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ZDM Mathematics Education (2016) 48:827–842

DOI 10.1007/s11858-016-0757-0


Problem solving and the use of digital technologies within 

the Mathematical Working Space framework
Manuel Santos‑Trigo1 · Luis Moreno‑Armella1 · Matías Camacho‑Machín2 

Accepted: 15 January 2016 / Published online: 1 February 2016

© FIZ Karlsruhe 2016

Abstract  The aim of this study is to analyze and docu- role in both representing and exploring mathematical tasks
ment the extent to which high school teachers rely on a and in following the discussion outside the formal class. As
set of technology affordances to articulate epistemologi- a result, the participants outlined a possible route to imple-
cal and cognitive actions in problem solving approaches. ment a route for learners to integrate activities to account
Participants were encouraged to construct dynamic repre- for instrumental, semiotic, and discursive genesis.
sentations of tasks and always to look for different ways
to identify and support mathematical relations. To this end, Keywords  Problem solving · Empirical and formal
three interrelated geneses (instrumental, semiotic, discur- reasoning · Mathematical Working Space · Digital
sive) proposed in the Mathematical Working Space frame technologies
are used to document ways in which the participants con-
structed dynamic configuration of mathematical tasks as a
means initially to explore invariants and eventually formu- 1 Introduction
late conjectures based on empirical arguments. Technol-
ogy affordances that involve dragging objects, quantifying Mathematics education as a research domain aims at under-
parameters, graphing loci and using sliders were important standing and analyzing how students learn and develop
for the participants to articulate semiotic and discursive mathematical knowledge to solve a variety of problems
geneses. Thus, the participants’ approaches that appeared situated in different contexts. The Mathematical Working
individual, small group and plenary discussions contrib- Space (MWS) framework involves the design of a learn-
uted to identifying initial conjectures that later were ana- ing scenario for students to develop mathematical knowl-
lyzed via empirical, geometric or algebraic arguments. In edge and to enrich their mathematical practice. Its founda-
addition, the participants recognized that a working space tion lies in introducing a pedagogical standpoint to frame
to understand mathematical ideas and to solve problems instructional activities in order to orient and stimulate the
should foster mathematical discussions beyond formal set- students’ development of mathematical knowledge in a
tings. The use of digital technologies plays an important problem-solving environment. Indeed, this framework
explicitly articulates epistemic activities that define math-
ematical practices and how learners engage in valid math-
* Manuel Santos‑Trigo
ematical explorations. That is, the framework establishes
a close bridge between the discipline’s epistemological
Luis Moreno‑Armella
stance (the epistemological plane) and the students’ cog-
nitive dimensions (the cognitive plane) in order to provide
Matías Camacho‑Machín
a learning environment for students to grasp mathemati-
cal concepts and develop problem solving abilities. The
Center for Research and Advanced Studies, Cinvestav-IPN, epistemological plane provides as well the bases to iden-
Mexico City, Mexico tify, explore, develop and discover relations that need to
University of la Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain be validated through mathematical reasoning. In terms of

828 M. Santos-Trigo et al.

connecting the epistemological plane with students’ cogni- 2 The Mathematical Working Space (MWS)
tive activities, three elements are identified: (1) the instru- and the use of digital technologies
mental genesis, in which the role of artifacts is considered
as important during the problem solving experiences; in To support and structure the development of this study, we
this study, the participants mainly rely on a dynamic geom- intend to characterize the role played by the students’ use
etry system (GeoGebra) to represent mathematical objects of digital technologies while they articulate epistemologi-
and to identify and explore mathematical relations; (2) the cal issues such as validating a line of reasoning when solv-
semiotic genesis, which accounts for the role of representa- ing mathematical problems. Leung and Bolite-Frant (2015)
tions in analyzing relations among mathematical objects or pointed out that the use of tools influences cognition and
concepts involving syntax and semantic treatment (Duval, that “[the] development of mathematical ideas and con-
2006); and (3) the discursive genesis, that deals with the cepts has been closely associated with [the] development of
different ways of reasoning to validate and communicate technology” (p. 191).
mathematical results. Kuzniak and Richard (2014) pointed In accordance with the NCTM (2009), it is important to
out that this framework is conceived of as “a well-thought recognize that mathematical reasoning entails more than
and organized environment in order to permit the work of reaching conclusions logically deduced, based on assump-
the individual solving mathematical problems” (p. 18). tions and definitions, it involves also informal explorations,
This environment may consist of a physical or online set- false starts, formulation of conjectures and partial explana-
ting, teachers, students, mathematical tasks, artifacts used tions before constructing formal arguments or proofs.
for teaching and learning and a didactic approach to frame
Using technology to display multiple representations
learning activities.
of the same problem can aid in making connections…
We focus on the use of digital technologies to represent
When technology allows multiple representations to
and explore mathematical relations and as a way to extend
be linked dynamically, it can provide new opportuni-
learners’ mathematical discussion beyond the classroom
ties for students to take mathematically meaningful
settings. The presence of digital technologies transforms
actions and immediately see mathematically mean-
and enhances the Mathematical Working Space where
ingful consequences—fertile ground for sense-mak-
students develop their mathematical practice. Indeed, that
ing and reasoning activities (NCTM, 2009, p. 14).
presence invites students to take profit from the inbuilt
mathematical tools which come with the new medium. Kuzniak et al. (2013) pointed out that problems are a
For instance, the student can easily explore loci that pre- means to guide or orient students in the development of
viously, in the pencil and paper environment, were hardly mathematical ideas and problem solving skills. A “problem
considered due to technical difficulties. Similarly, drag- situation” as these authors call it, provides an opportunity
ging points, exploring relations through sliders or gener- for students to elicit and use their previous knowledge and
ating and examining properties of families of objects are conceptions in order to acquire new mathematical knowl-
important strategies that enrich the working space or learn- edge. For the students to engage fully in a mathemati-
ing environment. “Dynamic digital tools, like dynamic cal discussion, the mediating problem situation has to be
geometry software, can be used in task design to cover a meaningful for them. Besides, it is important that these
large epistemic spectrum from drawing precise robust geo- problems become a platform for learners to discuss and
metrical figures to exploration of new geometric theorems examine strategies that can be transferred to solve others
and development of argumentation discourse” (Leung and problems. This entails a transfer of context. Thus, the con-
Bolite-Frant; 2015, p. 195). Similarly, Hegedus and Tall cept of open problem is essential for students to conjecture
(2016) argue that the affordances of dynamic interactive possible solutions, to develop inductive reasoning, to test
mathematics environments provide novel ways for users and validate mathematical relations. In working and dis-
to explore, express, visualize, compute, and interact with cussing this kind of open problems the goal for the students
mathematical objects. The term affordance has been used should be to find a genuine and personal solution through
to interpret how learners incorporate digital technologies in their own resources.
their learning experiences. It refers to:
In the case of an open problem the question is to
[P]roperties in the environment that present possibili- find a genuine and personal solution, with one’s own
ties for action and are available for an agent to per- means, the general solution can be out of reach of the
ceive and act upon. It refers to those inherent epis- students (and possibly the teacher); in the case of a
temic conditions or qualities of the environment that problem situation the question is, starting from a spe-
allow learners to perform certain actions with the envi- cific problem, to elaborate a more general knowledge
ronment to acquire knowledge (Leung; 2011, p. 326). (concept, process…) which is intended to be institu-

Problem solving and the use of digital technologies within the Mathematical Working Space… 829

tionalized, socially acknowledged, and mastered by which the generic figures that they construct represent all
all the students (Kuzniak et al. 2013, p. 417). possible figures or only a particular class of them.
Moreno-Armella and Santos-Trigo (2016) pointed out
Tasks should trigger basic mathematical activities and
that the use of mediating instruments, in particular, digi-
actions, as they are the kernels for the cognitive activi-
tal technologies, are never epistemologically neutral. The
ties of learners. Blume (2013, p. 3) has as well indicated
ways of approaching a problem depend upon the resources
that “For teachers, tasks are a crucial element to orches-
we have at our reach. Mishra and Koehler (2006) pointed
trate lessons and to clarify the aims of instruction as solv-
out that “teachers need to know not just the subject matter
ing these tasks requires the competencies that students
they teach but also the manner in which the subject mat-
are to acquire”. That is, tasks are a crucial ingredient of
ter can be changed by the application of technology” (p.
the Mathematical Working Space. Thus, learners gradu-
1028). Likewise, Hegedus and Moreno-Armella (2009)
ally construct meaning of mathematical tasks by articu-
stated that the incorporation of digital technologies in
lating epistemological issues with their cognitive system
school practices requires that teachers develop new habits
via genetic developments. Indeed, “a mathematics peda-
of mind to gradually transform instructional approaches.
gogic task aims to engage learners in activities that could
They recognize that the use of digital technologies in class-
transform the ways they see and do mathematics” (Leung,
rooms extends ways of reasoning about problems; and also
2011, p. 326).
demands a new curriculum organization. Technology, they
We argue that the use of digital technology offers teach-
argue, “is here to transform thinking, and not to serve as
ers and learners an opportunity to extend and deepen ways
some prosthetic device to prop up old styles of pedagogy or
of reasoning about the mathematical strategies involved in
curriculum standards” (p. 398).
solving problems. In addition, representing and exploring
Santos-Trigo and Ortega-Moreno (2013) pointed out
mathematical tasks mediated by digital technologies bring
that the systematic and coordinated use of digital technolo-
in new challenges for teachers that include the appropria-
gies allows problem solvers to connect several fundamen-
tion of the instruments afforded by these technologies in
tal ideas via key concepts. For example, the concept of
order to identify and analyze what changes to mathemati-
perpendicular bisector becomes a fundamental concept to
cal contents and teaching practice are fostered through its
generate conic sections within dynamic models involving
use. We consider it important to mention the epistemologi-
simple geometric figures such as triangles and rectangles
cal impact generated by the presence of those technologies.
(Moreno-Armella and Santos-Trigo, 2016).
As Leung (2011) has aptly expressed: “affordance is of
The use of digital technologies makes teachers and
particular importance when considering mathematical tasks
learners become active participants in the learning pro-
that involve the use of technology since interaction with the
cess generated within the MWS. Indeed, these instruments
technology should be a critical epistemological element in
offer a rich diversity of ways to represent and explore the
such tasks (p. 326)”.
tasks. It is not the material object by itself that produces
Geeraerts, Venant and Tanguay (2014) illustrate the com-
this transformation, it is the process of appropriation led by
plexity of using a dynamic geometry system (GeoGebra) to
the teacher and the students that eventually transform the
represent and explore mathematical objects. For example,
digital artifact into a mathematical instrument (Moreno-
in a task that involves drawing the perpendicular to line
Armella & Santos-Trigo, 2016). This deep process, by
AB through a point M outside AB based only on equidis-
means of which the digital artifact becomes an instrument
tant properties, the achieved construction initially seems to
to think with and through it, has been previously studied by
fulfill the goal. But when point M is moved, then at some
Rabardel (1995) and more recently by Trouche (2004). An
positions of M the required perpendicular disappears. “…
instrument, as Trouche has pointed out, “can be considered
[S]tudents must anticipate the movement resulting from
an extension of the body, a functional organ made up of
dragging, must keep in mind which are the objects free to
an artifact component (an artifact, or the part of an artifact
move in the construction and what is going to happen if
mobilized in the activity) and a psychological component”
these objects are moved” (p. 260). Similarly, the explora-
(p. 285).
tion of a generic figure of a right triangle, constructed with
In the MWS framework, the instrumental genesis
the use of the GeoGebra command “Perpendicular Line”,
accounts for the process involved in individuals’ transfor-
carried out by dragging either point A or B (end points of
mation of an artifact into an instrument. In others words as
side AB) might lead the students to observe and formulate
Geeraerts, et al. (2014) have explained, this transformation
a false conjecture: “[A]ll right-angled triangles have their
involves two intertwined processes: instrumentation that
two short sides in a unique and same relation of propor-
refers to how the user adapts his/her action to the artifact,
tionality” (p. 261). Here, the authors suggest that teachers
and instrumentalization, by means of which the user devel-
should be aware of and discuss with students the extent to
ops a cognitive scheme to use the tool in problem solving

830 M. Santos-Trigo et al.

situations. But this is not a new issue; it is precisely what

happens each time a person learns to write. Writing opens
a world of intellectual possibilities to the person that, with
time, will transform the ways the person sees, lives, and
conceives of the world. Similarly, the presence of a digi-
tal artifact has an effect we are still trying to figure out in
all its complexity. The artifact’s characteristics (ergonomics
and constraints) and the strategies developed by the users,
during the activities, are important to transform the artifact
into a problem-solving instrument. In this respect, Trouche
(2004) related the problem solvers’ psychological compo-
nent to the construction of a scheme with three functions:
“a pragmatic function (it allows the agent to do something),
a heuristic function (it allows the agent to anticipate and
plan actions), and an epistemological function (it allows
the agent to understand what he is doing)” (p. 286). Indeed,
these three functions become essential for learners to con-
struct and explore dynamic models to examine a large num-
ber of examples, detect and formulate conjectures or invari-
ances and to look for arguments to support mathematical Fig. 1  A dynamic configuration to find and support mathematical
relations (Sinclair and Baccaglini-Frank, 2016).
In this study, we focus on the implementation of two
kinds of tasks that involve: 3 Participants, tasks, methods, and procedures

1. Dynamic configurations formed by simple objects (cir- Eight high school prospective teachers participated in a
cle, segments, triangles, lines, etc.) where subjects are problem-solving course that was part of a Master’s pro-
asked to move particular point(s) to identify relation- gram in mathematics education. All participants had com-
ships and formulate conjectures and ways to support pleted a university degree with major in mathematics and
them. were attending the second semester of the program. The
2. Problems that appear in textbooks where students are course included two weekly sessions of 3 h each during
asked to represent them dynamically and search for one semester. The participants worked on each task indi-
different ways to solve them. vidually, in small groups, and collectively in plenary group
discussions. That is, throughout the sessions they began
In addition, in order for subjects to keep problem solv- working on the task individually, then individual contribu-
ing discussions going even beyond formal sessions, we rely tions were discussed in pairs or small groups and later on,
on communication technologies such as email and video- results were presented and discussed within the community
conference to share and extend individual and collective or including the instructor. We focused on two tasks that the
groups’ contributions. group worked at the end of the semester (the last two ses-
sions). The group discussion continued beyond the formal
2.1 Research question sessions via email or chats through communication tech-
nologies (FaceTime or Skype). The instructor and two doc-
We focus on characterizing the problem solving process toral students coordinated the sessions and their role was to
that prospective high school teachers exhibit as a result of elicit the participants’ ideas and guide their approaches to
using systematically digital tools in formulating and solv- the tasks.
ing two mathematical tasks. Thus, a research question that
guided the development of the study is: 3.1 The first task: a dynamic configuration
To what extent do prospective high school teachers
rely on and coordinate a set of digital affordances (drag- The participants received a GeoGebra geometric configu-
ging, measuring, loci, slider variation, etc.) to construct ration showing an inscribed equilateral triangle (Fig. 1) in
and explore dynamic representations of tasks, and to transit iBook format that could be accessed and explored through
from empirical reasoning to formal approaches within the a computer, tablet or iPhone. The participants were asked
MWS framework? to examine it and to pose some questions or problems

Problem solving and the use of digital technologies within the Mathematical Working Space… 831

Table  1 shows main activities implemented during the

study and the information gathered through individual,
pairs, and plenary discussion.
The research team designed an instrument based on a
set of questions to identify and analyze main ideas and
concepts that appeared in problem solving episodes involv-
ing understanding and making sense of tasks, the construc-
tion and exploration of dynamic configurations, looking
for and implementing several solution methods, the use
of empirical, geometric and algebraic arguments and the
extensions of tasks. Some questions that guided our analy-
sis of individual and pairs’ contributions involved: Do they
identify relevant information to represent and explore the
task? What technology affordances do they rely on to con-
Fig. 2  A sheet of paper is folded (, struct a task dynamic configuration? What conjectures or
what questions could you pose involving mathematical objects that relationships do they formulate? What initial arguments
appear in the figure? do they use to support them? How do the ways to sup-
port initial and emerging conjectures evolve throughout
the individual and collective approaches? And so on. In
regarding the geometrical objects involved, their behaviors addition, the research team identified main decisions that
and possible relations. In addition, they were asked to solve led the participants to delve into ideas and explorations
those problems. that expanded or enhanced the initial tasks. Throughout
the analysis of the participants’ work, it was important to
3.2 The second task document passages in which the tools affordances (drag-
ging, finding loci, using sliders, etc.) became important
Participants were asked to observe a video (http://youtu. for the participants to transit from empirical to geomet-
be/LwjbFll5Udo) that involves folding a sheet of paper. ric and algebraic approaches. For instance, an emerging
Likewise, the participants were asked to formulate ques- approach that was pursued during the plenary discussion
tions regarding the mathematical objects that are embedded involved inscribing an equilateral triangle in a given cir-
in the folding process (Fig. 2). This task was inspired by a cle via the area variation of two related circles. Thus, the
Calculus task that appears in Ellis, et, al. (1999, p. 191). research team analyzed all the participants’ contributions
The participants worked on the tasks individually at and focused on the process involved in going from indi-
the beginning, later they shared their ideas in pairs and at vidual to collective approaches.
the end, each pair presented their approaches to the whole
group (plenary discussion). The individual report and the
initial pair’s report were handed in at the end of the session 4 Presentation of results and discussion
and all pairs also had an opportunity to revise and incorpo-
rate observations made during the plenary discussions into To present and discuss the main results, we identify impor-
a new version of the report (sent through email). tant phases shown during the development of the problem
The presentation and analysis of results were structured solving sessions. In terms of the MWS framework, we
in terms of episodes that accounted for how the participants identify the extent to which the use of GeoGebra allows the
contributions evolved, from individual participation to col- participants to problematize the tasks and to engage them
lective reflection. in problem solving activities in order to look for math-
It is important to mention that each task, implemented ematical relations and ways of supporting them. Thus, as
during the sessions, was analyzed by the research team Leung (2011) stated, “a task guides learners from informal
previously to its application. The team included two math- to formal mathematical knowledge through a gradual pro-
ematics educators, two mathematicians and four doctoral cess that connects contextual understanding and conceptual
students in mathematics education. The idea was to identify abstract understanding” (p. 326).
potential solutions that helped guide and orient (through
questions) the participants’ work. The prior analysis of the 4.1 The first task; the grasping phase
tasks was based on identifying key problem solving epi-
sodes, to transform routine tasks into a set of learning activ- Initially, the participants carried out two main approaches
ities (Santos-Trigo and Camacho-Machín, 2009; 2013). to explore this task:

832 M. Santos-Trigo et al.

1. Those who used GeoGebra to try to inscribe an equilat-

Focusing on the domain of potential solutions to examine attrib-

utes and relations among embedded objects and generaliza-
Pairs’ report handed in at the end of the session and a revised
eral triangle in a given circle.
Individual report handed in at the end of the first session 2. Those who used the model as given and began moving
some elements within the model.

For the first group, they measured the length of the tri-
angle sides and recognized that the inscribed triangle was
version sent after the second session equilateral and asked: How can we inscribe an equilateral
triangle in a given circle? It is important to observe that this
question is different from asking about how to draw a cir-
tion of results (both tasks) cle that circumscribes an equilateral triangle. The second
Evidence and data sources

group focused directly on exploring empirically the behav-

ior of some elements of the figure by moving point P on
arc AB. All the participants had previously developed some
experiences in the use of GeoGebra and they identified
main properties of the objects involved in the configuration.

4.2 The exploration phase

Exploring objects mathematical behaviors through quantifi-

Six participants explored numerically the length of seg-

Focusing on ways to support conjectures: both analytic and
cation of lengths and dragging (task 1). Construction of a

dynamic approaches (task 1). Analyzing the second task

ment CP and the sum of lengths of segments AP and

Presentation of each pair’s work and group discussion

PB for different positions of point P (Fig. 3). They

concluded that in this configuration, the equality
D(C, P) = D(A, P) + D(P, B) holds.
Two participants focused initially on finding a way to
domain and finding an algebraic model

inscribe an equilateral triangle in a given circle. One of

these students expressed that “in a given circle, I want to
draw three arcs of 120°, that is, I want to draw three cen-
dynamic model of task 2

tral angles of 120°each” (Fig. 4). Both students, later on,

Problem solving activity

reported also that within the configuration, the conjecture

Table 1  Summary of main activities developed during the problem solving sessions

D(C, P) = D(A, P) + D(P, B) seems to hold and recognized

that it was important to look for a geometric argument to
support this relation. In terms of the Mathematical Work-
ing Space, both initial approaches are important to engage
the participants into mathematical reflection. Focusing on
drawing the given model allows the participants to question
the given data and as a result, several concepts and problem
Looking back and introducing new questions (task 1). Identi-
Pairs’ discussion to detect patterns or invariances and to look
for geometric arguments (task 1). A dynamic and graphic
Focus on drawing a dynamic configuration, identifying the

solving strategies appear in their empirical, visual and for-

Exploration and sense making activities (tasks 1 and 2)

mal approaches.

4.3 Looking for a geometric argument

fying various variation phenomena in task 2

Seven participants relied on similar triangles arguments to

support the conjecture. Figure 5 shows a representation and
notation used to affirm that:
exploration of the second task

since ∠PBD ∼ = ∠PCA both subtended by the same arc, and
Type of contribution

∠BPD ∼ = ∠CPA both subtended by equal arcs. Similarly,

Plenary session

they also showed that:

given data


Problem solving and the use of digital technologies within the Mathematical Working Space… 833

Fig. 3  Looking for relationships

Fig.  5  a Constructing a geometric argument. b Providing a geomet-

ric argument to validate that d(C, P) = d(A, P) + d(P, B)

And by adding “a” and “b”:

(h1 + h2 )(l − x + x)
a+b= = h1 + h 2 , that is
d(C, P) = d(A, P) + d(P, B).
Fig. 4  Drawing three central angles of 120°
It is clear that the use of the tool played an important
role in examining properties of the embedded figures and in
formulating and exploring a particular conjecture that later
Based on the proportionality of their corresponding
was justified through a formal argument.
sides, from PDB ∼ PAC :
Another participant observed that quadrilateral APBC
PD DB BP h2 x b was inscribed in the circle and asked for its properties.
= = , that is, = = (1)
PA AC CP a l h1 + h2 He mentioned that it was an inscribable cyclic quadri-
lateral and therefore the opposite angles add up to 180°
and based on that ADC ∼ PAC:
(supplementary angles). This property led him to relate
this quadrilateral to Ptolemy’s theorem: the product of
AD DC CA l−x h1 l
= = , that is, = = . (2) the lengths of the two diagonals of a cyclic quadrilateral
PA AC CP a l h1 + h2 is the sum of the products of lengths of the two pairs of
opposite sides. During the plenary discussion, this con-
Then, by isolating a and b from (1) and (2) respectively,
nection was addressed and later, supported by formal
(h1 + h2 )x arguments.
b= (3)
l Another approach that one of the participants sent via
email involves drawing ray PB and a circle centered at P
(h1 + h2 )(l − x) and radius PC (Fig. 5b). This circle intersects ray PB at
a= . (4)
l D and triangle PCD is equilateral because sides PC and

834 M. Santos-Trigo et al.

Fig. 6  Using the conditions to inscribe an equilateral triangle Fig. 7  Constructing the solution via the circles’ area

PD are congruent (same radius) and angle CPB is always AB, an equilateral triangle ABC is drawn and a circle that
60 degrees (triangle ABC is equilateral). Similarly, tri- passes through vertices ABC. Now, by moving point A
angles APC and BDC are congruent because angles APC along the circle X, a family of equilateral triangles is gen-
and BDC are congruent, angles ACP and BCD are also erated and for one position of A, vertex C of triangle ABC
congruent and side PC is congruent with side DC. Then, will be on the given circle of center O. Line M represents
d(C, P) = d(A, P) + d(P, B). the function f(x)  = area of circle X  = 17.53, and point Q
has the x-coordinate of point A and as y-coordinate the area
4.4 Extensions of the circle e that circumscribes triangle ABC. The locus
of point Q when point A moves along the circle with center
At this stage, the dynamic configuration became a trigger O is an ellipse (Fig. 6). Then, the intersection point (L) of
for exploring others relations. In the plenary discussion, all the ellipse and line M indicates that, at this position of ver-
recognized that asking “how to inscribe an equilateral tri- tex A, triangle ABC is inscribed in the given circle. That
angle in a given circle” led them to identify different ways is, the area of the circle that circumscribes the equilateral
of inscribing such a triangle. Figures 6 and 7 show a way triangle ABC coincides with the area of the given circle X
to inscribe such a triangle in a given circle X of center O. (Fig. 7). This construction is based on graphing a relation
Points A and B are points on the given circle X. On segment that associates the position of point A and the area of the

Problem solving and the use of digital technologies within the Mathematical Working Space… 835

Fig.  8  a Drawing an equilateral triangle ATP based on an equilateral triangle QRS. b By moving point A on the circle the inscribed equilateral
triangle is found

circumscribed circle e without making explicit the alge-

braic representation of that relation (Fig. 7).
The link (
shows more solutions provided by the participants to
inscribe an equilateral triangle in a given circle. One solu-
tion involves drawing any equilateral triangle (triangle
QRS) as a reference and selecting any point A on the given
circle c (Fig. 8a). A parallel line to QR that passes through
A is drawn, this line intersects the circle c at point T. Like-
wise, a parallel to QS through A and a parallel line to RS Fig. 9  Representing the folding situation
that passes through T are drawn. Point U is the intersection
between the two parallel lines and triangle ATU is equilat-
eral because is similar to triangle QRS (Fig. 8a), the locus a result of moving the vertex along the side. In the initial
of point U when point A moves along the circle c inter- phase (sense making and task understanding), some par-
sects the circle, and that is the inscribed equilateral trian- ticipants focused on the construction of a dynamic model
gle (Fig. 8b). In the process of looking for ways to inscribe of the task, others aimed at finding an algebraic represen-
an equilateral triangle in a given circle, the participants tation of it based on a paper and pencil diagram. In this
relied on different concepts and strategies where the use of phase, some questions were posed: How can I represent the
GeoGebra helped them connect and make sense of those task dynamically? What figures are important in the fold-
concepts. For example, the concept of parallelism and loci ing process of the sheet? Can the folded vertex be located
were crucial to think of a dynamic configuration to inscribe anywhere on the side of the sheet? Is there any particular
the equilateral triangle (Fig. 8a, b). domain for the location of such vertex?
Figure 9 is a typical representation used by the partici-
pants to pose their questions. All the questions were written
5 The folded sheet task: focusing on questions at the board and the goal was then to discuss what ques-
tions they could pursue or answer. Here, they discussed the
The participants worked on the task individually for questions in pairs and focused their attention on how each
20 min, they posed many questions. In general, they question could be answered. It is important to mention that
observed that the folded sheet can be divided in two right the participants initially relied on the YouTube video to
triangles and a polygon and the questions they posed were verbalize their questions and when they wrote them, they
about the behaviors of the areas involving those figures as did not include all pertinent labels or notation to refer to

836 M. Santos-Trigo et al.

problem information. Figure 9 does not include explicitly

labels for the rectangle vertices.

1. At which point should I situate vertex P to get three

right triangles?
2. When is the area of triangle 2 equal to zero?
3. In which interval can point P be located?
4. What happens to area of triangle 1 when the area of
triangle 2 is a minimum?
5. How does diagonal QR change for different positions
Fig. 10  Representing the task
of P?
6. Is there any position for point P where only one trian-
gle is formed? Is there an interval to situate P in order
to always have two triangles?
7. How does segment QR (folding line) behave?
8. When does polygon 3 get its maximum area?
9. Can point P be situated at any position and form the
three figures? Are the possible positions of P covering
the entire opposite side?

The participants, in general, did not look under what

conditions their questions could be answered; instead
they seemed to focus on what they visualized in terms of
the resulting figures and their positions as point P moves
along the side. That is, they posed questions without Fig. 11  Expressing the area of right triangle in terms of one variable
examining whether the situation provided data or informa-
tion to answer to those questions. It was later, when they
worked in pairs and tried to answer the questions, that they
realized that in order to make sense of the questions, it was
important to identify relevant data and ways to express
some relationships. In addition, the participants did not
explicitly describe the folding sheet procedure to formu-
late the question; rather they relied on the video or on a
representation they sketched of the situation. The partici-
pants’ cognitive behaviors seem to focus on posing ques-
tions inspired by the drawing without reflecting on possi-
Fig. 12  Posing the task
ble answers.

5.1 Making sense of questions and looking expression for the triangle GBH area and two pairs began
for relationships to construct a dynamic model of the task.
During the pairs’ discussion, the participants analyzed
The participants examined in pairs the proposed questions. the set of questions and focused on finding out what infor-
Some pairs assigned values to sides of the sheet of paper (3 mation and-or data they needed to answer those questions.
and 6 units) and began to find some relations and properties When some of the pairs introduced a notation and data
of the formed figures. Based on representation (Figs. 10, in their representation of the task, they observed that tri-
11), they observed that: (1) Segment DH becomes the angle GBH (Fig. 12) included all information needed to
hypotenuse of right triangle HGB and segment ID becomes determine its area. That is, the consideration of a particular
segment IG (Fig. 10); (2) the area of triangles could be case, a sheet of paper with dimensions 3 × 6 units, became
expressed in terms of one variable (Fig. 11); and (3) when important for them to focus on particular relationships.
vertex G moves along side AB of the rectangle, then a fam- Then, a task that all agreed to formulate and pursue was
ily of right triangles emerged and at some positions, trian- stated as:
gle GHI (Fig. 12) will disappear (when GB is longer than A sheet of paper ABDE is folded in such a way that one
BD). At this stage, two pairs decided to find an algebraic of its vertices (D) will lie on the side AB that is opposite

Problem solving and the use of digital technologies within the Mathematical Working Space… 837

the task showed two ways of building the model. One was
constructed by considering two sliders that represented the
dimensions of the sheet (rectangle). The values of the slid-
ers could change by moving a point on the slider. Then they
located point G on side AB and constructed the perpendicu-
lar bisector of GD that is the folding line. Figure 15 shows
the complete model of the task.
Fig. 13  Graphing the function area of triangle GBH It is important to mention that the initial statement of
the task did not include the two dimensions of the sheet
of paper. One dimension was enough to find the algebraic
model for the area of triangle BHG. However, to determine
the domain for moving the point G, the second dimension
was necessary. The second slider then became useful, to
explore the area behavior of a family of rectangles, just by

Fig. 14  Finding maximum value ( 23) of the function at point changing the rectangle dimensions via the sliders. In terms

x = 3 using the Wolfram Alpha tool of the MWS, both dynamic and algebraic approaches to the
task were interrelated and what the participants visualized
in the dynamic model was explained or interpreted via the
to side ED (Fig. 12). Thus, there will be different folding algebraic or geometric reasoning.
lines depending on the position of vertex D on side AB. For In, the
example, vertex D becomes point G to form triangle GBH. model can be explored by moving point G. The red graph
If the length of side DB is 3 dm, explore what happens to corresponds to the area variation of triangle GBH, the blue
the area of triangle GBH when point G is moved along side graph to the area variation of triangle GHI and the black
AB. What about the length of the folding segment? graph is the length variation of the folding segment HI as
point G is moved.
5.2 The construction and exploration of the area It also can be observed that point G can be moved on
function using an algebraic approach and a segment AB from a√point located at 3 units from point A to
dynamic model a point located at 27 units from point A. Thus, with this
model, all questions posed in phase I could be answered.
In this phase, two pairs that decided to approach the task An important issue that emerged immediately when
algebraically focused on expressing the area of the right tri- the participants focused on the construction of a dynamic
angle in terms of the variable x being the length of GB. model of the task was to determine the domain in which
Their goal was to find an algebraic model to express the to move point G on segment AB. They observed that for a
area of triangle GBH. To this end, they recognized that the certain position of point G on segment AB, the folding line
length of segment GH was 3-h, and they used the Pythago- disappears and to explain this, they needed to find the inter-
rean theorem to express h in terms of x. That is, val for moving point G so that the folding process can be
h = −x6 + 23, the area of triangle GBH being done. In addition, the dynamic model led them to examine
3 3x 1
A(x) = −x 12 + 4 . Then they used the WolframAlpha tool the variation of other involved figures (lengths of folding
to graph the function and to find its local maximum segment HI and polygon AGIE).
(Figs.  13, 14) (
ail=1). 6 Discussion of results
The contributions of these pairs were discussed later
during the plenary session and the presenters were ques- It is important to discuss the extent to which the episte-
tioned on the meaning of the graphic representation in mological and learners’ cognitive actions were expressed
accordance to the context of the task. The discussion led through three intertwined dimensions: the instrumental,
the group to address the issue of the domain of the function. semiotic, and discursive genesis.
The two pairs that decided to construct a dynamic model of
6.1 The importance of mathematical tasks

1 Teachers and instructors rely on mathematical tasks to

  Wolfram Alpha ( is an online com-
putational knowledge machine that includes computer algebra sys- construct and orchestrate or mobilize a working space
tems. and learning activities to foster learner’s development of

838 M. Santos-Trigo et al.

Fig. 15  A dynamic model of the task

mathematical thinking. To this end, two tasks that involved GeoGebra provided the participants a means to visualize
a geometric configuration (first one) and the folding of a dynamically not only the relation between the position of
sheet of paper (second one) were used as springboard to the movable point P and the folding line, but also the vari-
engage prospective high school teachers in problem solv- ation of the attributes (area of embedded figures and length
ing activities. In this process, the participants worked as a of the folding line). Thus, the participants made sense of
community and contributed to the solution and discussion the algebraic model of area variation of triangle GBH
of concepts and strategies used to make sense, represent, (Fig. 14) and its graphic representation.
explore and extend the tasks. In the first task, an initial
empirical approach led the participants to identify a con- 6.2 The instrumental genesis
jecture or relationship involving some elements of the
configuration based on the use of GeoGebra that also was The participants relied on GeoGebra affordances to rep-
supported through a mathematical argument. Similarly, the resent and explore the tasks. During the plenary discus-
reproduction of the given configuration let them to question sions, all the pair’s contributions were presented and
the given order of the elements in the configuration: Given examined. All participants recognized that formulating
a circle, then inscribe an equilateral triangle or given an and re-constructing (Fig. 1) the problems and looking for
equilateral triangle, then draw a circle that passes through different ways to solve them is an important activity that
its three vertices. This reflection led them to find several allowed them to think of different concepts and strategies
ways of inscribing an equilateral triangle in a given circle. to approach the tasks. In this context, the use of the tool
In this process, they relied on the use of GeoGebra to use became important, for example, to relate the area variation
concepts such as parallelism, similarity, locus, etc., to con- of a circle that circumscribes an equilateral triangle (Fig. 6)
struct such a triangle. In the second task, the participants to the goal of inscribing an equilateral triangle in a given
posed initial questions that later were refined in terms of circle. That is, the locus of the relation that associates the
identifying available data and solution methods. The use of position of a movable point on the given circle and the

Problem solving and the use of digital technologies within the Mathematical Working Space… 839

area of the circle that circumscribes the equilateral triangle properties of similar triangles. That is, the use of the tool
(simpler case) not only was important to solve the task, but had a dual purpose: the formulation of a conjecture and
also to relate the locus with an ellipse (Figs. 6, 7). Simi- the search for properties of objects within the configura-
larly, the use of sliders, dragging points and tracing loci tion to eventually provide a formal argument. Likewise,
are affordances that were important for the participants to in the second task, it has been possible to generate, via the
represent and explore the tasks dynamically. Indeed, in the locus command, the area variation of some figures within
second task, the dragging and locus tools were crucial to the dynamic configuration that let the participants to iden-
examine the area and length variation of embedded figures tify and visualize in some cases the maximum area value,
without expressing such a variation in terms of an algebraic but later the algebra provided a formal argument to support
representation. that result. In general, the participants seem to rely on the
tool affordances in exploring the behaviors of mathematical
6.3 The semiotic genesis objects to eventually formulate conjectures and also, in the
process of looking for properties that can be used to prove
In both tasks, the participants generated several represen- them formally.
tations that include the quantification of attributes (areas,
perimeters, lengths, angles, etc.), loci, family of trian- 6.5 Extending mathematical discussion
gles, rectangles, and graph of functions. These represen-
tations were essential to delve into the problems and to The construction and understanding of mathematical
relate visual and algebraic approaches. Thus, the folding knowledge is a continuous process, where learners share
line, in the second task, was represented through the per- individual ideas and get involved in collective discussions.
pendicular bisector that not only was used to make sense In this context, it was important to follow up some tasks
of the folding process, but also to focus on the variation of discussion beyond formal sessions. For example, finding
attributes of other objects that appear in the dynamic con- several ways to inscribe an equilateral triangle became a
figuration. Similarly, in the first task, the initial empirical task that allowed the participants to share and discuss con-
approach based on measuring lengths and angles in the cepts and strategies to achieve this task. Thus, some partici-
dynamic configuration (Fig. 3) led the participants to for- pants sent via email ideas that involved the area variation
mulate a conjecture that also was supported with a formal of a circle circumscribing a particular equilateral triangle
argument based on identifying proportional relations in two with an ellipse, or to find the locus of a vertex of a partial
similar triangles. This process required that the participants solution. Although the MWS framework does not address
identified a correspondence relation between the triangles explicitly the importance of extending the learning environ-
and the use of proper notation to carry out the operations ment to considering community discussions beyond formal
involved in the proportional relations. That is, learners or settings, it is important to recognize that following up the
problem solvers can rely on technology affordances to rep- participants’ discussion not only helped the participants
resent and explore the tasks through empirical and visual think of other approaches to the tasks, but also to refine and
approaches that can provide useful information to think of reflect on approaches that were discussed during the formal
formal arguments. Thus, the coordination of registers gen- sessions.
erated through the tool affordances and those involved in
algebraic approaches is crucial to make sense of the tasks 6.6 Task contexts
and results or solutions (Duval, 2006).
Another issue that emerged here was the importance of
6.4 The discursive genesis of proof linking the problem representation with the context of
the task. For instance, those who worked on the algebraic
What type of validating discourse did the participants model immediately relied on the Wolfram Alpha tool to
exhibit throughout the solution process of the tasks? The draw the corresponding graph and then found its maximum
participants systematically got involved in both informal value without making explicit the particular domain of the
and formal validation of conjectures and relations. They function. During the discussion, they were asked to explain
relied on GeoGebra to explore that for any position of point the graph behavior in terms of the task context and then
P on the arc AB, the length of CP is the same as the sum they realized that for some points on segment AB, the graph
of the lengths AP and PB (Fig. 3). The initial argument did not make sense in terms of the folding process and this
that they used to validate this relation involves observing realization drew their attention to defining the function
that for any position of point P on the arc AB, the relation domain. The pairs that presented the dynamic models rec-
is true. In addition, the tool helped them focus on par- ognized that situating the movable point G on side AB not
ticular triangles to construct a formal argument based on only led them to introduce the perpendicular bisector into

840 M. Santos-Trigo et al.

the model, but also to visualize a possible domain or inter- in terms of what concepts are involved and what data
val for moving point G. That is, the domain of point G was are needed. The goal here is to identify those ques-
contextualized. It was also argued that the use of sliders to tions or problems that the group should follow up and
draw the rectangle allows considering and examining the solve. Can you write down all questions or conjectures
area behavior of a family of rectangles as a result of chang- you propose? Are those questions different from those
ing the sliders’ lengths. In addition, the dynamic model of posed by your classmates?
the task provides affordances to focus on the behavior of 3. The group also recognized and valued the importance
other embedded figures, such as the length of segment HI for students of looking for different ways of solving
or the area behavior of triangle GHI (Fig. 15). and answering the posed question (Santos-Trigo, 2014;
Santos-Trigo and Reyes-Rodríguez, 2015). It was clear
that both dynamic and analytic approaches play an
7 Elements of a didactic route to implement the important role in developing problem solving strate-
tasks gies. Thus, during the classroom session, some students
could focus on constructing a dynamic representa-
The participants relied on the GeoGebra affordances to tion of the problem via the use of a dynamic geometry
re-produce the configuration of the first task and to repre- environment. Others could work on representing the
sent the folding sheet task. Both dynamic configurations problem algebraically. At the end, both groups would
of the tasks became a trigger for formulating questions and present their approaches to the task and discuss advan-
to look for several ways to answer to those questions. In tages and limitations associated with both approaches.
this process, it was important to work as a problem solv- For example, the construction of a dynamic model
ing community that shares and discusses both individual demands that students think of the problem in terms of
and collective contributions. In this context, the participants geometric meaning to be able to represent it. And this
were asked to outline a possible didactic route for structur- representation becomes important for students to visu-
ing a lesson to be further implemented in their teaching alize the objects’ or parameters’ behavior as a result of
practices. The idea was to organize such a route in terms of orderly moving of another object within the configu-
questions that could guide the implementation of the tasks. ration. Can you draw an equilateral triangle by select-
ing two points on the given circle and joining them to
1. All participants agreed that a lesson should engage stu- form a side of such triangle? Explain what happens to
dents in activities that foster problem solving formula- the triangle when you move one of those points on the
tion; and that the use of YouTube videos can foster not circle? Can you draw the circle that passes through the
only the students’ problem posing approaches, but also three vertices of the equilateral triangle? Can you graph
ways of discussing different statements of the same the area variation of that circle in terms of the position
task. Here, they recognized the importance of paying of the movable point? How is that graph related to the
attention to or looking at the situation in terms of math- inscribed triangle? In the folded sheet task, is there any
ematical objects and their properties (Santos-Trigo relation between the folding line and the perpendicular
and Reyes-Rodríguez, 2015). How can you inscribe an bisector of the segment that joins the initial position of
equilateral triangle in a given circle? If you move point the sheet corner and the position it takes on the side
P on the circle what elements within the configuration after the folding? Is that perpendicular bisector useful
change? Which ones are kept invariant? What figures to construct a dynamic model of the task?
do you see when the sheet is folded? Is it possible to 4. All participants recognized that the use of digital
calculate their areas/perimeters? What are the needed technologies plays a crucial role to connect empiri-
data? Addressing these types of questions could help cal and formal reasoning. The participants examined
learners focus on the way of finding mathematical rela- the behavior of parameters and possible relations by
tions among objects attributes (lengths, perimeters, measuring particular objects attributes (length, areas,
areas, etc.). Again, with the use of digital tools, the angles) to detect possible patterns or invariance. In
strategy of re-constructing the dynamic model of the Fig.  3, moving point P on the circle led them to con-
task becomes powerful not only to identify key con- jecture that d(A, P) + d(P, B) = d(C, P) for any posi-
cepts and properties, but also to formulate new ques- tion of P on arc AB. Later, this conjecture was sup-
tions or mathematical relations. ported through a formal argument that involves the
2. The participants recognized that students, during use of properties of similar triangles. Similarly, Fig. 15
the lesson, should be encouraged to express verbally shows the graph of the area variation of triangle GBH
and to write all the questions they are formulating. when point G is moved along an interval on AB. This
These questions should be examined and contrasted graph shows approximately the position of G at which

Problem solving and the use of digital technologies within the Mathematical Working Space… 841

the triangle reaches its maximum area. The generation the explorations of the model. In both tasks, dynamic mod-
and treatment of the corresponding algebraic model els became a platform to explore not only different forms
(Fig. 13) let the participants not only to find that maxi- of representing emerging relations, but also ways to extend
mum value, but also the interval to move point G on and interpret results in terms of the context of the initial
side AB. statement of the tasks. In such a process, it has been possi-
Thus, dragging and measuring strategies orient the ble to generate graphic behavior of particular relations such
students to think of a kind of semantic proof based on as the triangle area variation, without defining the algebraic
visual arguments at the beginning and, afterwards, this model. In addition, concepts like the perpendicular bisector
contributes to open the way to more formal proofs by and loci of points were relevant to explain and justify such
promoting links between leaners’ empirical and deduc- relations. Finally, the online-video, dynamic models of the
tive reasoning. That is, a dynamic geometry system inscribed triangle, and Wolfram Alpha results are available
incorporates plasticity in figures or configurations that online and learners can have access to them any time for
enables the students to become acquainted with struc- their analysis and continual mathematical discussion. That
tural aspects that, in the past (even in the recent past), is, the coordinated use of several digital technologies offers
were quite hard to discover. Now, geometric figures are diverse opportunities for learners not only to communicate
not just drawn or static representations, they live in a and discuss mathematical task and ways to formulate prob-
(geometric) film and this film exhibits what is perma- lems, but also to represent, extend, and explore new tasks
nent and what is accidental in a geometric configura- from diverse angles and perspectives.
5. Finally, the participants agreed on incorporating prob- Acknowledgments  The authors would like to acknowledge the
support received from projects Conacyt-168543 and Plan Nacional
lem solving activities that include looking for exten- I + D + I del MCIN, Reference EDU2011-29328 during the develop-
sions or generalization of the task. For example, when ment of this study.
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