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Accidental home fires lead to life and property losses. People’s misunderstanding

and unawareness on electrical issues is one of the causes of residential fires, and its

potential hazard is increasing as more electrical appliances are found in each

household unit nowadays. Wiring has a higher possibility to be ignited. Physical damage

and improper installation are some of the reasons causing electrical fires. According to

the CoP for the Electricity (Wiring) Regulation in Hong Kong (Electrical and Mechanical Commented [EA1]: What is CoP?

Services Department 2009), overloading of wiring can be greatly avoided. However,

some problems involving human factors still cannot be solved.

The economic and human costs of fires are great. In 2012, the World Fire

Statistics Commission (WFSC) estimated that the annual cost of fire losses around the

world was 1 percent of global GDP. This is equivalent to billions of dollars in direct Commented [EA2]: Do not abbreviate if to be used for
the first time.
losses due to damaged property. However, other costs of fires include direct costs (e.g.

health care management of burns) and indirect costs (e.g., lost wages, prolonged care

for deformities and trauma, and commitment of family resources), which are just as

significant but are difficult to measure (World Health Organization [WHO], 2012).

Indirect costs are often imprecisely measured because of the intrinsic inaccuracy of

methods used to calculate them (WFSC, 2012). Nevertheless, whether direct or indirect,

the economic costs of fires are a significant burden.

According to the Center of Fire Statistics of the International Association of Fire

and Rescue Services, there were 70,000 to 80,000 fire deaths and 500,000 to 800,000

fire injuries at the beginning of the 21st century (Brushlinksy, Wagner & Hall, 2006).

In the Philippines, fire has been one of the most common accidents both in

residential and industrial areas destroying many lives and properties. According to

Bureau of Fire Protection CARAGA Region, the unawareness of the residence on

electrical issues is one of the cause of the major fires in their community. Commented [EA3]: State the year this fact was published.

Moreover, localities of San Isidro, electricity is essential. It helps the people to

make their works easily. However, some did not know what is the right and wrong in

terms of its usage and its negative effects.

If this situation continues, the lives of the family members will be put in danger.

That’s why this study must be conducted to know the electrical awareness of the

residents between Brgy. Mamangan and Brgy. Sabangan. Commented [EA4]: Do not abbreviate through out the
Commented [EA5]: Explain why did you choose the two
Research Questions barangays. Explain also why you compare the electrical
awareness of the two Barangays.
The main objective of this research is to determine the electrical awareness

between Brgy. Mamangan and Brgy. Sabangan.

More specifically, this research sought to answer the following questions: Commented [EA6]: You don’t have pre-test in your study.

Commented [EA7]: These are your statements of the

1. What is the level of pre-test between the experimental group and control group? problems:
1.What is the level of electrical awareness in Barangay
2. Is there significant difference between the pre-test results if the experimental and Sabangan?
2.What is the level of electrical awareness in Barangay
control? 3.Is there a significant difference between the electrical
awareness of Barangay Sabangan and Barangay
3. What is the level of post-test results between the experimental and control


4. Is there significant difference between the pre-test and post-test? For t-test

dependent sample?

5. What is the mean gain results of the of the experimental and control group?

6. Is there a significant difference between the mean gain result of the experimental

and control group? T-test independent sample?

Null Hypothesis Commented [EA8]: State your null hypothesis.

Null hypothesis (H0) will be used in this research as foundation. It means that

there will be no differences between groups being studied (Marczyk, DeMatteo, &

Festinger, 2005). It would indicate that there will be no difference between the

experimental and control group with conduct of seminar on the electrical awareness.

This null hypothesis will be treated at 5% level of significance.

Conceptual Framework

As shown in the figure below, the independent variable of this study is the

conduct of seminar on electrical awareness which was applied to the experimental

group. On the other hand, the dependent variable of this study is the electrical

awareness of the of the two barangays. Commented [EA9]: You are not going to conduct seminar
seminars in the two Barangay right? You will give
questionnaire to the residents of two Barangays.
Independent Variable Dependent Variable Commented [EA10]: You have no dependent variable.
The shape of the dependent variable must be diamond
write inside the box INTERVENTION PROGRAM

Experimental Group Academic Performance

 Barangay that will be

conducted a seminar
 Electrical Awareness
Control Group

 Barangay without

Figure 1: Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

Significance of the Study

Families. This will also help families to become safer. They will be able to

understand what faulty wiring is and what is their level of practice.

Family. If the families with electric connection will be aware on the issues of

electricity and how can their awareness affect their electric bills. This will also help

families to become safer. They will be able to understand what are the negative effects

of their bad habits regarding electricity issue such as faulty wiring.

Community. This study can benefits the community as a whole. It will help them

to become more aware of their current electrical situation and be more wise on how

they can save electricity.

Definition of Terms

Electrical Awareness. Recognizing the conditions, problems, situations, and any

hazards associated with the use of electrical energy and taking precautions so that

hazards do not cause injury or death.



This chapter presents the design that will be used in conducting the study, the

research locale, the research subject, research instrument, and the data gathering

procedure as well as the data analysis process to be used to attain the research

objectives specified in this study.

Research Design

Quantitative research is described as empirical, using numeric and quantifiable

data (Belli, 2008). Marczyk, DeMatteo, & Festinger (2005: 17), state, quantitative

research involves studies that make use of statistical analysis to obtain their finding.

Experiment is frequently regarded as prime examples of quantitative research and is

evaluated against the strengths and weaknesses of statistical, quantitative research

methods and analysis (De Vaus, 2001).

In this case, the type of experimental research design employed will be quasi-

experimental design. This design as Fraenkel, & Wallen (1996); Creswell, (2008) state, Commented [EA11]: You are not quasi-experimental.
is an experiment in which units are not assigned randomly. It is two or more intact

groups (members of which will not randomly assigned) are compared after one (or

more) will be given a specified treatment (Fraenkel, & Wallen, 1996).

Therefore, to know whether the seminar about electrical awareness such as

faulty wirings and electric loads if it is effective to enhance the awareness of the

residents of the said barangays.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted at Barangay Mamangan and Barangay Sabangan,

San Isidro, Davao del Norte. Brgy. Sabangan will be allocated as the experimental

group while Brgy. Sabangan will be the control group.

Research Subject

The participants of this study are the 30 household families from Barangay Commented [EA12]: It is better to have 30 each group, a
total of 60.
Mamangan and Barangay Sabangan, 15 from Barangay Mamangan, while 15 from

Barangay Sabangan, respectively. These households experience varied electrical bills

from the previous months.

Table 1: Distribution of Subjects

Section No. of Male Female Total


Mamangan 15 8 7 15
15 9 6 15
Sabangan (Control
30 17 13 30

Research Instrument

The research instrument employ to collect data for this study will be the research-

made questionnaire. The questionnaires will be distributed to the thirty (30) household
from both Brgy. Sabangan and Brgy. Mamangan and they will be given time to answer


Data Gathering Procedure

Pre survey period

Before the conduct of the experimentation, a letter asking permission will be

addressed to the Principal of Sawata National High School, Mrs. Maryline C. Jara and

to the Research Committee of the school to conduct the said study.

Construction of the questionnaire. The questionnaires that is all about the Commented [EA13]: If you made your own
questionnaire, please state who checked and validated your
awareness of household families on electrical be made by the researchers.

During survey period

Giving of Pretest. The questionnaire will be distributed to the 30 household Commented [EA14]: You don’t have any pretest at all.

families from Brgy. Mamangan and Brgy. Sabangan. The researchers will tell the

respondents the purpose of the questionnaire and they will give enough time for them to

answer it.

After answering the questionnaire. on the last week of September, thirty (30)

household families with electric connections will be conducted with a seminar regarding

their electrical awareness in some issues such faulty wiring and electric loads.

Administration of Posttest. The posttest will be administered after the conduct of

the seminar of the experimental group.

Post survey period

The scores after the pretest and posttest of the experimental and control group Commented [EA15]: You don’t have pretest and posttest
at all.
will be collected for the statistical treatment, analysis of the data, and interpretation of

the data.

Data Analysis

To analyze the data collected, the following statistical tools will be used in the


Mean. This will be used to determine the effectiveness of scheduling method to

the level of the pretest of the experimental group and level of the posttest of the

experimental group.

t-Test for Dependent Samples. This will be used for correlated samples to test Commented [EA16]: You don’t have to use t-test for
dependent samples
the significance of the difference between the pretest and posttest mean score of the

experimental group. The level of significance to be used in the study is 5% using two-

tailed test.

t-Test for Independent Samples. This test will be used to test the significance

of the difference between the pretest scores of the experimental group. The level of

significance to be used in the study is 5% using two-tailed test.

“Questionnaire on the Electrical Awareness Between Barangay Mamangan and
Barangay Sabangan”

Part 1: Personal Information

Name: Year:

Course: Gender:

Part 2: Level of Awareness on Correct installation and Maintenance Wiring


Using the scale Below, please check the column that best describe the way you
fell about the statements. In these section you will find items on the services of Correct
Installation and Maintenance Wiring which are numbered 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1. Please
evaluate every item by encircling the number that corresponds to your observation or
perception on the Level of Practices.

The following are Codes will help you in Giving your Perception


5 Always It means that the practices of correct installation and
maintenance wiring are observed in all households.
4 Often It means that the practices of correct installation and
maintenance wiring are observed in almost all
3 Sometimes It means that the practices of correct installation and
maintenance wiring are observed in an interval
2 Seldom It means that the practices of correct installation and
maintenance wiring are observed in limited
1 Very Low It means that the practices of correct installation and
maintenance wiring are not observed.

Please answer the following items:

A. Household Wiring:
Household Practice…
1. Proper size of Conductor. 5 4 3 2 1
2. Proper Conductor. 5 4 3 2 1
3. Proper Joints and Splices. 5 4 3 2 1
4. Proper installation of Conductor. 5 4 3 2 1
5. Proper number of conductor 5 4 3 2 1
In one pipe or Raceways.

B. Materials:
Household Use…
1. Reliable materials. 5 4 3 2 1
2. Safety breakers. 5 4 3 2 1
3. Brand new materials. 5 4 3 2 1

C. Tools and Equipment

Electrician use…
1. Proper tools and Equipment. 5 4 3 2 1
2. Safety methods. 5 4 3 2 1

Submitted by:

Warren P. Eduaba
Clint Kenneth Makigod
Arven Kim Labastida
Aldren Amandog
Allan Mark Beluan each

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