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Class # 03


English contains quite a good number of contractions used in speech (not in
formal writing). Following is a list of the contractions in English.

Negative Contractions: (5-m.)

Ain't (GB›U&) Can't (Lv›U&)
Aren't (Av›U&) Couldn't (LyW›U&)
Isn't (BS›U&) Shouldn't (ïW›U&)
Wasn't (AR›U&) Shouldn't have (ïW›U
Weren't (Iq¨v›U&) Wouldn't n¨vf&)
Won't (IA›U&) Wouldn't have (DW›U&)
Haven't (n¨vf›U&) Don't (†WŠ›U&)
Hasn't (n¨vS›U&) Doesn't (WvS›U&)
Hadn't (n¨vW›U&) Didn't (wWW›U&)

Affirmative Contractions:
I'm (AvBg I'll (Avj&)
We're &) W'll (DBj&)
You're (DBAv) You'll (BDj&)
Who're (BDAv) He'll (nxj&)
He's (ûAv) She'll (kxj&)
She's She’s (nxS&) It'll (BVj&)
It's (kxS&) They'll (†`Bj&)
Who's (BUm& Who'll (ûj&)
They're ) Could've (LyWvf
D'you (ûS&) Should've &)
(†`Av) (ïWvf&
(WyA) )
I'd (AvW& I've (Avf&)
We'd ) We've (DCf&)
You'd (DBW You've (BDf&)
He'd &) They've (†`nf&)
She'd (BDW Who've (ûf&)

Class # 03


W/H questions (5-m.)-

(How, Whose, Who, Whom GB 4-wUi D”PviY n‡e ÔnÕ Ges evwK me
D”PviY n‡e ÔAÕ|)

Do --------------------------------- Kx?
What -------------------------------- Kx?
When -------------------------------- KLb?
How --------------------------------- wKfv‡e?
Why --------------------------------- ‡Kb?
Why not ---------------------------- ‡Kb bv?
Where ------------------------------- ‡Kv_vq?
Who --------------------------------- ‡K?
Whom ------------------------------ Kv‡K?
How far ------------------------- -- KZ`~i?
How long --------------------------- KZ¶Y?
How often -------------------------- KZevi?
What if ----------------------------- wK n‡e hw`?
What not --------------------------- wKbv?
From Where -------------------- -- ‡Kv_v †_‡K / n‡Z?
Which + N ------------------------- ‡KvbwU?
Whose + N ------------------------- KviwU?
How many + N ------------------- KZ¸wj?
How much + N -------------------- KZUzKz?

Note: Interrogative pronoun or Relative pronoun hw` Preposition-Gi Object nq|

Class # 03

Z‡e Preposition-wU ev‡K¨i †k‡lI em‡Z cv‡i|

Example: (With) What did the truck collide (with)?

Class # 03

e¨w³ evPK n‡j = Whom Ges e¯‘ evPK n‡j = What n‡e| (5-m.)

With whom -------------------------------------- Kvi mv‡_?
Without whom ---------------------------------- Kv‡K Qvov?
Against whom ----------------------------------- Kvi wei“‡×?
About whom ------------------------------------- Kvi mg‡Ü?
After whom -------------------------------------- Kvi c‡i?
Before whom ------------------------------------ Kvi c~‡e©?
By whom ----------------------------------------- Kvi Øviv?
For whom ---------------------------------------- Kvi Rb¨?
From whom -------------------------------------- Kvi †_‡K?
To whom ----------------------------------------- Kvi cÖwZ/
Who else ------------------------------------------ Avi †K?

With what --------------------------------------- wK‡mi mv‡_?
Without what ----------------------------------- wK Qvov?
Against what ------------------------------------- wK‡mi wei“‡×?
About what --------------------------------------- wK m¤^‡Ü?
After what ---------------------------------------- wK‡mi c‡i?
Before what ------------------------------------- wK‡mi c~‡e©?
By what ------------------------------------------ wK‡mi Øviv?
For what ------------------------------------------ wK Rb¨?
From what --------------------------------------- wK †_‡K?
To what -------------------------------------------- wK‡mi cÖwZ/ w`‡K/
What else ----------------------------------------- Avi wK?

Class # 03

Practice the W/H structure-

W/H + to + V?

wKfv‡e How
‡Kb Why
wK co‡Z What to + V? (read)
KLb nq? When
Kvi With whom

Don’t practice the cadre structure through “Do-cadre”. “Do” is exceptional.

Cadre Structure w`‡q Practice Ki‡j †gvL¯—

Kiv QvovB Cadres ¸‡jv †Vv‡U P‡j Avm‡e|
GQvov GB Structure-wU wb‡Pi Formate-G I
e¨envi Kiv hv‡e|

How to read? Do you know; How to read?

Why to read? Do you know; Why to read?
When-n- with whom to read? Do you know; When-n- with whom to read?

How to read? Don’t you know; How to read?

Why to read? Don’t you know; Why to read?
When-n- with whom to read? Don’t you know; When-n- with whom to read?

How much to drink? How do you know; How much to drink?

What to do? How do you know; What to do?
Against whom to file a case? How do you know; Against whom to file a case?

Note: Who n‡”Q GKwU exceptional cadre. ‘Who’ Gici mivmwi Principal verb
w`‡q 3rd style ev cÖkœ ‡evaK Ki‡Z nq | †hgb- Who + V? Who reads = †K c‡o?
Who plays football? = †K dzUej †L‡j?
(Sometimes “what” who-Gi g‡Zv mivmwi verb ‡bq|)

Class # 03

Individual Practice Format: W/H + to + V?-

Student-iv evmvq wb‡Pi verb ¸‡jv w`‡q W/H

Structure practice Ki‡e hv‡Z K‡i, verb I cadre
¸‡jv †gvL¯— Kiv QvovB †Vv‡U P‡j Av‡m hv
Spoken-Gi Rb¨ AZ¨š— Ri“ix|

Practice Cadre structure with the Verbs below: (30-m.)

Bind (evBÊ&) = euvavB Kiv Bite (evBU&)

= Kvgov‡bv
Bring (weªs) = Avbqb Kiv Buy (evB&) = µq Kiv
Catch(K¨vP&) = aiv Come(Kvg&) = Avmv
Dare (†Wqvi&) = mvnm Kiv Deal (Wxj&)
= e¨emv Kiv
Dig (wWM&) = Lbb Kiv Do (Wy) = KvR
Drink(wWªsK&) = cvb Kiv Eat (BU&) =
Feed (dxW&) = LvIqv‡bv Feel (wdj&)
= Abyfe Kiv
Fight (dvB&U&) = hy× Kiv Flee (d¬x) =
cjvqb Kiv
Flow (†d¬Š) = cÖevwnZ nIqv Fly (d¬vB&) = D‡o hvIqv
Forbid(di&weW&) = wb‡la Kiv Forget(di&‡MU&) = fy‡j hvIqv
Go (†Mv) = hvIqv Take (†UB&K&)
= jIqv
Hate (†nB&U&) = N„Yv Kiv Hear (wnqvi&) = †kvbv
Know (†bŠ) = Rvbv Learn (jvb©&) = wk¶v Kiv
Lie (jvB&) = wg_¨v K_v ejv Live (wjf&)
= evm Kiv

Class # 03

Make (†gB&K&) =ˆZqvix/wbgv©Y Kiv Teach

(UxP&) = wk¶v †`qv
Pray (†cÖ) = cÖv_©bv Kiv Read (ixW&) = cov
Respect(†im&‡c±&) = m¤§vb Kiv Ring (wis) = evRv‡bv
Rise (ivB&S&) = IVv Run (ivb&) = †`Šov‡bv
See (mx) = †`Lv Seek (mxK&) = †LuvR Kiv
Sell (†mj&) = weµq Kiv Send (†mÛ&) = †cÖiY Kiv
Show (†mv) = †`Lv‡bv Sing (wms) = Mvb Kiv
Sink (wmsK&) = Wy‡e hvIqv Sleep (¯-xc&)
= wb`ªv hvIqv

Class # 03

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