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properti untuk pendingin

air dengan suhu 40 derajat C

densitas ρ 992.1 kg/m3 diameter inner

specific heat Cp 4.179 kJ/kg.K
thermal conductivity k 0.631 W/m.K
Dynamic Viscosity μ 0.000653 kg/m.s panjang tube
Prandtl Number Pr 4.32

properti udara dengan suhu 20 derajat c

densitas ρ 1.204 kg/m3

specific heat Cp 1.007 kJ/kg.K
thermal conductivity k 0.02588 W/m.K
Dynamic Viscosity μ 0.000161 kg/m.s
Prandtl Number Pr 0.7282

keterangan fisik
Sd 0.08 m
St 0.08 m
diameter outer D 0.0172 m
asumsi kecepatan udara v 10 m2/s
Sl 0.069282

0.5 inci
0.0127 meter

10 meter
efectiveness _NTU methode

the specific heat of water average temperature of

The rate of heat transfer in this radiator from the hot water to the air
is determined from an energy balance on water flow,

debit water 2
mass flow 33.07
debit udara 10.5
massflow 0.2107

Ch heat capacity rate of the hot fluid

Cc heat capacity rate of the Cold fluid

Then the maximum heat transfer rate is determined from Eq. 13-32 to be
That is, the maximum possible heat transfer rate in this heat exchanger is

The actual rate of heat transfer in the heat exchanger is

Thus, the effectiveness of the heat exchanger is

from tabel figure 13-26(c)

mencari U
input water 40 degC
output water 35 degC
input air 20 degC

suhu water CP (J/kgK)

37.5 4178.5

690914.975 Wat
690.914975 kWat




4.243498 Wat
4.243498 Wat

-690.99765 Wat

-162.8368035 (kehilangan panas)


number of NTU 2.75

menghitung CP dari tabel properties dengan interpolasi

35 4178
37.5 4178.5
40 4179
Perancangan heat exchanger menggunakan metode ∆TLMTD

∆TLMTD 15.49462

T tube size

R 1.25

P 0.2

F 0.99

Q 41.79
q1 q2

step1 calculate the heat load

Step 2 calculate the LMTD

Step 3 Assume the Overall Heat Transfer Coeffisient (Uo)

Step 4 calculate the area require (A)

Step 5 Select the Plate Heat Exchanger

sehingga Uo yang dibutuhkan

Step 6 Calculate actual Overall heat transfer coefficient (Uc)

menghitung bilangan renold

mencari Re udara 1287.861

The average Nusselt number is determined using the
proper relation from Table
7–2 to be
Q=mCp(Tout-Tin) 41.79 kW


40 W/m2K

A 67.42662 m2
70.23606 atau 71 plat ada 35 chanel tiap fluida dengan effective
effective 68.16 m2
39.56961 W/m2K

ρ 992.1
mencari A dulu 0.019939 m2 Q 2
sehingga Re pada d 0.0127
saat 40 degC 1935408.355 μ 0.000653
1.935408355 Pr 4.32


sehingga bilangan
Nuseltnya 3817.605515

mencari hair 189677.8803

mencari Re udara
anel tiap fluida dengan effective heat transfer 68,16m2


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