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1/ These statements are false correct

them with information from the text (1.5marks)

a- Kate spends the whole night online.
b- Many teenagers have a good relationship with
their friends in real life
c-It is very easy for her to stop surfing the
2/Read the text and tick the right
Kate's first class starts at eight o’clock in the
a- Kate feels that – She is alone
morning and it’s 1.30a.m now . The only sound that - she is free.
you can hear in Kate's small room is the clicking - she is excellent at school.
of a computer keyboard. Her mum does no longer b- Although Kate failed English last year,
know what to do. Everyday, it’s the same. She – she studies hard to succeed.
goes to bed half an hour later. “Kate -She no longer uses the internet.
does no longer pay attention to her studies or to - she still spends a long time on line.
the report she has to present next week .She c- The Internet has led many teenagers to.
ignores all types of homework.”Her mother says. -a nice school performance.
She cares only about the conversations she – a poor school performance
carries on with people from all over the world - a better school performance
without caring about her grades or her friends in 3/Match parts of sentences in column one with parts
real life”. Kate who is a school student, spends of sentences in column two to make correct
about 75hours per week. "I can’t stop. I have sentences. Write the answers in the space given:
lost touch with all my friends in real life." (1.5 marks)
Internet access in American households
1. Kate spends a long time a. a big number of teenagers have
increases, that’s why the number of teenagers online,--------------------- become addicted to the net.
who spend a long time of their lives online, has
2. Psychologists think b. is just one consequence of this
increased ,too. Psychologists say “Look out! an that------------------ type of addiction
increasing number of teens are going into a new
3. Isolation from c. and she doesn’t care about her
form of addiction “. In an interview Kate
society---------------- school results
declared:"I'm destroying my future and I am
becoming isolated from the society," "I failed 4/ Read and circle the correct function of the
English last year... I didn’t care about my studies underlined utterance:(0.5 mark)
but at least, I feel free. In fact, I can talk to Look out! An increasing number of teens are going into
others about any topic without being afraid of a new form of addiction -Advising
the consequences”. She added” I have found - Warning - Suggesting
people who are ready to listen to my words “ 5/Read and say what the underlined words refer
to :(1 mark) I(Parag1) refers
to-----------------------who(Parag2) refers
Key1.a-She spends a part of the night on line/b-She doesn’t care to--------------------------
about her friends in real life./c-I can’t stop/2.a-She is free/b- she
still spends a long time on line. /3.1.c-2.a-
3.b/4.Warning/5.I: Kate-who: teenagers
2/ Circle the correct alternatives(3 marks)
Dear Peter, Tunisia
Language: (8marks)
How are you all ? I (arrived/
1/ Complete with words from Have arrived/arrive) to
the list. Be careful there are two Tunisia three days ago. Good
bye now I’ll Let me tell you. My
extra words.(3marks) E -mails /on
holiday is tell you more
line /entertainment /chat /hackers/ perfect. Tunisia has achieved about my holiday
download/ destination/ information a lot of(monuments/ 45
In the past, when people When I get back home
needed --------------------, they used
I (didn’t/haven’t/wasn’t) Grandma
Mr Peter Smith
to look in books. Now, you can go onto gone to the town center yet. King Road
the internet also called the World The weather is lovelyN°39 London
Wide Web(www) to look for whatever (because/but/and)many
people are practicing
you like. It also provides
--------------------like music and films. wind/wind surfing/ Surf).
As well as surfing the net for (Since/For/Already) last
information, people can join a Friday, I have visited
many monuments .
------------------room, send 3) Match the underlined utterances with the right
photographs or e- cards, functions. Be careful There is one extra function.
Write the answers in the box bellow(2marks)
-------------------music and of course
send--------------. No need to go to a)
Tourist: Excuse me. Would
the post office to pay bills or go to you mind showing me the Expressing
the shops to buy things . You can do way to the bank, please? obligation.
all that -------------- b)
Policewoman: Yes, of
Giving advice.
course. There is one in the
next street. Beware! Don’t c)
take any turning.(2) Just Thanking
go ahead, you’ll find it in d) Warning
front of you.
e) Requesting
Tourist: That is kind of 1................
you. ( 3). Can I take a bus
to the town centre from
Key:1.information-entertainment-chat- 2..................
here ?
download- e-mails – on line 3.................
Policewoman: No, you have
wind surfing-since to go back to King
3.1.e/2.d/3.c/4.a Tourist: thanks again. Good
III/ Writing: (6 marks)
Some people think that the mobile phone is a necessary means of communication while others
believe that it has many disadvantages. What do you think? Write an article in your blog to express
your opinion about the topic.

The following hints can help you.

AdvantagesDisadvantages* to contact their parents

* to stay in touch with friends

*to discuss homework during the week.

*to feel safer if they can reach family and friend quickly.
* a means of keeping in touch and communication

* to send and receive text messages during classes

*take and exchange photos

*to cheat on tests

*to disturb other peopleFunctions: Warning/Agreement/Disagreement/

Linkers: First/Second/Then/However/Moreover/Besides/Therefore/In addition…


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