 77% with associated
shock and head injury (Glasgow scores of 3–4) [1].
In studying chest trauma, MRI has a limited role and
arteriography is used less and less.
The use of ultrasound at the bedside of the patient is
still not well defined in the study of chest trauma, but it
is, however, widely used in the comprehensive evalua-
tion of the traumatized patient.
In this article we present the principal radiological
pictures which can be reported in patients who have un-
dergone blunt chest trauma.

Thoracic cage injury

Flail chest is caused by a fracture, in at least two differ-
ent sites, of three or more ribs. An abnormal mobility of
a segment of the thoracic wall is created with a conse-
quent paradoxical movement during respiration which
favors the onset of atelectasis and hinders physiological
drainage of the bronchial secretions.
Flail chest is the most severe lesion of the thoracic
wall found in patients with blunt chest trauma (Fig. 1).
The resulting morbidity and mortality rates depend on
the age of the patient and the extension and gravity of
the thoracic lesions (contusions and/or parenchymal lac-
erations, atelectases, mediastinal lesions, hemothorax, Fig. 1 Blunt trauma with chest wall injury (flail chest). Supine
and/or pneumothorax and associated extrathoracic le- chest X-ray of the left hemithorax shows multiple rib fractures in
sions). different points (posterior and middle segments) with associated
subcutaneous emphysema
Isolated fractures of the ribs, scapula, or clavicle rare-
ly have particular clinical significance; however, mobili-
zation of the patients in these conditions is not suggested An apical extrapleural hematoma which increases in
in order to avoid soft tissue lesions (Fig. 2). Only 18% dimensions is highly suggestive of active arterial bleed-
are diagnosed on a chest radiograph with respect to the ing and requires angiographic intervention.
total number of relative findings at autopsy [2]. In 8–10% of blunt chest traumas, sternal fractures are
Fractures of the first three ribs or of the first two ribs found [4] usually diagnosed by chest radiographs carried
and the clavicle indicate a violent trauma and can cause out in a lateral projection. The most common site of the
lesions of the brachial plexus or the vessels [3]. sternal fractures is approximately 2 cm from the manub-
More than 90% of tracheobronchial lesions are asso- rio-sternal joint (Fig. 3).
ciated with fractures of at least one of the first three A spiral CT scan with coronal reconstruction can con-
ribs, whereas the fracture of the lower ribs can be asso- firm or identify fractures with minimal dislocation which
ciated with traumatic lesions of the liver, spleen, and are often unrecognized on conventional radiographs; CT
kidneys. is also able to depict fractures of the chondral part of the
Study of the subclavian vessels must be carried out in ribs.
emergency when bone fragments are widely dislocated, Sternal fractures, especially those with dislocation of
when there is evidence of mediastinal hemorrhage, extra- the “bony stump” (so-called displaced sternal fracture),
pleural hematoma, and if neuropathy of the brachial can cause vascular lesions, mediastinal hemorrhage, and
plexus can be demonstrated clinically. cardiac contusions, and, therefore, carry mortality at a
Costal fractures are often accompanied by focal extra- rate varying from 25 to 45%.
pleural hematomas which can be seen as a bulging of Computed tomography is the most suitable method
soft tissue density convexly bordering the lung. for evaluating spinal fractures which can cause paraspi-

Fig. 2a–c Blunt trauma with

chest wall injury. a An admis-
sion supine chest radiograph
demonstrates fracture of the
first left rib with suspicion of
fracture of the second and third
rib posteriorly. b A subsequent
radiograph performed after mo-
bilization of the patient and
clinical deterioration showed
the appearance of hemopneu-
mothorax caused by displace-
ment of rib fragments. c All le-
sions were better depicted by

Fig. 3a–c Sternal fracture.

Blunt trauma of the anterior
upper chest wall. a Supine
chest X-ray shows a slight wid-
ening of the superior mediasti-
num raising suspicion of medi-
astinal hematoma. b Fracture of
the sternal manubrium is dem-
onstrated by a cross-table later-
al view. c A CT scan confirms
the sternal fracture and demon-
strates the presence of an asso-
ciated mediastinal hematoma

Fig. 4a, b Patient with para-

plegia resulting from a motor
vehicle accident. a Supine
chest radiograph shows diffuse-
ly increased density of the right
hemithorax with persistent vi-
sualization of pulmonary ves-
sels indicative of hemothorax.
b A CT scan reveals fracture
of a dorsal vertebral body (T6)
with an associated right hemo-

nal opacities and/or mediastinal widening on plain chest The fracture or damaging of small vessels and the
film (Fig. 4). capillary alveolar membrane causes blood extravasation
Inspection and palpation [4] generally suggest the and edema into interstitium and the alveolar spaces. Of-
presence of a sterno-clavicular fracture. ten, the contusions are not accompanied by pulmonary
An anterior fracture, the most common, has generally lacerations; however, CT evaluation often shows numer-
no clinical significance, whereas a posterior fracture of ous lacerations not evidenced on radiographs where only
the parasternal tract of the clavicle can cause lesions of the contusions are seen.
brachiocephalic vessels, nerves, esophagus, and trachea. The extension of parenchymal damage depends on the
A rare but serious traumatic lesion is scapulothoracic severity of the trauma, and thus, in general, on the rapid-
dissociation. The diagnosis of this lesion is based on the ity of the onset of clinical and radiological signs.
finding of a lateral dislocation of the scapula on a non- Severe contusions manifest themselves early and
rotated frontal chest radiograph. quickly, within 3–4 h (and always within 24 h). Pulmo-
The displacement must be more than 2 cm from the nary lesions cause intrapulmonary shunts, reduced com-
line of the spinous processes with respect to the contra- pliance, and ventilation–perfusion mismatch. The clini-
lateral scapula and confirmed by more radiographs [1]. cal signs of severe contusions include hemoptysis, ta-
In general, CT scans performed in order to evaluate chypnea, bronchorrhea, hypoxemia, and reduced cardiac
the mediastinum demonstrate scapula-thoracic dissocia- output. The incidence of mortality varies from 14 to 40%
tion with the lateral fracture of the scapula and better according to the extension and severity of the contusion
points out edema or surrounding hematomas. Fractures of and the presence of associated thoracic and non-thoracic
the humerus, clavicle, and sternum are often associated. lesions.
The patient can present, moreover, with brachial plex- In the light or moderate forms of pulmonary contu-
opathy and fracture of the subclavian artery. Pulmonary sions, the initial clinical and radiological signs of respi-
hernias, caused by associated lesions of ribs, intercostal ratory alteration are minimal or absent. It is emphasized
and pectoral muscles, and their fasciae, are rare. When that, apart from the severity, the initial clinical and radio-
small and non-strangulating, these hernias do not require logical signs of pulmonary contusion almost always un-
surgical treatment and usually resolve spontaneously. derestimate the real definitive extension of the lesion.
The radiological aspect of the contused lung varies
from inhomogeneous slender and ill-defined infiltrates to
Parenchymal lung injury simil-pneumonic consolidations which are non-segmen-
tal and predominately localized in peripheral sites, adja-
Pulmonary contusions cent to solid structures (ribs, vertebrae).
Contusions are monolateral, bilateral, focal, multifo-
Pulmonary contusions, described in 1761 by Morgagni, cal, or diffused throughout an entire lung or both lungs.
are the most common of severe pulmonary lesions The air bronchogram may be absent as a result of a bron-
caused by blunt chest trauma and are seen in 17–70% of chial obstruction caused by secretions or blood.
patients with severe trauma [5, 6]. It is one of the princi- The radiological signs of pulmonary contusion are
pal factors determining morbidity and post-traumatic frequently masked by associated pathologies such as at-
mortality. Contusions are generally found in the pulmo- electasis, ab ingestis infiltrates, and hemothorax.
nary regions near solid structures such as vertebrae, ribs, Uncomplicated pulmonary contusions begin to re-
the liver, and the heart. solve on the chest radiograph after 48–72 h and tend to

Fig. 5a, b Pulmonary contu-

sions. a Supine chest radio-
graph after blunt chest trauma
shows multiple pulmonary con-
tusions and small right hemo-
thorax. b After 72 h, there is a
resolution of most contusions

Fig. 6a, b Blunt trauma of the

right hemithorax. a A CT scan
shows small gas spaces due to
pulmonary lacerations within
an extensive area of contusion.
b A CT performed after a week
demonstrated the development
of hematomas inside the lacera-
tion cavities

disappear completely after 1–2 weeks (Fig. 5). In any velops (radiologically, an ovoid radiolucency); instead,
case, contusions which do not show progressive im- when the space fills with blood originating from vessel
provement after 7–8 days must be considered carefully lacerations, a hematoma develops (radiologically, a
because of possible association with superimposed pa- mass-like uniform density) which can be included in the
thologies [infection, atelectasis, adult respiratory distress differential diagnosis of coin lesions (Fig. 6).
syndrome (ARDS), lacerations]. Pneumatocele and hematoma can coexist and air–fluid
levels are frequently found. Complex lesions may have a
bizarre appearance of post-traumatic cavities. Pulmonary
Pulmonary lacerations lacerations are usually benign lesions which are easily
resolved in 3–5 weeks.
Pulmonary laceration is a serious consequence of severe Nevertheless, when the patient is mechanically venti-
blunt chest trauma and it can be caused by pleural or lated and, in particular, is affected by ARDS, the post-
lung perforation due to rib fractures or by inertial decel- traumatic pneumatocele can rapidly become larger and
eration. Pulmonary lacerations are usually associated then last for months.
with hemoptysis and hemothorax. Pulmonary lacerations Direct connection of the laceration with a bronchus or
are often not identified on initial chest X-rays because the pleura determines a bronchopleural fistula with pneu-
they are surrounded by contused areas; therefore, before mothorax or hemopneumothorax. A pneumothorax, es-
the advent of CT, they were considered an unusual find- pecially during mechanical ventilation, can become a
ing. Morphologically, these lung lesions are ovoid or el- “tension” pneumothorax. A persistent air leak in the
liptical in shape and can involve the pleura. pleural cavity may not respond to drainage and requires
When the space created by the lacerations fills with surgical intervention (Fig. 7). It must also be remem-
air coming from bronchial lesions, a pneumatocele de- bered that the limitation of respiratory excursion, re-

Fig. 7a–d Polytraumatized pa-

tient with respiratory failure.
a Supine chest X-ray shows left
pulmonary contusions with
some hyperlucent areas suspi-
cious for lacerations. b A CT
scan confirms the left-sided
contusions and pulmonary lac-
erations but also demonstrates
left hemothorax, pneumomedi-
astinum, right chest wall em-
physema, and, in particular, an
anterior subpleural laceration in
the left lung which requires
surgery before performing me-
chanical ventilation. c, d Me-
chanical ventilation applied to
patients with pulmonary lacera-
tion can cause air leak with the
development of pneumothorax
which often does not resolve
after chest tube placement

duced pulmonary compliance, and eventual intubation be diagnosed later or by CT (Fig. 8). In these cases, a lat-
favor the onset of infections and abscesses. eral supine radiograph with horizontal incidence of the
ray allows us to arrive at a diagnosis in almost all pa-
Extra-alveolar air The importance of the problem is emphasized by the
fact that approximately one-third of the patients develop
Pneumothorax tension pneumothorax if not diagnosed and are therefore
not treated [7, 8].
Pneumothorax is a frequent complication after blunt or In traumatized patients who have undergone a CT
penetrating chest trauma. There are numerous causes: al- scan of the abdomen, it is better to also include a study
veolar compression in crush injuries; lung lacerations; of the pulmonary base. It is sufficient to perform only a
and barotrauma. The diagnosis of air in the pleural cavi- few scans in order to arrive at an early diagnosis of a
ty is made by visualizing the visceral pleura as a thin small pneumothorax which had not been suspected.
straight line with absence of parenchymal markings out- In every case in the radiograph of a supine patient, air
side of it. The rapid diagnosis of even a small pneumo- collection in the most nondependent part of the thoracic
thorax is important, above all, in patients who must be cage [9, 10] determines hyperlucency at the pulmonary
supported by mechanical ventilation. The anatomic lo- base and at the level of the upper abdomen, lowering of
calization of pneumothorax depends on the position of the diaphragm, deepening of the lateral costophrenic sul-
the patient, the quantity of air, the presence of pleural cus, and a double diaphragm sign (air which outlines the
adhesions, and atelectasis. central dome and the anterior insertion of the hemidia-
In the erect or semi-erect patient, air rises to the api- phragm).
cal or lateral part of the hemithorax. In the supine pa- The free air shows up the cardiac margins, the as-
tient, air tends to collect along the anterior and medial cending aorta, the aortic knob, and the superior vena
margin of the thoracic wall, i.e., in the anterior costo- cava. The paracardiac fat pad and the lateral border of
phrenic sulcus which is the most elevated space in this the inferior vena cava are demarcated by free air collec-
position. This is the reason why 30–50% of the small tion.
pneumothoraces in traumatized patients cannot be seen On the supine radiograph, free air in the medial poste-
on a frontal supine chest X-ray film; however, they may rior recess is seen as a hyperlucent line delineating the

Fig. 8a–c Polytraumatized

patient involved in a motor ve-
hicle accident. a Supine chest
radiograph shows bilateral pul-
monary contusions with pleural
fluid collections on both sides.
b A CT scan confirms multiple
bilateral contusions and hemo-
thorax, more evident on the
right, but also depicts a right
pneumothorax not visible on
plain chest film. c An associat-
ed multifragment fracture of a
dorsal vertebral body (T9) is
diagnosed by the same CT

paraspinal line, the descending aorta, and the posterior

costophrenic sulcus.
Free air collection in the pulmonary ligaments is an
infrequent condition causing a linear hyperlucent band
with a convex lateral profile and the superior limit turned
toward the upper hilum. This condition must not be con-
fused with posteromedial pneumothorax which has a tri-
angular morphology.
Wicky et al. [1], who report these data, state that these
conditions can be differentiated with CT.
Tension pneumothorax is found when there is a con- As a result of alveolar rupture, air invades the intersti-
sistent air leak (the air penetrates into the pleural cavity tium and subsequently reaches the hilum and the medias-
during inspiration and does not exit during expiration) tinum (Macklin effect).
and, in particular, when the patient, who was not diag- Mediastinal emphysema can also be a consequence of
nosed as having a pneumothorax, is put on mechanical facial, laryngeal, and cervical tracheal fractures or perfo-
ventilation. ration of retroperitoneal intestinal ansae.
Due to high intrathoracic pressure, contralateral dislo- Generally, pneumomediastinum is asymptomatic, but
cation of the mediastinum, flattening or inversion of the it can sometimes cause pain and dypsnea. When the
ipsilateral hemidiaphragm, widening of the intercostal pneumomediastinum is extensive, air can spread extra-
spaces, and notable collapse of the ipsilateral lung are peritoneally along the anterior wall of the abdomen or in
seen. the peritoneal cavity, simulating a primary pneumoperito-
Tension pneumothorax is a medical emergency. The neum. If it is under pressure, it can hinder the venous re-
presence of extensive atelectases and pleural adhesions turn to the heart and simulate a cardiac tamponade [11].
may present with atypical air locations, even with the pa- The radiological signs are represented by hyperlucent
tient in an erect position. bands which highlight the parietal pleura and the other
Pleural adhesions can also prevent the chest drainage mediastinal structures.
tube from reaching a loculated pneumothorax. When a Mediastinal air may also cause the “continuous dia-
pneumothorax is not resolved, a malpositioned chest phragm sign,” delineating the cardiac base and the upper
tube must always be suspected. central surface of the diaphragm. It is often better seen
on a lateral chest view rather than on a frontal chest
view. Computed tomography is the most sensitive
Pneumomediastinum method for identifying pneumomediastinum.
It is not always easy to distinguish pneumomediasti-
Pneumomediastinum is characterized by the presence of num from pneumothorax and pneumopericardium. In
air in the mediastinum. It is frequently a consequence of pneumothorax and pneumopericardium, the air moves
thoracic trauma, both closed (10%) and penetrating. The easily with change of position, whereas in pneumomedi-
air can enter into the mediastinum as a consequence of astinum it is trapped in the soft tissues and does not
tracheobronchial rupture (<2%), esophageal rupture, and, move significantly when the position of the patient is
above all, alveolar rupture. varied.


Pneumopericardium is rarely found as a consequence of

blunt trauma. It can result from penetrating trauma, sur-
gery, and gastrointestinal or tracheobronchial fistulas. In
patients affected with pneumomediastinum, air rarely
reaches the pericardial sac through the periadventitial
space of the pulmonary veins. Radiologically, the air out-
lines the cardiac shadow and is delineated superiorly
from the reflection of the pericardium to the root of
the large vessels. Small quantities of air along the left
ventricle can simulate pneumothorax or mediastinal em-
physema. Very rarely it can cause cardiac tamponade by
restriction of cardiac filling. The development of tension
pneumopericardium, which results in a small cardiac
shadow on the radiograph, must be treated rapidly with
pericardial drainage.
Fig. 9 Patient with paraplegia consequent to a fall from height
trauma. A CT scan shows a loculated bilateral hemothorax and
Pleural effusion and hemothorax fracture of dorsal spine (T5)

A fluid collection after acute chest trauma usually repre- normal diaphragm. Pleural effusions below 200–300 ml
sents a hemothorax which is a frequent finding, being cannot usually be detected in the “supine” radiograph.
present in approximately 50% of major trauma victims Standard radiology suggests performing radiographs
[4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]. using a horizontal beam on patients in the supine posi-
Hemothorax often appears several hours after trauma tion or, if possible, on the side involved, in order to eval-
and is frequently bilateral. It may be the result of many uate the effusion, and, partially, the underlying parenchy-
different injuries, such as intercostal vessel lacerations, ma (Hessen maneuver).
pulmonary lacerations, diaphragmatic or mediastinal tears, Bedside sonography has been increasingly used as a
or traumatic insertion of vascular lines (Fig. 9). routine method to exclude effusion or to evaluate its ex-
A small hemothorax typically occurs in association tent and composition and, possibly, to guide thoracocen-
with traumatic pneumothorax. When hemothorax is due tesis.
to lung contusion, it is generally self-limited, but when is In ultrasonography, the pleural serous effusion is clas-
due to lung lacerations or mediastinal lesions, it is often sically anechoic. Sometimes it can be difficult to make a
massive and protracted. differential diagnosis between exsudative effusion and
Bleeding of venous origin into the pleural space is hemothorax using only ultrasonography.
self-limited without mass effect, whereas bleeding of ar- Computed tomography can aid in distinguishing se-
terial origin is under greater pressure and tends to dis- rous effusions, which have low attenuation values from
place the lung and mediastinum. pleural collections of blood, which have high attenuation
In the upright position, the radiograph shows an values varying from 35 to 70 UH.
opaque meniscus that dulls the costophrenic and pericar- On occasion, active hemorrhage can also be detected
diophrenic angles and increases the density of the entire by spiral CT with injection of contrast media.
hemothorax. In the supine patient, blood collects posteri- Another etiology that should be considered in the dif-
orly and the only radiological sign may be an increased ferential diagnosis of pleural effusions after acute trauma
density of the hemithorax with persistent visualization of is chylothorax due to interruption of the thoracic duct.
the parenchymal markers. On CT scans, chylothorax can be recognized on the basis
In both upright and supine position, hemorrhage col- of its very low attenuation values.
lects laterally along the wall and at the apex of the lung Bilious effusion caused by biliopleural fistulas fol-
producing a band of density on the radiograph. In the su- lowing associated ruptures of the diaphragm and liver
pine patient, a band of paraspinal density may also ap- are very rare.
Subpulmonic effusions can mimic an elevated dia-
phragm producing a “pseudodiaphragm” contour. This Tracheobronchial injuries
pseudodiaphragm typically has a flattened contour adja-
cent to the heart with a curvilinear aspect of its external Tracheobronchial ruptures due to thoracic trauma are rel-
portion and a more laterally located peak than that of a atively rare, reported in 2.8–5.4% of autopsies of trauma

Fig. 10a–c Bronchial rupture.

a Chest X-ray of a blunt trauma
patient shows left rib fractures
(small arrows). In addition,
there is a pneumomediastinum
(arrows) and a subcutaneous
emphysema which represents
classical but non-specific signs
of tracheobronchial injury. b In
a supine chest radiograph after
3 days, there is a complete col-
lapse of the left lung due to a
clot developed at the side of the
tracheobronchial tear. c Spiral
CT scans with multiplanar re-
constructions demonstrate the
presence of a clot inside the left
bronchus caused by a bronchial
tear confirmed by bronchos-

victims and in 0.4–1.5% of patients in clinical series of

major blunt thoracic trauma [4]. Thacheobronchial inju-
ries are usually associated with other thoracic emergen-
cies, such as pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, and
vascular lesions which often obscure the diagnosis. Pen-
etrating trauma generally involves the cervical trachea
but tracheobronchial injuries should be suspected in all
patients with penetrating wounds of the neck or chest.
The classic findings of ruptured airways are pneumo-
thorax, pneumomediastinum, and subcutaneous emphy-
sema [2]. Other important radiographic findings include
overdistention of the endotracheal balloon cuff and
oblique orientation of the endotracheal tube. The exten-
sion of mediastinal and subcutaneous emphysema which
progresses despite the position of the drainage tubes with
possible involvement of the neck and retroperitoneum is
strongly suggestive of tracheobronchial rupture.
Also persistent pneumothorax or atelectasis may
evoke the possibility of a bronchial tear (Fig. 10).
Fig. 11 Supine chest radiograph shows the typical but rare fallen
Pneumomediastinum occurs alone when the lesion is lo- lung sign, pathognomonic of tracheobronchial rupture. The lung is
cated medial to the pulmonary ligament. Pneumothorax oc- detached from its mainstem bronchus and is connected to the me-
curs alone when the lesion involves the main bronchus dis- diastinum only with the vascular hilum which is abnormally cau-
tal to the insertion of the pulmonary ligament. More than dal in position
80% of lesions are anatomically located in the main bronchi
less than 2.5 cm from the carina. Right-sided bronchial in- Another rare but pathognomonic finding is the “fallen
juries occur more frequently than on the left side [4]. lung sign” caused by the detachment of the lung from its
The “bayonet sign” (a thin tapering air-filled structure mainstem bronchus with consequent fall into the most
of the proximal end of the ruptured bronchus), which can dependent portion of the thoracic cavity [13]. The hilum
be visualized on chest radiographs, is a rare but impor- of the collapsed lung appears remarkably caudal in posi-
tant finding. tion (Fig. 11).

Frontal and lateral chest radiographs and, especially,

CT scanning, are used to distinguish thoracic injuries
from blunt or penetrating trauma (i.e., demonstration of a
ballistic tract or knife wounds).
At CT, the presence of air bubbles in the mediastinum
which are localized adjacent to the esophagus suggests
complete esophageal perforation.
Contrast esophagography is the ideal method (90%
sensitivity) for evaluating suspected esophageal perfora-
tion. Contrast studies should be performed first with wa-
ter-soluble contrast and, if no leaks are detected, with
barium sulfate contrast. Esophagoscopy is also a highly
sensitive diagnostic tool. Association of the two meth-
ods allows for the highest diagnostic accuracy. It is
note-worthy that the perforation may occasionally be-
come apparent some time after the trauma as a result of
Fig. 12 Tracheal rupture. A CT scan shows pneumomediastinum,
subcutaneous emphysema, and left pneumothorax persisting after
chest tube placement. Rupture of the posterior tracheal wall is Diaphragmatic injury
clearly depicted
Most diaphragmatic injuries are caused by penetrating
trauma [17]. They generally occur in approximately 3%
Computed tomography, and in particular spiral CT of chest traumas but are more frequently observed in ab-
[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] with sagittal and dominal traumas [2]. When not recognized, diaphrag-
coronal reconstructions, is more sensitive and specific matic rupture has a mortality rate of approximately 30%
than radiography It can reveal minimum quantities of air [1, 18, 19, 20], since it is frequently associated with
in the mediastinum and is able to directly identify the other severe life-threatening abdominal or thoracic con-
traumatic lesion (Fig. 12). ditions.
Tocino and Miller [2] believe that CT can explicitly Left-sided diaphragmatic ruptures predominate (ap-
diagnose tracheal tears in patients with endotracheal proximately 90% of cases). The liver “shields” the dia-
tubes, and can substitute preoperative and postoperative phragm on the right and prevents, however, detection of
bronchoscopy. In any case, bronchoscopy [15, 16] is the small lesions when they do occur.
diagnostic method of choice to confirm tracheobronchial Topographically, most tears affect the peripheral por-
injury. Early diagnosis is essential in order to obtain suc- tion of the diaphragm at the junction of its tendon and
cessful surgical treatment and optimal long-term results. posterior leaves. The second most common tear occurs at
Partial ruptures of the trachea and complete or partial the level of the central tendon. Bilateral injuries are seen
tears of the bronchi may be detected only as a late result in approximately 4.5% of patients.
of complications such as mediastinitis, bronchiectasis, Diaphragmatic injuries are always associated with
empyema, tracheal stenosis, and tracheoesophageal fistula. other traumatic pathologies (pleural effusions, lung inju-
ry, aortic injury, hepatic injury, splenic injury, fractures,
acute gastric distension, paralysis of the phrenic nerve)
Thoracic esophageal disruption and this often prevents an early diagnosis [21, 22].
Chest radiography is the initial and most commonly
Esophageal perforation is another possible injury and it performed imaging modality; however, statistical data
must be excluded in any case of mediastinal penetrating highlight the limits of chest films and suggest caution in
trauma. Esophageal rupture is extremely rare as a com- interpreting and assessing the diagnosis of the patient
plication of blunt trauma (it occurs in 10% of cases of only on this basis: The initial radiographs are diagnostic
esophageal perforation and in approximately 1 per 1000 in 27–60% of cases with left-sided injury but only in
cases of blunt chest trauma). 17% of right-sided injuries; in another 18%, a diaphrag-
Most patients with esophageal disruption have other matic injury only may be suspected.
significant associated thoracic injuries. Radiological It is particularly important to perform chest radio-
signs of esophageal perforation are indirect and include graphs in series, especially in patients supported by me-
cervical and mediastinal emphysema, left pleural effu- chanical ventilation in which positive intrathoracic pres-
sion, alteration of the mediastinal contour due to leakage sure may delay herniation of the abdominal organs
of fluids, and/or hemorrhage or mediastinitis. through a diaphragmatic lesion.

Fig. 13 Thoracoabdominal trauma with diaphragmatic rupture.

Supine chest film shows left hemothorax associated with pulmo-
nary contusions. Note the moderate right shift of the mediastinal
shadow and the presence of a thin curved radiopaque band caused
by the interface between lung and herniated stomach

The following radiological signs can be detected on Fig. 14 Diaphragmatic rupture in a thoracoabdominal trauma.
chest radiographs: an abnormal course of the nasogastric Chest radiograph with the introduction of water-soluble contrast
tube; an elevated or intrathoracic location of abdominal media through the nasogastric tube. The apex of the nasogastric
organs; obliteration, elevation, or distortion of the dia- tube is turned up and placed within the thorax because of stomach
phragm; pleural effusion; contralateral shift of the medi- herniation
astinum; air-fluid levels in the lower thorax; and frac-
tures of the lower ribs (Figs. 13, 14).
Gastrointestinal contrast studies usually demonstrate
waist-like constriction of the herniated organs (stomach,
colon) at the site of the tear in the diaphragm (Fig. 15)
[23]. The stomach, transverse colon, and omentum may
herniate into the pericardium through lesions of the cen-
tral tendon [24]. Direct discontinuity of the hemidia-
phragm, seen in 71–73% of patients, is the most sensi-
tive CT finding in diaphragmatic rupture [25].
The use of single-slice or multislice spiral CT with
high-quality sagittal or coronary reconstructions has re-
markably increased the sensitivity compared with unsat-
isfactory results of conventional CT (Figs. 16, 17, 18).
Radiological findings of CT which demonstrate the rup-
ture of the diaphragm are represented by intrathoracic her-
niation of the abdominal organs and the omentum. In spiral
CT reconstructions, the diaphragm can be identified using
suitable protocols (thickness collimation of 5 mm or less,
pitch of 1, and overlapping reconstructed images; Fig. 19). Fig. 15 Thoracoabdominal trauma with diaphragmatic rupture.
It is noteworthy that a normal variant, frequently on A radiograph after barium swallow displays a significant right me-
the left in elderly women, is represented by a continuity diastinal shift with the entire stomach herniated into the left hemi-
defect of the diaphragm in the posterolateral position. A thorax
recent study described a finding of blunt traumatic dia-
phragmatic rupture (the “Dependent Viscera” sign),

Fig. 16a, b Diaphragmatic le-

sion in a polytraumatized pa-
tient. a Supine chest radiograph
discloses an elevated and
blurred right hemidiaphragm
with pulmonary contusions and
moderate hemothorax. b A CT
scan confirms a right hemotho-
rax and reveals an upper intra-
thoracic position of the liver
suggesting herniation

Fig. 17a–c Thoracoabdominal

trauma. a Chest radiograph
shows left rib fractures and an
ovoidal retrocardiac opacity
suspicious for diaphragmatic
hernia. b Axial CT scans and c
multiplanar CT reconstructions
demonstrate intrathoracic her-
niation of peritoneal fat
through a small left-sided dia-
phragmatic tear

which consists of the depiction of the upper third of the liver. Generally, the use of MR imaging is limited in
liver, abutting the posterior right ribs, bowel, or stomach those cases where spiral CT has left diagnostic doubts.
in contact with the posterior left ribs [49]. Ultrasonography is widely used in patients with ab-
Magnetic resonance is the ideal method for visualiz- dominal trauma, but, although it may sometimes help in
ing the diaphragm, particularly on the left side. On detecting diaphragmatic injury, it is no longer considered
T1-weighted sequences, the diaphragm is seen as a hy- particularly useful [1].
pointense thin band of soft tissue outlined by the hyper-
intense signal of abdominal and mediastinal fat (Fig. 20).
Both cardiac and respiratory gating should be used to Blunt cardiac and pericardial injury
diminish motion artifacts. It is difficult to observe the di-
aphragm directly on the right side, even with MR, so it is Cardiac contusion is the most common injury of the
important to note the position and the contour of the heart, but other injuries, including coronary injuries,

Fig. 18a–c Thoracoabdominal

trauma. a On admission chest
radiograph there is a massive
opacification of right hemitho-
rax with gas images suggestive
of intrathoracic herniated bowel
loops. b Axial CT scan shows a
herniated bowel loop with wall
thickening due to ischemic
damage. c Coronal CT multi-
planar reconstruction displays
herniation and torsion of the
liver associated with stretching
of the superior mesenteric ar-
tery causing bowel ischemia

Fig. 19a, b Traumatic dia-

phragmatic injury. a Chest
X-ray shows an intrathoracic
displacement of bowel loops
on the left side probably with
an associated, markedly elevat-
ed left hemidiaphragm; howev-
er, a diaphragmatic hernia can-
not be excluded. b Multislice
spiral CT with multiplanar re-
constructions on coronal plane
demonstrates the integrity of
the left hemidiaphragm

pericardial tears, rupture of the free wall, septum, and Chest radiography is of limited value in detecting car-
heart valves, as well as conduction defects, may be not- diac injuries following trauma. There can be several non-
ed. On the whole, cardiac injuries have been reported in specific radiographical signs such as congestive cardiac
10–16% of patients admitted after blunt trauma [27]. failure, cardiomegaly, pneumopericardium, or ventricu-
The incidence of cardiac rupture ranges from 0.21 to lar aneurysms. Computed tomography findings include
2% of major blunt chest trauma victims and usually in- hemopericardium, pneumopericardium, and active arteri-
volves the right atrium [27, 28]. Mortality rates of 54% for al bleeding with development of a hematoma which can
atrial rupture and 29% for ventricular rupture are reported. compress right cardiac chambers.

lesions, aortic rupture is secondary only to head trauma:

25% of deaths resulting from motor vehicle accidents are
associated with aortic rupture, accounting for 8000 vic-
tims per year in the U.S. [29]. Air bags and seatbelts do
not protect against this type of impact. Such injuries can
be expected to gain prominence in road traffic injury sta-
tistics, since the frequency of lethal injuries in head-on
collisions is lowered by the mandatory use of restraints,
which protect the victim from thoracic and head lesions
but not from the mechanism producing aortic rupture.
The aortic segment subjected to the greatest strain by rap-
id deceleration forces is just beyond the isthmus, where
the relatively mobile thoracic aorta is joined by the liga-
mentum arteriosus. Aortic rupture occurs at this site in
90% of the clinical series. The ascending aorta may be in-
volved in the proximity of the innominate artery or in its
proximal segment immediately superior to the aortic
valve [30]. Other less common locations are distal seg-
ments of the descending aorta or the abdominal infrarenal
segment. The lesion is transverse and involves all or part
of the aortic circumference with different extension into
the aortic layers. Intimal hemorrhages without any lacera-
tion have been described in pathological series but were
not recognized in the clinical setting before the advent of
high-resolution tomographic imaging modalities. When a
Fig. 20 Diaphragmatic lesion in a polytraumatized patient. An MR laceration is present it may extend through the media into
study (sagittal TI-weighted image) demonstrates interruption of the the adventitia layer with false aneurysm formation. Peri-
hypointense thin diaphragmatic band, outlined by the high signal aortic hemorrhage occurs irrespective of the type of le-
intensity of abdominal fat with the liver herniated inside the thorax
sion. Complete rupture leads to immediate death in 85%
of cases. If a complete rupture of the aorta does not occur
Transthoracic or transesophageal echocardiography is at the time of trauma, the adventitia and the surrounding
essential and must be performed without delay. It may structures stabilize the continuity of the aortic wall by de-
detect regional wall abnormalities, lower ejection frac- velopment of an adventitia hematoma. If anti-hyperten-
tions, patency of the valves, ventricular aneurysms, peri- sive therapy acting to reduce wall stress is prompt in
cardial effusions, and intracardiac shunts. these patients, the risk of aortic rupture is limited. For
Acute cardiac tamponade may be caused by a 250- to many years traumatic aortic injury has been considered a
300-ml pericardial effusion, thus making emergency surgical emergency needing immediate surgical repair,
drainage necessary. A safe approach is represented by with absolute priority over any other associated lesions;
percutaneous drainage under sonographic guidance since however, the use of heparin necessary to perform extra-
pericardial effusion in supine patients generally accumu- corporeal circulation and a major thoracotomy in poly-
lates in the nondependent portion of the pericardial sac. traumatized patients resulted in a high operative mortali-
Angiography and echocardiography remain the diagnos- ty. In the past few years several studies have reported a
tic methods of choice for excluding lesions of the coro- reduction of mortality managing patients with medical
nary arteries and left ventricular dysfunction. Magnetic therapy in the acute phase and postponing the surgical re-
resonance imaging can be performed to confirm and bet- pair of the aortic lesion after clinical stabilization [31,
ter evaluate the extension of cardiac lesions, particularly 32]. Delayed surgery of the post-traumatic aneurysm pro-
in the event of myocardial contusions. vides a low operative mortality ranging from 0 to 10%
and a low risk of spontaneous aortic rupture in the inter-
val between trauma and surgery. Recently, the develop-
Traumatic aortic injury ment of endovascular techniques provides additional al-
ternatives for the treatment of traumatic aortic injury.
Traumatic aortic injury is a lesion of the aortic wall ex-
tending from the intima to the adventitia, occurring as a Chest radiography
result of a trauma. Trauma is the third cause of death in
the United States and the leading cause of death in indi- Since a high percentage of blunt chest trauma patients
viduals under the age of 40 years. Among lethal traumatic with aortic rupture do not present with indicative clinical

studies has shown that mediastinal widening, evaluated

either subjectively or quantitatively, is a sensitive but rel-
atively non-specific sign of aortic injury.

Abnormal aortic contour

In patients with blunt chest trauma, an irregular, en-

larged, or indistinct aortic outline can be caused by either
peri-aortic/mediastinal hemorrhage or by an enlarging
aneurysm which is primarily located at the level of the
isthmus. Loss of aortic knob and obscuration of the de-
scending aorta outline have shown in many studies a
good sensitivity (53–100%) but a low specificity
(21–63%) for the diagnosis of aortic injury.

Aortopulmonary window opacification

Fig. 21 Chest X-ray. Mediastinal widening with enlargement of The opacification of the clear space between the aorta
the paratracheal stripe. The apical cup sign is visible at the left and the left pulmonary artery as a potential indicator of
apex due to hemorrhage of the epi-aortic vessels
aortic injury has a high negative predictive value
signs, the routine chest radiograph becomes an essential
tool for identifying subjects with suspected aortic injury
(Fig. 21) [33, 34]. Shift of the trachea and nasogastric tube
A variety of radiological signs have been considered
as indicators of aortic injury, but there is a great differ- Deviations of the trachea reflect the presence of central
ence in the diagnostic importance of such signs in the mediastinal blood, fluid, masses, or aneurysms of the
various studies. The following are the most frequent and isthmus or descending aorta. Blunt chest trauma can pro-
important abnormalities seen on the plain chest radio- duce hematomas of the anterior or posterior mediastinum
graph reported in the literature. originating from injuries of the sternum, ribs, vertebrae,
and their associated vessels.

Mediastinal widening
Widening of paraspinal lines
In previous studies, emphasis has been placed on medi-
astinal widening as the principal finding on chest radio- Mediastinal hemorrhage with widening of either the left
graph. A mediastinal width greater than 8 cm at the level or right paraspinal stripe may occur as a result of major
of the aortic knob on a 100-cm anteroposterior supine arterial injuries, but can also be caused by venous bleed-
chest X-ray was a highly sensitive sign of aortic injury; ing and vertebral and/or rib fractures. Therefore, in the
however, there are obviously many problems in inter- evaluation of these features, the radiologist should be
preting chest radiographs of acutely polytraumatized aware of the possibility of false positives due to injuries
patients. A widened mediastinum can be due to causes not related to aortic rupture. Mirvis et al. [34] reported a
other than aortic rupture, including bleeding from small poor sensitivity (12 and 2% for left and right paraspinal
mediastinal vessels (arteries or veins), excessive medias- lines, respectively) and a high specificity (97 and 99%)
tinal fat, thymic tissue, adjacent lung contusion, and ec- of both these abnormalities without concomitant frac-
tatic vessels. In addition, with the patient supine, the su- tures of the thoracic cage. They suggested that sensitivity
perior mediastinal shadow is physiologically wider as a was likely to be affected by failure to visualize distinct
result of an increase in systemic blood volume and poor paraspinal lines on underexposed chest films.
inspiration. The ratio of the mediastinal width to chest
width (M/C ratio) of 0.28 applied by Marnocha and
Maglinte [33] was found to be 100% sensitive but only Widening of the paratracheal stripe
15% specific. Increasing the criterion to a ratio of 0.38
or above produced a specificity of 60%, but sensitivity The diagnostic value of the widening of the right paratra-
fell to 40%. This experience confirmed by subsequent cheal stripe to 5 mm or more has been emphasized in

previous studies as predictor of a mediastinal hemor- on the detection of direct signs of aortic injury. In a
rhage. In most works in the literature, this finding is not study of 677 patients, Mirvis et al. [36] found 100% sen-
reported to be significant. sitivity and 88% specificity in considering mediastinal
hematoma as indirect sign of traumatic rupture; however,
if the only evidence of aortic lesion was considered posi-
Depressed left mainstem bronchus tive, then sensitivity decreased to 90% but specificity in-
creased to 99.2%.
In blunt chest trauma, the left mainstem bronchus (below In most trauma centers, the next diagnostic step in-
40° from the horizontal line) may be depressed and also cluded the performance of aortography to confirm or ex-
displaced to the right by a mediastinal hematoma or by clude the aortic origin of the mediastinal bleeding. If he-
an aneurysm at the isthmus. Mirvis et al. [34] confirmed matoma was not present, aortography was not carried
the high specificity of this finding but also reported a out. In interpreting the mediastinum for the detection of
very poor sensitivity (4% on the supine view and 1% on hemorrhage, false-positive findings may occur as a result
the erect view) related in part to problems in accurately of thymus tissue, peri-aortic atelectasis of the left lower
visualizing bronchi on underexposed radiographs. lobe, volume averaging of the pulmonary artery with
mediastinal fat, and left medial pleural effusion. The he-
matoma secondary to aortic rupture is mostly peri-aortic
Apical cap and may extend along the descending aorta. In blunt
chest trauma patients, a mediastinal hemorrhage may be
Hemorrhage from an aortic tear dissecting along the left present for other reasons such as bleeding from small
subclavian artery can extend into the extrapleural space mediastinal vessels (arteries or veins) often in associa-
over the apex of the lung, especially the left lung, pro- tion with fractures of the thoracic cage. Furthermore, if
ducing a soft tissue density. In general, this sign has a the adventitia is intact, aortic rupture may occur without
sensitivity of 9–63% and a specificity of 75–96%. hemorrhage. For these reasons, the interpretation of a
There is wide agreement in the literature on the fact positive CT scan based only on the presence of mediasti-
that no single radiographic sign or combination of signs nal hematoma causes a large number of negative aorto-
has sufficient sensitivity and specificity to confirm or ex- grams with a resulting low specificity. In order to in-
clude the presence of aortic injury. As Mirvis et al. have crease the specificity of CT, direct signs of aortic rupture
pointed out [34], most of the signs described previously must be considered. These signs include aortic pseudo-
are more valuable by their absence as indicators of nor- aneurysm, an abrupt change in the aortic contour, intimal
mality than by their presence as indicators of aortic rup- tear, intramural hematoma, extravasation of contrast ma-
ture. In the identification of a normal chest film, the true terial from the aorta, diminished caliber of the descend-
erect view has shown a higher negative predictive value ing aorta (pseudocoarctation), and double aortic lumen.
(98%) than the supine view (96%). The same authors Problems in the evaluation of these direct findings may
found that the observation of a normal aortic arch and arise from artifacts due to respiratory and voluntary
descending aorta, a clear aorticopulmonary window, and movement of the traumatized patients, cardiovascular
absence of a tracheal shift or widened left paraspinal line motion, and from streak artifacts caused by nasogastric
has a 91–92% negative predictive value for aortic injury; tubes, external leads, or other devices; presence of effu-
therefore, chest radiograph on admission remains the es- sion in the upper pericardial recess can mimic a double
sential screening test for identifying traumatized patients lumen. With conventional CT, motion and respiratory ar-
in whom an aortic tear is strongly suspected and who tifacts were common and the detection of subtle aortic
thus require further imaging investigations. injuries with axial plane extension may also be obscured
by volume averaging with the normal aortic lumen. An-
other limit of conventional CT is the inability to display
Computed tomography images of pseudoaneurysm in the longitudinal plane,
which is their major axis, failing to provide anatomic de-
Over the past few years, several studies have evaluated tails useful for surgery such as relationships between the
the role of standard CT in the diagnosis of aortic injury aortic lesion and the brachiocephalic vessels.
yielding controversial results [35, 36]. These controver- The advent of helical CT overcomes most of these
sial points of view reflect differences in the interpreta- limitations and it is particularly useful in critically in-
tion of CT scans due to the lack of strict criteria. The jured patients with suspected associated neurological,
largest series report sensitivity ranging from 55 to 100% visceral, or retroperitoneal lesions some of which may be
and specificity ranging from 65 to 99.2%. Before the in- more critical than an aortic injury. Helical scanning has
troduction of helical CT in clinical practice, CT diagno- the great advantage of providing a better direct evalua-
sis of aortic rupture relied primarily on the detection of tion of the aorta with an acquisition time of approximate-
mediastinal hematomas as an indirect sign, rather than ly 25–30 s for the evaluation of the thoracic aorta.

Fig. 22 a Spiral CT scan of a

acute traumatic aortic lesion.
Circumferential tear of the
isthmic aorta with an associat-
ed large hematoma and bilater-
al hemothorax. b Spiral CT
scan of the same patient 1 year
after stent-graft positioning.
Complete resolution of the aor-
tic aneurysm. c Volume-render-
ing reconstruction image on an
oblique sagittal plane. The stent
graft is visible below the left
subclavian artery

Gavant et al. [37] used helical CT exclusively to screen tomic features as well as the severity of the aortic lesion
1518 patients with nontrivial blunt chest trauma, 127 of (Fig. 22); therefore, a CT grading system has been pro-
whom presented abnormal findings at CT and underwent posed in the estimation of the severity of aortic injury
aortography. Helical CT was found to be more sensitive [38]:
than aortography (100 vs 94.4%) but less specific (81.7
1. Grade 0: normal aorta and mediastinum.
vs 96.3%, respectively) in detecting aortic lesions. False
2. Grade 1: abnormal mediastinum and normal aorta.
positives are reported in cases of prominent mediastinal
Five to 10% of blunt trauma present with isolated me-
vessels adjacent to the aorta (e.g., a right bronchial ar-
diastinal hematoma in the absence of an aortic lesion.
tery) or in cases of volume averaging of the left brachio-
3. Grade 2: minimal aortic injury. Aortic intimal injuries
cephalic or left superior intercostal veins. The authors
extended for 1 cm or less may be difficult to detect
conclude that negative findings on helical CT of the aor-
and should be differentiated from atherosclerotic
ta, even in the presence of mediastinal hematoma, is suf-
ficient to exclude aortic rupture. In a subsequent study,
4. Grade 3: confined aortic injury. This is the most com-
Gavant et al. [37] evaluated a larger number of patients
mon type of aortic lesion, easily identified due to the
with the addition of two-dimensional and three-dimen-
formation of pseudoaneurysm.
sional reconstruction including shaded-surface display
5. Grade 4: total aortic disruption. The aortic contour is
and maximum intensity projection volume-rendering
irregular, poorly defined, and contrast medium extra-
techniques. The retrospective reconstruction of addition-
vasation into the extra-adventitial space is visible
al axial images with a 50% overlap proved to be critical
(Fig. 23).
for detecting subtle aortic injury. Even if two-dimension-
al and three-dimensional reconstructions do not produce Comparing the diagnostic value of transesophageal echo-
improvement in terms of diagnosis, they are useful sup- cardiography (TEE) and helical CT in a consecutive se-
plements to the axial helical CT examination allowing ries of 110 patients, Vignon et al. [39] found one false
depiction of important anatomical details such as rela- negative with TEE in a traumatic lesion of the innomi-
tionships between the aortic lesion and the major branch nate artery, identified by helical CT. On the contrary, he-
vessels. Presently, many therapeutic approaches are pos- lical CT missed four cases of intimal/medial injuries at
sible in traumatic aortic rupture, depending on the ana- the aortic isthmus; however, the sensitivity and specifici-

Fig. 23 Standard CT scan of a traumatic aortic injury performed a Fig. 24 Cross-sectional transesophageal echocardiographic view
few hours before the death of the patient due to aortic rupture. The of the aortic isthmus in a patient with a partial aortic disruption
aortic contour is irregular, poorly defined, and contrast medium following motor vehicle accident. The disrupted aortic wall is mo-
extravasation into the peri-adventitial space is visible (total aortic bile. Localized deformity of the posterior aortic contour is shown
disruption) corresponding to the formation of acute pseudoaneurysm

ty of helical CT in the detection of traumatic aortic le- sive technique and does not require the administration of
sions was approximately 100% in other reports [40]. contrast media. Moreover it may provides information
Further improvements are likely to be realized in on possible associated cardiac contusions or valvular le-
speed and resolution with multidetector helical CT. The sion. Nevertheless, in a polytraumatized patient, some
images may be acquired with cardiac synchronization disadvantages of TEE may become particularly problem-
avoiding pulsatility artifacts and improving diagnostic atic. It cannot be performed in patients with facial frac-
accuracy in the ascending aorta. Since it provides high- tures or cervical spine fractures, representing 5–25% of
quality images in a short time, multi-detector helical CT the trauma victims. The risk of free aorta rupture may
represents a method of great diagnostic value, potentially occur, as has been described in patients with aortic dis-
the method of first choice in the acute phase for the eval- section, due to gagging and the sudden increase in intra-
uation of blunt chest trauma patients with suspected aor- thoracic pressure by probe insertion. The descending
tic injury, particularly in polytraumatized patients with aorta is scanned in close proximity to the esophagus and
other associated lesions. possible near-field artifacts may occur due to excessive
gain and reverberation. Because of the interposition of
the trachea, there can be some limitations in visualizing
Echocardiography the upper portion of the ascending aorta as well as the ar-
teries of the aortic arch, the next most common locations
Transesophageal echocardiography developed by Frazin for aortic injury after the aortic isthmus. These problems
in 1976 has evolved as the optimal modality in acute are evident in the literature in several cases of false-posi-
nontraumatic aortic pathology. The capability of provid- tive and false-negative results. Serious consequences of
ing high-resolution images of the aortic wall in a rapid a missed diagnosis or of an unnecessary thoracotomy in
time, even at the patient’s bedside, allowed it to become an already ill patient demand a high degree of accuracy
the method of choice in the diagnosis of acute aortic dis- from any diagnostic test applied in aortic injury evalua-
section. The use of TEE in aortic injury was first report- tion. The widest prospective trials on the use of TEE in
ed in the 1990s, initially in small series of patients with trauma patients produced better results, even if discor-
blunt chest trauma and successively in wider prospective dant. Smith and coworkers [41] found 11 aortic injuries
trials. The diagnosis is based on the identification of aor- of 101 traumatized patients, demonstrating a sensitivity
tic tear as a mobile echogenic flap, perpendicular to the of 100% and a specificity of 98% (one false positive).
aortic isthmus (Fig. 24). The aortic contour is generally Similar rates were found by Vignon et al. [42] in 32 con-
deformed because of the formation of a pseudoaneu- secutive patients evaluated for blunt chest trauma with
rysm. There are several advantages in the use of TEE in only one false negative with a 2-mm medial tear. One
the evaluation of aortic injury. Echocardiography can be hundred percent sensitivity and specificity were found
performed quickly at the bedside, without interrupting by Buckmaster et al. [43] in 160 consecutive patients. In-
resuscitative and therapeutic measures. It is a non-inva- terestingly, aortography performed in the same patients

as the gold standard, yielded one false-positive and four

false-negative results. On the contrary, Saletta et al. re-
ported lower rates of sensitivity and specificity (63 and
84%, respectively) in 17 cases of 114 trauma patients in
whom TEE was read as indeterminate. The TEE may be
considered an effective test in the evaluation of aortic in-
jury, providing helpful information regarding the aortic
lesion. Nevertheless, considering the operator depen-
dence of the method and some pitfalls in detecting spe-
cific portions of the aortic segments, its use as sole diag-
nostic test for ruptured thoracic aorta requires a careful


For more than 20 years aortography has been the only Fig. 25 Aortography (left anterior oblique view). A longitudinal,
imaging modality for studying aortic pathology, and it subtle tear extending within the lumen of the aorta is visible
has been considered to be the gold standard in confirm-
ing or excluding the presence of traumatic aortic rupture.
Because of the fragility of the traumatized aortic wall, thrombosis of the pouch. By design, small intimal tears
particular care should be taken with the angiographic or intimal intraparietal lesions cannot be visualized by
technique. Using a transfemoral approach, a 5- or 6-F angiography, as demonstrated in reports comparing angi-
Pigtail catheter should be advanced gently into the de- ography with high-resolution tomographic modalities
scending thoracic aorta until 3–4 cm above the aortic such as TEE, MRI, and CT. Due to its invasive approach
valve. If any resistance is met, a manual test injection and contrast media administration, aortography generally
should be performed. Because the intimal tears are often has a complication rate of 1–2%, which tends to be high-
small and subtle, more than one view may be necessary. er in acute patients. Kram et al. [45] reported 10.5% of
Biplane cineangiography assures high temporal resolu- complications in 76 victims of blunt chest trauma under-
tion images and accurate evaluation of the isthmic aorta going aortography, one of which required blood transfu-
by a single injection of 50 ml of contrast medium. The sion for severe groin hemorrhage. Although it is difficult
entire thoracic aorta as well as the intrathoracic portions to demonstrate a precise cause-and-effect relationship,
of the brachiocephalic vessels should be visualized to several cases of death during aortography have been re-
exclude location of aortic rupture other than at the ported. Contrast media extravasation into the mediasti-
isthmus, occurring in 5% of clinical series. The diagno- num or massive leakage from the aneurysm after injec-
sis is based on the detection of the intimal/medial tear tion of contrast media has even been documented by Del
visible as a linear irregular filling defect within the lu- Rossi et al. [46]. Because of the use of smaller catheters
men of the aorta (Fig. 25). When the tear extends deep and contrast media reduction, intra-arterial digital sub-
into the media, the pseudoaneurysm appears on the aor- traction angiography (IADSA) is considered faster and
togram as a focal bulge in the column of contrast materi- safer in comparison with angiography. Its major disad-
al. The combined findings that are highly specific for vantages (e.g., reduction in spatial resolution and sub-
aortic rupture are a focal bulge with delayed washout of traction artifacts due to patient motion which can occur
contrast material and a linear filling defect at the level of in a polytraumatized patient) do not seem to affect its di-
the ligamentum arteriosum. Focal bulge alone cannot be agnostic value.
considered diagnostic of traumatic aortic rupture. A fo-
cal convexity, involving the opposite wall asymmetrical-
ly, may be present at the thoracic aortic isthmus in ap- Magnetic resonance
proximately 25% of cases due to ductus diverticulum,
and tend to be more prominent in older patients. It ac- A long examination time as well as difficult access to the
counts for 1–2.8% of false-positive results of aortogra- patient has been considered the main limitation of MRI in
phy in the diagnosis of aortic injury [44]. Other abnor- acute aortic pathology. The development of fast MRI
malities that can simulate aortic injury include athero- techniques has enabled the examination to be shortened
sclerotic plaques, aortitis, and streaming or mixing arti- to a few minutes, allowing its use even in critically ill pa-
facts. A false-negative diagnosis of rupture with angiog- tients. The value of MRI in detecting traumatic aortic
raphy may occur in up to 12% of cases due to poor opa- rupture has been reported in a series of 24 consecutive
cification by contrast agents, inadequate projections, or patients in comparison with angiography and CT [47].

Fig. 26 a Sagittal oblique spin-

echo MR image demonstrating
a partial lesion of the isthmic
aorta. An intimal tear involving
only the anterior wall is visible
with peri-aortic effusion (high
signal intensity). b Axial spin-
echo MR image of the same pa-
tient showing associated pul-
monary contusions (high signal
intensity), peri-aortic, and bi-
lateral pleural effusion and rib

Fig. 27 Optimal diagnostic


The diagnostic accuracy was 100% for MRI, 84% for an- the same sequence used to evaluate the aortic lesion,
giography (two false negatives, in 2 cases of limited par- without any additional time, the wide field of view of
tial lesion), and 69% for CT (two false negatives and MRI gives a comprehensive evaluation of chest trauma
three false positives). The potential of MRI to detect the such as lung contusion and edema, pleural effusion, and
hemorrhagic component of a lesion by high signal inten- rib fractures (Fig. 26). Furthermore, if delayed surgery is
sity is beneficial in traumatized patients. On spin-echo considered, MRI may be used to monitor thoracic and
images in the sagittal plane, the longitudinal visualization aortic lesions because of its non-invasiveness and repeat-
of the thoracic aorta allows identification of a partial le- ability. Recently, endovascular stent graft has become an
sion (a tear limited to the anterior or to the posterior wall) emerging option in the treatment of acute or chronic trau-
from a circumferential lesion developing on the entire matic aortic lesions. In this clinical setting, the accuracy
aortic circumference. This discrimination is of prognostic of measurements in order to customize the stent graft has
significance, because circumferential lesion may have a become a fundamental characteristic. Magnetic resonance
greater risk of rupture [48]. The presence of periadventi- imaging with the implemention of MR angiography pro-
tial hematoma, or pleural and mediastinal hemorrhagic vides an excellent display of the aortic lesion and its rela-
effusion, may also be considered a sign of instability. In tionship with supra-aortic vessels, allowing detailed eval-

uation of the aortic lesion, of its distance from the left raising the suspicion of aortic injury. On the basis of pos-
subclavian artery, and of the iliac and femoral arteries itive chest X-ray, several imaging modalities are current-
which constitute the vascular access of the 22–27 sheets ly available to confirm or exclude the presence of the le-
containing the stent graft; however, MR angiography sion. The choice of approach has to take account of the
does not add any diagnostic value to spin-echo MRI and patient’s clinical condition. In the case of severe hemo-
it cannot supply information regarding parietal lesions dynamic instability, TEE has the advantage that it can be
and hemorragic fluids outside the aortic vessel. performed at the patient’s bedside without interrupting
resuscitative and therapeutic measures. In the more sta-
ble patients, the ideal modalities are those able to give
Optimal diagnostic approach high-definition images of the aortic wall and to obtain
information on the other organs and structures affected
Although the new surgical strategies demonstrated low by the traumatic impact. Both MRI and helical CT dem-
rates of spontaneous mortality of traumatic aortic lesion onstrated these characteristics, providing a high accuracy
observed in the clinical setting, traumatic aortic rupture in the diagnosis of aortic injury coupled to the capability
has to be considered a potentially evolving lesion; there- to evaluate thoracic, head, or abdominal lesions. Because
fore, a prompt and accurate diagnosis is necessary in or- of a better access to the patient and widespread availabil-
der to initiate pharmacological control of arterial blood ity, helical CT may be considered the method of choice
pressure and stratify the risk of delayed or emergency in a severe polytrauma. If delayed surgery is considered,
surgical repair (Fig. 27). either MRI or helical CT may be used to monitor
Chest X-ray is routinely performed in all blunt thoracic and aortic lesions because of its non-invasive-
thoracic trauma victims and plays an essential role in ness and repeatability.

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