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Notes 1.

1 - Points, Lines, and Plane

Understand and use the basic undefined terms and defined terms for geometry.


_______________ -- has no dimesion. It shows location.

_______________ -- has one dimension. It has infinitly many points on it and is represented by a
line with two arrows, which extends without end. You can use any two
ponts on a line to name it.

_______________ -- has two dimensions. It is represented by a shape that looks like a floor or a
wall, but it extends without end. You can use _________________ that
are NOT all on the same line to name a plane.

_______________ -- are points that lie on the same line.

_______________ -- are points that line on the same plane.

Example 1: Answer the questions below.

a. How many points does it take to make a line?

b. How many points does it take to make a plane?

c. In the figure below, is AC the same thing as AB ?

Example 2: Use the diagram at the right:

a. Give two other names for PQ .

b. Give two othernames for plane R.

c. Name three points that are collinear.

d. Name four points that are coplanar.

Example 3: Use the diagram at the right:

a. Does plane EGF exist?

b. Does HG exist? Explain.

Example 4: Use the diagram at the right:

a. What point is coplanar to A, E, and G?

b. What point is not coplanar to A, E, and G?

c. Are points A, E, D, and H coplanar? Explain.

d. Name four points that are NOT coplanar.

Now we are going to discuss the difference between a line, line segment, and a ray. It is
very important that you notice the difference in the NOTATION of these three terms.

The definitions below use line AB (written AB ) and points A and B.

_______________ -- consists of the endpoints A and B and all points on line AB that are between
A and B.

Line segment AB is written AB .

Note that AB can also be named ________.

_______________ -- written as AB , consists of the endpoint A and all points on AB that lie on
the same side of A as B.

Note that AB and BA are different rays.

_______________ -- have the same initinal point but go in opposite directions. If point C lies on
AB between points A and B, then CA and CB are opposite rays.
Example 5: Answer each question.

Is AB the same as AB ?

Is AC the same as CA ?

Is AC the same as AB ?

Is AC the same as AB ?

Example 6: In the figure, is AB the same as BA , AC , CA , CB ?

Example 7: Answer each question.

a. Give another name for GH .

b. Give another name for EF .

c. Name all rays with endpoint J. Which of these rays are opposite rays?
Sketching Intersections
Two or more geometric figures intersect when they have one or more points in common. The
intersection of the figures is the set of points the figures have in common.

 Two lines intesect at a _________________.

 A line and a plane intersect at a _____________________________.

Sketch a plane and a line that Sketch a plane and a line that Sketch a plane and a line that
is in the plane. does not intersect the plane. intersets the plane at a point.

 Two planes intersect at a _______________.

Example 8: Use the diagram at the right.

a. Name the intersection of PQ and line k.

b. Name the inersection of plane A and plane B.

c. Name the intersection of line k and plane A.

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