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Accounts Receivable
Version: 15.3

Copyright © 1989-2017, IQMS. All rights reserved.


Accounts Receivable 3
Customer Maintenance ................................................................................................................................. 4
Credit Status Tab ............................................................................................................................... 9
Auto Invoicing Tab.......................................................................................................................... 15
Finance Charge ................................................................................................................................ 16
Freight Carrier and Distribution Routing Rules .............................................................................. 16
Miscellaneous Tab in Customer Maintenance ................................................................................. 18
Forms/Reports in Customer Maintenance ....................................................................................... 24
Customer Contacts........................................................................................................................... 25
Ship To Information ........................................................................................................................ 35
Bill To Information .......................................................................................................................... 56
Customer Maintenance User Fields ................................................................................................. 61
Customer Maintenance Documents ................................................................................................. 62
Editing a Customer Entry ................................................................................................................ 67
File Menu in Customer Maintenance............................................................................................... 68
Options Menu in Customer Maintenance ........................................................................................ 69
Reports Menu in Customer Maintenance ........................................................................................ 76
Speed Buttons in Customer Maintenance ........................................................................................ 77
Customer Account Status ................................................................................................................ 84
Invoicing ..................................................................................................................................................... 93
Invoicing Methods ........................................................................................................................... 93
Creating a Quick Invoice from a Sales Order .................................................................................. 94
AR Invoice Field Listing ................................................................................................................. 95
Additional AR Invoice Information............................................................................................... 105
Free Form/Miscellaneous Invoicing .............................................................................................. 111
Create an Invoice from Packing Slip (Uninvoiced Shipments) ..................................................... 112
Create an Invoice for Uninvoiced Sales Orders............................................................................. 116
Invoicing for VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory) Shipments ........................................................ 118
All Customers Invoicing Option .................................................................................................... 119
Auto Invoicing ............................................................................................................................... 120
Cash in Advance Invoicing............................................................................................................ 122
Printing AR Invoices ..................................................................................................................... 127
Other Invoice Menu Items ............................................................................................................. 130
Posting Accounts Receivable Invoices .......................................................................................... 133
Viewing Posted AR Invoices ......................................................................................................... 136
Voiding Posted AR Invoices ......................................................................................................... 141
Viewing Voided AR Invoices ........................................................................................................ 143
Cash Receipts............................................................................................................................................ 144
Entering Cash Receipts-New Batch............................................................................................... 145
Cash Receipt Menu Options .......................................................................................................... 149
Cash Receipt Examples ................................................................................................................. 160
Post CR Batch (group) ................................................................................................................... 162
Deleting a CR Group ..................................................................................................................... 164
View Cash Receipts ....................................................................................................................... 165
Void Cash Receipts ....................................................................................................................... 166
Dunning Letters ........................................................................................................................................ 168
Create a New Dunning Group ....................................................................................................... 169
Associating a Dunning Group to the Customer ............................................................................. 169

Accounts Receivable Page i

Creating Dunning Letters .............................................................................................................. 170
Rebates...................................................................................................................................................... 173
Rebate Parameters ......................................................................................................................... 174
Rebate Manager ............................................................................................................................. 178

Index 181

Accounts Receivable
Introduction to Accounts Receivable

The Accounts Receivable system is an easy-to-use debit/credit posting system for maintaining
customer receivable records.

The EnterpriseIQ accounts receivable module is made up of four basic functions:
 Customer Maintenance
 Customer Account Status
 Invoicing
 Cash Receipts
Customer records may be added, changed, or deleted using the Customer Maintenance
module. The customer files hold all of the information about your customers.

A customer's account status can be quickly checked, by viewing all open invoices on the screen
or through reports. The status shows the customer's credit limit, outstanding balance, open
invoices, as well as an account aging.

Invoicing can be accomplished through the Sales Order system or from the invoicing module.
Invoices generally are based on packing slips generated from the shipping module.

Credit Memos can also be created. These are simply invoices with negative totals. Note that
credit memos can also be generated from the RMA module, found within the Sales and
Distribution section of the EIQ Launcher Bar.

The cash receipts system allows the application of payments to specific invoices and/or open
items. It allows for partial payments, deposits, discounts, and credit balances. Miscellaneous
receipts may also be recorded.

Prior receivables can be entered at any time. AR prior invoices are entered through the main
EIQ Launcher Bar - File - Accounting - Accounts Receivable - Prior. Once the system is
installed, the user may immediately start posting current sales. As time allows, invoices from the
previous accounting system can be entered.

In This Chapter
Customer Maintenance ............................................ 4
Invoicing ................................................................... 93
Cash Receipts .......................................................... 144
Dunning Letters ........................................................ 168

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Rebates .................................................................... 173

Customer Maintenance

The following module holds all Customer information. Entering customer data is discussed
in detail in the following section.

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Much of the data entry for a new customer can be populated based on a template, or users can
manually enter all of the data. To create templates select New Customer Templates from the
File menu. When only one template exists, it will be used to populate the specified fields in
Customer Maintenance for all new Customer records. If there is more than one customer
template created, a pick list displaying all templates pops up when creating a new customer,
allowing the choice of template to use for the new customer.

New Customer Template

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The New Customer Template form is accessed from the File menu. To create a new template
select the insert record button, then enter a template name and description in the top section.
Enter the data on the three tabs that will apply to all new customers created when this template
is selected. It is not necessary to enter all of the data in the fields if it will not apply to all of the
new customers. Additional data can be entered or edited on individual customers from the
Customer Maintenance screen.

The three tabs in the New Customer Template are:

 Credit Status - This includes much of the data from the Customer Maintenance/Credit Status
tab. (See Credit/Sales Information)
 Auto Invoicing - This tab allows users to select the Auto Invoicing option. (See Auto Invoicing
 Miscellaneous - This tab includes miscellaneous data and settings such as Industry,
Statements, and Safety Lead Time. (See Miscellaneous Tab in Customer Maintenance)

For information on the fields in the template, please refer to the corresponding sections below.

Customer Data Field Listing

Customer # Required field. Customer number (code). Must be unique and may contain both letters
and/or numbers. 10 characters max.
If the System-Generated Customer # option is set to Yes for the system or the specific
EPlant (System Parameters->Sequential Numbering or Enterprise->Miscellaneous tab)
the Customer # field will automatically populate with the next sequential number.
(See Sequential Numbering for more information on System Generated numbering).
EPlant If the Automatically Designate Customer EPlant option is checked in System
parameters->AR Setup tab, when adding a new customer this field will populate with the
EPlant ID the user is logged into. If the system parameter option is not checked this field
will be null (the customer will not be associated to a specific EPlant). The user can
manually assign or un-assign the EPlant by selecting the Assign EPlant button next to
this field.
Throughout the system customer pick lists are soft filtered. When a user is logged into a
specific EPlant they will only see the Customers associated to that EPlant in pick lists
plus those that are not associated with any EPlant. When logged in as View All, the user
will see all Customers in pick lists throughout the software.
Group ID Customers can be assigned to a user defined Group ID for Information purposes only.
Enter the group ID (up to 30 characters) or select from the drop down list.
The list of Group ID’s is user definable. To edit the list right click on the field and select
‘Edit User Defined List’. Select the + button and enter the text for the new Group ID. The
system will automatically fill in the # column with the next sequential number.
Company Company Name. Enter up to 60 characters max.
Note: Although not mandatory to enter a unique Company name, it is highly
recommended as this may cause issues particularly with labeling. For example, with
two companies of the same name and different AKA#s, information may not print as
expected for the AKA Item# and/or customer billing address for one or both of these

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Address 1/2/3 Enter up to three lines of address information. Each field can contain up to 60
characters each.
A main billing address and/or ship to address is required for printing on packing slips
and invoices. (Address 1 is a required field).
City Can enter up to 30 characters. The Zip Code can be entered first and the City and State
will fill in automatically once the ‘Lookup Zip Code’ button is selected.

Region/State This is the Region or State code. Manually enter the state/region, or click on the drop
down arrow next to this field to display a list of states/regions.

Note: The state/region drop down list will only appear if a country where states or
regions apply has been selected first, such as the United States, UK, and Canada.

Post/Zip Can enter up to 10 digits for the post or zip code. If the Zip Code Lookup list has been
created the user can enter the zip code first and then the City and State will
automatically fill in. Or right click on the field and click on ‘Select Zip Code’ to bring up
the pick list of zip codes
(See Zip Code Lookup for more information on the list).
Country Select the Country name from the drop down list. Manual entry is not allowed in this
field. The countries will be in alphabetical order.
Use USA Mask This check box is used for phone and fax numbers. If the box is checked, it maintains a
mask for standard US style phone numbers (7 or 10 digits). If the box is left unchecked,
the US mask is removed and foreign phone and fax numbers can be entered.

Statements If checked, this customer will have a statement printed. The default statement report is
found in the reports menu in Customer Status. There is also a Printer speed button in
Customer Status to print statements. (For more information on the Printer Speed button
see Speed Buttons.)
With the report criteria left blank only the customers with this box checked will have a
statement printed. While trying to print Customer Statements from Customer Status, if
the statements check box is not checked the customer will not show up in the drop down
lists, and users may receive the following error: ‘Warning. No records found based on
entered criteria. Please check From and To values.’
Contact Contact information. This field can contain up to 30 characters.
Contact Email This is the email address associated to the Contact. Select the ellipsis button to enter
the email address.
Telephone Main phone number.
Ext Enter in an extension if known. Enter up to 5 digits.
Fax Fax number.

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Tax Click on the ellipsis button in the field and choose a code from the pick list to assign a
Tax Code to this customer.
The system will use this tax code for a credit memo created from a customer RMA when
the 'Select RMA Item from Finished Goods' option is used.
Note: The system will populate the tax code on a sales order based on the tax code
associated to the 'Ship To' address (Ship To tab - Details section) and not the tax code
assigned to the customer.
Tier Type If Customer Tier Discounts are set up, select the level of discount that this customer will
receive. It is classified by a certain Customer Type. A Tier type can be associated at the
customer level, or the ship to level. The Tier Type Hierarchy will look at Ship To first and
if null use the Tier Type at the Customer level.

Note: If the 'Use Discount Parameters' option is checked (Credit Status tab) this
option will be grayed out and cannot be edited.
Currency Select the default currency for this customer if you are using the Multi-Currency option.
(Security can be added to this field to prevent users from editing it).
Notes for EPlant users:
The currency displayed will be the one associated with the customer regardless of the
EPlant the user is logged into.
If the Currency field is left empty (null) then the customer will take on the currency of the
EPlant the user is logged into. For example, if logged into a US$ EPlant and you create
an AR Invoice for a customer who has no associated currency then the AR invoice will
show US$ as the currency.
URL The URL (Universal Resource Locator) for the customer.

Right Click Options

Following are the right click options available from the Customer/Credit Data section:
 New - Create a new customer
 Edit - Edit the existing customer
 Delete - Delete the existing customer
 Copy a Customer to Customer / Credit Data - Copies the selected customer’s Credit Data
address to the new record.
 Copy a Shipping Address to Customer / Credit Data - Copies the selected customer’s
shipping address to the new record.
 Copy a Billing Address to Customer / Credit Data - Copies the selected customer’s billing
address to the new record.
 CRM Groups - There are two options available from this right click feature: Add to Group and
Where Used.
 Add to Group - Select this option to add the customer to a CRM Group. A pick list of
groups will appear. Highlight the group and press Select.

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 Where Used - This option will open a form showing the CRM Groups the customer or any
of the customer contacts are associated to. Groups can be associated to the customer
from this form as well by selecting the + button and selecting a group from the list.

 Jump to Tier Table - Jumps to the Tier Table listing only the tier discounts that are
associated to the specific customer.
 Jump to Customer Central - For systems with a CRM License the system will jump to the
Customer Central Record for that Customer. If the system is not licensed for CRM a
message will appear stating, 'Please Contact IQMS, Inc. to verify license agreement.’

Credit Status Tab

Alphabetical field listing:
Commission% Commission percentage tied to this Customer. If a Salesperson was entered, the
commission tied to the Salesperson will be automatically displayed. This amount can be
changed for an individual salesperson(s).
Note: If a Commission Group is selected for the Commission field the Commission % field
cannot be edited. For example, the group is John 5% and Tim 2% if you put in 10% in the
commissions field, the system cannot determine how much of the 10% would go to each
salesperson in the group.
If commission percentages are assigned to the item, enter the percent on the MFG -
Inventory - Pricing Tab.
Credit Limit Enter a credit limit rounded to the nearest dollar. During packing slip generation the
system will display a warning if the customer is over their credit limit. The system checks if
the shipment dollar amount will put the customer over their current ‘open to buy’ amount
(the open to buy amount is on the Customer Status form in the Enterprise Wide Aging
section - it is the credit limit less unpaid posted invoices).
If the ‘Auto-calculate during Order entry’ option is checked the system will calculate the
customer’s credit limit during order entry. If the order quantity will put the customer over
credit limit a warning will appear. (See Calculate Credit Limit for more information).

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CRM This will display the CRM Opportunity Central record number associated to the Customer.
Opportunity The Sales Stage will show the current sales stage from the linked Opportunity Central
Sales Stage
Select the ellipsis button in the CRM Opportunity # field or select the 'Select CRM
Opportunity' right click option to view a pick list of Opportunity Central records associated
to the customer. A new Opportunity can be created by selecting the New button on the
pick list.
To clear the Opportunity, right click and select 'Clear Opportunity'. This will just remove
the link in Customer Maintenance.
Right click and select ' Jump to Opportunity' to open the linked CRM Opportunity record.
CSR Rep Associate a CSR and/or an AR Rep to the customer. Select the Search button next to the
fields and select an employee from the pick list. This list will include all employees
AR Rep
associated to the same EPlant as the customer if applicable. This is informational only.
Note: For users that are not licensed for Payroll or T&A, all employees will display in the
drop down list as there is not a way to associate a specific EPlant to an employee.
Customer Since Enter the month, day and year. When a new customer is created from Customer
Maintenance the customer since field will populate with the date and time the customer
was added.

Discount Tier When this option is checked and the ‘Overwrite Header Discount’ option is also checked
Price (in System Parameters->PO and SO Setup tab) the system will look at the customer tier
type and the item tier type combination in the Tier Tables and discount the associated
Tier, whether it is based on 'Price based on Std. Price' or 'Price based on Price Breaks',
by the customer discount percent. If any of this criteria is not filled in,.i.e: customer type,
item type, or one of the pricing options (tier price breaks or Std. Price), the discount is
ignored. If the Overwrite option is not checked and there is a discount associated to the
customer that discount takes precedence over all Tier table discounts.

Note: This option is designed to be used when discount price breaks or Std.
Prices are entered in the Discount Tier table and not price break discount
percents or a tier discount percent.
Note: If the 'Use Discount Parameters' option is checked this option cannot be
checked, they are mutually exclusive.
See Discount Pricing in the Inventory section for more details.
Discount% Enter a discount percentage to be assigned to this customer (if any). If this field is left
blank, the system will look at what is entered under Tier Type if used. All items attached
to this Customer will have this discount applied.
This field can also be used in conjunction with the 'Customer discount % comparison’
option in System Parameters. If the customer has a discount percent and the option in
System Parameters on the Purchase Order and Sales Order Setup tab ‘Customer
discount % comparison’ is checked, the system will compare the selling price on the
Buy/Sell pricing tab in inventory for the quantity on the order to the Standard Item Price
times the customer discount %, and will use the lowest price. If an AKA price is populated
the system will use that price. If the customer does not have a discount % the system will
use the standard pricing hierarchy.

Note: If the 'Use Discount Parameters' option is checked this field cannot be

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Dunning Group This is the Dunning Group the customer is associated with. The Dunning Groups are
created in the Dunning Letters module. To remove the group from being assigned to the
customer, right click and select 'Clear'. See Dunning Letters for details.
Exclude from Check this box if the customer should not receive Dunning Letters.
Finance Charge Check the box to apply finance charges, or leave unchecked if finance charges will not be
applied to this customer.
The customer will be charged the percentage entered under the Sys Setup - System
Parameters - AR Setup. The system will use the GL Account for Finance Charges set up
on the GL Setup tab in System Parameters.
Finance Charges are generated from the Options Menu.
Sales Analysis The Current Year Customer Sales Analysis, profitability (cost of sales) and period details
may be viewed by clicking on this button. A specific GL year and/or period can be viewed.
A graph is also available to view the cost of sales for this particular customer.

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Salesperson Select a salesperson from the pick list to receive commissions based on sales to that
customer. The commissioned amount will be shown in the payables portion of Accounting
for the Salesperson/Vendor selected.
If both a salesperson and a commission % is associated to the customer, the user will
have the option to add commissions to a miscellaneous item on an AR Invoice by
selecting the ‘Apply Cust. Commissions’ check box on the invoice.
Changing a salesperson: When a salesperson is changed, if the customer has sales orders
assigned to the sales person being changed from, a pop up form will appear with choices
for updating the customer's existing sales orders that have the assigned salesperson.

There are three options:

 Replace commissions group on Sales Orders - This will replace the commissions group
on the Sales Order(s) with the salesperson(s) from the field. When this is selected a
confirmation will display stating, 'Replace the commissions group on all Sales Orders for
this customer? You will not be able to undo this action.' If the salesperson group has
only one person and the commission percent on the group is 0.00 the system will ask the
user to enter a 'Commission %'. The sales order(s) and customer will be updated with the
new percentage. The sales person group will not be updated.
 Clear commissions group on Sales Orders - This action will clear the commissions group
on Sales Orders(s).
 Proceed with no changes to Sales Orders - This will not replace the commissions group
on the Sales Order(s). The Cancel button will also proceed with no changes to the sales

Note: Sales orders created prior to updating to the 2015.1 version will not be
SIC Code The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) is a system for classifying industries by a
four-digit code. This field is a user defined drop down list to enter the SIC code associated
to the customer. Right click on the field and select 'Edit User Defined List' to create the list
of codes. Select a code to associate to the customer from the drop down list.

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Statement Date The Statement date is used in conjunction with the Terms - Based on field. In the Terms
table, if the Based on is ‘S’, the system would determine the invoice was due on the
specific day of the month. The Statement Date determines whether the due date will be a
day in the following month or the month after. See the Terms Table for more information.
Example: An invoice is entered dated 04/20/00 with the term chosen that has an ‘S’ in the
Based On field with the days set to ‘15’. The system looks to the Customer record where
25 is in the ‘Statement Date’ field. The due date is calculated as 05/15/00 since the
invoice date "20" was before the Statement date "25". If the invoice date was 04/27/00,
the due date would be 06/15/00.
This field can also be used as an informational only field to designate a date of every
month when Statements should be printed for this Customer. Statements will not be
automatically generated. The default statement report is set up on the Reports and Forms
tab in System Parameters, or the system will use the Statement Report in the reports
menu of the Customer Status module. If the criteria is left blank only the customers that
have the Statement box checked (Customer Data section) will have a statement printed.
Status Select the current status of this customer’s account from the arrow down menu next to
this field.
 Active - The customer is active with no holds. When a new customer is created from
Customer Maintenance the status will default to Active.
 Quote - The system will display a Status Exception warning when a sales order, pick
ticket, or packing slip is added.
 Ship Hold - System will display a Status Exception warning when a new sales order, pick
ticket, or packing slip is created for the customer. The Customer # field will display in red
on the sales order.
 Credit Hold - System will display a Status Exception warning when a sales order, pick
ticket, or packing slip is being created for the customer. The Customer # field will display
in red on the sales order. A warning stating they are on credit hold will appear to the
customer in WebDirect and they will not be able to submit the order.
 Mfg Hold - System will display a Status Exception warning when a sales order, pick
ticket, or packing slip is being created for the customer. This will not effect the creation of
work orders. To prevent a work order from being created the user must put the line item
on hold in the sales order.
 Inactive or Obsolete - System will display a Status Exception warning when a sales
order, pick ticket, or packing slip is being created for the customer.
Note: If the Status Exception warning appears when creating the Pick Ticket, when the
pick ticket is converted to a Packing Slip by the same user in the same session the
warning will not surface again. Credit Hold and Ship Hold will surface the Status
Exception warning when converting a Pick Ticket to a Packing Slip.
Note: A Bill To address can have a status of Ship Hold, Credit Hold, or Mfg Hold assigned
to it (Bill To tab). If the customer is on Credit Hold, Ship Hold, or Mfg Hold then the entire
customer (all Bill To's) will be on Credit Hold, Ship Hold, or Mfg Hold. If just a Bill To is on
a Hold status, only Sales Orders related to that Bill To will be placed on Hold.
Security may be placed on the warning so users can either press OK to proceed or only
Cancel to abort entry.
Status Date Enter the date of the Customer’s status changed. When a new customer is created from
Customer Maintenance the status date will populate with the date the customer was

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Terms Select the Terms for this customer from the arrow down menu. Terms can be pre-defined
by selecting Options from the from the main menu.
Terms can be associated to a Bill To address associated to the customer as well. Bill To
terms takes precedence over the customer terms when creating a sales order. If the Bill
To terms is null, the system will use the Customer Terms entered here.
To clear terms associated to a customer, right click on the field and select 'Clear Terms'.
Territory A territory can be associated to the customer by clicking the ellipsis button and selecting a
Territory from the pick list. The list of Territories can be accessed from the Options menu
in Customer Maintenance or from the CRM Lists menu.
Right click and select Clear to remove the Territory from the customer.
Use Discount Check this option if the SAC Discounts are applied to sales orders for the customer.
Parameters When this checkbox is checked:
 No other discounts or price breaks will be applied to items on sales orders or invoices for
the customer.
 An item's standard price will be used when the item is manually added to a sales order.
 The Discount field will take the place of the Discount % field in the header section of the
sales order for the customer.
 Reverse Discount Order - If the 'Use Discount Parameters' option is checked, this option
can also be checked. When checked sales order discounts are applied before item
discounts for the customer. (The default is to apply item discounts first).
 The Tier Type, Discount Tier Price, and Discount % fields cannot be edited.
SAC Discount information is setup in System Parameters->List menu. See SAC
Discounts for more information.

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Auto Invoicing Tab
Auto Invoicing allows for an easy and efficient method of creating Accounts Receivable Invoices
within EnterpriseIQ, which reduces operator input time and error. That is, once a packing slip
has been created, invoices can be automatically created within the AR Invoice screen. Although
automatically created, the invoices may still be reviewed and edited before posting them.

Note: The auto invoicing technique is setup on a customer by customer basis. However, once
setup the system will create all invoices at one time for those customers through the auto
invoicing feature in AR Invoice (See Auto Invoicing).

Note: The system will also create auto invoices for miscellaneous items on a sales order that
have the 'Auto Invoice' option checked in the sales order detail section. This will allow an auto
invoice to be created for miscellaneous items without having to create a packing slip first.

Auto Invoicing is the second tab on the bottom portion of the customer maintenance screen:

Auto Invoicing One Invoice per packing slip: This method simply converts the packing slip to an
Technique invoice verbatim.
One invoice per Unique PO/PS: This method evaluates the packing slip and creates a
separate invoice when the Purchase Order changes.
For example, EnterpriseIQ supports the ability to ship multiple Purchase Orders on a
single Packing Slip. If each order uses a different PO, then this option will create as
many invoices as there are Purchase Orders.
NOTE: If you are using UPS Link to bring over freight charges the auto invoicing
technique must be set up as One Invoice Per packing slip.
Use Ship Date Y: Uses the Ship Date from the Packing Slip for the invoice date.
when Auto
N: Uses the current system date for the invoice date.

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Finance Charge
The finance charge screen is the third tab on the bottom portion of the customer maintenance
screen. The last date Finance Charges were generated for this Customer is shown. Finance
Charges are generated from the Options Menu.

Freight Carrier and Distribution Routing Rules

Freight/Carrier Rules
This tab stores weight limits used to decide which ship via to use. This will be used for future
development. Currently it is informational only.

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Enter a From and To Weight in the appropriate fields. Select the Ship Via from the drop down list
to be used when the shipment is within these weights. The Type field is a user defined drop
down field used to describe the rule such as Parcel, LTL etc. This can also be entered for a
specific Ship To address (Ship To tab).

Note: There cannot be overlapping in the from and to weights.

Example: From 0 to 100 use UPS

From 101 to 1000 use LTL Trucking

Distribution Routing Rules

This tab stores the Distribution Routing Rules associated to the customer. This will be used for
future development. Currently it is informational only.

This tab is broken down into four sections:

 Trailer
 Pallet
 Carton
 General
Each section has corresponding fields, such as maximum trailer length and maximum carton
dimensions, to input data to define the Distribution Rules for the customer.

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Miscellaneous Tab in Customer Maintenance

Alphabetical Field Listing:

AR GL Account This is the A/R account number associated with the customer. This will override the
default A/R account found in system parameters. This field only needs to be
populated if you do not want to use system default. Select the account from the
drop down list or pick list accessed from the search button.
AR Invoice Note This note will appear in the Customer Invoice Note field in the header section of an
AR Invoice. Select the ellipsis button next to the field to bring up the note entry
form. The note can contain up to 2000 characters
Carrier Account # This is the carrier account relevant to the Ship Via selected in the Ship Via field. If
the Carrier Account # is entered before the Ship Via, a message will appear,
'Freight Carrier Account # cannot be entered without having Ship Via. Enter valid
Ship Via and try again.'
Once the Ship Via is selected the Carrier Account # is manually entered in this field.
The system will use this to add to sales orders based on the following hierarchy:
1 Customer Ship To->Carrier tab
2 Customer Ship To->Detail tab
3 Customer Miscellaneous tab

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Cash Receipt A payment type can be selected from the drop down list and when a cash receipt is
Payment Type created for this customer the 'Type' field in the middle section of the Cash Receipt
form will automatically populate with this default. If the customer does not have a
default cash receipt payment type selected, the Type field defaults to 'Check'.
Cash Receipts Note This note will appear as a message when a new cash receipt is created for the
customer. Select the ellipsis button next to the field to bring up the note entry form.
The note can contain up to 2000 characters.
Certificate of With this checked, when a packing slip is posted either through EnterpriseIQ (from
Conformance the Packing Slip module or Pick Tickets), RF, or WMS the CoC will automatically
Required print. In EIQ a message appears stating "Certificate of Conformance is required.
The system will attempt to calculate and print CoC now". Once the user selects OK
the CoC will print. In RF and WMS there is not a message, the CoC prints
If the Pick Ticket parameter 'Do Not Print Packslip on Convert' is not checked, and
the user cancels the printing of the packing slip after selecting the convert to
packing slip button in EIQ, the CoC will not print (as the message above will not
appear). Users can go to the packing slip and manually print the CoC if desired.
Commercial Invoice If this option is checked, upon posting the packing slip through EIQ, RF or WMS,
Required the Commercial Invoice will automatically print. The customer level report is setup
on the Reports/Forms tab. A system commercial report can be set up in System
Parameters->Reports and Forms. If a report is not specified for the customer the
system commercial invoice report will be used.
Note: This option is also available for a specific Ship To on the Ship To->Forms and
Reports tab. If the ship to address has this option checked and a report assigned it
will be the one printed. The hierarchy is Ship To, Customer, system default.
A Commercial Invoice can also be manually printed from a packing slip from the
Printer speed button. (For more information on the Printer Speed button see Speed
Credit card retention The number of days in which credit card records will be retained after they are
period (in days) created. The data that will be purged includes customer credit cards stored for
reuse, credit card transactions, and credit card log data. An IQAlert action "CREDIT
CARD RETENTION PURGE" can be set up to purge the data that is older than the
retention period. (See the IQAlert documentation for details).
Drop Ship Vendor When this field is populated the system will know to create a purchase order
automatically for the designated vendor when a sales order is created. Once the
Sales Order header is posted and the customer has a drop ship designated vendor
the standard drop ship PO assignment form will display for the user to choose an
existing PO or create a new one. Each sales order line item will have the Drop Ship
box checked automatically. As sales order line items and releases are added the
system will update the designated PO line items and releases. The drop ship PO
will be listed in the 'Drop Ship PO#' field on the sales order header. Users can right
click from the sales order to jump to the Drop Ship PO.
To associate a Drop Ship Vendor, select the ellipsis button and select the vendor
from the pick list.

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Inactive A customer may be marked as inactive. If a customer is marked inactive all of the
associated contacts will also be marked inactive. A customer and the contacts can
also be toggled back to active status by un-checking this box. Note: If a contact was
marked inactive before the customer was marked inactive it will remain inactive, but
if the customer becomes active again so will that contact.
The customer pick list includes an Active Status column for sorting or it can be
filtered based on this status. From the Options menu select View All, View Active,
or View Inactive. This will also filter the customer records that will be visible when
using the scroll buttons.
Industry Five digit Industry Code. Informational only, though may be used in user-defined
Make-To-Order When this option is checked all master inventory items added to a sales order for
Allocation this customer will be marked as Make To Order items. (Miscellaneous and Non-
Inventory items are not automatically marked as MTO). This enables the user to
hard allocate inventory to the specific line item on the sales order. See the Make to
Order information in the Sales Order Line Item Details section for more information.
The MTO allocation can be set at the customer level or the ship to level. The
system will first look at the ship to followed by customer level.
Minimum Change The Minimum Change Interval is used in conjunction with the Customer Flexibility
Interval Agreement Rules for EDI. Enter in the minimum days a change to the sales order
will be allowed using the up and down arrows, or type the number of days (ranging
from 1 - 366) in the field. This is used to avoid and / or flag short Sales Order
Revision intervals.
For example: Minimum Change Interval = 7 days. If a customer supplies a revision
within 7 days of the last revision or original sales order the order will be flagged.
Orders that are within the Flex Rules limits are automatically carried over to the
Sales Order module. Orders that do not meet the Flex Rules are flagged in order to
either be manually approved or discarded. If there are no Flex Rules setup, all
orders are accepted.
Flex Rules are setup on the MFG - Inventory - FG Item - AKA tab.
Overlay Label This is a crystal report designed by the user to include any information from the
order that needs to be overlaid on the label at shipping time. A default report is NOT
included as each customer's specification could be different. The table
C_OVERLAY_LABELS should be used as the main table of the created report. A
different report design can be specified for each customer.
Note: A specific formula can be added to the custom report to reprint the labels for
the specific user:
Create the formula called username:
Stringvar username;
//sent via iqwin32 name
Then add that to the Select Expert filter on the report for example:
Overship % A percentage can be entered in this field indicating the allowable percentage the
customer can be overshipped. In the Pick Ticket module the system will use this
percentage to calculate the 'Allowable Overship' value which is displayed in the
middle grid. (Ship Qty * 1 + Overship %)

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Pack Slip Creation One PO# per pack slip - with this checked the system will not allow users to ship
multiple different Purchase Orders on the same packing slip or pick ticket.
One SO# per pack slip - with this checked the system will not allow users to ship
multiple different Sales Orders on the same packing slip or pick ticket.
These options are mutually exclusive - you cannot select both.

Packing Slip Note This note will pop up right after a pick ticket is converted to a packing slip in EIQ as
well as IQRF. When not using pick tickets, this note will pop up when a packing slip
is posted.
Note: A Packing Slip note can be associated to a inventory item (Inventory-
>General tab). If both the customer and item associated to a packing slip have a
note, both notes will display in separate pop up windows.
Preserve RAN # If this is checked, during over-shipping, the program will skip the over-shipments
check. (The over-shipments box where the user must decide to add to the sales
order release or create a second shipment detail record will not come up). The
shipment will just be applied to the release.
Also a trigger has been added that will attempt to keep shipment_dtl.RAN # up-to-
date based on releases_id assigned in the pick ticket. If the packing slip is not
created via pick tickets then it will be based on the shipment_dtl.releases_id. This
will be reflected on the sales order when right clicking and viewing shipments,
shipments will not be allocated to previous releases if a release is deleted.
Price Break Quantity If a quantity is entered in this field when an order is created for an item for the
customer the quantity used to determine the price break will always be this quantity.
This field supersedes all other price breaks including AKA. If the item does not have
a price break for the quantity specified on the customer, the system will use the
price break just below that quantity.
If tier pricing is setup on the item and customer, the system will use the price break
for the quantity specified on the customer and apply the tier discount to it.
NOTE: If a higher quantity is ordered than what is in this field, the price will still be
based on the Price Break Qty on the customer and not the price break associated
with the higher quantity. This may result in a higher price.
Rebate Parameter A Rebate Parameter can be associated to a customer by selecting one from the
pick list accessed by clicking on the search button. When a sales order is created
for the customer the items on the sales order will have the Rebate Parameter field
populated with this parameter. The parameter used is based on a hierarchy: AKA
Item, item, Customer Ship To, Customer. When an AR Invoice for the sales order is
paid in full the system will calculate the amount of the rebate in the Rebate
Manager module.
To remove the parameter from being associated to the customer, right click and
select 'Clear Rebate Parameter'.
Reference This is the default Reference Description and Code that will be applied to CRM
Description / Code Sales Quotations and Sales Order line items for the customer. Reference codes are
used to provide additional descriptive information about the GL entry.
The user may associate a reference code to the Customer by selecting from the
pick list accessed by clicking the ellipsis button in the field. A reference code can be
removed by clicking the eraser button next to the field.

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Require Tracking # With this checked the Tracking # must be entered on the Packing slip. If it is not the
user will receive an Authorization Required - Status Exception warning.

Safety Lead Time The Safety Lead Time is used with the Auto Load feature in the scheduling module.
It specifies the number of days prior to the must start date that the system should
schedule the production run. This field is a customer specific Safety Lead time
which will override the default established in the Scheduling Parameters.

Sales Order Note This note will appear as a message when a new sales order is created or cloned for
the customer. This will also appear if a Quote is converted to a BOM and a Sales
Order, and when a new Sales Quotation is created in CRM.
Select the ellipsis button next to the field to bring up the note entry form. The note
can contain up to 2000 characters.
Ship Complete This works in conjunction with Inventory Availability Mode (not Sales Order based
mode) and Must Ship Dates when adding items to Pick Tickets. When this option is
checked users will only be able to create a pick ticket if all items on the sales order
with the same Must Ship Date are available. If they are not all available then items
will not display on the Ready for Shipping or Possibly Available tabs.
This can be enabled on a per Sales Order basis or for a customer by checking this
option. If 'Ship Complete' is checked in customer maintenance the 'Ship Complete'
check box will automatically be checked on new sales orders. Users have the ability
to toggle the Ship Complete option on a Sales Order.
 On hand is still soft allocated to the items that were available so that other orders
do not show up to be shipped.
 When deleting an item that was set to ship complete from pick ticket a warning will
surface, 'This item is part of a Ship Complete order. Are you sure you want to
continue?'. Users will have the option to select Yes, No, or Cancel (or exit).
Security can be placed on this warning.
 Users will be allowed to create a packing slip directly without regard to 'Ship
Complete'. This is because the Ship Complete feature relies on matching Must
Ship Dates, and in Packing Slips a release or ship date is not specified, so the
system has nothing to match to or determine 'complete' from.
Ship Via A Ship Via can be selected by clicking the ellipsis button in this field to access the
pick list. Once selected the Carrier Account # associated to the Ship Via is entered
in the Carrier Account # field. The system will use this to add to sales orders based
on the following hierarchy:
1 Customer Ship To->Carrier tab
2 Customer Ship To->Detail tab
3 Customer Miscellaneous tab
Skip Forecast If this is checked the forecast release warning message will not appear when the
Warning user is creating a pick ticket or a packing slip.

Source Five digit user-defined code, denoting how or through what medium this customer
was obtained.

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Tax Exemption # If the customer is exempt from taxes enter the tax exemption # in this field. This is
used by the Avalara Tax Web Service when calculating taxes. (See the Avalara
Tax Web Service TechNote
file.ashx/__key/Technote/avalara_2D00_tax_2D00_web_2D00_service.pdf for
Tax Identification # This is the customers Tax ID #. This is used for credit card processing.

Tax Usage Type This is used with the Avalara Tax Web Service. This can be set up for the customer
or for a ship to address. Avalara tax call will use the code set on the Ship To
address, if none is found, it will look at Customer Maintenance. This list is created
from the Options menu in the Web Service Settings screen accessed from the Tax
Codes Maintenance list. refer to the Avalara Tax Web Service TechNote for details.
Undership % A percentage can be entered in this field indicating the allowable percentage the
customer can be undershipped. In the Pick Ticket module the system will use this
percentage to calculate the 'Allowable Undership' value which is displayed in the
middle grid. (Ship Qty * 1 - Undership %)
This is also used to determine the ‘Order is within X% of the closing margin’ popup
message that appears during packing slip posting. If this field is null the system will
use the 'Close Sales Orders Short Within %' setting on the Purchase Order and
Sales Order Setup tab in System Parameters.
Use External Labels Check this box to use the External Shipping Label logic within WMSIQ for Pick
Tickets by Serial. This is used for the 'External Label Importer Utility'.
VAT Registration # Users can manually enter the customer's VAT registration number. If using the
Avalara Tax Services, it will be sent to Avalara to calculate VAT taxes. Otherwise, it
is for informational purposes only.
Verify Inventory If this is checked, upon converting the pick ticket to a packing slip for the customer,
before relieving the packing slip will be marked ‘Awaits Inventory Verification’ and ‘Do Not Invoice’.
This can be overridden for a single pick ticket. Note: This only applies if the Global
pick ticket parameter ‘Verify Inventory before relieving’ is NOT enabled. This setting
can be checked for a specific customer Ship To address. If it is not enabled in Pick
Ticket parameters then the system will first look at the Ship To address, then this
setting in Customer Maintenance.
Web Payment Type Select the type of payment this customer can use when placing orders from
WebDirect. The options are: COD, Pre-Paid, On Account, or Credit Card. If a
payment type is selected the user will not be able to choose a different type when
placing an order in WebDirect (the drop down list will be disabled in WebDirect).

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Forms/Reports in Customer Maintenance

Reports/Forms Custom customer forms/reports can be added on the customer level, as well as the bill-
to and ship-to level.
These reports are associated with speed button printing throughout the system (AR
Invoice. Packing Slips, etc.).
The hierarchy the system uses is the bill-to and ship-to level first, if no reports are
found it will look at the customer level, if no reports are found it will look at the reports
set up in Sys Setup->System Parameters->Reports/Forms.
To associate a report with a specific speed button select the ellipsis button in the field
and select the report from the Open form. The browser defaults to the master IQWin32
Reports folder.

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Customer Contacts
An unlimited amount of contacts can be entered. Various personal information such as pager
numbers, email, special salutations, etc. can be maintained for each contact. Contacts can be
entered here or associated to specific Ship To's and Bill To's by entering them on the contact tab
associated to the Ship To and Bill To addresses. If the contact is entered here on the Contacts
tab there are right click options to add the contact to Ship To or Bill To addresses. The contacts
listed on this tab will include the ones entered on the main contacts tab as well as those entered
on the Ship To and Bill To tabs. For Ship To and Bill To contacts the type field will be populated
with the 'Ship To' or 'Bill To' depending on the tab they were entered on. A search button is
available on this tab to access the pick list of contacts.

Customer Contacts Field Listing

First Name Contact person. Enter up to 30 characters in this field.

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Last Name Last name of the contact person. Enter up to 30 characters max in this field.

Title Use this field to enter in a title (if known), such as President, Vice President, etc. Field
can hold up to 60 characters.

Department Enter the department associated with the contact.

Salutation If your contact prefers to be called by Mr., Mrs., Ms. enter that data here. Use up to 5
Phone Use up to 25 digits for a phone number.
Ext. Enter an extension for this contact if known. Use up to 5 digits.

Fax Enter this contact’s fax number here using up to 25 digits.

Mobile# Enter this contact’s mobile phone number here using up to 25 digits.

Pager Enter a pager number for this contact if known.

Email If this contact has an email address, enter that address in the pop up form.
Note: WebDirect users must have unique email addresses. If it is not unique the system
will raise an error when attempting to save the WebDirect user information.

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Inactive This options will hide the contact from pick lists. This will automatically un-check any
Auto eForm boxes which are checked, and the default box. If the contact is set up with
an WebDirect User ID, this access must be revoked manually by selecting the Revoke
Access (eraser) button on the Contact tab.
When a contact is marked inactive, if they are associated to sales order(s) a pop up
form will appear with three choices:
 Replace the contact on Sales Orders
 Clear contact on Sales Orders
 Proceed with no change to Sales Orders

If the Replace Contact option is selected a pick list of active contacts associated to the
customer will appear to choose from.
Inactive contacts can be accessed from the pick list by selecting the Show inactive
Default The contact with this box checked will come up as the default contact on all sales
Note: If there is only one contact in Customer Maintenance the system will populate the
Contact field on the sales order with that contact, regardless of whether it's marked
Default or not. If there is more than one contact and one is marked default the system
will populate the contact field with that contact. If there is more than one contact and
none are marked default, then no contact will populate in this field.

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Auto EForm There are several check boxes on the Contacts tab that provide the ability to
automatically email forms to customer contacts. The forms that can be emailed are:
 Order Acknowledgment
 Order Acknowledgment - Order Contact
 Packing Slip
 Packing Slip - Order Contact
 AR Invoice
 Customer Statement
 SPC - Inspection Sample Log Report
 COC - Certificate of Conformance
This option is also available on the Ship To and Bill To Contacts. If all three are set up,
all three will receive an emailed form, there is no hierarchy.
These options cannot be checked unless the contact has an email address. If an email
address is not entered for a contact a warning will appear if a user attempts to check an
Auto EForm option.
Note: An AR Invoice can only be sent to a 'Ship To' type contact if the 'One Invoice per
Packing Slip' is selected in Auto Invoicing for the customer.
Once one of the forms has been printed (printing to screen or file also works), it is
converted to .pdf and a record is written to the AUTO_EFORM table. When the Auto
EForm action is run in IQAlert, it will send the form and any attached external
documents that have the Auto EForm option set to 'Y'. IQAlert should be set up with an
Auto Eform action scheduled to query the table daily, hourly, etc. to email the forms
previously 'printed'. Once the form has been emailed the record will be removed from
the Auto_Eform table and a record will be written to a history table (Auto_Eform_Hist).
The history table will include a “Sent” time stamp column which is populated when the
email is sent via IQAlert.
Note: The External Documents - Auto EForm option does not apply to Customer
Statements. See Documents for more information.
Note: A signature can be added to the forms by checking the 'Enable signature' option
and creating a signature from the Signature tab of the IQMS_PDF_Printer Properties
AR Invoice Options:
 When printing a range of AR Invoices, there is a check box to bypass printing the report
and only send the email.
 There is a setting in System Parameters->AR Setup called 'Auto Email Invoices upon
Batch Post'. If this option is checked the system will perform the Auto Email function at
the time the invoices are posted instead of when they are printed. A message will
display on the Print Prepost Invoices screen indicating this option is checked, 'Auto
Email Invoices upon Batch Post (in System Parameters) is set to 'Y' report will not be
Auto Emailed.'
Order Acknowledgement Options: There are two Ord Ack. options available at the contact
level. These options are mutually exclusive. Users can have one contact at the
customer level, another at the contact level and a third contact not receiving any order
acknowledgments. The emails generated will depend on the contact assigned to the
sales order. If the sales order contact has 'Auto EForm Ord Ack – Order Contact'
checked, only one Auto EForm will be generated and it will be sent to that contacts
email. If the sales order contact has 'Auto EForm Ord Ack' checked, it will look for other
contacts that also have Auto EForm checked on the customer level and create that
Accounts Receivable PageAuto
many Auto EForms to email. If the order contact has neither checked, 28 ofEForms
186 are
generated for contacts that have Auto EForm checked on the customer level. Note: The
Auto EForm is sent to the person in the 'Contact' field on the sales order, not the 'SO
Contact' field.
Packing Slip Options: There are also two PS options available at the contact level. This
Email Dunning If this option is checked the system will Email the Dunning letter instead of printing it out.
An email address must be filled in for the contact. This option cannot be checked unless
the contact has an email address.

If a customer has no contacts flagged with 'Email Dunning', then the letter will
be printed, and not emailed. By contrast, if the customer has even just one
contact flagged as 'Email Dunning', the letter will be emailed and not printed.

Verification Date This field then can be updated when a contact is verified. Select the verification date
from the drop down calendar. This date defaults to the date the contact was added. The
verification date is also available for contacts on the Ship To and Bill To tab in Customer
Maintenance, and Contacts in CRM's Customer Central. This date will be visible in CRM
Mail Merge and Mass Mailing.

Type This field will display the contact type. It will display SHIP TO for contacts entered on the
Ship To->Contacts tab, BILL TO for contacts entered on the Bill To->Contacts tab and,
null for contacts entered on the main Contacts tab.
EPlant If the system has EPlants, and the customer does not have an EPlant assigned on the
Customer/Credit Data tab, this field will be visible. This will be used as a soft filter when
viewing contacts in Customer records and in Sales Orders. To assign an EPlant to the
contact select the ellipsis button in the field, select the One Plant option, then choose an
EPlant from the drop down list.
When adding a new contact to a Customer Ship To record, if that Ship To has an EPlant
associated to it, the contact that is added to the Customer Contact tab will have that
EPlant associated to it as well.
User-Defined Nine alpha-numeric and nine numeric user fields are available on the User-Defined tab.
Fields EnterpriseIQ supports user-defined fields to store other data. These fields are
informational only, and EnterpriseIQ does not directly use them. However, they are
available for use on reports. You can modify the label by right clicking on top of the label
and selecting Define Label Text. Enter a more meaningful label text, click OK and the
label is updated. Note that all contacts will use the same label once it is changed.
Address Each contact can gave a specific address associated to them. The address can be
assigned from another tab using the right click options (see below).

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Right Click Options:

Assign to Ship-To Contact and Assign to Bill-To Contact - Select one of the options to add the Contact
to the Ship To or Bill To Contacts tab. When the user selects one of these options, the software
checks for duplicate contact entries and surfaces a warning if duplicates are found. Users may
either continue and add the duplicate contact, or decide not to use the duplicate contact.

Assign address from Ship To, Bill To, or from Customer - An address can be copied from one of the
other tabs for a contact. The 'from ship to' or 'from bill to' will be grayed out based on the contact
source. For instance, if the contact source is 'ship to' then only 'Assign from Ship To' will be
enabled and 'Assign from Bill To' will be grayed out. Note 'Assign from Customer' is always

CRM Groups - There are two options available from this right click feature: Add to Group and
Where Used.
 Add to Group - Select this option to add the customer contact to a CRM Group. A pick list of
groups will appear. Highlight the group and press Select.
 Where Used - This option will open a form showing the CRM Groups the customer contact is
associated to. Groups can be associated to the customer contact from this form as well by
selecting the + button and selecting a group from the list.

WebDirect in Customer Maintenance

WebDirect allows your customers access to certain modules of EnterpriseIQ. You can set the
modules the customer has access to. This can be different for each customer and Customer

To set up users and security go to the Customer Maintenance/Contacts screen:

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To add users click on the Create WEB UserID button. The following form will appear:

Add User
User name The name of the user you are going to give WebDirect access to.

Password The user’s password.

Confirm Confirmation of the above password.
Tablespaces: Select USER_DATA from the drop down list.
Temporary Select TEMPORARY_DATA from the drop down list.
Grant WebDirect This field will be checked by default. This will grant the user access to the WebDirect.
Existing users may be granted WebDirect access by selecting their username and
selecting the Grant WebDirect Access button.
Grant FRx Grant FRx access Check this field to grant the user access to FRx (financial
Access reporting). This can also be granted in Data Dictionary.

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Grant This check box will give the user access to Spreadsheet Server, an application used to
Spreadsheet create financial reports in Excel format. This can also be granted in Data Dictionary.
Server Access
Force Password If this is checked it will force the user to change their password on their first access to
Change EnterpriseIQ. This does not apply to web based login users.

To add WebDirect to the individual contact, use the drop down arrow next to User ID and choose
the user from the list that you want to attach to the particular contact.

Choose the appropriate Ship To and Bill To addresses to associate with this contact. The Bill To
associated with the user will populate the bill to on the sales order. The Ship To address will
populate the ship to information on the sales order unless the customer changes it when they
place the order.

Note: The Ship To address will affect the products the customer sees as well as the ship to
address on the shopping cart:
 Products List Filtering – The products the customer will see is based on the Ship To Address
that is assigned to their User ID on the WebDirect section on the Contacts tab in Customer
Maintenance. The system will display all items that are marked ‘OK for Sale on Web’, all
items where the customer is the default listed on the Additional tab in Master Inventory, and
AKA items where the Ship To matches their ship to. If the user does not have a ship to
address associated to them they will only see AKA items that also do not have a ship to.
 Ship To Address on Shopping Cart – The address the system will automatically populate this
field with is based on the Ship To Address assigned to their WebDirect B2B User ID. If they
do not have a Ship To address assigned the system will use the customer’s default Ship To
address. If the customer does not have a default ship to address, then the system will use
the first address listed on the Ship To tab in Customer Maintenance.
 If a Ship To address is associated to the WebDirect user, sales orders and shipments
displayed in WebDirect will be filtered to show only those associated to the ship to address.

To revoke WebDirect access click on the speed button and the following screen will appear:

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You can just revoke access to WebDirect or also remove the user entirely from the system.

Web Reports
Each user can have their own unique set of reports. Select Web Reports and right click in the
white area of the Registered Reports screen to add reports for this user.

WebDirect Security
The security tab allows you to set up which modules the customer and the contact have access
to. If a contact does not have security for a module the menu item will not be visible on the web

Click on the speed button to edit Master Accessible Web Modules. To assign all of the
available modules click on the speed button. This is the list you will use to choose from when
granting rights to customers. The modules available are in the screen below:

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Customer Modules:
 CUSTOMER AR – This allows the customer viewing access to their accounts receivable.
 CUSTOMER AVAILABILITY – This allows the customer access to the inventory availability
information for their items.
 CUSTOMER CHECKOUT – This provides access to the Check Out portion of the customer
 CUSTOMER EXISTING ORDERS – This allows access to information on existing orders
associated with the customer.
 CUSTOMER PRODUCTS – This allows access to a list of the customer’s products.
 CUSTOMER REPORTS – This allows the user access to any Web Reports assigned to
 CUSTOMER RMA – This gives the customer access to Return Material Authorizations for
their company.
 CUSTOMER SHIPMENTS – This gives access to view the shipment information for their
 CUSTOMER SHOP CART – This gives access to the Shopping Cart portion on the
Customer Portal.
 CUSTOMER VMI – This gives access to the Vendor Managed Inventory information for the
customer’s products.
In the top portion of the security screen select the modules you want to grant access to for the
Customer using the drop down arrow list. You can also grant them access to all available
modules by clicking on the ‘add all’ speed button

In the bottom portion of the security screen select the modules you want to grant access to for
the Contact, again using the drop down arrow list or adding all with the speed button.

This tab displays nine alpha numeric and nine numeric user-defined fields associated to the
contact. These are the same user-defined fields found in CRM->Customer Central->Contacts
tab. Right click on the label and select ‘Define Label Text’ to change the name of the label. The
changes made in CRM will be reflected in Customer Maintenance and vice versa.

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Ship To Information
EnterpriseIQ allows the entry of unlimited ship to addresses. These addresses will be available
when entering Sales Orders, as well as, during Packing Slip generation and Invoicing.

Ship To Field Listing

Company Destination company name.
Address 1/2/3 Enter up to three lines of address information. 60 characters maximum.

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City City. This field can contain up to 30 characters.
The Zip Code can be entered first and the City and State will fill in automatically once
the ‘Lookup Zip Code’ button is selected.

Region/State Enter a two digit State code, or use the arrow down menu to select a State.

Post/Zip Enter up to 10 digits for zip code.

If the Zip Code Lookup list has been created the user can enter the zip code first and
then the City and State will automatically fill in. Or right click on the field and click on
‘Select Zip Code’ to bring up the pick list of zip codes.

Country Select a country from the drop down list.

Bill To Select a Bill To address from the pick list or drop down list to be associated with the ship
to address. When a sales order or sales quote is entered the bill to address associated
to the ship to address will automatically be populated.
Contact Enter the primary shipping contact here.
Use USA mask This check box is used for phone and fax numbers. If the box is checked, it maintains a
mask for standard US style phone numbers (7 or 10 digits). If the box is left unchecked,
the US mask is removed and foreign phone and fax numbers can be entered.

Telephone Enter the phone number to contact the shipping agent

Ext. If the shipping contact has an extension, enter it here.
Fax Enter the fax number if available.
Days Margin User defined field
Qty% Margin User defined field
EPlant Select an EPlant for this Ship to location from the drop down list.

Ship_To_Id This is the ship to ID associated to the Ship To record. This value is assigned by the
system and cannot be changed.
Default Check this box to set the default ship to address. When sales orders are entered the
default ship to address will be used unless overridden. If the default Ship to is marked
inactive the system will use the next Ship To that is not marked inactive. If all Ship To's
are marked inactive, the system will leave the Ship To field blank.
Ship to Status - A Ship To address can be marked inactive. This will prevent it from appearing in pick
Inactive lists throughout the system, such as in Forecast and AKA Selling in Inventory.

Sales Order Note This note will appear on the sales order in the Ship To Note field and can be used to
convey any specific ship to information at order entry. This note will also display from
the 'Add To Ticket' list when adding items to a pick ticket.

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Freight Revenue Enter a % in this field for freight revenue. During AR Invoicing if the FOB on the invoice
% has this option checked and the Ship-To has a ‘Freight Revenue %’ filled in the Freight
Revenue amount will be calculated: Freight Charge * Freight Revenue %. The Total
Price on the AR Invoice will equal the Freight Charge + the Freight Revenue Amount.
The Freight Revenue amount will post to the Freight Revenue GL Account setup in
System Parameters (the freight charge will post to the GL account associated to the
Ship Via).

Details Tab
(Fields listed alphabetically)
Carrier Account # This is the carrier account number associated to the Ship Via. Information in this field
can only be entered if a Ship Via is selected as this number pertains to this exact ship
via. If a user attempts to enter a carrier account number without have a ship via filled in
they will receive a warning stating, "Freight Carrier Account # cannot be entered without
having Ship Via. Enter valid Ship Via and try again." If the ship via is changed the
system will blank out the Freight Carrier Account # as they will never be the same for
different ship via carriers.
The system will use this to add to sales orders based on the following hierarchy:
1 Customer Ship To->Carrier tab
2 Customer Ship To->Detail tab
3 Customer Miscellaneous tab
Commission % The percentage of commission.
Division/ A Division/Warehouse may be associated to a customer ship to address. Select the
Division from drop down list. Users can filter by division/warehouse throughout the
system such as Material Exceptions.
(Please see the section on Division/Warehouse for more information).
FOB Each Ship To may maintain a unique FOB designation. If the user selects a FOB that
has the Third Party Billing option checked, a pick list of Third Party Billing addresses will
appear to choose from. This information will carry over to the sales order, shipment, and
the BOL.
Keep Pick Ticket This option can be set per customer ship to. The user can select Default, Yes, or No
Releases from the drop down list.
Separate on PS
Default will use the setting in Pick Ticket parameters. If No is selected the releases will
be grouped on one line item. If Yes is selected the releases will be kept separate on the
packing slip.
Make-To-Order When this option is checked all master inventory items added to a sales order for this
Allocation customer ship to address will be marked as Make To Order items. (Miscellaneous and
Non-Inventory items are not automatically marked as MTO). This enables the user to
hard allocate inventory to the specific line item on the sales order. See the Make to
Order information in the Sales Order Line Item Details section for more information. The
MTO allocation can be set at the customer level or the ship to level. The system will first
look at the ship to followed by customer level.

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Print Box Labels Select Default, No, or Yes from the drop down list.
with Shipping
 If this is set to Yes, when processing a shipment in Shipping Manager for the Ship To
address, a box label will be printed for each package right after the shipping label is
printed. Note: This may slow down the label printing process.
 Selecting No will not print the box labels.
 Default will use the Global Setting in Carrier Maintenance (Options menu).
Priority Level This is an informational field only. It is used to designate the Shipping Priority.

Rebate Parameter A Rebate Parameter can be associated to a customer ship to address by selecting one
from the pick list accessed by clicking on the search button. When a sales order is
created for the customer for this ship to address the items on the sales order will have
the Rebate Parameter field populated with this parameter. The parameter used is based
on a hierarchy: AKA Item, item, Customer Ship To, Customer. When an AR Invoice for
the sales order is paid in full the system will calculate the amount of the rebate in the
Rebate Manager module.
To remove the parameter from being associated to the customer, right click and select
'Clear Rebate Parameter'.

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Salespersons(s) This is the sale person(s) associated to the specific Ship To address. The hierarchy is:
AKA, inventory, customer ship to, customer. Please see the Commissions Flowchart in
Assigning Sales People to Inventory Items or Customers for more information.
Changing a salesperson: When a salesperson is changed, if the customer sales orders
assigned to the sales person being changed from, a pop up form will appear with
choices for updating the customer's existing sales orders associated to the Ship To
address that have the assigned salesperson.

There are three options:

 Replace commissions group on Sales Orders - This will replace the commissions group
on the Sales Order(s) with the salesperson(s) from the field. When this is selected a
confirmation will display stating, 'Replace the commissions group on all Sales Orders
for this customer? You will not be able to undo this action.' If the salesperson group
has only one person and the commission percent on the group is 0.00 the system will
ask the user to enter a 'Commission %'. The sales order(s) and customer will be
updated with the new percentage. The sales person group will not be updated.
 Clear commissions group on Sales Orders - This action will clear the commissions
group on Sales Orders(s).
 Proceed with no changes to Sales Orders - This will not replace the commissions group
on the Sales Order(s). The Cancel button will also proceed with no changes to the sales

Note: Sales orders created prior to updating to the 2015.1 version will not be
Note: If the salesperson is changed on the ship to level – only those sales
orders for that ship to will be updated. If the salesperson is changed on the
customer level – all sales orders for that customer will be updated.

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Ship Days and Ship Days - Enter up to 3 digits for average shipping time. This number is used when
Shipment Days calculating a must start date for manufacturing items. Ship Days can be a days value or
set to hours, this allows for just in time shipping. To enter the Ship Days in hours
calculate the hours based on the portion of the day. For example if the ship time is two
hours enter .083 in the Ship Days field ( (1 day/24 hours)*2 hours = .083). If the Ship
Days value is left blank the system will assume 0 days.
Shipment Days - You can also specify what days of the week shipments can be made to
a specific address. Click on the icon next to the field and the following form will appear:

For example, if you cannot ship on Tuesdays to Customer X, you will need to uncheck
Tuesday. Any due date that was set for that Tuesday will be backed up to Monday ship
date. This will impact ship date and must start date for sales orders, scheduling, pick
tickets and packing slips.
Note: Leaving all Shipment Days unchecked defaults to Mon - Fri as valid ship days.
Preferred Ship Day - This is the day of the week that is the preferred ship day for the
Ship To address. If applicable, select the preferred day from the drop down list. This will
be used in the calculation to determine the Must Ship Date (see below). It is not a
required field.
Note: Using the Preferred Ship Day can cause shipments to be late and should be used
with caution. For example:
Promise Date = 8/11/04 (wed)
Transit Time = 2 days
Valid Ship Days = M-F
Preferred Ship Day = Thursday
The Must Ship Date would be 8/12/04.
Ship To Exclude Date Range - This section is used to establish shipping holidays for the
Ship To address.
Exclude from Transit - If this is checked the shipping holidays will not be included when
calculating transit time.

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Ship Via Enter the default ship via designation. This will appear during Sales Order entry,
Packing Slip and Invoicing, though it may be changed any point.
The system will use this to add to sales orders based on the following hierarchy:
1 Customer Ship To->Carrier tab
2 Customer Ship To->Detail tab
3 Customer Miscellaneous tab
Standard Trailer / A standard Trailer / Container can be associated to a Ship To address and then be used
Container Size in conjunction with the Pick Ticket parameter, 'Enable volume\weight calculations'.
Which is a tool used to determine how many boxes and pallets can fit into the
container/trailer before starting a new container/trailer.
See Shipment Volume / Weight Calculations in the Creating a Pick Ticket section for
more information.
Tax Assign a Tax Code to this customer by selecting the arrow down near this field. A pick
list of codes will be available from this list. Sales tax applied is based upon where the
product is shipped. The system will populate the tax code on a sales order based on the
the ship to address.
see Tax Codes for additional information.
Tax Usage Type This is used with the Avalara Tax Web Service. This can be setup at the Ship To level or
for the Customer (Miscellaneous tab). Avalara tax call will use the code set on the Ship
To address, and if none is found, it will look at Customer Maintenance. This list is
created from the Options menu in the Web Service Settings screen accessed from the
Tax Codes Maintenance list. Refer to the Avalara Tax Web Service TechNote for
Territory Select the Territory associated to the specific Ship To record from the pick list. The list of
Territories can be accessed from the Options menu in Customer Maintenance or from
the CRM Lists menu.
When a packing slip is created for the ship to address, this field will populate in the
C_SHIP_HIST table.
Tier Type If Customer Tier Discounts are set up, select the level of discount that this customer ship
to will receive from the drop down list. A Tier type can be associated at the customer
level, or the ship to level. The Tier Type Hierarchy will look at Ship To first and if null use
the Tier Type at the Customer level (Customer/Credit Data tab).
Verify Inventory If this is checked, upon converting the pick ticket to a packing slip for the customer, the
before relieving packing slip will be marked ‘Awaits Inventory Verification’ and ‘Do Not Invoice’. This can
be overridden for a single pick ticket. Note: This only applies if the Global pick ticket
parameter ‘Verify Inventory before relieving’ is NOT enabled. This setting can be
checked for a customer on the Miscellaneous tab or here for a specific ship to address.
If it is not enabled in Pick Ticket parameters then the system will first look at the Ship To
address, then this setting in Customer Maintenance.

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NOTE: If changes are made to the Shipping Days that will effect the Must Ship date calculation
the user must select the ‘Recalculate Must Ship Date for All Sales Orders’ button at the top of
the Shipping Days form. If a user forgets to push the button after a change is made, then Update
Schedule and Processing EDI Orders will also automatically calculate the Must Ship Date.
However, if the user forgets to push the recalculate button and has not yet run update schedule,
the Must Ship Dates may be inaccurate if the releases were affected by any of the calendar
changes. (When converting EDI Orders, the system is only recalculating the must ship date on
the corresponding sales orders, not all orders).

Notes This section can be used to enter additional notes about the customer ship to address.

Contacts Contacts may be associated with a specific Ship To Address. Type the information in
the fields. The information entered here will also be populated on the Contacts Tab.
Contacts can be added to the Ship To tab from the main contacts tab by right clicking
and selecting 'Assign to Ship-To Contact'. A Ship To contact can be added to the Bill
To contacts from here by right clicking and selecting 'Assign to Bill-To Contact'. The
system will check for duplicates and give the user the opportunity to continue to add
the contact or not.
The option to automatically email forms to Ship To contacts is available. The forms that
can be emailed are:
 Order Acknowledgment
 Order Acknowledgment - Order Contact
 Invoice
 Packing Slip
 Packing Slip - Order Contact
 Customer Statement
 SPC - Inspection Sample Log Report
 COC - Certificate of Conformance
Set the Auto EForm field to Y to have that form automatically emailed to the Ship To
Contact. (IQAlert must be setup to email the form).
This option is also available on the Bill To and Customer Contacts. If all three are set
up, all three will receive an emailed form, there is no hierarchy.
These options cannot be checked unless the contact has an email address.
Note: An AR Invoice can only be sent to a 'Ship To' type contact if the 'One Invoice per
Packing Slip' is selected in Auto Invoicing for the customer. This also applies when the
'Auto Email Invoices upon Batch Post’ is checked.
MSDS Notification Method - A customer who is a MSDS customer must have a least one
contact configured with an MSDS Notification Method. This determines how the user
will receive the authored MSDS documentation. Choose the method from the drop
down list (Email Link, Email attachment, Fax, or Mail). The email methods require and
email address.

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Distribution Info
Designated The Ship To address can be associated with a distribution center. This information is
Distribution used by the multiple packing slip bill of lading module. The BOL will use the distribution
Center center address rather than the shipping address. Distribution Centers are set up in the
Customer Maintenance module from the Options Menu. The distribution addresses can
be used across different customers.

Consolidator This is another level of distribution above the designated distribution center.
The list of Consolidators is found under the Options menu in Customer Maintenance.

Importers The list of Importers is created from the Options menu in Customer Maintenance.

Exclude If this is checked, sales releases marked with a 'Y' on the Forecast field will not be
forecasted available for shipment on pick tickets. These items may shipped through a packing slip.
releases on pick

BOL Note The Information in this field can be used for informational purposes and can be added
to the CRW BOL report.
To add a BOL note type in the field or select the Edit BOL Note button and enter the
information in the pop up form. This field can contain up to 2000 characters.

EDI Info
Pick Ticket - Use If this is checked, this ship to address will automatically create a pick ticket for each
Dock ID different Dock ID from the sales order. The Dock ID field is in the middle grid (order
detail section) of the sales order. Like Dock ID's will be combined on one pick ticket.

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Pick Ticket - If this is checked when converting a pick ticket to packslip the system will match the
RAN number from the pick ticket detail to the releases RAN number in sales orders.
Match RAN
The system will also update the shipment detail and c_ship_hist based on the
releases to
release_id of the matched RAN.
If the RAN number no longer exists the conversion will be aborted and a warning will
Note: With this option checked it will effect the Manual Adjustment option in sales
orders. If you ship a quantity of a release in full, and then change the release amount,
the overage will not be applied to any subsequent release. For example: The release
was 500 and shipped is 500. The release is increased to 1000 and an additional 500 is
shipped. If the release is adjusted back to 500, the over shipment of 500 is not applied
to any other release and the cum shipped will no longer match the quantity shipped in
the sales order.
Note: The parameter for evaluate over-shipment must be checked in Pick Ticket
parameters for the correct RAN (release) to show as shipped after conversion to a
sales order.
Note: Please review existing Sales Orders that have been partially shipped prior to
checking this option. This option should only be checked if ALL releases on partially
shipped Sales Orders have been shipped. Errors will occur on Sales Orders that were
partially shipped prior to option being checked if using the Recalculate Release Ship
Dates option.
Dock ID The Dock ID field is used with EDI.
If a trading partner has a Ship To which has multiple docks, the EDI information may
include a different Ship To ID for each dock, including a Dock ID. In order to make this
work, the user has to enter the Ship To once for each Dock ID in AR Customer
Maintenance Ship To. Then, each of these need to be matched to an EDI Trading
Partner Ship To ID.

Pool Point Code This field is used for EDI purposes.

This field is used to establish a specific code that identifies a distribution center that is
shipped to or through.
For example: Chrysler requires a Pool Point Code that identifies a distribution center to
be included in their outbound EDI advanced shipping notice.
The system does not automatically use this code. The user who writes the template for
the advanced shipping notice in EDI will use this database field to capture the
Supplier Code This field will also be surfaced in Inventory on the AKA Selling tab, in the Ship To Attn
pick list, and in the AKA Selling grid itself. The field is Ship_To.Supplier_Code.
It will carry over to the LMINVTRY.DBF for labels, the field is Supp_Code.

Billing Supplier This field is Ship_to.Billing_Supplier_Code.


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Direct Ship Inv By populating this field with a location (by selecting a location from the pick list), the
Location system will know that this is a Direct Ship customer. After new EDI Orders are
translated for a customer ship to address that is setup as Direct Ship, a packing slip is
created which automatically relieves inventory from the designated Direct Ship Inv
Location. If the items are not Serialized Inventory (SIC), the location can be driven
negative. If the item is SIC, the system will relieve based on FIFO (lowest serial
number first). If there is not enough serials to suffice the order the user will receive an
To remove the location from the field right click and select 'Clear Direct Ship Inv
Note: This process takes place only when EDI files are parsed and converted via
User 1 and User 2 User 1 field is the same field as the User 6 field on the User Field tab on the Ship To
tab (Ship_To.CUser6).
User 2 field is the same field as User 7 (Ship_To.CUser7).
To avoid confusion, if the label text is changed on one tab it should also be changed
on the other tab.
Add Shipping Location to Trading Partner Profile

Select the speed button on the Ship To tab to add shipping address(es) to a Trading
Partner Profile. This button has two options from the drop down arrow: Add this Shipping
Location only to Trading Partner Profile, or Add ALL Shipping Locations. Once an option is
selected a window will appear for the user to select the Trading Partner. Users can apply Ship
To’s to any Customer in the list. There is a check box labeled ‘Current Customer Records Only’
– when checked, the only trading partners displayed in the list will be those that match the
Customer. If the user selects the single Ship To location option, after the Trading Partner is
selected another window will appear displaying the Ship To information with an option to enter
the Ship To Code. If the code is not entered a pop up will indicate this. The user can continue
adding the Ship To by selecting OK. The system will verify that the Ship_To.ID does not already
exist for this trading partner with the same Ship To Id Code. If it does a message will appear and
the Ship To will not be added. The user will be returned to the Trading Partner Profile Ship To
Quick Add window where they can either modify the Ship To Id Code or click Cancel.

If the user selected the ‘ALL Ship To locations’ option from the drop down menu, a pop-up
window will display ‘Add all Ship To locations for trading partner : ? User will need to enter Ship
To Id Code in Trading Partner Profile manually.’ If the user selects OK, all Ship To locations for
the current Customer Maintenance Record will be added to the Trading Partner selected in the
list that do not already exist in Trading Partner Profile. The Ship To Id Code will be left blank.

Forms/Reports Custom customer forms/reports can be added on the ship-to level.
These reports are associated with speed button printing specifically for Packing Slips,
PS Bill of Lading, and the Multi-PS Bill of Lading.
The hierarchy the system uses is the bill-to and ship-to level first, if no reports are
found it will look at the customer level, if no reports are found it will look at the reports
set up in Sys Setup->System Parameters->Reports/Forms.
To associate a report with a specific speed button select the ellipsis button in the field
and select the report from the Open form. The browser defaults to the master IQWin32
Reports folder.

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Certificate of With this checked, when a packing slip is posted either through EnterpriseIQ, RF, or
Conformance WMS the CoC will automatically print regardless of whether the packing slip is
Required automatically printed. In EIQ a message appears stating "Certificate of Conformance is
required. The system will attempt to calculate and print CoC now". Once the user
selects OK the CoC will print. In RF and WMS there is not a message the CoC prints
Commercial If this option is checked, upon posting the packing slip through EIQ, RF or WMS, the
Invoice Required Commercial Invoice will automatically print. Select the Ship To level report from the
Open form accessed from the ellipsis button in the Commercial Invoice field.
Note: This option is also available at the Customer level -> Forms/Reports tab.
A Commercial Invoice can also be manually printed from a packing slip from the Printer
speed button. The report hierarchy is Ship To, Customer, system default.
Do not Print If this is checked invoices will not print for items shipped to this Ship To address.
If the user specifically selects an invoice to print (which should not print) only a blank
page will print. If the user selects a range of invoices to print, then the non-printable
invoices are not printed and blank pages are not generated.
If there are multiple items on an invoice, some which are set to print an invoice and
some that are set to not print, only those items that are set to print an invoice will
appear on the report.

User Fields
User 1 - 15 EnterpriseIQ supports 15 user-defined character fields to store other data associated to
the Ship To address. These fields are informational only, and EnterpriseIQ does not
directly use them. however, they are available for use on reports. You can modify the
label by right clicking on top of the label and selecting Define Label Text. Enter a more
meaningful label text, click OK and the label is updated. The user fields have a blue
drop down arrow associated to them. Users can define a list that can be used to
populate the user field rather than manual data entry. To edit the list for a user field,
right click on the blue arrow and select ‘Edit User Defined List’. A list form will appear to
enter the Text selections that will be available when selecting the blue drop down arrow
in the field.
Value 1 - 5 Five user defined numeric fields for informational purposes only. See above.

From the Documents tab users can add internal documents, external documents and email
correspondence for each ship to. These documents can be set to print with packing slips or pick

VMI toggle For Vendor Managed Inventory, choose when to invoice, either at the time of the
packing slip or at the time the inventory is consumed. Invoices on shipments will
appear in the invoice module like all other shipments. Invoice on Consume will appear
in the invoicing module on the VMI tab. To change the selection, click on the icon next
to this field. Note: Non-VMI items shipped on the same packing slip as VMI Items set to
‘invoice on consume’ will be available to invoice immediately.
VMI Location This is the Ship To address associated with Vendor Managed Inventory. Please see
Vendor Managed Inventory - VMI for further details).

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VMI Items If a VMI Location is associated to the Ship To address this option will be available to
associate specific items that will ship to the VMI Location. Select the item(s) from the
drop down list and associate a VMI Location. Once an item has been added, then any
time any inventory is shipped to this Ship To, only the items indicated in the VMI Items
grid will go to the VMI location, anything else shipped to the same Ship To will process
as a non-VMI shipment.
Note: Non-EPlanted items will only visible in the drop down list when in view all (and/or
no EPlants are present). EPlants can only see their EPlanted items in the list.
Use system date If this is selected, when auto-invoicing the system will use the system date as the
when auto invoice date, if it is not checked, the system will use the packing slip ship date as the
invoicing invoice date.

Use If this is checked, the last date the inventory is consumed for an item will be the date of
Consumption the invoice. For example, if you consume Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and then
date when auto-invoice, the consumption date will be Wednesday. It is not broken out by
invoicing date/invoice.
Reevaluate Unit If this option is checked, upon creating an AR Invoice for the VMI shipment the system
Price based will reevaluate the unit price by comparing the price when the item was shipped to the
upon Invoice current price on the inventory item (based on the hierarchy: AKA Selling, then Buy/Sell
Date tab, and then Std Item Price). If it is different than the system will use the current price
on the inventory item as the unit price for the AR Invoice.
If this is not checked the system will use the price from when the item was shipped

Shipping Labels
This tab is used to set up the automation of printing shipping labels during pick ticket creation
from RF (radio frequency scanning). Please see the RF documentation for more information.
Description This is the general description of the label and event.

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Event Select an Event from the drop down list. The Event dictates when the label will be
Print on Convert to PS - This will print a label for the entire packing slip. The only type
allowed with this event is a Non-Serialized label. This is not based on individual boxes
but on the entire shipment.
Print on Serial / Scan - This will print a label for each serial number scanned one at a
Print on Serial / Batch - This will print labels for each serial number scanned as a batch at
the end.
Print on Mixed Label - This label will automatically print at the same time as the Mixed
label through RF.
Print on Complete Pallet - This option is available for Serialized and Non-Serialized labels
but not for Reprint. This label event type will print from RF > Ship > Pick Ticket > Scan
Serial Number when either: 1) The quantity to ship equals the release quantity, or 2)
The quantity to ship equals the parts per of the attached pallet item for the BOM that
makes the item being shipped. For this to work the system uses the logical column in
the ARINVT table called IS_PALLET. For PK items only, in Inventory->Additional tab
there is a check box called Is Pallet. In RF, from the Pick Ticket, on Convert to Packing
Slip, the system will calculate the number of pallets that should be on the shipment and
place the value in the Shipment table in the PALLET_COUNT column.
This can also be used for non-manufactured items. This label event type will print from
RF > Ship > Pick Ticket > Scan Serial Number when either: 1) The quantity to ship
equals the release quantity, or 2) The quantity to ship equals the parts per pallet for the
inventory item being shipped (ARINVT.pallet_ptsper). Note: In order for this to work for
non-manufactured items, the inventory item's BOL Data Items Per Pallet must be
 When printing a pallet label using this method the boxes that are scanned that causes
the pallet label to print are not linked to the pallet label through parent ID in master
label. Also, the pallet label is not marked as dispositioned or given a location, but it is
marked as IS_PALLET = Y.
 The calculation for the weight printed on a label on complete pallet for a partial box is
Gross weight of Pallet + (Tare weight of Box * # of Boxes). The Tare weight of pkg
item in sequence #1 must be the weight of the Box + Tare weight of other pkg items
(i.e. dividers, bubble wrap) attached.
 Print on Serial/Scan/Children - When selected, the Label field will allow the user to
choose the pallet label and child label to print. When this event is selected, after
scanning the pallet serial to the pick ticket, the pallet label and child labels will reprint.

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Type Select the Type of label to be printed from the following choices:
Serialized - This type of label uses the standard label printing routines and tables. This
type will write a serial number to the master_label table and LMINVTRY.
Non-Serialized- This type of label uses the view V_PS_TICKET_EX to print labels such
as address labels, overlay labels, etc. These types do not need a serial number. With
this type the user will select a CRW report to print as the label. This does not write to
the master_label table.
Reprint - This is used when a label needs to be reprinted for an existing serial number.
This type of label uses the standard label printing routines and tables (it will write to
LMINVTRY), but does not write a new serial number to the master_label table. Note:
This label must be a manufactured label type.
External Case - This type of label is used with the External Shipping Label logic within
WMSIQ for Pick tickets by Serial. This is used for the 'External Label Importer Utility'.
The Customer must have the 'Use External Labels' option checked on the
Miscellaneous tab in Customer Maintenance. The CRW Report Name should be
enabled but is optional. Entering a value in the Label column is not allowed.
Label Click the ellipsis button in this field to bring up a pick list of the Labels. This list includes
all created labels for both CRW and Label Matrix. Select the one to associate to the
record for Type Serialized or Reprint.
CRW Report This field is used to assign a report for a Non-Serialized label. Click the ellipsis button
Name in this field to bring up a pick list of the Crystal reports. Select the one to associate to
the record.
Copies Enter the number of copies of the label that should be printed. This defaults to one.

Prompt If the Prompt box is selected the user will be prompted to print the labels. If it is not
checked the labels will print with no prompt.

Print Sequence Enter the sequence number that the label should be printed if there are more than one.

If licensed for Shipping Manager, this tab will be available to add the customer's UPS and FedEx
carriers and their account numbers. When a Shipping Manager record is created and the billing
is the recipient, the system will pull the account number of the corresponding carrier of the ship
Carrier Select the Carrier from the drop down list.
The system will use this to add to sales orders based on the following hierarchy:
1 Customer Ship To->Carrier tab
2 Customer Ship To->Detail tab
3 Customer Miscellaneous tab
Account # Enter the customer's account number associated to the selected carrier.

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Notifications A default email address and default notification types can be associated to a UPS or
FedEx carrier which will populate the Quantum View/FedEx Ship Alert email shipment
options in the Shipping Manifest. If not set up here the system will use the email from
the contact.
USPS only has a 'Ship' notification type. An email address can be entered with the
'Ship' option checked for the USPS carrier. This will carry over to the 'Shipment
Notification' Package option. The email address can also be manually entered from the
Package Options tab in Shipping Manager.

Validate Address

Select the Validate Address button to verify the ship to address fields for Shipping Manager
and the Avalara Tax Service. If the address is valid a confirm message will appear stating,'
Address Validated'. If the address is validated but there are suggested changes a form will
appear and users may make the suggested changes. If the address is incomplete a form will
appear highlighting in red the field(s) that need to be corrected. Please see the Address
Validation section for more information.

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Freight/Carrier Rules
This tab stores weight limits used to decide which ship via to use. This will be used for future
development. Currently it is informational only.

Enter a From and To Weight in the appropriate fields. Select the Ship Via from the drop down list
to be used when the shipment is within these weights. The Type field is a user defined drop
down field used to describe the rule such as Parcel, LTL etc.

Note: There cannot be overlapping in the from and to weights.

Right Click Options

Following are the right click options available from the Ship To tab:
 New - Create a new ship to address
 Edit - Edit the existing ship to address
 Delete - Delete the existing ship to address. Note: If the ship to address is associated to a
record in the database such as a sales order or sales quotation an error will appear, "Cannot
delete Shipping Address record because it is currently
 referenced by another table [Sales Orders]."
 Copy a Customer to Ship To - Copies the selected customer’s address to a new ship to
 Copy a Shipping Address to Ship To- Copies the selected customer’s shipping address to a
new ship to record.
 Copy a Billing Address to Ship To - Copies the selected customer’s billing address to a new
ship to record.
 Clone Ship To - This option allows the user to clone the fields in the top section of an
existing ship to address. After the clone the user can make desired changes to any of the
 CRM Groups - There are two options available from this right click feature: Add to Group and
Where Used.
 Add to Group - Select this option to add the customer to a CRM Group. A pick list of
groups will appear. Highlight the group and press Select.
 Where Used - This option will open a form showing the CRM Groups the customer or any
of the customer contacts are associated to. Groups can be associated to the customer
from this form as well by selecting the + button and selecting a group from the list.
 Jump to Tier Table - Jumps to the Tier Table listing only the tier discounts that are
associated to the specific customer.
Search - Select the Search button on this tab to access the pick list of Ship To addresses
associated to the customer. This pick list include the Propagate Sort and Scope feature.

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Address Validation
Addresses can be validated in several areas of the software: Customer Ship To, Remittance Tab
in Vendor Maintenance, Sales Order, Purchase Order, Company File Information, Ship To/Remit
To, Enterprise addresses, and when creating a shipping manifest in Shipping Manager. If not
using Shipping Manager, then the Validation service will use the Avalara Tax Service. If using
Shipping Manager, then the validation will use the following hierarchies depending on the

For addresses in the United States and Puerto Rico:

If USPS is set up, use USPS -> if USPS is not set up, use FedEx -> if neither USPS nor FedEx
are set up, use UPS -> if no carriers are set up, then use Avalara Tax Service.

Note: If no carriers are set up and Avalara is turned off, then the warning, ‘No address validation
services found, only basic validation performed’ will pop up. Basic validation consists of making
sure all the required fields are populated. If a field is missing then the ‘Incomplete Address’ form
will appear. If formatting suggestions are available, then the suggested changes will appear.
Once all required fields are populated the address will be validated.

For addresses outside of the United States:

If Fedex is setup, use FedEx -> if USPS is also set up, validate the result from FedEx with USPS
to get the required information from USPS to prove that the address was validated using their
service -> if Fedex is not set up and USPS is setup, use USPS service.

Note: Countries supported by USPS and UPS Address Validation Services are the United States
and Puerto Rico.

Note: Countries supported by FedEx Address Validation Services are Antilles, Argentina, Aruba,
Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, Cayman Islands,
Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Italy, Jamaica, Malaysia, Mexico,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay,
Venezuela, Virgin Islands.

Note: If the only service available at the time of validation does not support the country
associated to the address, a warning will display: "No address international validation services
found, only basic validation performed". Basic validation consists of making sure all the required
fields are populated. If a field is missing then the ‘Incomplete Address’ form will appear. If
formatting suggestions are available, then the suggested changes will appear. Once all required
fields are populated the address will be validated.

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Calculating the Must Ship Date
 For all releases with the Date Type set to null or Dock the logic used to calculate the Must
Ship Date is as follows:

(Note if the date type is Ship or the ship days are zero then steps one through three are
1 The system checks to see if the Option in Pick Ticket->Parameters called ‘Ensure promise
date is valid ship day’ is checked. If it is checked then step 2 is performed. If not skip to step
2 The system takes the Promise Date and ensures that it is not a holiday, excluded day, and
also ensures that it is a valid ship day (i.e. the day is checked). Note: If the promise date falls
on a weekend the system will check whether the ship via carrier has ‘Transit on Weekends’
checked. If it does not (not checked is the default and also what will occur if no ship via is
assigned), the system will back up to a valid ship day.
3 It ensures that it is valid for the Shipping Hours setup for the EPlant or Company in System
4 It then subtracts the number of Ship Days associated to the customer’s Ship To address. The
system will check for whether the carrier has the ‘Transit on Weekends’ checked or not to
determine how to count back. For example:
 Transit on Weekends is NOT checked - The promise date is the 30th and the ship days = 20.
The Must Ship date is the 2nd because the system counts back 20 days not including
 Transit on Weekends IS checked - The promise date is the 30th and the ship days = 20 (30 -
20 = 10). The Must Ship Date is the 10th because weekends are included.
When counting back the system will check if the ‘Exclude Transit’ options has been checked for
Shipping Holidays and/or Excluded Days. If it has been checked these days will not be included
in the transit calculation.
1 Then it will snap to the Preferred Ship Day if one is checked in Shipment Days. This could
move the date forward or backward in order to keep the Must Ship Date in the same week
after applying steps one and two (if applicable).
2 The system will then ensure that the preferred ship day that was ‘snap to’ or the day that was
backed up to, is a valid ship day (i.e. it is not a holiday or excluded day). If the day is not a
valid shipping day, the system will back up one day at a time taking holidays, excluded days,
and transit on weekends into account. The day that is returned is the Must Ship Date.

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NOTE: Shipping Holidays and Transit on Weekends are set up in the Ship Via table available in
Sys Setup->System Parameters->Lists->ShipVia. See Ship Via for more information. Shipping
Holidays can be EPlant specific. The Must Ship Date calculation will use any holidays where the
EPlant ID is null or where it matches the EPlant ID of the sales order it is being calculated for.

NOTE: The 'Shipping Hours' button on the Enterprise tab in System Parameters is used to assign
shipping hours to specific EPlants. The settings in this form will affect Sales Orders created in
that EPlant. There is also a Shipping Hours button on the Company File Information tab that
affects Sales Orders created in View All.

NOTE: Adding Move Time to a finished good will result in moving up the customer ship date.
Move Time was designed for lower level items and not the finished good. If Move Time is
associated to a FG on a sales order with a promise date that is a ‘Ship’ Date Type, then the
move days are ignored. On a ‘Dock’ Date Type the system would move up the ship date, but on
a ship date type promise date, that is the ship date so the system ignores the move time.

NOTE: Wait Time can be used as an alternative to using move time. This value will be subtracted
from the Must Ship Date and used to calculate the Must Start Date, but the Must Ship Date on
the sales order will not reflect the Wait Time in days (this is just used for calculating the Must
Start Date).

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Bill To Information
Unlimited Bill To addresses can be entered if needed.

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NOTE: Different Bill To information will not separate out Customer information for aging purposes.
If your Customer wants to have separate agings or statements for different Bill To and Ship To
addresses, different Customers with unique Customer numbers need to be created.

Bill To Field Listing

Company Enter the company that billing will be sent to. Can enter up to 30 characters.

Address 1/2/3 Enter up to three lines of address information. 60 characters for each field.

City City field may contain up to 30 characters.

Region/State Enter a two digit State code or use the arrow down menu near this field to select a
The Zip Code can be entered first and the City and State will fill in automatically once
the ‘Lookup Zip Code’ button is selected.

Post/Zip Enter up to 10 digits for zip code.

If the Zip Code Lookup list has been created the user can enter the zip code first and
then the City and State will automatically fill in. Or right click on the field and click on
‘Select Zip Code’ to bring up the pick list of zip codes
(See Zip Code Lookup for more information on the list).

Bill To Status A Bill To address may be marked as inactive. This will ‘hide’ this address from pick
lists. Pick lists have a button which allows the user to view inactive records if desired.

Country Select a country from the drop down list (manual entry is not allowed). This is
important if you are planning to use the multi-currency option. It sets the default
currency type for this customer.
Contact Enter the primary billing contact here.
Use USA mask This check box is used for phone and fax numbers. If the box is checked, it maintains
a mask for standard US style phone numbers (7 or 10 digits). If the box is left
unchecked, the US mask is removed and foreign phone and fax numbers can be
Telephone Enter a phone number of the person in charge of billing.
Ext. Enter an extension if known.
Fax Fax number for the billing department (if available).
Remit To This is the unique Remit To address associated to the customer's specific Bill To
address. This feature is commonly used when you require a lock box address to be
used. The drop down will list the addresses entered in the System Parameters->Ship
To tab. Ship To addresses can be added or edited by selecting the Edit Remit To
button next tho this field. Right click and select Clear to remove a Remit to address
from this field.
If the 'Default Remit To Address' check box is checked on an address in System
Parameters->Ship To/Remit To tab when creating a Customer Bill To the system will
populate the Remit To with the default company.

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Default Check this box to set the default bill to address. When sales orders are entered the
default bill to address will be used unless overridden. If the default Bill To is marked
inactive the system will use the next Bill To that is not marked inactive. If all Bill To's
are marked inactive, the system will leave the Bill To field blank.
Bill To ID This is the Bill To ID associated to the record for informational purposes only.

Terms Terms can be associated to the Bill To address. Bill To terms takes precedence over
the customer terms on a sales order. If the Bill To terms is null, the system will use the
Customer Terms entered on the Credit Status tab in Customer Maintenance for the
terms on the sales order.
To clear terms associated to a Bill To address, right click on the field and select 'Clear
Bill To Terms'.
Status Select the current status of this customer’s Bill To from the arrow down menu next to
this field.
 Active - The customer Bill To is active with no holds. When a new customer is
created from Customer Maintenance the status will default to Active.
 Ship Hold - System will display a Status Exception warning when a new sales order,
pick ticket, or packing slip is created for the specific Bill To associated to the
customer. The Customer # field will display in red on the sales order.
 Credit Hold - System will display a Status Exception warning when a sales order, pick
ticket, or packing slip is being created for the customer's Bill To with this status. The
Customer # field will display in red on the sales order. A warning stating they are on
credit hold will appear to the customer in WebDirect and they will not be able to
submit the order.
 Mfg Hold - System will display a Status Exception warning when a sales order, pick
ticket, or packing slip is being created for the customer's Bill To with this status. This
will not effect the creation of work orders. To prevent a work order from being created
the user must put the line item on hold in the sales order.
Note: If the customer is on Credit Hold, Ship Hold, or Mfg Hold then the entire
customer (all Bill To's) will be on Credit Hold, Ship Hold, or Mfg Hold. If just a Bill To is
on a Hold status, only Sales Orders related to that Bill To will be placed on Hold.
Note: If the Status Exception warning appears when creating the Pick Ticket, when
the pick ticket is converted to a Packing Slip by the same user in the same session the
warning will not surface again. Credit Hold and Ship Hold will surface the Status
Exception warning when converting a Pick Ticket to a Packing Slip.
Security may be placed on the warning so users can either press OK to proceed or
only Cancel to abort entry.

Notes Use this section to enter in notes about this customer. These notes are informational
only and do not appear anywhere else in the system.

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Contacts Contacts may be associated with a specific Bill To Address. Type the information in
the fields. The information entered here will also be populated on the Contacts Tab.
Contacts can be added to the Bill To tab from the main contacts tab by right clicking
and selecting 'Assign to Bill-To Contact'. A Bill To contact can be added to the Ship To
contacts from here by right clicking and selecting 'Assign to Ship-To Contact'. The
system will check for duplicates and give the user the opportunity to continue to add
the contact or not.
The option to automatically email forms to Bill To contacts is available. The forms that
can be emailed are:
 Order Acknowledgment
 Order Acknowledgment - Order Contact
 Packing Slip
 AR Invoice
 Statements
 SPC - Inspection Sample Log Report
 COC - Certificate of Conformance
Set the Auto EForm field to Y to have that form automatically emailed to the Bill To
Contact. (IQAlert must be setup to email the form).
This option is also available on the Ship To and Customer Contacts. If all three are
set up, with the exception of the order acknowledgment, all three will receive an
emailed form, there is no hierarchy.
These options cannot be checked unless the contact has an email address.
Order Acknowledgement Options: There are two Ord Ack. options available at the
contact level. These options are mutually exclusive. Users can have one contact at
the customer level, another at the contact level and a third contact not receiving any
order acknowledgments. The emails generated will depend on the contact assigned
to the sales order. If the orders’ contact has 'Auto EForm Ord Ack – Order Contact'
checked, only 1 auto-eform will be generated and it will be sent to that contacts email.
If the orders’ contact has 'Auto EForm Ord Ack' checked, it will look for other contacts
that also have auto-eform checked on the customer level and create that many auto-
eforms to email. If the orders’ contact has neither checked, auto-eforms are generated
for contacts that have auto-eform checked on the customer level.
BOL Auto EForm: If the ‘BOL Signature Required’ option is being utilized the BOL
Auto EForm will not be written to the table until the signature has been captured. If the
BOL Signature option is not used the form will be written to the table when the BOL is
printed. (Please see the Tablet Signature Capture
file.ashx/__key/Technote/Signature_2D00_Capture.pdf TechNote for more
information on this feature).
Reports are available from the reports menu in Customer Maintenance that will show
the history of sent Auto Eform emails , by contact or by date.

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Email Dunning If this option is checked the system will Email the Dunning letter instead of printing it
out. An email address must be filled in for the contact. This option cannot be checked
unless the contact has an email address.

If a customer has no contacts flagged with 'Email Dunning', then the letter will
be printed, and not emailed. By contrast, if the customer has even just one
contact flagged as 'Email Dunning', the letter will be emailed and not printed.

Forms/Reports Custom customer forms/reports can be added on the Bill-To level.

This report is associated with speed button printing specifically for Invoicing.
The hierarchy the system uses is the bill-to and ship-to level first, if no reports are
found it will look at the customer level, if no reports are found it will look at the reports
set up in Sys Setup->System Parameters->Reports/Forms.
To associate a specific invoice report to be used when the print invoice speed button
is selected for the Bill-To address, click the ellipsis button in the field and select the
report from the Open form. The browser defaults to the master IQWin32 Reports
Documents From the Documents tab users to add internal documents, external documents and
email correspondence for each bill to. These documents can be set to print with

Right Click Options

Following are the right click options available from the Bill To tab:
 New - Create a new bill to address
 Edit - Edit the existing bill to address
 Delete - Delete the existing bill to address. Note: If the address is associated to a record in
the database a constraint error will display when attempting to delete the bill to address.
 Copy a Customer to Bill To - Copies the selected customer’s address to a new bill to record.
 Copy a Shipping Address to Bill To- Copies the selected customer’s billing address to a new
bill to record.
 Copy a Billing Address to Bill To - Copies the selected customer’s billing address to a new
bill to record.
 Clone Bill To - This option allows the user to clone the fields in the top section of an existing
bill to address. After the clone the user can make desired changes to any of the fields.
 Jump to Tier Table - Jumps to the Tier Table listing only the tier discounts that are
associated to the specific customer.

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Customer Maintenance User Fields
These fields are informational only and are provided so that you may enter other information
about the customer. EnterpriseIQ provides six text based fields, each 60 characters in length, and
five numeric fields, each supporting up to 15 digits and up to 6 decimal places.

EnterpriseIQ does not use these fields in any reports or forms, but they may be used in any user
defined reports.

Defining Label Text

Right click on a field within the user defined screen and select Define Label Text. Type in the
new caption under New Value and click on [OK]. You will be returned to the User Defined screen
where you will see the new caption. Click on [OK] to exit.

List User Fields - The six Note fields have a blue drop down arrow associated to them. Users can
define a list that can be used to populate the user field rather than manual data entry. To edit the
list for a user field, right click on the blue arrow and select ‘Edit User Defined List’. A list form will
appear to enter the Text selections that will be available when selecting the blue drop down
arrow in the field. There is a System Parameter setting (Company File Information->Application
tab) called 'User Defined Dropdown Text Only'. With this option checked the system will only
allow text defined in the drop down list to be entered on user defined drop down fields. This
prevents users from typing data in a 'drop-down' type user field. This can be overridden on each
specific 'Edit User Defined List' form by selecting an option from the 'Select DropDown Style' list:
 Drop Down - Free form data entry.
 Drop Down List - Predefined Text only.
 System Default - Will be based on the setting in System Parameters. Note: Hover over this
field to see the hint which describes these options as well as indicates the current global

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Customer Maintenance Documents
The function allows users to enter miscellaneous notes to be attached to the customer. For
informational purposes only. This field will allow up to 2000 characters. There is one note per

NOTE: Internal documents should be no more than 30 mb due to size limitations. Documents
larger than this size will not be able to be re-imported from a backup.

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The screen acts exactly like a word processor. The user can add, edit, delete, or print
documents from here. Graphic images may also be imported into the document or text area.
EnterpriseIQ supports .BMP or .WMF graphic files only. The following is a sample of the Internal
documents screen.

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You can add as many internal documents as needed. You can add notes, edit existing docs,
delete and print notes from this screen.

This section enables the user to be able to insert or open documents created in different
applications such as Microsoft Excel Chart/Worksheets, Microsoft Word Documents, Acrobat
Reader, Word pad, Bitmap images, video, sound clips, etc. and map the path to these
documents so that anyone can access them.

To CREATE a new document in this section:

 Click on the ADD [+] function key located on the Navigator bar.

 Use the Open dialog box to locate the document you want to link to this customer. Accept
your choice by clicking Open. If the user has the EIQ Document Control module the user will
first select the Library and then the specific document in that library to be attached rather
than the path.

 Be sure to click the Post icon to save your new entry.

To OPEN the document:

 Double-click on the file name, or select the document and right click. Select [Execute] from
the submenu.

The program will open both the application the document was created in as well as the
document itself.

 When finished viewing the document, click on [Exit].

Print With - Internal or External documents created can be set to print with a Sales Order, Sales
Order Acknowledgment, a Packing Slip, Certificate of Conformance, Pick Ticket, AR Invoice, or
Work Order. Select the option from the drop down list in the Print with field. When selected the
document will automatically print when the corresponding record is printed using the Print speed

Email Correspondence
This section allows the user to attach EMail correspondence related to the customer. To add an
EMail simply drag and drop it from Outlook or other email programs into the form.

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The Received Date will fill in based on the email’s received date and time. A Received Date box
surfaces if the system is unable to determine the date (such as: the Received and Sent dates
differ, unclear binary data, or older data, etc.). Users are asked to provide the Received Date by
selecting the correct date from the calendar.

The From and Subject fields will also automatically populate with the information from the email.
The date, from, and subject fields cannot be edited.

Comment - A comment can be entered by double clicking the field. Enter the comment in the pop
up box to further describe the email correspondence.

There are three ways to access the Email once associated to the Customer:
 Double click on either the Received, From, or Subject fields.
 Right click and select View email.
 Or select the View email button.
Note: If the email has attachments, or multiple attachments, the total attachment size cannot be
more than 4GB. The size allowance might further be limited by the chosen email program used.
In order to view emails that have attachments, special formatting (e.g. stationary), or images
embedded in the body of the email, the user must go into BDE Administrator and set the BLOB
SIZE to 1000 for the database they are using (i.e. IQORA). See screen shot below:

Note: Dragging and dropping from a local workstation to an RDS desktop does not work. Users
in this environment can drag and drop an email .msg file from a network folder within RDS.

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Editing a Customer Entry
 Select the customer from the pick list and click on [Select] or press [Enter]. The main entry
screen will appear for that customer.

 Next, highlight the field to be edited. Once highlighted, start typing. Tab to the next field to

NOTE: A customer number cannot be edited once it has been created. If a change is required,
delete the customer first, then rebuild the record. This is not recommended, since deleting a
customer can only be accomplished when the customer has no orders, no outstanding invoices
and other criteria.

 Remember to Post/Save before exiting or all changes will be lost.

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File Menu in Customer Maintenance
New - Allows the user to add a new Customer

Edit - Allows editing of the customer information.

Delete - When this is selected a confirm message will appear stating, 'Are you sure you want to
delete Customer (Name)'. If Yes is selected the customer will be deleted unless any of the
following apply:
 If the customer has an outstanding balance;
 If the customer is attached to a BOM; or
 If the customer is used in a work order.
(The Customer may be marked Inactive which will ‘hide’ the customer from the pick lists).

Search - Allows the user to search for a particular customer.

Status - Use this function to display the customer’s credit limit, account balance, amount open to
buy, total amount past due, list of open items, and an account aging across the bottom of the
screen. Please see Credit/Sales Information for additional information. If NO invoices are found
for the customer selected, the screen will not change.

New Customer Template - This feature can be used to automate data entry for new customers.
When only one template exists, it will be used to populate the specified fields in Customer
Maintenance for all new Customer records. If there is more than one customer template created,
a pick list displaying all templates pops up when creating a new customer, allowing the choice of
template to use for the new customer. (See Customer Maintenance for details).

Toggle Table/Form View - Allows the user to see the customer information either in a form view or
table view

Close - Closes the Customer Maintenance screen.

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Options Menu in Customer Maintenance
Filter - The pick list can be filtered based on the active status of customers. This is based on the
Inactive check box on the Miscellaneous tab. Choose from View All (Shows both active and
inactive customers), View Active (Shows only active customers), or View Inactive (shows only
inactive customers). The setting chosen is remembered in the registry and will hold when
navigating forward or backward using the arrow keys, and using the Search icon. Note: The
customer pick list does not have the active/inactive toggle button. Filtering is done from this
option instead.

Terms - This accesses the Terms table to set up terms.

Tax Codes - Use this option to create the Tax Code Table. The user may setup and describe an
unlimited number of tax codes to the system. Each rate within the tax code allows the entry of a
valid GL account number. To track tax amounts going to the various agencies, enter an
appropriate GL account number.

This section allows a complete breakdown of how a customer may be taxed, if applicable. The
total taxable percentage may be broken down into unlimited segments, each with it's own tax
rate. This allows a unique tax code to be assigned to a particular region or territory. The user
may break down the total tax rate into State, County, City and Local tax percentages. The total
of these individual rates make up the final taxable figure.

Salesperson(s) - This brings up the Salesperson(s). A salesperson may be set up to receive

commissions based on sales to that customer. The commission amount, depending on how the
salesperson is set up, will be shown in the payables or the payroll portion of Accounting.

Freight - Use this section to set up and maintain the shipping / freight accounts. This information
includes the name of the shipping company and a link to a GL account number.

Tiers - Use this to assign a discount pricing structure to this customer. For detailed information
on Tiers, see Tier Pricing in the Inventory section.

Consolidators - This is a list of consolidators. See Consolidators for details.

Distribution Centers - This is the list of distribution centers that can be associated with Ship To
addresses for use in the multiple packing slip Bill of Lading module. See Distribution Centers for

Importers - This is the list of Importers that can be associated with Ship To addresses.

Accepted Credit Cards - From this form the user can enter the credit cards they accept. Click on
the ADD (+) button and select the credit card type from the drop down list in the Credit Card
Type field. The credit card information associated to the specific customer is entered on the
Customer Credit Cards list accessible using the Credit Card speed button. (See the Credit Card
documentation for more information).

Inventory Pricing Maintenance - From this module users can update pricing based on a percentage
increase or decrease or a flat amount with an effective date for items associated with a specific
customer. See Inventory Pricing Maintenance for details.

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Territories - This is a list of Territories that can be assigned to customers. See Territories from
more information.

Generate Finance Charges - This function will generate a finance charge invoice for the customer
who has finance charge turned on. Finance Charges parameters are entered under Sys Setup -
System Parameters - AR Setup Tab.

Customer Categories - This is a list of customer categories, and the customer associated to the
categories. See Customer Categories for details.

User Defined Forms - A User Defined Form with additional fields can be created for Customer
Maintenance. These fields can then be used in customized reports. The User Defined Form can
be accessed from the speed button, the User Defined Form tab or from the Options menu. To
set up the form refer to User Defined Forms for details.

This is a list of consolidators.

This information can be associated to a customer on the Ship To->Distribution tab. The
consolidator information will populate in the middle section of a pick ticket.

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Distribution Centers
This is the list of distribution centers that can be associated with Ship To addresses for use in
the multiple packing slip Bill of Lading module. The system will use the distribution center
address for the BOL rather than the shipping address. To create distribution addresses click on
the ADD (+) button and enter in the information in the fields. This address will be available for
use with any customer.

This is the list of Importers that can be associated with Ship To addresses for informational
purposes only. This list can be accessed from the Lists menu in System Parameters as well.
This list of importers can also be used in the Shipping Manager module. An importer can be
selected for the Invoice when shipping internationally.

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Inventory Pricing Maintenance
From this module users can update pricing based on a percentage increase or decrease or a flat
amount with an effective date for items associated with a specific customer, or manually enter
price breaks. The items that will appear in the list for a specific customer are those associated to
the customer based on the Default Customer field in inventory or if the customer is listed in the
AKA Selling tab in inventory. The prices shown will either be Inventory Breaks or AKA Breaks
depending on how the customer is associated to the item (default or AKA). If the customer is
listed in the AKA without price breaks, and they are the default customer for the item, then the
system will display the Inventory Breaks. The system will calculate the new unit price and
automatically add price breaks in either the Selling section on the Buy/Sell Pricing tab or the
AKA Selling tab, depending on how the customer is linked to the item, with the selected effective
date. The old pricing is marked with an inactive date equal to the effective date of the new

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The Currency field does not apply to AKA Price breaks so this is not applicable to this form in
Vendor Maintenance. This is used in the Mass Update Buying/Selling Pricing forms in Inventory
(Miscellaneous menu) for pricing on the 'Buy/Sell Pricing' tab.

Increment By

Select the Increment By option in the Update Criteria section. Find the item(s) in the list that you
would like to change the price breaks on. To find a specific item, enter information in the white
box at the top of the form based on the sort criteria chosen (Item #, Rev, Description, Class, Ext
Description, Inventory Group, Product Code, AKA Description, AKA Item #, AKA Rev, AKA Kind,
Ship To ID, Ship To Attn, and Ship To City). Advanced filtering is also available. By default only
active items will be displayed. To view inactive items select the Active/Inactive toggle button.
Multiple items may be selected using the toggle buttons or the Ctrl and Shift buttons on your
keyboard. Once the item(s) are selected the prices can be changed based on a Percentage or
Flat Amount. Select the option and then enter the corresponding value. (To enter a decrease put
in a negative number). Enter the effective date from the drop down calendar and the decimal
precision level required (up to six decimals). The effective date can be a date prior to the current
date. A comment (up to 255 characters) can be entered which will populate in the price break
grid in inventory Selling or AKA Selling (depending on whether the customer is the Default or
listed on the AKA Selling tab).

Click on the OK button and the system will calculate the new pricing and populate the selling
price section on the Buy/Sell Pricing tab or the AKA Selling tab in the inventory module. The
Price Date field will populate with the current system date.

Manual Adjustment

Select the Manual Adjustment option in the Update Criteria section. Enter the Effective Date for
the new manually entered pricing using the drop down calendar. Find the item in the list that you
would like to change the price breaks on. To create new prices breaks select the insert record
(+) button. Enter the Quantity and Price. The Effective date will populate with the selected date.
It can be overridden for an individual price break by choosing a different date from the drop
down calendar in the field. Price breaks can be deleted by selecting the delete (-) button.

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Enter a Price Date and an Inactive Date. If the effective date is in the future or the inactive date
has passed, the line item will display in gray. (Note: If only the effective date is entered without
an inactive date the line item will always be white). Enter the Inactive Date on old prices if
applicable. To hide inactive pricing select the Hide Inactive toggle button. A comment (up to 255
characters) may also be entered.

Existing pricing can be manually adjusted by overriding the current value in any field.

Jump to Inventory - the user can right click on an item in the list to jump to inventory.

Customer Categories
Select Customer Categories from the Options menu in Customer Maintenance to create
customer categories and assign customers to the categories. This can be used to create
categories based on any desired criteria such as different geographical regions, product
categories or for grouping child companies to a parent company. This will provide the ability to
run reports based on the customer categories.

Select the New button from the pick list to create a new category.

Category Code Enter a code for the customer category.

Description The description of the customer category.

Note This is a note field to enter notes (up to 4000 characters) about the customer

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User Fields There are three user text and three numeric user fields to add additional information
about the customer category. Right click on the field name to define the label text. A
user defined list can be associated to the user text fields by right clicking on the drop
down button and creating the list.

Once a category is created select the insert record button in the bottom section to associate
customers to the category. A pick list will appear to select the customers to be added. (The pick
list displays customers associated to the EPlant the user is logged into or those with a null
EPlant). Use the toggle buttons or the shift and Ctrl keyboard buttons to multi-select customers
to add. Select the OK button to add the selected customers to the category. Customers can be
associated to multiple categories.

This is a list of Territories. The Territories can be linked to employees, associated to Customers
in Customer Central and Customer Maintenance, and associated to an Opportunity Central

To create the list of Territories select it from the Lists menu in CRM, or from the Options menu in
Customer Maintenance.

Note: If a User Defined list of Territories was created in Customer Maintenance prior to the
introduction of this list the system will copy the User Defined list to the TERRITORY table.

To create Territories select the insert record (+) button and enter the information in the fields:
Code Enter a code for the territory (up to 25 characters).

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Description Enter a description of the territory (up to 250 characters).
Parent Code A territory code can be have a parent code assigned. Select the ellipsis button in
the Parent Code field and choose a territory from the pick list. All of the territory
Parent Description
codes will be listed except the current open record. Once a Parent Code has been
selected the Parent Description field will automatically populate.
A Parent Code can be cleared by selecting the eraser button or right clicking on
the field and selecting 'Clear Parent Code'.
Employees Employees can be associated to territories. An employee can be assigned to
more than one territory. To associate employees to a Territory select the insert
record (+) button in the lower section to access the employee pick list. Only users
linked to an employee will be in this list.

Reports Menu in Customer Maintenance

Print - displays the reports available to print.

Print Setup - Allows the user to setup the printer.

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Speed Buttons in Customer Maintenance
Pick list button allows the user to search for a particular customer. The pick list includes a
New button to create a new customer. If the user does not have security to the insert (+) button
on the navigator bar in Customer Maintenance they will get an insufficient rights warning when
attempting to select the New button.

Toggle Form/Table View button allows the user the see the account status information either in
a form view or table view.

Status - Use this function to display the customer’s credit limit, account balance, amount
open to buy, total amount past due, list of open items, and an account aging across the bottom
of the screen. Please see Customer Account Status for additional information. If NO invoices are
found for the customer selected, the screen will not change. If invoices DO exist, then a screen
will appear showing the customers general information and aging information.

Sales Order Activity - Use this function to display the customer’s sales order activity. See Sales
Order Activity below for details.

Sales Orders - Select this button to view a list of existing sales orders associated to the
customer. The Customer Orders form lists all of the orders for the customer. The information
displayed includes the order number, item information, quantity ordered, pricing, etc. The user
can also select a date range using the 'Set Date Range' button and select All Dates or specify a
date range in the From and To fields. Archived orders can be included by depressing the
'Include History' button. The archived orders will be displayed in yellow. By right clicking the user
can jump to the sales order, inventory, customer maintenance, or create a new sales order.

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New Sales Order - Select the drop down arrow next to this button to create a new sales order. If
the user is on the Ship To tab the system will create the new Sales Order using the Ship To that
is selected on the Ship To tab. If the Bill To is populated for that Ship To, the system will
populate that Bill To on the Sales Order. If the Bill To is not populated, then it will use the
default, if there is not a default the first record will be used. If the user is on any other tab when
creating a new Sales Order, the system will function as it does when creating a sales order from
the sales order module.

Sales Quotations - This option will be available for users licensed for CRM. This will open a form
displaying the CRM Sales Quotations for the customer. Archived quotations can be included by
depressing the 'Include History' button. The archived sales quotes will be displayed in yellow. By
right clicking the user can jump to the sales quotation, Opportunity, Service Central, inventory, or
create a new sales quotation.

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New Sales Quotation - This option will be available for users licensed for CRM. Select this to create
a new sales quotation for the customer.

Customer Credit Cards

This option is used to establish the customer’s credit card information. This button brings up a
form to enter the customer’s credit card type(s) and number(s). (Please see the Credit Card
documentation for more information).

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Note: The full account number is displayed in Customer Credit Cards and on the Credit Card
Log. Security to Customer Credit cards should be assigned by the company administrators as
they see fit. EnterpriseIQ provides the ability to restrict access to the screen when accessed
from Customer Maintenance or Customer Central. It is recommended to keep access to such
information limited to personnel on a need-to-know basis. Currently both stock roles IQALL and
IQCUST_RW security is Enabled on the sbtnCustomerCreditCards. If company administrators
wish to restrict access to the Customer Maintenance Credit Card screen these roles should not
be assigned. On all other screens customarily used by financial and sales personnel, the stored,
Customer credit card number is masked so that only the last four digits display.

Add/Edit Bulletin(s)

The Bulletin Board can be used to create messages relevant to a Customer (as well as EPlant,
Work Center, BOM, and Inventory Item) that can be seen in Scheduling, RealTime™ and
ShopData. To create a message select the 'Add/Edit Bulletin(s)' button. The Bulletin Board
Editor will display.

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Select the Source from the drop down list. Then select the ellipsis button to access the
corresponding pick list, i.e. BOMs, Work Centers, etc. Select the ellipsis button in the Message
field to enter a message. The Date and User fields will populate automatically with the date/time
the message was created and the logged in user name. These fields cannot be manually

A Bulletin Board can be accessed by selecting the Show/Hide Bulletin Board button in the
modules that have this feature (i.e. Scheduling). The bulletin board will display messages
associated to the EPlant, Work Center, BOM, Inventory Item, and Customer if relevant to the
current work center. The number of Bulletins will display at the top. The messages will be bold
until marked read. Select the blue source header or the text to mark it as read. Select the 'Read
All' button to mark all the messages as read.

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Note: This requires the IIS Server to be setup and the information populated in System
Parameters->Company File Information tab->Web tab for the Bulletin Board to be available.
Please see the IIS Installation TechNote
file.ashx/__key/Technote/IIS_2D00_Installation.pdf for more information.

Create EIQ Bookmark - This option allows the user to drag and drop the icon onto the desktop
or a folder in order to open the exact Customer up again with one click. Select the EIQ
Bookmark button then drag it to the desktop or folder and drop it. The shortcut will be named
CUSTOMER_id#.eiq by default. This option is also available on the Ship To tab, the bookmark
will be called CUSTOMERSHIPTO_id#.eiq.

Sales Order Activity

Sales Order Activity - Use this function to display the customer’s sales order activity. The
following screen will appear:

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This form will display the open and archived sales orders associated to the customer. Right click
jumps are available to the Customer, Inventory, Inventory Transactions & Locations, and Sales
Order. Users can also right click and select Shipments and Work Order Info. The table is color
codes as follows:

Gray - Archived Sales Orders.

Green - Shipped Sales Orders. When a release is shipped, the system will populate the date in
the Ship Date field visible on this form.

Purple - Not Shipped Sales Orders

Yellow - Partially shipped Sales Orders.

Sales Orders can be sorted by any column by right clicking in the information grid. The filter
button can be used to filter the results of the form based on: Class, Company Name, Cust #,
Item #, Item Description, Order #, PO #, Rev, and Status.

Note: The sales order activity pick list only shows items with releases.

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Customer Account Status

The Customer Account Status screen displays the customer's credit limit, account balance,
amount open to buy, total amount past due, list of open items, current status, and account aging
information. The option of being able to print out a status report on this customer is also
available. To access this screen click on the Customer Status icon on the AR tab or from within
the Customer Maintenance form, click on the Status speed button.

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Current Status
The Current Status tab is in three sections:

General Customer Information: This section displays information such as name, address, contact
from Customer/Credit Data tab in Customer Maintenance, status, terms, and phone.

 The user can right click in this section to jump to the Customer Maintenance form.
 Also from this section the user can Drill down to Customer Order information by double clicking
anywhere in the form. This form will show all of the customers current orders with the details
and release information.

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Enterprise Wide Aging Information: This displays the aging information for the customer for the
entire enterprise (all EPlants). The aging may be displayed based on due date or invoice date.
Select one of these methods from the Options menu. Note: The Open to Buy field in the
Customer Status>Enterprise Wide Aging Information section is the same as the Open to Buy
value in the Customer Credit Limit Calculation screen. Both take into consideration the ‘Include
shipments not yet invoiced’ and ‘Include SO releases not yet shipped’ options.

Invoice/Payment Information: The bottom section displays invoice information by invoice or by


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 The By Invoice tab shows the number, amount, due date, terms, days overdue, PO #, etc.
(Note: If the invoice was for multiple POs the system will display <Multiple> in the PO # field,
with an ellipsis button which brings up a form to display the Customer PO# associated to the
Invoice). However, it will not display <multiple> for Miscellaneous line items added to the AR
Invoice with different Miscellaneous POs. From this screen the user can right click and jump
to the AR Invoice, display a running total of the items from the highlighted line and up, or
change the sort. (Note: Sort is not available on the PO# column). The Invoice Note from the
lower section of the invoice will appear here as well. This can also be edited from here.
 The By Check tab screen displays the check number, deposit date, applied amount, etc. The
user can right click from this screen and jump to the AR Invoice and the Check. The By
Invoice tab is sorted in invoice number order. The Check Notes (Cashrec.comment1 field)
will display in the lower section and can be edited by right clicking on a record and selecting
'Edit Comment'.

Speed Buttons

Pick list button allows the user to search for a particular customer.

Toggle Form/Table View button allows the user the see the account status information either
in a form view or table view.

Customer Status Report Print Button easily allows the user to print the Customer Status

Customer Statement Report Print button allows the user to print the customer statement.
(The default report is set in System Parameters->Reports and Forms). While trying to print
Customer Statements from Customer Status, if the statements check box (Customer
Maintenance->Customer/Credit Data section) is not checked the customer will not show up in
the drop down lists, and users may receive the following error: ‘Warning. No records found
based on entered criteria. Please check From and To values.’

There are four printing options when printing a range of statements:

 Selective auto email print - With this checked the statements for customers with auto EForm
set up will only be emailed, the statements for customers without auto EForm will be printed.
 Send Auto Email Only. Do not Print Report - This option can be checked when using the
Auto EForm option to automatically email statements to contacts, where you do not want the
actual statement printed.
 Print Only. Do not Auto Email - This option will only print the statements. It will not email
 No option selected - When nothing is checked the system will print and email the statements
(as long as they are set up for auto EForm).

Note: When statements are printed for a non EPlanted customer from an EPlant that has no
aging information for that customer, the statement report will print with the text: 'Nothing Due At
This Time'.

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Return to Customer Maintenance Screen button is only displayed when the user accessed
the Account Status Screen from the Customer Maintenance form. If the user has accessed the
status for different customers than the original one they can select this button to return the first
customer’s account status form.

Sales Analysis -This button accesses the Sales Analysis form.

Calculate Credit Limit - This allows the user to recalculate 'Open to Buy' for a customer.

Sales Analysis
The Sales Analysis utility summarizes invoice activity for the customer by GL year and period.
To access the Sales Analysis screen click on the button at the top of the Customer Status form
or click on the button in the bottom right on the Customer Maintenance Form/Customer/Credit
Status tab.

This form includes the total number of invoices to date and a calculated average number of days
it takes this customer to pay the invoices in full. (Note: ONACCT activity is excluded from the
sales analysis). This calculation compares the invoice date to the last check date for invoices
paid in full and then divides by how many invoices were paid in full. For example, one invoice
was paid in full in 10 days and another invoice was paid in 30 days the average would be (10 +
30)/2 = 20. (This number is always displayed in whole numbers).

To generate this information, click on the calculate button on the bottom right of the form. To see
the Period Details, double click on the period in the top section that you want to see the details

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The Graph tab shows this data in graphical form.

Highest Balance within GL Year - The third tab shows the highest balance for the current year. To
calculate the highest balance select the start date (within the current year) from the drop down
calendar then click on the calculate speed button. The highest balance between the start date
and today will populate the gray field and a graph displaying the time frame in which the highest
balance occurred will be displayed.

Note: This is restricted to the Current Year. It does not go back to prior years. Also note that
credits and OnAcct type invoices will be included in this calculation.

The highest balance is figured by looking at everyday during the period of time specified
between the Start Date that is entered and today and calculating the difference between the
amount invoiced on that day for the customer and the amount of cash received on that day for
the customer. The day with the highest net is the Highest Balance. The system takes into
consideration any 'beginning balance due' when calculating from the Start Date. If the high
balance is negative there was more cash brought in than the amount invoiced on a particular

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Calculate Credit Limit
This allows the user to recalculate 'Open to Buy' for a customer based on:
 Accounts receivable
 Sales Order releases not yet shipped
 Shipments not yet invoiced
Select the Calculate Credit Limit button to access the form:

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If the ‘Include SO releases not yet shipped’ is checked select the number of days to include. The
system will look at the sales order release's 'Requested Date' out that far into future from today
and calculate how much each release is worth based on quantity * order detail unit price.

If the ‘Include shipments not yet invoiced’ is checked the system will calculate the value based on
quantity shipped * unit price.

The open to buy is recalculated using the values for shipments and/or orders based on what is
checked plus the total amount due (A/R). The calculation is:

Credit Limit - [Total A/R Due + Non Invoiced Shipments (when selected) + SO Releases not
shipped according to time fence days (when selected)] = Open to Buy

Auto-calculate during Order entry - Check this option to have the system calculate the customer’s
credit limit during order entry. If the order quantity will put the customer over credit limit a
warning will appear with three choices. (If the customer's credit limit is null this warning will not

 Credit hold/Continue -This selection changes the customer status to 'Cr Hold' in customer
maintenance and continues with sales order.
 Continue -This selection does not change the customer’s status but does continue with the
sales order.
 Cancel- This selection cancels the sales order entry process.
Auto-update Credit Status - When this option is checked the system will automatically update the
credit status. This feature requires the 'Evaluate Credit Status' IQAlert action to be set up. (See
the IQAlert manual for
details). If the Customer is marked for evaluation then the Past-Due Days field will be visible.
Select an option from the drop down list. This defaults to None. Choose None, 30, 60 ,or 90.
This is used to evaluate if any invoices are past due based on the number of days selected in
order to determine if the customer should be placed on credit hold.

If the Customer is marked to be evaluated, then if one of the following criteria is met the
customer is put on Credit Hold:
1 If the open to buy amount is negative.
2 If the customer has the Past Due Days field populated and an Invoice Due Date minus the
current date is equal to or greater than the entry in the field.

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Customer Status - The current Customer Status is displayed on this form. The user can change
the status using the drop down list. This will update the status field in Customer Maintenance-
>Credit Status tab.

Customer Ledger Inquiry

To view additional account activity, select the tab entitled “Customer Ledger Inquiry.” This
screen contains a history of all transactions that have been made against this customer. The
screen will bring up all of the history but you can set an Activity Range by entering in dates in the
From and To fields by clicking on the drop down arrows to access the pop up calendar then
select Apply. Once a range is selected the invoices within that time frame will display in the
middle section.

The bottom section displays any payment activity associated with the highlighted invoice such as
check date, Deposit date, amount applied, etc.

The screen defaults to form view (only one invoice is visible at a time) however you can use the
Toggle/View Button and view activity for more than one invoice at a time.

This screen also has a search button in the activity section which will bring up a pick list of
checks within the activity range. The user can search for a certain check using the various fields.
The search button at the top of the form will bring up a pick list of customers.

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The invoicing module is where all customer invoices are created and printed. Invoices may
be created for finished goods, raw materials or miscellaneous items such as tool repair. In any
case, you will be able to track the payment history of each invoice as it proceeds through the
accounting process.

EnterpriseIQ allows you a variety of invoicing options. Since EnterpriseIQ verifies every invoice
number entered, duplicates are not allowed. The different methods of invoicing are outlined

Several of the default invoice information fields are derived directly from the Customer master
file. For example, Terms, Bill-To and Ship To addresses, Tax status are all found in the
Customer Maintenance screen and are automatically displayed to the invoice header. While
these fields may be edited during the invoicing procedure, having them setup in the Customer
Maintenance screen will be more efficient.

The Invoicing module also provides several reports, such as Invoice register reports, sales
analysis reports--Accounts Receivable-Detail Aging, Accounts Receivable-Summary Aging,
reprint Unposted Invoices, and others.

Invoicing Methods
The Invoicing module is designed to create invoices in four basic ways. The four basic methods
 Create a “Quick Invoice” from the Sales Order - From the Sales Order module, you can quickly
convert an order into an invoice. This system bypasses the packing slip function. It is
commonly used for tooling invoices.
 Create an Invoice from a Packing Slip - The most common way to invoice is by creating them
based on a packing slip. You can make invoices from uninvoiced shipments, VMI Shipments,
and/or miscellaneous items.
 Create an invoice for Uninvoiced or Partially Invoiced Orders -This method creates an invoice for a
sales order through the invoicing module regardless of whether it has been shipped on a
packing slip.
 Free-form/Miscellaneous Invoicing - Create an invoice directly within the Invoicing module to
include items that are not a part of a shipment. This can be used to create a Credit Memo.

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Creating a Quick Invoice from a Sales Order
Generally, orders that will be shipped are invoiced after a packing slip has been created.
However, in the case of tooling orders, free form orders and orders with miscellaneous items,
you may wish to convert the order directly to an invoice.

To CONVERT a Sales order to an invoice:

 From within the Sales Order screen, find or create the sales order that you want to convert.

 Click on the “Create a Quick Invoice”. The following prompt will appear “Do you wish to
create an invoice?”

 Select "Yes" to continue.

The system will convert the data over to the Invoice. At this point, make any changes or
additions necessary to the invoice before posting. The invoice can even be deleted at this point.

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Note: If a quick invoice was already created from the sales order the user will receive a confirm
message, ‘One or more items are already in the prepost table and could not be transferred’.
After selecting the OK button on the message, a new invoice will be created bringing in any line
item(s) from the order that were not already on an AR Invoice. If all line items on the order were
on one or multiple invoices, a new invoice will still be created but no items will appear on the
invoice. If the invoice has already posted and a user tries to create a new quick invoice from the
sales order, they receive the confirm message, ‘One or more items have already been invoiced
and could not be transferred'. The system will still create an invoice for any item(s) not already
on an invoice, or a blank one as stated above.

Note: If a user created a quick invoice where an item on the sales order has a negative blanket
quantity, a warning will appear stating, 'Warning!!! Sales order has one or more lines with a
negative blanket quantity. Are you sure you want to create a quick invoice?'. Answering Yes will
create an AR invoice with negative quantity and answering No will cancel and return to sales
order. Security is available for the form.

AR Invoice Field Listing

Note the size of the fields in the top section of an invoice can be changed to display all of the
text. To change the size of a field mouse over it until the vertical cursor is displayed then drag it
to the desired size.
Inv # System generated invoice number.
On un-posted invoices users can right click and select 'Change Invoice #' to manually
change the invoice number. This is useful for credit memos where the invoice number
must be in a specific sequence.
Customer # Customer number.
Bill To Bill To name which defaults from Customer Maintenance.The user can select a
different Bill To from the drop down list. The Bill To can be edited or new ones created
by right clicking on the field and selecting Edit.

Date Date of Invoice defaulting to the system date. The date can be changed.
If this date is changed, click or tab out of the field before posting the edit so that the
system will recalculate the Due Date correctly.
Terms Pre-defined terms set in the Customer Maint. Screen. A different term can be selected
by clicking on the drop down arrow. Changing terms affects only this invoice.

Due Date Due date of the Invoice defaulting to the number of days set in the Terms field. If the
Terms field is empty, the due date field will be the invoice date. If the invoice Date is
changed, the user must click or tab out of that field in order for the Due Date to
recalculate correctly.
AR Account GL Account specified for Accounts Receivable Invoices. This is the default account
from System Parameters - GL Setup. This account number can be changed by clicking
on the button to the right of the field, displaying the GL pick list.

Accounts Receivable Page 95 of 186

Period GL Period to which this invoice will be posted. Period can be changed by clicking on
the button to the right of the field. Please Note: The Period selected must have an open

EPlant EPlant user is logged into will be displayed.

Code This field allows the user to categorize their invoices i.e. tooling invoices, service
Invoices or by different plants. Codes can be selected by clicking on the drop down
arrow in this field. The Invoice Codes list is set up under Options|Invoice Codes. The
Invoice Code field is a column in the invoice pick list.
Currency Valid only if you are using Multi-Currency. This field shows the default currency for this
If the customer does not have a currency assigned to them then the customer will take
on the currency of the EPlant the user is logged into. For example, if logged into a US$
EPlant and you create an AR Invoice for a customer who has no associated currency
then the AR invoice will show US$ as the currency.
User Id ID of person entering the invoice will be shown.
Note: If the System Parameter->AR Setup tab-> 'Edit Only Individual User' is selected,
users will not be allowed to edit or delete an AR Pre-Post Invoice where
ARPREPOST.USERID does not match their user ID. If a user attempts to edit the
header or detail section of an AR invoice and their user ID does not match the user ID
on the invoice, a message stating,'User logged in does not match User ID of Invoice.
Cannot Edit or delete'. This setting applies to ALL users except DBAs.
# Supporting If multi-currency is checked in system parameters a field to enter the number of
Documents supporting documents will be visible in the AR Invoice header section. This is a
numeric field (no decimals). This number is written to the GLBatch table upon posting
for history purposes and for reports.

Note Fields Three user defined fields for additional invoice information. The labels can be changed
by right clicking on the text and selecting ‘Define Label Text’. These fields can be used
in reporting, and users can sort on them in the AR Invoice pick list and Customer
The information in these fields will also be visible from the posted AR Invoice and the
lower section of the cash receipt form.
Customer Invoice This is an information only note that comes from the AR Invoice Note field from the
Note Miscellaneous tab in Customer Maintenance.

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Line Item Details
The middle section shows the line item detail on the invoice. You may see one or many line
items. Some of the fields may be edited. Note that any changes made here are not reflected on
other documents, such as the original Sales Order if the price is changed, or the quantity.
Class The inventory class of the item. This field will populate with the information from the
sales order or packing slip and cannot be edited.

Comm % This is the percent of commission that will be paid to the salesperson(s) associated
with the line item.
Cost Source The user can assign a Project Manager, Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul, JobShop
work order, or Fixed Assets link to the Line Item. This will link the invoice to the Project,
MRO or JobShop work order and display the AR information in the accounting activity
section of the Project Manager, MRO or JobShop module. (There is no reference to the
AR Invoice in Fixed Assets). To associate the line item with a record, right click and
select Cost Source, choose the source, then select the work order from the pick list.
Once a record is assigned users can right click to jump from the cost source pop up to
the specific record.
Note: For a Project Manager cost source link, the line item can be cost sourced to the
Project or a specific Task. If Cost Source->Project Manager->Project is selected, a pick
list of projects displays. If Cost Source->Project Manager->Task is selected the user
can choose a specific task from the pick list.
To un-assign a cost source, right click and select Unassign Cost Source.
Note: If the GL Account specified has the Cost Source Required option checked in
Chart of Accounts, then a cost source must be entered or the user will get a warning
message stating, ‘GL Account requires entry of a Cost Source’.
Description The description of the item. This field will populate with the information from the sales
order or packing slip and cannot be edited.

Discount % A discount % can be entered in this field which will adjust the unit price. Also, if the Unit
Price is changed, the system will update the Discount accordingly. This field will also
be visible in the AR Posted Invoice form but cannot be edited.
FOB The FOB associated to the invoice. This will come from the packing slip if the AR
invoice is created from one, or if not it will use the FOB from the sales order.

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Freight Charge This is the amount of freight to be billed for this line item. This amount will fill in the
freight field at the bottom of the invoice.
If a freight charge was entered on the packing slip it will automatically populate this
field. If the FOB is subject to Freight Revenue and the customer has a Freight Revenue
% on the Ship To address, the total Freight Charge on the AR Invoice will equal the
Freight Charge + the Freight Revenue Amount.
A freight amount can also be manually entered.
When the packing slip's FOB has the `Deduct from Invoice Total' option checked, the
system will automatically add a miscellaneous line item to the AR invoice for the freight
amount (negative) with the description 'Offset Freight Amount'. The same salesperson
and commission % will be assigned to this line item preventing paying commissions on
the freight. This works for manually created invoices as well as auto-invoices.
Freight Comp. This is the freight company the item was shipped with. This can be changed by
selecting a freight company from the drop down list.

Freight GL This will populate with the GL Account associated to the Freight Company. If the freight
Account company does not have a GL account, the system will use the default freight account in
System Parameters. The GL Account can be changed by selecting one from the drop
down list in this field.
Freight Revenue During AR Invoicing if the FOB on the invoice has the 'Subject to Freight Revenue'
option checked and the Ship To address has a ‘Freight Revenue %’ filled in the Freight
Revenue amount will be calculated: Freight Charge * Freight Revenue %. This amount
can be edited by selecting the right click 'Edit Freight Revenue Amount' option. The
Freight Revenue amount will post to the Freight Revenue GL Account setup in System
Freight Revenue This is the GL account for the Freight Revenue. This is set up in System Parameters.
GL Account The GL Account can be changed by selecting one from the drop down list in this field.
Freight Revenue This is the Freight Revenue % associated to the Customer's Ship To address. This is
% used to calculate the Freight Revenue if applicable.
The Freight Revenue % can be changed. Right click and select 'Freight Revenue %'
and enter a new value in the pop up box. This will only change the % for this invoice (it
will not change the % entered on the Ship To address in Customer Maintenance).
Incl. Price / 1000 This box will automatically be checked if the price per 1000 box is checked on the
Buy/Sell Pricing tab of the inventory item or the Price/1000 is set to yes on the AKA
Selling tab for the item.
This can be checked at the time of invoicing by double clicking on the box. This will
change the pricing on the invoice to show price per 1000 versus individual piece prices.
Item # The item number. This field will populate with the information from the sales order or
packing slip and cannot be edited.

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Misc Description A description describing a miscellaneous item or additional information regarding an
inventory item. This information will print in the body of the invoice.
If an AKA commodities is associated to an item invoiced a separate line will be created
with this field automatically filled in with "Misc" as a description. Commodities will
automatically be added for manually created or auto invoiced invoices.
AKA Commodities are set up in Inventory on the AKA Selling tab. This allows the user
to associate a commodities charge with an AKA item. The commodities charge will
automatically be added to the AR Invoice as a separate miscellaneous line item with a
quantity of one and a unit price calculated based on the selected procedure
(AMOUNT_SUR_RATE or JUST_AMOUNT). The amount will post to the GL account
associated to the commodity. For more information see AKA Commodities.
Misc PO This is an additional field for miscellaneous purchase order information.

No Post Std Cost This box will automatically be checked if the invoice is a credit memo for an item where
the RMA receipts disposition type is SCRAP. This is checked so the system will not
post anything to standard cost since the parts are not brought back into inventory.

Price / 1000 This is the price per 1000 pieces for the line item. This will populate automatically if the
price per 1000 box is checked on the Buy/Sell Pricing tab of the inventory item. This
field may be edited at the time of invoicing.
PS Freight Charge This is the original packing slip freight charge (ORIG_FREIGHT_PRICE). This value
plus the Freight Revenue equals the Freight Price.
Qty The quantity of items invoicing for.
Ref Code This is the reference code associated with the line item.
Ref Code This is the description of the reference code. The user may associate the invoice with a
Description reference code by selecting from the pick list. Reference codes are used to provide
additional descriptive information about the GL entry.

Reference Information can be manually entered into this field for informational purposes. This field
does not print on the invoice by default.

Rev The revision level of the item. This field will populate with the information from the sales
order or packing slip and cannot be edited.

Sales GL Acct This is the sales GL account number that the invoice will be posted to. This account is
and Description the default set up in System Parameters or if overridden in Inventory it is the account
associated with the item. This field can be changed at the time of invoicing. Choose an
account from the drop down list, or to select the account from the pick list, right click on
the field and select 'Assign Acct# via Pick List'. Security can be placed on this field.
Salesperson(s) The salesperson(s) associated with this customer or part will populate in this field. To
add or change the salesperson(s) information, double click in the field and a
commission form will pop up from which the user can add, edit, or delete
Tax Code This is the tax code associated with the line item. To add, delete, or edit the tax code,
click on the ellipsis button in the field and choose a code from the pick list. To delete
the tax code, highlight the code and click the keyboard delete button.

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Tax Rate % This is the tax rate for the line item. The percentage is based on the tax code for the
line item. To change the tax rate select another tax code from the pick list accessed by
clicking the ellipsis button in the tax code field.
Total After Tax This is the calculated total after tax value for the line item. It is the (quantity * unit price)
+ (total before tax * tax rate) + (Freight * tax rate for tax codes with the 'Include Freight'
option checked).
Total Before Tax This is the calculated total before tax value for the line item. It is the quantity * unit
Total This is the total amount of commission that will be paid to the salesperson(s)(s)
Commissions associated with the line item.
Unit Price The unit price of the item.

UOM The item's unit of measure from the sales order.

VMI Reference This will display the VMI Reference code that was entered in the Reference # field on
the Consume VMI form. This will be populated if the invoice is manually created or auto
invoiced. The VMI Reference Code can be used when entering cash receipts.

Note: If the System Parameter->AR Setup tab-> 'Edit Only Individual User' is selected, users will
not be allowed to edit or delete an AR Pre-Post Invoice where ARPREPOST.USERID does not
match their user ID. If a user attempts to edit the header or detail section of an AR invoice and
their user ID does not match the user ID on the invoice, a message stating,'User logged in does
not match User ID of Invoice. Cannot Edit or delete'. This setting applies to ALL users except

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Invoicing Right Click Options
The following options are available by right clicking on the invoice detail section:
 Add Amortization Item - This can be used to quickly add to the invoice additional charges that
are amortized, such as tooling maintenance. This option adds an amortization line to the
invoice using the default Amortization GL account from System Parameters. Type in the
quantity and amount of the amortization in the quantity and unit price fields.
 Invoice Items - Displays all uninvoiced shipments, uninvoiced or partially invoiced orders, and
VMI Shipments for the customer associated with the invoice.
 All Sales Account - User can change the GL Sales Account for this invoice. EPlant Users: All
Sales Accounts will be displayed not just those attached to the EPlant you are logged into.
 Customer Docs - Allows the user to view, add, edit, or delete any internal or external
documents tied to the customer
 Jump to Inventory - Jumps to the Inventory Screen for the item selected
 Jump to Packing Slip - Jumps to the Packing Slip Screen for the item selected, assuming a
packing slip had been generated.
 Jump to Sales Orders - Jumps to the Sales Order Entry Screen for the item selected.
 Commissions - Displays the commission screen for the salesperson tied to the item selected.
This information can be edited, such as salesperson(s) added or deleted, or percentages and
amounts manually changed. Select the insert record button to add a salesperson. The pick
list of commission groups will appear. Select a record or select the New button to create a
new sales group. Values can be entered in the Commission % and Commission Amount
fields. If a different % is entered select the 'Refresh Commission Amount' button to update
the Commission Amount field. If a value is manually entered in the Commission Amount field
do not select the refresh button, as the system will update the amount based on the
commission %. The sum of the commissions will populate the Total Commissions field for the
line item. If the unit price or quantity changes a pop up message will appear stating,
"Commission Amount recalculated", and the commission will be recalculated based on the
commission %. If the amount was entered manually the user will have to re-edit it after
making changes to the quantity or unit price.

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 Cost Source- User can assign a Project Manager (Project or Task level), JobShop, or
Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Work Order to the Line Item. This will link the invoice to
the MRO or Project Manger work order. This function is also available after the invoice is
posted. Use the Mulitselect Detail (Options menu) feature to associate the same cost source
to multiple line items at one time. Use the Shift or Ctrl keyboard buttons to select multiple
lines. Then right click and select the Cost Source to be assigned to all of the selected lines.
Note: If you multi-select or individually assign cost sources and then go back and multi-select
again, all four cost sources as well as Unassign are available in the right click menu. If just
one line item is selected, then only the cost source associated to it and Unassign is available.
 Add Surcharge/Discount - This option will allow the user to add a line item to the invoice with a
surcharge amount or a discount amount. Click on this option and a pop up box will appear to
enter in a percentage. To enter a surcharge enter in a whole number (such as 10 for 10%).
To enter a discount put a negative sign before the number. The surcharge or discount will be
calculated on the Total Before Tax amount. The GL account number used is the default sales
account found in System Parameters.
 Sales Accounts Split - This option allows the user to split the line item into more than one sales
account based on a percentage. To enter multiple sales accounts click on the ADD (+) button
on the form then select additional sales accounts from the drop down list. Enter in a
percentage amount. Account Split templates may also be created. Select the Account Split
Template button . Enter a description of the template. An EPlant can be associated with a
template. Users will see templates associated to the EPlant they are logged into or those
with no EPlant assigned. If the FX Move option is checked during posting the system will look
up the FX account using the account ID in column FX_ACC_ID in the GLACCT table. The
system will 'move' the FX amount from the one account to the other. Next, add the GL
accounts in the lower section along with the percentages. The template can be used for any
invoice. To add the split from a template, first delete the existing GL account listed, then drag
and drop the template description into the Sales Account Split box. The invoice will now be
posted to the multiple sales accounts based on the percentage entered. The Sales G/L Acct.
field will be displayed in blue to signify there is a split.

 Repair Information - If the invoice is for a Repair generated from a Return/Repair work order
the user can access the Repair Information. The information displayed is: Support Issue #,
RMA #, and Work Order #.

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The user can jump to the associated support issue, RMA, and work order by right clicking on the
corresponding field.
 Add/Edit Tax Breakdown - This allows the user to add a different tax code or edit the actual tax
amounts. A form will appear showing the current tax elements associated with the line item.
Use the navigator bar to Add or Delete the tax code. Individual tax elements may not be
deleted, only the entire tax code. When adding a tax code the system will warn the user that
the existing tax elements will be deleted and replaced with the new ones. Once tax elements
are selected the user also has the option to change the actual dollar amounts by typing over
the calculated amount in the form. The user can also edit the GL account number by clicking
on the drop down arrow.

 Build Unit Price Account Split - This allows users to split which GL accounts the system will post
to based on the unit price. Select this option and then select the insert button on the pop up
form and select a GL account from the drop down list. Enter the portion of the unit price that
should post to the selected GL account in the amount field. Repeat the process until all of the
GL accounts and amounts have been entered. If the Total does not equal the unit price an
error will appear stating, "Sum of Split Amounts does not match the Total Amount."

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 Assign Acct# Via Pick List - When the cursor is on a GL Account field users can select this
option to choose the GL account from the pick list rather than the drop down list.
 Edit Freight Revenue Amount - This allows users to edit the Freight Revenue Amount. By
default, during AR Invoicing if the FOB on the invoice has the 'Subject to Freight Revenue'
option checked and the Ship To has a ‘Freight Revenue %’ filled in the Freight Revenue
amount will be calculated: Freight Charge * Freight Revenue %. Freight charge + freight
revenue amount = AR Invoice detail Freight price.
 Freight Revenue % - This allows users to edit the Freight Revenue % used to calculate the
Freight Revenue Amount.

Note on Taxable Items

If specifying a tax rate in the Customer Information file, the tax is calculated automatically by
EnterpriseIQ. The amount is shown if it was entered on the Sales Order. However, if the shipment
is out of state or tax exempt, then leave this field blank in the customer's file.

If the tax code field needs to be changed on the invoice, click once on the field to bring up a pre-
defined Tax Code list. Select a valid tax code from this list. This tax amount will be calculated by
the program and added to the total invoice amount. If all of the information on the invoice is
correct and no other changes need to be made, you can save the invoice, by pressing the check
mark on the navigator.

Build Unit Price Account Split

This allows the user to create an account split by entering a specific dollar amount of the unit
price to go to a certain GL Account, as compared to the Sales Account Split option which is
based on a percentage. Select this option and build the split by choosing a GL account and
entering in the dollar amount. The user cannot exit out of this screen until the dollar amount of
the GL split equals the dollar amount of the unit price. Note: This option will only be available if
the Build Unit Price Account Split is checked in the AR Invoice Options menu.

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Additional AR Invoice Information
Line Item Speed Buttons

Multi-Currency Conversion information displays all the invoice amounts in any currency
selected from the drop down list. Currencies and Spot Rates are setup under the Sys Setup -
System Parameters - Regional Tab.

Invoice Bottom Grid: Notes Section

This section displays any note information entered throughout the system, as well as, any
reference information.

Invoice Note Any information added here will print on the bottom of the invoice.

Sales Order Note# Any individual line item notes entered on the Sales Order will be displayed as soon as
a packing slip is posted. These notes will not print on the invoice.

Shipment Note Any notes entered on the Packing Slip for the individual line item will be shown. These
notes will not print on the invoice.

PO#, Order#, If applicable, the Purchase Order #, Sales Order #, Packing Slip #and/or Misc. Order #
PackSlip# (from RMA miscellaneous costs) will be shown.

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Amount Section - The bottom right section of an invoice details:
 Subtotal (total before tax and freight)

 Tax (tax on the taxable line items). Select the button to view the Tax Breakdown for all
taxable line items. This will include the taxes for freight where a tax used has ‘include Freight’
checked and the line item has a freight charge applied.
 Freight (total freight for all line items)
 Total (subtotal plus tax and freight).
Speed Buttons

Pick list button allows the user to search for any unposted AR invoices. Note: Invoices
without data in the middle section will also appear in the pick list.

Toggle For/Table View allows the user to see the AR invoice information either in a form
view or table view.

Post Invoice button posts the current invoice displayed. Note: Posting a single invoice is not
restricted only to the user who created it as can be the case when posting all invoices.

Post All Invoices will allow the user to post all invoices that have been entered. Note: User
may only be permitted to post invoices entered by their individual user id. Check Options Menu
for further posting privileges.

View Posted Invoice takes the user to the Posted AR invoice screen. (For more information
see Viewing Posted Invoices).

View Voided Invoice button takes the user to the Voided AR invoice screen.

If you have EDI this button will take you to the Pending EDI form.

Print Invoice button prints the current invoice.

Print a Range of Invoices button allows the user to print several invoices at once.

Select this button to access the Scan Document module. The new document (scanned
image) is added to the document library.

When the On Hold box is checked the system will not allow the invoice to be posted.

Do not Email upon Posting - When this option is checked, when posting the invoice the system will
not add the record to the auto_eform table, so the invoice will not be sent as an email. This
option will only be visible if the System parameters -> AR setup tab -> 'Auto email invoices upon
batch post' option is checked. This defaults to unchecked on each new invoice.

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Documents Tab - Each invoice can have documents attached (Internal, External or Email
Correspondence). Select the Documents tab to view the documents. These documents will
remain attached to the invoice after it has been archived. For External Documents there is an
‘AR Invoice’ Print With option. When the AR Invoice is printed from the Print speed button in AR
Invoice and Posted AR Invoice, attached external documents marked print with AR Invoice will
also print. If Auto Eform is enabled the documents will also be part of the email sent by the Alert

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Customer Supplied Material

Select this button to apply a credit on the invoice for material supplied by the customer. A
Customer Supplied Material credit is only available when the Customer also has a receipt from a
Purchase Order. The button will be available to select if there is a remaining ‘Avail. To Credit’

Note: The 'Apply' button on the Customer Supplied Material screen will be grayed out if an AP
Invoice exists (posted or pre-posted) for a Vendor associated to a Customer.

For this to function properly the customer must be set up as a vendor in Vendor Maintenance
with the customer selected on the Miscellaneous tab to link the vendor to the customer. Then
the PO receipt can be attached to the AR invoice, thus deducting supplied material amount from
what is billed to the customer.

All received materials from this customer/vendor are displayed along with the quantity available
to credit, amount received, etc. The user can highlight item(s) to be carried over to the A/R
invoice. Posting will affect the ‘accrued receipts’ account number associated to the item if it is
populated, if not the system will use the default accrued receipts account in System Parameters
(GL Setup tab).

Under Options the user can choose ‘Select by PO Detail’ or ‘Select by PO Receipt’. If ‘Select by
PO Receipt’ is selected the user must choose from the lower section. With this option checked
the link to the invoice will be visible when right clicking and selecting ‘Receipts Information’ from
the PO. It will display on the AR tab. (If Select by PO Detail is checked the invoice information
will not be available from the ‘Receipts Information’ screen in PO’s).

NOTE: Do not use this feature if you plan to bill the customer in full and enter in the AP Invoice as
a separate transaction.

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Attached Credit Card

Attached Credit Card - Select this button to associate a credit card that will be used to pay this
invoice. The Attached Credit Card form will appear from which the user can select a card already
associated to the customer or create a new card or clear the current attached card. If this
information was entered on the sales order it will be populated with that information. Note the
credit card number is masked in this screen.

Note: For complete information on using credit cards in EnterpriseIQ please refer to the Credit
Card documentation which can be accessed from MyIQMS in the Support->EnterpriseIQ
Manuals section EnterpriseIQ Manuals

Charge Credit Card

Charge Credit Card - This option will bring up the Charge form to process the credit card
transaction for the specific invoice.

Note: For complete information on using credit cards in EnterpriseIQ please see the Credit Card

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Credit Card Settlement

Credit Card Settlement - The Credit Card Settlement screen is used to settle the credit card
transaction. When a credit card payment is “settled,” the funds are transferred from the customer
account to the vendor account. When charging a credit card from an invoice, after settling the
transaction and then posting the invoice, a cash receipt is automatically created.

The Credit Card Settlement module is a separate speed button on the AR tab of the launcher

Note: For complete information on using credit cards in EnterpriseIQ please see the Credit Card

Accounts Receivable Page 110 of 186

Free Form/Miscellaneous Invoicing
Occasionally, you may need to create an invoice for miscellaneous items or services rendered
that do not include an item on order.

In these cases, inventory is NOT affected, as you will not be selecting an actual item from
inventory, but instead manually filling in the item description.

This is a method used for creating a Credit Memo. In this case, the amount of the invoice is
entered as a negative amount.

NOTE: Credit memos can also be generated from the RMA (Return Authorization) module, found
under Sales/Dist - RMA screen. These credit memos are based on returned items.

Access the invoice module, and press the ADD [+] function key to add a new invoice.

 From the option box, select All Customers.

 Select from this list the customer of choice. The default information contained in this field
can be modified if needed.

Adding Line Items

From the Invoice Detail section:

 Click the Miscellaneous check box.

 If the customer has a salesperson and commission % associated to them an additional check
box will appear (Apply Cust. Commissions) to apply the commission to the miscellaneous

 Press the insert record [+] function key to add a new item. A Miscellaneous Description form
will appear where the user can type a description of what is being invoiced.

Accounts Receivable Page 111 of 186

 Optionally select a Ship To address from the pick list accessed by clicking on the Search
button. The list is filtered to the Ship To’s associated to the Customer associated to the AR
Invoice. This can be used for reporting purposes if a user would like to see the ship to
address on the AR Invoice when the Miscellaneous Item did not come from a shipment or

 Fill in the quantity and unit price fields.

The user can optionally enter Commission, tax code, salesperson, GL account, and freight
information. The Sales GL Account will default to the Extra Charges account setup in System

Use this technique to add as many miscellaneous items to the invoice.

Saving the information will create entries in the total and sub total area.

Create an Invoice from Packing Slip (Uninvoiced Shipments)

Typically invoices are created for items that have been shipped on a packing slip. This is
accomplished as follows:

 From the EIQ Launcher Bar under Accounts Receivable, select the Invoicing button.

 From within this screen, click on the ADD [+] function key. Four selections will be available
when creating the invoice: Uninvoiced Shipments, Uninvoiced or partially invoiced Orders,
VMI Shipments, or All Customers. (Note: This pop up form appears in the upper left corner
of the screen by default but can be moved. If the form is re-positioned, the location is
remembered this in the registry).

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 Select Uninvoiced Shipments and click on [OK].

 The pick list displays customers with packing slips yet to be invoiced (whether created in a
specific EPlant or in View All). Select the desired customer from the pick list.

NOTE: This list will also include items shipped to VMI locations as well if the option to invoice on
Pack Slip is chosen. The line items for VMI shipments will be yellow.

 At the top portion of the Invoice, verify the information such as Terms, AR account, and
period. Terms will come from the Customer Maintenance file but can be changed at sales
order entry or at the time of invoicing. To change the terms, click on the drop down arrow
and select the terms from the list. The due date will automatically change based on the new

To select a different AR account, click on the Search/Replace Account button to bring up the GL
pick list.

The period displayed is based on the date the invoice was created. The invoice will be posted to
this period. Use the Find Period button to select an alternate period. You can also change the
period by changing the invoice date. Note that if the invoice date is modified, the period will also
change to match the date. However, you may still change the period if you do not want the
invoice date and period to match. In this case, use the Find Period button to select the
appropriate period. A confirm box will appear stating that the invoice date does not fall within the
period dates. To keep the period chosen select OK, otherwise the user has the option to select a
different period or edit the invoice date.

 Save all changes before going on to the section for adding the items to be invoiced.

Adding Items to the Invoice

 To insert items onto the invoice click on the ADD [+] function key located on the Navigator
bar within the Invoice Details section. The following screen will appear with the Uninvoiced
Shipments tab on top:

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 Select the item(s) that are to be assigned to the invoice then click on the button “Assign to
the Invoice.” Columns can be sorted by right clicking anywhere on the screen or click on the
header field. You can select multiple items by holding the Ctrl key and clicking with the
mouse or by using the toggle buttons. Items selected will change to blue.

Toggle buttons are available for easy selection and un-selection.

Toggle Selected allows the user to select the current record or de-select if highlighted.

Select All allows the user to highlight all shipments shown.

Unselect All allows the user to un-highlight all items selected.

Note: If the Sales Order does not have a Bill To address, when attempting to add an item from
Shipments to an AR Invoice an error will display: "Unable to create Invoice. Bill To address not

By clicking on the Shipped so far button, the system will indicate the amount shipped.

A right click option is available to Jump to the Packing Slip associated to the highlighted record.

 Click on Close when finished. The system will take a few seconds to transfer the selected
data over to the Invoice.

At this point, make any changes or additions necessary to the invoice before posting or entering
additional invoices. Additional fields can be seen under Invoice Details by using your arrow keys
and scrolling to the right. For instance, the user can enter in any additional charges that may
apply to this invoice such as commission percentages, tax codes, salespeople and freight
charges. If these extra charges are not going to be billed, leave these fields blank.

If all of the information is correct, you can post the invoice or enter in additional invoices.

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Create an Invoice for Uninvoiced Sales Orders
This method will create an invoice based on a sales order, not a packing slip. It it similar to the
quick invoice method discussed above except the invoicing is done from the invoice module.

 From the EIQ Launcher Bar under Accounts Receivable, select the Invoicing button.

 From within this screen, click on the ADD [+] function key. Four selections will be available
when creating the invoice: Uninvoiced Shipments, Uninvoiced or partially invoiced Orders,
VMI Shipments, or All Customers.

 Select Uninvoiced or partially invoiced Orders.

 A pick list with all customers with open orders will appear. Select the desired customer from
the list. The default information contained in this header section can be modified if needed.

 Click on the ADD (+) button in the middle of the form to bring up the list of invoice items for
the customer selected. The form will appear with the Uninvoiced or partially invoiced Orders
tab on top.

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 Select the item(s) that are to be assigned to the invoice then click on the button “Assign to
the Invoice.” Columns can be sorted by right clicking anywhere on the screen or click on the
header field. This screen displays a lot of information about the order such as item
information, quantity shipped, quantity invoiced, left to ship, etc. You can select multiple
items by holding the Ctrl key and clicking with the mouse or by using the toggle buttons.
Items selected will change to blue.

Toggle buttons are available for easy selection and un-selection.

Toggle Selected allows the user to select the current record or de-select if highlighted.

Select All allows the user to highlight all shipments shown.

Unselect All allows the user to un-highlight all items selected.

 Click on Close when finished. The system will take a few seconds to transfer the selected
data over to the Invoice.

At this point, make any changes or additions necessary to the invoice before posting or entering
additional invoices. Additional fields can be seen under Invoice Details by using your arrow keys
and scrolling to the right. For instance, the user can enter in any additional charges that may
apply to this invoice such as commission percentages, tax codes, salespeople and freight
charges. If these extra charges are not going to be billed, leave these fields blank.

If all of the information is correct, you can post the invoice or enter in additional invoices.

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Invoicing for VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory) Shipments
EnterpriseIQ supports the ability to manage inventory stored at a customer site. The system
includes the ability to ship the product to the customer, manage the shipment and quantity as
another location within the inventory item master file, and support the invoicing of the product
when it is actually consumed by the customer or when shipped. (For additional information on
VMI, see the Shipping section in the Manufacturing Manual).

To invoice for consumed VMI items:

 From the EIQ Launcher Bar under Accounts Receivable, select the Invoicing button.

 From within this screen, click on the ADD [+] function key and choose the VMI Shipments
option and select (OK).

 From the following pick list, select the customer desired. Note that only those customers
with consumed VMI shipments yet to be invoiced are shown here. If you do not see the
customer you want, this indicates that there are no outstanding VMI shipments to be
invoiced for. The default information contained in this header section can be modified if

 Click on the ADD (+) button in the middle of the form to bring up the list of invoice items for
the customer selected. The form will appear with the VMI Shipments tab on top.

Accounts Receivable Page 118 of 186

 Select the item(s) that are to be assigned to the invoice then click on the button “Assign to
the Invoice.” Columns can be sorted by right clicking anywhere on the screen or click on the
header field. You can select multiple items by holding the Ctrl key and clicking with the
mouse or by using the toggle buttons. Items selected will change to blue.

Toggle buttons are available for easy selection and un-selection.

Toggle Selected allows the user to select the current record or de-select if highlighted.

Select All allows the user to highlight all shipments shown.

Unselect All allows the user to un-highlight all items selected.

 Click on Close when finished. The system will take a few seconds to transfer the selected
data over to the Invoice.

Note: On the Customer Maintenance->Ship To->VMI tab there is an option to 'Reevaluate Unit
Price based upon Invoice Date'. If this option is checked, upon creating an AR Invoice for the
VMI shipment the system will reevaluate the unit price by comparing the price when the item
was shipped to the current price on the inventory item (based on the hierarchy: AKA Selling,
then Buy/Sell tab, and then Std Item Price). If it is different than the system will use the current
price on the inventory item as the unit price for the AR Invoice. If this is not checked the system
will use the price from when the item was shipped (C_SHIP_HIST.UNIT_PRICE).

At this point, make any changes or additions necessary to the invoice before posting or entering
additional invoices. Additional fields can be seen under Invoice Details by using your arrow keys
and scrolling to the right. For instance, the user can enter in any additional charges that may
apply to this invoice such as commission percentages, tax codes, salespeople and freight
charges. If these extra charges are not going to be billed, leave these fields blank.

If all of the information is correct, you can post the invoice or enter in additional invoices.

All Customers Invoicing Option

When first creating an invoice, you can select to show All Customers, rather than the uninvoiced
or partially invoiced shipments. Using this option will display all customers whether they have
shipments to invoice or not.

This function is primarily used to create manual or free form (miscellaneous) invoices. It simply
allows you to select a customer, then create manual line item entries.

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Auto Invoicing
All of the methods above are based on a manual invoice process. To automate the invoicing for
items shipped on packing slips the user can use the Auto Invoicing function. To use auto
invoicing the auto invoice option must be set up for each customer. This feature is set up on the
Auto Invoicing tab of the Customer Maintenance form. (Please see Auto Invoicing in the
Customer Maintenance section).

Once customers are set up for auto invoicing follow the steps below to create invoices:

 From the EIQ Launcher Bar under Accounts Receivable, select the Invoicing button.

 Under Options on the file menu select Auto Invoicing.

 The following form will appear asking for the maximum date to use to create invoices. This
date specifies for what packing slips an invoice will be generated for. The system will create
invoices for packing slips with this date and older.

Accounts Receivable Page 120 of 186

The date will default to ‘today’s’ date. To change the date click on the drop down arrow and
select a different date on the calendar.

 The system will go through all uninvoiced packing slips and generate an invoice for those
where the customer has been set up for auto invoicing. The invoices created will appear in
the pick list of open invoices and can be edited.

 Review the invoices and edit any fields necessary.

 If all of the information is correct, you can post the invoices or enter in additional invoices.

Miscellaneous Sales Order Items

Auto Invoices can also be created for Miscellaneous Items added to sales orders without
creating a packing slip. If the Auto Invoice check box is checked for the item in the sales order
details section, and the customer is set up for Auto Invoicing, an AR invoice for the
miscellaneous item is created during Auto Invoicing. If the system finds an unposted AR Invoice
for the same order, based on Customer, Bill To Address, and PO #, it will add a new row to that
AR Invoice, otherwise it will create a new AR Invoice. If the AR Invoice is voided the system will
re-evaluate it next time auto invoicing is run and create a new pre-posted invoice. Note: For
EPlant users, when auto invoicing a miscellaneous item the invoice will only be created in the
EPlant associated to the miscellaneous item.

Place Auto Generated Invoices on Hold

This option is on the General tab in the lower section of the User Tab in Security Inspector.
When this is checked the 'Auto Invoiced' AR invoices for the shipment user will be placed on
hold. During Auto Invoicing, the system will query the user ID for the Shipment
(SHIPMENT.USER_ID) and determine if the user has this option checked. If it is the generated
AR invoice will be marked 'On Hold'.

Accounts Receivable Page 121 of 186

Cash in Advance Invoicing
This feature is used to create a pre-payment invoice from the sales order that is in AR but not
recorded as a sale. Terms can be marked as Cash in Advance (CIA). When a CIA term is
assigned to a sales order the customer number field will display in pink indicating this is a cash
in advance sale. When items are added to the sales order, the Ship Hold boxed is automatically
checked and the line is highlighted yellow. Shipments cannot be made until payment is received.

The AR Invoice must be created from the sales order. The AR invoice posting Debits AR and
Credits the 'Customer Pre-Payments' GL acct in System Parameters. When an invoice is
created for the shipment (after the cash receipt is posted), the header of the invoice is the
Customer Prepayment GL Acct and the line item(s) is the Sales/COGS account. The Customer
Prepayment is Debited, Sales is Credited, Inventory is Credited and COGS is Debited.

Note: If a user creates the invoice from AR Invoice->Uninvoiced or Partially Invoiced Orders then
the Customer Prepaid GL Account is not hit unless manually changed on the invoice before

Cash in Advance Process

 Term(s) are created in the Terms table and marked 'Cash in Advance'. (See the Terms Table
section for details).

 A sales order is created with the CIA terms assigned. The customer # will be pink and the
line items will display in yellow indicating they are on Ship Hold.

Accounts Receivable Page 122 of 186

Accounts Receivable Page 123 of 186
 The AR Invoice is created from the sales order by selecting the Quick Invoice speed button
. The AR invoice posting Debits the AR account and Credits the 'Customer Pre-Payments'
GL account setup in System Parameters->GL Setup.

Accounts Receivable Page 124 of 186

 Once the invoice is posted, edits are not allowed to any fields except the Release Request
and Promise Dates. If a user attempts to modify any other field on the sales order a
message is surfaced, 'Invoice exists against this CIA order, cannot modify or delete.' The
user can only select OK to exit out of message and cannot proceed with any changes. To
make changes to the sales order the invoice must be voided first. Voiding the Invoice
creates the reverse GL entry. The quick Invoice is picked up on the Aging reports.

 Once the Cash Receipt for the quick invoice created from the Sales Order is received and
posted, the item(s) on the sales order can be shipped. The sales order is not completely
locked down at this point as it is prior to the cash receipt being posted. Users may not add
or delete additional lines, or edit the blanket quantity, but they are able to modify releases.
Releases can only be generated if the Blanket Qty >= Release Quantity. If the release
quantity exceeds the blanket quantity the user will receive an error. Also, for pick tickets, if a
user attempts to make the Ship Quantity greater than the original quantity on a pick ticket, a
warning message is surfaced and does not let the user proceed. A user can make the Ship
Quantity less. Also, if the quantity relieved is more than the Ship Quantity and a user tries to
convert the pick ticket to a packing slip for an item on a Sales Order with a term marked
Cash In Advance, a warning will be surfaced stating, 'This is a Cash in Advance order and
over shipping is not allowed', and the user cannot proceed.

 When the invoice is created for the actual shipment (after the Cash Receipt is posted) the
AR Account in the header of the invoice is the Customer Prepayment GL Acct and the line
item(s) GL Account is the Sales/COGS account. Customer Prepayment is Debited, Sales is
Credited, Inventory Credited and COGS Debited. These invoices will not appear in Cash
Receipt pick lists (i.e. Enter by Purchase Order #, Enter by Invoice #) since they were
already paid against the Quick Invoice that was created from the Sales Order prior to

Accounts Receivable Page 125 of 186

Note: The second invoice for the shipment will not be on the default aging reports since it was
already paid for from the Quick invoice.

Note: Any custom reports that are for agings or use the arinvoice table will need to be modified to
exclude invoices with Cia_invoice = ‘Y’ or there will be two invoices for every sales order.

Accounts Receivable Page 126 of 186

Printing AR Invoices
Invoices can be printed one at a time or a range of invoices can be specified. Invoices can be
printed by clicking on the desired speed button or by the Reports Menu - ‘Reprint unposted

Print Invoice button prints the current invoice. This will only print the current invoice, it will
not print any attached documents. To print documents attached to the inventory items with the
invoice use the ‘Print Range of Invoices’ feature.

There are two options from this button:

Print Invoice - This will bring up the print range form defaulting to the invoice the user is currently
on only. The user can change the From and To as needed.

Print Range of Invoices - This allows the user to print several invoices at a time. Enter in the range
of invoices to print by selecting from the drop down lists in the From and To fields. This option
will also print any attached documents associated to the inventory items on the invoice that have
the 'Print With' option set to 'Invoice', unless the 'Exclude Attached Documents' option is

Select the 'Sort by Customer#' check box if you want the printing of invoices to be sorted by the

There are four printing options when printing a range of invoices:

 Selective auto email print - With this checked the invoices for customers with contacts that have
Auto EForm set up will only be emailed, the invoices for customers without Auto EForm will
be printed.
 Send Auto Email Only. Do not Print Report - This option can be checked when using the Auto
EForm option to automatically email invoices to contacts, where you do not want the actual
invoices printed. Note: If the setting in System Parameters->AR Setup called 'Auto Email
Invoices upon Batch Post' is checked the auto email will not be sent until the invoice is
posted. A message will display on the Print Prepost Invoices screen indicating this, 'Auto
Email Invoices upon Batch Post (in System Parameters) is set to 'Y' report will not be Auto
Emailed.' Note: Auto EForm will be sent to the contact(s) associated to the Ship To and any
other contacts(s) in the main Contact tab not associated to any Ship To's. If a user is
manually creating AR Invoices and selects two or more packing slips with different Ship To's
then the Auto Eform will only select the contact for the first Ship To. Also note: An AR Invoice
can only be sent to a 'Ship To' type contact if the 'One Invoice per Packing Slip' is selected in
Auto Invoicing for the customer. So it is recommended that if users create Invoices manually,
one invoice per packing should be done like Auto Invoice.
 Print Only. Do not Auto Email - This option will only print the invoices. It will not email them. This
setting is remembered in the registry.
 No option selected - When nothing is checked the system will print and email the invoices (as
long as they are set up for auto EForm).
(For more information on the Printer Speed button see Speed Buttons).

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If an invoice has already been printed the user will receive a warning. They can select Yes to
abort printing the invoice or No to continue with the printing. Select the 'Do no show next time'
option if you do not want to receive this warning any longer.

There is a setting in System Parameters->AR Setup called 'Auto Email Invoices upon Batch Post'. If
this option is checked the system will perform the Auto Email function at the time the invoices
are posted instead of when they are printed. A message will display on the Print Prepost
Invoices screen indicating this option is checked, 'Auto Email Invoices upon Batch Post (in
System Parameters) is set to 'Y' report will not be Auto Emailed.'

Note: This message will not display when printing Posted AR Invoices. The system will allow
users to Auto-Email a posted invoice as the Batch is already posted.

Accounts Receivable Page 128 of 186

If the System parameters->AR setup tab->'Auto email invoices upon batch post' option is
checked, AR Invoices will have an option at the top of the form called 'Do not Email upon
Posting'. When this option is checked, when posting the invoice the system will not add the
record to the auto_eform table, so the invoice will not be sent as an email. This defaults to
unchecked on each new invoice.

Accounts Receivable Page 129 of 186

Other Invoice Menu Items
File Menu
New - Allows the user to add a new AR invoice.

Delete - Allows the user to delete an unposted AR invoice.

View Posted Invoices - Allows the user to view invoices that are posted. See Viewing Posted
Invoices (see "Viewing Posted AR Invoices" on page 136).

Post Invoice - Posts the current invoice.

Post All invoices - Posts all invoices.

View Voided Invoices - Allows the user to view invoices that have been voided.

View Credit Memos - If the invoice is a credit memo associated with an RMA this option will be
available to view the RMA. This function will take the user directly to the Original RMA
associated with the credit memo.

Accounts Receivable Page 130 of 186

From the View RMA form the user can also view all RMA’s and RMA’s by Customer by selecting
the option from the file menu or selecting a speed button.

Browse GL Batches - Allows the users to look at all AR posting for a specific period. Once the
desired period is chosen, the following screen will appear:

Pending Edi’s - displays any EDI transactions that have not been processed.

Accounts Receivable Page 131 of 186

Status - Takes the user to the Customer Status form for the customer associated with the
invoice. (Please see the section on Customer Status in this chapter for additional information).

Search - Use this function to search for a particular customer.

Exit - Closes the AR Invoice screen.

Options Menu
Ship Via Maintenance - Takes the user to the Ship Maintenance screen in order to make any
additions or needed changes.

Terms - Takes the user to the Terms Table maintenance screen to add or change any
information. See Terms Table for more information.

Tax Codes - Takes the user to the Tax Code maintenance screen to add or change any tax
information. See Tax Codes.

Auto Invoicing - This initiates the Auto Invoicing feature. If a customer is set up for Auto Invoicing
an invoice will be created automatically. Although it can still be reviewed and edited before
posting. To do this select the max auto invoice date and click OK.

Invoice Codes - Takes the user to the Invoice Code Maintenance screen to add or change any
code information.

External Exe.file - Allows the user to convert a batch of AR invoices just posted into a foreign
format. A customized program is needed for this feature. Contact IQMS for further details.

Post Options - Post All for Individual User - Only those invoices created by the user posting will be
posted. Post All for all Users - All invoices will post regardless of who created the invoice. Note:
This does not apply to posting an individual invoice.

Multiselect Detail - This option allows the user to select multiple line items in the middle section of
the invoice for assigning a cost source to multiple items at one time.

Customer Pick list Date - This option will limit the pick list of customers to only those that have
shipments from the selected date to today's date. For example, if the date selected is 8/9/11,
when creating a new invoice using the 'Uninvoiced Shipments' option, only customers that have
a packing slip dated 8/9/11 through the current system date will appear in the pick list. The date
is selected from the drop down calendar in the pop up box that appears after selecting this

Build Unit Price Account Split - This allows the user to create an account split by entering a specific
dollar amount of the unit price to go to a certain GL Account, as compared to the Sales Account
Split option which is based on a percentage. This is done from the right click menu in the item
detail section. See Build Unit Price Account Split.

Reports Menu
Print - displays the reports available to print.

Accounts Receivable Page 132 of 186

Printer Setup - allows the user to setup his printer.

Invoice Report - Prints the current invoice.

Range of Invoices - Allows the user to print a range of preposted invoices.

Help Menu
Contents - launches HTML Help.

About - displays version number and date of the EnterpriseIQ system.

Posting Accounts Receivable Invoices

To POST completed invoices, use the menu option or the speed buttons on the form.

Posting a Single Invoice

 Select Post Invoice and the following prompt will appear:

Accounts Receivable Page 133 of 186

EnterpriseIQ supports a date within the batch transaction. Normally, this is the date the posting
transaction takes place. In some circumstances, you may want to change the batch date (using
the drop down calendar). EnterpriseIQ stores the date shown here and the system date in the G/L
batch record. This allows the user to see both when the actual transaction occurred, and which
date the user chose to associate with the transaction.

 If the Batch Date selected does not fall within the Period date of the transaction then a
warning message surfaces stating: "The Batch date (mm/dd/yyyy) does not fall within the
Period dates (mm/dd/yyyy – mm/dd/yyyy), Continue posting?".
 When 'No' is selected the warning message is closed and the user is brought back to the AR
Invoice to either change the Date of the Invoice or Post again to select a different Batch
 When 'Yes' is selected the AR Invoice is posted.
 The warning has a 'Do not show next time' box that when checked the warning will not

NOTE: The batch date does NOT change or modify the period to which the invoice will be posted.
To change the period, modify the Period field on the invoice itself.

 Press [OK] to continue with the posting process.

Accounts Receivable Page 134 of 186

If the posting process completes successfully, a message will appear like the one shown above.

 Select “Yes” to print the AfterPost report or “No” to return to the main Invoicing screen.

 If an error message is received. Click on [OK]. Go back and check the invoice for errors.
Check the Period field on the invoice to see if you are posting to the correct period. It may
be possible that you are attempting to post to a closed or “Never Opened” period. Use the
Period Maintenance function to check and modify your closed and open periods. This function
can be found under the EIQ Launcher menu system under File|Accounting|General Ledger|GL
Setup|Periods Maintenance. Errors may also occur due to missing default GL accounts, such as
'Shipments Pending Invoicing'. The error will state, 'Unable to find GLACCT'.

Posting All Invoices

If posting a batch of invoices, note that each batch may only contain invoices from the same
period. If EnterpriseIQ finds that the group of invoices contains more than one period, the user will
be required to select only one of the multiple periods. Only those invoices that match the
selected period will be posted. If necessary, repeat this routine to post all outstanding invoices.

 Under the Options Menu Item, the user has two options for posting a group of invoices:
 Post All for Individual User - Only those invoices created by the user posting will be posted.
 Post All for all Users - All invoices will post regardless of who created the invoice.
 Select Post All Invoices.

 Press [Enter] or click “Yes” to accept the date shown, or modify the G/L batch date as
desired. This date does NOT change the period to which the invoice is posted. It is used only
to associate a posting date with the batch record.

NOTE: EnterpriseIQ also stores the system date (the actual date of the transaction, according to
the current date stored within the system) with the same batch record.

 A pick list appears and may contain one or more Period records. This indicates that the user
is attempting to post a group of invoices that contain more than a single period. EnterpriseIQ
will only post those invoices that match the selected period.

 If the batch of invoices contains only a single period, click on [Select] to continue.

 Once a period has been selected, EnterpriseIQ will continue the posting process, leaving any
invoice with a different period on the unposted Invoice screen. Repeat this procedure to post
additional invoices.

When complete, the following message should appear:

Batch Posted - Do you wish to print the after post report?

 Select "Yes" to print the Report or "No" to return back to the main Invoice entry screen.

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Viewing Posted AR Invoices
EnterpriseIQ gives the user the option of being able to view invoices that have been posted.
The Speed Button option located on the invoice menu bar or by selecting File and choosing view
posted invoices. Posted Invoices can also be accessed by selecting the button on the AR tab of
the launcher bar.

To VIEW posted invoices:

 Select the View Posted AR Invoices from the launcher bar, or select File from the main menu
bar within the Invoicing screen and select View Posted Invoices or select the speed button.
A pick list of posted invoices will appear.

 Select the appropriate invoice and click OK. The posted invoice screen will now appear.

Accounts Receivable Page 136 of 186

Exclude from Dunning - This box can be checked to exclude the invoice from Dunning letters.

Exclude from finance charge - When checked, finance charges will not be computed on the invoice.
Finance Charges are setup for each Customer on the Customer Maintenance screen - Credit
Status tab.

Note 1 - This field can be edited. This can be used to enter the UUID for tracking the Poliza XML
used in the EIQ Tax Reporting Tool. Double click on the field to access the pop up form to enter

The bottom section will display the same information from the un-posted invoice such as the
various notes. The PackSlip # tab will display the packing slip # and the sales order #. There is a
right click jump to sales order option available.

Print Posted Invoices

 Select the Print Invoice or Print Range of Invoices speed button to reprint posted invoices (this
includes ONACCT invoices as well). If Auto EForm is set up it will automatically email the
form to customers. (See Printing Invoices for details).

Each invoice can have documents attached. Select the Documents tab to access them. These
notes may be Internal or External documents, or Email Correspondence. These documents will
remain attached to the invoice after it has been archived.

Amount Section - The bottom right section of an invoice details:

 Subtotal (total before tax and freight)

 Tax (tax on the taxable line items). Select the button to view the Tax Breakdown for all
taxable line items. This will not include the taxes for freight even where a tax used has
‘include Freight’ checked and the line item has a freight charge applied.
 Freight (total freight for all line items)
 Total (subtotal plus tax and freight).
Right Click Functions
 Jump to Customer: From the top section right click on the Customer # field to jump to the
Customer Maintenance module.
 Edit Terms: From the top section right click on the Terms field to add or edit terms assigned to
AR Invoice.
 Edit Due Date: From the top section right click on the Due Date field to modify the due date
assigned to the AR Invoice
 Commissions: This function allows the user to view the Commission Split form. If ‘Use
Accrued Commissions When Posting’ is checked in the Options Menu in the Salesperson(s)
module, users cannot make changes to the Salesperson(s), Sales Code, Commission % or
Commission Amount, or Add a line. If ‘Use Accrued Commissions When Posting’ is
unchecked, commissions can be edited from a Posted AR Invoice. Note: Security can be
placed on the Commission % and Total Commission fields, and the right click Commissions

Accounts Receivable Page 137 of 186

 Cost Source: A Cost Source not applied during invoicing can be added after posting an
invoice. Right click in the middle section and select Cost Source. Select the module then
select the project to apply the AR Invoice to from the pick list. This information will then flow
to the activity summary section of the corresponding module.
 Sales Account Split: This function allows the user to view the Sales Accounts Split form. No
changes may be made.
 Repair Information - If the invoice is for a Repair generated from a Return/Repair work order
the user can access the Repair Information. The information displayed is: Support Issue #,
RMA #, and Work Order #.
 Payment Summary: This displays the amount paid, reference #, and date for the current
 Tax Breakdown: This will display the tax breakdown in effect and applied at the time of invoice.
 Jump to Sales Order - This option is available in the bottom section on the PackSlip# tab. This
will take the user to the sales order associated with the line item.
 Invoice Note: To add or edit invoice notes right click in the notes section and choose ‘Edit
Invoice Note’. These notes may be used to track collection calls, etc.
EIQ Bookmark - This option allows the user to drag and drop the icon onto the desktop or a folder
in order to open the exact record up again with one click. Select the EIQ Bookmark button on the
desired record. Then drag it to the desktop or folder and drop it.

File Menu
Search - Brings up the pick list of all posted invoices which allows the user to search for a specific
posted invoice. The user can access the pick list from the Search speed button also. In addition
to the default pick list, the user can select the drop down arrow next to the search button to
access a pick list that includes the PO number and Packing Slip number.

View Voided Invoices - Takes the user to the Voided Invoice screen.

Create Credit Memo - Allows the user to create a Credit Memo invoice. The credit memo is created
for the exact opposite of the original invoice including freight. Credit memos cannot be created
for a credit memo, if attempted the user will receive an error stating, 'Cannot create Credit Memo
for a Credit Memo'. If credit memos for the invoice are found in the posted table/pre-posted table
a list of existing credit memo invoices will display.

Accounts Receivable Page 138 of 186

There are three options on this form:
 Jump to Credit Memo - This will jump the user to the highlighted credit memo.
 Cancel - If Cancel is selected, the user is returned to the Posted AR Invoice.
 Continue - The user can select Continue to attempt to create an additional credit memo.
Security can be placed on this button.
 If Continue is selected and a Credit Memo is found in the prepost table, then a popup
warning appears stating: "Only one Credit Memo is allowed in the Prepost table. The
existing Credit Memo in the Prepost table must be posted or deleted."
 If Continue is selected and there is not a pre-posted invoice and the balance due is >
0.00, a warning will appear: "Posting an additional Credit memo could result in an over
credit. Please adjust unit prices in the Credit Memo according to the Balance Due on the
original Invoice." The user can select Cancel to return to the existing Credit Memo pick
list without creating a new Credit Memo. Selecting OK on the Warning message will
create a new credit memo.
 If Continue is selected and the balance due on the invoice = 0.00, the system will not
allow a pre-post credit memo to be created.

Accounts Receivable Page 139 of 186

The credit memo period is based on the credit memo invoice date. If however, any of the
items/accounts/ship via etc. were deleted after posting, the credit memo will reflect one line for
the full amount of the invoice to the default sales account. After selecting [OK] a credit memo will
be created which will appear in the unposted invoice screen. If the invoice had a salesperson
and commission associated to it, the credit memo will reflect this information. Only the Unit Price
field may be edited on the credit memo, all other fields cannot be changed. Credit memo
invoices must be posted in order to affect the General Ledger. Keep in mind that a credit memo
created from here will not re-surface the packing slip for re-invoicing. In order to re-surface the
packing slip the user should use the void function instead. Upon posting the credit memo the
original invoice will be applied automatically and no manual cash receipt needs to be done if the
amounts are the exact opposite.

Create Edi File (810) - Allows the user to create an EDI file type 810. All EDI trading partner
information must be setup first. If the invoice amount is a credit the system will use the 81C
transaction type if it is assigned to the customer in Trading Partner Profile, if it is not assigned,
the system will used the 810 transaction. The system will use the SHIPMENT_DTL_ID2 in the
Arinvoice_Detail table when selecting 'Create EDI File (810)' if the SHIPMENT_DTL_ID field is
null. This allows 810 files to be created for credit memos.

Charge Credit Card - This option will allow users to charge the posted invoice to the customers
credit card. If the charge is approved a pop up prompt to ‘Create Cash Receipt for this Invoice?’
with ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ options will appear. If 'Yes’ is selected a Cash Receipt for that invoice and
invoice amount is created (in CRPREPOST_DETAIL). If ‘No’ is selected the system will not
create Cash Receipt. This pop up includes a 'Do not show next time check box'. The system will
remember the last option selected and use that each time. If the charge is denied (or error and
charge did not go through), the prompt will not appear. There is also a speed button for this
option at the top of the form along with the Attached Credit Card speed button to associate a
credit card to be used for payment. For more information on the Credit Card functionality in
EnterpriseIQ please refer to the Credit Card documentation which can be accessed from the
software (Help->Contents menu), or on MyIQMS in the Support->EnterpriseIQ Manuals section
EnterpriseIQ Manuals

Close - Closes the Posted Invoice screen.

Accounts Receivable Page 140 of 186

Voiding Posted AR Invoices
Several situations may occur requiring an invoice to be voided. Once voided, EnterpriseIQ stores
these voided invoices in a history file showing who it was voided by and for what reason. The
voiding routine will clear all appropriate registers and roll back the transaction.

An invoice cannot be voided if it is on a posted Cash Receipt. If it is associated to a prepost

Cash Receipt a confirm popup message will display with Yes and No buttons: "Entry for this
invoice is found in the Cash Receipts PrePost Table. In order to void the invoice this entry (or
entries) must be deleted. Do you wish to continue and delete those entries?". Yes, will void the
invoice and delete the record from the prepost cash receipt. No will not void the invoice and will
return the user to the Void AR Invoice form.

Packing Slips and Invoices

Remember that most invoices are based on packing slips. Use the following procedure for
determining when and where to void packing slips and invoices:
 If the Packing slip is incorrect, the order has not been closed and the invoice has not been
created, then void the packing slip, recreate the slip and continue with the normal invoicing
 If the packing slip is incorrect and the order has been closed, the user can void the packing
slip. However, the order will have to be reopened to create a new packing slip. This is
accomplished by either creating a new order, or by cloning the original order (refer to the
Manufacturing Manual, Order Entry chapter, for more details). In either case, void the invoice
if it has been created, or make the necessary corrections directly to the invoice.
 If the packing slip is correct, but the invoice is incorrect, void the invoice and recreate it. In
this case, the packing slip will reappear in the Uninvoiced Packing Slips pick list.
 If the packing slip AND the invoice are incorrect, then first void the invoice, then void the
packing slip. Recreate the packing slip and begin the invoice process again.
To VOID a posted invoice, complete the following steps.

 From within the Invoice screen, select the speed button for viewing posted invoices or select
File and click on View Posted Invoices.

 Select the invoice from the pick list.

 Click on the Void button.

 Select “Yes” if this is the invoice you wish to void.

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 The date will default to the current date. The period will default to the current period. Both
of these fields may be changed. To change the date simply type in a different date. To edit
the period click on the button next to the field and choose a different period from the Assign
Period form. The period must be open in order to post, if it is not open a warning message
will appear when the user attempts to post the voided invoice. The user may go to G/L
Account Maintenance to open the period.

 Enter your name as the person completing the transaction in the Voided By field.

 Next, enter in the reason for voiding out this invoice.

 Select the 'Reconstruct AR Prepost Invoice' box to have the system recreate the invoice
being voided. The invoice will be visible from the unposted AR Invoice module and in
Prepost reports.

 Finish by pressing [OK] to void out the invoice.

 You can click on "Yes" to continue on with the voiding process or click on "No" to stop.
These instructions are assuming you have selected "Yes."

 If the voiding process was successful, a prompt will appear indicating that the invoice was

Select “Yes” to print out the After Post Report.

To exit this screen, click on the [X] located in the upper right hand corner, or select File from the
main menu bar and select Exit from the drop down menu. This will return you to the View Posted
Invoices screen.

Note: When users attempt to void a posted AR invoice which has a credit memo associated to it
(either pre-posted or posted) a message will appear stating: 'Invoice cannot be voided.
Associated Credit Memo(s) must be voided first.'

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Viewing Voided AR Invoices
This screen provides all of the details about voided invoices. For example, it shows who
voided an invoice, the date it was voided on, along with a reason.

To VIEW voided invoices:

 Select the View Voided Invoices icon from the main invoice menu bar, or Select File and click
on View Voided Invoices from the drop down menu.

Voided Invoices can be filtered by a particular period, by a single customer, or by all by selecting
one of the speed buttons at the top of the form. When selecting by customer or period a
corresponding pick list will appear to choose the customer or period. The main pick list will then
be filtered based on the selection. Selecting the 'All Invoices' option will display all voided

Each invoice can have documents attached. Select the Documents tab to access them.These
notes may be Internal or External documents, or Email Correspondence.

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Cash Receipts

All transactions involving receipts of cash are recorded in the cash receipts journal.
General Ledger entries are created with a detail or summary posting option for each cash receipt

There are two methods for entering cash receipts:

 Enter a total cash amount received, then apply each check to the invoice(s). The system will
keep track of your balance and will not allow posting until your total equals your checks.
 Enter each check first, without a total, against the invoice. The system will keep track of the
amount entered and will remind the user, prior to posting, to enter the total amount of cash
that was received. Once all receipts are entered, you can transfer the total to the Total field.
Other features and functions available in this section:
 Maintains a complete history of all cash receipts;
 Cash can be entered against a specific invoice, packing slip or applied against the On
Account list;
 Discounts can be entered during the cash receipt process;
 Listing of Cash Receipts;
 View/Print Pre-Post List;
 Posting of Receipts;
 View Posted Cash Receipts;
 Clear accounts (apply credits against invoices).
Receipts can be applied to a specific invoice, packing slip, open account or as an adjustment.
The cash receipts are entered by the amount of each remittance received, and then distributed
over one or more invoices. In the event a mistake was made during the input process, a single
record (or group) can be deleted and re-entered prior to posting.

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Entering Cash Receipts-New Batch
To enter Cash Receipts follow the steps below.

 From the EIQ Launcher Bar click on the Cash Receipt icon. A pick list of existing cash receipts
will appear if there are any, if no records exist in this module it will open directly to the
module. Select New from the pick list to create a new record, or select an existing record to
view/edit. A new record can also be created from the module by clicking on the ADD [+]
function key or select File|New Group to enter cash that was received.

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This form is in three parts - The Group/Total section (upper), the Check Input section (middle)
and the Invoice detail section (lower). Each section contains it’s own navigator, indicating you
can add, edit and delete any entry at any time, until the group is posted.

The lower two sections contain a subtotal section to help show the current balances, amounts
applied, running totals, etc. These values will update as you add or remove various elements of
the invoice information.

Group/Total Section
The top section contains information about this “group” of checks or receipts. EnterpriseIQ
automatically assigns the Group number. This is not the actual batch number. The batch is not
assigned until the group is posted.

You can open as many groups as you like without having to first post the current group. This
allows you to begin one or many cash receipt sessions without having to complete them
immediately. Search for other Groups using the Search icon on the tool bar.

To begin, you can optionally enter the total amount received in this group of checks in the field
entitled “Total.” This value does not need to be filled in until the group is posted. Remember to
save the entry.

Most of the fields shown in gray cannot be edited. These fields will fill in automatically upon
selecting the ADD [+] function. However, you can change the following fields:
 Period - This is the period you are posting to. To change this click on the Edit Period icon and
choose an open period from the Assign Period form. NOTE: The system automatically
changes the posting period to coincide with any cash receipt date change.
 EPlant - Assign an EPlant by clicking on the Assign EPlant icon.
 Bank account - This is the bank account that will be effected by the cash receipt. To change
the bank account click on the Find Bank Account number icon and select from the pick list.
 GL Account - This will be the 'Default AR cash account' assigned on the AR tab in System
Parameters if populated, otherwise it will be the default Cash account from the GL Setup tab
in System Parameters.
 Deposit Date - This is the date of the deposit. To change the date click on the drop down
arrow and select a date from the calendar.
 Currency - This field specifies the currency for the cash receipt if using the multi-currency
option. The currency defaults to the one associated with the bank account. To change the
currency click on the drop down arrow list next to the field. A pick list of bank accounts
associated with that currency will display to choose from.
Multi-Select EPlants - When logged in as 'View All' this feature enables users to select the
EPlant(s) for customer filtering. This enables users to utilize one Checking/Cash Account for
multiple EPlants. When adding details in the middle section, if there is an EPlant filter applied
then the system will only bring up customers assigned to the selected EPlant(s) or ones with no
EPlant. In the bottom Invoice Details section, if there is an EPlant filter applied, when the Show
Open Account option is selected, only the Invoices associated to the EPlant(s) selected will
display. If entering by Invoice # or by Packing Slip, if either is from a different EPlant a warning
will appear stating, "Invoice (or Packing Slip) is from a different EPlant. Proceed?" There is an
OK and Cancel button (with security).

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To choose EPlants to filter by select the 'Filter' button at the top of the form and then select the
EPlant(s) in the Multi-Select form using the toggle buttons or the Shift and Ctrl keyboard buttons.

Note: EPlant specific GL Intercompany accounts must be set up as plugging will not occur. See
Intercompany Setup for details.

Entering Checks
Move to the middle section to enter the actual check(s) and amount(s). To add a check to this

 Select the ADD [+] function key from the Navigator bar for this section. Both the Type field
and Ref/Check Date fields will fill in automatically with default payment type (CHECK), or the
customer's 'Cash Receipts Payment Type' (set in Customer Maintenance->Miscellaneous
tab), and today's date. The user will have the option of being able to change the Type to
specify whether this is a ACH (EFT), Check, Wire Transfer, Lock Box, EDI, Cash, credit card,
PayPal, or Adjustment by clicking on the arrow near the Type field.

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 Select a Customer from the drop down list or search customer option. The list will search for
the Customer name as you type, or use the mouse to find the customer. This field can be
left blank for checks received from non-customers.

 Enter in an optional Ref./Check # (i.e. check number, receipt, deposit number, etc.). You may
also wish to reference non-customer names in this field. If an On Account invoice is created
from this receipt, the information entered in this field is saved in the posted AR Invoice in
the Invoice Note field. This is useful for PO #’s or % down information.

NOTE: If the Refresh details before insert option is checked, users who enter in the same check
number twice will receive a warning message that the check has already been entered and is in
an unposted cash receipt. This feature is located on the menu bar under Options.

 Enter a comment if desired. This comment will also appear on the posted cash receipts form.

 Enter in the total check amount. This is the actual amount of the check for the applicable

 The Bank Deposit Amount field will fill in with the check amount automatically if the currency
for the cash receipt is the same as the currency associated with the customer. If the
currencies are different the system will ask for a Bank Deposit Amount. This is the amount
of the check in the Native currency (the currency associated with the entire cash receipt).
Once this amount is filled in the Exchange Rate will be calculated by the system. To make
the check amount and the Bank Deposit amount equal, click on the = icon next to the field.

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 Additionally the user can enter a bank charge such as a wire transfer fee in this section to
apply the charges to the entire receipt. Enter the charge in the bank charge field and select
the bank charge GL account using the pick list.

In the detail section of cash receipts there is a Documents tab where users can associate
internal or external documents as well as email correspondence to a specific cash receipt
record. This information will also be visible from the posted cash receipts module by selecting
the View Notes speed button.

 Continue adding checks until all of the checks for the deposit have been entered. Save the
entry by clicking on the post edit navigator button.

Cash Receipt Menu Options

File Menu
 New Group - Allows a new group of Cash Receipts to be entered. This is the same as clicking
on the ADD [+] on the top navigator bar.
 Delete a Group... - Allows the user to Delete an entire Group of unposted Cash Receipts. This
is the same as clicking on the DELETE [-] on the top navigator bar.
 View Cash Receipts - Takes the user to the posted Cash Receipts screen.
 Post Group... - Starts the posting process for the Group entered.
 Browse GL Batches - Allows the users to look at all Cash Receipts posting for a specific period.
Once the desired period is chosen, the following screen will appear:

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 Exit - Closes the Cash Receipt screen.
Options Menu
 Show Open Acct. -A check indicates that the Open Acct. method was selected for payment of
 Enter by Purchase Order # - A check indicates that the user will enter invoices for payment by
the purchase order number.
 Enter by invoice # - A check indicates that the user will enter invoices for payment by the
invoice number.
 Enter by Packing Slip - A check indicates that the user will enter invoices for payment by via
Packing Slips.
 Enter Adjustment - A check indicates that the user is entering a cash adjustment.
 Enter by VMI - A check indicates that the user will enter invoices for payment by the VMI
Reference #.
 Insert Multiple invoices - When using the Select by Invoice # option, a check indicates the
system will continue to ask for a new invoice number until you select cancel or close the
Invoice number screen.
 Refresh details before insert - This is to check against entering the same check number in
multiple groups. If checked, the system will verify that the check# has not already been
entered in the current Group or any other unposted Group.
 Include prospect customers - Check this option to include CRM Prospects.
 Realize Gain and Loss on Move Transactions - For multi-currency users. With this checked the
system will realize a gain/loss during a move if the AR invoice is at one Fx rate but then
when received it is at another Fx rate. For example: if a USD EPlant sells to a CDN customer
the posting is to AR, AR fx, and Income. Then if the USD EPlant receives from that customer
in CDN currency, the system 'moves' the Fx from AR fx to Cash fx, where there potentially is
a gain or loss.
 Calculate discount based on Invoice subtotal (excluding sales tax and freight) - If this option is
checked, in the lower grid when calculating 'Avail. Discount' using the AR terms, the system
will not include the invoice sales tax and freight, the discount only applies to subtotal of
 Print - displays the reports available to print.
 Printer Setup - allows the user to setup the specific printer.
Help Menu
 Contents - launches HTML Help.
 About - displays version number and date of the EnterpriseIQ system.

Note: The Cash Receipt form cannot be opened multiple times. If it is minimized and the user
selects the module icon to open the module, the minimized screen will open and not a new one.

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Applying Cash
The bottom section is where the receipts are applied to specific records such as invoices,
packing slip, adjustments, or on account.

Field Listing:
Invoice # This will fill in with the selected invoice number.
Inv. Date The date of the invoice.
Due Date The due date of the invoice.

Reference and This is the reference code description and code. The user may associate the cash
Ref. Code receipt with a reference code by selecting from the pick list. Reference codes are used
to provide additional descriptive information about the GL entry.
Comment A comment can be entered in this field for the specific record.

Notes 1-3 These fields are from the top section of the AR invoice and will display the data from the
invoice if applicable.

Cust # and The custom number and name associated to the invoice.
Curr. Bal The current balance of the invoice.
Amount The amount being applied to this cash receipt. This will fill in with the whole amount if
the amount of the record in the middle section is greater or equal. If it is not the user will
see a warning stating. "Not all the amounts were applied in full, since the amount of the
check is not enough to cover them." The amount that the system is able to apply will fill
in. For example, if the amount of the check is 7500 and the invoice is for 10000, the
system will populate the amount field with 7500. The amount in the pending balance
due field will be 2500.
Terms The terms from the invoice.

Adj/Dep Acct When the On Account or Misc button is selected the user selects the account where the
receipt will be posted to. The field will populate with the selected GL account and

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Available The system calculates if the customer payment is within the discount date by the check
Discount date entered in second section. If a discount applies, the discount amount will be
displayed in the Avail. Discount field. The value is calculated based on the full AR
invoice total, which does include freight and tax.
Applied Discount To accept the available discount, click the Apply All Discounts or Apply Discount button
on the lower form. Apply all discounts applies discounts to all invoices against the
customer's check or Apply discount only applies the discount to the invoice that is
selected. This automatically transfers the Avail. Discount value to the Applied Discount
field. EIQ will automatically reduce the amount field by the discount amount.
Disc. Account This is the account where the discount amount will be posted to. The system will use
the default AR Discount GL account setup in System Parameters. To assign a different
GL account select the search button and select the account from the pick list.
Pending Bal. Due This is the Current Balance Due less Pending Cash Receipts and Discounts. It is
calculated: Current Balance - Amount Applied - Discount Applied.
Packing Slip # The field will list the Packing slips that make up the Invoice and includes a scroll bar to
move up/down the field. The list shows unique PS#’s so if multiple line items were on
the invoice, it will only appear once in this list.

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There are several different methods of applying cash towards an invoice:
 Apply cash towards a Specific Invoice
 Apply cash to an Open Account
 Apply cash by a specific packing slip#
 Apply cash by a specific purchase order#
 Enter an Adjustment
 Enter by VMI Reference number
 Enter On Account or Miscellaneous
Applying Cash to a Specific Invoice or Multiple Invoice’s
This option should be selected if you know the specific invoice number that you would like to
apply the receipt towards. When selecting invoices ‘by number’, an added ability to do multiple
invoice numbers in a row is available. Check the ‘Insert Multiple Invoices’ feature found under
the Options menu. The invoice number prompt will continue to appear for multiple invoices to be
entered. If you do not know the specific invoice, use the Show Open Account feature.

A Single Check received for multiple customers can be applied through one cash receipt. In the
middle grid of the cash receipts screen, enter in the customer who you received the check from.
In the bottom grid, select enter by invoice number, you can now type in an invoice that is not
attached to the customer in the middle grid. Users will receive a warning but are allowed to
continue. This should be used when one company is paying invoices for multiple sub-companies
and they all have separate customer numbers in EnterpriseIQ.

To ENTER cash received towards a specific invoice:

In the lower grid:

 Select the Enter By Invoice # button.

 Next, click on the ADD [+] function key.

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 Enter the specific invoice number in the dialog box displayed, then click [OK]. If the invoice
cannot be found, an error message is displayed. If the invoice is not associated to the
customer in the middle section a warning will appear stating ‘Invoice number: xxxx does not
belong to this customer or eplant, do you want to continue’.

 If there are more than one invoice with the entered number a form will appear for the user
to choose the correct invoice(s).

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 The amount field will contain either the amount that pays the invoice, or the total amount of
the check. The user can apply a discount at this point, or select the SAVE function. Saving
updates the running totals.

 To ENTER cash received towards multiple invoice’s, on the main menu bar under Options
select insert multiple invoice’s and follow the procedure above. The system will continue to
ask for a new invoice number until you select cancel or close the invoice number screen.

EIQ calculates if the customer payment is within discount date by the check date entered in
second section. If a discount applies, the discount amount will be displayed in the Avail. Discount
field. To accept this value, click the Apply All Discounts or Apply Discount button on the lower form.
Apply all discounts applies discounts to all invoices against the customer's check or Apply
discount only applies the discount to the invoice that is selected. This automatically transfers the
Avail. Discount value to the Applied Discount field. EIQ will automatically reduce the amount of the
invoice by the discount amount. Make any modifications to the discount in this field. The sum of
the discounts applied in the lower grid to the one check will display in the Tot. Appl. Disc. field at
the bottom of the middle section. If the Pending Bal. Due would result in a negative number
based on the calculation from the Current Balance less Amount Applied less Discount Applied a
warning will pop up stating, 'Amount to be Applied ($####) plus Applied Discount ($###) is
greater than the Invoice Total ($###).' Security is available for the OK and Do not show next time
check box.

Note: If the customer is past their discount date, the available discount field will not display the
discount amount. The user must manually calculate and enter the discount amount in this field
and manually reduce the amount applied by that much.

 If there is still cash remaining to be distributed, continue applying to invoices until there is a
zero balance remaining. If the invoice is overpaid, the overpayment will show up as a credit
under the “Open to Buy” field in the Customer's Account Status.

NOTE: The Applied So Far value, shown between the middle and lower windows, will update
showing the application of the cash to date.

EnterpriseIQ will not allow the group to be posted until the Left to Apply value is zero.

Use the Form/Table toggle on the lower grid to show more than one application record at a time.

Applying Cash to an Open Account

The Open account posting routine is similar to the Specific Invoice method, except that all invoices
for a particular customer are displayed, in entry order, and the operator may choose one or more
invoices to apply payment against. The list is filtered by the EPlant the user is logged into.

When using the multi-select option, note that the application of payment is made based on the
order the invoices are selected. Therefore, you can easily select the same invoices as shown on
the check stub.

Disputed invoices or invoices with special terms can be skipped.

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Hint: You should always use the multi-select function when applying open credits to invoices or
select the open credit speed button first. Example: A customer sends a check for $2000.00
paying a $1,200.00 and $1,500.00 invoice and using the $700.00 credit that was issued last
month. The user should select all three items (by pressing the [Control] key and clicking on each
one) and then press “Assign selected to the cash receipts.” If the user assigns the invoices one
at a time, once the cash to apply has run out, an invoice will show short-paid. Once the credit
memo has been applied, the user would need to go back and enter the full amount of the short
paid invoice manually.

The following section describes the Open Account method.

 Select the Show Open Account button as shown here first.

 Next, click on the ADD [+] function key.

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A listing of all open invoices for this customer will be displayed on the screen. The Pending
column is the amount that is on an open cash receipt (invoice assigned with X amount to be
applied when posted). The pick list includes invoice information such as invoice #, invoice totals,
invoice date, due date, currency, and the Bill To company name. The Original invoice's balance
is calculated as the invoice total reduced by any credit memos, applied cash receipts and
applied discounts if applicable. It also includes a field for 'todays discount' which is calculated the
same as ‘ Available Discount’ which is displayed once invoice is selected (see above).

Select the invoice that cash is being applied to by clicking on that field with the mouse. The line
item will be blue once selected.

 You can also select multiple invoices for payment. Hold down the [Ctrl] key and click on
individual invoices of choice or hold down the [Shift] key to select a range of invoices. (The
user may also use the toggle buttons in the top right of the form). The entries will change
color to denote that they have been selected.

 The bottom of the form will show the amount to be applied (based on the amount received
in the middle section), the Applied so far (based on selected invoices) and Left to apply (To
Be Applied - Applied so far).

 Once the invoice or invoices are selected, click on the Assign Selected to cash receipts
button to apply the cash. Select Close to return to the main cash receipt entry screen.
Should a mistake be made during the selection process, the user can delete the entry and
select a different invoice.

NOTE: A warning will be displayed if the total deposit is less than the total of the invoices selected
(Short Pay).

The value which appears in the field entitled “Amount” will be either the invoice balance or the
amount of money to distribute, whichever is less. Notice that when multiple invoices have been
applied to the cash receipt, the information for just one will appear in the form view. The user
can scroll to the other records or to see the multiple records on one screen click on the toggle
button to view the bottom section in grid format.

Applying Cash by Packing Slip

To ENTER cash received by packing slip number, go to the lower grid.

 Select the enter by packing slip # button.

 Next, click on the ADD (+) function key.

 A list of packing slips associated to the customer will appear. The list is filtered by the EPlant
the user is logged into. Select the packing slip(s) and apply them to the cash receipt in the
same manner as described above in the Show Open Account option.

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 There is also an option to do multiple packing slip numbers in a row is (similar to the
multiple invoice option). Check the ‘Insert Multiple Packing Slips’ feature found under the
Options menu. The packing slip number prompt will continue to appear for multiple packing
slips to be entered. If the packing slip number that was entered does not belong to the
customer a confirm message will appear stating, ‘Packing Slip does not belong to this
Customer. Do you wish to continue?’. Select Yes to add the packing slip to this receipt, or No
to enter a different packing slip number. If an invoice is not associated to the packing slip an
error will appear stating, 'No invoices for Pack Slip# 'xxxx' found.', and the packing slip will
not be applied to the cash receipt.

Applying Cash by Purchase Order

To ENTER cash received by purchase order number, go to the lower grid.

 Select the enter by purchase order # button.

 Next, click on the ADD (+) function key.

 A list of purchase orders associated to the customer will appear. The list is filtered by the
EPlant the user is logged into. (This will include POs from both archived and non-archived
sales orders). Select the purchase order(s). Select multiple records for payment using the
Shift or Ctrl keyboard buttons, or use the toggle buttons in the top right of the form. The
entries will change color to denote that they have been selected. Once the invoice or records
are selected, click on the Assign Selected to cash receipts button to apply the cash. Select
Close to return to the main cash receipt entry screen.

Enter by VMI Reference Number

To ENTER cash received by VMI Reference number, go to the lower grid.

 Select the enter by VMI Reference # button.

 Next, click on the ADD (+) function key.

 If you know the specific VMI Reference number, enter it in the dialog box displayed, then
click [OK]. If the VMI Reference number is associated to more than one invoice, a list of
invoices with that VMI Reference number will be displayed for the user to select the specific

Right Click Options

 From the bottom section the user can right click to sort the list of checks for use in the table
 Unapplied Amount - Select this option to calculate the amount that has not been applied. A pop
up box with the unapplied value will appear.
 IT1 Items - This is used in conjunction with EDI (electronic receipt of cash receipts). This
brings up a form which allows the user to apply cash at the line item level.
Enter On Account or Miscellaneous

Accounts Receivable Page 158 of 186

Use this function for over-payments, pre-paid deposits, and miscellaneous adjustments.
During application of Cash Receipts, any amount not specifically applied to an invoice is placed
ON Account. ON Account amounts are listed and treated as outstanding credits/debits to the
Cash Receipt entry from which they were created.

On Account amounts may be applied to any invoice during subsequent cash receipts

For miscellaneous cash received, do not select a customer in middle section just put in the check
number and amount. Enter the dollar amount and select a GL account for application in the
bottom section. As long as a customer is not selected in the middle section the cash receipt will
not appear on the aging report.

Use the On Account feature when adjusting the customer's account and no dollars are involved,
for example:
 For writing off the amount due or owed to bad debt or other GL account.
 When the customer taking their credit to be applied against another invoice or a
reimbursement check is issued.
 To enter a cash receipt using the On Account button, click on the Enter On Acct or Misc. button
and the click on the Add [+] function key.

 Select an account from the General Ledger account pick list and press [Select]. The
workstation’s screen should resemble the one as shown above.

 Note for Multi-Currency users: Where the bank and customer are foreign and an
overpayment is put to an ONAcct invoice, the system will look to see if the GL account
selected in the bottom grid for the adjustment has an Fx account in order to reconcile the Fx
for the bank account. If the GL account selected in the bottom grid does not have an Fx
account associated to it, the system will use the foreign exchange account found in system

Note: ONACCT will show as a credit balance on the customer aging; to balance the aging to the
General Ledger, be sure to select the Accounts Receivable GL account. The invoice date will
equal the deposit date from the Cash Receipt group.

 Next, enter in the Amount to Apply and remember to Save the entry by selecting the Post/Edit
function key located on the Navigator bar in this section. If additional funds are still needing
to be distributed, follow the steps as mentioned above until the Total Remaining to be
Distributed field is zero.

Notes: When using the On Account option discounts are not allowed. If information is entered in
the applied discount amount and discount account fields the user will receive an error stating,
'Discounts not allowed for On Acct. or Misc entries'.

The information entered in the Ref./Check # field will display in the Invoice Notes for the On
Account invoice.

Accounts Receivable Page 159 of 186

Cash Receipt Examples
The sections below list a few of the non-typical cash receipts scenarios that may occur and the
steps required to enter them:

Refunding a Customer
Occasionally you may have to refund a customer. Below gives a two step option for creating a
refund within EnterpriseIQ:
1 Create a quick check in cash disbursements; select a holding/suspense G/L account to
offset cash.
2 In Cash Receipts, select adjustment in the middle section, zero dollars. In the third section
apply the credit invoice, the Amount field should be 0, enter the credit amount as a negative
in the Discount field. Change your discount account to the holding/suspense G/L account
selected when the quick check was created.

Writing off a Bad Debt (Credit memo is larger than the invoice)
When applying a credit memo to an invoice, and writing off the remainder of the credit memo to
“Bad Debt”, the bottom section of the cash receipt will have two entries.
 Select adjustment in the middle section, zero dollars.
 Select ADD (+) in the bottom section and pull in the invoice to be applied to the credit memo.
The amount field below the invoice amount field should reflect the full amount of the invoice.
 Select ADD (+) again and select the credit invoice.
 Write the remainder of the credit memo to bad debt by typing in the difference in the Applied
Discount field and selecting the bad debt G/L account using the pick list.

Miscellaneous Cash Received

To enter miscellaneous cash received that you do not want to appear on the aging report be
sure to not select a customer in the middle section. Only enter the amount and the check number
in the middle section. Then enter the amount and adjustment GL account number in the bottom

Apply Credit Memos

To apply a credit memo for the exact dollar amount of an invoice please follow the steps in the
example below:
1 To apply a $100 credit memo to a $100 invoice the user can create a separate cash receipt
batch or include it in a batch with multiple customers/invoices. In the top section if you are
not applying any other invoices and receiving cash for them, do not enter an amount in the
Total field, as zero dollars will be posted to your cash account for this transaction.
2 In the middle section do not include a dollar amount here either unless receiving more cash
and paying other invoices for this specific customer.

Accounts Receivable Page 160 of 186

3 In the bottom section bring over the credit memo first and then the invoice using the Enter by
Invoice option. Or you may multi select the credit memo and invoice if using the Open
Account option. Post the batch to clear the credit memo and invoice from the aging report.

Credit Card Cash Receipts

Charging from Cash Receipts
Users can charge a credit card from the Cash Receipts module. In the lower section there are
two credit card related buttons, one to associate a credit card and one to charge the credit card.
Select the Attached Credit Card button to associate a credit card that will be used to pay the
invoice(s). The Attached Credit Card form will appear from which the user can select a card
already associated to the customer or create a new card or clear the current attached card.
Select the Charge Credit Card button to bring up the Charge form to process the credit card
transaction for the specific invoice(s). Note: Only the highlighted invoice will be brought over to
the charge screen. However, additional invoices can be added to the charge by selecting the
'Edit List' button next to the Invoice # field on the Special Fields tab.

Charging from Invoices and Sales Orders

Credit Card Settlement - The Credit Card Settlement screen is used to settle the credit card
transaction. When a credit card payment is “settled,” the funds are transferred from the customer
account to the vendor account. When charging a credit card from an invoice, after settling the
transaction and then posting the invoice, a cash receipt is automatically created. (The Credit
Card Settlement module is a separate speed button on the AR tab of the launcher bar).

When charging from a Sales Order the On Account option can be selected. Check this box to
automatically post cash immediately upon settlement instead of waiting for the actual sales
invoice to be generated. This option will be available when charging a credit card from a sales
order (not from invoices).

Accounts Receivable Page 161 of 186

When the transaction is settled the system will populate the cash receipt detail record as if cash
had been posted on account. Upon Posting AR Invoices the system will match the 'On Account'
AR invoice to the just posted invoice and create an automatic entry in cash receipts to apply
them to each other.

Note: For complete information on using credit cards in EnterpriseIQ please see the Credit Card

Post CR Batch (group)

When all receipts have been entered, and the totals have been checked, post the entries to the
General Ledger. This process will print a batch report, update the General Ledger, Accounts
Receivable, Customer Maintenance, and the Cash Receipts files.

To POST the cash receipts:

 Select File / Post Batch..., or select the Post Group button located on the main menu bar.

Accounts Receivable Page 162 of 186

 The G/L Batch Date defaults to ‘Deposit Date’ from the cash receipt. Select the correct date
from the pop up calendar.

 If the Batch Date selected does not fall within the Period date of the transaction then a
warning message surfaces stating: "The Batch date (mm/dd/yyyy) does not fall within the
Period dates (mm/dd/yyyy – mm/dd/yyyy), Continue posting?".
 When 'No' is selected the warning message is closed and the user is brought back to the
cash receipt to either change the Date of the cash receipt or Post again to select a different
Batch Date.
 When 'Yes' is selected the cash receipt is posted.
 The warning has a 'Do not show next time' box that when checked the warning will not

NOTE: Any transaction in EnterpriseIQ that affects the cash account must have a batch date that
corresponds to the period posting to and the actual date of the CD, CR or GJ.

If the batch posted successfully, a prompt will appear similar to the one shown above. The cash
applied will print out on the aging until the month end closing routine clears any zero balance
invoices. The clearing routine is based on the period in which the cash receipt was posted.

If the invoice has already been paid and the user tries posting the batch, an error will occur. The
error may look something like the following:

Accounts Receivable Page 163 of 186

Deleting a CR Group
This function is used to eliminate a group of receipts that have been entered in error. Delete the
batch and re-enter the remittance correctly.

To DELETE a batch of receipts:

 Select File from the main menu bar and click on Delete Group. . . from the prompt that will be
shown or click on the DELETE [-] button at the top of the form.

 Select "Yes" to remove the batch that you entered. By eliminating a group, you in effect
place the files in the condition as if that remittance had never been entered. The user can
then return to the input routine and re-enter the remittance correctly.

Deleting a Single Entry

If the user wishes to delete an entry made in the middle or bottom sections on the Cash
Receipts screen, click on the DELETE [-] function key on the Navigator bar to remove that entry
and start again.

Accounts Receivable Page 164 of 186

View Cash Receipts
All entered and posted cash receipts can be viewed by selecting File|View Cash Receipts or the
Speed Button located on the menu bar. The receipts can be viewed at a glance by selecting the
Table/Form view toggle or each record may be viewed individually. Use the search button to find
a specific record, the pick list includes the customer, check number, amount, batch, and date

Three options are available to view the posted Cash Receipts:

View ALL Cash Receipts--Allows the user to be able to view every Cash Receipt that has been

View Cash Receipts by CUSTOMER--Enables the user to see the Cash Receipts have been
posted for that particular customer. The screen header shows the name of the customer that is
being viewed.

View Cash Receipts by PERIOD--Allows the option of being able to view Cash Receipts posted
to a particular period.The screen header indicates the selected Period.

Accounts Receivable Page 165 of 186

Notice that as you scroll through each record (while in the Table form view), the information at
the bottom of the screen also changes to match the record that is highlighted at that time.

View Documents and Email Correspondence

Select the 'View Notes' speed button to access Internal and External documents as well as
Email Correspondence associated to the cash receipt detail record. To return to the cash
receipts view select the 'Check Information' speed button.

Void Cash Receipts

To void a Cash Receipt, from the 'View Cash Receipts' screen (which is accessed from the main
Cash Receipts form by selecting File/View Cash Receipts) go to File/Void Cash Receipts.

 Select yes to confirm you wish to void this Cash Receipt. If the cash receipt has been cleared
in the bank manager a warning will appear stating this and the cash receipt cannot be

 Confirm the void date and enter name of person voiding and the reason for the void.

Accounts Receivable Page 166 of 186

Select the 'Reconstruct Cash Receipts Prepost' option to have the system recreate the cash
receipt being voided. It will be visible in the unposted cash receipts module.

 Click OK. The system will ask the user to Confirm the void.

Note: For Cash Receipts posted prior to the 7/12/1999 update cannot be voided, an exception
error will be raised.

 Void Cash Receipt Report can be printed at this point.

View Voided Cash Receipts

Voided Cash Receipts can viewed by selecting File/View Voided Cash Receipt from the View Cash
Receipts screen. The Void Date, the person who voided the Cash Receipt, the reason, and
much of the information from the original cash receipt are displayed.

 Three options are available to view the Voided Cash Receipts:

View ALL Voided Cash Receipts--Allows the user to be able to view every voided Cash Receipt
that has been posted.

View Voided Cash Receipts by CUSTOMER--Enables the user to see the voided Cash Receipts
have been posted for that particular customer. The screen header shows the name of the
customer that is being viewed.

View Voided Cash Receipts by PERIOD--Allows the option of being able to view voided Cash
Receipts posted to a particular period.The screen header indicates the selected Period.

Accounts Receivable Page 167 of 186

Dunning Letters

The Dunning Letters module allows the user to create letters to send by mail or email to
customers regarding past due invoices. Dunning Groups are created and specific letters (Crystal
reports) with the desired language are linked to each group. Letters can be created for each
group for multiple levels of dunning with each level having somewhat stronger language
requesting payment. Then customers are linked to a dunning group in the Customer
Maintenance module.

The Dunning Letters module will evaluate if customers in all groups have any past due invoices
and create the dunning letter automatically if required. The posted past due invoices will
automatically be marked with the dunning level associated to the last letter sent. If the customer
still does not pay a past due invoice, additional letters for subsequent levels can be sent based
on the levels of letters created in the dunning module. Each time a new letter is sent the posted
AR invoice gets updated with the next Dunning Level number. This allows the user to track what
dunning letter has been sent for each specific past due invoice.

To access the Dunning Letters module go to the AR tab on the launcher bar and select the
Dunning Letters button.

The following form will appear:

Accounts Receivable Page 168 of 186

Create a New Dunning Group
Groups are used in order to assign specific dunning letters to a specific group. And then
customers are assigned to a group in order for them to receive the correct letter.

Select the ADD (+) button to create a new group. Type the Group name in the field and save the

Letters - Select the ADD (+) button in the Letters section to assign specific letters to as many
Dunning Levels as desired. A form will appear with the list of Crystal Reports to choose from.
There are three default dunning letters created by IQMS (i.e. dunning _seq1.rpt). Crystal reports
with your desired language must be created before this step. Find the desired report and select
Open. This will assign the report to the Dunning Level. Enter a Description in the field describing
the Dunning Level. The Dunning Level, Date Added, and User ID will fill in automatically.

The Email Subject field is used to enter the email subject for the letter when the dunning letters
are emailed instead of printed. For contacts that have the 'Email Dunning' option checked
(Customer Maintenance->Contacts and Bill To tabs) the system will email the letter instead of
printing it.

If a customer has no contacts flagged with 'Email Dunning', then the letter will be printed, and
not emailed. By contrast, if the customer has even just one contact flagged as 'Email Dunning',
the letter will be emailed and not printed.

Once all letters are assigned to all desired dunning levels the group is complete.

If the letter sequence needs to be adjusted the user can use the Move Up and Move Down
buttons in the Letters section to change the sequences. Both the Description and Report will
change sequence numbers based on the arrow selected.

Continue this process until all groups have been created.

Associating a Dunning Group to the Customer

To associate a specific Group to a customer, go to the Customer Maintenance module. On the
Customer/Credit Data -> Credit Status tab on the Customer Maintenance form there are two
fields related to Dunning Letters.
 Dunning Group - Select the Group to associate with the specific customer from the drop down
list. The Groups created in the Dunning Letters module will be listed here. If no group is
selected dunning letters will not be created for the customer.
 Exclude from Dunning - If the customer is assigned a Dunning Group but you do not want
letters to be sent, check this box. If this option is selected the Customer will be excluded from
the Dunning Letters process.
The posted AR Invoice also has an exclude option. If the user does not want a specific posted
invoice to be included in the dunning letter process they can check the 'Exclude from Dunning'
box on the actual posted invoice.

Accounts Receivable Page 169 of 186

Creating Dunning Letters
Once Groups are created and assigned to Customers the actual Dunning letters can be created.
The Dunning Letters are created for all groups at one time.

From the Dunning Letters module select the Send Dunning Letters speed button (or select
Send Dunning Letters from the File menu).

A form will appear listing all the past due invoices associated with the customers that are linked
to the Dunning group. This form will display each invoice number, invoice date, last pay date,
amount left to apply, due date, days late, and billing address information.

Accounts Receivable Page 170 of 186

In the example above ABC00 will be sent the letter associated with Dunning Level 5 because
the invoices are currently at Dunning Level 4 and DUK00 will be sent the second letter because
the past due invoices are currently at level 1.

To create the letters select the Send button or select 'Send Dunning Letters' from the File menu.
A confirmation box will appear. Select 'Yes' to create the letters.

Another form will appear displaying the status of the letters:

Accounts Receivable Page 171 of 186

This form shows the progress of the letter creation and creates text defining what was done. In
the example it displays the letter sent to each customer. To save this log, select the Save Log
button and select the file to save it to in the Save As form. By default a letter is printed unless
the contact has the 'Email Dunning' box checked in Customer Maintenance->Contacts and Bill
To tabs.

The summary section displays the number of total recipients, the number of letters sent, number
of failures, and the calculated rate (Sent divided by total Recipients). The elapsed time is how
long the process took.

Note: The generation of letters will fail if the customer is at the highest level, as the system does
not have a letter to generate. The Generate Dunning Letters screen will display a message,
'Failed: Dunning level greater than available levels in group'. A new level can be created, or the
Dunning Level sequence can be changed on the posted AR invoices.

Once completed the user can select the Back button to return to the invoice list or close out of
the form by selecting the X.

Each time a letter is sent the Dunning Level in the posted AR Invoice will automatically be

Accounts Receivable Page 172 of 186

If the user does not want a specific posted invoice to be included in the dunning letter process
the 'Exclude from Dunning' box on the actual posted invoice can be checked.

NOTE: If a failure with the letter occurs the Dunning Level sequence number will still be updated.
To return the invoice to a prior level the user must adjust the level on each invoice using the
arrow buttons next to the field or typing over the current level. One way to access all invoices for
editing the level is from the Customer Status module. The user can right click on the listed
invoices and select Jump to AR Invoice then change the Dunning Level.

Additional Options
Customer Status - Access to the Customer Status module is available from the View menu in the
Dunning Letters module. After selecting this option a customer pick list will appear, select the
desired customer and the status form will appear to view aging and specific invoice information.

Associated Customers - From the View menu the user can view the customer associated with the
current group. This option is also available by selecting the 'View Customers associated with this
Dunning Letter Group' speed button.

Associated Invoices - From the View menu the user can view the invoices associated with the
current group. This option is also available by selecting the arrow down button next to the 'View
Customers associated with this Dunning Letter Group' speed button and selecting Associated
Invoices. Note: Any invoices that are marked as exclude from dunning will not be displayed in
the window of associated invoices.

Force SMTP - Select this option (Options menu) to Force SMTP email.

The Rebate Management module enables users to manage rebate programs. This tool uses
pricing data and user-defined rules and formulas to calculate rebate amounts. In addition to
basic percentage rebate per selected items, rules can be based on total sales volume such as:
$X dollar rebate per $Y total purchases over a certain time frame. The rebates can be set up to
be in effect on a temporary basis by entering effective and inactive dates on the parameter.
These rebate methods can be associated to inventory items, AKA items, customers, and
customer ship-to’s.

Rebates are only issued once AR Invoices are paid in full. Rebates can be satisfied via a cash
disbursement or a credit toward purchases.

Accounts Receivable Page 173 of 186

Rebate Parameters
The Rebate Parameter module is used to define the rules for each rebate type.

Access the rebate parameters from the AR tab on the launcher bar.

Description The description of the rebate parameter.

Based On Choose Items or Total Sales from the drop down list.
For Items the system will look for inventory items or AKA items,
Customers, or Customer Ship To’s with a rebate parameter associated
to it to calculate rebates. When a sales order is created for a customer
or item with a rebate parameter, the rebate parameter will populate
automatically on the line item on the sales order.
The Total Sales option can be based on total sales volume such as $X
dollar rebate per $Y total purchases over a certain time frame.
Percent The rebate can be calculated as a percentage by entering a value in
this field. The system will create a rebate based on this percentage
multiplied by the total before taxes.
Flat Amount If the rebate is a flat amount enter the value in this field.
Note: The Percent and Flat Amount fields are mutually exclusive. The
system will not allow a value to be entered in both fields at the same
GL Account The rebate GL expense account.
Exclude Check this box to exclude commissions. When calculating commissions
Commissions the system will exclude the rebate amount.
Cash Back Check this box if it is a cash back rebate. This is informational only, and
can be used for reporting purposes.

Accounts Receivable Page 174 of 186

Effective/Inactive Select the effective and inactive dates using the drop down calendars.
Dates These dates will be used to determine if the customer should receive
the rebate.
User Fields There are three alpha-numeric fields and three numeric fields that can
be used for reporting purposes. Right click on the field name and select
‘Define Label Text’ to change the name of the field.

Accounts Receivable Page 175 of 186

Assigning Rebate Parameters
Once rebate parameters are set up they can be assigned to specific inventory items on the AKA
Selling tab or Additional tab in Master Inventory, or to customers on the Additional tab or the
Ship To->Details tab.

The hierarchy used to determine the rebate parameter to associate with the line item on a sales
order is:

• AKA Selling

• Inventory Item

• Customer Ship To

• Customer

When a Sales Order is created the system will populate the Rebate Parameter field based on
this hierarchy. Then when an AR Invoice associated to the sales order is paid in full the system
will add it to the Rebate Management form when the calculate button is selected.

A rebate parameter can be manually added to a sales order by selecting one from the pick list
accessed by clicking on the ellipsis button. To remove a rebate parameter from the line item,
right click and select 'Clear Rebate Parameter'.

Assign to AKA Selling

From the AKA Selling tab select the ellipsis button in the Rebate Parameter field and select the
rebate parameter from the pick list.

Assign To Inventory

Accounts Receivable Page 176 of 186

Select the Rebate Parameter associated to the item from the pick list accessed with the search
button next to this field.

Assigning Rebate Parameters to a Customer or Customer Ship To

Select the search button next to the Rebate Parameter field and select the desired Rebate
Parameter from the pick list.

The Rebate Parameter field for a customer is located on the Miscellaneous tab. The Rebate
Parameter field for a customer ship to address is located on the Details tab associated to the
Ship To record.

Accounts Receivable Page 177 of 186

Rebate Manager
The rebate calculations are done from the Rebate Manager module.

Access this module from the AR tab on the launcher bar .

Accounts Receivable Page 178 of 186

This form will list any existing rebates. The information displayed can be filtered to show All,
Open, or Closed rebates by selecting one of the views from the Options menu.

The top section lists the Rebate # along with the customer and total value information.

The middle section displays the AR invoices that are paid in full with the calculated rebate value
based on the rebate parameter. This section also includes approved information.

The lower section displays the details associated to the highlighted invoice such as, sales order
#, item information, rebate parameter, and total rebate.

Calculate Rebates
To calculate rebates select the calculate speed button or select ‘Calculate’ from the Options

The Calculate process goes out and looks at all AR invoices which are paid in full and have a
total rebate amount, and where the rebate calculation date is null. The system will create a
record in Rebate Manager form using the next sequential rebate #.

Approve or Deny Rebate

From the middle section users can approve or deny specific rebates. Highlight the rebates in the
middle section using the toggle buttons or the Ctrl and Shift keyboard buttons. Then select the
Approve (green check mark) or Deny (red x) button to approve or deny the highlighted rebates.

When a rebate is approved the Approved By and Date Approved fields will populate with the
user name that approved the record and the date it was approved.

An approved record can be toggled to not approved by selecting the deny button. This will
remove the information from the Approved By and Date Approved fields.

Creating Credit Memos or Cash Disbursements

A credit memo can be created by selecting 'Create Credit Memo' from the Rebate Manager
Options menu. A credit memo will be created for the approved rebates. If the rebate is not
approved a status exception warning will display with Ok and Cancel buttons. If the user does
not have security to select OK they will not be able to proceed. The credit memo will include a
miscellaneous line item for each rebate. The Invoice Note field will populate with 'Credit: Rebate
#x'. Select 'View Credit Memo' from the Options menu to view the Credit memo invoice.

Accounts Receivable Page 179 of 186

Currently the process for reimbursing a customer for an approved rebate by creating a cash
disbursement is is done by manually using the typical functionality described in the help files.

Accounts Receivable Page 180 of 186



A Voiding Posted Invoices • 141

Add Amortization Item • 101
Accounts Receivable • 3
Additional AR Invoice Information • 105
Cash Receipts • 144
Address Validation • 52
Customer Maintenance • 4 All Customers Invoicing Option • 119
Account Status • 84 Apply Credit Memos • 160
Auto Invoicing Setup • 15 Applying Cash • 151
Bill To Information • 56 Cash Receipts • 144
Contacts • 25 Customer Maintenance • 4
Account Status • 84
Credit/Sales Information • 9
Bill To Information • 56
Customer Data Field • 4
Contacts • 25
Distribution Centers • 71
Credit/Sales Information • 9
Documents • 62
Customer Data Field Listing • 4
Freight/Carrier Rules • 16
Distribution Centers • 71
Generate Finance Charges • 69
Documents • 62
Inventory Pricing Maintenance • 72
Generate Finance Charges • 69
Misc tab • 18
Inventory Pricing Maintenance • 72
Sales Analysis • 88
Sales Analysis • 88
Ship To Information • 35
Ship To Information • 35
User Fields • 61
Dunning Letters • 168 User Fields • 61
Invoicing • 93 Dunning Letters • 168
Auto Invoicing • 120 Invoicing • 93
Auto Invoicing • 120
Field Listing • 95
Field Listing • 95
Free Form/Misc. Invoicing • 111
Free Form/Misc. Invoicing • 111
From Packing Slip • 112
From Packing Slip • 112
From Sales Order • 94
From Sales Order • 94
Methods • 93
Posting Invoices • 133
Posting Invoices • 133
Viewing Posted Invoices • 136
Viewing Posted Invoices • 136
Voiding Posted Invoices • 141
Viewing Voided Invoices • 143
AR Invoice Field Listing • 95
182 Index

AR Invoicing Methods • 93 Credit Memos in Cash Receipts • 160

Attached Credit Card • 109 Credit Status Tab • 9
Auto EForm • 25 Current Status • 85
Auto Invoicing • 120 Customer
Auto Invoicing Setup • 15 EMail Correspondance • 62
Auto Invoicing Tab • 15 Customer Account Status • 84
Customer Categories • 74
B Customer Contacts • 25
Bad Debt, Writing off In Cash Recipts • 160 Customer Ledger Inquiry • 92
Bill To Information • 56 Customer Maintenance • 4
Bill To Information for Customer • 56 Account Status • 84
Build Unit Price Account Split • 101, 104 Customer Ledger Inquiry • 92
C Auto Invoicing Setup • 15
Bill To Information • 56
Calculate Credit Limit • 90 Commission% • 9
Calculating the Must Ship Date • 53 Contacts • 25
Cash in Advance Invoicing • 122 Credit Cards • 109
Cash Receipt Examples • 160 Credit/Sales Information • 9
Cash Receipts • 144 Currency • 4
Apply Credit Memos • 160 Customer Data Field Listing • 4
Applying Cash by Packing Slip • 151 Distribution Centers • 71
Applying Cash to an Open Account • 151 Distribution Info • 53
Applying Cash to Invoices • 151 Documents • 62
Bank Deposit Amount • 145 Dunning • 168
Deleting a Group • 164 EDI Info • 35
Deleting a Single Entry • 164
Enter by VMI Reference Number • 151 Pick Ticket - Use Dock ID • 35
Enter On Account • 151 Pool Point Code • 35
Entering Cash Receipts • 145 Finance Charge • 16
Examples • 160 Freight/Carrier Rules • 16
Miscellaneous Cash Received • 160 Generate Finance Charges • 69
Pending column • 151 Group ID No • 4
Post Batch • 162 Industry • 18
View • 165 Inventory Pricing Maintenance • 72
Writing off Bad Debt • 160 Menu Bar Functions • 68
Charge Credit Card • 109
Consolidators • 70 Deleting a Customer Record • 68
Cost Source-Invoicing • 101
Create an Invoice for Uninvoiced Sales Orders •
Create an Invoice from Packing Slip
(Uninvoiced Shipments) • 112
Creating a Quick Invoice from a Sales Order •
Credit Card Cash Receipts • 161
Credit Card Charge • 109
Credit Card Settlement • 110
Credit Cards-Customer • 77
Credit Memo Creation from Posted AR Invoice •
Index 183

Misc tab • 18 Exclude forecasted releases on pickticket • 35

Notes • 62
Overlay Label Report Name • 18 F
Pack Slip Creation • 18 File Menu in Customer Maintenance • 68
Preserve RAN # • 18 Finance Charge • 16
Safety Lead Time • 18 Finance Charge in Customer Maintenance • 9
Sales Analysis • 88 Forms/Reports in Customer Maintenance • 24
Sales Order Activity • 82 Free Form/Miscellaneous Invoicing • 111
Ship Days • 35 Free-Form/Miscellaneous Invoicing • 111
Ship To Information • 35 Freight Carrier and Distribution Routing Rules •
Skip Forecast Warning • 18 16
Source • 18 Freight/Carrier Rules • 16
Statement Date • 9
Status • 9 G
Territory • 9 Generate Finance Charges • 69
Tier Type • 4 Group ID No in Customer Maintenance • 4
URL • 4
Use USA Mask • 4 I
User Fields • 61 Importers • 71
Defining Label Text • 61 Inventory Pricing Maintenance • 72
VMI Location • 35 Invoicing • 93
VMI toggle • 35 Add Amortization Item • 101
Web Direct • 30 Add Surcharge/Discount • 101
Adding Items to the Invoice • 112
Add User • 30 Auto Invoicing • 120
Security • 30 Cost Source • 101
Customer Maintenance Documents • 62 Creating a Quick Invoice from a Sales Order
Customer Maintenance User Fields • 61 • 94
Customer Supplied Material • 108 Field Listing • 95
Free Form/Misc. Invoicing • 111
D From Packing Slip • 112
Deleting a CR Group • 164 Line Item Details • 95
Deleting a Customer Record • 68 No Post Std Cost • 95
Delivery Time • 35 Packing Slips and Invoices • 141
Designated Distribution Center • 35 Posting Invoices • 133
Discount Tier Price Breaks • 9 Repair Information • 101
Distribution Centers • 71 Right Click Options • 101
Dunning Group • 168 Taxable Items • 95
Customer Maintenance Uninvoiced Shipments • 112
View Credit Memos • 130
Dunning • 168 Viewing Posted Invoices • 136
Dunning Group • 168 Viewing Voided Invoices • 143
Dunning Letters • 168 Voiding Posted Invoices • 141
Creating Dunning Letters • 168 Invoicing for VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory)
Exclude from Dunning • 168 Shipments • 118
E Invoicing Right Click Options • 101
IT1 Item • 151
EDI Info for Customer • 35
Editing a Customer Entry • 67 M
EMail Correspondence • 62 Miscellaneous Cash Received • 160
Entering Cash Receipts-New Batch • 145
184 Index

Miscellaneous Tab in Customer Maintenance • Surcharge/Discount on Invoice • 101

Must Ship Date, Calculating • 53
Territories • 75
No Post Std Cost • 95 U
USA Mask • 4
Options Menu in Customer Maintenance • 69
Other Invoice Menu Items • 130 View Cash Receipts • 165
Overlay Label Report Name • 18 Viewing Posted AR Invoices • 130, 136
Viewing Posted Invoices • 136
P Viewing Voided AR Invoices • 143
Packing Slips and Invoices • 141 Viewing Voided Invoices • 143
Pick Ticket - Use Dock ID • 35 Void Cash Receipts • 166
Pool Point Code • 35 Voiding Posted AR Invoices • 141
Post CR Batch (group) • 162 Voiding Posted Invoices • 141
Posting Accounts Receivable Invoices • 133
Preserve RAN # • 18
Printing AR Invoices • 127 WebDirect in Customer Maintenance • 30
WebDirect setup in Customer Maintenance • 30
Q Writing off a Bad Debt (Credit memo is larger
Quick Invoice • 94 than the invoice) • 160
Rebate Manager • 178
Rebate Parameters • 174
Rebates • 173
Refunding a Customer • 160
Refunding a Customer in Cash Receipts • 160
Cash Receipts • 160
Refunding • 160
Repair Information-AR Invoice • 94
Reports Menu in Customer Maintenance • 76
Safety Lead Time per Customer • 18
Sales Accounts Split-Invoicing,Invoicing • 101
Sales Account Split • 101
Sales Analysis • 88
Sales Order Activity • 82
Settle Credit Card • 110
Ship Days • 35
Calculating Must Ship Date • 53
Ship To Information • 35
Shipment Days • 35
Skip Forecast Warning • 18
Speed Buttons in Customer Maintenance • 77
Statement Date in Customer Maintenance • 9

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