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1.1 Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this paper is to develop a program for the consumption of water bottle in

Arellano University – Jose Abad Santos Campus that focuses mainly on utilizing the data from

the program. The program will process beneficial data that the researchers will get from all the

people in the university and output it in a structured manner which will be easy to analyze as well

as display accurate results. Data analytics is the main concern of the program because it aims to

make an impact towards the policies and influence certain behavior around the university.
1.2 Scope of the Study

This study entitled “Development of Water Bottle Program with Data Analytics” is focused

only on the premises of Arellano University – Jose Abad Santos Campus.

The focal point of this study is to develop a Water Bottle Program with Data Analytics for

Arellano University – Jose Abad Santos Campus. The program is heavily centered on the data

that will be collected by the researchers from the University. The data that will be used are the

number of plastic water bottles that are consumed by the students on a daily basis. It is then

inserted into the system to process it into an information that is important to both the researchers

and the people of the University. The gathered data will be put into the system by a simple input

field and a button that then processes it to the database daily based on the observations of the

researchers. Data analytics is the key part here which consists of different types of presenting

data (tabular, graph, chart, and diagram). The program ensures that all the valuable data stored

in the databases will not be available to be tampered with by anyone except if there is an error on

the part of researchers when inputting data.

1.3 Background of the Study

What definitely contributed to the rapid advances of us humans as a civilization, many

would argue that it is because of technology, technically this is true, but some would argue that it

is because of the evolution of our brains that manage to solved and is currently solving different

kinds of problems ahead, the point is, the human race always finds a way to make life easier by

being productive through the use of innovations. Consider the processing of data for example.

Before, we did not have advance mechanisms such as computers to make work more productive

which makes for a steady and average speed of advances. Today, data is process through these

machines almost at the speed of light so the competition is definitely unfair.

Data analytics (DA) is the process of examining data sets in order to draw conclusions

about the information they contain, increasingly with the aid of specialized systems and software.

Data analytics technologies and techniques are widely used in commercial industries to enable

organizations to make more-informed business decisions and by scientists and researchers to

verify or disprove scientific models, theories and hypotheses. Data analytics initiatives can help

businesses increase revenues, improve operational efficiency, optimize marketing campaigns

and customer service efforts, respond more quickly to emerging market trends and gain a

competitive edge over rivals -- all with the ultimate goal of boosting business performance.

Depending on the particular application, the data that's analyzed can consist of either historical

records or new information that has been processed for real-time analytics uses. In addition, it

can come from a mix of internal systems and external data sources. Data analytics is valuable in

a way that it gives important people information that they could utilize and research to influence

social and behavioral patterns.

The lack of policies involving specific things at the University seems to be a big deal

because it does not teach us how to strategically solve problems that have long term impact on

our society. Socio-cultural behaviors that may increase our productivity may never be set off

because the standards that we set are very low. Water in general is a key part in our survival, we

need it to restore fluids that are lost at our body and is one of the basic components of life. In

hindsight, we need to be able to have adequate amount of water to reach the longevity of our

species. The packaging of water to plastic bottles seems like an efficient way to distribute clean

and drinkable water to maintain the hydration of each and every one of us but there seems to be

a little problem, do remember that it is plastic that we are talking about and plastic items currently

takes up to 1000 years to decompose while plastic bottles can take 450 years or more. We need

to be careful on how we utilize them on our daily needs. If we do not act at this situation, soon

plastic can pollute the water that is essential for our living.

The system that will be developed by the researchers intents to collect useful data on

plastic water bottles and process it to influence school policies because there is a feeling that

there is currently not enough bandwidth to address this issue. All of the people at the University

are not exempted to the danger this problem proposes. Unorganized data is hard to digest and is

hard to make hypotheses from that will lead to experimentation and testing so that is why the

researchers’ aims to analyze raw data based on observations then process this raw data to certain

classifiers set by the researchers and present this information to the heads of the school to

suggest a solution or change social norms to benefit people of the campus.

1.4 Objectives of the System

The main objective of this study is to develop a Water Bottle Program with Data Analytics

for Arellano University – Jose Abad Santos Campus.

Specifically, the study aims to:

1. To create a program with the following features.

a. Input field and a button to enter data into the program and store it into a database.

b. Administrator rights so to make sure that any of the valuable data is unavailable to

tampered with.

c. A window that displays all processed data that can be sub-categorized into

different types of data presentation (graph, tabular, chart, diagram).

d. An ability to print your data for easier dissemination to other people.

2. To create a program using the following:

a. C# / Python – design and structure of the website

b. MySQL – the database that will hold all data from the program.

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