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1. (a) (i) Burette

(ii) Bunsen burner
Penunu Bunsen
(b) (i)

(a) X: Oxygenated blood
Darah beroksigen

Y: Oxygen

3. (a) X- Self-pollination/Pencfefaungoon sendiri

Y- Cross-pollination/Pendebungaan kacuk
(b) (i)Wind /Angin (ii) Animals/Haiwan


(i) rhizomes
(ii) leaves

5. (a) (i) external

(ii) many
Interaction -1 m
Explanation -1 m

I - Commensalism
E - The remora fish attaches itself to the body of a shark to get free ride and leftover food whereas the
shark does not gain anything nor being harmed.
Ikan remora menumpang dirinya pada badan ikan yu untuk mendapat pengangkutan percuma dan
sisa makanan manakala ikan yu tidak mendapat sebarang faedah ataupun dicederakan.

(c ) (i). Sharks are unable to move.

Ikan yu tidak dapat bergerak.
(ii). Sharks are unable to breathe through their gills and die due to lack of oxygen.
Ikan yu tidak dapat bernafas melalui insang mereka dan mati disebabkan kekurangan
[Accept any reasonable answer]
(a) Ej - Squatting can minimise contact with the ground compared to lying flat.
Mencangkung dapat mengurangkan sentuhan dengan tanah berbanding dengan berbaring.
E2 - Can prevent being shocked by electricity that reaches the ground.
Dapat mengelakkan terkena renjatan daripada elektrik yang sampai ke tanah.
• Tyres of an aeroplane
Tayar kapal terbang
• Metal chain at the back of tankers
Rantai logam di belakang lori tangki
(c) Ej - Smoke particles become negatively-charged as they pass through the negative grid.
Zarah-zarah asap menjadi bercas negatif apabila melalui grid negatif
E2 - The negatively-charged particles are attracted to the positive plate and this prevents
them from escaping into the air.
Zarah-zarah bercas negatif tertarik kepada plat positif dan ini menghalangnya daripada
terbebas ke udara.
7. (a)
P: Combustion
Q: Respiration
(b) Ej - Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide that is released from respiration, combustion and
Fotosintesis menggunakan karbon dioksida yang dibebaskan daripada respirasi, pembakaran
dan penguraian.

E2 - Photosynthesis releases oxygen to replace the oxygen used for respiration, combustion
and decomposition.
Fotosintesis membebaskan oksigen bagi menggantikan oksigen yang digunakan untuk
respirasi, pembakaran dan penguraian.

(c ) Rubric:
Two boxes correct -1 m
8. (a) (i) S
(ii) P
(b) 1. Has villi which increase the surface area for the absorption of digested food
Mempunyai vilus yang meningkatkan luas permukaan untuk penyerapan makanan tercerna
2. Contains many blood capillaries for absorption of digested food
Mempunyai banyak kapilari darah untuk penyerapan makanan tercerna
(c) - Encourage peristalsis in the large intestine
Mengalakkan peristalsis dalam usus besar
- Increase the volume of faeces
Menambahkan isi padu najis

9. (i) No/Tidak
(ii) The meal does not contain vitamins and fibre.
Hidangan itu tidak mengandungi vitamin dan serat.
(iii) - Proteins/Protein
- Carbohydrates/Karbohidrat
(i) Breakfast set N
Set sarapan N
(ii) - Vitamins/vitamins
- Fibres/Serat
- Proteins/Protein

10. (a) (i) It works on the principle of air pressure.

Pam penyembur berfungsi berdasarkan prinsip tekanan udara.

(ii) - Ketika omboh itu ditolak ke dalam, udara di dalam silinder akan dipaksa ke luar
melalui muncung.
When the piston is pushed inwards,the air inside the cylinder will be forced through
the nozzle.

- Hal ini menyebabkan tekanan udara di dalam silinder itu menurun.

This causes the pressure in the cylinder to drop.
- Tekanan udara di dalam bekas yang berisi cecair itu lebih tinggi, tekanan ini akan
memaksa cecair itu naik ke dalam tiub, seterusnya keluar sebagai titisan kecil.
A larger air pressure in the container containing the liquidforces the liquid up the tube
and later the liquid is released as a spray of tiny droplet.
(b) (i) Q
(ii) Lubang pada Q membolehkan udara terlepas sebelum dipaksa keluar melalui
A hole in Q allows air to escape before it can be forced out through the nozzle.
(c) Kemungkinan besar disebabkan oleh kebocoran pada mangkuk getah pam sedutan
Most probably due to a leakage in the rubber sucker of the plunger
(d) Udara yang masuk dari satu lubang membolehkan susu pekat ditolak keluar
melalui satu lubang yang lain. Tekanan udara di luar dan di dalam tin menjadi sama.
Air that enter from one hole enable condensed milk to push the milk out through
the other hole. The air pressure inside and outside of the tin became equal

11. (a) Compound - Calcium carbonate

Sebatian - Kalsium karbonat
Element - Calcium/Carbon/Oxygen
Unsur - Kalsium/Karbon/Oksigen

(b) (i) P - React with acids to produce salt

Bertindak balas dengan asid menghasilkan garam

Q - Decompose when heated

Terurai apabila dipanaskan

(iii) - Heat calcium carbonate strongly to produce calcium oxide

Panaskan kalsium karbonat dengan kuat untuk menghasilkan kalsium oksida
- Drip water on the calcium oxide
Titiskan air pada kalsium oksida
- Solid calcium hydroxide (slaked lime) is produced
Pepejal kalsium hidroksida (kapur mati) terhasil
(c) Neutralise the acidity of soil
Meneutralkan keasidan tanah

12. (a) (i) light energy /sunlight

(ii) help plant continue growing/
(b) because snakes eats the chicken, thus number of chicken decreases. The number
of chicken decreases, number of caterpillar will decreases.
(c ) the population of caterpillar will decreases. Number of vegetables become
increases .
(d) –
(e) Pesticides are used to kill the pests and insects which attack on crops and harm
them. Excessive use of pesticides may lead to the destruction of biodiversity/
harmful to human being. Farmers can use biological control/ organic pesticides.
13. (a) (i)

(ii) compass
(b) (i)

(ii) Right hand grip rule

(iii) circular
(c ) 1. Door bell
2. Crane
[Accept any reasonable answer]
(d) – increase the number of turn of coil
- increase the voltage of electricity
- use metal wire like copper/iron

(c ) Lumped plasticine higher has higher density than the water. When the
plasticine is moulded, its volume become higher, the density become lower than water.
Thus, moulded plasticine float on water.

Make several holes in the bottle. Weight added to the craft and keeps the holes facing the
bottom. Flexy straw attached using plasticine. Once launched, the submarine will start to sink as
water floods through the holes along the bottom. Blow through the tube to fill the submarine
with air. It will start to rise as the water gets blown out.

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