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BCS6B15: Programming Laboratory III: Java & PHP Programming

WEB PROGRAMMING –Practical list

1. Display the Fibonacci series up to a given number.
2. Write a PHP application to generate the pay slip of an employee by accepting name, basic salary and
designation. The net salary will be calculated based on the following conditions.
Designation Conveyance Extra Allowance Conditions for Income tax calculation
Manager 1000 500 Gross < 2000 0
Supervisor 750 200 2000 < gross < 4000 3%
Clerk 500 100 4000 < gross < 5000 5%
Peon 250 Gross > 5000 8%
3. HRA – 25 % Gross= basic + HRA + conveyance + extra
a. Net = gross – income tax
4. Write an HTML page to display a list of fruits in a list box. Write PHP program to display the names of
the fruits which are selected by the user.
5. Write a PHP program to store current date/time in a cookie and display the ‘last visited on‘ date/time on
the web page upon reopening of the same page.
6. Create a login page using MYSQL database.
7. Write a PHP program to create an array and store 10 names in the array. Do the following operations (no
built-in functions are allowed)
a. Display the contents using for each statement.
b. Display the array in a sorted order.
c. Display the array without the duplicate elements
d. Remove the last element and display
e. Display the array in reverse order
8. Create a PHP program to display the bio-data of a person in a table format, by reading the personal details
using an HTML page.
9. Create a table “product” with fields item-code, item-name, unit-price using MYSQL. Write PHP program
to insert records into the table and display the items in a table format.
10. Write a PHP program for insert, delete, update and display operation on account table. The account table
contain fields such as account-no, name and amount.
11. Create a MYSQL table student with fields register number, name, mark, grade. Write a PHP program to
insert data and display the mark list of a student by accepting the register number of the student.
12. Write a program in PHP to check whether a number is Armstrong number or not.
13. Write a program in PHP to display factorial of a given number
14. Write a program in PHP to display Prime number up-to n
15. Write a program in PHP check whether a number is prime or not.

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