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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS me sist UNISA Issn. MAT2612 CctoberiNovenber 2016 INTRODUCTION TO DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Duration 2 Hours 400 Marks EXAMINERS FIRST PROF SA VAN AARDT. SECOND PROF ¥ HARDY Closed book examination ‘This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Africa and may not be removed from the examination venue ‘Thus popor consists of 4 pages Instructions + ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS + Smce calculators are not allowed, you may leave your answers as expressions involving, permutations and ‘combinations, where necessary ITURN OVER} 2 Mar2e12 OCT/NOV 2016 Use mathematical induction to show that noo for all nN, n24 a) (a) How many distinguishable arrangements aro there of the letters in the word “FULFILLING”? (2) (b) How many distinguishable arrangements are there of the letters m “FULFILLING? sf the three Le are next to each other (@ LLL)? @) (5) Suppose Gauteng car number plates consist of three letters followed by three numbers “The allowable letters fare the 21 consonants (ie all the letters of the alphabet except, A, E, 1, 0, U) and the allowable munabers are 0, 1, 2, 84, 8,6, 7, 8,9 Repetstion of letters and numbers 1s allowed (a) How many different number plates are possible? @ (b) How many different number plates will have exactly two adjacent numbers the same? “ (€) How many diferent number plstes will have exactly two fis? @ (A) How many different number plates will have exactly two Rs and st least one 9” “ a) ‘You must choose a committee of 8 people contaunmng at least two men ‘There are 9 men and 11 women to choose from How many such committees are there? (a) Explain what 1s wrong with the following “solution” Sorat bane mt me, dae em (2) wos Now ds te man eb of commer on ts ean 18 palm ('9) wns Bye tt oe te ets (@() such committees 6) (0) Give a correct solution 6) (81 In how many ways can you choose 16 chocolates from 7 diferent types if there are more than 16 of every type except type I, of which there i only one? (6) Use the pigeonnole privaple Lo show that sf you pick five numbers from the integers t to 8, Uhen two of them rust add up to nine i) Let A= (1,2,3,4,6) and define the relation Ron A by ‘ORD af and only af Fs on anteger 6 For example, 6R3 since since $ — 2 wan integer 3 (a) Wnte R as a set of ordered pairs 8 (&) Draw the directed graph of (A, Rt) @ (©) Give the an-dogree and out-degree of 2 2 (4) Determine sf (4, R) 16 a poset Give complete reasoning a (15) (TURN OVER] MarT2612 OCTYNOV 2016 8 (a) Suppose f and g are functions whose domamns are subsets of Z*, the set of positive integers Give the definition of “J 18 Og)” @ (b) Use the defination of ‘f 18 O(g)" to show that n? +27 5 O(3") a) '} 9 Consider the poset (4, R) represented by the following, Hasse diagram (a) Give each of the following If any do not exist, explam clearly why (0) Tho greatest element of (A, 8) ® (a) The least element of (4, R) @ (02) All upper bounds of {¢, f} @ (0v) Tho least upper bound (LUB) of {¢,} ® (¥) All lower bounds of {6,4} @ (1) The geeatest lower bound (GLB) of (6, db 0) (vu) A complement of 5 @) (vm) A complement of f ®) (6x) Any two meomparsble elements ® (b) Give complete reasons for answers to the following () Is (A.B) a lattice? ® (1) 18 (A, R) a complemented lattice? @ ) Is (A, R) a Boolean algebra? ® (2) (TURN OVER]

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