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Types of Conjunctions Coordinating Conjunctions Joins words, phrases and independent clauses Examples: The park is empty now, but it will be filled with children after school. He was very intelligent, yet his grades were poor. Conjunctions: *or « for «yet «and *so *nor * but Subordinating Conjunctions Introduces a dependent clause and ties it to an independent clause Examples: If you leave, | will be lonely. Whenever we run out of cookies, | am sad. Conjunctions: + after * once « although * provided eas * provided that + as if * rather than «as long as * since * as much as *so that * as soon as « supposing * as though * than » because + that * before * though * even stil * even if * unless * even though until > if * when + if only « whenever + if when +» where + if then + whereas + inasmuch + where if «in order that « wherever * just as « whether lest « which «now + while * now since * who * now that « whoever * now when * why Correlative Conjunctions A pair of conjunctions that must be used together Examples: | either want ice cream or yogurt. He would rather drive around lost than ask for directions. Conjunctions: * both / and * such / that «not only / but also * scarcely / when «either / or * as many / as «neither / nor *no sooner / than * whether / or «rather / than sas /as JUR DICTIONARY THE DICTIONARY YOU CAN UNDERSTAND

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