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Urban Water Journal, 2014

Vol. 11, No. 5, 414–425,

Head losses and friction factors of steady turbulent flows in plastic pipes
A. Freire Diogo* and Fábia A. Vilela
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Coimbra, Pólo II, Coimbra, Portugal
(Received 3 February 2012; final version received 17 January 2013)

Many hydraulic engineering applications, which were once limited to the use of traditional materials, are progressively
executed using prefabricated plastic pipes, particularly in the case of larger diameters. There is relatively little information
specifically on the laws of flow resistance in plastic tubes, or that has been obtained directly for these materials. In this work,
head losses and friction factors were determined experimentally in turbulent steady water flows established in conduits made
of different plastics. Several pressure pipes, governed by gravity and forced, with nominal diameters until 110 mm, were
used with Reynolds numbers ranging from 4E3 to approximately 6E5. Pairs of values, friction factor vs. Reynolds number,
were computed and plotted using logarithmic scales. The layout of the points seems to be generally well represented by the
Colebrook-White equation, for each relative roughness. Important absolute roughness variations for the different pipes were
found by trend analysis. Blasius and Scimemi empirical formulas for smooth pipes were also plotted and also showed a
satisfactory agreement with the experimental data, for Re up to 1E5 and a little less than 1E6, respectively.
Keywords: head losses in plastic pipes; steady flow in pressure conduits; friction factor; turbulent flow; flow resistance

Introduction according to the Darcy-Weisbach equation, by

Proposed in the far year of 1939 on a semi-empirical
basis, with some interesting approximations around the 2gDJ
f ¼ ð2Þ
influence and representation of the roughness distribution U2
in commercial pipes, and with a large amount of
experimental data obtained particularly in the following where g is the gravitational acceleration, D is the internal
decades (Colebrook 1939, Quintela 1962, 1973, Lamont pipe diameter, U is the mean flow velocity in the
1954, 1969, 1981), the well-known Colebrook- cross section, and J is the head loss per unit length, or
White equation is presented in nearly all current text energy gradient; Re is the Reynolds number, defined by
books of fluid mechanics and hydraulics (e.g. Novais- Re ¼ UD/n, where n is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid;
Barbosa 1986, Franzini and Finnemore 1997, Quintela and k is the equivalent absolute roughness. Roughness k
2000, among many others). Particularly referenced for the depends on the pipe internal surface and needs to be
transition turbulent regime, it has been generally accepted determined experimentally, normally in the complete
in the scientific and academic community, as well as in turbulence, fully rough pipe flow region, where the viscous
engineering practice, as one of the most powerful tools for sublayer is negligible and f is independent of the Reynolds
determining the friction factor and continuous head loss number. The shear stress at the wall (drag force per unit
throughout the domain of all incompressible uniform surface), t0, is directly related to J and f by t0 ¼ rg (D/4) J
turbulent flows in pressure commercial circular conduits. and t0/(rU2) ¼ f/8, where (D/4) is the hydraulic radius,
In its dimensionless form, the equation may be described Rh, for the circular section flowing full, and r is the density
as: (mass per unit volume) of the fluid.
The formula interrelates the three dimensionless
parameters that interact in these flows, f, Re and k/D,
1 k 2:51 known as relative roughness, and it may be decomposed
pffiffiffi ¼ 22log þ p ffiffi
ffi ð1Þ
f 3:7D Re f into the Karman-Prandtl formulas for smooth-pipes, if
k/D ¼ 0, and rough-pipes, with uniform roughness, when
the influence of Re decreases (1/Re ! 0) (Franzini and
in which f represents the friction factor, expressed, Finnemore 1997, Quintela 2000).

*Corresponding author. Email:

q 2014 Taylor & Francis
Urban Water Journal 415

For smooth pipes, which is generally the case of processes, with new plastic materials and prefabricated
plastic pipes conveying water, the rigorous experimental pipes being produced and low friction values are reported
determination of k (which is close to zero) is difficult and specifically for these pipes.
very probably needs to be accomplished by trend Plastic pipes, particularly those made of PVC or
analysis, given that fully rough pipe regimes may only polyethylene, were initially used mostly in the hydraulic
occur for extraordinarily large Re numbers that are not engineering applications for small diameters, mainly
easily established in the laboratory , and are not easily because the larger sizes were much more expensive. As the
obtained in the majority of practical applications. Values plastic industry developed, however, prices tended to fall.
of 0.002 mm to 0.004 mm (Lencastre 1996) or larger Larger diameters that had been usually made of concrete
(Novais-Barbosa 1986) are often reported for polyethy- or other materials are now being increasingly made of
lene and PVC pipes and used in the engineering practice, plastic, in many practical applications, thanks to more
but the influence of manufacturing processes or the age of competitive prices.
the material is rarely considered. An experimental research study of steady full-bore
Several researchers reported that the observed friction water flows in plastic pipes was conducted, based on
factors and the corresponding head losses in water flows experimental data obtained in the Laboratory of
conveyed by plastic pipes are sometimes lower (generally Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment of
only slightly) than those obtained by considering the null Coimbra University. Several experiments were performed
roughness in the Colebrook-White equation. This was in the context of a Master’s thesis completed in 2009
reported by Levin (1972), for extremely smooth plastic (Vilela 2009). This paper reports, interprets and discusses
internal coatings of a 20 m long force main conduit, the results of this research.
with an internal diameter of about 210 mm, and with
respect to large Re numbers, by Bagarello et al. (1995)
who conducted tests in small low-density polyethylene Analysis and empirical methods
pipes, 100 m long and nominal diameters of 16, 20 and The Colebrook-White formula is explicit for U, or k, but
25 mm, by Cardoso et al. (2008) for low density implicit for J, or D, and a numerical iterative method is
polyethylene pipes with 15 m length and small internal required to determine the roots of the corresponding
diameters of 12.9, 16.1, 17.4, and 19.7 mm, and, equation. The successive approximations method pro-
according to Bernouth and Wilson (1989), by Norum posed in Quintela (2000), for instance, is intuitive and has
(1984) and Urbina (1976), for small polyethylene pipes a rapid convergence. The lack of explicitness of the
with internal diameters between 8.9 mm and 21 mm, as formula for J (or f) was perhaps the major drawback in the
well as by Paraqueima (1977), with PVC and early years of its application and this was overcome with
polyethylene pipes of 17.6 mm and of 15.5 mm internal the arrival of digital calculators and microcomputers in
diameters, respectively. the 1970s and 80s. The Moody diagram (Moody 1944)
A friction law that would give noticeably lower with f vs. Re plotted in logarithmic scales and k/D
values does not seem possible, according to the as a parameter became widespread; it allows the
theoretical basis of the method as well as to the known visualization of the three types of turbulent flow for
turbulence model of Prandtl, associated with the widely commercial pipes (smooth-pipe flow, transitionally rough,
disseminated Nikuradse experiments (Nikuradse and fully rough) and the corresponding direct calculation
1932,1933) and the corresponding Karman-Prandtl of f (and J). Several explicit approximations were also
equations (Prandtl 1942) and the numerous measurements proposed, of which Moody (1947) and Haaland (1983),
that were mostly carried out in the second part of the last among others, are examples frequently cited. A review of
century with respect to the velocity profiles and the several alternatives, including those mentioned above, is
experimental constants obtained with (or for) the given in Romeu et al. (2002), and Yildirim (2009).
equations (see, for instance, Novais-Barbosa 1986, Long Another approach, prior to the Prandtl’s school,
et al. 1993 and McKeon et al. 2005). Based on some indicated the use of empirical resistance laws that can
previously available experimental records for plastics be associated to different degrees of scientific support.
pipes, Lamont (1970) recommends the use of the It is known that by using dimensional analysis,
Karman-Prantl equation for fully smooth pipes or any particularly the Vaschy-Buckingham theorem, it may
exponential formula that approximates this curve, and be proved that f depends exclusively on Re for laminar
recognizes that additional experiments are required and turbulent smooth-pipe flow (i.e. the flow through
particularly for large PVC pipes due to a possible pipes that are practically smooth or that have some
waviness of the internal surface that may occur (or not) roughness comprised in the viscous sublayer, and then
sometimes with this material, producing an equivalent with the same behavior, according to the Nikuradse and
roughness. However, recent decades have seen a rapid Colebrook results). The empirical Blasius equation
development of the plastics industry and manufacturing proposed in 1913, which is normally considered as a
416 A.F. Diogo and F.A. Vilela

good approximation for the smooth-pipe regime up to which, for a temperature T close to 208 Celsius,
Re ¼ 105, considers approximately matches the coefficients of the Scimemi
equation for fibrocement (with K ¼ 64.3).
Also frequently considered in uniform turbulent flow of
f ¼ 0:3164Re 20:25 ð3Þ water in pressure conduits, for a wide range of materials,
normally at ambient temperature, (Novais-Barbosa 1986,
Assuming a generic form Quintela 2000)are the empirical formulas of Hazen-
Williams established in 1902,

f ¼ aReb ð4Þ
U ¼ 0:849CRh0:63 J 0:54 ð8Þ
as proposed in Bernouth and Wilson (1989), where a
and b are constants, and substituting the expressions for
and Manning proposed in 1891 (sometimes designated as
f and Re
Gauckler-Manning-Strickler formula, 1867 –1891 – 1923):

U ¼ ð2gv b =aÞ1=ðbþ2Þ D ð12bÞ=ðbþ2Þ J 1=ðbþ2Þ ð5Þ

U ¼ KsRh2=3 J 1=2 ð9Þ
Based mostly on the experiments conducted with 30 m
long PVC pipes, with internal diameters of 15.6 mm and where C and Ks are constants that depend on the pipe
26.2 mm, and 30 m long polyethylene pipe of 14.4 mm material. These formulas must not be used for plastic pipes
internal diameter, at the end of the 1980s, Bernouth carrying clean water in pipe flow, regardless which values
and Wilson (1989), and Bernouth (1990) analyzed and of coefficients are assumed. Certainly, they may also be
evaluated the constants a and b in Equation (4) and written in the form U ¼ K Da Jb, which may be rearranged
confirmed generically the coefficients presented in the and expressed for f and Re as:
Blasius equation, for Re less than 105.
Scimemi (1964) recalls empirical laws for several f ¼ D 32ðaþ1Þ=b Re 1=b22 ð10Þ
materials, of generic type U ¼ K0Rah Jb. They are K 1=b v ð221=bÞ
equivalent to the expression:
When plotting f vs. Re in logarithmic scales, these
two equations are represented as parallel straight lines,
U ¼ KDa Jb ð6Þ one for each constant diameter, since the exponent of D,
(3 2 (a þ 1)/ b), is not null (Quintela 1973, 2000). In the
which resembles partially Equation (5) and is widely used Manning formula, the straight lines are horizontal, since
in common calculations for uniform turbulent regimes. the exponent of Re, (1/b 2 2), is null, a characteristic of
K (or K0), a and b are coefficients assumed as constants a fully rough flow that is difficult to reach in normal
for each pipe material, and are determined experimen- conditions in plastic pipes, unless the Re numbers are
tally, normally for water at ambient temperature. The extraordinarily large. For the Hazen-Williams equation,
coefficients for old and new fibrocement pipes (the the slope of the parallel straight lines is relatively low
smoothest frequently mentioned material) are discussed (1/b 2 2 ¼ 2 0.148) and not suitable for the prevailing
in Scimemi (1951) and reported to be a ¼ 0.68, smooth pipes, even in the transition region between
b ¼ 0.56, and K ¼ 61.5, or K ¼ 64.3. This last value turbulent regimes (see, for instance, Travis and Mays
was experimentally obtained by Scimemi for new pipes 2007). Liou (1998) considers the Colebrook-White
25 years earlier and was later thought to be perhaps equation conceptually sound and so he advises that the
slightly overestimated. Based on the similitude laws and use of the Hazen-Williams equation should be avoided,
the data measured in the polyethylene pipes described by even for materials for which many empirical values of
Bagarello et al. (1995), and on the measurements of C exist.
Butera el al. (1993), using a 150 mm Plexiglas pipe, Ferro On the other hand, the Scimemi formula for
(1997) proposed an approach for the flow resistance law, fibrocement is represented in the f vs. Re plot as a straight
expressed by: line for all diameters (Lamont 1969, 1970), since the
exponent of D, 3 2 (a þ 1)/ b, is null (Quintela, 1973,
2000). The formula is then similar in its form and layout to
Re* ¼ 0:1676Re0:8925 ð7Þ the Blasius equation, with a slightly lower exponent, or
p slope, in the logarithmic f vs. Re plot (2 0.214 instead of
where Re* is defined by Re* ¼ (t0/r) D/n (or Re* ¼ 2 0.25) and a lower base coefficient (0.223, for K ¼ 64.3,
(gDJ/4)(1/2) D/n) and is equivalent to Re* ¼ Re (f/8), g ¼ 9.8 m/s2, and n ¼ 1.01E-6m2/s, corresponding to a
Urban Water Journal 417

standard water temperature of 20 degrees Celsius): (see for instance the data and formulae presented in
Lamont 1954).
f ¼ 0:223Re 20:214 ð11Þ

The constants a and b can also be obtained from the Experiments performed
coefficients in Equation (5). Three experimental installations with four types of plastic
According to the shape of the Colebrook-White pipes and several diameters were used in the Laboratory
equation curves, for each fixed k/D, represented in the of Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment
Moody Diagram, the slope of the curves for smooth-pipes (LHRHA) of the Department of Civil Engineering of
and (Novais-Barbosa 1986, Quintela 2000) regimes is not Coimbra University, and are schematically represented in
constant with Re (as for a straight line), and the plastic Figures 1 to 3. The tests were performed using: (i) two
pipes do not behave as hydraulically smooth for all Re old PVC pipes, with internal diameters 17.35 mm and
numbers, since their roughness in not null. As for the other 21.75 mm (old LHRHA equipment Armfield Fluid
materials, in these regimes the slope of the lines decreases Friction Apparatus Model C6 – Armfield undated), over
as Re increases, to various degree, depending on the a straight length of 2 m; (ii) a high-density polyethylene
turbulent region that has been reached, which shows a pipe, with an internal diameter of 53.6 mm (nominal
decreasing influence of Re. Any approximation of the 63 mm), over a straight length of 6.5 m; (iii) a low-
resistance law that is represented by a straight line must density polyethylene pipe, of 94.5 mm (nominal 110 mm)
then be limited between fixed boundaries of Re numbers diameter, 32.35 m long, over a line of 20.35 m; and, (iv) a

Figure 1. Schema of the pipes tested, circuits and equipment used in the first experimental setup (drawn based on the Armfield sheet for
the equipment Fluid Friction Apparatus Model C6 – Armfield undated).

Figure 2. Schematic circuit and used equipment for the testing of the 63 mm HDPE pipe.
418 A.F. Diogo and F.A. Vilela

relevant minor losses were expected to exist or were

detected over the tested lengths of the pipes.
The flow was measured by different methods, which
were sometimes complementary, in order to identify
and eliminate, or reduce, any failures of the devices
used. In the installation with the old PVC pipes, a
volumetric process (Armfield undated, 1980) was used
with two existing graduated tanks of known capacity.
In the HDPE 63 mm pipe installation, a Venturi meter
and an ultrasonic device were used together. For the
gravity LDPE 110 mm and 35 mm plastic pipes, two
triangular weirs of different capacities were placed in
Figure 3. Schematic circuit and used equipment for the testing
of the 35 mm and 110 mm pipes (First stage of an experimental the discharge line, calibrated or confirmed by volu-
inverted siphon setup – adapted from Diogo and Oliveira 2013). metric measurements of flow, and employed alterna-
tively (Vilela 2009).
Great accuracy was required, and many experiments
flexible transparent PVC plastic pipe, commercially
were repeated several times to avoid or minimize any
known as “crystal pipe”, of 35 mm internal diameter
errors. It was estimated that any relative errors in the
and 21.5 m long, over a line of 10.65 m. The flow in the
variables did not generally exceed 5%. Since, for fixed Js, f
last two pipes was governed by gravity, starting in a feed
varies with the power 2 2 of the velocity or flow, and, for
chamber with a free surface and with an outlet in the
a given Q and J, f varies with the 5th power of the
bottom, and ending in a free discharge, and in the other
diameter, emphasis was given to the diameter precision
pipes tested, flow was governed by pumping.
and accuracy of the flow measurement, in particular.
A hydrodynamic entrance with a negligible head loss
The nominal diameters of (commercial) plastic pipes
was used for the 35 mm and 110 mm pipes. The tested
are frequently the external diameters and sometimes the
lengths of the gravity conduits were the down leg of an
precise internal diameters may not be readily known with a
inverted siphon, with a maximum depression a little
high degree of accuracy. In addition, the internal diameter
above 3 m (adjustable, normally between 3 and 4 m),
and the section shape of a plastic pipe may not always be
clean water flow and large radius curves (Figure 3). The
constant along its longitudinal axis, may change due to the
measurements were taken in the spring and in the
fluid-pipe interaction, and due to multiple external factors,
summer. The water temperature varied between 18 and
such as static or dynamic loads, or temperature
29 degrees Celsius. It was assumed that the water
fluctuations, and these aspects may severely affect the
kinematic viscosity (in m2/s) varied with T (in oC)
friction factor and the energy line.
according to the Poiseuille empirical formula (Marques
The internal diameters of the 110 mm LDPE, the
and Sousa 2009):
63 mm HDPE, and the flexible PVC tube were thoroughly
measured and confirmed by measuring the mass or volume
1:78E 2 6 of water needed to fill a known length of the pipe.
v¼ ð12Þ
1 þ 0:0337T þ 0:000221T 2 The mean velocity in cross section (through the
continuity equation for a steady flow of an incompres-
with coefficients of viscosity close to the equation given sible fluid) U ¼ Q/(pD2/4), the friction factor, f, and
in Scimemi (1964). The tests consisted of measuring the the Reynolds number, Re, were computed for each
water flow, Q, and the continuous head loss, DH, in each test and the corresponding points drawn in a f vs. Re
established steady flow for the selected length, L, of each plot with logarithmic scales. Due to the limitations of
conduit, with J ¼ DH/L. the equipment available, Re larger than about 6E5,
The head losses were measured using static pressure corresponding to transitionally rough regimes, could not
taps connected to differential manometers or piezometers. be attained.
The taps in the 63 mm HDPE tube were located far enough The tolerances or maximum errors in D, Q, J, and n, for
from any appurtenance or equipment to avoid interfer- each tested pipe, as well as the propagated errors in f and
ences with the measurements of static pressures. For the Re, were evaluated separately and are shown in Table 1.
(continuous) gravity pipes, piezometer levels were The tolerances were estimated according to the apparatus,
measured at different control sections, including the the type of material and the size of pipe, and the
upstream feed chamber, and at distances of 3.70 and 20.35 measurement process and equipment. Relative values of
m for the 110 mm pipe, and 10.65 m for the 35 mm pipe. ^ 0.29% to ^ 2.30% were estimated for D, ^ 3.0% to
Although possible, the consideration of more piezometers ^ 4.0%, for Q, ^ 1.0% to ^ 2.5%, for J, and ^ 2.2% to
was not essential for the required/estimated accuracy. No ^ 2.5%, for n. Since f ¼ (p2 g/8) D5 J / Q2 and Re ¼ (4/p)
Table 1. Estimated average tolerances and f and Re propagated maximum experimental deviations.

J relative tolerance
Pipe Internal D relative tolerance Q relative tolerance and f maximum n relative tolerance f and Re maximum
diameter and and f and Re maximum and f and Re maximum propagated and Re maximum accumulated
Maximum propagated deviations propagated deviations deviation propagated deviation deviations
tolerance (mm)
DD/D Df/f DRe/Re DQ/Q Df/f DRe/Re DJ/J Df/f Dn/n DRe/Re Df/f DRe/Re
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
PVC 17.35 ^ 0.25 ^1.44 þ 7.4 þ 1.46 ^ 3.0 þ6.3 ^3.0 ^1.0 ^1.0 ^ 2.2 þ 2.2 þ15.3 þ 6.9
2 7.0 2 1.42 25.7 2 2.2 213.2 2 6.4
PVC 21.75 ^ 0.50 ^2.30 þ 12.0 þ 2.35 ^ 4.0 þ8.5 ^4.0 ^1.0 ^1.0 ^ 2.2 þ 2.2 þ22.8 þ 8.8
2 11.0 2 2.25 27.5 2 2.2 218.5 2 8.2
Crystal PVC 35 ^ 0.10 ^0.29 þ 1.4 þ 0.29 ^ 3.0 þ6.3 ^3.0 ^2.0 ^2.0 ^ 2.5 þ 2.6 þ10.0 þ 5.9
Urban Water Journal

2 1.4 2 0.28 25.7 2 2.4 28.9 2 5.6

HDPE 53.6 ^ 0.20 ^0.37 þ 1.9 þ 0.37 ^ 3.0 þ6.3 ^3.0 ^1.5 ^1.5 ^ 2.5 þ 2.6 þ9.9 þ 6.0
2 1.9 2 0.37 25.7 2 2.4 28.9 2 5.7
LDPE 94.5 ^ 0.60 ^0.63 þ 3.2 þ 0.64 ^ 3.5 þ7.4 ^3.5 ^2.5 ^2.5 ^ 2.3 þ 2.4 þ13.6 þ 6.6
2 3.1 2 0.63 26.6 2 2.2 211.8 2 6.3
420 A.F. Diogo and F.A. Vilela

Q / (n D), the propagated relative errors in f (Df/f) and Re and

(DRe/Re), either non-cumulative or cumulative, may be        
described exactly by the expressions: DRe DD DQ Dv
¼2 þ 2 ð16Þ
Re D Q v
Df DD 5 DQ 22 DJ 1 where DD/D, DQ/Q, DJ/J, and Dn/n represent the relative
¼ 1þ £ 1þ £ 1þ 21
f D Q J errors in D, Q, J, and n, respectively (that are assumed to
ð13Þ be relatively small).
Although unlikely in general (an exception may be
and perhaps established for the 63 mm HDPE pipe), owing to
the considerable number of repetitions normally per-
        formed in the tests, sometimes using additional meters,
DRe DD 21 DQ 1 Dv 21 the maximum cumulative errors obtained by the error
¼ 1þ £ 1þ £ 1þ 21
Re D Q v propagation analysis, for the worst cases, were about 5.6%
ð14Þ to 8.8% for Re and 8.9% to 22.8% for f.

or approximately (as it is generally accepted in the error

Results, analysis and discussion
propagation analysis, i.e. considering only the first order
terms) by: The points corresponding to the pairs of computed values
(Re, f) obtained for each steady flow rate in each conduit
        are shown in Figures 4 to 8. Vertical and horizontal bars in
¼5 22 þ ð15Þ the figures illustrate the approximate maximum deviations
f D Q J (symmetric) for a given point determined by the error

PVC - Internal diameter 17.35 mm - Water temperature 28 C

Karman Prandtl Smooth Pipe
Colebrook White k=0.004 mm
Colebrook White k=0.010 mm
Scimemi Fibrocement

Friction Factor


1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06 1.00E+07
Reynolds Number

Figure 4. Pairs of values (Re, f) observed for the 17.35 mm PVC pipe.
Urban Water Journal 421

PVC - Internal diameter 21.75 mm - Water temperature 29 C

Karman Prandtl Smooth Pipe
Colebrook White k=0.004 mm
Colebrook White k=0.010 mm
Scimemi Fibrocement

Friction Factor


1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06 1.00E+07
Reynolds Number

Figure 5. Pairs of values (Re, f) observed for the 21.75 mm PVC pipe.

analysis explained in the previous section. The Colebrook- Although being relatively low, the roughness of all
White equation for roughness values of 0.002, 0.004, other tested pipes seems to play an important role for
0.010, 0.030 and 0.050 mm, the Karman-Prandtl equation higher Reynolds numbers and appears to display
for smooth-pipes (k ¼ 0), and the Blasius and new- important differences among the plastic pipes tested.
fibrocement Scimemi empirical formulas are also shown The 63 mm HDPE seems to point to a roughness of
in the logarithmic graph. around 0.010 mm. In spite of the larger Re that was
In all the pipes tested, even though this is less evident possible to achieve when testing this pipe, the uncertainty
for the 63 mm HDPE pipe, the qualitative profile of the in the measurements taken with this pipe (see Figure 7)
plotted points seems to agree in general with the layout of constituted a considerable drawback when attempting to
the Colebrook-White plotted curves, even for relatively reach a more conclusive finding. Old PVC pipes seem to
small Reynolds numbers in the majority of the pipes. For point to a k around 0.004 mm, but no measurements were
instance, the smaller PVC pipes appear to show this conducted very far from the smooth-pipe regime. It
general tendency (Figures 4 and 5). should be observed that these pipes were cleaned fully
Only for the flexible transparent pipe (Figure 6) an before the experiments and that the corresponding
important number of measurements yielded friction measurements were performed under warm temperatures.
factors slightly below the Karman-Prandtl curve for The 110 mm LDPE tested seemed to show substantially
smooth-pipes, but the differences observed were extre- higher roughness than all the other pipes tested (no less
mely small (in general not more than 3% and on average than 0.030 to 0.040 mm). In Figure 8, a limiting line for
about 1%), of little significance, and not conclusive, k ¼ 0.050 mm was noted. However, an important length
especially when compared to the accuracy estimates of the pipe tested exhibited a curve of great radius and,
obtained for the measurements. due to a larger section and to the limitations of the power
422 A.F. Diogo and F.A. Vilela

Transparent plasticpipe (Crystal) -Internal diameter 35mm - Water temperature 18 C

Karman Prandtl Smooth Pipe

Colebrook White k=0.004 mm

Colebrook White k=0.010 mm


Scimemi Fibrocement


Friction Factor


1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06 1.00E+07

Reynolds Number

Figure 6. Pairs of values (Re, f) observed for the 35 mm transparent plastic pipe.

and capacity of the equipment used, the 110 mm pipe is significantly. A considerable head loss increase seems to
by far the most sensitive among the pipes tested to have occurred recently in the inverted siphon 110 mm
drawing firm conclusions (the maximum total volumetric pipe, after a long period of no flow and the pipe full of
flow rate pumped was about 5.5 liters per second). water.
As the figures show, the empirical laws of Blasius, up With the exception of the transparent plastic pipe
to Re ¼ 105, and Scimemi, up to Re < 106, which are (which is relatively flexible, but has significant thickness),
extremely easy to apply, appear to be good approximations the modulus of elasticity of the other materials was
for the smooth-pipe regimes in general, and for the whole assumed to be relatively large, i.e. not less than 1GPa for
Re domain of the steady flows that were established in the the polyethylene tubes and 20 GPa for the PVC pipes. The
pipes. pressure was lower than approximately 0.55 MPa for
These experiments suggest that plastic pipes seem to the pressurized conduits and less than about 0.045 MPa for
show the same general tendency as any other smooth the gravity pipes. Thus, the influence of pressure in all the
pipes. But even if this tendency seems to be solidly based diameters tested was not considered. The influence of the
and allows these important basic conclusions, more pressure on the resistance law may be relevant for flexible
accurate experiments and measurements using larger pipes under important static heads, given that even for a
conduits, more powerful installations and equipment, may relatively small increase in diameter, as J varies
yield more conclusive results, particularly in relation to the approximately with an exponent around -5 of the diameter
absolute roughness to be used in the practical applications (shown by applying the continuity equation in the different
of larger pipe sizes. Depending on the type and condition laws), the head loss may be significantly changed.
of the plastic pipe, it is expected that a great variation of
roughness is likely, which may somehow explain several
different results reported on literature. The presence of any Conclusions
layer, such as grease or film on the inside wall arising Continuous head losses per unit pipe length and the
from normal practical use, for instance in the case corresponding friction factors were determined exper-
of wastewater, may change the hydraulic behavior imentally, for several plastic pipes of different character-
Urban Water Journal 423

HDPE - Nominal diameter 63 mm - Water temperature 18 degrees Celsius

Karman Prandtl Smooth Pipe
Colebrook White k=0.002 mm
Colebrook White k=0.010 mm
Colebrook White k=0.030 mm
Scimemi Fibrocement
Friction Factor


1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06 1.00E+07
Reynolds Number

Figure 7. Pairs of values (Re, f) observed for the 63 mm HDPE pipe.

istics, in straight lengths and with curves of great radius, numbers are deemed to be necessary, principally for larger
for steady turbulent flow of water. Head losses substan- sections.
tively smaller than those resulting from the application of Although the observed changes of n, and Re, with
the Karman-Prandtl equation for smooth-pipes were not normal variations of average water temperature through-
found, for any of the pipes tested. out different seasons of the year in Portugal are fairly
The absolute roughness of plastic pipes seems to vary important (an increase of 11 degrees Celsius between the
substantially according to the type of plastic or the pipe beginning of spring and the summer was observed in the
condition. Even if k was detected relatively small in some laboratory, with a reduction of 22.4% in n), the influence
tested pipes, it appears to have an important role in the of these variations on the turbulent resistance law appears
resistance law, which may be relevant, mainly for the to be attenuated due to the low slope of the f vs. Re curves.
larger sections and large lengths, frequently requiring The friction factor f (and J) appears to vary, at maximum,
precise calculations in practical applications, and/or for with the power 0.25, in modulus, of Re (or n),
relatively high Reynolds numbers. corresponding to the Blasius equation (maximum
In this experimental study, the Colebrook-White reduction of about 6%, for the increase of temperature
equation was confirmed also as a powerful tool for observed). Conversely any slight alteration in the internal
determining continuous head losses for water flowing diameter, caused, for instance, by the fluid-pipe interaction
through pressure plastic pipes in turbulent regimes. For Re that may occur for multiple reasons, especially in a plastic
up to approximately 105 and a little less than 106, however, pipe, severely affects the friction factor computation and
it was found that the empirical formulas of Blasius and the energy line estimation. In addition, the internal
Scimemi for fibrocement may be also used (with good diameter of a plastic pipe may not always be constant
results). Absolute roughness from approximately along its axis, and the cross section shape may change
0.004 mm to 0.040 mm, or more, was determined by owing to external factors. A reduction or increase of just
trend analysis, which somewhat confirms the data 2% in the diameter (0.4 mm in a 20 mm pipe, for instance)
sometimes used in current hydraulic engineering appli- can be expected to introduce a change of around 10% or
cations, but more robust experiments with larger Re more.
424 A.F. Diogo and F.A. Vilela

LDPE - Nominal diameter 110 mm - Water temperature 24 C

Karman Prandtl Smooth Pipe
Colebrook White k=0.004 mm
Colebrook White k=0.050 mm
Scimemi Fibrocement

Friction Factor


1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06 1.00E+07
Reynolds Number

Figure 8. Pairs of values (Re, f) observed for the 110 mm LDPE pipe.

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