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Student Name: Haseeb Ahmed

Reg #: 58214
Topic: Green procurement: A tool for improving organization performance in beverage industry
of Pakistan
Area: SCM
Supervisor: Mr. Naeem Bhojani
Program: BBA

Material consumption & energy levels are increased by economic growth, which adds to
ecological problems and resource exhaustion. For organizations dealing with social, competitive
and regulatory pressure, it is substantial to balance out economic and environmental impacts.
These days, keeping sustainability of environmental in mind, firms throughout the world in their
business are beginning to turn towards “green”. Green procurement is defined as purchasing of
product and services that are environmental friendly, selection of supplier & making sure
aspects of requirements for environment are part of the contract. The core aim of the research
was to determine how productivity of organization is improved by green procurement practices
(reverse logistics and supplier assessment). The sample size selected was 70 management staff
of Coca Cola Company. Sampling technique used was non-probability convenience sampling.
For collection of data, a five-point Likert scale structured/close-ended questionnaire was
administered. Instrument contained 17 items ranging from 1-5 with confirmed significance &
reliability. Descriptive, reliability, correlation and multi- regression analysis were utilized for
data analysis.

Green procurement practices (i.e. reverse logistics and supplier assessment) collectively
describe 60% of variance in organization performance. Overall model fitted well but only the
supplier assessment had the significant effect while reverse logistic had less significance. The
managers of the beverage industry should adopt green procurement practices to increase
organizational performance. The more implementation of reverse logistics practices of recycling
& remanufacture with minimal adoption of reuse practices of reverse logistics guarantees
resource maximization. Policies should be created by government in the manufacturing
industries for suppliers. Emphasis should be given on green packaging by implementing 4R1D.

Keywords: Green procurement practices, Organization performance

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