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Module Title: School Placement 4

LESSON PLAN (2017-2018)

Topic: Orthographic Projection

Student Name: Niall Ó Connaibh
Date: 06/02/18
Duration of Lesson: 80 minutes


The main aims of this lesson are to:

 Ensure that the pupils fully comprehend the concept of ‘Hidden detail’ in Orthographic Projection.
 Engage in an active learning session (Group work – 3D model making)

 Instruct students to design and make their own 3D objects and apply the concept of Orthographic
Projection through representation on the Black board. (3D into 2D!)

 Place a major emphasis on the concept of ‘Hidden detail’ during the design process and delivery of
the presentations.
 Select students at random from each group to present each object/ model to the rest of the class.
 Build upon previous knowledge through Lower and higher order question during the student


Learning Outcomes (LOs) Assessment of LOs

At the end of this lesson the students will be (Note: each LO has an assessment. Include a variety
enabled to… of types.)
 Design and make 3D objects/ models out of  Visual inspection
an assortment of different materials, i.e.  Formative feedback
small pieces of wood blocks.  Constructive criticism.
 Engage in cooperative learning through the  Whole class observation
group work process.
 Apply the concept of Orthographic  Student demonstration
Projection by presenting their 3D objects  Formative feedback
into the three views, Front, End elevation  Lower & higher order
and Plan onto the Black board. questioning
 Build upon previous knowledge of the key
aspects of Orthographic Projection.
Module Title: School Placement 4




0-5  Mr. Cunniffe greets the students at the  The pupils are greeted at the
door of the Technical Graphics room. door of the Technical Graphics
 The teacher meets the class group and room.
observes an orderly entry into his
 The students are seated in a calm and  The students perform an orderly
orderly fashion. entry into the classroom.
 The pupils are seated in accordance to
the seating plan arranged/ agreed
upon previous with the tutoring
teacher.  The group answers the Roll call
when their individual name is O
 He takes the Roll call and logs the
results onto the ePortal website. called out.
 During the Roll taking, he instructs the  The students begin to take out
class to take out their homework their homework questions for
questions from the previous lesson for Mr. Cunniffe’s observation.
his inspection.

5-10  Mr. Cunniffe initiates a brief Set  The lesson begins with a Set
induction session. induction.
 He writes the important words of  The most important words L
the chapter and Learning of the day/ previous words
intensions in to the Word Wall and learned are written on the
Learning intention space. Word Wall.
 The Word Wall contains previously
learned words and new
terminology for the lesson.

Key Words on Word Wall:

1. Front Elevation
2. End Elevation
3. Plan L
4. Hidden detail
5. Broken lines
6. Hot glue gun

 He delivers a brief verbal

presentation outlining the  The group listens attentively
‘Learning targets’ or ‘Goals’ of the to Mr. Cunniffe’s brief verbal A
day’s lesson. presentation.
Module Title: School Placement 4

Learning intentions:

 Set induction
 Divide pupils into
 Engage in ‘Model L
making’ CL
 Student presentations
 Questioning
 Lesson closure

10-50  To ensure that the class fully  An active learning session is

understands the concept of Hidden initiated.
detail, Mr. Cunniffe initiates an C&I
 Pupils are divided into
active learning session.
groups 6 groups of 4 pupils CL
 He instructs the pupils to design
and create their own 3D objects/ per group.
models using small wooden block  They are then instructed to GI
prepared by Mr. Cunniffe before design and make their own
the lesson. 3D objects/ models out of
 The class is divided up into 6 the wood materials provided
groups of 4 pupils. by Mr. Cunniffe.
 Mr. Cunniffe informs the groups CL
 The size, colour, material
that they must use hot glue guns to
join the wooden blocks together in choice and form of the
3D shapes. objects are entirely up to the
 The design, form, size and groups!
colouring are entirely up to the  ‘Hidden detail’ must be
groups themselves! incorporated into the 3D G
 He informs the groups that they objects.
must incorporate ‘Hidden detail’ C&I
 Pupils must enhance the
into their objects.
 (Main aim of lesson is to reinforce objects by clouring the faces
‘Hidden detail’ in OP). with multicolored chalk.
 Mr. Cunniffe walks around from  This will aid the visual
group to group providing formative learners immensely. SEN
feedback on the process.
 He offers assistance if needed by
the pupils.
 Mr. Cunniffe promotes Health and
Safety during this activity because  The students receive
of the use of hot glue guns. formative feedback during
the design process. CL
 The class room teacher informs the  The pupils are aided in the
students that they must be manufacturing process too.
finished with the visual models by  Health and Safety is H&S
the end of the lesson for a promoted during this stage.
Module Title: School Placement 4

50-72  The groups take it in turn to  The groups present their BFK
present their 3D models to the models one by one in front
whole class. of the class.
 Mr. Cunniffe selects one student at  A student is selected at O
random using the ‘Lolli pop stick random from each group to
method’ to present the object and present, introduce their GI
one student to draw the 3D object model to the rest of the
in terms of Orthographic group.
Projection onto the Black board.  Another name is selected to
 He then allows the other groups to draw the model onto the
ask questions during this process. Black board in terms of
 Mr. Cunniffe provides formative Orthographic Projection.
feedback/ criticism after each  Emphasis is placed primarily
group/ student demonstration. on the positioning of the
hidden detail.


75-80 • The classroom teacher instructs  The students listen carefully A

the pupils to tidy away their woodn to the teachers instructions
models and to dispose of any rubbish. and put away their models.
• He will ask that all students place  The pupils place any rubbish
their stools under their tables into the available waste bin
• The teacher will organize and and place their stools neatly
witness an orderly exit from the under the benches.
classroom by all the pupils row by row.  The class performs an
orderly exit, leaving the
room row by row.

L= Literacy, N= Numeracy, O= Oracy, G= Graphicacy, SEN= Special Educational Needs, MA=
Mixed Ability, CL= Cooperative Learning, GI = Gender Inclusion, MI = Multicultural Inclusion,
ET = Educational Technology, and C&I= Creativity and Innovation.
Module Title: School Placement 4


Laptop, Visualizer, Power Point Presentations, Logitech Laser pointer, Whiteboard/ Blackboard;
Word Wall & Learning intensions, Lollipop sticks, Technical Graphics equipment; i.e. Set squares and
the Overhead Projector.

Black board chalk, Hot glue guns, Kitchen roll

5. POST LESSON CRITICAL REFLECTION (bullet points- 3-5 points)



Suggestions for Improvement

Notes for the Preparation of the Next Lesson

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