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Pre-Primary/ Primary


Unit of work: Me and My Body Salvation topic: Jesus Human person Topic: Our
Year Level: Pre-primary Students’ Prior Knowledge:

In Pre-primary, the students learn of the arrival of the

Key Understanding: Kingdom of God as proclaimed through Jesus. Today,
B.1- Jesus used his body
Christians experience the power of the Holy Spirit
within the Kingdom of God as they draw upon the
Learning Point(s): grace of the Lord through the sacraments and ways
B1.1 Names some of the ways Jesus used his that Jesus has taught.
As pre-primary is the first introduction to religious
education, students do not have any knowledge form
other years however, within this unit, students have
been focusing on their bodies and their senses and
how these can be used as God has intended to carry
out the Kingdom of God.

Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity
eg Right eg Right eg Inner eg eg Prayer eg eg Service
choices relationships strength Moderation Reconciliation
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative behaviour Social understandi
thinking competence ng

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Asia and Australia’s Sustainability
Islander histories and cultures engagement with Asia
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Identifies at least one (1) way Jesus used his body within the passage that has been read
Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:
Gifted- an additional set of questions will be asked to
Lesson focus: the focus in this lesson is to those in the room that require extension, particularly
show Jesus as the model of truly human the focus and wonder questions after the story is read.
behaviour. In this lesson we see how people The questions may either require further elaboration
are to use their bodies to carry out the mission or may be follow- up questions to one that has already
of God and show love to all that they pass. been asked to prompt higher order thinking
- How can I model the actions of Jesus
and demonstrate the ways he used his ADHD- while sitting on the mat, the child will be able
body for good and to proclaim the to have a sensory toy of their choice brought down on
mission? the mat to aid their concentration. Furthermore, the
child will be able to sit however they find that is
comfortable (for example- a sensory cushion) without
disrupting the others around them
LESSON DELIVERY attaches worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant
Time Motivation and Introduction: Resources/References
- Students will be invited to sit on the mat
10 minutes
- The teacher will revise the concepts focused on in the
previous lessons and ask the students how they used
their bodies and how they used their senses
- The teacher will discuss that like all human beings,
Jesus had a body with many parts, including senses
and will pose a question as to how Jesus may have
used his body:
o How did he use his body? (broad)
o How did he use his body to help people?
o How did he use his body to spread the Good
News and carry out the mission of God?
- Answers may include:
o He used his feet to travel
o He used his hands to heal Interactive whiteboard
Whiteboard and markers
o He used his ears to listen to those that needed .
- The teacher will create a brainstorm using popplet on
the board for children to be exposed to the written
language- alternatively, the teacher may use the
whiteboard to write on with whiteboard markers and be
10 minutes able to draw visual prompts to help the students Godly Play script (Mark
remember what is written 1: 35-39)

Lesson Steps:
- The teacher will use the attached Godly Play script (see
appendix 1) to tell the story of Mark 1:35-39
- When introducing the story, the teacher will give a brief
explanation of the passage:
o This is a story of Jesus travels that shows us
how he used his body to help those around him
as well as helping to spread the mission of God
- After the Godly play has been acted out, the teacher
will propose the wonder questions to the students and
allow discussion to occur with the class
o While posing the focus and wonder questions to
the students, refer to the brainstorm that was
created before listening to the story and see if
10 minutes there are similarities between how the children
thought Jesus would use his body and how he

- Students will be divided into partners and be asked to

draw a picture of how Jesus used his body within the
story they have just read
- While students are completing their work, the teacher
will move around the room and scribe on the top of their
work what they have drawn of Jesus
- Once students have finished or the time allocated to
draw their pictures has run out, they will leave their
work on their desks and move back to the mat

Further involvement within the classroom:

- The teacher will introduce the idea of re-enacting the
story and explore how Jesus used his body in the story
by following the movements of Jesus
- The teacher will recite aspects of what the students
Note: these materials will
have come up with as answers for how Jesus used his
be sourced for the
body and will then ask:
students to play with
o What kind of tools and materials would you like
throughout the day
to be able to use to be able to show how Jesus
during breaks and/or free
used his body in the passage?
play time
- If students are unsure, examples may be:
o Trees
o Boxes
o Blocks
o Carboard
5 minutes o Materials to dress in
- Students will be given a few minutes to talk amongst
themselves to see what they would like to be able to
play with- conversation and discussion

Lesson closure:
- Students will stand up to sing the following prayer
before moving on to the next session- actions such as
pointing to eyes, marching, movement of exclaiming
with their hands can be used
o Jesus used his Body
(The prayer could be sung to the tune of The
Wheels of the Bus.)
Jesus used his eyes to see his friends, see his
friends, see his friends. Jesus used his eyes to
see his friends. Jesus used his body.

Jesus used his legs travel away, travel away,

travel away. Jesus used his legs to travel away.
Jesus used his body.

Jesus used his voice to teach the people, teach

the people, teach the people. Jesus used his
voice to teach the people. Jesus used his body.

- Students will be asked to move to collect their crunch
and sip and find a place in the room to have their food

- The objective of the lesson will be assessed through
the students work sample of a drawing. This sample will
be paired with observations of class contributions and
anecdotal notes taken throughout the lesson where
there is group work completed.
- Both points of assessment will be recorded with a
checklist (appendix 3)

Appendix 1:
Jesus Prays in a Solitary Place
Mark 32-39
(as adapted from New Revised Standard Version)

Dark brown felt as the road
- Green, textured styrofoam balls (covered in dyed sand or rice) as hills
- Silky blue material
- Peg people- Jesus and three friends, two towns people and two injured
- Various different sized rocks
- Large light brown felt underlay

Children are seated in a semi-circle ready to listen to the story. When the children are settled, go to the
shelf and carry the materials as you would the Bible. Place these beside you.

Place class Bible in front of you with your hand on it.

This story comes from our special book which we call the Bible. This story is about how Jesus used
his body for good

Place Bible beside you.

Roll out the large dark brown underlay.

This is the rough ground.

Lay out the light brown path across the underlay.

This is a path. People use this path to get to different places.

Place the blue silky material.

This is the nice cool water. It is a nearby lake.

Place the dark rocks in the corner to create rocky areas.

It’s very rocky in these areas, with rocks of all different shapes and sizes. They are good for sitting

Place the green hills in the other corner of the underlay.

These are wonderfully green, lush hills.

Place the shelter on the underlay.

This is the place gives shelter to those who come to it.

Place Jesus and his friends under the shelter.

This is where Jesus and his friends are staying and it is where our story begins…

Begin to move the towns people and injured peg people towards the shelter and lean them at the entrance.
One night, after it was dark, the people of the town began to bring all the sick people to Jesus all.
They gathered at the door.

Move Jesus around to those that are sick one by one.

Jesus healed all those he could and helped those with bad feelings and thoughts inside of them to
be better again.

Lay Jesus and his friends down on the floor (pause after this)
After everyone left Jesus went to sleep because he was very tired from helping all the people from
the town.

Move Jesus from being asleep on the floor out of the shelter and to a nearby rock to pray.
Very early the next morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went of to a
quiet place by himself to pray.

Begin to move all Jesus friends out of the shelter and towards Jesus
When Jesus’ friends woke up and saw that he was gone they came looking for him. When they
found Jesus in his quiet place, all his friends yelled out “everyone is looking for you”.

Jesus replied to them, “Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can proclaim the
message. That is why I have come.”

Move Jesus and his friends down the brown path

Jesus and his friends left where they were and travelled throughout Galilee, preaching in their
synagogues (temples), sending out the message, and getting rid of bad spirits.

Focus questions:

- In what ways did you think Jesus used his body in the story?
- In what ways can you use your body?
- Do you use your body like seen Jesus did?
- How did Jesus use his body to help people in the story?
- How did Jesus use his body to preach the mission of God?

Wonder questions:

- Sometimes we need a quiet place to think and pray- when have you wanted to be by yourself?
- I wonder how all the sick and injured people knew to come to everyone came to Jesus if they were
not told
- Why do you think Jesus helped all the people that came to the door if they were not invited?
- I wonder what Jesus saw when he began travelling across Galilee
- I wonder what kinds of things Jesus said to those he preached to
- I wonder how else Jesus used his body while he was travelling- to be able to travel as well to help
Appendix 2:



Undeveloped (lack of understanding) /
Developing (required prompting) /-
Developed (objective achieved) /-\

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