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Health Benefits of Matcha Green Tea

A years old tradition of the Japanese society, Matcha Green Tea is similar to standard
green tea. The only difference is that it is a powdered form of very high quality green
tea. It is made by steaming, stemming and de-vining young leaves picked from tips of
shade grown Camelia sinensis plants, and then being stone-ground into very fine
powder. A staple in the Far East since millennium, it is now considered a very powerful
super food today.

Here, we give you the major benefits of this wonder drink –

1. High Antioxidants – Antioxidants are compounds which neutralise free radicals

in our body. As most of you know, free radicals are extremely harmful for our
body which hinders cellular regeneration and can even cause cellular death.

Thus, antioxidants fight negative effects of UV radiation, ageing etc. And

Matcha Green Tea has very high amounts of antioxidants. One cup provides
antioxidants equivalent to 3 cups of normal green tea.

ORAC (oxygen radical absorption capacity) is an experimental method

developed by the National Institutes of Health and Tufts University to
determine antioxidant potency of food and beverages. Matcha tea scores an
abnormally high score of 1384 ORAC units per gram, much higher than any
other tea in the market.

2. Anti-Cancer properties – Matcha and normal green tea contains high amounts
of a class of antioxidants called catechins (roughly 60% of total antioxidants).
Matcha, in particular, contains a high amount of the EGCg type.

Catechins are very powerful antioxidants, so powerful that they have the ability
to kill cancerous cells.

EGCg catechin activates various enzymes, like gluatathione S-transferase and

quinone reductase, which help prevent tumour growth.
3. Promotes weight loss – Drinking Matcha tea boosts your metabolism. Increase
in metabolism results in higher rate of burning calories, both while exercising
and when resting. Studies have shown that the increase is such that your body
burns four times the calories in a similar time frame. This makes your exercise
much more productive than it would have been without the consumption of
Matcha Green Tea, allowing you to lose weight at a faster rate.

4. Keeps you alert while calm – Matcha tea contains both caffeine and L-theanine
amino acid. The combination of the 2 chemicals makes you alert while also
having a calming effect on you. Since in this case, the tea leaves are also
consumed, one cup of matcha green tea provides caffeine equivalent to one
cup of brewed coffee.

L-theanine counteracts the ‘jolting effect’ of caffeine, providing the calming

effect of matcha tea.

5. Fortifies the immune system – Matcha tea contains antioxidants, polyphenols

and L-theamine in very high amount. All of these collectively contribute towards
boosting your immune system.

6. Boosts memory and concentration – In addition to counteracting the side

effects of caffeine, L-theamine also promotes production of dopamine and
serotonin. These enzymes enhance mood, improves memory and enables you
to concentrate for longer amount of time.

7. Regulates cholesterol levels – Matcha green tea also helps regulate cholesterol
levels in our bodies. Although we don’t really know the reason for this, studies
have shown that drinking matcha green tea on regular basis lowers LDL (bad
cholesterol) levels and increases HDL (good cholesterol) levels. As a result,
regular consumers of matcha green tea are 31% less likely to suffer from heart
attacks and other heart ailments.

8. Improves Gastrointestinal efficiency – According to a study conducted by the

National Institutes of Health, USA, consumption of green tea stimulates fecal
excretion, thereby also facilitating the excretion of harmful particles. It is also
helpful when suffering from indigestion.
9. Detoxifies the body – In the last three weeks before the tea leaves are to be
harvested, the plant is covered to protect it from sunlight. This results in a
dramatic increase in the production of chlorophyll. Thus, matcha green tea has
a very high concentration of chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll is an extremely effective detoxifier that aids in elimination of

unwanted toxins, chemicals and heavy metals from your body. It works by
increasing blood’s capacity to deliver oxygen and other nutrients to your cells,
helping your body in regenerating and cleansing itself at the molecular level.

10. Lowers Type II Diabetes Risk – Adding matcha to your diet is a good way of
controlling diabetes.

According to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, the effects

of drinking coffee and tea on adults from twenty five communities across Japan
was evaluated, in particular coffee and black, green and oolong teas. It was
observed that consumption of green tea and coffee lowered the risk of diabetes
after factoring in the demographics of the test sample.

Another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition evaluated

the effects of green tea and green tea extract on glucose control and insulin
sensitivity. Researchers found that green tea consumption decreased fasting
glucose and A1c concentrations. It also led to a significant reduction in fasting
insulin concentrations.

11. Helps strengthen renal function – An experimental study, published in the

Journal of Medicinal Food (Aug 2009), was conducted on diabetic patients. Half
of the patients were administered matcha green tea, while the other half did
not change their food intake. As the study concluded, it was found that those
drinking green tea had better renal and hepatic function compared to the other

Matcha tea achieves this by restraining the accumulation of advanced glycation

end products in the kidneys. It also helps in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty
liver disease.

12. Good for your eyes – A research conducted by Indian scientists, published in
Experimental Eye Research (Vol 73, Issue 3), concluded that consumption of
matcha green tea leads to absorption of catechins, in particular the ECGg, in the
tissues of the eye, thereby helping prevent blindness caused by cataract.
Additionally, it also helps in boosting your vision and preventing glaucoma.

13. Great Taste – In addition to all the wonders they do for your body, chlorophyll
and amino acids present give matcha green tea it’s unique taste; an initial
vegetal, astringent taste followed by a lingering sweetness.

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