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Teacher: Mlle Eccles & Mlle S. Ryan

Room: 1059
Course Overview
In FSL 9, students will have the opportunity to explore a variety of cultural, linguistic,
and grammatical concepts. One of the major priorities in this course is to allow students
to enhance their communicative abilities while developing their skills in listening,
speaking, reading, and writing. Therefore, the topics covered in FSL are intended to be
meaningful and relevant to the every day lives of students. In order to achieve this,
students will be exposed to a variety of activities that are designed to help them further
their ability to effectively use the French language.
Course Objectives
1. Communication: Students will use their knowledge of French to understand
and/or to express a message effectively in various situations for a variety of
2. Language: Students will use and expand on their knowledge of linguistic
elements of the French language to be able to communicate with others.
3. Culture: Students will explore various aspects of Francophone cultures and their
own culture while at the same time developing an appreciation for these and
other cultures.
4. Language Learning Strategies: Students will be introduced to various learning
strategies to enhance the effectiveness of learning and communication.
General Information
If you find yourself having difficulty with any assignments or course work covered, you
should see your teacher as soon as the difficulty arises. You may arrange a meeting
with your teaching during CONN3CT block or at another mutually convenient time.

 Class Work 80%
 Final Exam 20%
Academic Honesty
Working collaboratively includes sharing information and knowledge in order to gain a
deeper understanding of material that is covered in a class. It does not, however, mean
that one person completes the entirety of the work and allows another person to copy it.
Cooperating is acceptable. Copying is not.
Lates & Zeroes
Until you submit work it will be recorded as a NHI (not handed in) which is the
equivalent of a zero. While you may hand assignments in late without penalty, it is
important to note that time management is a valuable skill to acquire. Due dates are set
in order to allow you to have enough time to do your work properly. If you do not stay on
top of your work you will likely fall behind and may have a negative impact on your mark
and future work.
Course Organization and Topics Covered
Unité 1: ___________________________

Thème: Les sports

Content: Vocabulaire
Les verbes réguliers et irréguliers au présent
Les verbes pronominaux
Les expressions avec faire et avoir

Unité 2: ___________________________

Thème: Les logements

Content: Vocabulaire
Les adjectifs possessifs
Les prépositions
Les adverbes et les adjectifs
Vouloir, pouvoir et devoir

Unité 3: ___________________________

Thème: La communauté et les voyages

Content: Vocabulaire
Le futur proche
Le partitif

My Expectations

The use of google translate for assignments is strictly prohibited and will result in
an NHI. I am very serious about this. Students can access help for editing written work
by using a dictionary,, or asking the teacher for assistance.

I expect active and respectful participation. We are all language learners, therefore
every person will make a mistake at some point during the semester. However, if we are
respectful of others, there will be no reason to be scared to communicate in French.

Students need to arrive in class on time with all of the materials necessary for

If cellphones or computers become a distraction to your learning, they will be taken

away until the end of class. You will be required to complete your work using a pen and
paper for the rest of that class.

Work is due at the beginning of the period designated as the submission date.
Students must communicate with the teacher in advance if they cannot complete work for
the due date. If assignments have not been handed in, evaluating the student’s abilities
is impossible and the student will earn a mark of NHI.

I expect a written note to signal absences of three days or more as well as a meeting to
discuss the material to be completed by the student before or during his or her absence.
Any missed assessments will be written be the student the day before their absence or
after (as predetermined by the teacher). In addition, when a student returns from their
absence, it is their responsibility to obtain missed coursework. Excuses such as “I
didn’t know because I wasn’t here” are not acceptable since Moodle and the other
students in class are great sources of information.

Please do not let your computer become a distraction to your learning.

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