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intelligent ornament:


The home should be a place for self expression and

creativity. In light of enriching ones experience and creating
an environment that responds to ones activity and presence,
the idea of bringing performance and spectacle to the home
comes into play. Hence, manipulating textiles and soft sur-
faces becomes a catalyst for such an intervention, and so
the question of ‘what is an intelligent ornament’ is brought 01
to the table.

2 ways of how an intelligent ornament can react in a space:

01.Communicating information (one way) no specific input

02.Communicating + Storing (two way) specific input + out-



input output
intelligent ornament:

01. Window treatments (curtains, shades)

02. Wall treatments (cladding, wall paper)

03. Floor treatments (carpets, rugs)

04. Ceiling treatments (ceiling panels) 02


05. Indoor / Outdoor

06. Overlay

03 04

05 06
intelligent ornament:

smart personalization

How would your home feel with smart ornaments

01. Adding another dimension to the space, combin-

ing beauty with function.

02. Interactive

03. Responding to the environment

04. Subtle application: Inspired from nature

05. Embeded technology

intelligent ornament:


01. Responsive Window Treatment

Creating a smart window treatment that combines

flexible photovoltaic panels in conjunction with LED lights.
The idea is to store as much energy during the day and
release it during the night when needed. The treatment is
programmed to respond to human activity in the space main-
taining a seamless transition through all 3 stages.

3 stages of performance:

01. Highest intensity = low lighting

02. Dim down = med lighting

03. Off = high lighting

PV panel
intelligent ornament:


02. Low-Rez Display

- Adding an overlay to difuse LED lights

- Displaying the weather / time
intelligent ornament:

ground + pin curtain rod

intelligent ornament:

int avrageA=0; // Critical Threshold of Sensor A

int SensorATime;// Time stamp for Sensor A

void setup(){

Serial.begin(9600);//Begining Serial Connection

pinMode(11,OUTPUT);//LED A is connected to digital pin 11 PWM for dimming

//The next three lines is reading from sensor A connected toAnalog pin 0 for 20 times

//Sensor A calibration

//To get and average

for (int i=0; i<20; i++){


//The result is devided by 20 to give us the average


//The system tells me that calibration is done

Serial.println(“System Ready”);

void loop(){

int inA = analogRead(0);// Reading Sensed data from Sensor A

//Serial.println(inA);//Writing to Serial port allows us to debug

if(inA<avrageA){//if shadow is casted


analogWrite(11,255);//Turn on LED to maximum

if(inA>=avrageA/3){//if shadow is not casted

int timeDifferenceA=millis()-SensorATime; //Howfar ago shadow was casted


float dimValueA= constrain(255+(timeDifferenceA*(-255.0/5000)),0,255);//mapping 10k resistor

time difference to dim value

analogWrite(11,int(dimValueA));//Turning the LED on based on time

} photocell
digital pin

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