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Laboratory determination of compaction criteria for rockfill material embankments

Determination en laboratoire de criteres de compaction pour les remblais en materiaux

Guanqing Feng & Stanley J.Vitton - Michigan Technological University, Mich., USA

SYN O PSIS: After review ing the rockfill material m odeling methods, the effects o f oversize rock content and
com paction m ethod on the dry density o f rockfill materials, and the laboratory determination o f m axim um dry
density o f a prototype rockfill materials using the geom etric similar gradation m ethod were investigated. In
addition, construction com paction criteria for rockfill embankments are recommended.

1. IN TR O D U C TIO N is n egligible and the oversize fraction can be directly

scalped. This method is called “scalping oversize
H ighw ay construction in m ountainous terrain often fraction.” When the oversize fraction is greater than
uses blasted rock materials for fills or embankments. 5%, the effect o f oversize particles must be considered
A s w ith m ost blasted materials, even using and other m ethods used.
sophisticated blasting techniques, it is difficult to
generate econom ically acceptable particle-size and The “scalp-and-replace” method replaces the
gradation rockfill material for fill or embankment oversized fraction typically coarser than 60 mm with
construction, w hich in many cases may exceed 400 an equal w eight o f material at a sm aller size fraction
mm in m axim um particle size. Thus, tw o significant that can more readily be tested. In m any projects this
problem s are encountered. First, how to determine the replacement fraction is typically between 4.75 mm and
com paction criteria for the design stage o f the project 60 mm, although this size range may vary from project
and second, how to verify field com paction quality to project. Vibrating table testing results using the
during construction for coh esionless, free-draining “scalp-and-replace” m ethod, however, have shown that
rockfill material containing a high content o f over-size the laboratory m aximum dry densities determined are
particles (>75 mm). The purpose o f this paper is to low er than the dry densities measured in the field using
present research, w hich w as conducted at the H ighway vibrating roller com paction testing for rockfill
Research Institute o f the M inistry o f Comm unications materials (Bai and Zhou 1988). On the other hand,
in B eijing, China, concerning the determination o f Houston et al. (1994), found that for coh esion less
com paction criteria for blasted rockfill materials. Due gravelly soils this m ethod produced consistent results
to space lim itations field verification methods used in with rock correction equations. H ow ever, both A STM
this research are not presented. D 698-91 and D 1557-91 standards have repealed the
“scalp-and-replace” method.

2. ROCKFILL M ATERIAL M ODELING The “Geometric Similar Gradation” m ethod m odels

the prototype rockfill material by shifting the
Since com paction criteria are generally determined representative prototype rockfill gradation curve to the
in a laboratory, it is difficult to test a prototype rockfill finer particle side by a series o f m odel ratios to form a
material sam pled directly from a construction site due series o f m odel rockfill gradation curves. This m odel
to the over-size particles. To develop com paction ratio, M r termed a geom etric sim ilar gradation m odel
criteria from laboratory tests, sm aller particle-size ratio, is the ratio between the one-to-one corresponding
materials, termed m odel rockfill materials, are used particle sizes o f the prototype rockfill material and the
instead. Selection o f m odel rockfill materials is model rockfill material. A lthough a finer size material
generally based on one o f the follow in g methods: (1) is tested, it ensures that the gradation curve shape is
scalping oversize fraction, (2) scalp-and- replace, and same. Feng and Yang (1 9 9 2 ) investigated the
(3) geom etric sim ilar gradation. “Geometric Similar Gradation” m ethod for blasting
rockfill materials w hile Shi and Tian (1 9 9 4 ) reported
W hen the oversize fraction is 5% or less o f the their investigations on this m ethod for riverbed cobble
sam ple, the effect o f oversize particles on dry density and sands mixtures. Both studies have show n that this

geom etric sim ilar gradation method produces testing sites. Further testing by Feng and Y ang (1 9 9 2 )
acceptable results and w as used in this research. also indicated that three com paction layers were
required to produce good reference dry density
Another m ethod available for rockfill material uses compared with field measurements.
a set o f em pirical equations known as the “R ock
Correction Equations” (W alsh, et al., 1994), w hich are
used to adjust the laboratory dry densities. H ow ever, it
has been found that these equations can significantly
overestim ate dry densities for materials with oversize
fraction in excess o f 30% (U SC O LD 1988). In these
cases a correction coefficient concerning the content o f
rock fraction and plasticity o f fines should be
considered w hen using these equations.


P a r t i c l e S iz e , m m
Figure 1. B eijing R ockfill Material Gradation Curve.
T w o types o f rockfill material sam ples were tested in
this research. The first type w as a blasted granite from
an em bankment construction site in B eijing and is
referred to as the B eijing rockfill. This material has a
sp ecific gravity o f 2.66 with an average com pressive
strength o f 133 MPa. The representative gradation
curve for this material is shown in Figure 1. The
second type w as a dolom ite sam pled from a rockfill
em bankment construction site in Hubei Province,
China and is referred to as the Hubei rockfill. This
material has a sp ecific gravity o f 2.79 and a
com pressive strength of 1 3 0 -1 5 0 MPa. The P a r t i c l e S iz e , m m
representative gradation curve for this material is
show n in Figure 2. Figure 2. Hubei R ockfill Material Gradation Curve.

To com pact the rockfill sam ples the follow in g three

com paction d evices were used: (1) a large impact 4. TEST RESULTS A N D A N A L Y SIS
d evice (M odified Proctor), (2) a vibrating table, and
(3) a vibrating tamper. The large impact device 4.1 The Effects o f R ock Content and C om paction
operated with a com paction effort o f 2693 kJ/m3. The M ethod on Dry D ensity
vibrating table w as a U B C -10A (Japanese) with
adjustable frequency and peak-to-peak amplitude To assess the effects o f rock content and com paction
range o f 8.3 to 50 H z and 0~3 mm, respectively. The m ethod on dry density for rockfill m aterials, the
vibrating tamper used is a standardized type specified B eijing rockfill material w as tested with the fo llo w in g
by T 0132-93 in the C hinese standard “Test Methods seven rock contents by weight: 35, 4 5, 55, 65, 75, 85,
o f S oils for H ighw ay Engineering” (1993). This device 95% having the rock particle size betw een 4.75 mm
has an excitation force o f 4.2 kN at a frequency o f 47.5 and a m aximum o f 60 mm. A ll o f the materials used in
Hz. Both the im pact and vibrating m ethods used m olds the com paction tests were prepared based on an
with a 280 mm diameter, w hich is equivalent to the gradation curve having a m odel ratio o f M r= 3.3 as
standard size m old specified in A STM D 4253-93. shown in Figure 1. The results o f the com paction tests
Both vibrating m ethods applied a standard surcharge for the impact and tw o vibrating com paction m ethods
pressure o f 13.8 kPa on the surface o f the specimen. are shown in Figure 3.
A lthough vibrating com paction specifications such as
A ST M D 4 253-93 require only one com paction layer, The results indicate that the vibrating m ethods
three w ere used in this research. Bai and Zhou (1988) produce consistent results and d eveloped higher dry
found that for rockfill materials when com pacted by density than the impact m ethod. It w as also show n that
only one layer, the vibrating table tests resulted in the rockfill material, w hich can be characterized as a
low er values o f m axim um dry density than coarse, free-draining and coh esionless material, has the
corresponding field m easurements at vibrating roller highest dry density w hen the fraction coarser than

4.75 mm is w ithin 6 5 -7 5 % for any o f the com paction rockfill material can be determined by the
m ethods. extrapolation o f the above relationship since the
prototype rockfill material has a M r = 1. Therefore, the
D ay (1995) also studied the effect o f increased m aximum dry densities o f the prototype rockfill
gravel percent in a coh esion less soil and found that as materials can be read directly from Figure 4 for both
the gravel content increased the dry density also the B eijing and Hubei rockfill materials, g iv in g 2.34
increased up to a gravel percent o f 74%. M g/m 3 and 2.27 M g/m 3, respectively.
Unfortunately, additional tests at higher gravel
percents were not conducted to determine the The relationship betw een the minimum dry density
m axim um dry density. In addition, Garga and and the geom etric sim ilar gradation m odel ratio, M,,
Madureira (1 9 8 5 ) studied the com paction o f river w as also investigated for the Hubei rockfill material. A
terrace gravel containing clayey sand with a PI = 5 similar relationship betw een the m inim um dry density
to 15% and obtained the m aximum dry density at a and M r, however, w as not found. Therefore, a relative
gravel content o f 6 5 -7 0 % for a gravel contents up to density determination, D r, for the rockfill material was
70% using an impact com paction method. However, not obtained.
only a 100% gravel sam ple w as tested using a
vibrating table com paction method resulting in a lower
: 2.35
dry density than at the 65 to 70% gravel content. H ilf f)
(1 9 9 1 ) presented data from the Bureau of L 2.3
R eclam ation’s Earth Manual that also show s that the ; 2.25

m axim um dry density for sands and gravels was at a I

' 2.2
gravel content ranging from about 60% to 80%.
Therefore, it appears that an optim um oversized
particle content for blasted rockfill material o f 65 to
100 10 1
75 % is also w ithin the sam e optimum range found for
G eom etric Sim ilar G radation M odel Ratio, Mr
sand and gravel mixtures.

Maximum Dry Density

— Vibrating Tamper l»2.0
Impact Device
Vibrating Table

Minimum Dry Density

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
100 10
P e r c e n t o f O v e rsiz e R ock, %
Geometric Similar Gradation Model Ratio, Mr

Figure 3. The E ffect o f R ock Content and Compaction
Figure 4. R elationship o f pdmax vs. M, (a) B eijing
M ethod on Dry D ensity.
rockfill material, (b) Hubei rockfill material.

4.2 D eterm ination o f M axim um Dry D ensity o f

4.3 Determination o f C om paction Criteria
Prototype M aterials U sin g G eom etric Similar
Gradation M ethod
Generally, relative density is used to sp ecify
com paction criteria for granular materials. W hile a
U sin g the geom etric sim ilar gradation method,
method has been proposed to estim ate pdmax for the
attention w as given to investigating the relationship
prototype material (field sam ple), a m ethod to
betw een the m axim um dry density and the geom etric
determine the pdmin w as not found. Therefore, the
sim ilar gradation m ethod ratio, M r. A ccordingly, the
relative density calculation is not feasible. It is
M r and m axim um dry densities for both B eijing and
recom m ended, however, that relative com paction, R^,
the Hubei rockfill materials are plotted in Figure 4. It
be used as the parameter to evaluate the rockfill
can be seen that there exists a good sem i-logarithm ic
compaction. To confirm this, Table 1 provides a
linear relationship betw een the m axim um dry density,
com parison o f the B eijing and Hubei rockfill field
Pdmax> a°d the geom etric sim ilar gradation m odel ratio,
density measurements with the estim ated pdmax from
M r, for both B eijing and Hubei sam ples. These data
the previous section for the calculated R,.. Y ang (1 9 8 8 )
indicate that the m axim um dry density o f the prototype
collected the insitu com paction

T a b l e 1 C o m p a r i s o n o f L a b o r a to r y a n d I n - s i t u R e s u l ts
R ockfill Field Vibrating R oller Tests Data3 Est. Max. R elative
Material Dry D ensity C om paction
M ax. Part. Size Lift Depth R oller Insitu Dry Den. Pdmax
dmax. (mm ) Ah, (cm ) Passes pd, (M g/m 3) (M g/m 3) K , (%)
B eijing 200 40* 4 2 .1 0 -2 .2 1 2.27 9 2 .5 -9 7 .4
200 60** 4 2 .0 5 -2 .1 1 9 0 .3 -9 3 .0
Hubei 400 80*** 6 2 .1 2 -2 .2 3 2.34 9 0 .6 -9 5 .3
3: In the Beijing rockfill construction field, the self-propelled vibrating roller of 12 ton static weight was used; in the Hubei rockfill
construction field, the towed vibrating roller of TZP-12t was used.
*: This lift depth is used in the upper part ( i.e., within 30-150 cm. As for the top layer of 0~30mm, the -60 mm rockfill material was
used.) of the constructed embankment.
**: This lift depth is used in the lower part (deeper than 150 cm) of the embankment.
***: This maximum particle size and lift depth is used in the main rockfill zone of the rockfill dam.

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