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Family-Focused Interventions

for Promoting Social-Emotional

Development in Infants and
Toddlers with or at Risk for

Diane Powell and Glen Dunlap

September 2010


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This publication was produced by the Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young
Children funded by the Office of Special Education Programs, U. S. Department of Education (H326B070002).
The views expressed in this document do not necessarily represent the positions or policies of the Department of
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Suggested Citation:
Powell, D. and Dunlap, G. (2010). Family-Focused Interventions for Promoting Social-Emotional Development in
Infants and Toddlers with or at Risk for Disabilities. Roadmap to Effective Intervention Practices #5. Tampa, Florida:
University of South Florida, Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children.
Roadmap to Effective Intervention Practices
Family-Focused Interventions for Promoting
Social-Emotional Development in Infants and
Toddlers with or at Risk for Disabilities
Diane Powell and Glen Dunlap, September 2010

This document is part of the Roadmap to Effective Intervention Practices series of syntheses, intended
to provide summaries of existing evidence related to assessment and intervention for social-emotional
challenges of young children. The purpose of the syntheses is to offer consumers (professionals, other
practitioners, administrators, families, etc.) practical information in a useful, concise format and to
provide references to more complete descriptions of validated assessment and intervention practices.
The syntheses are produced and disseminated by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)
Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children (TACSEI).

INTRODUCTION The field has now moved on to more specific “second-gener-

ation” research questions: what works for which families and
children, under what conditions? Answers to these questions
This document is one in a series of syntheses intended to can provide practitioners with specific guidance in the selec-
provide summaries of existing evidence related to assessment tion, design and implementation of interventions and practices
and intervention for social-emotional challenges of young that produce optimal outcomes for infants and toddlers and
children and for promoting the social-emotional competence their families. A substantial knowledge base exists regarding:
of all young children. The purpose of the syntheses is to offer 1) the role of positive interactional and parenting practices in
consumers (professionals, other practitioners, administrators, shaping social emotional development of infants and toddlers,
families, etc.) practical information in a useful, concise format and 2) specific family-focused strategies and interventions that
and to provide references to more complete descriptions of are effective in addressing social emotional competencies and
validated assessment and intervention practices. The syntheses challenging behavior in young children. The results of this
are produced and disseminated by the OSEP Technical Assis- research form the basis for this synthesis.
tance Center on Social-Emotional Interventions (TACSEI).
The development of behavioral/emotional self-regulation and
This synthesis considers family-focused services and prac- the ability to establish secure attachments and positive rela-
tices for promoting social-emotional development of children tionships with others during infancy and toddlerhood form
served in Part C. Its specific focus is on interventions that the foundation for later social emotional competence and well-
influence parenting practices for infants and toddlers with or being (National Scientific Council on the Developing Child,
at risk for disabilities. 2004a). It is through interactions with others, and especially
with primary caregivers, that these foundational capacities
The general effectiveness of early intervention services in and competencies emerge. This is true for all children, both
promoting the well-being and development of children and typically developing and those with or at risk of disabilities
their families has been well established through what Guralnick (National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, 2004b,
(1997) has termed “first-generation” research. This includes 2008; National Research Council and Institute of Medicine,
many strategies including procedures that seek to enhance 2000). Many young children at risk for disabilities or with
child development through parent mediated interventions.
identified disabilities develop social emotional competencies While this synthesis does not focus specifically on interventions
on an age-appropriate timeline. For others, deficits in physical, for maltreatment, it does note when an intervention has been
cognitive or communicative abilities may interfere with social evaluated with children experiencing trauma or maltreatment
emotional development, making early intervention to support or with parents for whom child maltreatment is a concern.
effective caregiving practices even more critical.

The important role of family-medi-

ated strategies in early interven- ...some have argued PURPOSE, SCOPE AND ORGANIZATION
tion is well accepted as evidenced that ensuring parent OF THE SYNTHESIS
by the inclusion of parenting involvement and
competencies in early interven-
responsiveness is a The purpose of this synthesis is to present summary informa-
tion theories of practice (Odom &
Wolery, 2003), the recommended necessary component tion on family-centered practices, and on interventions aimed
practices of the Division of Early of early intervention at promoting positive parenting practices, teaching parenting
Childhood of the Council for skills, and influencing parent child interactions that have
without which child demonstrated associations with positive social emotional devel-
Exceptional Children (Trivette
& Dunst, 2005) and in recom-
directed intervention opment for children aged 0-3 years. The synthesis is intended
mendations for family outcomes services are unlikely to provide guidance to early intervention personnel, both those
providing services to families and children within the Part C
in early intervenion (Bailey et al., to be effective. system and those working within other service frameworks.
2006). In fact, some have argued
that ensuring parent involvement and responsiveness is a neces- The synthesis does not include interventions aimed primarily
sary component of early intervention without which child directed at communication and language outcomes for children unless
intervention services are unlikely to be effective (Mahoney, 2009). the practices have also been demonstrated to enhance social
The need for early intervention systems to develop the capacity emotional outcomes. It also does not include large scale, multi-
to provide effective parenting interventions to families they component service delivery models such as Early Head Start,
serve has taken on heightened importance with the advent Healthy Families, SafeCare and Nurse-Family Partnership
of the CAPTA and IDEA mandates for referral to Part C of although it should be noted that there is a substantial litera-
children involved with the child welfare system. The develop- ture documenting the efficacy and effectiveness of such models
mental and early intervention needs of infants and toddlers in supporting multi-risk families (Chaffin & Friedrich, 2004;
served by the child welfare system are well documented (Barth, Geeraert et al., 2004; Love et al., 2005). Rather, the focus of this
et al., 2008; Rosenberg & Smith, 2008; Wiggins, Fenichel & synthesis is on the parenting knowledge, skill sets and practices
Mann, 2007). It is estimated that these new mandates will that have proven effectiveness and can serve as the content of
result in large increases in referrals and enrollment of infants parenting education delivered through these service models.
and toddlers with substantiated maltreatment in early inter- The synthesis first reviews the evidence for family-centered
vention systems (Derrington & Lippitt, 2008). approaches and practices. Next it examines the literature
The teaching of nurturing, responsive interactions and effective concerning parent-child interactions and parenting behavior
parenting practices is central to many interventions that have including knowledge gleaned from existing meta-analyses and
demonstrated effectiveness in preventing and intervening with reviews of the pertinent empirical literature. This includes both
parents who are at-risk for child maltreatment (Baggett, Carta, content (parenting/caregiving behaviors that impact infant/
et al., 2010; Chaffin & Friedrich, 2004; Geeraert, Van den toddler social emotional outcomes) and methods (practices
Noortgate, Grietens & Onghena, 2004; Hammond, 2008). effective in supporting and changing caregiver behavior). This is
However, providing such interventions to families involved in followed by a consideration of some of the relevant intervention
child welfare presents new and complex challenges for early materials, packages, curricula and models for families of infants
intervention systems. These challenges include engaging and and toddlers that are available. Finally, factors to consider in
serving families with severe and multiple risks; the volun- selecting family-focused interventions are discussed.
tary nature of early intervention services in contrast to the
mandates and court orders that typically govern family involve-
ment with child welfare systems; continuity of programming REVIEW OF THE EVIDENCE
for children who may experience frequent changes of place-
ments and caregivers; and coordinating with multiple service
providers from different systems (Derrington & Lippitt, 2008; Family-Centered Approach and Practices
Dicker & Gordon, 2006; Rosenberg, Smith & Levinson,
Family-centeredness refers to a philosophy of service
2007; Stahmer, Thorp Sutton, Fox & Leslie, 2008).
delivery—an approach to the delivery of services based on
values and beliefs regarding how professionals interact with young children and adult caregivers that are warm and
and relate to the families they serve. While there are varia- accepting; responsive to the child’s cues, initiations and lead;
tions in how family-centeredness is defined and character- appropriate to the child’s developmental level and interests;
ized, it typically includes: 1) treating families with dignity and mutually rewarding.
and respect; 2) practices that are individualized, flexible, and
responsive to the expressed needs of families; 3) information A number of research syntheses, meta-analyses and reviews
sharing that enables families to make informed choices; 4) have explored the associations between parental respon-
family choice regarding program practices and intervention sivity/sensitivity and social emotional outcomes in infants
options; 5) parent-professional collaboration and partner- and toddlers.
ships; and 6) active involvement of family members in the They provide support for the following propositions:
mobilization of services and supports (Dempsey and Keen,
2008; Dunst, Trivette & Hamby, 2008). Similar conceptual- • Parental responsiveness, including both contiguity
izations emphasizing the primary role of families and family (promptness and frequency of response) and affective
strengths and assets-based practices can be found in DEC’s quality of responding to infant behavior, is positively
recommendations for family-based practices (Trivette & related to later (12-15 months of age) secure attach-
Dunst, 2005). ment in typically developing and at-risk infants.
(Kassow & Dunst, 2007a)
A family-centered approach has been well accepted in the field
of early intervention from a philosophical and values-based • Parental sensitivity is multi-dimensional. A cluster
perspective. Recent reviews and meta-analyses have provided of interaction characteristics strongly related to
documentation that when service delivery incorporates family- infant attachment outcomes includes response
centered practices, outcomes for family and children are quality (ability to accurately perceive and interpret
improved including parenting capabilities and positive child infant signals and respond promptly and appro-
behavior and functioning (Dempsey & Keen, 2008; Dunst, priately), synchrony (reciprocal and rewarding
Trivette and Hamby, 2006, 2007, 2008). Dunst, Trivette interactions) and mutuality (parent and child joint
and Hamby (2006, 2007, 2008) classified family-centered attention). A second cluster of characteristics found
practices as relational (clinical skills such as active listening, to be related to child attachment consists of posi-
compassion, empathy, respect and beliefs regarding family tive parental attitude (parental demonstration of
member strengths and capabilities) or participatory (indi- positive affect toward child), stimulation (parental
vidualized, flexible, responsive to family priorities, providing use of stimulation and encouragement with child)
informed choices and family involvement in achieving goals and support (parent attentiveness and availability to
and outcomes) and found in their meta-analyses that participa- child). (DeWolff & van IJzendoorn, 1997; Kassow
tory practices were most strongly linked with child outcomes & Dunst, 2007b).
including behavioral outcomes.
• In young children (< 2 years) with disabilities or
We now turn to a consideration of the role of parent respon- at risk for developmental delays, parental respon-
siveness and parenting behaviors in the social emotional siveness that is contingent (occurs promptly and
development of infants in response to child behavior) and is appropriate
and toddlers. Parents Parents or other primary and sensitive (matches the developmental level and
or other primary care mood of the child) is positively related to child social
care providers are the key
providers are the key emotional outcomes including outcome measures
mediators of experience mediators of experience taken more than two years after the initial respon-
for infants and toddlers, for infants and toddlers, siveness measures. Immediate child outcomes
and thus their influence and...their influence is included increased positive affect and social respon-
is critical during this sivity; follow-up outcomes included increased pro-
period of rapid devel-
critical during this period social problem-solving and decreased teacher-rated
opment of foundational of rapid development... behavior problems. (Trivette, 2007)
skills and competencies.
In summary, the importance for social emotional develop-
ment of responsive, sensitive interactions between caregivers
The Role of Parental Responsivity/Sensitivity
and infants/young toddlers, in which caregivers accurately and
A large body of research points to responsive, sensitive promptly respond to child cues with warmth and affection in
parent-child interactions as essential to promoting healthy a manner that maintains the child’s attention and the interac-
social emotional development in infants and toddlers. While tion sequence, is well documented.
parental responsivity/sensitivity has been defined in a variety
of ways, it generally refers to interactions between infants/
Family-Focused Intervention Approaches for and attention to child’s signals and behavior, accurate inter-
Infants and Toddlers pretation of child’s intent to communicate and interact, and
appropriate and prompt parent responsiveness to child’s
Evidence from meta-analyses has established that interven- behavior (Baggett et al, 2010; Bakermans-Kranenbug et al.,
tions can successfully teach responsive, sensitive interactions 2003; Dunst & Kassow, 2007; van IJzendoorn et al., 1995).
skills to parents, and that parental use of these competen-
cies in turn impact child social emotional and behavioral As children progress through the second and third years of life,
development, especially attachment outcomes (Bakermans- social emotional behavior becomes more complex and the skill
Kranenbug, van IJzendoorn & sets needed by parents to support healthy social-emotional
...interventions can Juffer, 2003; van IJzendoorn, development also expand. Children learn to function more
Juffer & Duyvesteyn, 1995). independently, both personally and socially; they establish
successfully teach
social relationships with others and learn how to interact
responsive, sensitive Several meta-analyses have harmoniously with peers and adults. They develop empathy
interactions skills examined the characteristics and learn interpersonal problem solving and conflict resolu-
of effective interventions for
to parents, and... teaching responsive, sensi-
tion skills. They become better at regulating their behavior
and feelings by learning to manage anger and other strong
parental use of these tive parenting skills. Results emotions. During this period, parent skills can be instrumental
competencies...impact indicate that interventions for in promoting social competencies, fostering emotional devel-
child social emotional teaching responsivity/sensi- opment, and managing behavior in order to support healthy
tivity to parents are most effec- social emotional growth or to intervene early to remediate
and behavioral tive when they a) are behavior- developing behavior challenges or social-emotional delays.
development... ally oriented, relatively brief
(<16 sessions), and highly- A set of reviews and meta-analyses provides evidence regarding
focused; b) occur before 6-8 months of age; c) use video tape the effectiveness of parenting intervention, education, and
models and feedback; and d) emphasize caregiver awareness training programs that extend beyond teaching responsivity/

Inset Box #1
Parenting Skills that Support Infant-Toddler Social Emotional Development
Parental Skills Definitions/Components/Examples
Parent responds to child in ways that • Parent responds to child initiations promptly and frequently
are contingent, sensitive, affectionate • Parent perceives and interprets infant signals accurately
and reciprocal • Parent responses are appropriate to the developmental level and mood of the child
• Parent responses are expressive, warm and affectionate
• Parental responses promote joint attention, turn-taking and mutually
reinforcing interactions

Parent establishes predictable • Sleeping, eating , transitions

routines and schedules

Parent uses behavior management • use of praise, attention, incentives, reinforcers, natural and planned
skills to foster appropriate behavior, consequences, redirection, planned ignoring and limit-setting
and prevent and manage challenging

Parent teaches and encourages use of • Focusing on faces, gaze following, joint attention, clear signaling, self-soothing
foundation social/emotional skills

Parent teaches and encourages use of • Sharing, being respectful, waiting, asking, taking turns, cooperation, peer
social skills and competencies play, resolving conflicts

Parent teaches and encourages use of • Identifying and labeling emotions, appropriate expression of feelings, empathy
emotional skills and competencies

Parent engages in positive interac- • Positive play, child-directed play

tions and play with child
sensitivity to include additional parenting skills needed as found to be important.
children develop in the early years of life. These are interven- A meta-analytic study by ...individually delivered
tions intended to affect parent attitudes and expectations, Lundhal, Risser & Lovejoy ...parent training
promote parent-child relationships, teach behavior manage- (2006) found for programs produced greater child
ment skills, and teach parents skills to support their child’s designed to reduce disrup-
social-emotional self-regulation and competencies. Evidence tive child behavior, indi-
change, especially
from reviews and meta-analyses and from research on indi- vidually delivered compared for economically
vidual parenting interventions indicates that such programs to group delivered parent disadvantaged families.
can successfully impact parenting behavior and in turn, child training produced greater
social emotional development and outcomes (Baggett et al., child change, especially for economically disadvantaged fami-
2010; Barlow, Parsons & Steward-Brown, 2005; Bryant, lies. Finally, Lundhal, Nimer & Parsons (2006) examined the
Vizzard, Willoughby & Kupersmidt, 1999; Eyberg, Nelson effectiveness of parent training programs designed to reduce
& Boggs, 2008; Landry, Smith, Swank, & Guttentag, 2008; the risk of child abuse. Moderator analysis revealed significant
Lundahl, Nimer & Parsons, 2006; Lundhal, Risser & Lovejoy, effects for behavioral orientation, use of a home visitor, deliv-
2006; Sanders, Markie-Dadds & Turner, 2003). ering services in both the home and office, and use of both
individual and group sessions.
A few meta-analyses have examined content and process
components having the strongest associations with parenting These findings, along with an examination of the common
intervention effectiveness. Kaminski, Valle, Filene and Boyle content of parenting interventions that have demonstrated posi-
(2008) found that teaching parents emotional communication tive social-emotional outcomes for infants and toddlers provide
skills (e.g. active listening, helping children to identify and guidance regarding parenting skills and competencies that are
label emotions and to appropriately express emotions), positive important during the infant and toddler years. This information
interaction skills (engaging in positive, non-disciplinary inter- is summarized in Inset Box #1: Parenting Skills that Support
actions with child, engaging in child selected and directed Infant-Toddler Social Emotional Development and Inset Box
play activities, demonstrating enthusiasm and providing posi- #2: Characteristics of Effective Interventions for Teaching.
tive attention for appropriate child behavior), and responsivity,
sensitivity and nurturing (responding sensitively to child’s
emotional and psychological needs including soothing, and INTERVENTIONS FOR SUPPORTING
providing developmentally appropriate physical contact and PARENTAL/CAREGIVER SKILL
affection) produced strong effect sizes. In addition, including
practice sessions with the participants’ own children was DEVELOPMENT

Inset Box #2
A number of interventions, in a range of formats, aimed at
Characteristics of Effective Interventions for enhancing parental interactional and caregiving skills for
Teaching Parenting Skills that Support Infant- promoting healthy social-emotional development in infants
and toddlers have been developed, implemented and evalu-
Toddler Social Emotional Development ated. These include 1) parenting curricula and programs deliv-
Characteristic ered individually, usually in either a clinic or home setting;
and 2) parenting programs delivered in a group format. In
• Behaviorally oriented, brief, focused addition, there are many educational/instructional materials
and tools such as tip sheets, toolkits, home visitor materials
• Systematic monitoring of skill acquisition/progress and DVDs that are available for work with families that we
• Explicitly teach strategies for incorporating skills into have not reviewed in this synthesis.
daily routines and activities
The accompanying table highlights one or more interven-
• Practice sessions with parent and child tions in each of the above categories. This is not meant to be
a comprehensive compendium; rather, it presents some of the
• Use of modeling, role-playing, guided practice, better known tools/interventions/programs/models that are
coaching and feedback research based or research informed and is meant to acquaint
• Use of demonstration videos with discussion the reader with the types of interventions available.

• Videotaping of parent-child interactions with feed- For each intervention, the following information is provided:
back and discussion
• Program Name and information on accessing program
• Homework, practice activities, workbooks materials and information; includes website, if available,

and/or citations for manuals or other materials. If mate- discrepancies between the target population listed in program
rials are available in Spanish, this is indicated. materials and the populations that have been used in evalua-
tions of the intervention.
• Purpose of the intervention, taken from program
• Target Population for whom the intervention is intended. The interventions are divided into those delivered primarily
in a group format and those that are delivered individually.
• Delivery either individually or to groups, quali-
However several of the individually delivered interventions
fications needed to deliver the intervention, and
also include group meetings or have modified versions avail-
training/certification availability/requirements.
able in a group format. For example, Clinical Infant Home
• Descriptive Information including theoretical Visiting routinely includes group meetings, Promoting First
basis, content and methods. For the entries in the Relationships has been used in a group delivery format, and
“Materials and Tools” section, information on Stepping Stones Triple P can be modified for a combined group
formats, content and sample topics is provided. and individual delivery. Triple P is available in self-directed,
individually delivered, or group formats; it is listed here as an
• Evidence/Citations: This includes information on individually delivered intervention since it is the self-directed
the research evidence supporting the intervention version that has been evaluated with children less than 3 years
including designs, population(s), child and parent old. Two group format interventions are included. The Incred-
outcomes, and citations for published studies on ible Years program, while designed for group delivery, has
children under 3 years. Designs are designated as modified formats for including parent-child groups and home
Experimental (random assignment to intervention and visits. Similarly, Circle of Security is intended primarily for
control groups), Quasi-experimental (non-random group delivery, but program materials state that it can be used
assignment to intervention and control/comparison as family therapy or in home visitation.
groups), and Pre-post (measures taken before and after
intervention, no control/comparison group used). Most of the interventions are designed to be delivered by a
variety of professionals in the fields of mental health, health
and education. One of the interventions specifies psychother-
SIMILARITIES AND CONTRASTS AMONG apists (Child Parent Psychotherapy for Family Violence and
Trauma), while another (Activity-Based Intervention: Social
THE INTERVENTIONS Emotional) explicitly states that it is meant for delivery by
non-mental health professionals/non-experts.

Purpose Training in delivery of the intervention is available for many

of the interventions, and for several it is mandatory; a few also
All of the interventions aim to impact social emotional devel- require certification.
opment through training, education, and support provided to
parents or other primary caregivers. Some of the interventions
are preventive in nature while others are intended as interven-
Theoretical Basis
tion/remedial measures for children who are at high risk due Most of the interventions claim multiple theoretical bases. Many
to family or environmental factors such as poverty or maltreat- include behavioral/learning theory or some variant (e.g. cogni-
ment, or due to child factors such as biological risk, develop- tive-behavioral theory, social learning theory, operant theory,
mental disabilities or social-emotional diagnoses. Some state applied behavior analysis, cognitive social learning theory).
their purpose in very general terms such as “Assist parents Several of the interventions are grounded in attachment theory.
in supporting the social and cognitive development of their Other theoretical sources cited include sociocultural and social-
infants,” while others cite specific parent and/or child outcomes ization frameworks, transactional support, social communica-
such as parenting self-efficacy or child secure attachment. tion, coercion theory, biobehavioral regulation, psychodynamic
theory, trauma theory and family systems theory.
Target Population
Almost all of the interventions are aimed at families of
children at risk for disrupted development. Some are very Most of the interventions have a somewhat broad focus and
specifically targeted, e.g. for children in foster care, low share common content. Many include sensitive and responsive
birth weight infants, children who have experienced trauma, interactions between parent and child, behavior management
children with disabilities or children exhibiting challenging skills, establishing routines, and skills for teaching emotional
behavior. It should be noted that for some programs there are regulation and social competence. These are all listed in Box

#1 as content having demonstrated associations with positive Social Emotional Approach, is based on content and characteris-
child social emotional outcomes. tics that have demonstrated associations with positive outcomes,
but has not itself been evaluated. Two have been evaluated with
A few of the interventions include more specialized content, one or more studies using pre-posttest designs (Promoting First
often aimed at the needs of specific populations. For example, Relationships, Circle of Security), one has been evaluated quasi-
Child Parent Psychotherapy for Family Violence and Trauma experimental design studies (Clinical Infant Home Visiting)
is aimed at children exposed to trauma and includes a focus and one with both quasi-experimental and single subject designs
on trauma. Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up is (Family-Guided Routines-Based Approach).
aimed at caregivers of children in foster care and includes an
emphasis on providing nurturance when the child “pushes The characteristics of the children participating in studies of
away.” Stepping Stones Triple P, for families of children these interventions vary. Several interventions have been shown
with disabilities, includes content on inclusion, community effective with children with disabilities (Promoting First Rela-
living, and family supports; protocols for problems such as tionships, Family-Guided Routines–Based Approach, Triple-
self-injurious behavior, pica and repetitive behaviors; and P Stepping Stones, Incredible Years). Others have been evalu-
strategies such as blocking, physical guidance and functional ated with children at risk due to a variety of factors such as
communication training. low income. Still others have been studied with specific popu-
lations such as very low birth weight infants (Playing and
Several of the interventions contain material that is more Learning Strategies), children in homeless families (Promoting
parent-focused. Promoting First Relationships covers parent First Relationships), children with depressed mothers and from
sense of self and parent emotional regulation and support; maltreating families (Child Parent Psychotherapy for Family
Child Parent Psychotherapy for Family Violence and Trauma Violence and Trauma) and children in foster care (Attachment
deals with parents’ experience of trauma; and Circle of Secu- and Biobehavioral Catch-up).
rity explores caregiver developmental history and internal
models of self and child. Ages of children in the study populations also vary. Some
studies used exclusively infants and/or toddlers under their third
Activity-Based Intervention: Social Emotional Approach is birthday, while other studies used a range of ages including
unique in that it provides a systematic framework rather than a children older than 3 years, with results reported only for the
content-focused intervention. It describes in detail and provides entire study population, not just those under 3 years.
forms, worksheets, questionnaires, and assessment tools for
implementing screening, assessment, goal-setting, interven- Many of the program websites listed in the table provide addi-
tion and evaluation activities to address social emotional issues tional research information including research summaries,
in infants, toddlers and preschool children with disabilities. It lists of research publications and links to full research studies.
includes the Social Emotional Assessment Evaluation Measure
(SEAM) that provides information for developing functional
goals and intervention content. CONSIDERATIONS IN SELECTING FAMILY-
The interventions commonly use written materials, discussion,
modeling, guided practice and videotaping with feedback as In selecting an intervention several factors regarding appropri-
instructional methods. Several of the interventions are more ateness and feasibility should be considered. Decision-makers
therapeutically oriented and use therapeutic techniques such as can ask the following questions:
empathetic responding, positive regard and reflective dialogue. 1. How strong is the evidence base for the intervention?

Evidence As noted earlier, the amount and rigor of research for the
interventions falls along a continuum. Some interven-
The currently existing level of evidence for these interventions
tions have been evaluated in multiple experimental design
varies greatly both in the quantity and the methodological rigor
studies, conducted by multiple researchers using multiple
of research support. The majority of the interventions have been
outcome measures and varied populations
evaluated with one or more experimental
while others have been studied with only
design studies (Playing and Learning Strat- Selecting an intervention that has
one pre-post design study or have not yet
egies, Triple-P Stepping Stones, Attach-
a robust evidence base provides been the subject of published evaluations.
ment and Biobehavioral Catch-up, Child
Parent Psychotherapy, Incredible Years, a higher degree of confidence Selecting an intervention that has a robust
evidence base provides a higher degree of
Triple P Self-Directed). One of the inter- that positive and meaningful
confidence that positive and meaningful
ventions, Activity-Based Intervention: outcomes will be obtained. outcomes will be obtained.
2. Is the intervention appropriate for the age, devel- with fidelity. Critical to implementation fidelity are the
opmental level, and special needs of the child? types and amounts of supports employed, including
materials, training, technical assistance and consulta-
Interventions typically specify the chronological age tion. The degree of implementation support available
range of the children for whom the intervention is varies widely among the programs. For many of the
appropriate, but do not always discuss developmental programs, information on the support available can
age. When selecting interventions for use with children be found on the program websites listed in the Table.
with special needs, developmental age, type of disability,
and the child’s specific constellation of strengths and The interventions vary in the personnel and fiscal
challenges should be considered. Examination of the resources needed for implementation. At one end,
intervention’s purposes, content and methods by an very little in the way of staffing capacity is needed to
early interventionist or other professional familiar with use educational materials which typically are given
the child and family can provide guidance regarding its to parents to use on their own, with perhaps some
appropriateness. In addition, the characteristics of the instructions or explanation from staff and follow-up
children for whom the intervention has proven effec- to see if parents have questions about the content or
tive can be checked by examining the evaluation and application of the practices described. At the other
research evidence on the intervention. end of the continuum, some of the programs require
professional staff that have been trained and/or certi-
3. Does the intervention match the needs, preferences fied in delivering the intervention.
and degree of support needed by the parent(s)?
Costs of implementing the interventions entail
Parent preferences and needs should always be a purchase of materials including leader guides or
primary consideration in selecting family-focused manuals, curricula and supplementary materials, and
interventions. Some families may materials for parents such as books, hand-
feel their needs can be met by outs and DVD’s. Agencies must also be able
receiving educational materials
Parent preferences and
whereas other families may want needs should always be a to pay for any training, technical assistance
and/or certification required by the interven-
and need the more intensive support primary consideration in tion developers. Again, specific information
provided by individually deliv- selecting family-focused on training and certification requirements
ered interventions. Still others may and cost are available for many of the inter-
want and benefit from the support interventions.
ventions on the websites listed in the Table.
of other parents that comes with
group delivered interventions. Some families will
have challenges that affect parenting and the ability
to make parenting changes such as financial, mental
health, and substance abuse issues. Early interven-
tion personnel need to be skilled at identifying family
factors that are influencing appropriate parenting and
addressing them through direct intervention or refer-
rals to other service agencies. They must also be able
to adjust the delivery of parenting interventions to
accommodate parent circumstances and capabilities
to ensure that parents benefit from the intervention.

4. Is the intervention congruent with the philosophy

and goals of the implementing agency?

The theoretical foundations, content, methods and

stated purpose of the intervention should be exam-
ined to ensure they are compatible with the service
philosophy, mission and goals of the agency.

5. Does the agency have the capacity and resources

to implement the intervention?

In order to obtain the outcomes documented in eval-

uation studies, an intervention must be implemented
Name/Contact Target
Purpose Delivery Description Evidence/Citations
Information Population
Activity-Based Assist practitioners • Infants, toddlers & • Designed to • Theoretical basis: Transactional and organizational No published research
Intervention: and families in preschool children be delivered by theories of development
Social Emotional creating respon- with identified non-mental health • Content: Linked systems framework: screening,
(ABI:SE) Approach sive environments disabilities or professionals/ assessment, goal-setting, intervention, evaluation;
Squires & that facilitate the who are at risk for experts such as goals & interventions are embedded in child-directed,
Bricker, 2007 development of social developing social- parents, caregivers, routine & planned activities; uses multiple & varied
emotional competence emotional problems home visitors, learning opportunities, and timely & appropriate
in young children by early intervention- feedback & consequences; providing safe home &
offering a coordi- ists, teachers and play environment, predictable schedules/routines, and
nated, comprehensive other child care appropriate type & level of activity; responsiveness
system that permits personnel • Methods: Individual goal-setting and intervention
early detection of planning, modeling; functional behavioral assessment
problems and offers for children with challenging behavior
early preventative and
intervention strategies
Attachment and Enhance emotional • Children 0-5 years • 10 weekly in-home • Theoretical basis: Attachment theory, biobehavioral • Design: Experimental
Biobehavioral and biological regula- in foster care and sessions, 1-hour each regulation • Population: Infants 3-39 mo. and their
Catch-up (ABC) tion, and foster secure their caregivers • Delivered by • Content: Following child’s lead, touching & holding foster parents
http://icp.psych.udel. attachment mental health child, recognizing & understanding emotions, • Child Outcomes: Decreased cortisol levels
edu/index.htm professionals allowing child to express emotion, responding to & fewer parent reported behavior problems
child’s negative emotion, providing nurturance when for toddlers
child pushes away, conflict resolution Dozier, et al., 2006
• Methods: Discussion, practice, videotaping of child-
parent interaction with feedback
Child Parent Restore child-parent • Children 0-5 years • Weekly sessions for • Theoretical basis: Attachment theory, psychodynamic • Design: Experimental
Psychotherapy [for relationship, child’s exposed to violence 50 weeks, 1-1.5 hr theory, developmental theory, trauma theory, social • Population: Depressed mothers,
Family Violence and mental health and in the home; death • Conducted in learning theory, cognitive behavioral theory anxiously attached infants, infants from
Trauma] developmental of a loved one; or home or clinic • Content: Dyadic attachment based intervention with maltreating families
Also termed progression life threatening • Delivered focus on safety, affective regulation, child-caregiver • Child Outcomes: Increased secure attach-
http://childtrauma. accidents, illness by trained relationship, normalization of trauma related response ment; decreased disorganized attachment, or disasters—and psychotherapists & joint construction of a trauma narrative, foster avoidant, resistant & angry behavior
Lieberman & their families • Training available pro-social adaptive behavior, promote development of • Parent Outcomes: Increased empathy and
Van Horn, 2005; a daily predictable routine interactiveness with child
Lieberman, Compton, • Methods: Joint observation of infant, empathetic Cicchetti, Toth, & Rogosch, 1999; Cicchetti,
Van Horn, & Ghosh responding and unfailing positive regard by therapist, Rogosch, & Toth, 2006; Lieberman, Weston, &
Ippen, 2003 exploration of mother’s childhood experiences Pawl,1991
Materials available
in Spanish

Name/Contact Target
Purpose Delivery Description Evidence/Citations
Information Population
Clinical Infant Assist parents in • Mother-infant pairs • Weekly home visits • Theoretical basis: Attachment theory, psychodynamic • Design: Quasi-experimental
Home Visiting supporting the social at high risk and group meetings theory • Population: Infants from high risk families
Lyons-Ruth, Botein, and cognitive develop- over 9-18 months • Content: Positive, developmentally appropriate • Child Outcomes: Increased secure attach-
& Grunebaum,1984 ment of their infants • Delivered by parent-child interactions, appropriate toy play, family ment and mental development; decreased
trained profes- competence in accessing resources to meet basic needs, disorganized attachment
sionals and mother’s role as teacher and source of emotional secu- • At follow-up, ages 5 & 7 yrs: Decreased
paraprofessionals rity, decreasing social isolation teacher- rated hostile behavior problems &
• Methods: Provide an accepting & trustworthy relation- increased parent-reported positive play
ship, modeling, positive interactions, demonstration of Lyons-Ruth, Connell, Grunebaum, & Botein,
toy activities, group meetings, drop-in social hours 1990; Lyons-Ruth & Esterbrooks, 2006; Lyons-
Ruth, & Melnick, 2004
Family-Guided Promote develop- • Infants and • Weekly home visits, • Theoretical basis: Cognitive-behavioral theory, social • Design: Quasi-experimental, single-subject
Routines-Based mental outcomes for toddlers at risk typically over 9 communication theory, transactional support • Population: Children 2 yrs old with ASD,
Approach young children at or with identi- months • Content: Identifying & establishing routines, contex- 1-& 2-yrs old with developmental delay or risk or with identified fied disabilities, • Delivered by early tual support, balanced turn-taking, descriptive talking, expressive language delay
disabilities through including ASD, interventionists modeling, natural reinforcement, environmental • Child Outcomes: Increased social
working with family and their families arrangement, waiting, contingent imitation, modeling, communication including joint attention,
members and care- requesting imitation, expand-recast, prompting/fading social interaction, behavior regulation &
givers in home and • Methods: Individualized planning, written handouts, rate of communicating; and social skills
community settings video examples, modeling, guided practice, videotaping • Parent Outcomes: Increased use of praise,
with review and feedback, problem-solving & planning modeling, imitation, choice, expansion &
open-ended questions
Wetherby & Woods, 2006; Woods, Kashinath,
& Goldstein, 2004
Playing and Preventive interven- • Infants & toddlers • 10-12 weekly • Theoretical basis: Attachment theory, sociocultural • Design: Experimental
Learning Strategies tion to strengthen birth to 3 years home visits and socialization frameworks • Population: Very low birth weight and
(PALS) bond between and their families, • Adapted for delivery • Content: Attending to communicative signals, term infants 6-10 mo & toddlers 24-28
www.childrenslearninginstitute. parent and child including prema- to rural fami- responding appropriately to children’s positive & nega- mo, infants 3-5 mo from at risk families,
org/our-programs/program- and stimulate early ture infants and lies through the tive signals, supporting child learning by maintaining infants 3-8 mo in low-income families
overview/PALS/default.html language, cognitive, high risk families Internet (Baggett, their interest & attention rather than redirecting or over • Child Outcomes: Increased social, emotional,
and social-emotional • PALS Infant Curric- Davis, et al., 2010) stimulating, introducing toys & activities, stimulating communicative & cognitive competence
Curricula available in development ulum (for ~5-12 • Delivered by a language development through labeling & scaffolding, • Parent Outcomes: Increased maternal
Spanish mo.): 10 sessions professional who encouraging cooperation, responding to misbehavior, responsiveness; decreased negative affect
• PALS Toddler work with families incorporating strategies throughout day & into routines Akai, Guttentag, Baggett, Willard, Noria &
Curriculum (for • Training and Certi- • Methods: Direct teaching, demonstration videos & The Centers for the Prevention of Child Neglect,
~18-36 mo.): 12 fication required guided practice, video-taped practice sessions with 2008; Baggett, Davis, et al., 2010; Landry,
sessions review & feedback, planning for integrating skills into Smith & Swank, 2006; Landry, Smith,
daily activities Swank, & Guttentag, 2008; Smith, Landry, &
Swank, 2005
Name/Contact Target
Purpose Delivery Description Evidence/Citations
Information Population
Promoting First Assist parents and • Caregivers of • 10 weekly in-home • Theoretical basis: Early relationship sensitivity, • Design: Pre-post
Relationships (PFR) other caregivers to children birth to sessions attachment theory • Population: Infants & toddlers with provide sensitive and 3 years, including • Delivered by profes- • Content: Consultation strategies for promoting healthy disabilities, from homeless families, from
and responsive caregiving high risk & special sionals working caregiver-child relationships, social-emotional needs low income families that can result in needs populations with caregivers of of infant-toddlers, caregiving qualities & activities to • Child Outcomes: Increased child respon-
mutually satisfying young children promote security, trust & emotional regulation in infancy siveness & contingent behavior in interac-
Parent handouts caregiver-child birth to 3 years (individual attention, empathy, labeling & organizing feel- tions, social competence and attachment
available in Spanish relationships, promote • Training available ings, predictability), activities to promote healthy identity security
trust and security in • Has also been used formation & social competence in toddlers (managing • Parent Outcomes: Increased sensitivity
infancy and healthy in a group format feelings of distress, rituals & routines, encouraging explo- and responsiveness in interactions;
identity formation ration, independence, cooperation, and limits), intervening decreased depression
during toddlerhood with challenging behavior, exploring parents sense of self, Kelly & Spieker, 2008; Kelly, Zuckerman, &
emotional regulation & support Rosenblatt, 2008; Maher, Kelly, & Scarpa, 2008
• Methods: Handouts & written materials, individual-
ized videotaped feedback, coaching & guided practice
Triple P Prevent severe • Parents of children • Book and work- • Theoretical basis: Social learning theory, operant • Design: Experimental
- Self-Directed behavioral, emotional birth to 12 years book materials theory, coercion theory and applied behavior analysis • Population: Children 18-36 mo olds at and developmental at high risk and/ completed over • Content: 17 core parenting skills to increase pro-social risk, 2-5 yrs old at risk
problems in children or with behavior 10-17 weeks, with child behaviors and decrease problem behaviors (e.g. • Child Outcomes: Decreased behavior
Markie-Dadds, by enhancing the problems or without tele- quality time, praise, attention, incidental teaching, problems
Sanders, & Turner, knowledge, skills and phone consultation behavior charts, setting rules, planned ignoring, instruc- • Parent Outcomes: Increased parenting
1999; Sanders, 1992; confidence of parents • Individual and group tion-giving, logical consequences, quiet time, time out) competence and confidence; decreased anger
Sanders, Lynch, & formats also avail- • Strategies for generalization and maintenance and use of negative discipline strategies
Markie-Dadds, 1994 able, delivered by • Methods: Workbook with readings, activities, exer- Markie-Dadds & Sanders, 2006; Morawska &
professionals, with cises and homework tasks Sanders, 2006
training required
Triple P Help families achieve • Families of children • 10 sessions indi- • Theoretical basis: Social learning theory, operant • Design: Experimental
- Stepping Stones durable improvements birth to 12 years vidually tailored to theory, coercion theory and applied behavior analysis • Population: Children 2-9 yrs with devel- in children’s behavior with a disability family needs • Content: Standard Triple P content plus issues such opmental delay or ASD
and lifestyle and in the • Individual delivery as adjustment to having a child with a disability, • Child Outcomes: Decreased behavior
Materials available in quality of family life or combined group increased care giving, inclusion and community living, problems and oppositional behavior
Spanish and individual family supports; covers additional causal factors for • Parent Outcomes: Increased parenting
delivery behavior problems such as communication difficulties; style including decreased laxness, over-reac-
• Delivered by a provides behavior protocols for common problems tivity & verbosity; decreased maternal stress
variety of health, associated with disability such as self-injurious Roberts, Mazzucchelli, Studman, & Sanders,
education and behavior, pica, repetitive behaviors; covers additional 2006; Whittingham, Sofronoff, Sheffield, &
welfare professionals strategies such as blocking, physical guidance and Sanders, 2009
who counsel parents functional communication training
• Training required • Methods: Didactic presentations, modeling, role-
play and feedback, homework, workbook, video

Name/Contact Target
Purpose Delivery Description Evidence/Citations
Information Population
Circle of Security Promote secure • At-risk toddlers • For use in group • Theoretical basis: Attachment theory, family systems • Design: Pre-post
http://www. attachment in high and preschool age settings (20 weekly theory, object relations theory • Population: Low income toddler & risk populations children and their meetings, 75 • Content: Individualized treatment plans based on care- preschool children
through parent parents minutes each) as giver-child interactions and child attachment classifica- • Child Outcomes: Increased secure attach-
education and family therapy or in tion, caregiver developmental history and internal models ment; decreased insecure attachment
psychotherapy home visitation of self and child, identification of a key issue as focus of Hoffman, Marvin, Cooper, & Powell 2006
• Training and certi- therapeutic work; observational skills, sensitivity and
fication required appropriate responding, recognizing and understanding
child’s cues, reflective functioning and dialogue, engaging
with child in regulation of their emotions, empathy
• Methods: Educational and therapeutic techniques,
video review and reflective dialogue
Incredible Years Increase parenting • Parents of children • 12-14 weekly 2-2 ½ • Theoretical basis: Cognitive social learning theory • Design: Experimental
Parent Training self-efficacy and 0-6 years hour sessions • Content: Parenting skills including child-directed • Population: 2-5 yr olds including children competencies, reduce Other versions • Modified formats play skills, empathy, using praise and encouragement, from low income families, with devel-
parenting stress available: include parent- social/emotional coaching, teaching self-regulation and opmental disabilities or ASD, children
Parent handouts and promote more • Incredible Years child groups and peer play skills, routines and schedules, limit-setting receiving Part C or Part B services
available in Spanish positive parent-child Parents and Babies home visits and nonviolent discipline techniques • Child Outcomes: Increased independent
and several other interactions in order Program (0-12 • Delivered by coun- • Methods: Facilitator-lead discussion of video play; decreased behavior problems
languages to promote children’s months) selors, psycholo- vignettes, practice activities, home activity plans • Parent Outcomes: Increased use of posi-
social, emotional and • Incredible Years gists, nurses, social tive parenting skills, self-efficacy, quality
behavioral competen- Parents and workers, family of mother-child interactions; decreased
cies and avert ongoing Toddlers Program therapists or other maternal stress, coercive discipline and use
patterns of negative (1-3 years) mental health of corporal punishment
child behavior • For children professionals Brotman, Klein, Kamboukos, Brown, Coard,
with develop- • Training not & Sosinsky, 2003; Gross, Fogg, & Tucker,
mental disabilities required, but 1995; Gross, Fogg, Webster-Stratton, et al.,
(McIntyre 2008a) available and 2003; Gross, Garvey, et al.,2009; McIntyre
recommended 2008a & b; Tucker, Gross, Fogg, Delaney, &
• Certification Lapporte, 1998

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outcomes. Journal of Early Intervention, 26, 175-193.

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