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PART 1; USE OF ENGLISH (MULTIPLE CHOICE READ THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES AND CHOOSE THE ANSWER THAT BEST COMPLETES EACH SENTENCE. SE OF ENGLISH: Choose the correct word or expression : a, b orc. 1. I can't see well without my a) comb b) glasses 2. There are £20 in my a) wallet B) watch 3. They a sports car. a) drive b) wear 4 work in hospitals. a) Nurses ») Journalists 5. My sister's daughter is my a) cousin b) niece 6. Itisn't cheap. On the contrary, it's ) keys o) ring ©) play ©) Patients ) aunt a) fast b) high ©) expensive 7. Lusually at 6.30 a.m, because | start work at 7.00 a.m a) go to bed b) sleep ©) get up 8. Inmy free time | with my friends. a) go out b) go up ©) goin 9. My favourite sport is a) painting b) swimming ) singing 10. I put on my. when my hands are cold. a) trousers b) socks ) gloves 11.8 is a machine to wash clothes. a) dishwasher b) washing machine ¢) washbasin 12. My favourite vegetables are a) carrots b) eggs 13. To buy medicine you go to a a) newsagent’s b) bakers 14. Travelling by isn't polluting, a) tube b) motorbike 15. This is my teacher. name's Tina. a) His b) Her 16. I don't like a)acat b) the cats c) sweets ) chemist's ©) bicycle ¢) Hers c) cats 17. He loves her but she doesn't love a) his b) him o)he 18. They yoga twice a week. a) does b) do ¢) doing 19. This is my a) friend’s flat b) flat's friend ©) flat friend's 20. Halloween is October 31°. a)in b) on o)at 24.1 don't like a) shop b) to shop ) shopping 22.1 a lot of wine last night. a) drink b) drank ) drunk 23. Are there plates in the cupboard? a) any b) some oa 24, Take your umbrella because it a) is sunny b) is raining ©) snowed 25. She's a good student. | think she the exam next June. a) passed b) passes ¢) will pass 26. It's her birthday next week but she a) is celebrating it b) is going to celebrate it) isn't going to celebrate it 27. This is famous building in the city. a) more b) the more ¢) the most 28. Hurry up! You are walking very. a) fast b) quickly ©) slowly 29.1 to be a millionaire but I'm not a) like b) love ¢) would like 30. - 2 -Tman engineer, a) How are you? b) What's your nationality? c) What do you do? 31. - How do you spell your surname? a) 76, Preston Road —_b) R-Y-D-E-R ) From Manchester. 32, - Can | see your passport, please? - Yes. a) That's right b) Please c) Here you are 33.- When is your birthday? a) Happy birthday! b) November 19th ) It's twenty past seven 34.- How often do you eat meat? a) Hardly ever b) In the restaurant ¢) Seven portions 35.- How much is this shirt? a) Medium b)£ 25.45 ©) Cotton 36.- Can | have a coffee, please? a) No, thank you b) Of course ©) Its OK 37. am taking my driving test next week. ! a) Congratulations b) I'm so sorry 1c) Good luck 38.- Do you want to come to the cinema? a) Excuse me! b) Well. 'm busy ) Well. Don't worry 39.- I'm going on holiday tomorrow. a) You're welcome b) Have a good time! ¢) OK. See you tomorrow then 40.- How about going to a concert on Saturday? a) Correct! b) Good idea! c) | see

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