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Seminole Producer

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Political Rhetoric Ratcheting In

Up in Okla. Governor’s Race g
It didn’t take long after
Labor Day for the political
2018 rhetoric to ratchet up in
the Oklahoma Governor’s
Page Democrat Drew Edmond-
A003 son held a press conference
on Thursday where former
resized University of Oklahoma
President David Boren
endorsed Edmondson.
Boren also called Repub-
lican candidate Kevin Stitt
“an amateur,” and Edmond-
son questioned Libertarian
candidate Chris Powell’s
stance to abolish the state
income tax.
The Edmondson press
conference evoked reac-
tions from Stitt and Powell.
In response to Edmond-
son’s attack on Stitt for
saying he would not have
signed House Bill 1010xx
if he were governor, the
Republican candidate
defended his stance and
questioned Edmondson’s
call for more tax increases.
HB 1010xx raised taxes Edmonson
to fund teacher pay raises leadership. We can better address ade-
and other state government “Mr. Edmondson wants quate funding by elimination
funding issues. you to believe that I would of corporate welfare, be it Tax
“Since day one, I have abolish the income tax if I Increment Finance districts
called for teachers to be were Governor. That has that rob school districts of
paid competitive wages, a never been my plan. We local revenue or the nearly
key requirement for Okla- have far too many problems half a billion dollars in incen-
homa to become Top Ten created by the Democrats tives that continues to be
in education. Over the past and Republicans that must appropriated when we can’t
year, our state revenue has be fixed before we could properly support core ser-
grown by more than $1 bil- tackle such a reform, such vices. It’s also the case that
lion, and our economy is as the scandalous mis- tax revenues are increasing,
making a comeback. In the management at the Health as reported by State Trea-
next few weeks, we will also Department and the debili- surer Ken Miller, indicating
begin to see the impact from tating political control of that it’s a foolish time to
tax increases passed earlier our schools that handicaps increase taxation even more
this year. Yet, my opponent our teachers in their efforts after the biggest hike in state
is already calling for even to help students succeed. history this past spring.
more taxes on hardwork- Instead of fixing anything, “I would also note that it
ing Oklahomans. In a Stitt Mr. Edmondson just wants is laughable that Mr. Boren
administration, we will make more money to spend,” said would claim that Drew
it a priority to invest more in Powell in his statement after
Edmondson, a public official
education, but it starts by the Edmondson press con-
for thirty of the past forty-
assessing new state rev- ference.
four years who first ran for
enue at hand, diversifying “My plan is to eliminate the
standardized testing regimes office when Richard Nixon
our economy, and delivering was president, represents
accountability across our and the curriculum dictates
from the state, along with change. If Oklahoma voters
state budget,” said Stitt in a want real change they won’t
statement. other means of microman-
agement of the classroom by get it from the candidates of
Powell contends Edmond- those establishment parties,
son and Boren don’t under- politicians and bureaucrats,
so that decisions about the they are the ones who put in
stand that the elimination of place what we have now,”
the state income tax, would education of any individual
child in our state will be made concluded the Libertarian
first require the cleanup candidate.
of the mess left behind by by parents and teachers who
know that child, not officials The General Election is
Democratic and Republican on November 6.
in offices at the state Capitol.

Proprietàdi OPS News Tracker e membri di Oklahoma Press Association.

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