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Carbon dioxide in clastic rocks and silicate hydrolysis

Ian Hutcheon
Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4, Canada
Hugh Abercrombie
Institute of Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology, 3303 33rd Street, N.W., Calgary, Alberta T2L 2A7, Canada

The amount of carbon dioxide in clastic rocks in sedimentary
basins increases with depth. Organic matter, dissolved organic spe-
cies, and dissolution of carbonate minerals have been suggested as >>
sources of CQ 2 , which increases in abundance with depth and c
temperature. Isotopic compositions of aqueous H C O J , gaseous CO2,
and calcite from conventional hydrocarbon wells and steam-assisted Q>
recovery of heavy oil suggest that calcite, or other carbonate minerals,
are the source of C 0 2 , particularly at higher temperatures. Detailed
examination of the stability of diagenetic minerals such as kaolinite,
smectite, and analcime, among others, relative to the coexisting wa-
ters, indicates that silicate hydrolysis is the driving force for dissolu- • 1 • 1— * 1 1 r— . T ( ,

tion of carbonate minerals and the ultimate source of abundant CO2 in 60 -

clastic rocks in diagenetic environments at temperatures over approx- 80 - â A
imately 100 °C. o A
A *
o 100 A
A ^
0 1 • • *
The CO2 content of natural gases increases with depth and tempera- cfl W
aï 140 AA
ture in sedimentary basins (Franks and Forester, 1984; Lundegard and a. s
Land, 1986; Smith and Ehrenberg, 1989). Arnorsson et al. (1983) showed A S 13
C Wilcox Calcite
that the partial pressure of C 0 2 (PCO2) increases with temperature in
1 160 -

• 8 13
C Frio Calcite

t- A .
geothermal wells in basalts in Iceland. The source of C 0 2 is thought either 180 -

to be organic matter (Carothers and Kharaka, 1980; Kharaka et al., 1986;
Surdam et al., 1989; Franks and Forester, 1984) or mineral reactions (Zen, -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4
1959; Muffler and White, 1969; Hutcheon et al, 1980; McDowell and 13
Paces, 1985). In sedimentary rocks there are many sources of, and sinks
8 C Calcite
for, H + , including carboxylic acids, dissolved carbonate, carbonate miner- Figure 1. Carbon isotopic composition of calcite predicted from iso-
als, and silicate hydrolysis. All have different abilities to buffer pH, which topic composition of C 0 2 in formation waters from Frio and Wilcox vs.
is related to the amount of C 0 2 in formation fluids at greater burial depths temperature, calculated from data of Lundegard et al. (1984). For com-
parison, histograms show measured isotopic compositions of calcite
by calcite stability. It is often assumed that increase of PCO2 cause from Frio and Wilcox.
dissolution of carbonate, and, in the absence of some other control of pH,
this is correct. However, if pH is buffered, the addition of C 0 2 will cause
precipitation of carbonate. Kharaka et al. (1986), Surdam et al. (1989),
and Means and Hubbard (1987) have considered organic acids to be the Gulf Coast. In Figure 1, the isotopic composition and temperature (their
most effective pH buffer in sediment pore fluids. Lundegard and Land Fig. 2) are used to calculate the isotopic composition of calcite in equilib-
(1989) have simulated the effect of acetate and P c o 2 on carbonate-mineral rium with dissolved C 0 2 . Histograms of calcite isotopic compositions
solubility and have concluded that, for most conditions in sedimentary (their Fig. 3) show some overlap of measured and predicted isotopic
basins, increases in pco2 will cause calcite dissolution. None of these compositions of calcite.
authors considered silicate hydrolysis as a buffer of pH. The Venture field in Cretaceous sandstones, offshore the east coast of
In this paper we examine the isotopic composition of carbon-bearing Canada, contains C 0 2 that we (Hutcheon and Abercrombie, 1989) inter-
species in formation fluids, carbonate minerals, and fluids produced during preted to originate from a reaction between kaolinite and carbonates to
thermal recovery of heavy oil. The relations between mineral reactions, produce chlorite and C 0 2 :
fluid chemistry, and the dissolution of carbonate minerals and production
of C 0 2 during diagenesis are examined. Finally, we consider the ability of 5FeC0 3 + S i 0 2 + Al 2 Si 2 0 5 (0H) 4 + 2 H 2 0 ;
carboxylic acids, dissolved carbonate, carbonate minerals, and silicate hy- Fe5Al2SÌ3O10(OH)8 + 5CO 2 . (1)
drolysis to buffer pH.
Hutcheon et al. (1980) showed how such reactions may intersect the C 0 2
I S O T O P I C DATA AND MINERAL REACTIONS miscibility surface in aqueous solutions and produce a C0 2 -rich vapor.
Lundegard et al. (1984) showed isotopic data for aqueous C 0 2 and Over temperatures that range from 80 to 180 °C, during steam-
carbonate minerals from the Frio and Wilcox Formations of the Texas assisted recovery of heavy oil, the large volumes of produced C 0 2 are in

GEOLOGY, v. 18, p. 541-544, June 1990 541

isotopie equilibrium with the reservoir calcite (Hutcheon et al., 1990). from the field, some insights about how mineral reactions produce C 0 2 ,
Reaction 1 uses molecular species to calculate the intersection of clay- and about diagenetic processes in general, can be obtained.
carbonate reactions with the solubility surface of CO2 in an aqueous Hutcheon (1981) outlined the mechanism by which silicate-
solution. In an aqueous solution, ionic species such as HCO3 and H 4 SiO^ hydrolysis reactions during diagenesis might mediate activity ratios of
are present and mineral species are not pure. Hutcheon (1990) has used aqueous species, such as K + and Na + , to H + . Figure 2, after Hutcheon et al.
mineral compositions to estimate the position of reaction 1. For CO2 to be (1989a), shows the stability of kaolinite, chalcedony, smectite, and anal-
present in the gas over an aqueous phase, the solubility of CO2 must be cime, minerals observed to be present during steam injection (Sedimentol-
exceeded. If calcite dissolves in a solution saturated with CO2, the equilib- ogy Research Group, 1981), in terms of temperature and N a + / H + activity
rium can be written as (a) ratio (a Na ./aH*)- The dashed line is the smectite-albite reaction and
cannot be distinguished from the smectite-analcime reaction. Analcime is
C a C 0 3 + 2H + ^ Ca 2 + + H 2 0 + C 0 2 , (2) observed to form during steam injection and therefore was used, but fluid
compositions also may represent dissolution of albite and precipitation of
emphasizing the control of ah* on P c o v smectite. The mineral phase boundaries were calculated from thermody-
namic parameters of Helgeson et al. (1978) by using EQCALC (Flowers,
Compositions of Produced Waters 1986). Calculated phase boundaries between kaolinite, Na-smectite (par-
To relate water compositions to silicate-mineral reactions, salinity, agonite activity in smectite is 0.2), pyrophyllite, and analcime are
and the generation of CO2, we use data from a steam-enhanced-recovery univariant lines that are functions of d temperature (pressure =
pilot project at Tucker Lake (Hutcheon et al., 1989a, 1989b) in Alberta's 4 MPa). N a + / H + activity ratios, calculated from produced-fluid composi-
Cold Lake heavy-oil deposits. During steam-enhanced recovery, tempera- tions, tend to follow phase boundaries between kaolinite-smectite or
tures reach 300 °C, but more commonly are between 100 and 200 °C. smectite-analcime. The reactions generally are of the type
After injection and a soaking stage, heated oil and water are recovered
from the injection well. The formation and the associated fluid cool con- Na + + silicate ^ Na-silicate + H 4 (3)
tinuously, and, because steam is fresh water, salinity increases as higher
proportions of more saline formation water return to the well. These pilot and Figure 2 demonstrates that the stability of two minerals such as
projects are laboratories for some diagenetic processes: salinity and kaolinite and smectite at equilibrium is a function of temperature and
temperature change through time, the process takes place over periods of a N a ,/a H ». In 20 days, or less, the fluids achieved metastable equilibrium
years, and the rocks and fluids are relatively easily sampled. Mineral with minerals observed to form during steam injection, suggesting strongly
reactions occur in these lithoclastic sandstones during this process (Sedi- that reactions among the minerals are mediating of the fluid. The
mentology Research Group, 1981; Hutcheon et al., 1989a; Abercrombie, concentration of Na increases from 500 to 5000 mg/1, as temperature
1989), and evidence suggests that these mineral reactions produce CO2 decreases with production time. Flow of saline fluid, not mineral reactions,
(Abercrombie and Hutcheon, 1986; Gunter and Bird, 1988; Hutcheon et controls the Na concentration of the waters (—103 mg/1). Mineral reac-
al., 1990). By comparing analyses of produced water and mineral data tions could be controlling the pH to maintain a N a ,/a H + ratios that follow
phase boundaries between minerals. Hutcheon et al. (1989a) reported
similar behavior for K- and Mg-bearing minerals such as illite, chlorite,
and K-feldspar. In general, diagenetic mineral reactions tend to favor the
mineral with the higher metal-ion concentration as temperature increases.
In other words, with increasing burial or temperature, progressive in-

50 100 150
Temperature (°C)

Figure 2. Stability of kaolinite, smectite (paragonite activity, 0.2), and

analcime at 40 bar as function of temperature vs. a N a ,/a H + ratio. Sym-
bols denote a N a . / a H . ratios measured from waters produced from log ( a C a J / ( a HH++ /)
steam-assisted-recovery pilot projects. Compositions of waters from
lithoclastic reservoirs (squares) follow smectite-analcime boundary; Figure 3. Two reactions, CaC0 3 + 2H+ « Ca 2+ + C 0 2 + H 2 0 and kaolin-
waters from quartz-rich reservoirs (diamonds) follow kaolinite-smectite ite + Ca 2+ Ca-smectite + 2H+, are shown as functions of temperature
boundary. Dashed line represents smectite-albite equilibrium. Because and a Ca 2»/(a H ,) 2 ratio. Water compositions from pilot projects for
total a N a , is controlled by mass flow, control of pH by silicate hydrolysis steam-assisted recovery are in apparent equilibrium with dissolution of
reactions is inferred. calcite. Circles denote fluid composition.

542 GEOLOGY, June 1990

creases in the amounts of diagenetic metal-bearing aluminosilicates are more saline fluid moves into a rock containing less saline fluids, the sil-
expected (e.g., illite forming from kaolinite). icates will attempt to maintain constant a N a . / a H . and, since will
The progress of diagenesis to form minerals such as illite, chlorite, and increase, H + will be generated as the silicates come to equilibrium. This
K-feldspar should correspond to rising ah», and increasing dissolution of process could produce local dissolution of carbonates near salt domes or at
calcite should occur. The dissolution rate of calcite in a C02-saturated unconformities where fluid flow between units containing waters of very
fluid will be faster than silicate reaction rates. Thus, the a C a 2 + /(a H t ) 2 ratio different salinity might be possible, as in the Alberta basin (Hitchon et al.,
of produced fluids will be controlled by reaction 2, rather than by a silicate 1971).
reaction. Figure 3 shows the a Ca2 V(«H>) 2 ratio vs. temperature at constant Figure 5 shows p c o 2 temperature data from the Gulf Coast
pressure for reaction 2 and a reaction between Ca-smectite and kaolinite. (Smith and Ehrenberg, 1989) and data from Iceland collected by Amors-
Reaction 2, which is metastable with respect to kaolinite-smectite, includes son et al. (1983), who suggest that the source of C 0 2 is calcite. Parallel
the activity of CO2. The fluid compositions (circles) are in equilibrium trends are evident but the data are not coincident, waters from sedimentary
with calcite dissolution, confirming the more rapid reaction rate. As sil- basins giving higher pccn values at any temperature. Regardless of how
icate reactions progress to produce less aluminous minerals during dia- pH is controlled, P c o i w ' " correspond to the equilibrium solubility at a
genesis, the H + generated should be continuously consumed by carbonate given pressure, temperature, and fluid composition. The variables control-
to produce CO2. ling calcite stability at any temperature and pressure are the fugacity of
CO2 and the ratio of ac a2 ./(flu*) 2 - The solubility of CO2 in water in-
Capacity to Buffer pH creases with increasing pressure and decreases with increasing salinity and
Organic acids have been proposed as pH buffers that control the temperature. The difference in P c o 2 at any temperature for sedimentary
dissolution of carbonate and contribute CO2 during diagenesis (Surdam et waters and geothermal waters may reflect differences in salinity and pres-
al., 1984,1989; Kharaka et al., 1986; Surdam and Crossey, 1987; Means sure at a particular temperature and/or control of a H . by different silicate
and Hubbard, 1987). Abercrombie (1989) has considered the pH buffer- equilibria. Figure 2 (Hutcheon et al., 1989a) shows that waters in quartz-
ing capacity of silicates relative to carbonates. To these calculations we rich reservoirs tend to be in equilibrium with kaolinite-smectite, whereas
have added the pH buffering capacity of acetate at 100 and 10000 mg/1, waters from lithoclastic rocks tend to be in equilibrium with smectite-
the total range observed in most formation waters (Fig. 4). The buffering analcime. At similar Na + concentrations, temperatures, and pressures, the
capacity, or the ability of a reaction to control pH as H + is added to the kaolinite-smectite equilibrium requires a higher (lower pH) than the
system, has been calculated at 100 °C by using methods outlined in smectite-analcime equilibrium. If a H , increases at constant temperature
Stumm and Morgan (1981). Generally, silicate equilibria (albite-smectite and aCil2+, then pco^ must increase to maintain equilibrium with calcite.
is shown) have higher pH buffering capacities than carbonates or organic Waters from quartz-rich sedimentary rocks are more likely to be in equi-
acids. The 10000 mg/1 curve for acetate is near the maximum, high librium with kaolinite than analcime, requiring higher and higher
concentrations of 3500 mg/1 being more likely (Lundegard and Land, PCO2 ^ a n waters in contact with basalts. The waters in volcanic rocks are
1989) and corresponding to lower pH buffering capacity. If silicate reac- more likely to be in equilibrium with smectite-analcime or smectite-albite,
tion rates are sufficiently fast, and the steam-flood data indicate they are, requiring lower a H , and lower P c o Y To test this suggestion, carefully
equilibria among silicates should control carbonate stability. collected rocks and waters should be examined in terms of the stability of
the authigenic minerals relative to calcite and the solubility of CO2.
Silicate Equilibria and P c o 2
Figure 2 shows that silicate reactions proceed toward the Na-bearing
side with increasing temperature, producing H + as diagenesis proceeds. If a

2 <DO
CO 1
z CM o
Acetate(10_000jing/1)_ 0
t- o
CL -1

cr O)
LLI o -2 o p C 0 2 Gulf Coast Sediments

-3 0 p C 0 2 Icelandic Volcanics
A c e t a t e ( 1 0 0 rng/l)

100 150 200 250 300

Temperature (°C)
Figure 5. There are consistently increasing, but different, values of Pco 2
Figure 4. Butter intensity, defined according to Stumm and Morgan with increasing temperature for sediments from the Gulf Coast (after
(1981), for calcite, dissolved carbonate (10"^ mol), two acetate con- Smith and Ehrenberg, 1989) and waters from geothermal wells in basal-
centrations (100 and 10000 mg/l), and hydrolysis reaction between tic volcanic rocKS in Iceland (after Arnorsson et al., 1983). Comparison
albite and smectite are shown as function of pH at 100 °C. Over normal with Figure 2 suggests that lower pH set by quartz-rich sediments of
range of pH (neutral pH = 6.1 at 100 °C), silicates generally have higher Gulf Coast, when compared to basaltic rocks from Iceland, has set
pH buffer intensity. higher p C 0 2 for equilibrium with calcite.

542 GEOLOGY, June 1990

CONCLUSIONS Hutcheon, I., Oldershaw, A., and Ghent, E., 1980, Diagenesis of sandstones of the
Kootenay Formation at Elk Valley (southeastern British Columbia) and
H y d r o l y s i s of silicates c a n p r o d u c e C O j in d e e p l y b u r i e d , h i g h e r
Mount Allan (southwestern Alberta): Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,
t e m p e r a t u r e , clastic s e d i m e n t a r y r o c k s . A l u m i n o u s m i n e r a l s s u c h a s k a o l i -
v. 44, p. 1425-1435.
n i t e r e a c t t o f o r m m e t a l - b e a r i n g a l u m i n o u s silicates i n c l u d i n g s m e c t i t e , Hutcheon, I., Abercrombie, H., Shevalier, M., and Nahnybida, C., 1989a, A com-
illite, chlorite, a n d f e l d s p a r a n d a r e a s o u r c e of H + . S t e a m - i n j e c t i o n d a t a parison of formation reactivity in quartz-rich and quartz-poor reservoirs during
suggest t h a t m e t a s t a b l e e q u i l i b r i u m is possible f o r silicates a t higher steam assisted recovery, in Meyer, R.F., and Wiggins, E.J., eds., Fourth Inter-
national U N I T A R / U N D P Conference on Heavy Crude and Tar Sands: Ed-
temperatures in s h o r t t i m e s . R e a c t i n g silicates c a n b e in shales or
monton, Alberta Oil Sands Technology and Research Authority, v. 2,
p. 747-759.
F l u i d s in s e d i m e n t a r y r o c k s a p p r o a c h m e t a s t a b l e e q u i l i b r i u m w i t h Hutcheon, I., Abercrombie, H., Putnam, P., Krouse, H.R., and Gardner, R., 1989b,
silicates, b u t c a r b o n a t e s h a v e m o r e r a p i d r e a c t i o n rates. D i f f e r e n t a u t o - The sedimentology and diagenesis of heavy oil bearing sands in the Tucker
g e n i c silicate r e a c t i o n s , t h e n a t u r e of w h i c h is d e t e r m i n e d b y t h e b u l k Lake area: Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 37, p. 83-97.
Hutcheon, I., Abercrombie, H., and Krouse, H.R., 1990, Inorganic origin of carbon
c o m p o s i t i o n of t h e r o c k , set d i f f e r e n t a ^ , v a l u e s a t a g i v e n a N a . . F l u i d s in
dioxide during low temperature thermal recovery of bitumen: Chemical and
l i t h o c l a s t i c o r v o l c a n i c r o c k s s h o u l d h a v e l o w e r a H . , set b y e q u i l i b r i u m isotopic evidence: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 54 (in press).
w i t h a n a l c i m e - s m e c t i t e o r smectite-albite, a n d t h u s l o w e r Pcor Fluids in Kharaka, Y.K., Law, L.M., Carothers, W.W., and Goerlitz, D.F., 1986, Role of
quartz-rich rocks should h a v e h i g h e r a H » , set b y e q u i l i b r i u m with organic species dissolved in formation waters from sedimentary basins in
k a o l i n i t e - s m e c t i t e o r kaolinite-illite, a n d t h u s h i g h e r p QQ2. mineral diagenesis, in Gautier, D.L., ed., Roles of organic matter in sediment
diagenesis: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special
T w o processes m a y o c c u r d u r i n g diagenesis t h a t c a n c a u s e d i s s o l u t i o n Publication 38, p. 111-122.
of c a l c i t e b y e s t a b l i s h i n g e q u i l i b r i u m w i t h silicates. A s t e m p e r a t u r e i n - Lundegard, P.D., and Land, L.S., 1986, Carbon dioxide and organic acids: Their
creases, t h e silicates t e n d t o c o e x i s t w i t h f l u i d s t h a t r e q u i r e h i g h e r a H , a t a role in porosity enhancement and diagenesis, Paleogene of the Texas Gulf
g i v e n salinity, p o t e n t i a l l y resulting in calcite d i s s o l u t i o n . If salinities in- Coast, in Gautier, D.L., ed., Roles of organic matter in sediment diagenesis:
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication 38,
c r e a s e (e.g., b o r d e r i n g salt d o m e s ) , t h e c o n t r o l o f a ^ . / a ^ , b y silicate
p. 129-146.
h y d r o l y s i s will increase a H . , l e a d i n g t o dissolution of calcite.
1989, Carbonate equilibria and pH buffering by organic acids—Response to
changes in Pc02- Chemical Geology, v. 74, p. 277-287.
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p. 169-193, Supported financially by NSERC and AOSTRA. We thank J. R. Boles, P. R.
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Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction: Rotterdam, Balkema, p. 321-324. Manuscript accepted January 12, 1990

544 Printed in U.S.A. GEOLOGY, June 1990

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