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;fj{hlgs ;jf/L;fwgx?

sf] ef8f lgwf{/0fsf] sfod /x]sf] k|s[of

;jf/L tyf oftfoft Aoj:yf P]g @)$( sf] bkmf !%# sf] -3_ cg';f/ ofq'sf] rfknfO{ b[li6ut ul/
cfjZostf cg';f/sf] af6f] lgwf{/0f ul/ ;f] af6f]df rNg] ;fj{hlgs ;jf/Lsf] ef8f lgwf{/0f ug]{ ul/
oftfoft Aoj:yf ljefunfO{ If]qflwsf/ lbO{Psf] cfwf/df ef8f lgwf{/0f ug]{ k|s[ofsf] z'?jft ePsf] xf] .
@)^%.!!.@)df g]kfn ;/sf/n] a}1flgs k4ltaf6 ef8f lgwf{/0f ug'{ k"j{ ef8fb/ ;fdfGo 5nkmn jf
cfk;L ;xdltaf6 to x'g] u/]sf] blvG5 . ;jf/L ;fwgsf] Detail Cost Analysis ePsf] lyPg . ;DjlGwt
kIfx?sf] bjfjsf sf/0f g]kfn ;/sf/;+u ;xdlt ul/ k]6«f]lnod kbfy{df ePsf] d'Nosf] ptf/ r9fjsf]
cfwf/df ;fdfGo u[xsfo{ dfq ul/ tf]lsPsf] k|ltztsf] cfwf/df ef8f ;dfof]hg x'g] u/]sf] b]lvG5 .
a}1flgs ef8f ;dfof]hgsf] z'?jft
@)^% ;fndf oftfoft Aoj:yf ljefuaf6 g]kfn O{lGhgLo/LË cWoog ;+:yfg ;d]tn] lbPsf] a}1flgs
ef8fb/sf] k|ltj]bg, ;/f]sf/jfnf ;d'xsf] ;'emfj Pjd\ ;Nnfxsf] cfwf/df ;jf/L;fwgsf] ;+rfngdf
nfUg] nfut / ck]lIft cfDbfgL ;d]tnfO{ Wofgdf /fvL a}1flgs k4ltaf6 ;fj{hlgs ofq'jfxs,
dfnjfxs, ld6/hl8t 6\ofS;L Pjd\ ladfg:ynaf6 ;+rflnt ko{6lso ;jf/L;fwg -Prepaid Taxi_ sf]
ef8f lgwf{/0f ePsf] xf] . o; cg';f/ ef8fb/ ;dfof]hg ubf{sf] km/d'nfdf x/]s ;"rssf] nfut b]lvg] /
Cost Analysis Chart ;d]t b]lvg] / ef8fb/ sfod x'g] u/]sf] / ;f] Cost Analysis Chart df x]/km]/ x'g]
Cost x? jhf/df k]6«f]lnod kbfy{df kfFr ?k}Fof ;Ddsf] kl/jt{g / cGo ;'rssf] xsdf k|To]s cfly{s
jif{sf] z'?df jhf/df ePsf] d'No kl/jt{gnfO{ jhf/ ;j]{If0f ul/ k|fKt k|ltkmnnfO{ kmd'{nfdf k|lji6
u/fO{ ef8fb/ ;dfof]hg ul/g] k|s[of cjnDag ePsf] jt{dfg l:ytL 5 .
;f]xL cfwf/df ef8fb/ ;dfof]hg ug]{ Cost Analysis Chart tof/ eP kZrft oftfoft Aoj;foLsf]
5ftf ;+u7g / oftfoft Aoj:yf ljefuaf6 jhf/ ;j]{If0f ul/ ;f] rf6{sf ;'rsx?sf] k|fKt hfgsf/L
x?sf] ljin]z0f ul/ Aoj;foL / ljefuaf6 ;}4flGts ;xdlt ul/ l:js[lt jf ;dy{gsf] nfuL ;DjlGwt
dGqfnodf k7fO{ l:js[lt eP kZrft ef8f lgwf{/0f ljefuaf6 ul/ b]ze/ nfu' ul/g] ul/Psf]5 .
oftfoft ;+rfns tyf ljefu ljrsf] ;xdlt / g]kfn ;/sf/n] o; ;DjGwdf ljutdf u/]sf] lg0f{osf]
cfwf/df tklznsf ;"rs tyf k|s[of cjnDag ul/ k|lt lsnf]ld6/ k|lt AoQmL ef8fb/ /flvPsf] 5 . of]
k|s[of ;fj{hlgs ofq'jfxs a;nfO{ cfwf/ dfgL ;fwf/0f sfnf] kq] / u|fj]n ;8ssf nfuL ul/g] u/]sf]
/ dfu ePdf km/s k|s[ltsf] ;jf/L tyf af6f]sf] nfuL ljefuaf6 6f]nL u7g eO{ To:tf km/s k|s[ltsf
;8s / ;jf/Lsf] cWoog tTsflng cj:ydf sfod /x]sf] ef8fb/ lgsfNg] ul/sf] 5 .
@)^% ;fndf ef8fb/ lgwf{/0fsf] k4ltsf] z'?jft x'Fbf lgDg cg';f/sf ;'rsnfO{ Cost Analysis Chart
df k|lji6 u/fO{Psf] b]lvG5 .
Previous cost Current cost
1 Salary & Allowance
a) Driver
b) Conductor (not for Taxi)
c) Helper (not for Taxi)
Allowance Dearness/Trip
d) (Driver/ Conductor/Helper) as per the
rate fixed by Labour Ministry
2 Booking staff & Management (as per the rate
fixed by Labour Ministry)
3 Garage and space
4 Taxes (as per actual)
a) Income tax
b) Transport tax
c) Renewal charges
d) Route Permit charges
e) Fitness charges
f) Pollution charges
g) Municipality charges
5 Insurance
6 Maintenance
a) Engine overall
b) gear+differential

c) General Maintenance

d) Dent paint
7 Battery
8 Depriciation
9 Interest
10 Overhead
Variable Costs
11 Diesel/Petrol
12 Tyre
13 Lubricant
14 Profit of the operator
Calculation sheet for public transport effective from 2071/10/26

A. Passenger Bus

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport

Department of Transport Management
Fare Calculation
Vehicle Type: Passenger Bus
Cost Calculation Sheet
Effective from 2071/10/26
S.N Cost Component Description Unit Quantity Wage Rate, Amount, Rs.
Monthly Salary
Driver Month 13 7,500.00 97,500.00
Conductor Month 13 6,500.00 84,500.00
Helper Month 13 6,200.00 80,600.00
Booking Staff Month 13 6,500.00 84,500.00
Management Month 13 6,500.00 84,500.00
Sallary and allowances to the staffs

Total Monthly Salary 431,600.00

Daily Trip Allowance
Driver Day 300 300.00 90,000.00
Conductor Day 300 300.00 90,000.00
1 Helper Day 300 300.00 90,000.00
Total Trip Allowance 270,000.00
Dearness Allowance
Driver Month 12 1,800.00 21,600.00
Conductor Month 12 1,800.00 21,600.00
Helper Month 12 1,800.00 21,600.00
Booking Staff Month 12 0.00 0.00
Management Month 12 0.00 0.00
Total Dearness Allowance 64,800.00
Sub total Sallary and Allowances 766,400.00
2 Garage & Space Rent @ Rs. 4500 per month 12 4,500.00 54,000.00
3 Taxes Tax @ Rs. 7635 per year 1 9,135.00 9,135.00
4 Insurance per year Insurance premium @ 50000 per 1 50,000.00 50,000.00
5 Maintenance Maintenance @ 168000 per year 1 168,000.00 168,000.00
6 Battery Battery per one battery per 1.5 Number 0.66 40,000.00 26,400.00 26,400.00
7 Depreciation Per year difference between book 170,000.00
value and Scrap value
Book value average cost of new vehicle 2,400,000.00
Scrap value (after 10 average cost of after 10 yrs 700,000.00
8 Interest (@12%) 288,000.00
9 Overhead (LS Rs. 28,500.00
10 Fuel, Diesel 1,245,600.00
Diessel price, Rs 86.50
Average Millage, km/L 5.00
Annual run, km 72000
11 Tyre 311,850.00
no of tyres 1.5 sets per year (9 9
Rate per tyres, Rs 34,650.00
12 Lubricant Lubricant rate, Rs 53,500.00 53,500.00
13 Margin 10% of Book value 240,000.00
Gross Total 3,411,385.00
Cost/ km 47.380
Cost/ km/person Occupancy 80% of 32 seats (26 26 1.822

Previous cost per Rs. 1.86 1.86 1.860

person per kilometer

Increase percent -2.03%

A. Truck (Kathmandu-Pokhara-Narayanghat)

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport

Department of Transport Management
Fare Calculation
Vehicle Type: Truck (Kathmandu-Pokhara-Narayanghat)
Effective from: 2071/10/26
Cost Calculation Sheet
S.N Cost Component Description Unit Quantity Wage Rate, Amount,
Rs. Rs.

Monthly Salary
Driver Month 13 7,500.00 97,500.00
Sallary and allowances to the staffs

Helper Month 13 6,200.00 80,600.00

Total Monthly Salary 178,100.00
Daily Trip Allowance
Driver Day 300 300.00 90,000.00
1 Helper Day 300 300.00 90,000.00
Total Trip Allowance 180,000.00
Dearness Allowance
Driver month 12 1,800.00 21,600.00
Helper Month 12 1,800.00 21,600.00
Total dearness allowance 43,200.00
Sub total Sallary and Allowances 401,300.00
3 Taxes Tax @ Rs. 32055 per 1 33,555.00 33,555.00
4 Insurance per year Insurance premium @ 1 50,000.00 50,000.00
50000 per year

5 Maintenance Maintenance 1 189,000.00 189,000.00

6 Battery Battery .067 number 0.66 40,000.00 26,400.00
per year
7 Depreciation Per year difference 214,285.71
between book value
and Scrap value

Book value average cost of new 2,150,000.00

Scrap value (after 7 yrs) average cost of after 7 650,000.00

8 Interest (@12%) 258,000.00

9 Overhead 31,800.00
10 Fuel, Diesel 1,638,947.37
Diessel price, Rs 86.50
Average Millage, km/L 1.90
Annual run, km 36000
11 Tyre 311,850.00
no of tyres 1.5 sets per 9
year (9 tyres)
Rate per tyres, Rs 34,650.00
12 Lubricant LS per year 100000 + 107,000.00 107,000.00
7% increase
13 Margin 10% of Book value 215,000.00
Gross Total 3,477,138.08
Cost/ km 96.59
Cost/ km/ton capacity of truck 10 ton 10 9.66
Previous cost per person 10.1 10.1
per kilometer

Increase percent -4.37%

C. Truck (Terai Area)

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport

Department of Transport Management
Fare Calculation
Vehicle Type: Truck (Terai Area)
Effective from: 2071/10/26
Cost Calculation Sheet
S.N Cost Component Parameter Methodology Unit Quantit Wage Rate, Amount,
y Rs. Rs.

Monthly Salary

Driver Month 13 7,500.00 97,500.00

Sallary and allowances to the staffs

Helper Month 13 6,200.00 80,600.00

Total Monthly Salary 178,100.00
Daily Trip Allowance
Driver Day 300 300.00 90,000.00
1 Helper Day 300 300.00 90,000.00
Total Trip Allowance 180,000.00
Dearness Allowance
Driver month 12 1,800.00 21,600.00
Helper Month 12 1,800.00 21,600.00
Total dearness allowance 43,200.00
Sub total Sallary and Allowances 401,300.00

2 Taxes Tax @ Rs. 32055 per year 1 33,555.00 33555

3 Insurance per year Insurance premium @ 50000 per year 1 50,000.00 50,000.00
4 Maintenance Maintenance 1 143,000.00 143,000.00
5 Battery Battery .067 number per 0.66 40,000.00 26,400.00
6 Depreciation Per year difference between book value and Scrap value 150,000.00
Book value cost of new truck 2,150,000.00
Scrap value cost of after 10 yrs 650,000.00
7 Interest (@12%) 258,000.00
8 Overhead 16,000.00
9 Fuel, Diesel 1,779,428.5
Diessel price, Rs 86.50
Average Millage, km/L 3.50
Annual run, km 72000
10 Tyre 311,850.00
no of tyres 1.5 sets per year (9 tyres) 9
Rate per tyres, Rs 34,650.00
11 Lubricant LS per year 100000 + 7% 53,500.00 53,500.00
12 Margin 10% of Book value 215,000.00
Gross Total 3,438,033.5
Cost/ km 47.75
Cost/ km/ton capacity of truck 10 ton 10 4.775
Previous cost per person per kilometer 5.041 5.041
percent Increase -5.28%

D.Metered Taxi

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport

Department of Transport Management
Fare Calculation
Vehicle Type: Metered Taxi
Effective from:
Cost Calculation Sheet
S.N Cost Description Unit Quantity Wage Rate, Amount, Rs.
Component Rs.
Monthly Salary
Sallary and allowances to the

Driver (1.5 persons) 1.5 13 7,500.00 146,250.00

Total Monthly Salary 146,250.00

1 Dearness Allowance
Driver month 12 1,800.00 21,600.00
Total dearness allowance 21,600.00
Sub total Sallary and Allowances 167,850.00

3 Taxes Tax @ Rs. 32055 per year 1 10,000.00 10,000.00

4 Insurance Insurance premium @ 52000 per year 1 52,000.00 50,000.00
5 Maintenance Maintenance 204,225.00
Engine overhaul 50,400.00
gear box 31,500.00
brake 13,000.00
clutch 15,750.00
steering 22,500.00
Suspension 19,225.00
body + dent paint 51,850.00
6 Battery Battery 1 number per year 1 6,600.00 6,600.00
7 Depreciation Per year difference between book value and Scrap value 100,000.00
Book value average cost of new 1,260,000.00
Scrap value average cost of after 10 260,000.00
8 Interest (@12%) 151,200.00
9 Overhead 16,500.00
10 Fuel, Petrol 418,560.00
Petrol price, Rs 109.00
Average Millage, km/L 10.00
Annual run, km 38400
11 Tyre 28,350.00
Number of tyres 1.5 sets per year (6 tyres) 6
Rate per tyres, Rs 4,725.00
12 Lubricant lubrucant price per liter 650.00 32,000.00
filter price per pcs 200.00
number of change per yrs 12.00
labour total 6,200.00
total lubricant per year @ 36.00
3 lt per

13 Idle Running 20 % of variable cost 95,782.00

14 Margin 10% of Book value 126,000.00
Gross Total 1,407,067.00
Cost/ km 36.69
Previous cost 37.00 37.00
per kilometer
Percent Increase -1.62%

k'gZr M
!= k|To]s cfly{s jif{sf] z'?df dfyL pNn]lvt !$ j6} ;"rsx?sf] jhf/df ePsf] d'No kl/jt{gnfO{ jhf/
;j]{If0f ul/ k|fKt k|ltkmnnfO{ kmd'{nfdf k|lji6 u/fO{ ef8fb/ ;dfof]hg ul/g] .
@= jhf/df k]6«f]lnod kbfy{df kfFr ?k}ofF jf ;f] eGbf j9Lsf] kl/jt{g ePsf] cj:yfdf l;=g+= !! sf] ;"rsdf
;f]xL cg';f/ kl/jt{g ul/ ef8fb/ ;dfof]hg ul/g] .

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