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5210C30B, SOP 8B, 30 October 1952

These things which I'm going to give to you, each one is a therapy
and they all add up more or less to the basic therapies. You can
integrate these things against what you already know. There's
nothing new, strange or different going to happen with regard to
this. But all of a sudden, because we put the data in this
fashion, we may have a couple of electric light bulbs turning on
between the ears here and there. And if any cases are stalled
down, they're stalled because this material hasn't been added up by

Here's the therapy. You run the pc's attitude toward ARC in terms
of brackets. His attitude toward ARC in brackets. That's self,
others, others for others, you know, brackets.

Now, get this little bomb that hasn't occurred to you, I'm sure.
Otherwise you wouldn't keep telling me that somebody's perceptions
are still dim. Communications. The Dianetic definition of
communications is not talk and is not thought. You remember last
Friday I told you very definitely, "try to do this idiocy:
communicate logically." Oh no you don't. You cannot communicate
logically. To get any kind of logic, you have to throw in affinity
and you have to throw in agreement and you have to recombine these
factors and so forth. Well, somebody's perceptions are down.

Remember that communication is perception. Communication is

perception. To hell with talk, to hell with communication of a
whole thought. With this goes thought is secondary to action.
Action is primary. Thought is secondary.

In the MEST universe there is prime thought, and after that,

thought trails. You've read the axioms, you've seen this. Thought
trails as an aberration following effort and counter effort. After
prime thought, that one moment of prime decision of beingness,
after that, received efforts. Now that is to say counter efforts
precede having and effort.

You get a counter effort and then you use that as an effort, you
see? And every thought is preceded by an effort. Nothing has
changed in that since A P and A. And it's time we all got it and
parked it and said, "Look." Because what we're talking about is
action, when we're talking about effort. And action is on a
primary level and understanding is on a secondary level.

It is better to hit somebody in the jaw, you have carried your

complete argument by hitting somebody in the jaw, in favor of
talking about hitting somebody in the jaw. It is better to go for
a ride on a motorbike than to talk or think about going for a ride
on a motorbike.

It is better to address spheres of action on a case and in

facsimiles than it is to address thoughts concerning the action.
As you get and run concepts you will find that what you're
unburdening is concept of action. And where you get really vital
results, you've got concept of action.

At no time has Dianetics or Scientology lightened up this fact:

that it takes physical force sufficient to produce pain and
unconsciousness in order to lay an aberration into a being. At no
time have we lessened that concept. And you can go ahead and
unburden and unburden and unburden, and when you get through
unburdening, that is just making available to you what? Action,
pain, perception on an action level. Actual action.

Action is something taking place with regard to heavy flows. When

you've got agreement, agreement can be a flow. But no agreement is
aberrated unless it's agreement of a flow which overcomes the
ability to absorb of the individual. Anything which overcomes his
ability to absorb renders him painfully unconscious.

You get this? We're not, we're not, nobody's shifted on these
points. You can get into the esoteric side of it's very, very nice
to have this, this feeling about something, this concept about
something, and fool around with it and monkey around with it and
monkey around with it, but boy, there is just nothing, just
absolutely nothing which can approach getting the incidents of
yagony off the case, the kick out of the ridges which causes pain
to the preclear. Because it's that threat of pain which cuts down
his ability to act.

And you, if you want to create a healthy being; I'm not trying to
create somebody who can sit with his legs crossed and regard his
navel for ten thousand years. You will not get a healthy being who
has as his goal a Nirvana that is going to just drift and flow out
through the universe as his part of the allness of all, and let's
all go lie down and be dead and be mystic and be a lot of other
You're not going to get healthy beings. They aren't healthy,
they're sick. And a man is as sick as he will not act. That makes
sense to you, doesn't it? He's as sick as he won't act. And he's
as mediumly sick as he'll think about it. His feeling about action
should be such that his computation is taken for granted and the
action is sure, competent and certain.

He says, to himself, "Act!" and he acts, and he acts with good

sense, with a good estimation of effort, with good placement of his
force and so on. He acts. Now get that as a primary
consideration. He doesn't sit around and say, "Let's see, what am
I going to do, let's see, and James Joyce writes stimulus response
mechanisms which are all stream of consciousness and this was going
and we're going to think about this for a long time. Think twice
before speaking once, think six times before speaking once, never
act, just think just think, just consider just consider, let's
dream away," and pretty soon, why, all is really in a hell of a
mess. Act!

Now, you want to know how to diagnose a preclear, find out where he
can't act. If you can find out where he can't act, you know what
to process. You've got dozens of ways of processing that and I'll
give you another summary of this processing of it today.

Now, get this about communications. Communication is action,

actually, of a sort. It's action. Communication is wave action.
It is waves. They go to and go from. There's one thing, the guy
gets into a terrifically secondary state where he's got to register
everything on a facsimile, a ridge, and then he can perceive the
facsimile or ridge. That's using a facsimile instead of real life.
He takes everything and puts it on the facsimile and then he finds
out that didn't kill him so he examines the facsimile. And they
said, "Well, what do you know, that's what happened."

He's only several seconds behind present time. He's only your
standard homo sapiens. Why do you think they use eyesight? They
use eyesight so it'll come back and it'll hit a ridge and then they
examine the ridge so they don't have a nice, solid, direct
connection with action. No, they don't want any connection with
energy. "No, we don't want anything to do with energy, oh that
would be bad. No, we'll take this old, moldy, rotten, second hand
energy and then that's safe. That isn't going to bite us."
Where'd they get the idea anything could bite them in the first
place? That's what you've got to solve. See how that is?

That's why they use the MEST universe perception mechanisms of

sight, sound, hearing and so forth. These things go into the
register on the ridges, and then they look at the ridge. Isn't
that cute? And you say, "I wonder why this guy can't see the walls
and see the street and smell, and smell a cigarette a block away
and so forth, with theta perception? I wonder why he can't do

It's because he's playing safe. He is considering it. How do you

consider and think about it? You take facsimiles and juggle them.
You just take lots of facsimiles and you fool around with these
facsimiles. Well, the MEST universe body registers in terms of
facsimiles and the thetan then reads the facsimiles and that is
your relay circuit of perception.

Now all of a sudden you ask this fellow, "Perceive directly." Oh

no. No no, he can't do that. That would put him right straight in
contact with action and he can't have that. He'll go earlier in
time or later than time or make up his own time or do something or
other, anything but perceive the MEST universe in terms of action.
Now I think perhaps, maybe you see what's wrong with some of your
preclears. They're translating everything over into "let's examine
the facsimile" and so on. You do that long enough, you go psycho.

How can a fellow generate anything of the sort if everything that

happens in his vicinity has to first come to him on such a relay
system? It is a foregone conclusion that anybody who will use this
mechanism of relayed communication will go crazy. I mean that
literally. Sooner or later in some life or other he's going to
spring his lid, because his energy is going to get less and less
and less.

Now, there's this other thing, is this terrific response of "Let's

make it automatic. Let's don't keep running it because we're not
able to keep in contact with that many things. You can only do one
thing at a time, everybody knows this, you know. I mean we've got
to concentrate on this, so the best thing to do is to start
something running and thereafter let it run automatically. Set
everything up so it runs automatically." That is the laziest and
most aberrative trick a man can do.

There is no reason why you couldn't manufacture six separate beings

and put them out to doing six separate things and do every thought
for them, every perception for them, every record for them, and
direct them simultaneously. There's no reason why that can't be
done. It seems impossible to you at the moment, perhaps, but it's
not impossible. It's just a little bit more difficult than setting
it all up automatically.

You're going to get, as you do Illusion Processing, you're going to

find your preclear is continually talking about he's going to make
a machine which is then and thereafter going to do so and so and
so and so and so and so and so and so. He says what it's going to
do, and then that thing goes on running and does it. And he sort
of sits back and watches the cinema.

You know, there is this, now this is your second part of this, is
communication, an attitude toward the feelings of others, an
attitude toward the sight of others, an attitude toward the ability
to hear of others, an attitude toward the ability to feel pain of
others. In other words, a direct attitude toward their
communication suppresses your preclear's communication because
you're suppressing it across all eight dynamics when you're
suppressing it across one.

So you'll find this fellow is very, very sympathetic because "The

iceman can't taste any food, poor fellow, he can't taste anything."
He's in direct communication with an inability to perceive. And
don't you think for a moment that doesn't have a tremendous effect
upon his own desire to perceive or not to perceive. It does have.
You get that? Communication is sense perception and it can be in
terms of registering it on a facsimile, and then read the
facsimile. That's what you're doing with the MEST body. Or it
can be in direct terms.

To rehabilitate communication is what all of you are struggling

with right now. You're struggling mightily with that, because
what are you doing to verify anything? You're doing a
communication verification. He'll say, "Am I really out of my
body? If I'm really out of my body, well I should be able to look
across the street and read that sign." No, if you're consistently
and continually making a facsimile of a sign with your eyes and
then reading the facsimile of the sign.

You spring a fellow out so he hasn't any mechanism for making

facsimiles yet. The photons coming off of the sign aren't going to
register on anything. In order to perceive that thing, he'd have
to throw out a beam himself and get the radar kickback of it. In
other words, it requires action. And as long as he feels down in
the mouth about his own perceptions, the perceptions of others and
the perceptions of others for others, you're not going to get him
in a direct communication with anything. Now get that.
Communication is action.
You want to rehabilitate communication? All it is really is a
little flag sitting up there saying, "This man won't act," when you
say this won't perceive, this boy won't act. In some line he won't
act. You find that line he won't act in. Now you will know much
more about this in just a moment, if you haven't got it there, as
an open and shut case.

Now, we'll take Illusion Processing. Illusion Processing is

tremendously interesting. But it has two things that you must
inhibit in the preclear. It is better for a man to turn on a
little white cube which he moves a foot in an illusion, than to
turn on a tremendous quantity of automatic machinery, tremendous
quantity of things which he starts out in motion and so forth. You
pin him down and make his illusion act by direct knowingness that
he is making it act. You'll get him in a state of making him know
he's making the illusion take place and act.

And you get it into it's simple forms and you all of a sudden find
him quite ordinarily having a hell of a struggle, whereas before he
had dancing girls pirouetting all over the floor and the ceilings
and running every place, and all of a sudden you say, "Now, take a
little white cube and put it on the table in front of you. Now
hold it there." Strain. "Gee," you say, "that's really tough."
Sure! Because the first time he was really going in for it.
Before, he was perfectly willing to say, "An illusion. Let's see.
I'll take fifty percent, seventy five percent stimulus response
mechanism and that'll get suggested to me on a stimulus response
basis and then I'll let all this thing run off on an automatic
basis." Now, that's a hell of a state of affairs, if you want to
ask my opinion.

Now, this is something you ought to put down in your book. In

Illusion Processing, you have two absolutes you are trying to
approach. Absolutes are unobtainable, you know, in the axioms.
There are two absolutes you are trying to approach. And they're
equally important. And one is No Motion and the other is All

And theoretically only, that man who can perceive complete No

Motion could cause a collapse of this entire universe.
Theoretically only. But that's how, I just say that to drive you
drive it home at its importance level. The conception of No
Motion. The preclear wants to get in, he wants to get this motion
and that motion and so forth, and you say, "Let's conceive some No
Motion." Rrrrr rrr rr. Why? That's theta itself. You're making
him go way way way way up tone scale, you're making him reach for
the clouds.

You have to be able to get a mock up on the dichotomy of All Action

and No Action. So get that as a goal in your Illusion Processing.
You can actually make a preclear sit around for days and days and
days trying to hold a simple white disc two feet below his feet.
Fact. Perceive it, and then make him put a taste to it so he can
taste it. And then make him put some sound in it. And it's
completely motionless. And he says, "But there is no sound in it."
"Alright," you say, "conceive complete silence." Ahhh. You've
just asked him one of the most, the hardest things there is for him
to do. See?

He's actually shying away from theta and he's been diving into the
MEST universe and diving into the MEST universe, more action of the
All Action character. And he keeps shooting away from No Action,
No Action, No Action. He's afraid of No Action. He's afraid of No
Action because that's death. And you start to make him go in
towards No Action and he'll say, "Oh, no no no no no!" Because the
worst incidents of anywhere on the track are No Action incidents
and that's why they're in restimulation. This man has got to be
able to get No Action and All Action. You mark that down on
Illusion Processing.

Now, a thetan, this is another subject here. A thetan can get so

bad after a while that the mere sight of a body makes him feel
fixed in a head. A thetan can be so bad off, he can have been
yanked by a collapsing tractor in a transfer so often into a head
that he eventually, actually only has to perceive a head to feel
fixed in his own head. Actually, this is one of the therapeutic
reasons behind the fourteen day silence that the Hindu claims he
goes into once in a while.

If you were to take your preclear and let him go out in the
mountains by himself for fourteen days without seeing another human
being, two things would happen. His environment's changed so his
stimulus response mechanisms settle out, and he's not seeing any
heads. And some of the darndest things would happen. If anyone
here that, the very two or three who have not been able to skid
out, were, if any one of these was to go over and sit on a deserted
stretch of beach for fourteen days, he'd be out. Not out of his
head, he would have removed himself from the skull knowing what he
knows right now. He's actually to some degree being pinned there
simply by seeing heads. He knows all these heads are around. It's
upsetting as hell. There's the auditor, the auditor's got a head.
Very interesting.

Another thing is, is some of the people you'll find stuck on the
track will actually be stuck in something other than a homo
sapiens. They'll be stuck in the most unlikely things and when
they spring out they'll sometimes get a perception of the earlier
body that they think they're still stuck in, they'll get a
facsimile of it and it'll scare them half out of a year's growth
and they're liable to snap back in again. Just remove them from
that other body first. They're liable to be in a bird or a wolf or

Maybe they were fooling around with dogs and they move out and all
of a sudden they're, ooh, a Great Dane, ha. They'll say, the guy
says, "I'm not a Great Dane. Every time I put out this tractor
beam I've got a paw out here." One day he was playing around with
this Great Dane and he thought that'd be very, a lot of fun to have
this Great Dane go up and bite somebody and he made the Great Dane
walk up toward and bite somebody. And just as the Great Dane was
about to bite, this other fellow fired a thirty eight caliber
Webley into the Great Dane's skull or something, you see? Snap.
There he is in a dead Great Dane in a lot of pain, and then he has
to struggle to get out of the dead Great Dane, and after that he
decides he couldn't get out of the dead Great Dane anyhow, and he
might have spent years and years and years hanging around this dead
body. Because it was so unexpected and something that would never
happen to him. He wouldn't ever get pulled into a dog. Only he

You'll find people who've been pulled into horses. You'll find
some fellow in battle and he'll start running this past death in
battle on you. He's running this past death in battle, ta da dum,
ta da dum, ta da dum, ta da dum. "Yeah, I go up and all of a
sudden here's this, I'm a, I'm a footman, I'm a something or other,
I'm running alongside of this guy's stirrup, and all of a sudden
there's a great big horse and he all of a sudden rears,
well, the facsimile's gone now." And you say, "What's your visio?"
"It just went black." And you say, "Well, let's run it."

Well, you can go back and run through decisions to turn off his
sight or decide not to see the battle or oh, more darn things.
What did you get? He was so anxious to prevent this horse from
coming down on him that he actually instinctively set up some kind
of a beam mechanism to say to the horse, "Rear backwards." And the
horse didn't rear backwards. The horse kept right on coming down,
but at the same time maybe the knight whose... It'll be one of
these weird little accidents that you run into once in a while.

But out of a trillion years, you'll get two or three of these. And
he'll be right alongside the guy's stirrup and at that moment the
knight decided to do something about this horse that was about to
come down, so c rash! A two handed sword goes through the horse's
brain. He comes down on the guy alright, and as a thetan he winds
up in a horse and gets the death struggles of the horse. You're
not running, all of a sudden, the death struggles of a man. Very
puzzling to a preclear.
All it is is a double transfer. So you want to look for something
like that as occurring. It won't happen very often, but once in a
while one of these rough cases that's very hard to solve will come
up with some weird, weird thing and bing! Solved, like that. But
remember that you're dealing with a finite number of factors, so
you can ask him about these factors. And one of the first things
you should ask him is "Whose head are you stuck in?" And he'll
say, "My...mine." "What did you just about say, what did you just
about say?" "Well, that's not possible. I'm stuck in my father's
head," or something of this sort. He's just all in a fog all of a
sudden about the whole thing.

You don't have to worry about that too much, but that's, that's a
point I bring up. What's more important than that is a thetan can
get so bad after a while that the mere sight of a body makes him
feel fixed in a head. He'll do all sorts of things to avoid it.
Do all sorts of things.

Now let's cover the next section of this. Illusion, reality, and
delusion. I'll give you the definitions for these things. Some
very, very, very precise definitions and they may vary a little bit
from the dictionary definitions, but for your action and my action,
let's use these.

Illusion. That which one locates himself in time and space on his
own determinism. Could be, could say that energy and form which
one locates himself in time and space on his own determinism.
We'll call that an illusion. We might as well call it a whump or

Reality is that agreement upon illusion which became MEST universe.

A lot of people had illusions and they eventually agreed upon these
illusions evidently and we finally got the MEST universe as a
result thereof.

Now, delusion. Things not of one's own creation or of the MEST

universe which locate one in time and space. Now if you want to be
very factual about that, just say it's other people's illusions.
And that, to anybody, is a delusion. If we're talking about the
MEST universe in other words, we're on good, safe ground.

We've already agreed on the MEST universe and all we've got to do
is backtrack against all the contracts we made with all the people,
and we had a MEST universe and we know what's real, the MEST
universe is real, and we have a concourse here, we can act here,
this is our, an action field. This is the playing fields of Eden
or something. And this is the MEST universe. We're in agreement
here and we can win or lose here on our actions because we can get

It's no trick to go fighting some army and then have somebody said,
suddenly say after you've fought the whole battle, saying, "Huh.
The battle is day after tomorrow," and have it stick. That's a
heck of a note. So instead, to get around that sort of an
upset,Ô h) 0*0*0*° ° Ô
we agreed on this MEST universe and we got it and it's a nice
universe. Nothing wrong with it.

Hmmm? (Can I have delusion one more time?) Delusion, of course,

is somebody else's illusion. Call it that. Actually, it says
here, "Things not of one's own creation or of the MEST universe,
which locate one in time and space." That would be energies and
matter, not of one's own creation or of the MEST universe, which
locate one in time and space. You're going to have to think about
that for a little while, because people have been selling you
delusions in the form of MEST universe for a long time.

Let's take the whole field of the mind. Everybody was saying,
"Well, you see, it's on account of the neurons which go snap snap
on the synapses and that is the reason the abajababba jabwa," and
they fill eight dictionaries, and it's all gob, and it's bunk. The
whole thing is complete delusion. I didn't agree on it and you
did, and a lot of authorities got around and they agreed on it
amongst themselves, and they didn't even know it was their own
illusion. You talk about hope. How bad off can a guy get? Have
an illusion and not know it's his illusion. And then try to sell
it to everybody as a delusion. Now a guy could really be bad off,
and that's how bad off the whole field of the human mind was.

But we can do this, that's why science is something. I mean now

physics and chemistry, biology, are something that we can just
relax about. It's such a relief to study these things, it's so
nice. Why? Because there's something there, you see, I mean it's
not a delusion. You had your share in agreeing on this. And
there's so many agreements have gone into this that you have
something which is following a law of agreement. The laws of
inevitable average, or something of the sort, and you're actually
following something on which there is a pattern of law. There is
a pattern of logic. It is discoverable. These things go on and on
and on, on the logic patterns. So it's a great relief to study
something like that.

Well brother, just start studying somebody else's delusions

sometime and you're going to have a picnic. Did you like
literature as a school subject? Well, they were into the field of
art. And somebody says, "Well, I think that Shelley, Shelley had
such sensitivity, such sensitivity of feeling, and now memorize
Shelley." And in the first place, you're being asked to swallow,
against your own determinism, the series of delusions which were
Shelley's illusions.

And then you were being handed out the bunk that there's actually
a decided upon opinion with regard to Shelley. And there's not.
You can go from person to person to person, even the authorities,
and they all disagree one with another. So that isn't decided
upon. And you can get mired into that and bogged down into that
until at last you're practically daffy. What on Earth. So we get
the field of art. We get the field of what was laughingly called
the humanities. You get the studies of the mind. You get studies
of physical structure where nobody knew anything about the
electronics of physical structure. And you get these absurdities.

Well, these tremendous great big volumes that people keep putting
out on it, full of words, you memorize these enormous vocabularies.
And they all say. "We're going to flunk you and that's going to
make you in bad with your friends and your mother and father and
all of your classmates and so forth, unless you swallow this and
agree this is true." And you say, "It's not true, it's not true."

Of course, when you get out of kindergarten, you've stopped saying

that. And when you get out of the first grade, you're really
cured. After that, when they say, "Put a fire engine in the beauty
shop," you'll put a fire engine in the beauty shop. One of my
Hollywood friend's method of describing his compliance with
producers, they tell him to put a fire engine in the beauty shop,
he puts one. He stopped arguing a long time ago. And so enough
with a student sitting in the field of the humanities.
But you're being made to agree a upon delusion. If you want to
know why people go downhill in terms of action through study, look
at through study of delusion, on our definition here of delusion.
Now, I'm not saying that every authority in the world who has ever
had an opinion was dealing in something which you would consider an
insane delusion. Every guy is perfectly entitled to his opinion.

But when it gets down to the MEST universe, what we're studying is
a series of agreements. A big long series of agreements that have
been in existence for trillions and trillions of years. And
they're in natural shape, they're in natural law, we've agreed upon
them, we can go out and person after person after person after
person is found who has agreed upon these things, and so on. So
that's a, what we call reality.

Now let's take illusion. Illusion is creating energy, time and

space, in energy and your own time and space, your own things.
They don't have to agree with anybody. So, when we get an
illusion, when we're dealing with an illusion, we're dealing with
our own concepts. Now, occasionally we've tried to palm these
things off on somebody and said, "This is our own illusion and it's
absolutely true." And we knew we were pretending when we did it.
And we went on doing it, and we went on doing it, and we went on
doing it, and all of a sudden we wound up in very bad shape because
we believed that our own illusion belonged to somebody else and was
probably part of the MEST universe.

So what do we get out of all this? We don't get just get a lot of
words from me this afternoon. We get something that's very, very
finite. Very, very sharp in its definitions. And that's the three
certainties, the three certainties. You've got to prove it works.
(That's all it is.) Overt acts. Alright, I got it. Thanks.
Thanks, Reg.

You've got three certainties. At any time you find a person who is
confused or upset or bad off, you'll find him more than averagely
upset about one of these certainties. Instead of three
certainties, he's riding on three maybes. Now, you see how that
is, he's got three maybes, instead of three certainties. Now,
there's no such thing as an absolute certainty. Absolutes are
unobtainable. Even in the MEST universe, absolutes are
unobtainable. But we could sure ride way up the scale on

If you were absolutely certain of what you had been taught about
the humanities was bunk, you would go up tone scale, points. You
would just get that certainty all of a sudden, boom. If you became
completely certain that some of the things that you were carrying
with you now originated as your own illusions, you know; this by
the way you see in processing. It's, "When did you decide to be
sick?" The things that you're, some of the things that you are
carrying now and considered to be something very real, they were
really started out as your own illusion. You made them up. You'd
take a tremendous jump on the tone scale.

If you learned how the MEST universe got there and could be
absolutely certain of it, and be certain of these laws of the MEST
universe, you'd take a big jump on the tone scale. There's your
certainties, certainties. As long as a human being can deal in
certainties, he can deal in decision. If he can deal in decision,
he can deal in action, because the ultimate decision, the vastest
decision there is, is action. And you don't get action with a

Life becomes o'er cast with a pale cast of thought when we're
getting in certainty and an uncertainty. But it's uncertain, but
maybe it is, but maybe it isn't, maybe it's a delusion, maybe it's
not a delusion, maybe it's real, maybe it's not real, let's sit
down and think about it for a long time and let's think some more
and let's think some more, then let's all sit down and think some
more about it and what do you know, we're homo sapiens. That's the
course of.

Now people accuse me once in a while of thinking and I don't think

I ever did any thinking. Truth be told, it makes me mad sometimes
to have to deal with thinking as thinking, and actually it's very
depressing to deal with thinking as thinking because then you're
getting around flocks of maybes this way and that way. It's much
better to have action. Action is ze creme, ze essence, the peace
de resistance. When you can achieve action, you will achieve

Now for instance, a fellow named Krishnamurti has been making an

awfully good living. I don't know if Krishnamurti is the right
name, he might have come from Brooklyn, but I think it was the
Bronx. He's been going around talking about action in present
time. And if he would just pull all the junk off of that line and
he would just go around and tell people, "Action in present time,
action in present time. That's all you want, that's all you know.
Don't think about memory, don't think about anything." Just, you
force them to get into action in present time. If he could do
that, if he had enough on the ball, enough on steam in order to
force people into action in present time, there wouldn't be any

If somehow or other you could just dig up enough steam to do this,

boy you've got a therapy. Action in present time. But you'll find
out that you start action in present time, enforcing people into
action in present time, something else happens. You're starting to
locate them in time and space so you lower their determinism so
they get madder than hell and they get worse. You see how that is?

But Krishnamurti has very definitely been driving on a high road

and a very true one. And that is action in present time. It's not
a workable therapy, but it's a wonderful concept. And possibly
differentiation on the part of Korzybski and action in present time
on the part of Krishnamurti, the two of them, formed a platform
that, if anybody'd cared to work on it, would've furnished them the
rest of the answers. Maybe it couldn't be entered very much from
that door. Maybe it had to be entered from another door. But the
point is that those are very sound. They are sound.

But I am not telling you to force your preclear into action in

present time because look what happens. You will locate him in
space and time, you will lower his self determinism so it becomes
unworkable. Above the strata of action is locate in space and
time. Above the strata of force is locate in space and time. That
is our cue.

Remember weeks ago I told you we were working from a certain cue.
An unknown from here on up. If you get to know it, wonderful. But
I can tell you on investigation pretty much what lies from there on
down. And what lies immediately adjacent to it is prime thought.
To Be, which means you've decided to place in space and time. And
you'll immediately run into illusion. That's the first one. And
by the way, that is the senior certainty. Can you be sure that
your illusion is illusion and if you have certainty that your
illusion is illusion, you have the senior certainty.

It is more important for a man to know that his illusions are

illusions than it is for him to know that the MEST universe is
real. But we're working with a triangle because we are situated
where we are situated and so his certainty that his is an illusion
is right next door to a necessary certainty that it is MEST
universe which is sitting next door to the next certainty which is
"Is it delusion?" So we're dealing with these things consistently.

Now if you could cause an individual to differentiate between and

amongst these three certainties, you have done an enormous job. If
you could just cause him; now, by running flows and by handling
energy, by running feelings and agreements; run concepts you see,
and get the feelings, with the concepts and so forth with regard to
these; you'll run him into a disentanglement of these
identifications and get them out into a state of differentiation.

Logic is association of similarities and outside of the field of

logic lies sanity. Logic is a low order sanity. But when you do
talk communication, you drop through this. I covered that last
week if you'll remember. Now get that. The senior certainty is

Now let me point out another little point. How solid can an
illusion be? You should be able, if you were really good, to make
an illusion so solid that, as far as you were concerned, when you
mocked up this girl you could reach out your hand and feel the
warmth and texture of her skin, hear the sound of her voice and
know she was there in three dimensional space and in time. Just as
much as you would know if another human being were standing
immediately in front of you. How solid can an illusion be?

Now, if we want to go one step beyond that, if we were really good,

really good, you could put this girl there so solidly that
everybody else would see her and hear her, too. Now that's how
good you could be. But you understand that to arrive at that state
you don't do it by automatic responses and you don't do it by
addressing All Motion all the time.

You've got to realize that your process of being able to act is

practically instantaneous. You can have thousands of years of time
in somebody else's second. You can build yourself this person if
you want to. But you would have to build the person and know that
you built every part of the person, that every portion of this
being was an illusion, your own making and command. And be
perfectly willing to accept from there on the responsibility for
this person's actions and everything this person did. In other
words, keep continual direct conscious contact with this thing that
you mocked up.

Now, there's a lot in therapy in that, there's a lot of Illusion

Processing in that. What are you heading toward in Illusion
Processing? Not just setting up a lot of automatic mechanisms that
run off by themselves quite happily, and dazedly. No. You want to
get specific things. All Motion, No Motion. And you want to get
all the perceptions in there and a certainty of it.
Now, you'll find one of the highest things you can run on anybody
is, "You can't be original," because that's the way they killed
him. "You can't be original. Everything which you dream of has to
be something which you saw before. We'll keep all illusion on a
stimulus response mechanism, not on an actual mechanism." If you
want to run somatics on anybody, you just take this formula for the
running of illusions and you'll get some of the fanciest somatics
you ever heard of. Because what you're running is going directly
counter to everything which everybody else has been making which is
Don't you dare make an illusion, no, no, not you. Me, I'm going
to make the illusion, you're not." That's the attitude everybody
has had toward him. They say, "We can handle force and make force
bit you can't." Now, you want to know why this universe is an
expanding universe? It is an expanding universe. It has a
horrible factor in it. And I'll just go on rapidly to this next
level here.

Oh, I beg your pardon, let me interject this as part of that.

Resentment of being placed elsewhere as a person. Resentment of
being placed elsewhere as a person is an awfully good little item
to run. You hate to be placed here and placed there as a person,
and so on. You'll find a guy is resisting that so hard that he's
holding himself in his head. And here's a little joke for you, it
lies on the track.

This identification exists in most people. Houses equal heads.

You just solved a case change. Houses equal heads. Think about it
for a minute. What case do we know that can't go out of a house?
Well, she's got it so reversed that she can go out of a head but
not out of a house. Houses equal heads. How many poems can you
think of offhand that tell you about houses that have eyes and so
forth? Houses equal heads. And you'll find that present in most

They want to be in the house and this is all mixed up with it.
Huh? What? (Does it mean anything outside of the house, and so in
and out of heads?) No. Hey. Did we just run into... (Well I've
run that, you see, and I don't want that.) Oh. And does she still
resist it? Well, it can't be the right computation on her case.
Well that's all right, we'll get this, resentment of being placed.

Now, let's go into another part of that, just continuing on that

same computation. What about a DED, a DED in which the person
places other people. Now, I started talking about bodies in pawn
here a little while here ago. Ok. Bodies in pawn.

What if you took, well, how would you feel if you took this
charming young lady and you said, "I want to get even with that
fellow in New York," or something of this sort. And you took this
young lady and you said, "Alright, now get out of your head and now
go to New York," she's in a somewhat comatose state, "Go to New
York and knock this fellow off or do something to him." And she
ran into something and it gave her terrific emotional shock and the
body which sat right there in front of you died. Would it make you
feel like you'd done an overt act? It would, wouldn't it?

Well, what do you know, what do you know, practically any five has
indulged in this activity. Somewhere on the track he's been
shooting people around from here to there and they've gotten into
trouble and so forth. And you'll quite often find that the person
on whom he is the sweetest, that is to say the one, the being, the
type of being, a young boy or a young girl or an older man or
something, this kind of being on which he most easily fixates will
be the kind of being that became destroyed because this fellow sent
them out of their heads.

Now, that's why, one of the reasons why, a five sometimes gets a
little bit nervous in processing theta clearing. Because they're
afraid this is going to happen again. And they're very alert to it
and they're very nervous about the whole thing. They get quite
nervous about it. And the truth is told, that they would get a
terrible shock if a preclear suddenly did a bunk on them, and had
to be persuaded to come back and the body just lay there inertly,
just bong.

You say, "Alright, step a foot back of your head." Nnong! Gone.
There's the body. You sort of say, "Speak to me, speak to me."
They don't, you're just talking to clay. This body's done a bunk,
I mean the preclear's gone. Preclear says, "Oh boy. I'd forgotten
I could do this and, and..." and you say, "Move your fingers."
Nothing happens. "Move your head. Do something!" Well, they
won't do anything if you get nervous about it. But it's an awful
shock to the body, an awful shock. And it happens every few cases.

The preclear, if you were in communication with the thetan, the

preclear probably is passing Arcturus right at that moment. The
thing to do is to keep talking about responsibilities here on
Earth. And they all of a sudden will say, "Yeah," and they'll give
you their attention on that and you say, "Move your right hand
then. Move it some more. Move it some more." And you say, "Oh
boy, what do you know." And you'll finally get them back and
they'll be in a shocking state after they get back. And they say,
"But I had to come back, I couldn't leave, but sure would like to
have kept going."

Now, this is the DED DEDEX combination which holds some people in
their heads. They just sent enough people out of their heads. And
another one is this resentment at being placed. Some people, some
fives are being monitored very heavily from someplace or other and
they're afraid that at any moment they're going to be ordered out
and sent elsewhere. And they're just very nervous about it, and if
you run them on an E meter, you ask them, "Are you trying to get
out ?" and you'll get no reaction, "Are you trying to hold yourself
in?" and boy, you get a big reaction. Because they actually are,
they are trying to hold themselves in with might and main even
though they think they're trying to get out. ... When what? ...
Yeah. Probably nuts. Alright? Now, get that mechanism, get that
mechanism about getting out of the head. OK.

Now we've covered some communication here, and we've covered some
other things, and I'm going to call something forcefully to your
attention, very forcefully, and that is force. Force. I talked to
you about acting, will act, won't act, the sanity of the pc is
proportional to his ability to act. Now, let's understand that
force and energy are the same thing, we're talking about the same
thing when we talk about force and energy.
And delusion, illusion and MEST universe are, alike, energy. In
all three of these classifications then, we're dealing with energy,
aren't we? And when we're dealing with any kind of force of any
kind, we're dealing with energy, aren't we? And we're talking
about placing in space and time, we're talking about the placing of
space and time of energy, aren't we?

And we're talking about these three categories then, each one of
them we're talking about energy. We're talking then about force
and energy. And if we're talking about force and energy in all
three classes, then this triangle of illusion, delusion and reality
has a common denominator to the triangle, doesn't it? And that
common denominator is force. The common denominator of the
triangle is force.

Communication, via the MEST body, is an avoidance of force. It's

registering on the facsimile and then you read the facsimile.
Little lag, just a little bit late. Alright. So if energy is
force, if the preclear won't employ or detests force of any kind,
he cannot handle energy. It requires a self made force to create
illusion, and the disposal of force to destroy one. You have to be
able to handle force to destroy force. If the preclear can't
handle force, he can't handle illusion or delusion or MEST universe
reality. He just can't handle those things.

Now, theta perception is a self made force and MEST perception is

continuous receipt, a one way flow of force going in a registering
on energy which is then read. So the MEST universe perception
keeps making facsimiles boppita, boppita, boppita, boppita,
boppita. And your cute little thetan keeps on creating force for
that MEST universe energy to hit on. And it's a one way flow,
incoming. Perception, MEST universe wise, is a one way flow
incoming which makes a facsimile. So that's a one way flow, and so

Again, if you have no force you have no perception. No force is no

perception. And the pc is held in his head by MEST body impulses
and by his own manufacture of energy and by the delusions of others
which register on him as energy. And they are real energy. You're
used to thinking of delusions as not being there, you see, and the
joke is, it's there. And the MEST universe is putting out
emanating waves and they're there. So, these things in combination
put enough energy, wads of energy around the pc, so that it
practically packs him in.

So whether you're dealing with illusion, delusion or MEST universe

reality, you are dealing with energy which is itself force, which
is force. Now, if a man will act, a man will handle force. If a
man won't act, he won't handle force. If a man won't handle force,
he won't handle illusion, delusion or MEST universe reality. He'll
think about it. Now that's the state some of these preclears are

Now, if your preclear's theta impulse and ability to create force

is low, the MEST energy in the head and the other energies in the
head are sufficient to hold him in. They're sufficient to hold him
in, if his ability to create force and destroy force is low. If
his ability to handle the force created by others is low, if his
ability to handle MEST universe force is low, you get the same
thing in each case. The energy in the head; the three kinds of
energy, the energy of delusion, illusion, and MEST universe will
hold him in his head.

Now, you rehabilitate his; here's the therapy on this. You

rehabilitate his willingness to employ extremes of force, to locate
in space and time against or with anything, and perception will
increase. You don't have to have all those words, it's just he's
got to be completely willing to employ or destroy anything,
illusion, delusion or MEST universe, with force. If he's unwilling
to, there he's going to be in bad shape.

Now get this. Running of engrams is destruction of force. The

running of an engram is the destruction of force. And if one
cannot destroy, if he's unwilling to destroy anything he'll have
difficulty with running engrams.

The reason why this is an expanding universe is because you have a

silly law called the conservation of energy. Even though you
destroy something, it's still there. That's the gag, you see,
conservation of energy. Now, the funny part of it is, you as a
thetan can create force and energy. Of course, it's an expanding
universe, but there's plenty of space. Let's not worry just
because you have to convert it in some fashion or other. You
actually can jump that law as a thetan, theta wise.

Now, let me draw you a graph which should be quite useful to you.
And this graph is the impulses of man. Create. Destroy. And here
we have the graph here, all dynamics, one, two, three, four, five,
and six, seven, eight, all dynamics here. And one being all
dynamics here. Now what do you know, we have here something that
would make most people shudder.

The impulses of man are to create and to destroy. If a man creates

continually and only, it leads to insanity. If he can only create,
he will eventually become insane. The reason why, he never
destroys what he creates, so he never is able to cope with what he
creates. Because he creates something and then he can't possibly
destroy it or handle it or put it away or anything. He's just got
to create and create and create and create. And it's like that
silly salt manufacturing machine that they talk about in the
legends in Holland which gets into the ocean and is still running.
It fills up, of course, the whole universe and it certainly fills
up the whole skull with energy, energy, energy, energy, energy.

Now, destruction, total destruction, nothing but destroy, destroy,

destroy is insanity. Now, this is a more recognizable form of
insanity, and the less recognizable form is create insanity. This
is considered to be good, and this destruction insanity is
considered to be bad. This because, this drives a man quietly
crazy and this drives a man, destruction, is goes crazy noisily.
And people don't like noise or something with their motion so this
is supposed to be moral, or immoral, and this is supposed to be

Actually, there is no real differentiation between the two beyond

they are the two sides of the same coin. But the two sides of the
same coin and the name of the coin is force.

Now, we get proceeding down from created insanity all dynamics,

from sanity all dynamics, from insanity all dynamics, and where is
he unwilling to create, where is he unwilling to destroy and there
you will find where he is unwilling to act and there you will find
why he can't handle that energy and why he's still in his head.
That's a very simple formula. I worked it out for you with my own
little hatchet. If you can't spring him with this one, use a

Now, you make this up as an action graph, and you use this graph in
processing. It's an action graph. Now, let's take this apart just
a little bit more...

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