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This Memorandumof Understanding ("MOU") datedfor convenience of referenceasof Juiy I,

2007,setsforth theagreements of the City and Countyof SanFrancisco,California("San
Francisco"),the City of Oakland,California("Oakland"),theCity of SanJose,.California("San
Clara;),relatingto the applicationfor andallocationanddistributionof federalUrbanAreas

to the followingfactsandcircumstances:
This MOU is madewith reference

A, The abovenamedcitiesandcounties(collectively the "Parties")are

committedto regionalcooperation andcoordination in buildingand capabilities
sustaining to
providethe highestfeasiblelevelof prevention,protection,response,.and from threats
br actsof terrorismandothercatastrophiceventsin theBay Arearegion

B. On January3,2006,theUnitedStatesDepartment of HomelandSecurity('.DHS")
announced that it hadcombinedthe Partiesand otherBay Areagovernmental entitiesinto a
combinedBay Area"Urban Area" or Super-UASIregion('SUASI region")for thepurposeof
applioationfor anddiitribution of FiscalYear 2006UASI Programgrantfunds. DHS continued
ttratSUeSt regionstructurefor applicationand distributionof FiscalYear2007 UASI Program
grantf,unds.Th. purti"santicipatethatDHS will continueto usethe SUASI regionstructurefor
UASI Programgrantsin futurefiscalyears-

C. For the FiscalYear 2006UASI Program,DHS requiredeachUrbanArea to establishan

UrbanArea WorkingGroup(:'UAWG"1to act asan executivesteeringcommitteeto provide
overatlgovernance of tn" homelandsecurityprogramacrossthe regionalareaencompassed
within the definedUrbanArea"to coordinatedevelopment and implementationof all UASI
Programinitiatives,andto ensurethatallprogrammaticrequirements associated
participationin theUASI Programwerefulfilled. DHS continuedthe UAWG requirement in the
FiscalYear 2007UASI Program.

D. I Fo. the FiscalYear2006UASI Program,DHS requiredalsothat the UAWG provide

for all thejurisdictionsthat comprisethe UrbanArea.
eithertdirector indirectrepresentation
DHS continuedthatrequirementin the FiscalYear2007UASI Program.

E. DHS alsorequiredthe UAWG to developa methodology for allocatingUASI Program

fundsthroughoutthe SUASI region.That requirement into FiscalYear2007.

F- In FiscalYear2006,the Partiescommittedto cooperate for the Purposesof applyingfor,

allocatingand distributingthe FiscalYear 2006 UASI Programfunds, and entered into a
of Undenstanding
It{erororatrdurm Ee€wreen
City and Couirtyof,SanFrancisco;Cify of Oakland;
City or"SartJose;AlamedaCoung; and San€aClaraCounty.datedJuly I ,2A06 ('2006 h4OU"i.

G. The 2{!06 MOIJ cseatrda layeredgoveFna-nce strurcture,

including an ApprovalAuthori{,
aslAdvisoqyGroup and a Ma.nagement Teagt'r,
assistedby variousworking groupsbasedon the
initiativesdescrihedin tfte SUASI region'sFiscalYear2006grantsubmission.

F{- The Pa!'tieswish to renewand r.rpdate tlreinexistingagreeft'rents

regardingthe SUA$I
regiotlmission,governance sfructurgresponsibilities,reportingstructureand financial
arrangeinrents,and to usethe agreements,strtnctures, processes and mechanismsagreedto belorry
in applying f,or,allocafingand distributing [JAS[ Frogramgrant funding for the Ui-banArea for
Fiscal Yea{ 2007zurdfuture flscal years.

ACCOR.D[NG[-Y,thc Faltiesagreeas follows:

l. Bav-,{rPaSUASI RegionAppEova!Authoritv: TlreEay Area SUASI RegionApproval

Autftority ('Approvat ,{uthority"), createdby the Fartiesin the 2006 MOU, shail continue
for the purposesand on tfte tenmsand coriditionsset forth betow.

a. Memhership.Tlre Fattiesshallappointrnernbers
to the ApprovalAuthorityasfollows:

i. City and Coun$rof,SanFrancisco,CA - 2 members,eactrwith full voting.


ii. Cify of Oakland,C,A - I rnelnberwitlr fhll voting authorif5r.

. iii. City of San-[ose,CA - I rnernberwith firll rrotingauthority.

coungl, cA - I mernlpr with full voting aufhorit5r.

iv. .A'larneda

v- sam{uclara county, cA -i t rnernberrvirft fufi voting authority.

vi. flhe.Fartiesshall invite the CalifoeniaGovernor'sOffice of Emergency

sanvices('oES") coastal fdegionto appoint I advisorymemberto the
Authority. The OES membenshall haveauthorit5rto vote only in
ffie eventof a tie vote amongthe otfiet voting members-The role of the OES
nnernber shall be to FacilitateApproval Authority and ManagementTeam
coordi$dibn with ttre Sfa$eof Califurnia hornelandsecurityand emergency
prcparednessdcpartrnenfsand sewiccs.

b. Selectionof Representatives- Each Farty is responsiblefor selectingis own

reprEsertariv{s) to the Approval Authority. .

c- Pu4gse. The purposcof tfte Approval Authority is to provide effective UASI prograrn
dirci:tion and govemanc€and to coordinate UASI Programdevelopmentaird
irnplcmentationfur the SUASI region- The ApproValAuthority shall be responsiblefor
developilrgthe SUASIregicnhomeland developinginvestmetrt
identifications fundingallocationmethodologies,
4pproying all UASI Progranrgrant approving
applications, all UASl-fundedprojectsand.
programs, andmakingthefinal decisions on allocation distributionof UASI Progran't

d. UAWC. The ApprovalAuthority,atongwith the Management Teanrandany advisory

andworkinggroupscreatedby the CeneralManager,slrallconstitutethe UAWG for the

e. Ouorum.The ApprovalAuthotityshallholdmeetings andconductbusiness only whena

quorumis present.A quorumshallmeana majorityof themembers of theApproval
Authoritywith full votingauthority(i.e.,at leastfourof thesix memberswith full rroting
authority).The presence of the OESrepresentative shallnot counttowardsthe quorum

f. Decisionmakine. Unlessotherwisespecifiedherein,alldecisions of theApproval

Authorityrequiringa voteof the Authorityshallrequirethe affirmativevoteof a majority
of the full-votingmembersof the Authority(i.e.,at leastfour affinnativevotes). Each
full-votingmemberpresentat a meetingshallvote"yes"or "no" whena questionis put,
unlessexcusedfrom votingby a motionadoptedby a majorityof the full-votingmembers

E. VotingAuthoritv. Exceptas providedherein,eachmemberof the ApprovalAuthority

shalthaveonevoteon ail issu"srequiringa voteof theApprovalAuthorityunderthis
Agreement.Theseissuesshallinclude(i) developing theSUASIregionhomeland
securitystrategy, developing identifications
investinent andjustifications,(iii)
establishingfundingallocationmethodologies,(iv) approving the grantapplication, (v)
approvingUASI Programgrant-fundedprograms,(vi) approvingallocationand
distributionof UASI Programgrantfunds,and(vii) otherissuesas determinedby the
ApprovalAuthority. The CaliforniaOESmembershallhaveone vote,but may voteonly
with full votingauthority.
in the eventof a tie votebetweenthe nrembers

h. OtherFederalGrants.TheApprovalAuthoritymay decideto apptythe agreements,

structures,processesandmechanisms specifiedin this MOU in applyingfor, allocating
and distributingothertypesof federalgrantfundingfor the SUASI region. Any such
decisionshallbe by unanimousvoteof theApprovalAfuthority'

Citv andCountvof SanFranciscoObligations.Duringthetermof this MOU, SanFrancisco

will piovidethe following servicesto the ApprovalAuthority:

a. Designate2 individualsasfutl voting membersof the ApprovalAuthority.

b. Chiir meetingsof the ApprovalAuthority.

'c. ServeasrheSUASIregionpoint
of contactwith the federalDHS and theCaliforpia
Office of HomelandSecurity("OFIS")in connectionwith UASI Progmmgrantfunding.

.d.. Serveas ffte Fiscal'4gentfbr fhe ApprovalAuthority,andestablishproceduiesand

prqvldeall financialservicesfor distributionof UASI Frogramgrantfundswithin tlre
SUASI rregion,

e. Senreas the granteefbr UASI fundsgrantedby the DHS andOHS to the SUASIregion,
andestablishprocedures andexecutesubgrantagreements for the distributionof UASI
Frogratngrantf,undsfo jurisdictionsselectedby the ApprovatAuthority to receivegrant

3 . City of OaklaridOblieacions.During the termof this I\,[OU,Oaklandwill providethe

f,ollorv{ngservices0oflre ,ApprovalAuthority:

a. DesignateI indivldualasa full voting memberof the ApprovalAuthority.

4. City o{SanJoseObligations.Duringtheterrhof thisMOU, SanJosewilt providethe

following seruicesto the Approval Authority:

a. Degigerate
I individualas a full voting memberof tlre ApprovalAuthority.

5 . AlemedaCou-nt'rObliEations.During the termof this MOU, Alamedawill providethe

follorving servicesto the Approval Authoiity:

a. DesignateI individualas a futl voting memberof the,ApprovalAuthority.

6- S-anfaClaraCountyObligations.Duringthe termof this MOU, SantaClarawillprovide the

fbllowimgsenricesto the Approval .{uthority:

a- Desigulr I individual as a full voting memberof the Approval A.uthority.

7. GeneralManaeerfor the SUASI Region Froerani.

a: Subjeotto subsection(b) beloq the Approval Authority hasthe authority by voreof the
Authority [o selecl evaluate,discipline and removea GeneralManagerfo. itt" SUAS1
f'rogtarn- The Approval Au*rority rnayestablishby vote of the Authority the minimum
quatifioationsfur tlre GeneralManagerposition,as well as desiredand prefeped

b. The GeneralManagershaltbe an employee,consultantor contractorof a Partyor another

govqrnmentblentity within the SUASI region,andshall be assignedto work fulltime as
dre SUASI ProgramGeneralManager-.The GeneratManagerposition shall be funded
thropghgrant ftnds to ttre extentfirnds areavailableand atiocaiedby the Approval
Authority f,or that purpose-
c. 1l'heGeneralN4anager shallbe responsible andmanagingthepolicya.nd
for implementing
progralrdecisions of theApprovalAuthority,andpetformingotherduiiesasdetermined
anddirectedby ttreApprovalAuthority. -TheApprovalAuthoritymay establishby vsls
for the General
iif the Authorityadditionaljobfunctions,dutiesandresponsibilities
h4anager position:

d. The GeneralManagershallestablish a procesd to ensureeitherdirector indirect

representafionfor that
alljurisdictions iornprise the UrbanArea. The process developed
by the Generalhzlanager shallensure
direct representationfor at lehstthe following
County,theCity andCountyof SanFrancisco, theCity of Oakland,andthe City of San

e. The GeneralManagermayestabtish disciplinespecificand/orgeographically determined

. working groupsto makecomprehensive assessments andrecomntendations that address
thgtarg-eicaputritity weaknesses on a regionalbasis. The Partiesshall
providdadequate personnel on andsupportanyworkinggroupsestablished
to participate
by the GeneralManager'

f. The GeneralManagershallcoordinateandcollaboratewith the Bay Area Metropolitan

MedicatResponse Systems, the Bay AreaTransportationSecurityWorkingGroup,the
Bay Area CitizenCorpsCouncils,the Area Maritime Security Committee,andany other
stakeholdersidentifiedby the ApprovalAuthorityor Management Team. As appropriate,
the GeneralManagermay invite stakeholders to participatein any advisoryor working
groupsestablished by the GeneralManager.

Teamfbr the SUAS.IRegionProeram'

8 . Management

a. In consultationwith theApprovalAuthority,the GeneralManagershallselect,directand

managea Management Teamto supportthe ApprovalAuthorityand the SUASI region's
initiativesandprojects,and shallrnakesreasonable effortsto balanceregional
representationLn theTeam. The members of this Team shallbe employees,consultants,
oicontractorsof the Partiesor othergovernmental entitieswithin the SUASI region,and
shallbe assignedto servefull-time on the Managernent Team. The salariesof the
employees, consultants selected
or contractors to serveQnthe Management Tearnshallbe
fundedthroughgrantfundsto the extentfundsareavailable andallocatedby the
ApprovalAuthorityfor that purpose.

b. tn additionto the membersof the Management Teamselectedund6rsubparagraph (a)

above,the FiscalAgentshall identifuanddesignatean employee, gonsultant
or contractor
of the FiscalAgentto serveas a memberof the Management Team,to act asthe liaison
to the FiscalAgent for.the ManagementTeam. The salaryof that employee,consultant
or contractorshall be fundedthroughgrant fundsto the extentfunds are availableand
allocatedby the ApprovalAuthorityfor that purpose.
c- The Managernent T'earn,underthedir-e-ction
of theGeneralh4anager,
follorv functionsanddufies:

i. Overseeandexecuteall administrativetasksassociated
with applicationfor and
distributionof UASI Frogramgrantfundsandprograms.

ii. pogrdinate,monitorandas appropriatemanageall UASI Programgrant-funded

projectsand programsapprovedby the ApprovalAuthority.

iii. l4ainfainall Eecords

with the activitiesof the ApprovalAuthority,
Teamandany advisoryandworking groups,includingbut rrotlimited
to recordsregardingUASI Ft'ogramgrantapplication,fundingand disbursement

iv. lVork with any advisoryand workinggroups,as well as appropriateBay Area

to obtaininput andmakerecommendations to the ApprovalAuthorit5r
on application,allocationanddistribution
of,UASI Progmmgrant,firnds, andpolicy
4nd programmaticobjectives.

v. Coordinateand manageany advisoryandworking groups,and serveasthe liaison


d. Tl'leApprovalAuthoritymay establishby voteof the Authorityadditionalfunctions,

dutiesand responsibilities
for the Management

9. Grantsand ConftacB Awarciedfor UASI Grant-FundedProjects. All grantsand contracts

awardedusingUASI Programgrantfundsreceivedby the SUASI regionshallconfonnro all
applicablefederaland stategrant and contracting'tequirements.
Grantsand contractsshall be
awardedfor particularprojectsand program,as follows:

a. The ApprorralAuthority shalldeterminethe projectsandprogramsto be funded,.and

shalldecideu4richjurisdictionsin the SUASI regionwill receivegrantsfunds
("suQrecipients"),the amountof fundsallocatedand the projectsor programsto be
funded. A jurisdiction may declineto receivegrant fundi for a project allocatedto that
jurisdiction by the Approval Authority. If a jurisdiction doesso, the ManagementTeam
shall noti$ the Approval Authority, which shall reallocatethe grant funds for that project
to an alternativesubrecipient.

b. San F'ranciscoshall be the primary granteeof UASI Programgrant funds. The

IWanagement Teamshall inform SanFranciscoof the ApprovalAuthority's grant
alloc4tiondeterminations, andrequestthatSanFranciscodisbursethe fundspursuantto
the Approval Authority's direction

c. San F'ranciscoshall disbursegrant fundsto subrecipientspursuantto guidelinesand

requirementseshblishedby San Franciscoin its capacityas fiscal agentandprimary
d. Eachsubrecipient shallbe responsible for all aspectsof theUASI grant-fundedprojects
jurisdictionby the ApprovalA.uthority,including
.andprogramsafiocatedto that
qontracting,projectmanageirent, ehsuringcompliancewith federalandstategrant
. requirement anddecisions of the ApprovalAuthority,equipment purchase,insfallatiorr
4ndmaintenance, andanypennitling.eni,ironmental or otherrequirementsnecessary for
any projector progra.mapprovedby Appsov2lAuthorityfor thatjurisdiction.

e. gefbre issuingany Requestfor.Proposal relatedto a UASI grant-fundedprojector

program,a subrecipient shallcoordinatewitlr tlre Management Teamto ensurethat the
For Proposal, includingthe scopeof work, meets the SUASI Program
qequirements for the projector program.After approval'from the ManagementTeam,
eachsubrecipientshallselecta contractorand issuethecontractunderits own contracting addition,subrecipients shallcoordihatewith the Management
Teamas requested by the Management Team, to allow the Management Teamto
ooordinate,monitorandasappropriate manageUASI grant-funded projects
acrossthe SUASIregion:

f. For regionalprojects,the Management Teamshallensurecoordinationof theprojects

allocated jurisdictions.
to the individualsubrecipient

10.FischlAgent- All requests for fundingor reimbursement from theFiscalAgentshallmeet

gui{elinesand requirements establishedby the FiscalAgent. The.guidelinesshallinclude
for recordkeeping,internalaudits,signatureauthorityfor approvalof
reinibursement requests,submigsion of financialreports,and.compliancewith professional
accQunting standards. FiscalAgentshall be entitledto costs
reasonable for services
perf'prmed.Feriodically,the FiscalAgentmaysubmitrequestfor payment,whichthe
ApqrovalAuthority shallreviewandapprovewithin thirty (30) days.

I 1. Indd:mnification. [n lieu of and'notwithstandingthe pro ratarisk.allocation thatmight

othlnvisebe imposedbefweenthe Partiespursuantto GovemmentCodeSection895.6,the
Fartfesagreethat all Losses(asdefinedbelow)incumedby aPafi in connectionwitlr this
MOU or the activitiescontemplated by this MOU shalInot be sharedpro ratabut insteadthe .
Partiesagreethat pursuantto GovernmentCodeSectibn895.4,eachqf the Partieshereto
shal!fully indemnifyandhold eachof the otherParties,including,without limitation,their
offigers,boardmembers,employeesandagents,harmlessfrom any Lossesimposedfor
injury (asdefinedby OovErnn'rent CodeSection8l0.8) arisingin connectionwith the
negligentactsor omissionsor willful misconductof the indemnifuingparty,inbluding,
without limitation,its officers,boardmembers, employeesor agents,underor in connection
with or arising out of any work, authorityor jurisdiction delegatedto subhParty unde.rthis
Agreement.No Party, inchiding,without limitation, any officer, boardmembeqemployeeor
agedtthereof,shallbe responsible for any Lossesoccumingby reasonof the negligentactsor
omissionsor willful rnisconduct of otherPartieshereto,including,without limitation,their
offigers,boardmembers,eqrployees or agents,underor in connectionwith or arisingoutof
any lworlq authority or jurisdiotiondelegated to suchotherPartiesunderthis Agreement.For
purposesof this Section,Lossesshallmeananyandall claims,demands, Iosses,
damages (includingfureseeable and unforeseeableconsequential danrages to theexteniarising
ftom third part5r fines,lavlsuitsa.ndother
, procee$ings, judgnetrtsand afiiatdsandcostsandexpenses (including,rvithoutlimitation,
reasonable attorneys'ftes andcosts,andconsultants'fuesandcosts)of whateverkind or
natu[e,lcrownor unknorvn,contingentor othenvise

12.Tettn. This h{OU shalltakeeffecron the EffectiveDateas describedin Sectioril7 below

andshallextetrdusltilDecember 31, 2010,unlesssoonerterminated as providedbelorv
13.Tennination-Any FartyrnaytenninatettrisMOU inthe errenttlratapotherPartybreaches a
materi4l'provision hereofand the breachingFartydoesnot curethe breachcbmplainedof
within fhirty (30) daysfbllowing receiirtof wrinennoticeqf ihe breach. [n addition,any
Farly may terminate'itsparticipationin this Agreementby providing30-daysadvancewritten
- noticeof its terminationfo all Farties;theAgreerirent
shallcontinuein effectbetweenwith
the remainingFarties.

[n addition,the ApprovalAuttroritynrayterminatethis MOU at anytime,for convenience

andwiqhoutcause,by unanimousvote. Any suchaetionof theApprovalAuthoritystrall
specifythe dateon vvhichthe ierminationshallbecomO efftctive.

l4'.Jurlsdi4tionand Venue. The larvsoFtheStateof Califbrniashallgovernthe interpretation

and perfurmance ofthis MOU. Venuefor any litigationrelatingto the formation,
interpretationor perf,ormance
of rhis Mou shall be iri san Franiisco,cA.

15.Mqdifi-cation-firis MOU may not be modified,nor may compiiancewith any of its ternrsbe
waived,exceptby written instrumentexecutedand appiovedin the ,u*" *unner as this

This fulOUshallbe deemedto havebeenpreparedequallyby all partiesand
ifs individual provisionsshatl not be construedor interpretedmore favo.ably for one party on
tlre basisthat the ottrerFartiespreparedit.

17.Effective Date Upon approvalby the governingbodiesof eachof the Parties,this MOU
shall becomeeff'ectiveretroactiveto Jqly 1,2007.

l8- CompldteAereement This is a completedgreement andsupercedes any prior orator written

agreementsof the regardingthe process for applying for and distributing UASI
Frogranrgrant funding fur the SUASI region. Specifitally, this agreementsupJrsedes the
2006 MOU.


a- Any noticesrequiredhereundershall.begiven as follows:

of SanFratrcisco.
trfto the City andCout'tt5i

laura Fhillips, ExecutirreDirector

pepartmentof Emergencyh4anagement
l0l I Turk Street
$an Fnancisco, CA 94102
(4rs) s58-3800
laura.phi l

Sary Massetani,DeputyChief of Administration
Fire Department
698 SecondStreet
$an Francisco,CA 94.107
( 4l s ) s s 8 - 3 4 l1
to theCity of Oakland,to:

R.enee Senrices
A. Domingo,Directorof Ernergency
1605Martin LutherKing Jr. Way,2ndFloor
pakland,CA 94.612

lf to the City of SanJose,to:

Kimberly Shunk,EmergericyFreparedness
855N. SanPedroSt. #4.04
SanJose,CA 951l0-1718
kimberly.shunk@sanj gov

If to AlamedaCounty,to:

RichardT. Lucia,Undersheriff
AlamedaCounty Sheriffs Office
l40l LakesideDrive l2th Floor
Oakland,CA 94612
Iflto SantaClaraCounty,to:

B;uce H. Lee. InterinrDirector

Office of EmergencyServices
5$ W. YoungerAvenue
SanJose,CA 95l I 0
lee@oes.sccgov.o rg

lf,to Stateof California,OES,to:

JdhnAnderson,FAIA, RegionalAdrninistrator
Gbvemor'sOffice of EmergencyServices
C{SN & EarthquakeProgram
1300Clay Street,Suite400
Orikland,California 94612
(5 r 0) 286-0888 gov

b. Ngticesshaltbe deemedgivenwhenreceivedif givenin person,by facsimileor by

el$ctronicmeans(if a recordof receiptis keptby the sendingpartyshowingthe dateand
ti$e of receipt)or three(3) daysfollowingdepositin the UnitedStat6sMail, posrage
prgpaid,to the addressset fprth above.

Ar;VPartVmay charrgeits contactindividualand/oraddressfor noticeby giving written

nopiceof the changeto the otherPartiesandthe SUASI ProgramGeneralManager.

The individualsexecirtingthis MOU representand rvarrantthat they havethe legatcapacityand

authorityt]odo so on behalfof their respectivelegalentities.

approvethe termsandconditionsof this MOU.

The underpigned

City and of San Francisco,California



Ci(r, o'f Qrakfland"

Sienaturle: r'.


T'itle: Ofr
n .Fose,Ca[nf'onmfa

istant to the CifyManager SeniorDeputyCttyAttorney
CIty of .San'-Iose

l - -
l-ts e



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