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NASA Contractor Report 186019 An Aircraft Model for the AIAA Controls Design Challenge Randal W. Brumbaugh Contract NAS 2.12722 ymber 1991 NASA ‘National Aeronautics and ‘Space Administration NASA Contractor Report 186019 An Aircraft Model for the AIAA Controls Design Challenge Randal W. Brumbaugh PRC Inc., Edwards, California NASA Dryden Flight Research Facility Edwards, Cali Under Contract NAS 2-12722 1991 NASA National Aeronautics and ‘Space Administration Dryden Flight Research Facility Edwards, Califomia 93523-0273 An Aircraft Model for the AIAA Controls Design Challenge Randal W. Brumbaugh" PRC Inc. ‘Edwards, California Abstract ‘This paper describes a generic, state-of-the-art, high- performance aircraft model, including detailed, full envelope, nonlinear aerodynamics, and full-eavelope thrust and first-order engine response data. While this model was primarily developed for the AIAA Controls Design Chal- Tenge, the availabilty of such a model provides a com- ‘mon focus for research in aeronautical control theory and ‘methodology. This paper also describes an implementation ‘of this model using the FORTRAN computer language, as- ‘sociated routines furnished with te aircraft model, and tech- ‘niques for interfacing these routines to external procedures. Figures showing vehicle geometry, surfaces, and sign con- ventions are included. Nomenclature A axial force, Tb © speed of sound in air, sce % normal acceleration, 9 Om s-body axis accelerometer output, accel erometer at center of gravity, 9 Ow —_srbody axis accelerometer output, accel- cerometer at center of gravity, 9 Gu —_e-body axis accelerometer output, accel- ‘erometer at center of gravity, g 2, acceleration along the z-body axis, 9 2, —_ acceleration along the y-body axis, 9 2, acceleration along the z-body axis, 9 6 wingspan, ft C force or moment coefficient Cy coefficient of drag Cy coefficient of if, Ce coefficient of rotting moment “Dlecical engineer, member AIAA, ‘This paper is work of the US. Goveramest and isnot eject 1a copy. ight protectin inthe Used Sate. pow escogngeoraaS zea Pr ‘coefficient of pitching moment ‘coefficient of yawing moment coefficient of sideforce ‘mean aerodynamic chord, ft rag force, Ib determinant of matrix specific energy, Aightpath acceleration, 9 actuator transfer function acceleration due to gravity, sec altitude, ft vertical acceleration, fUsec? aircraft inertia tensor, slug-f? ‘rotational inertia of the engine, stug-ft? sr-body axis moment of inertia, stug-f* =-y body axis product of inertia, slug. +-z body axis product of inertia, slug-f sy-body axis moment of inertia, slug. voz body axis product of inertia, slug-f? _-body axis momeat of inertia, slug-f? aerodynamic constant total body axis aerodynamic rolling moment, -1b; (oF total aerodynamic lif 1b ‘penecalized length, ‘Mach number; o¢ total body axis aerodynamic. pitching momeat, 8-1b aircraft total mass, slug. mass of engine ‘normal force, Ib; or total body axis aerodynamic yawing moment, N-Ib Toad factor specific power, fuse Perse roll ate, radlse: or pressure, yh ambient pressure, bf? total pressure, It? pitch ae, radsec dynamic pressure, by? impact pressure, Ibm? Reynolds number Reynolds aumber pe unit length "+ yaw ate, radsec ‘wing planform area, f complex frequency ambient temperature, K; or otal angular ‘momentum slug-ft?/sec®; oc thrust, Ib total temperature, K velocity in 2-axs direction, fVsee total velocity, fUsee calibated airspeed, ka oquivalent airspeed, ka ‘velocity in y-axis direction, fsee vehicle weight, Ib velocity in z-axis direction, fUsee total force slong the 2-body ais 1b ‘thrust along the 2-body axis, Ib sidefore, Ib thrust along the y-body axis, 1b total force slong the s-body axis, Ib thrust along the 2-body axis, 1b angle of attack, rad. angle of sidesip, ad fightpath angle, rad ) ale ACou Cale SCon Tle Cex Table Aig Table Ko Table Ge, Table ce. ‘Table Conse ‘Table ou ‘Table Oy ‘Table aC, ‘Table Ks. Table on Table a Table Crane Table Gu. ‘Table on. Table ay, Table Ke Table. symmetrical. Each engine thrust vector is aligned with the body axis, and acts ata point located 10 f behind the vehicle center of gravity and 4 ft laterally from the centerline. The thrust produced by each engine isa function of altitude (h), ‘M, and throtle seting. Each engine is modeled as a non- linear system having two separate sections; a core engine and an afterburner (augmentot) section with associated se- ‘quencing logic. ‘Throtle position inputs to the engine model are in de- ‘grees, with a minimum position of 20° and a maximum of 127°, The core section responds to throttle inputs up to 83°, ‘The afterburner section begins to respond at a throtle po- sition of 91°. The core model has first-order dynamics and rate limiting to model spool-up effects. A block diagram of the core model dynamics is shown in Fig. 8. The after- ‘bummer has a rate limiter and sequencing logic to mode! the fuel pump and pressure regulator effecs. A block diagram of the afterburner model dynamics is shown in Fig. 9, ‘Observation Model ‘The observation variables provided by this model repre- seat abroad class of parameters usefil for vehicle analysis ‘and control design problems. These variables include the state, time derivatives of state, and contrl variables. Ai data parameters, accelerations, fightpath terms, and other miscellaneous parameters are also included. The equations used to calculate those parameters are derived from a aum- ber of sources (Clancy, 1975; Dommasch et al., 1967; Btkin, 1972; Gainer and Hoffman, 1972; Gracy, 1980). Implicit {in many of these observation equations is an atmospheric model, The atmospheric model is derived from the US. ‘Standard Atmosphere (1962). ‘Three body axis angular rates and three translational ac- celeration are available as observation variables. These n- clude the x-body axis rate (u), the y-body axis rate (v), and the 2-body axis rate (w). The time derivatives of these quan- tities, a, 6, and ware also included. The equations defining these quantities ae V cos cos B vsing w= Vsin cos 8 (Zecamsn ea Dewset L880) «oy gy o= (tezememeaeeey 08 88Y) ar — (Zetemsnieeatd= ane tessa) +qu— pu ‘The vehicle body axis accelerations constitute the set of observation variables that, except for state variables uhem- selves, are most commonly used in aircraft control analysis and design problems. These accelerations are measured in g units and are derived direcly from the body axis forces 1.0) Po pet te T.=7(.0+0.2M?) ae where £ is length, p pressure, T is ambient of free-stream temperature, p the density of the air, and y the coefficient of viscosity. Free-stream pressure, free-stream temperature, and the coefficient of viscosity are derived from the U.S. ‘Standard Atmosphere (1962). Included in the airdata calculations are two velocit equivalent airspeed (V,) and calibrated airspeed (Vz), both ‘computed in knots. ‘The calculations assume that internal ‘units are inthe English system. The equation used for equiv- alent airspeed is Ven ITAIVG ‘which is derived from the definition of equivalent airspeed, ‘where po = 0.002378 slug/f and V, is converted from feet petsecond kaos, Calratedaspeed is eed fom be folowing detalion of impact presre w[(10* v2) —] (eS 00) 12 (8)'» [sat] (>) For the case where Ve < ap, the equation for Vis 77 1479.16 (+10) =10 m0 Calibrated airspeed is found using an iterative process for : Jf rae {s executed until the change i Vz ftom one iteration tothe next is less than 0.001 ka, ‘The final set of observation variables provided isa miscel- lancous collection of other parameters of interest in analysis and design problems. The first group consisis of measure- ‘ments from sensors not located atthe vehicle center of grav- ity, These represent angle of attack (a,), angle of sidestip Bp altitude (), and altitude rate (h,) measurements dis- placed from the center of gravity by some z- y-, and z-body axis distances. The equations used to compute these quan- tities are woe (FP) aan (# 2) v ha=h+ zsin 8 ~ ysin g.cos 0 — 2008 $08 @ Ve= 582.95174 ( + te T.KVJo0)* hu = h+ G(xc0s 0+ ysin gsin 0+ 200s gsin 6) $y 008 #08 6 — 2 sin #c08 &) ‘The remaining miscellaneous parameters are total angu- lar momentum (T), stability axis rll rate (p,), stability axis pitch rate (q,), and stability axis yaw rate (r,), defined as 10 Ts i 2 leypa — 2Iespr+ Iya? —2Iygr + Tet?) Pet poos a rsin a a a= —psin a+ reo a ‘Equations of Motion and Atmospheric Model ‘The nonlinear equations of motion used inthis model are oneral six-degree-of-freedom equations representing the flight dynamics of a rigid aircraft flying in a stationary at- ‘mosphere over a flat, nonrotating Earth. These equations of ‘motion were derived by Ekin, andthe derivation is detailed in Duke, Antoniewicz, and Krambees. The equations for ‘each variable inthe state vector are given in te following. ‘The following equations for rotational acceleration are used b= (ZL) + (2M)h + (EN)b - Peek - + aes ~ Iyela — Dal) — Pr Degli + Dyla — Iyals) + ¢?Tyalt ~ Teyls) =e Delt ~ Tnyla + lees) =? (yeh ~ Teele) [det a) (22) fa + EM + CENYIs ~ PUsale ~ Ieyls) + paTarls ~ Iyela ~ Dal) — Pr Tnyla + Dyla — Iyels) + (Ipel2 ~ Inyls) = ar( Dslz — Ingle + Ines) ~PUyela ~ Iesls)| [det T [C2D)b + (LM Is + (EN) Ig — Peels — Tepe) + pa lags ~ Iyels ~ Dele) PrCTeyls + Dyls ~ Iyele) + 4 Igels ~ Ingle) ~9r( Del — Iayls + Teele) 1? Uyels — Inels)] /det T Where EL, EM and ENV are the aerodynamic total mo- ‘meats about the z-, y-, and z-body axes, respectively, in- cluding powerplant induced moments, and det I = Ielyl 2apleelye~ fal, ~ ly, ~ lay h layla + Iyalan Th = Teylye + Iyles he hh-2, ly Ie ‘The translational acceleration equations used are V = [Dos A+ sin B+ X1c0s acos 8 +¥psin f+ Zp sin crcos 6 —mg( sin 0 cos «cos f — cos Osin g sin 8 = €08 0 c0s sin xcos 6] /m -L + Zpcosa—Xrsina + mg(c08 8 cos $ cos ar+ sin Osin a)] /Vmcos 8 +q—tan A pcos a+ rsin a) B= [Dsin f+ ¥ cos 6 — Xrcos asin B +¥r 00s 6 Zrsin asin 6 ++mg( sin Ocos asin + cos @ sin 4008 A — 008 6 008 gin avsin A)] /Vm +psin a—roos where a, A, 0, and ¢ are angles of attack, sidesip, pitch, and rol, respectively; Xr, ¥p. and Zp are thrust along the -,y-and s-body axes; and D is drag force, 9 gravitational acceleration, 1 total aerodynamic lift, m total aircraft mass, V total velocity, and ¥ sideforce. ‘The equations defining the vehicle attitude rates are b= qoosp—rsing sin $ sec 0+ rc08 # sec 0 p+ gsin ptan 0+ reos tan 0 where # is heading angle, ‘The equations defining the Earth-relaive velocities are b= V( cos cos axsin 0 — sin Asin $.cos 0 = €08 sin a1cos cos 4) = V{.c0s cos a.cos 8 cos + sin A(sin $ sin 8 cos y — cos $sin ) ++ 00s isin a cos ¢ sin @cos w+ sin g sin ¥)) 9 = VI cos cos axcos Osin + sin A(sin 4 sin 0 sin w + cos 4.08 ¥) +008 Asin a cos ¢ sin Osin w — sin cos ¥)} ‘The atmospheric data mode! is based on tables from the U.S. Standard Atmosphere (1962). This model calculates values for speed of sound, acceleration due to gravity, air density, viscosity, and ambient static pressure and temper- ature, These values are calculated based on altitude. The un ‘tabular data is organized on evenly spaced breakpoints be- ‘tween 0 and 90 km. Linear interpolation is used between tuble values for altitudes in this range; the extreme valves are used for altitudes outside the range. FORTRAN Implementation “The model is implemented asa program in standard FOR- ‘TRAN 77 programming language. The program is intended tobe portable, and has been successfully compiled on a wide range of computer platforms. ‘The routines which imple- ‘meat the models are designed in a modular fashion, pat tered after the modules described inthe previous section. ‘Modules communicate through named common blocks. ‘There are four primary subroutines; each corresponds toa primary module in the model. These routines are CCALC, ENGINE, INSTRM, and UCNTRL. The CCALC routine performs the calculations forthe aerodynamic model. The UCNTRL routine, supplied by the user, calculates desired ‘control surface deflections for the aerodynamic modeling routines. The INSTRM routine calculates the instrumen- tation models for the observation variables. The ENGINE routine contains the propulsion system model. These sub- routines and associated common blocks are described in de- tail in he following subsections. Aircraft Characteristics ‘Vehicle mass and geometry information is read from the file paramedat. These values are stored in the common block DATAIN as follows COMMON /DATAIN/S , B_, CBAR, AMSS, AIX, AIY, AIZ , AIXZ, ADCY, AIYZ, AIXE ‘The frst three variables in the common block, S, B, and CBAR, represent wing area, wingspan, and mean aerody- namic chord, respectively. The vehicle mass is represented by AMSS. The remaining values are vehicle inertia. ‘Equations of Motion and Atmospheric Model Routines ‘The routine DERIVC calculates the equations of motion, ‘based on the previously listed model equations. The rou- tine INTG integrates the equations to calculate the new state ‘vector. The integration is performed using a second-order ‘Runge-Kutta midpoint algorithm. Atmospheric model cal- ‘culations are performed by the ALTFN routine, ‘Aerodynamic Model Routines ‘The aerodynamic model contsins two major subrou- tines, ADATIN and CCALC. ‘The subroutine ADATIN is ‘used during inialization to input the basic formatied aero- ‘dynamic data from the file HPAS.dat. The subroutine ‘CCALC uses this aerodynamic data the state variables, and the surface positions to determine the aerodynamic coefi- cients. The CCALC subroutine is executed whenever new aerodynamic coefficients are required (for example, once cach frame during a simulation). 2 ‘The aerodynamic data are communicated from ADATIN to CALC through named common blocks that occur in ‘only these two routines. The interface betwee CCALC and the main program consists of several named common blocks that are used to pass state variables ardata parameters, sur- face postions, and force and moment coefficients between CCALC and the calling program. ‘The main transfer of data into the subroutine CCALC is through named common blocks. These commoa blocks contain the state variables, irdata parameters, and sur- face positions. ‘The transfer of output data from CCALC is through a named common block containing the aerody- namic force and moment coefficients. The details of these ‘common blacks follow. ‘The common block DRVOUT contains the state variables ‘and their derivatives with respect to time. The structure of this common block is shown in Table 5. The state variables Table 5. Names and locations of state variables and derivatives in DERIVC common block. are stored firs, in the F array, and the derivatives follow in the DF array. Each array coatains 13 elements. Rou- tines which require access to these arrays use an EQUIV- ALENCE statement to allow access to the variables by the ‘names shown in Table 5, for clarity. For example, the body axis rates p, q, and r appear as P, Q, and R, respectively. ‘Total velocity is represented by the variable V, and alutude by H. COMMON /DERIVC/ F(13), DF(I3) ‘The common block SIMOUT contains the main airdata parameters required forthe function generation subroutine. ‘The variables inthis common block are COMMON /SIMOUT/ AMCH, QBAR, GMA, DEL, UB, VB, WB, VEAS, VCAS Mach mumber and dynamic pressure are the first entries in the common block, symbolized by AMCH and QBAR, re- spectively. The body axis velocities u,v, and w are included as UB, VB, and WB, respectively. Inputs to the actuator models are entered through the ‘variables in the CONCOM common block, the structure of ‘which is shown in the following COMMON /CONCOM/ DAC, DHC, DRC, DDC ‘The actuator mode! routine, ACTDYN, calculates the ap- ‘propriate inputs to the aerodynamic model, based on the ‘command inputs, and stores them in the CONTRL common block. The CONTRL common block contains the surface position and cagine thrust information in the DC array. The structure of the common block /CONTRL is as follows (COMMON /CONTRL/DC (30) ‘There are six locations in the DC array used. The defisi- tion of these is shown in Table 6. Routines which access these parameters usually EQUIVALENCE them tothe vati- able names shown in the table. ‘Table 6. Names and locations of command inputs, Function ta bi b in Jef engine thrust right engine thrust ‘The common block SIMACC contains the accelerations, accelerometer outputs, and normal accelerometer output at the ceater of gravity ofthe aircraft. (COMMON /SIMACC/ AX , AY , AZ, ANX, ANY, ANZ, AN ‘The output common block CLCOUT contains the vati- ables represeating the aerodynamic moment and force ‘coefficients COMMON CLCOUT/CL, CM, CN, CD, CLFT, CY ‘The variables CL, CM, and CN are the symbols forthe eoef- ficients of rolling moment (C,), pitching moment (Cy), and yawing moment (C,), respectively; these terms are body axis coefficients. The stability axis forces are represented 13 by CD (Coefficient of drag Cp), CLFT (coefficient of lift Gx), and CY (sideforce coefficient Oy). Propulsion System Model Routines ‘The top level subroutine ENGINE computes individual engine parameters to calculate force, torque, and gyro- scopic effects caused by engine offset from the centerline. Each time ENGINE is called, it calls the interface routine UENGIN, which calls the actual engine model in the rou- tine ENGMDL. After ENGMDL computes thrust from each engine, ENGINE uses the parameters in the ENGSTF com- ‘mon to compute force, torque, and gyroscopic effects. The ‘control inputs to the engine model are THRSTX(1) foe the Jef engine throtle position in degrees, and THRSTX@) for the right engine. The THRSTX array is in the CTPARM ‘common block. The output thrust is available in two loca- tions; left engine thrust appears as DC(11), in the CONTR ‘common block, and as THRUST(1) in the ENGSTF com- ‘mon block. Similarly, right engine thrust appears as DC(12) and THRUST(2). Various other parameters used for caleu- lation of engine effects are passed through common block ENGSTF as follows COMMON /ENGSTF/ THRUST (4), TLOCAT (4,3), XYANGL (4), XZANGL (4), TVANXY (4), TVANXZ (4), DXTHRS (4), EIX (4), AMSENG (4), ENGOMG (4) ‘The variables in this common block correspond to thrust, (THRUST); the z-, y-, and z-body axis coordinates of the point at which thrust acts (TLOCAT); the orientation of the thrust vector in the 2-y body axis plane (XYANGL) in degrees; the orientation of the thrust vector in the x-2 body axis plane (XZANGL) in degrees; the orientation of the thrust vector in the a-y engine axis plane (TVANXY) in degrees; the orientation of the thrust vector in the =-2 engine axis plane (T'VANXZ) in degrees; the distance be- ‘ween the ceater-of-pravty ofthe engine and the thrust poiat (DXTHRS) measured positive in the negative x-eagineaxis; ‘the rotational inertia of the engine (ELX); mass (AMSENG), ‘and the rotational velocity ofthe engine (ENGOMG). Although many of the engine arrays are sized to contain {our elements, only the first two are used. The first element corresponds 1 the left engine, the second to the right engine. Engine data is contained in the file ENGINE dat, stored as formatted text. ‘Observation Model Routines ‘The common block OBSERV allows the user to access all the observation variables. This common block contains the two vectors OBSVEC(120) and PARAM(120,6). A list of the available observations and parameters is given in Table 7. ‘Table 7. Observation variables available Table7. Continued. in the OBSVEC array. Ta ae Toeation Gndexy ———— in OBSVEC ‘Variables in OBSVEC Variables ‘rata parameters ‘State variables a ‘Speed of sound T Roll rate 37 Reynolds number 2 Pitch rate 103 Reynolds number per 3 Yaw rate Unit length 4 Velocity 35 Mach number 3 Angle of attack 6 Dynamic pressure 6 Angle of siestip 6 Impact pressure 7 Pitch attitude 35 “Ambient pressure 8 Heading 7 Impacvambient 9 Roll attitude. Pressure ratio 10 Altitude 38 Total pressure u Displacement north 9 Temperature 12 ___ Displacement east © Total temperature Derivatives of sate variables. 2 Equivalent airspeed TB Rolscderion 2 _Cealivated anpeed 4 Pitch acceleration —> 1s Yaw acceleration ‘Fighipath angle 16 Velocity rate 38 Flightpath acceleration 7 Angle-oFattack rate 40 ightpath angle rate 18 ‘Angle-of-sideslip rate 48 Scaled altitude rate 19 Pitch attitude rate. Energy-related terms 2 Heading rate % ‘Specific power 2 Roll attude rate 4 Specific energy 2 Altitude rate Force parameters: 2 Velocity north 3 Tilt force 24 Velocity cast 95 Drag force Accelerations 6 ‘Normal force 3 = body axis acceleration 2 Axial force a _y-body axis acceleration y axis parameters a _a-body axis acceleration 2 “body axis velociiy B t-body axis accelerometer at vehicle 33 y-body axis velocity center of gravity 4 body axis velocity a w-body axis accelerometer at vehicle 100 Rate of change of velocity in center of gravity se-body axis 2» sr-body axis accelerometer at vehicle 101 Rate of change of velocity in center of gravity v-body axis 3 ‘Normal acceleration 102 Rate of change of velocity in 2 t-body axis accelerometer not at z-body axis vehicle center of gravity Miscellaneous measurements not B body axis accelerometer not at vehicle center of gravity at vehicle center of gravity a “Angle of attack not at “ _a-body axis accelerometer not vehicle center of gravity at vehicle center of gravity 4s ‘Angle of sieslip not at » Normal accelerometer not vehicle center of gravity a vehicle ceater of gravity 41 ‘Altitude instrument not at 8 Load factor vehicle center of gravity 2 ‘Altitude rate intrumest not at vehicle center of gravity “4 Table 7. Concluded. Tocation Gndexy in OBSVEC Variables ‘Other miscellaneous parameter ‘Vehicle total angular ‘momentum 49 Stability axis rol rte 50 Stability axis pitch rate st Stability axis yaw rate ‘Control surface parameters 611050 Control surfaces DCCH) toDCGo) Propulsion 107 "Throttle position = Teh engine 108 arottle postion - ight engine ‘The observation vector is produced by the INSTRM rou- line, which contains calculations for instrumentation and ob- ‘servation models. The observation vector is in the OBS VEC array, in the OBSERV common block as follows COMMON /OBSERV/ OBSVEC(120), PARAM(120,6) ‘The contents of the observation vector are strictly outputs from the simulation; none of the models use these values. ‘The stored parameters were selected to provide a variety Of useful information; however, several unused locations (OBSVEC(109) - OBSVEC(120)) are available for the user to include other observation variables. The user may also ‘modify any ofthe locations without affecting the simulation, ‘The PARAM array is used to store parameters which affect corresponding measurements in OBSVEC, such asthe loca- tions of an accelerometer not at the vehicle center of gravity. Interfacing and Using the Model as a Simulation ‘This section describes the typical method of interfacing to ‘and operating the simulation built from the FORTRAN im- pPlemeatation of the model. The information inthis section is sufficient to allow a.user to interface tothe simulation and ‘begin using it, without being concerned about the details of the model, equations, or the FORTRAN program, ‘The routine UCNTRL contains the user control law im- plementation. The inputs to this routine may be taken from any common block, but typically use the observa- tion variables in the OBSVEC array, in the OBSERV com- mon block. The OBSVEC array contains many parame- ters which would be unmeasurable on an actual aircraft; these should not be used as inputs to a practical control sys- ‘tem. The outputs are the four control position commands in the CONCOM common block, and the two throtle set- tings, THRSTX, in the CTPARM common block. A sim- ‘le autopilot is provided in the distribution UCNTRL as an example. 1s Routines for user supplied input and output are also pro- Vided. The routine URTIN is called atthe start ofeach frame Joop, to perform input, The routine URTOUT is called at the end of each loop to perform output tasks. ‘These rou- tines may perform any function the user wishes. They may contain file UO, interfaces to a network, a windowing sys- tem, or shared memory. Using these routines, the user may implement displays or recording capability and control the simulation. These routines are called in the main loop, s0 their execution will affect execution time significantly, Ex- amples ofthese routines are provided in the distribution, ‘A routine is provided for user specified initialization, UINIT. This routine is called once, as the last step in the initialization sequence. Any initializations may be Included here. ‘The simulation has three mutually exclusive modes of op- ‘eration; operate, reset, and hold. The mode selection is per- formed by setting one of the variables, OPERAT, RESET, (or HOLD to true, and resetting the remaining two variables {o false. These variables are found in the common block 'SSS001. Operate is the normal mode in which the simula- tion executes all the input, output, integration, and model routines. In hold mode, the simulation only executes the in- pput and output routines; all states and parameters hold their last value. In reset mode, the simulation is reinitialized to the user specified initial conditions, The model routines are called, but no integrations are performed, so simulation time oes not pass. Initial conditions are specified in the array FIC, which contains a value for each ofthe 13 state variables. This array is in the common block SETICS. These values are copied into the state vector (F) by the ICSET routine whesever the simulation is placed into reset mode, Default initial condi- tions are provided in the block data initialization, but a new set may be used at any time by setting the desired values in the FIC array and putting the simulation into reset mode, Concluding Remarks ‘This paper describes a generic, state-of-the-art, high- performance aircraft model, including detailed, full- ‘envelope, nonlinear aerodynamics, and full-eavelope thrust and first-order engine response data. While this model was primarily developed for the ALAA Controls Design Chal- lenge, the availability of such a model provides a com- ‘mon focus for research in aeronautical control theory and ‘methodology. This paper also describes an implementation of this model using the FORTRAN computer language, as- sociated routines furnished with the aircraft model, and tech- "iques for interfacing these routines to external procedures. Figures showing vehicle geometry, surfaces, and sign con- ‘ventions are included. References Clancy, LJ., Aerodynamics, Joha Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1975. Dommasch, Daniel O., Sherby, Sydney S., and Connolly, ‘Thomas F, Airplane Aerodynamics, Fourth Edition, Pitman, ‘New York, NY, 1967. Duke, EL, Antoniewicz, RF, and Krambect, K.D., Derivation and Definition of a Linear Aircraft Model, ‘NASA RP-1207, Aug. 1988, Duke EL, Patterson, BP, Antoniewicz, RF, User's ‘Manual for LINEAR, a FORTRAN Program to Derive Lin- ar Aircraft Models, NASA TP-2768, Dec. 1987. 16 Ekin, Bernhard, Dynamics of Atmospheric Fight, John Wiley Sons, New York, 1972, Gainer, Thomas G. and Hoffman, Sherwood, Summary of Transformation Equations and Equations of Motion Used in ‘Free-Flight and Wind-Tunnel Data Reduction and Analysis, NASA $P-3070, 1972, Gracey, William, Measurement of Aircraft Speed and Al- titude, NASA RP-1046, 1980. USS. Standard Atmosphere, 1962, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C., 1962. F7_ PERFORMING ORGANIZATION WAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) NASA Dryden Flight Research Facility P.O. Box 273 ‘Edwards, Califomia 93523-0273 [s-ERFORMING ORGANTZATION REPORT NUMBER HATTT [o- SPONSORWGRONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESSTES) ‘AGENCY REPORT NUMBER, ‘National Aeronautics and Space Administration ‘Washington, DC 20546-0001 NASA CR-186019 Fi SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Prepared as AIAA 91-2631. Presented at the AIAA GNC Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 12, 1991. Technical monitor. Vince Chacon ‘This paper describes a generic, state-of the-art, high-performance aircraft model, including detailed, fll-envelope, ‘nonlinear aerodynamics, and full-envelope thrust and first-order engine response data, Whilethis model was primarily ‘developed for the AIAA Controls Design Challenge, the availability of such a model provides a common focus for ‘esearch in aeronautical control theory and methodology. This paper also describes an implementation ofthis model using the FORTRAN computer language, associated routines furnished with the aircraft model, and techniques for interfacing these routines to extemal procedures. Figures showing vehicle geometry, surfaces, and sign conventions are included. fa sunsecT TERS 19 ‘Simulation; Controls; Design challenge; Model; Numerical simulation [SECURITY CUASSIFGATION [vs, SECURITY CLASSIFICATION | 18 SECURTTY CTASSTFIERYION |i UiniT ATION OF RBSTRAG OF nePoRT ‘Oras pace OF abaTRACT Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified NEN THOTT BROEEOS ‘Suandard Form 206 (Rev. 785) Prmcwestyaaine Se

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