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‘A STUDY OF THE FATIGUE UEHAVIOUR OF BUTT WELDS MADE ON BACKING BARS Sade Madox" "Te influence of the geometry of butt welds made on backing are on their fatigue strengths under transverse loading wos studied. Seven Joint configurations in structural steel, were strengtha calculated using fracture mechanics was Teasonabler ‘The comparison shoved enat the fatigue strengths of joints , with the backing filler welded to one plate wore hecdly attected by plate thickness (13-25en) or a 2nm gap between the late and backing. Fatigue strength waa increased by. tack ‘welding the backing bar in position, but then unaffected by their shape and thicknoss. Fillet welding the backing to both plates produced a further increase tn facigue strengehs ‘Tere are many practical situations in vhich it proves necessary to make Dutt welds from one side only. For example, Joints in tubular neabers and vointa in plate structures where accesr to one side is difficult oF brevented. Under transverse repeated loading, the fatigue steengehs of buen Joints are critically dependent on the sot condition and, to ensure at Full root penetration 1s achieved, it is common practice to aake, the welds onto permanent backing bars. Such a method of construction might iso be desirable an aid to site assenbly, for example when fit-up is There are three possible sites for fatigue cracking in transverse butt welds sade on backing bars, as show in Fig. 1. For fatigue failure from the Dutt weld toe, the fatigue serengeh of the Joint wuld be similar to that of a butt weld’ made fron both sides by the sam process. Hovevery the most Likely ode of failure is by fatigue crack propagation from th weld root through the butt weld and in this case the fatigue strengeh ia lower thon that of a full penetration Meld nade trom both sides, Similarly, if the backing bar is tack welded in position, fatigue failure fron the ‘toe of the fillet weld would result in a reduction in Eatigee strength as compared with that of the butt veld aade fron both side. Sose Fatigue design rules for welded ateol structures (e-d- 855400 for tridgess welds aden backing bars. for failure’ from the weld root through the bute wold they fall into Class F in the British rules, the sane clans az that for fillet welds failing from the weld toe. this rerlects the * me wetding Institute, Abington Wall, Abington, 17 However, fatigue tose aata for the joint are widely scattered suggestiny that some distinction between ditterent joints might be possible on the basis of geonetric differences, If this is the case, their may be scope for optinising the fatigue strength of the detail ty suitable choice of Geonetry and theestore increasing its classification in che Tatiyue design files. therefore, the present study of the effect of some yeonetric vars~ Soles on cho fatigue strengths of transverse butt welds made on backing tare was careied out. he study sax based principally on conparative fatigue tests careied out on bate welds nade in a sccuctural steel but, in Gddition, theoretical analyses were perforned using fracture mechanics ‘0 Thvestigate how succesatully the influence of goosecric changes covld be predicted. dhe design S-N curve far transverse butt welds on backing bars in the British rales way selected on the baais of tw sets of puolishad data (Ty 2h, as. shown in Figs 2s In both caves the taste wore carried oot under Sela’ paluating tension loading [stress ratio R =O) on 13h chick sprei~ Stns: The iow classification of the Joint artzes largely becaase ot the Cesulta cbtained by Newman and Gurney (1) who tasted manually welded nile Skeet specimens with nw thick bucking oars not fillet weLted in position. Konishi. (2), tested Joints in serictsral carboa anganese steel wlded anually \oe by submerged acc with dn eRick bucking baes fillet selsien Tite positions The welds ware intended tp simulate those Likely tb» produced. in seeel bridge construction and one series of specimens as natin (itn a, Zam gap between the backing bar and plates to simulate the poor Helop Linely to be expertencad in site welds, Also shown in Fig. 2are two series ot requits produced under the sare loading conditions since the design rules were publisned (2y Js Larlonoy (3) tested an thick spect= fmens while thove tested by Madson (4) wees 12mm thick with na thick back Tha bara whicn were aot fillet welded into position. In oth cases Steuctural “carbon manganese steel vas used and. the welds arte nade Shanually. ‘The recent results bend 9 be slightly over than those obtained Dy Konashi but they do not change the calculated wean SoM curv and conti Abaco Limits, significantly. ‘The wean S-¥ curve and 958 confidence limits Grail the data are included ia the figure; the lower 95 limit virtually coincides with the Class F aesiyn curve. ‘Te sesulte in Fig, 2, which enbody a number of geometric variables, wee ananined with a view to Ldentifying whien features contribute to the Tow fatigue strength of sone transverse butt welds on backing bacs. Hawever, none was obvious, First, both nanual and autonatic submerged ace elds are covered and on the basis of the ceaults cbtalsed oy Newnan and Gurney (2), uhich were consistently lov it might be concluded that autem Satie welds Give higher fatigue aeeengehs whan natal ones. twaver, the Rignest tatigue strengche obtained oy Konishi were from manual welds, all Tenults falling above the mean SM curve, while some results from Sibeerged ate welds fell selov the mean. Another feature vnich aight be She plates, buty again considering Honishi's resuiesy a gap of up to 2am ING fot produce a consistant inaicacion of reduction in fatigue strength. Sehere asthe use of a very tin backing far, only Jem thick, which was fot fillet welded into position, Wowever, ince the Load attracted. by the Decking bar ia Likely t be lovee in this case than shen a thicker backing bar ie Ciilet welded in position, it is aifficule to see how these 198 teatures night explain the fact that the fatigue strengths of their speci~ EE Slee Ronsiseently low, “Finally, Larionov tested relatively chick Mocaeans and theie geneeally lower fatigue strength might be attributable weeiie eacts other work having shown that an increase in plate thickness Slont'foad cs a reduction in fatigue stzength, a2 discussed by Gurney (5). pe aapect of the test results given in Figs 2 which will not be sucsued’ inthe peesent paper concerns the inéluence of residual stresses BETUSL (h “Sducewea that che SUN curves for sone individual test series EP haTinerably, shallower, tua. the Se curve produced by an ree ithe Tonite tojoener. su sinaussed by Madox (6), compre: NE "sidual stressea are Likely to arise an the region of the root of rues “Cae Thetenced, as compared with joints concaining Senaile residual Seiehaes, andthe Sou curve i shallows. ‘je intiuonce on the fatigue steengehs of batt welds ade on backing ace not MeetEEAAE veziaplas shscusued above were considered farther in UAE oeane Sores in view of the influence of residual stresses, attention EEE ESSPTREa"eS the ehavicur of stress relieved joints. oo TAHLE 1 Details of fatigue testing programme.” ee tae eee ee een a series BMeknanny ting aston eee * : 8 om thick steel, fillet welded to eee 5 ten erick steal, f41leE welded to om place “ 3 8 em enick steel, tam gap between wratny aad “ain “places, iliee ‘ied toone placa . 4 3 ton thick steel, tack welded at . : » son thick steel, tack welded at : . 3 ait-round stent pending, tack ¢ 7 3 ten trick steel, fillet welded co both ‘places a + q12 specimens stvess celieved and tegted under pulsating tension loading w= 0 19 ‘Tes enocRR ‘The programe consisted of seven series of fatigue teste on theas basic types “of butt welds made onto backing bars under transverse loadings Details of the specimens are shown Figs 3 while sone detaiis of the various teat series ara given in Table 1y The geonetric variables studied in Type ® joints, im which the picking bar was fillet welded into position, were main plate thickness (13 of 25am) and the presence of 4 gai SF up’ tO 2am becwoon the backing bar and plates to simulate pooe £t-up. ‘Tyye joints were designe to investigate the fatigue strength of joints ade onto backing ones which were noe Fillet welded. in position. To thicknesses, 5 and Sma, of steel backing bar were tack welded to the edge of one plate peior to welding while te half round. steel beading backing Seely. wis" clamped. into position. The thin’ backing bara ace of particular interest because the lowest ceaulte in Fig. 2 were obtained tron sinilar ‘tetalts. The clamped picking bir ia sometines used for making site weldss Although the filler welding of the Backing tar to One of the plates to be aoined nay oe useful as an atd in the setting up and alignment of the Joint prior to pute welding, 4 disadvantage for site weldad joint is that Unless the. fillet weldiag is carrie out innediately before butt welding, sorrosion readily occurs in the cravice between the backing bat and plate and leads to porosity In the subsequent putt weld. Finally type ¢ joints ‘ere made onto nm thick backing bas which were first fiLlnt welded to Goth plates. such joints arw of practiotl interest since they say be used to make site wolas when fit-up and alignment betwen the two plates, 13 SXPERIMIETAL, OBPALLS ‘The erst spectens wero all mae from strustaral carton manganese steel weich ‘net us43g0 Grade S08 specification (mininga properties: yield Strength 345n/aa“, ultinate tansile strength 490N/an? elongation wW8] «The butt welds were ‘nade by suoserged arc welding onto steal backing bare which were fillet welded to one oe both plate Of tack welded to the edge Sf “ove plate, "as detailed in Table ty Tack welds atthe sje vere subsequently romelted and baried when the ttt weld sms mde. The welds vers sada between steel plates 1200m wide by 450mm long andthe Joints were subsequently sawn into. 150nm wide specinana» The Specimens “ware straightened and then thernally stress relieved uy heating thea ‘lathe ranye 580-620°C ina furnace for one hour, Me corners and fedyes Of the specimens were ground smooth. The specimens wore tested axially under pulsating teasion (stress ratio R= 0) at frequencies in the range Sule. Misalignnent and lack of aymetey in the spectzons ant tat secondary bending secured and. there= sere measured using Sm gauge length electrical ceatatance attain gauges eAMIGUE TEST _nesuLTs ‘the fatigue cose reguits are plotted in teens of the average stress on the sain plate in Pigs 4-8. As expected, Types A and # joint normally failed as a reault of fatigue crack propagation from the root through the bute weld, ‘but’ in Ono case failure was from the butt weld toes In Type © joints the Stress at the butt weld root Would be lower than that in Type A and & 200 Joints due to the reinforcenent provided by the fillet welded backing bar. ‘thus, ‘not surprisingly, farlure waa tranafereed to the filet weld toc. For comparison with published data, all the results for joint Types A and Bare plotted together in ig. 9 with the sean and 95% confidence Limits “tor ‘the data in Fig. 2. As will besten, oat. of the present results lie below the mean and’ therefore add support to the choice of Gesign class for this weld detail. However, there ave differences, becwoen the ‘results, in particular Type 8 joints (tack welded backing bars) tending to give higher fatigue strengths than Type A (ELilet. welded backing bars}. In order 9 determine whather ‘or not auch differences reflect the influence of geoseteic variables or are sinply due to scatter from one wold series to the next, fracture mechanics was sed to analyoe: ethod bE Analysis Fracture sechanics was used to calovlate the fatigue strengths of all the joint types for the to main nodes of fatigue failure experienced, The basis of the analysis vas the fatigue crack propagetion relationship (Baris' law) for the materials = ccax)™ o vere C and m are naterial constants, da/dN is the rate of crack Propagation and Gk) is the stress intensity factor ranges aK may be Me = bof @ mere fo is the applied stress range, ‘a’ is the current crack length and Vis a function of the geonetry of the crack and the cracked components Assuning that the fatigue Life of the weld detail consises mainly of the Propagation of a pre-existing flav, ar ia thought to be the case (7)y fquation 1 can pe used to calculate the life by. integrations Thuay rearcanging equation (1) so that all the tara which depend on Ya" are together, 8c ag an cax/e™ ana faa cage 5° cao" 8 a ad (axe here Nis the number of cycles required to propagate the crack from a, to age TE ay ts the size of the inherent flav and a; is the crack aisd at fiiture, ‘Nis the fatigue Life for applied atedis range tor Clearly, 201 ‘equation 3 could represent the S-N curve for the goonetry considered, such tu anak 0 1 being the crack propagation integral and A the constant which defines the position of the S-¥ curves Stress Analysis Beition “fa Telation to tree surfaces; andthe crack front shapes For Black growen from the root of a bute weld or fron a fillet wid toe, it is Site intluenced by the stress concentration in the region of crack initia ion, an influence which dies avay as the crack propagates vay from that Fegion, (B}s ta the present case, for cracks within the region of [nfluchce of the stress concentcation ¥ as determined for the seven joint iSometrice using a 20-tinite elenent. stress analysis program developed by Beitn (ahs Such solutions are applicable to straignt-fronted cracks propa Gating uniforaly across the stressed section. In practice, although crack Uiletaeion was reasonably uniform across the specinen wideh, the fatigue Racks “adopted ‘semi-elliptical crack fcont shapes, It is possible to Correct for this (8) but in the present cise the crack depth to surface Gengen ratios were s0 small, usually around 0.05, that the correction has Aegiighble effect on the fatigue, lives calculated. Therefore, the cracks Rave been assumed to be straight-frontea. In general, this is the ost Uonnervative assumption to make in circumstances in which the crack front Shape ie unknowns Por crack growth beyond the region of influence of the Shige concentration, the publianed rolution die to Gross et al (10) for Giuas’ used. The resulting colatioaships between iK/49 and 'a" ace Enown in Figs 10 while Figs 1. shows the corresponding relationshies Deewwen AK/Go/TH, that ia the geometric fonction ¥ in equation 2, and 2/0, Chere Bs plate thickness. At Will be seen, the variations in backing bac Thokness and shape considered for Type # joints had no effect on Sk and Chis the five cuewes shown in Figs 10 and 11 cover all seven geonetey considered. ‘fhe shapes of che curves in Fig. 10 were as expected. they would sect the opdinate for a/S = 0 at a value corresponding to the elastic stress Got obtained in the present analysia. The characteristics of the (8K/B0) ¥ Curves, Fig. 10, were sso a0 expected, apart from those for Type A Joinss without a ‘gop ‘between, the backing bar and plates. Normally, Mereases with increase in crack length bot here in the early stages of Ginck "geowth ak decreases with increare in crack length for a period. These solutions were checked and confirmed. Tey imply that the influence cha selasienty nigh seram_concentrntacy i= Snes useetcin orece Stey rapidly as crack growth cccurs, 20 that Y decreases sore rapidly than increases, Tt ip not know why this sam high stress gradient was not Presone inthe other geonstries contaisiny wet wld root oracke Fatigue Analysis Assuming that the geometric variations considered have no effect on the MeEgt Propagation charactoristice of the saterial and that the wid metal Sha parent plate have similar crack propagation characteristics, which is 202 reasonable (11), the values of mand C in equation 3 can be assumed to be cree ot ail the geometries and ceack sites considered. Another condi~ ae eae teeing unis aasumpeion ia that the residual stresses in the re tar Mteacking are auch sat they have the sane effect on rate of fakes cath in all. goosetries. In the present case this condition ts set SAK eT he apeciaens wore, streap-relleved. Te will also be a reason vee eeealmation co nave in practice on the basis that real structures vill cae eeeeer te ontain the most detrimental cesidval stresses, that is high Mpatie residual stresses, in all cagions of potential fatigue crack Initiation im wolded joines. ratigue orack propagation data tor steels (e.g. Maddox (111) suggest cna UBS soe semecnere between 2 and 4. A value of m= 3 48 usually sree oe nigh tensile mean stress conditions, as are assumed to exist in chosen for on Senet a vaiur oe a4 hae been rennmaanded fo sertlsee ged Sines, inthe ritian code BS P0693 (12), in the present creer J Value of = 3.5 geome appropriate since, from equation 3. it eaeSicts 'ga'v W relathonsnip (ive S-¥ cirve) of slope a = 3.5 sich is Peet y eo the’ slope of the man S-N curve actually obtained for Series seat sir ee sectes containing the Largest nunber of resulta. As Witt (sere tue, we te also a reasonable slope for the S-N curves for the mee teat sutinas The method sued to decide on a value for C is described ater. A finat assumption concerns the condition of the regions where tattghe [eutking Lowtiates, that tz the uct weld coot and the fillet veld fattone Te Meli-knovn that small sharp fave are an inherent foature of 12uy Wigth TRENT catigue ceacke propagate from chem (13). in the Wexece Mraiyeia te stl be assumed that auch flaws are present at both Preset elution aites considered and chat thele depths are the same for SUMuueteives In practice, these depuis will vary even for a given qeeceee tyoncaLiy feon Ost) ta” Oedom at weld toes. Examination of the Feary elces produced {com the present specimens hich failed from fracore wold cect ‘Indicated that detects, usually in the form of lack of cee teations of the order af 0.25nm deep provided the sites for fatigue see re eNntion, ‘Therefore, in the ansiyais, an initial crack depth of S{dsom as used to consider both failure modes considered. ‘thus, the present comparison of fatigue strengths reflects only the varia 1p efeaa concenteation in the region of crack initiation snd wee ielot on tne stress intensity factor for a crack propagating {com ‘me crack propagation integeal 1 te equation 3 vas evaiuated for the five Beye yh eetationshipe,, assuaing a, = 0.250m and a¢ = 0-68, The cere vaaue tor ay ie not crieicaly in the present casd aot of the seeihe “Lite was consumed by the tine the crack tip wes outside the zone sr iatluence of the stress concenteation, when a ~ Jnnyreflecting te weil ce amet at in most circumstances fatigue cracks in welded joints are watituvely small for most of their Lives because of the smali sizes of the TREE Hace and the exponential nature of fatigue crack groveh rate. The ARAL SE Gaven in Table 2+ from equation 4, A is directly saeegrttbnal to “f, s0 that the Aigner Um vaiue of iy tho highex the ceepgus strength of the joint. On this basis, the ceaults in Table 2 are Uinedd in order of increazing fatigue strength. in order to factLitate a conparisen of the theoretical rating of the jointa” andthe actual results, predicted S-N curves can be plotted osing seta tc is defined. This can be done using the actual S-¥ curve 203 for one joint ‘type on the beri that the 5: curve can be predicted accurately fron equation 4. a5 before, the Serica | fesules are ‘wed (ace Fig. 4), for which the mean Som curve (adjusted siightly to sive ers Seah (2075 = 1.9 x 101? “5 Te fracture mechanics analysis gave 1 = 0.040 for this joint, ao that ¢ =i. 0.080 = 3107 The, line corresponding to this value of C is plotted in Fig. 12 togetner itn the, atterband eneiosing fatioue crack jrovor data ataived Pron s munber of steel weld metals, neat affected cones and parece slaves on) for comparison, The deduced crack grouth cate i seen Fete eecagraonarty low, the Line Lying on or below the lover limit es the poolisted aoea ek Possible explanation for this is that the ctack growth rate in the cescone Specimens “was actually higher than the deduced welae ana Erae™e significant pare of the fatigue life wae’ spent initiating forsee ao check ‘the deduced crack growth law, attenptt were made to meanine crane gEowth rate in sone of the Serles 1 specimens, The agthod cred Mento eae the fracture surtace at intervals during the lite, oy tepinioe ae olution to stain it and by reducing toe cyeliny frequaney Yor’ aneee Periods. Limited data were optained for crack aepthe dove ae 0 See and eke Easuits, analyeed in fracture mchanice term are" inelooed 19 tig soe WiLL be soon, there sa good agreenent. between the actual’ and cohoviated [fack growth rate, confirming that the dutuced creck growth ing it saeteet Assuning trom equation 4 that A= 1/C and using the appropriate value of ftom Table 2, values ot A tor the other joint Jeomstrice cece “wait gulated and they are included in Table 2. The corresponding predicted or curves are conpared with actual test results in fies fobs eee TABLE 2, Results of fracture aechanics fatigue analysia. Joint, reat Crack propagation calculated Type Serses integral, 1 sees eee a 1 0.040 no elt a 2 0.049 253 x 108? 4 a. loss 235 x 1a!2 a 01086 3s x 10! © ? ona 5275 x 10"? Reference value fron which c was deduced and other values of C subsequently calculated using A= i/c 204 Bearing in mind that sone variation in fatigue strength from one test series (and hence weld) to another is to be expacted, the agreomont between actual and calculated fatigue lives in figs. 4-8 ig seen to bo rod ‘This suggests that, aa far as the genecal behaviour of the tase specinens was concerned, ‘the assumptions sade in the fracture mechanics crack propagation analysis vere reasonable, ‘The crack growth law was con firmed by limited test data out the possiblity cannot be ruled out thet fatigue crack initiation was significant in some specimens since many gave Lives “weil above the predicted mean S-¥ curves lovever, it can alse be lacgued ‘that ‘the higher lives are atteitutable to the presence of inherent flaws which were smaller than that assumed, sa that crack graweh lite wae setisily greater than that calculated for a, = 0.25, whatever the explana ‘on for the longer lives, the good correlation between the actual and calculated mean S-N curves indicates hat the variations in fatigue strength observed for the three types of joint can be attributed mainly to geonetrfe variations. In view of thls, @ nunber of conclusions can be First, considering the to thicknesses of Type A joint, even though aX/to was! higher in the thicker joine for very small crack depths, the position was reversed for deeper oracka and, overall, for. the initiel crack depth considered, the fatique lives wore predicted ¢9 be similar, as found in the fatigue tests. Tus, the detrimental effect. of increased plate thickness seen in sone fillet welded joints (5) does not arise in the butt welds made onto permanent hacking bars considered here, at least sp to 25m thickness, It is probably significant that the thickness effect observed in fillet ‘welded joints is closely linked with the overall Geometry of the Joint, particularly the size of the ‘attachment’ to. the plate in which fatigue’ cracking secure, and 18 strongest when the ‘attach nent! size is scaled up with plate thickness (14). in the context of the Present joint, weld width at the root sould seem to be the only relevant attachment’ size but this is unlikely 2 increase in proportion £0. plate Secondly, the analysis predicted that the presence of a gap between the backing bars and plates, intuitively a bad feature, would not reduce Fatigue Life and the present test results and results in the literature (2) support the prediction. From the practical viewpoint this means that the fatigue strength of the joint is very tolerant to gocr fit-up, ae long as penetration of the butt weld to the tacking tar is achieved. ‘Thirdly, the analysis indicated that the type and thickness of the backing bar in Type B joints had no effect on fatigue strengths the tase Fesults were scattered but, at least for Series @ and” 9), generally supported the analysis. However, the test reaults for Series’ 10 Jointss sade onto half-round beading, suggested a slightly higher tatigue strength for this joint. A possible explanation for this ia that the inreial defect depth was less in the Series 10 specinana than in the Series 8 and fron one “welding procedure to another. The fact that the absence of a fitlet weld attaching the backing bar appears to improve the fatigue ateength of the joint suggests that an increase in the Sesign class niche be justified. However, a5 seen in Fig. 9 the results are still relatively Yow compared with published data and clearly auch an increase ig not justified. 208 Fourthly, considering the Type C joint, it was rather surprising tind ‘both experimentally and theoretically ‘that their fatigue strengths Sete ‘much ‘higher than for the other joints. Normally, fillet welded ‘“eeachmenta to stressed plates which fail by fatigue crack grovth trom the weld toe have fatigue strengths siailar to or lover than butt welds sade Sh Gacking bare (6)s However, the finding is coapatible with the fact that Gree A joints with fillet welded backing bars invariably fail in the buct REG TedeNES “Tock. ‘rather’ than from the toe of the fillet veld, which Trelies that the butt wold coot represents the nore severe stress concen= ‘the present results denonstcate one of the most valuable applications of fracture ‘mechanics analysis, namely for studying che effect of roncESie aciables cn the eatigue strength of = pareicular type of wolden Jeane for ‘ich soae fatigue data are available. The reference data are 2ecessary to provide the means of checking that reasonable assumptions awe osda ‘sade “about the ‘conatanta in the Paris law and the size of [inecent defect from which fatigue cracks will propagate, Tt is envisaged thet ‘such analyses will prove to be usefel for justifying whether or not particular weciations in geonetry (eng. plate thickness, attachment size Set Gnape, weld profile) are likely to change the design S-W curve for she “eid detail without the need for extensive fatigue testing, Alternatively, the method could be used to determine what geonetric changes will lead £0 SNartioular change in facigoe strength, suchas a drop from one design {ufis to anothers At present Beitish design rules enbody sone distinction Getueon eiliee welded joints on the tasis of the attachment size but the Giatinctlona are somewhat arbitary and do not consider the inter-rolation St attachnont size and plate thickness. Peactore mechanics can be used to Chadify this aituation. Te is hoped that the good agreement between actoal Sha celculated fatigue strengths found in the present study vill increase Confidence in the application of this technique. conctustous based on fatigue tests of butt welds in steel plates made onto permanent backing bars carried out under axial pulsating tension loading (R = 0) and Checrotical, analyses using fracture mechanics, the following conclusions were drawn: Sy" fktucnapie correlation between actual and calculated fatigue Lives, is seeiney Sa the basis! thae the fatigue life consists entirely of the Growth of 4 pre-existing erack-like flaw. b) Je eatigue strengthe of bute velds made onto backing bars filet Welded to one plate were sinilar for plate thicknesses of 13 and ‘WGans me presence of a 2am gap between the backing Dar and plate, Feprasenting poor fit~upy did not affect fatigue strength. cc) ine Fatigue strength of Duet welds nade onto three types of steel Meking bar, 3 and Gam thick plate and Gon thick half-round beading, which were not fillet welded in position, were sisilar and slightly Migner than ‘that for joines with fillet welded backing bars. 4) Reeachnone of the backing bar to both plates transferred failure to & TTR La toe and ted too further anerease in fatigue ateengthe dcmwowuamamuners ‘the work described forma part of a programe of the Transport and Road Rosearon Laboratory (TAKL) and is published by permission of the Director. Tne author iz grateful to his colleagues Mr. G. Slater and Mr. TJ, Smith 206 toc thete assistance with the finite element analysis and to bes GPs Tilly CIRRL) for helpful discussions. crack depth, neasurad in Alrection of crack growth ( {Aleial and’ tinal crack depths (nn) x Constant in equation for SH curves 8 plate entckness (nn) e EXaneant in crack growth relationship (Paris' law. $8 crack growth rate (am/evede). tof stress range (an). Q 2 Crack propagation integral. Zindex in Paria' law and S-ll curve equation. ® fatigue Lite (cycles). Y TERESA aT scotrece! ut for geometry of cracked component. nwrenmeces 1. Wewmany RP and Gurney, Tos, " Fatigue tests on hin, thick trang erse ‘butt welda ‘containing slag_inclestons Bee Wold Jott (11) 1964, gp 343-252. sae incerin report", 2. Konishi, t+, et aly “Fatigue properties of field welds in steel Bilte Gecks with special reference to Stun-Juso Otashi Bridge", J+ Saps Soc. Cive Brgey $4 (B)- August 1969. 3. Larionov, Vive, et aly “Effect of technological factors on the low [foie fatigue strength of bute joints in steel TOKRSNDY, Auto. Wold, $B, (02), 1975, pps 12. A. Maddon, S.J., "variable amplitude fatigue teste on welded joints™, Wels inses Conteact Report No. 561. (for TRRL) 5. Gurney, Tue, “The influence of thickness on the fatigue strength of ine Teiters "proce and. ime. ‘Cont. on ‘Behaviour of Offshore Structures", (80S5'79), BIRA, 1979. Gs Maddox, Sods, "Fatigue of tranverse butt welds on backing bars", to be published. 4. maddox, SiJe, ‘"Practure nechanics applied to fatigue in velded iuccures*, Proc. cont. ‘Fatigue of Welded Structures’ The welding Institute, 1971, pps 73-36. 8, Maddox, S.J, "An analysis of fatigue cracks in fillet welded Joineet, Tate de Fracture, 11 (2), 1975, pp 221-243. 9. smith, als, "An introduction to IFES - The Welding mnatitute!s Flaite element systen, the welding Institute Research Bulletin, May to. cross, Bs, Sravley, J.B, and Brown, W.P., “Streas intensity factors for single edge notch tension specinen by boundary collocation of & 207 Stress function", NASA Tech Wote 0-2295, August 19764 (Included in JA compendium of stress intensity factors", by DP. Rocke and Digs Cartwrigne, 150, 1976) Maddox, 8.3, "Fatigue crack propagation data obtained from parent Plate, “weld metal and uAZ in servctural steels", Weld. Rew, Intert national, 4 (1), 1974, pp. 36-60. 5 #06493, “Guidance on some _ethods tor the derivation of acceptance levels for defects in fusion welded jointatsast 1920, “eactors affecting the 1 RuGs, Haerison, J.D, and Burdeking Fate, fatigue strengen of welded high steengeh + Brit. Weld. Je 14 (3), 1967, pe 108+ Burdekin, Pat, "Practical engineering design", Proc, of fracture mechanics i 195, 1981, pps 73-86. spec 208 ™ a1 Modes o que furan vansverze but weld made on permanent backing bars 2mm gap sowuan backing br ad pias 2S OS gs Lie, les 6:2 Fatue est rests obcned hom ransvrce but welds made ona backing bar. 209 & oe 5 2 2 160 ; sence nm 4 _— allies reshma 1 x 2 120 X Al anal (3m eat] . i & 00 e | 3 Senes 1 127mm thick main plate gw | | seize es } SSeee i ors ; — | , peel I o 2 7 6 Ss a ? 7 6 5 . 2 5 - A i, md ° Pes ” —— ch ime » a ae a Al Cea alt ant let weit mm mel wo NN ma sees See? is —_ ; ec hae i wo So | 2 . Boy o” ? 08 ITTF 08 a Sts Pa i Fog tet est or Tye A Seis 2 fen tick specimens 2 Stress range in main plate. Nam? Stress range in man plate, Nim? 300 20 20 0 160 Ko 0 100 ” o 200 250 180 0 2 160 uo 3 Srese t 100 0 ash 20h 120 0 108 Lite ores Fg Faigue ost reat for Tyoe A Senex 3 specimens. + ws ms? ‘ irecwles 7.98. Ftque test ests for Type (Ser 7) specimens w 105 “me | Reo | x es fl x 1 Predicted S-W cae feral eres ass Ra ee ca| Liteeyces g g 8 § sss gS aes ae care a 985 Lite, cycles 78 Companson of present rest fo fare te butt wold and publed dee 2s sto Jan Ye an, 20 ‘ “Types Ada Iya = a Tel tg ° x e.10 Sess mens fctrs obtained rom fe element anal oe 50s Crack depth am 35 210 08 aa rock depth Fake Pcsness B 9.1. Steas mtensity factor correction term Yas ofan of era det fr cracks within the ‘pion of vance of he sess concentration ne ote of crack growtn_da., ma eles aN wt 8 T Scatttand enclosing data Tor weld mets. Haz and erent ste fom ret 10 280s By 4K 35 aw “08 (deduced from present analysts) (© est results tom Series 1 Specimens 1 $ 1000 Stress intensty factor range OK.N/nm 2 Fig 12. Faq crack propagation resus. as

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