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1. Fill the gaps with the correct tenses.

I (learn) English for seven years now.

But last year I (not / work) hard enough for English, that's why my marks (not / be) really that good
As I (pass / want) my English exam successfully next year, I (study) harder this term.
During my last summer holidays, my parents (send) me on a language course to London.
It (be) great and I (think) I (learn) a lot.
Before I (go) to London, I (not / enjoy) learning English.
But while I (do) the language course, I (meet) lots of young people from all over the world.
There I (notice) how important it (be) to speak foreign languages nowadays.
Now I (have) much more fun learning English than I (have) before the course.
At the moment I (revise) English grammar.
And I (begin / already) to read the texts in my English textbooks again.
I (think) I (do) one unit every week.
My exam (be) on 15 May, so there (not / be) any time to be lost.
If I (pass) my exams successfully, I (start) an apprenticeship in September.
And after my apprenticeship, maybe I (go) back to London to work there for a while.
As you (see / can), I (become) a real London fan already.

2. Choose the correct relative pronoun or relative adverb.

The woman_____________ is sitting at the desk is Mr Winter's secretary.

I cannot remember the reason__________________he wanted us to leave.
Jane,_______________mother is a physician, is very good at biology.
She didn’t see the snake_________________________was lying on the ground.
Do you know the shop_____________________Andrew picked me up?

3. Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type I, II or III) by putting the verbs into the correct form.

If they (have) time at the weekend, they will come to see us.
If we sneak out quietly, nobody (notice).
If we (know) about your problem, we would have helped you.
If I (be) you, I would not buy that dress.
We (arrive) earlier if we had not missed the bus.
If I didn't have a mobile phone, my life (not / be) complete.
Okay, I (get) the popcorn if you buy the drinks.
If I (tell) you a secret, you would be sure to leak it.
She (go) out with you if you had only asked her.
I would not have read your diary if you (not hide) it in such an obvious place.

4. Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions.

George Washington was born___________ Virginia_______________ 1732.

___________ the American Revolutionary War (____________ 1775 and 1783) he was the
Commander-in-Chief ______________the American forces.
Washington played an important role____________ the founding___________ the United States.
He became the first President___________ the United States.
He was President____________ 1789____________ 1797.
George Washington died___________ the age___________ 67, __________ the
14th__________December 1799.
The capital_______ the United States and one federal state are named____________ George

5. Finish the given sentences in Reported Speech. Mind the introductory sentences and backshift of

Tim: "She works in an office."

Tim said that she .
Jessica: "I am going to clean the room."
Jessica told me that she .
Jeff: "They like the song."
Jeff said that they .
Ian and Marvin: "We need new shoes."
Ian and Marvin remarked that they .
Kathy: "He can speak Spanish."
Kathy told us that he .
Teacher: "Rachel has never been to Philadelphia."
The teacher said that Rachel .
Lucy: "The train didn't arrive on time."
Lucy said to Gerry that the train.
Emma: "I'm sitting on the chair."
Emma said that she .
Nick: "Walter doesn't eat meat."
Nick told us that Walter .
Holly: "Abby and Nathan will travel to Alaska."
Holly remarked that Abby and Nathan .

6. Fill the gaps with the correct tenses (active or passive voice).

Hadrian's Wall

In the year 122 AD, the Roman Emperor Hadrian (visit) his provinces in Britain.
On his visit, the Roman soldiers (tell) him that Pictish tribes from Britain's north (attack) them.
So Hadrian (give) the order to build a protective wall across one of the narrowest parts of the country.
After 6 years of hard work, the Wall (finish) in 128.
It (be) 117 kilometres long and about 4 metres high.
The Wall (guard) by 15,000 Roman soldiers.
Every 8 kilometres there (be) a large fort in which up to 1,000 soldiers (find) shelter.
The soldiers (watch) over the frontier to the north and (check) the people who (want) to enter or leave
Roman Britain.
In order to pass through the Wall, people (must go) to one of the small forts that (serve) as gateways.
Those forts (call) milecastles because the distance from one fort to another (be) one Roman mile (about
1,500 metres).
Between the milecastles there (be) two turrets from which the soldiers (guard) the Wall.
If the Wall (attack) by enemies, the soldiers at the turrets (run) to the nearest milecastle for help or (light)
a fire that (can / see) by the soldiers in the milecastle.
In 383 Hadrian's Wall (abandon) .
Today Hadrian's Wall (be) the most popular tourist attraction in northern England.
In 1987, it (become) a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

7. Rephrase:

1. He is very smart but he won't succeed =» No matter how

2. If he doesn't have a good mark his father won't give him a gift.=» Unless
3. If I were a boy I would stay in the village =» Were
4. The boy has never failed in an exam =» Never
5. I have never seen such a friendly boy. =» He
6. They are asking help =» Help
7. David will buy a new car =» A new car
8. They don't write good poems. =» Good poems
9. Mummy asked,'where is the knife ?' =» Mummy asked me
10. She reported that they stole fruit. =» They

8. For each question, fill the space in the sentence using the base word given in bold at the end.

1. It isn't very ___________that Paula is at home, is it? She usually works at this time. like
2. Megan was told by her dietician that she was becoming ________thin and should eat more. danger
3. ____________the spice of life, says the proverb and everyone should try and visit new places. vary
4. Harry had a difficult__________and was brought up by an aunt and uncle living in the country. child
5. The whole dispute began after a small __________over the money needed to finance the new company.
6. The introduction of insecticides in the 20th Century_________agriculture across the world. revolution
7. All the coastal towns in this area are __________ by strong tradition of dance and there is a festival of
dance that takes place every August. character
8. My company has spent a lot of money building a new, ___________factory which will nearly double
production. computer

9. For each space, choose ONE word which you think best completes the sentence. Look carefully at the
words both before and after each space.

1. There were very ____________people at the party when we arrived but half an hour later, it was
2. How was I to know that she would have an allergic reaction _________the nuts in the cake? She should
have said something!
3. Arthritis is a very painful ___________that affects not only the old but also many younger people
making many everyday activities difficult.
4. He said he couldn't come to the meeting because of a previous engagement but I think he is
5. You were driving at over fifty miles ____________hour and the limit here is only forty.
6. I ________to go to school now, otherwise I will be late.
7. I can eat almost ___________type of fish or seafood except for octopus which I can't stand.
8. The city is pretty safe although you may have some problems if you go into certain

10. Read the text and look at the questions that follow it. In this reading comprehension, the questions are
true or false.

A Scottish University has announced a world first in the field of elite academic achievement. It is offering
a masters degree course in computer games software engineering.The University of Abertay in Dundee
says it could put the city at the centre of a multi-million pound industry. Over £45bn will be spent on
computer software in Europe this year, with the games market making up a substantial share. There are
only forty places on the course. The course leader, John Sutherland says he hopes that people will see that
computer games are about people as well as machines. "Students will have to learn about how people see,
feel and hear to be successful in this environment" he said. "In the next five years the computer games
industry will be worth more than the entire cinema industry is today." The University will be offering a
Bachelors course in the same discipline in the very near future and are in the process of building a new
computer laboratory. Computer games technology, particularly virtual applications, have other uses apart
from entertainment. Medical simulations for training surgeons and more realistic flight simulators for pilot
education are just two uses for the technology.

1. The university wants to teach people how to play games better.

True/ False

2. There's a chance that the area might become very important for the computer game industry if this
course goes ahead.
True/ False

3. The leader of the course hopes to expand people's understanding of what computer games are about.
True/ False

4. There is more money now in computer games than in the entire cinema industry.
True/ False

5. Only older, more advanced students can currently take the course.
True/ False

6. The university is undergoing expansion to allow the course to take place.

True/ False

7. The course is specially designed for professionals such as doctors and pilots.
True/ False.

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