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In 196 9 , a 1 4- year- old Beatle fanatic nam ed Jerry Levitan, arm ed with a r e e l -

to-reel tape deck and a head full of questions, snuck into John Lennon’s h o t e l
room in Toronto and convinced John to do an interview. This was in the m i d s t
of Lenno n’s “bed-in” phase, during which John and Yoko were staying in h o t e l
b ed s in an effort to prom ote peace. 38 years later, Jerry has produced a fi l m
a b o u t it .

Using the original interview recording as the soundtrack, director Jo s h Ra s k i n

Animated Short has woven a visual narrative which tenderly romances Lennon’s eve r y wo r d i n
5 min 10 sec
a cascading flood of multipronged animation. Raskin marries the te r r i f y i n g l y
Written, Directed & Animated by: brilliant pen work of James Braithwaite with masterful digital illus t r a t i o n by
JOSH RASKIN Alex Kurina , resulting in a spell-binding vessel for Lennon’s bound l e s s w i t , a n d
t im eless m essage.
Produced by:
The young Jerry Levitan is portrayed in simple cell-animated pen lines as h e
Pen Illustration by: poses his interview questions, and in contrast, Lennon’s replies trigger a n
assail of fast-moving animation, highlighting the particulars of his geniu s
Computer Illustration by: t h ro ug h literal visualization.
Starring: This film is not just an historic recording. T his film is not just an am us i ng
JOHN LENNON and a n ecdote, ram pant with witty turns of phrase. T his film is not just a ka l e i d o s c o p e
JERRY LEVITAN of masturbatory nonsense. This film is a vital reminder that the sta t e o f t h e wo r l d
is not a given. It can be changed.

Produced with the In Jo h n ’s words...

assistance of a Bravo!FACT
(Foundation to Assist
Canadian Talent) grant, “T hi nk peace and yo u’ ll get it. It’ s up to the peo ple… If we rea l l y wa nna
supported by CTV. c hang e it, we can change it.”
J O S H R ASK I N :: writer/director/anim ator

Jo s h Raskin has been m aking sounds and pictures for as long as he can r e m e m b er.
Af t er a four year rom ance with the new m edia program at Ryerson U nivers i t y
in Toronto, Josh appears unwavering in his tendency to keep doing so. Wi t h a
s ma ll n um ber of short film s and a growing arsenal of m isguided m usical f o r ays
under his belt, his affinity for appropriating old things, mucking with th e m , a n d
r eup h o lstering them in terrifying new ways rem ains persistent througho ut hi s wo r k.
When he’s not making sounds or pictures, Josh spends his time sharpeni n g h i s
dangerous ping pong skills, taking alarmingly long baths, and avoiding g e t t i n g a
proper job. He also enjoys Indian food, The Beatles, sleep, girls, bicycles , g i r l s o n
bicycles, wine, cats, three-part harmonies, Super Nintendo, protein, acci d e n t s , c u r s e
wo r d s , tea , B iggie Sm alls, and lists of things he enjoys.

J ERRY L E V I TAN :: producer

Jer r y Levitan is a Toronto m usician, actor, writer and lawyer who has re c o r d e d t wo
acclaim ed children’s records under the guise of Sir Jerry. He has been a s o u g h t
after media expert on the Beatles having given countless interviews arou n d t h e
wo r ld o n the subject and in particular on John Lennon. His story has rec ent l y b ee n
the focus of massive interest in the United States where he has appeared o n C B S ,
Fox, ABC and the highest rated syndicated radio shows. England’s pre-em i n e n t p o p
ma ga zine, Mojo, heralded Jerry Levitan’s personal story as “the best…” a nd a “ …
f a s cina ting study of pop’s political am bitions”.
J A MES B RAI THWAI TE :: pen illustrator

James Braithwaite is a freelance illustrator who enjoys writing about himself in t h e t h i r d

person. James received his degree in English Literature from Concordia Univers i t y, a n d
he is still trying to figure out what to do with it. (Perhaps an origami hat or boa t ? ) W h e n
no t cu r s in g q u ietly at his drafting table, Jam es spends his tim e attacking galler i e s w i t h
his art gang, the Young People’s Foundation and making frightening baubles wit h h i s
co-conspirator, Fred Casia . James’ illustrations have been featured in Seed Maga z i n e ,
Ma is o nn eu ve, Explore, Faesthetic, and m any other fine publications. I Met the Wa l r us i s
James’ first foray into the world of animation, but it certainly won’t be his last. Ja m e s l i ve s
in Montreal, Quebec and is currently working on a book of medical inaccuracies. A l l o f t h i s
ca n b e s een a t his website, .

A LEX K U RINA :: com puter illustrator

Alex Kurina is a designer and new media artist in his mid-twenties. He currently l i ve s a n d
works in Toronto Canada . Alex first became fascinated with graphic design throu g h h i s
invo lvement with Toronto’s electronic m usic scene. It was there, as a spectator t o a b l end-
ing of music an d technology, that he began to develop the aesthetic which would i n f o r m h i s
ca r eer. Since com pleting his bachelor’s degree in new m edia at Ryerson U nivers i t y, A l ex ’ s
work has been showcased throughout both the art and commercial world. His pa s s i o n f o r
communicating, eye for detail and appreciation for simple forms have inspired a d i s t i n c t i ve
a nd elega n t b o dy of work… which only continues to grow.
AFI Fest 2007

Middle East International Film Festival 2007

Manhattan Short Film Festival 2007


Ottawa International Animation Festival 2007
Hawaii International Film Festival 2007

10 Or Less Film Festival 2007


Odense Film Festival 2007


San Francisco Shorts 2007


Platform International Animation Festival 2007

Brooklyn International Film Festival 2007

Winnipeg International Film Festival 2007

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