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How does energy enter ecosystems?

 Energy corresponds to the ability to perform a job and its

behavior is governed by two laws.

 The first states that, energy can be transformed from one class to
another, but it cannot be destroyed. For example, light energy
from the sun is transformed into chemical energy in the process
of photosynthesis.

 The second law indicates that when moving from one form of
energy to another, a part of that energy is lost in the form of heat.
Therefore, any change from one form of energy to another
produces a heat loss.

The greatest contribution of energy comes from the sun.

Of all the solar energy that reaches the terrestrial surface, only a small
part, between 0.1% and 1% is incorporated to the producing organisms
or autotrophs

Living beings require matter and energy to carry out their vital
processes. All the energy used by living beings comes from the sun,
which is transformed and no longer used by themselves, since the
energy that crosses an ecosystem is unidirectional, that is, flows in one
direction, which goes from the producers to The consumers, to pass
finally, to the decomposers
 The producing organisms transform the solar energy into
chemical energy through photosynthesis, leaving this energy
retained in the organic molecules.

 The consumer organisms acquire organic molecules by feeding,

absorbing this energy, using it for their vital functions.

 The organic Remains (R.O.) of both producers and consumers

are disintegrated by the decomposers that release the last
remnants of energy to the environment

 In each trophic level there is a transfer of energy from one level

to the next, from one living being to another, being usable only
10% in each one of them.

 A part of the energy is lost in the form of heat (Q).

Energy is always preserved and flowing from one place to another.

The transfer of matter between living organisms creates food relations.

For example, producers that correspond to autotrophs organisms,
convert inorganic matter into organic matter, which will serve as food or
form part of its structure. Subsequently, the producer organisms will
serve as food to the herbivorous consumers and these in turn to the
carnivores, and the organic matter from the remains and carcasses of
the living beings shall be transformed by decomposing microorganisms
in Inorganic matter. Therefore, it is possible to say that matter
constitutes a closed cycle in the ecosystem.
 Matter is always, all the atoms of our body and planet Earth are
constantly recycled and it is matter that is created within the stars
billions of years ago, but we continue to reuse again and again.

 Matter passes from one form to another, even when these beings
die because the decomposers do everything and convert it into
simple inorganic molecules that can then be reused by the plants
along with the carbon of the air, the sunlight and the water that
Absorbed by its roots to begin again this whole process.

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