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Construct Score and criteria (Performance Indicator)

Construct Score Criteria Remark

C1 - State the properties of objects and situations correctly
using any of the five senses Suggested activities
C2 - State the properties of objects and situations correctly i) Field study
SPS 1 4
using appropriate tools to assist senses ii) Experiment
C3 - State the properties of objects and situations based on iii) Project
Based on the sequences occurred
3 C1 and C2
2 C1 or C2
1 C1 or C2 (with guided)
C1 - Grouping objects or events in order into categories
based on one common properties or criteria
C2 - State the differences and similarities of the physical
properties or criteria
Suggested activities
4 C3 - State the common properties or criteria used in each
i) Field study
SPS 2 step of classification
ii) Experiment
Classifying C4 - Grouping objects or events in order into categories
iii) Project
based on properties or criteria until the final step or
the higher level
3 C1, C2 and C3
2 C1 and C2
1 C1 with guided
Construct Score Criteria Remark
C1 - Use the correct apparatus to measure quantities e.g.
Length, volume, mass, time, temperature and speed Suggested activities
SPS3 i) Field study
4 C2 - Record reading using numbers and correct standard
Measuring and ii) Experiment
Unit (s)
Using Numbers iii) Project
C3 - Record reading accurately
3 C1, C2 and C3
2 C1 and C2
1 C1 and C2 with guided
C1 - Record data or information from an investigation
C2 - Present data or information using appropriate
drawing , table or graph Suggested activities
C3 - Explain ideas (oral or writing) i) Field study
C4 - Write experimental report systematically ii) Experiment
(without or with guided) iii) Project
3 C1, C2 and C3
2 C1 and C2
1 C1 with guided
Construct Score Criteria Remark
C1 - Arrange accurately of phenomenon or events
C2 - State the relationship between the distance
traveled and the time taken
4 Suggested activities
SPS 5 C3 - State the quantity or changes based on the rate of
i) Field study
Using Space – Time changes
ii) Experiment
Relationship C4 - Explain changes in location, size, shape and
iii) Project
Direction with time
3 C1, C2 andC3
2 C1 and C2
1 C1 and C2 with guided
C1- State concepts by describing what should be
C2 - State concepts by describing what should be
4 Suggested activities
C3 - State variable by describing what should be
SPS 6 i) Field study
Defining Operationally ii) Experiment
C4 - State variable by describing what should be
iii) Project
3 C1 and C2 or C3 and C4
2 C1 and C2
1 C1 or C2
Construct Score Criteria Remark
C1 - State the hypothesis (relationship between what to
change and what to measure)
C2 - State the variable i.e. what to change, what to
Measure and what to keep same in an experiment
C3 - Identify the apparatus in an experiment
C4 - State the steps in an experiment (oral or written)
C5 - Carry out an experiment to test the hypothesis by
controlling variables in a coordinated manner
C6 - Present the result in the form of drawing, table,
graph or other means
5 C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5
4 C1, C2, C3, and C4
3 C1, C2 and C3
2 Any two criteria ( C1, C2, C3)
1 C1 or C2 or C3 with guided
C1 - Use at least 5 apparatus correctly and carefully Examples
C2 - Handle apparatus and substances correctly and Use ruler, hand lens, measuring
carefully cylinder, microscope,
SMS 1 4 C3 - Set up the apparatus or prepare the substances in thermometer, Bunsen burner,
Use and handle science an orderly manner stop watch, test tube,
apparatus and C4 – Carry out the experiment following the correct stethoscope and retort stand
substances procedures
3 C1, C2 and C3 Note
2 C1 and C2 SPS SMS can be carried out
1 C1 with guided together
Construct Score Criteria Remark
C1 - Handle living specimens correctly and carefully Examples
C2 - Handle non living specimens correctly and carefully Living specimen
C3 - Caring for living specimens i) Young plants
C4 - Use non-living specimens without waste ii) Insects
Handle Living and
non-Living specimens 3 C1, C2 and C3
2 C1 and C2 Non-living
i) Stick iii) Stone
1 C1 or C2 with guided ii) water iv) Soil
C1 - Draw neatly
C2 - Label drawing correctly
SMS 3 4
C3 - Draw what is observe
Draw Specimen,
C4 - Draw using correct scales
apparatus and
3 C1, C2 and C3
2 C1 and C2
1 C1 with guided
C1 - Clean apparatus using the correct method
4 C2 - Dispose waste using the correct method Assessed after carrying out an
SMS 4 C3 - Clean apparatus (frequently) experiment (fair test).
Clean apparatus 3 C1 and C2 clean apparatus (sometime) Holistic and continuous
2 C1 and C2 clean apparatus (rarely) assessment
1 C1 or C2 with guided
C1 - Store apparatus and substances correctly and safety
4 C2 - Store apparatus and substances correctly and safety Assessed after carrying out an
(frequently) experiment (fair test).
Store apparatus and
3 C1 and Store apparatus and substances (sometimes) Holistic and continuous
2 C1 and Store apparatus and substances (rarely) assessment
1 C1 with guided

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