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Genotype-Environment Interaction: Progress and Prospects

Article · January 2002


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Manjit S Kang
Kansas State University


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15 Genotype–Environment Interaction:
Progress and Prospects

Manjit S. Kang
Department of Agronomy, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge,
LA 70803-2110, USA

Introduction crossover interaction when cultivar ranks

change from one environment to another. A
Genotype–environment interaction (GEI) is main feature of crossover interaction is
an age-old, universal issue that relates to all intersecting lines in a graphical representa-
living organisms. Genotypes and environ- tion. If the lines do not intersect, there is no
ments interact to produce an array of pheno- crossover interaction (Kang, 1998).
types. GEI can be defined as the difference In crop breeding, the crossover inter-
between the phenotypic value and the value action is more important than non-crossover
expected from the corresponding genotypic interaction (Baker, 1990). Since the presence
and environmental values (Baker, 1988). of a crossover interaction has strong implica-
When responses of two genotypes to differ- tions for breeding for specific adaptation,
ent levels of environmental stress are com- it is important to assess the frequency of
pared, an interaction is described statistically crossover interactions (Singh et al., 1999).
as the failure of the two response curves to According to Gregorius and Namkoong
be parallel (Baker, 1988). GEI is the varia- (1986), crossover interaction is not only
tion caused by the joint effects of genotypes non-additive in nature but also non-
and environments (Dickerson, 1962). separable. Lack of crossover interaction
Breeders/agronomists usually test a for quantitative trait loci (QTL) even in
diverse array of genotypes in diverse envi- the presence of significant GEI has been
ronments, which implies that GEI is to be reported (Lee, 1995; Beavis and Keim, 1996).
expected. According to Haldane (1947), GEI The reader may refer to Beavis and Keim
is important only if genotypes switch ranks (1996), Cornelius et al. (1996), Crossa et al.
from one environment to another. GEIs (1996) and Singh et al. (1999) for further
can be grouped into two broad categories: discussion on crossover and non-crossover
crossover and non-crossover interactions; a interactions.
brief discussion of each follows. Variation among genotypes in pheno-
typic sensitivity to the environment (GEI)
may necessitate the development of locally
Crossover and non-crossover interaction adapted varieties (Falconer, 1952). If no one
genotype has superiority in all situations,
GEI indicates the potential for genetic differ-
Crossover (qualitative) interaction
entiation of populations under prolonged
The differential response of cultivars to selection in different environments (Via,
diverse environments is referred to as a 1984).
©CAB International 2002. Quantitative Genetics, Genomics and Plant Breeding
(ed. M.S. Kang) 221

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Non-crossover (quantitative) interaction new varieties in a single trial (Silvey, 1981).

Genetic improvements have been estimated
These interactions represent changes in to account for about 50% of the total gains in
magnitude of genotype performance (quan- yield per unit area for major crops during the
titative), but rank order of genotypes across past 50–60 years (Silvey, 1981; Simmonds,
environments remains unchanged, i.e. geno- 1981; Duvick, 1992, 1996). The remainder of
types that are superior in one environment the yield gain is attributable to improved
maintain their superiority in other environ- management and cultural practices. Barley
ments. Non-crossover interactions may yield data from the UK (1946–1977: mean
mean that genotypes are genetically hetero- yield for 1946 = 2.3 t ha−1 and for 1977 =
geneous but test environments are more 3.9 t ha−1) indicated that the environmental
or less homogeneous or that genotypes are contribution was 10–30% and the genetic
genetically homogeneous but environments contribution 30–60%; the remainder 25–45%
are heterogeneous. All identical genotypes of the yield gain was attributed to GEI
grown in constant (ideal) environments (Simmonds, 1981). For wheat for the same
should perform consistently. Any departure period (1946–1977: mean yield for 1946 =
from the ideal environment leads to GEI. 2.4 t ha−1 and for 1977 = 4.7 t ha−1), yield
gain was attributed as follows: 40–60% to
the environment (E), 25–40% to the geno-
Importance of GEI type (G) and 15–25% to GEI (Simmonds,
1981). The GEI confounds precise partition-
Thus far, agricultural production has kept ing of the contributions of improved culti-
pace with the world’s population growth vars and improved environment/technology
mainly because of the innovative ideas and to yield (Silvey, 1981). Thus, the com-
efforts of agricultural researchers. The world bined contributions of G and genotype–
population, currently 6 thousand million, is environment (GE) effects can be substantial
expected to almost double – to 10 thousand (40–60% wheat and 70–90% in barley).
million – by the middle of the 21st century GEI occurs during and has an impact
(Kang, 2002). The key to doubling agri- on all stages of a breeding programme and
cultural production is increased efficiency has enormous implications for the allocation
in the utilization of resources (increased of resources. A large GEI could mean the
productivity per hectare and per dollar) and establishment of two full-fledged breeding
this includes a better understanding of GEI stations in a region, instead of one, thus
and ways of exploiting it. requiring increased input of resources
The importance of GEI is highlighted by (manpower, land and money).
Gauch and Zobel (1996): Heritability of a trait plays a key role in
Were there no interaction, a single variety
determining genetic advance from selection.
of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) or corn As a component of the total phenotypic vari-
(Zea mays L.) or any other crop would yield ance (the denominator in any heritability
the most the world over, and furthermore equation), GE interaction affects heritability
the variety trial need be conducted at only negatively. The larger the GEI component,
one location to provide universal results. the smaller the heritability estimate; thus,
And were there no noise, experimental progress from selection would be limited.
results would be exact, identifying the best A large GEI reflects the need for testing
variety without error, and there would be cultivars in numerous environments (loca-
no need for replication. So, one replicate at
tions and/or years) to obtain reliable results.
one location would identify that one best
wheat variety that flourishes worldwide.
If the weather patterns and/or management
practices differ in target areas, testing must
The importance of GEI can be seen from be done at several sites representative of the
the relative contributions of new cultivars target areas.
and improved management to yield increases Kang (1993a) discussed the disadvan-
from direct comparisons of yields of old and tages of discarding genotypes evaluated in

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Genotype–Environment Interaction 223

only one environment in early stages of a breeders. Stability of performance can be

breeding programme. The discarded geno- ascertained via stability statistics (Lin et al.,
types might have the potential to do well at 1986; Kang, 1990; Kang and Gauch, 1996).
another location or in another year. Thus,
some potentially useful genes could be ‘lost’
due to limited testing. An example from six-
row barley illustrates this point well. A total Achievements
of 288 barley lines were evaluated in the
Magreb countries and in International Cen- The GEI issue received focused attention in
ter for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas 1990 when an international symposium on
(ICARDA)’s yield trials at three locations ‘Genotype-by-Environment Interaction and
(Ceccarelli et al., 1994). Of the 103 lines sel- Plant Breeding’ was held on 12 and 13
ected at ICARDA and 154 lines at the Magreb, February at the Louisiana State University
only 49 were selected at both locations. campus in Baton Rouge (Kang, 1990). The
Performance evaluation is the second various GEI issues have come to the
component of a breeding programme. Test- forefront in many breeding programmes
ing done in one environment provides only throughout the world. Reviews and exten-
limited information. Multienvironment test- sive bibliographies (Aastveit and Mejza,
ing provides additional useful information, 1992; Annicchiarico and Perenzin, 1994;
e.g. a GEI component can be estimated. In Denis and Gower, 1996; Denis et al., 1996a;
addition, multienvironment testing yields Kang, 1998; Piepho, 1998), conference/
better estimates of variance components symposia proceedings (Rao et al., 1988,
and heritability. Therefore, GEI need not be 1993; Cooper and Hammer, 1996; Zavala-
perceived only as a problem. Garcia and Treviño-Hernández, 2000) and
As the magnitude of a significant inter- books (Gauch, 1992; Prabhakaran and Jain,
action between two factors increases, the 1994; Hildebrand and Russell, 1996; Kang
usefulness and reliability of the main effects and Gauch, 1996; Hoffmann and Parsons,
are correspondingly decreased. Since GEI 1997; Basford and Tukey, 1999; Hall, 2001)
reduces the correlation between pheno- have since been published. The issue is not
typic and genotypic values, the difficulty in only important in plant-breeding program-
identifying truly superior genotypes across mes but also in animal-breeding program-
environments is magnified. mes (Lin and Lin, 1994; Montaldo, 2001).
Obviously, the cost of cultivar evalua- GEI presents many challenges for breed-
tion increases as additional testing is carried ers and has significant implications in both
out. However, with additional test environ- applied plant- and animal-breeding pro-
ments, a breeder/agronomist can identify grammes. The breeder is faced with develop-
cultivars with specific adaptation as well as ing separate populations for each site type
those with broad adaptation, which will not where genotypic rankings drastically change
be possible from testing in a single environ- and/or is faced with selecting genotypes that
ment. Broad adaptation provides stability generally perform well across many sites
against the variability inherent in an ecosys- (McKeand et al., 1990). Gains are expected
tem, but specific adaptations may provide to be greater with the first approach, but
a significant yield advantage in particular costs would also likely be higher; the second
environments (Wade et al., 1999). Multi- approach, while less expensive, yields
environment testing makes it possible to smaller gains. Denis and Gower (1996)
identify cultivars that perform consistently suggested that plant breeders should
from year to year (small temporal variability) consider GEI to avoid missing a variety
and those that perform consistently from that performed, on average, poorly but did
location to location (small spatial varia- well when grown in specific environments
bility). Temporal stability is desired by or selecting a variety that, on average, per-
and beneficial to growers, whereas spatial formed well but did poorly when grown in a
stability is beneficial to seed companies and particular environment.

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Table 15.1. Univariate parametric, univariate non-parametric and multivariate methods compared in
Flores et al. (1998).

Type Statistics included

Univariate S2X1: environmental variance (S xi2 )

parametric Attributed to Roemer (1917) in Becker and Leon (1988). Measures deviations from the
methods genotypic mean. Minimum variance in different environments = stable genotype

EBRAS: Eberhart and Russell (1966): optimal yield stability measured via regression
represented by high mean yield, moderate to high bi or responsive to favourable
environments, and low deviations from regression (S di2 )

TAI: regression approach employed by Tai (1971). Uses two statistics, as is the case
with Eberhart and Russell (1966): linear response of a genotype to environmental
effects (αi) and deviation from linear response (λi)
Stable genotype: (αi, λi) = (−1, 1)

SHUKLA: unbiased estimate of GEI variance attributed to each genotype (σ 2i ) proposed

by Shukla (1972)
Comparison of σ 2i with pooled error (σ 20 ) from ANOVA: a significant F test indicates

CV: Francis and Kannenberg (1978) proposed combined use of yield and CVi. CV is
plotted against mean yield across environments. Low CV and high mean yield = stable,
desirable genotype

PI: superiority measure (Pi) proposed by Lin and Binns (1988) = distance mean square
between genotype’s response and maximum response in each environment (averaged
across environments). Low Pi = high stability

Univariate S1O, S2O, S3O and S6O: Hühn (1979) proposed non-parametric stability statistics
non-parametric (S i1, S i2 , S i3 , S i6 ). The lowest value for each statistic represents highest stability
methods S i1: the mean of the absolute rank differences of a genotype across environments
S i2 : represents variance of ranks across environments
S i3 and S i6 : represent mean rank of each genotype (stability) (formulas differ)

KANG: Kang (1988) developed a rank-sum method, with genotypes with the highest
yield receiving the rank of 1 and the lowest estimated value of σ 2i (Shukla’s stability
variance) receiving the rank of 1. The sum of the two ranks determines the final ranking
of genotypes. The genotype with the lowest sum is regarded as most desirable

KETRANK: proposed by Ketata et al. (1989). Plots mean rank across environments
against standard deviation of ranks for all genotypes
KETYIELD: also proposed by Ketata et al. (1989). Plots mean yield across
environments against standard deviation of yields for all genotypes
A genotype is regarded as stable if its KETRANK or KETYIELD is relatively consistent
across environments (low mean rank, i.e. high yield, and a low standard deviation)

FOXRANK: proposed by Fox et al. (1990). This stratified ranking technique was applied
to unadjusted means
Procedure scores the number of environments in which each genotype ranked in the
top, middle and bottom third. Genotypes found in the top third are regarded as well
adapted and stable

STAR: Flores (1993) proposed this method, in which a star is drawn for each genotype;
the length of each star represents mean yield in an environment
The largest and most regular polygon represents the highest-yielding and most stable

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Genotype–Environment Interaction 225

Table 15.1. Continued.

Type Statistics included

Multivariate UPGMA: unweighted pair-group arithmetic mean (Sokal and Michener, 1958).
methods Genotypes are clustered via a dissimilarity matrix of squared Euclidean distance and an
UPGMA method fusion strategy
If a check cultivar is included in a trial, it can be used as a benchmark for other
genotypes in the same trial (Lin and Binns, 1985)
Gadheri et al. (1980) proposed to conduct an ANOVA at various truncation points and to
determine the level at which mean squares within groups are not significantly greater
than the estimated error. This method is laborious

LIN: cluster analysis proposed by Lin (1982). It is a dissimilarity measure for a pair of
genotypes (estimated as the squared distance between them adjusted for the average
effects of genotypes)
Involves calculation of genotype by environment interaction at each fusion cycle

FOXROS: proposed by Fox and Rosielle (1982). Genotypes are clustered via a
dissimilarity matrix of squared Euclidean distance and an incremental sum-of-squares
fusion strategy

AMMI: Zobel et al. (1988) proposed the additive main effects and multiplicative
interaction (AMMI) model to partition GEI. Provides a biplot and gives information on
main effects and interactions of genotypes and environments
Genotypes with first principal-component axis value close to zero indicate general
adaptation to environments

PPCC: the principal coordinate analysis proposed by Westcott (1987)

Analysis is based on genotype means for each environment, starting with the
lowest-yielding environment. Environments are added to the data set in ascending order
of yield. Stable and high-yielding genotypes consistently show above-average

CA: correspondence analysis simultaneously represents genotypes and environments.

It involves choosing of scores that maximize correlation of rows and columns. A variant
of principal-component analysis
A genotype is regarded as stable if its first and second correspondence-analysis scores
are near zero (Lopez, 1990)

YIELD: used as a reference

ANOVA, analysis of variance.

Denis et al. (1996b) presented a number (1998) compared 22 univariate and multi-
of models that can account for hetero- variate methods to analyse GEI. Additional
scedasticity in GE tables. They presented a information on each method is provided in
general scheme for describing heteroscedas- Table 15.1. These 22 methods were classi-
ticity with a reduced number of parameters fied into three main groups (Flores et al.,
using the mixed-model framework, which 1998): in group 1, statistics are mostly
allows new parsimonious models. associated with yield level and show little
Since the 1970s, various attempts have or no correlation with stability parameters;
been made to jointly capture the effects of G in group 2, both yield and stability of per-
and GE interaction. Simultaneous selection formance are considered simultaneously to
for yield and stability of performance is reduce the effect of GEI; and group 3 empha-
an important consideration in breeding sizes only stability. Group 1 includes YIELD,
programmes. No methods developed so far PI, UPGMA, FOXRANK and FOXROS; group
have been universally adopted. Flores et al. 2 includes S6O, PPCC, STAR, AMMI and

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226 M.S. Kang

KANG; and group 3 includes TAI, LIN, CA, In addition to dissecting genotype-by-
SHUKLA and EBRAS. environment interactions, GGE Biplot helps
Hussein et al. (2000) provided a com- analyse genotype-by-trait data, genotype-
prehensive statistical analysis system (SAS) by-marker data, and diallel cross data (Yan
program for computing univariate and et al., 2000, 2001; Yan, 2001; Yan and Hunt,
multivariate stability statistics for balanced 2001, 2002; Yan and Rajcan, 2002). These
data. Their program provides estimates of aspects make the GGE biplot a most compre-
more than 15 stability-related statistics. hensive tool in quantitative genetics and
Path coefficient analysis has been plant breeding (see Yan and Hunt, Chapter
effectively used to investigate GEI in 19, this volume).
potato by Tai and Coleman (1999). The
path analysis has not found much favour
with most researchers. Nevertheless, Tai has Causes of Genotype–Environment
expounded on the merits of this method Interaction
(Tai, 1990).
Piepho (2000b) proposed a mixed-
To be able to understand GEI and utilize it
model method to detect QTL with signifi-
effectively in breeding programmes, infor-
cant mean effect across environments and to
mation is needed on the factors responsible
characterize the stability of effects across
for the differential response of genotypes
multiple environments. He treated environ-
to variable environments. A factor may be
ment main effects as random, which meant
present at optimal, suboptimal or super-
that both environmental main effects and
optimal levels. When present at a level
QTL–environment interaction effects could
other than optimal, it represents a stress.
be regarded as random.
According to Baker (1988), differences in
Biadditive factorial regression models,
the rate of increase in response of genotypes
which encompass both factorial regression
at suboptimal levels would reflect differ-
and biadditive (additive main effect and
ences in efficiency, and differences in the
multiplicative interaction (AMMI)) models,
rate of decrease at superoptimal levels
have also been evaluated (Brancourt-Hulmel
would reflect differences in tolerance.
et al., 2000). The biadditive factorial regres-
Without the presence of stresses, genotype
sion models involved environmental
attributes, such as efficiency and tolerance,
covariates related to each deviation and
cannot be identified and investigated. In
included environmental main effect, sum
this section, the effects of environmental
of water deficits, an indicator of nitrogen
stress on the plant genome in general and
stress, sum of daily radiation, high tem-
biotic and abiotic factors that may be
perature, pressure of powdery mildew and
responsible for GEI are considered.
lodging (Brancourt-Hulmel et al., 2000). The
models explained about 75% of the interac-
tion sum of squares. The biadditive factorial
biplot provided relevant information about Environmental effect on genome
the interaction of the genotypes with respect
to environmental covariates. An understanding of plant stress responses
The biplot method originated with is essential because of predicted global
Gabriel (1971). Others have used this environmental changes and their impact on
method in describing GEI. The versatility the production of food and fibre. Stress
of the GGE (G = genotype effect and GE = is a physiological response to an adverse
genotype–environment effect) biplot has environmental factor(s). Plants respond to
only recently been elucidated (Yan et al., a variety of environmental cues: nutrients,
2000). The GGE biplot approach has toxic elements and salts in the soil solution,
captured the imagination of plant breeders gases in the atmosphere, light of different
and production agronomists like no other wavelengths, mechanical stimuli, gravity,
approach ever has. wounding, pests, pathogens and symbionts

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Genotype–Environment Interaction 227

(Crispeels, 1994). Plants have incorporated in plant ecology and evolution (Higley
a variety of environmental signals into their et al., 1993). Biotic stresses and interactions
developmental pathways that have provided among them and/or with abiotic factors
for their wide range of adaptive capacities remain poorly understood; however, they
over time (Scandalios, 1990). have significant relevance to GEI in plants.
Environmental stresses have been shown Plants may respond to pathogen infec-
to elicit specific responses at the DNA level in tion by inducing a long-lasting, broad-
a number of organisms. A differentiated cell spectrum, systemic resistance to subsequent
expresses an array of genes required for its infections (Ryals et al., 1994). Induced
stable functioning and metabolic roles (Scan- disease resistance has been referred to as
dalios, 1990). In response to severe environ- physiological acquired immunity, induced
mental changes, a genome can respond by resistance or systemic acquired resistance
selectively regulating (increasing or decreas- (SAR). Differences in insect and disease res-
ing) the expression of specific genes. istance among genotypes can be associated
Interspecific variation in DNA amounts with stable or unstable performance (Baker,
is correlated with various quantitative prop- 1990).
erties of cells, and these may secondarily
affect the quantitative characters of the
whole plant (Bachmann et al., 1985; Abiotic stresses
Cavalier-Smith, 1985a,b; Bennett, 1987).
Highly significant differences of up to 32%
The major abiotic stresses are atmospheric
in DNA content were found in meristems
pollutants, soil stresses (salinity, acidity
of seedlings from 35 natural populations of
and mineral toxicity and deficiency), tem-
hexaploid Festuca arundinacea (Ceccarelli
perature (heat and cold), water (drought
et al., 1992). In cultivated maize, variation
and flooding) and tillage operations (Blum,
in genome size has been reported to be as
1988; Clark and Duncan, 1993; Specht and
high as 38.8% (Laurie and Bennett, 1985;
Laing, 1993; Unsworth and Fuhrer, 1993).
Rayburn et al., 1985). Maize lines from
Genetic variation exists for plant responses
higher latitudes of North America had sig-
to the above stress factors. Breeding for
nificantly lower nuclear DNA amounts than
tolerance to air pollutants has considerable
those from lower latitudes (Rayburn et al.,
potential (Unsworth and Fuhrer, 1993).
1985). Rayburn and Auger (1990) deter-
With stress caused by suboptimal levels
mined the nuclear DNA content of 12 south-
of water, nutrients and solar radiation, it
western US maize populations collected at
should be possible to identify genotypes
various altitudes and observed a significant
that are efficient or inefficient in using
positive correlation between genome size
the respective resource. Woodend and Glass
and altitude. Higher amounts of DNA at
(1993) demonstrated the presence of GEI for
higher elevation have also been found in
potassium-use efficiency in wheat.
teosinte (Laurie and Bennett, 1985).
Herrera-Estrella and Simpson (1990)
investigated the influences of environmen- Responses to temperature
tal factors on genes involved in photosynthe- Rapid temperature changes, particularly
sis. The mechanism of regulation may vary those toward the upper end of the adapta-
from one species to another (Herrera-Estrella tion range for individual plant species, can
and Simpson, 1990). produce dramatic changes in the pattern of
gene expression. Heat-shock responses are
plants’ protective measures against poten-
Biotic stresses tially lethal, rapid-rate, upward departures
from the optimal temperature (Pollack
Biotic stress factors are a major limitation to et al., 1993). Tolerance of protein synthesis
plant productivity and a dominant element and seedling growth to a previously lethal

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high temperature can be induced by prior How to Deal with GEI

short exposure to a sublethal high tempera-
ture that triggers the synthesis of a specific The presence of crossover interactions has
set of proteins – the heat-shock proteins important implications for breeding strate-
(HSPs) – via mRNA that is newly tran- gies that aim to improve either broad or
scribed in response to high temperature. specific adaptation or some combination
In the meantime, the synthesis of normal of both components of adaptation (Cooper
cellular proteins is reduced or shut down. et al., 1999). Eisemann et al. (1990) listed
This process is detectable within minutes of three ways of dealing with GEI in a breeding
the onset of stress (Ougham and Howarth, programme: (i) ignoring them, i.e. using
1988). HSPs are induced at different tem- genotypic means across environments even
peratures in different species. The rule of when GEI exists; (ii) avoiding them; or (iii)
thumb is that temperature must be ~10°C exploiting them. Interactions should not be
higher than the optimal temperature for a ignored when they are significant and of the
particular species. crossover type.
The second way of dealing with these
Oxidative stress interactions, i.e. avoiding them, involves
minimizing the impact of significant inter-
A common feature of different stress factors actions. One approach is to group similar
is an increased production of reactive oxy- environments (forming mega-environments)
gen species in plant tissues, but their mode via a cluster analysis. With environments
of action varies depending on whether being more or less homogeneous, genotypes
oxidants are generated outside (e.g. by evaluated in them would not be expected to
oxidizing air pollutants) or inside (e.g. high show crossover interactions. By clustering
radiation, low temperatures or nutrient environments, potentially useful informa-
deficiency) a plant cell (Polle and Rennen- tion may be lost. International research cen-
berg, 1993). It is important to understand tres, such as the International Maize and
both the mode of action of different stress Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), aim
factors and the critical physiological prop- to identify maize and wheat genotypes with
erties that limit ameliorative mechanisms at broad adaptation (i.e. stable performance
the subcellular level (Polle and Rennenberg, across diverse environments) at many inter-
1993). national sites. Such an objective cannot
Scandalios (1990) summarized plant be achieved by restricting (clustering) test
responses to environmental stress, pointing environments.
out that activated oxygen species (endo- The third approach encompasses
genous – by-products of normal metabolism stability of performance across diverse
– and exogenous – triggered by environmen- environments by analysing and interpreting
tal factors) were highly reactive molecules genotypic and environmental differences.
capable of causing extensive damage to plant This approach allows researchers to select
cells. The effects of oxidative stress can genotypes with consistent performance,
range from simple inhibition of enzyme identify the causes of GEI and provide the
function to the production of random lesions opportunity to correct the problem. When
in proteins and nucleic acids and the the cause for the unstable performance of a
peroxidation of membrane lipids. Loss of genotype is known, either the genotype can
membrane integrity can cause decreased be improved by genetic means or a proper
mitochondrial and chloroplast functions, environment (inputs and management) can
which, in turn, can lower the plant’s ability be provided to enhance its productivity.
to fix carbon and to properly utilize the A genotype that performs consistently
resulting products (Scandalios, 1990). This (high-yielding) across many environments
decrease in metabolic efficiency results in would possibly possess broad-based, dura-
reduced yield. ble resistances/tolerances to the biotic and

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abiotic environmental factors that it encoun- and D on either DG or GEI. The formulae of
tered during development. The more the groups A and B represent sums of squares
breeders know about the crop environment, and those of groups C and D represent
the better job they can do of judiciously tar- a regression coefficient or deviation from
geting appropriate cultivars to production regression. They integrated type 1, type 2
environments. and type 3 stabilities with the four groups:
In the next section, the concepts of group A was regarded as type 1, groups B and
stability are presented. A methodology for C as type 2, and group D as type 3 stability.
identifying stable genotypes and environ- In type 3 stability, a genotype is regarded
mental factors that may be responsible for as stable if the residual mean square from
stable or unstable performance is also given. the regression model on the environmental
index is small (Lin et al., 1986). Lin and
Binns (1988) proposed the type 4 stability
Concepts of stability concept on the basis of predictable and
unpredictable non-genetic variation: the
Stability is a central keyword for plant predictable component is related to loca-
breeders analysing GE data. A simple tions and the unpredictable component
corresponding statistical term is ‘dispersion is related to years. Lin and Binns (1988)
around a central value’ (Denis et al., 1996a). suggested the use of a regression approach
There are two concepts of stability: static for the predictable portion and the mean
and dynamic. The static concept means that square for years within locations for each
a genotype has a stable performance across genotype as a measure of the unpredictable
environments and there is no among- variation. The latter was called the type 4
environment variance. This would mean stability statistic.
that a genotype would not respond to high
levels of inputs, such as fertilizer. This type
of stability would not be beneficial for Stability statistics
the farmer, and it has been referred to as
the biological concept of stability (Becker, Plant breeding can exploit wide adaptation
1981), which is equivalent to Lin et al.’s by selecting genotypes that yield well
(1986) type 1 stability. In type 1 stability, a across large geographical areas or mega-
genotype is regarded as stable if its among- environments (Witcombe, 2001). Mega-
environment variance is small. environments are broad (frequently dis-
The dynamic concept means that a continuous transcontinental) areas that are
genotype has a stable performance, but, for characterized by similar biotic and abiotic
each environment, its performance corre- stresses, cropping-system requirements and
sponds to the estimated level or predicted consumer preferences (Witcombe, 2001).
level. There would be agreement between Several methods have been developed to
the estimated or predicted level and the analyse GEI and to select genotypes that
level of actual performance (Becker and perform consistently across many environ-
Leon, 1988). This concept has been referred ments (Lin et al., 1986; Becker and Leon,
to as the agronomic concept (Becker, 1981), 1988; Kang, 1990; Kang and Gauch, 1996;
which is equivalent to Lin et al.’s (1986) type Weber et al., 1996). The earliest approach
2 stability. In type 2, a genotype is regarded was the linear regression analysis (Mooers,
as stable if its response to environments 1921; Yates and Cochran, 1938). Finlay and
is parallel to the mean response of all Wilkinson (1963), Eberhart and Russell
genotypes in a test. (1966) and Tai (1971) popularized varia-
Lin et al. (1986) defined four groups of tions of the regression approach, assuming
stability statistics. Group A is based on devi- an expected linear response of yield to
ation from the average genotype effect (DG), environments. The merits and demerits of
group B on the GEI term (GEI) and groups C several methods were discussed by Kang

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and Miller (1984). Kang et al. (1987b) (rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true)
concluded that Shukla’s (1972) stability and type II errors (accepting the null hypo-
variance and Wricke’s (1962) ecovalence thesis when it is false) relative to selection
were equivalent methods and they ranked on the basis of yield alone (conventional
genotypes identically for stability (rank cor- method (CM)) and that on the basis of yield
relation coefficient = 1.00). These types of and stability. Simultaneous selection for
measures are useful to breeders and agrono- yield and stability reduces the probability of
mists, as they provide the contribution of committing type II errors (probability = β).
each genotype to total GEI. They can also Generally, type II errors constitute the most
be used to evaluate testing locations by serious risk for growers (Glaz and Dean,
identifying those locations with a similar 1988; Johnson et al., 1992). The combined
GEI pattern (Glaz et al., 1985). Other statisti- rate of committing a type II error for simulta-
cal methods that have received significant neous selection for yield and stability will be
attention are pattern analysis (DeLacy et al., the product of β for comparisons of overall
1996), the AMMI model (Gauch and Zobel, yield mean and β for comparisons of GEI
1996), the shifted multiplicative model means.
(SHMM) (Cornelius et al., 1996; Crossa Several methods of simultaneous selec-
et al., 1996), the non-parametric methods of tion for yield and stability and relationships
Hühn (1996), which are based on cultivar among them were discussed by Kang and
ranks, the probability of outperforming a Pham (1991). The development and use
check (Eskridge, 1996) and Kang’s rank-sum of the yield–stability statistic (YSi) demon-
method (Kang, 1988, 1993b). The methods strated the significance and rationale of
of Hühn (1996) and Kang (1988, 1993b) incorporating stability in selecting geno-
integrate yield and stability into one statis- types tested across a range of environments
tic that can be used as a selection criterion. (Kang, 1993b). A QBASIC computer pro-
Dashiell et al. (1994) evaluated the gram (STABLE) for calculating this statistic
usefulness of several stability statistics for was developed and is available free of charge
simultaneously selecting for high yield and (Kang and Magari, 1995).
stability of performance in soybean. Fern- The stability component in YSi is
andez (1991) also evaluated stability statis- based on Shukla’s (1972) stability-variance
tics for similar purposes. Recently, Flores statistic (σi2). Shukla (1972) partitioned
et al. (1998) and Hussein et al. (2000) con- GEI into components, one corresponding to
ducted comparative evaluations of 22 and 15 each genotype, and referred to it as stability
stability statistics/methods, respectively. variance. Lin et al. (1986) classified σi2 as
type 2 stability, meaning that it was a relative
measure dependent on genotypes included
Simultaneous selection for yield and stability in a particular test. Pazdernik et al. (1997)
analysed soybean seed yield, protein and oil
Growers would prefer to use a high-yielding concentrations and stability statistics. They
cultivar that performs consistently from year concluded that Hühn’s rank-based S 1i and S i2
to year (temporal adaptation) and might be statistics and Kang’s YSi statistic could be
willing to sacrifice some yield if they are used by breeders to select parents to improve
guaranteed, to some extent, that a cultivar protein concentration and stability by com-
would produce consistently from year to bining stable high-yielding lines with stable
year (Kang et al., 1991). high-protein lines. They further suggested
Kang (1993b) discussed the motivation that the same statistics could be used by
for emphasizing stability in the selection consultants and variety-testing personnel to
process. He enumerated the consequences to aid in making recommendations to soybean
growers of researchers’ committing type I producers.

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Genotype–Environment Interaction 231

Covariates and stability information, thus yielding a more specific

risk assessment.
Yield stability or GEI for yield is a complex Methods of assessing the contributions
issue. Yield stability depends on plant of weather variables and other factors
characteristics, such as resistance to pests (covariates) that contribute to GEI are
and tolerance to environmental stress fac- available (Shukla, 1972; Denis, 1988; van
tors. By determining factors responsible for Eeuwijk et al., 1996; Magari et al., 1997).
GEI or stability/instability, breeders can Contributions of different environmental
improve cultivar stability. If instability was variables to GEI have been reported by
caused by susceptibility to a disease, breed- several researchers (Saeed and Francis,
ing for resistance to that disease should 1984; Gorman et al., 1989; Kang and
reduce losses in disease-inducing environ- Gorman, 1989; Kang et al., 1989; Rameau
ments and increase genotype stability. and Denis, 1992). Additional reports have
It is important to know the underlying appeared on the use of covariates in the past
causes of GEI (Kang, 1998; Haji and Hunt, 5 years (Magari et al., 1997; Vargas et al.,
1999). An observational description of GEI 2001; Yan and Hunt, 2001).
is not very useful unless one knows the In the following linear model, GEI is
elements that cause the environmental dif- explained in terms of the covariate used, as
ferentiation (Federer and Scully, 1993). The shown by Shukla (1972):
use of environmental variables as covariates
Yijk = µ + αi + θij + βk + bkzi + εijk (15.1)
was suggested and/or employed by several
researchers (Freeman and Perkins, 1971; where Yijk = observed trait value, µ = grand
Hardwick and Wood, 1972; Shukla, 1972; mean, αi = environmental effect, θij = blocks
Wood, 1976; Kang and Gorman, 1989; van within environments effect, βk = cultivar
Eeuwijk et al., 1996; Piepho et al., 1998). effect, bk = regression coefficient of the kth
Individual components of the environment genotype’s yield in different environments,
(rainfall, temperature, fertility, etc.), used zi = an environmental covariate and εijk =
as covariates in explaining GEI, can greatly experimental error.
increase the reliability of predictions rela- When a number of environmental
tive to cultivar performance. Environmental variables are considered, the combination of
characterization can be achieved directly, by two or more variables would remove more
measuring environmental variables, which heterogeneity from GEI than individual
can be physical, biological or nutritional, or variables do. Methods developed by van
indirectly, by measuring plant responses Eeuwijk et al. (1996) may be helpful for this
to capture the influence of environmental purpose. Magari et al. (1997) identified
conditions on plant performance (Brancourt- precipitation as the single most important
Hulmel et al., 2000). Winter-wheat data environmental factor that contributed to GEI
from Ontario revealed that January tempera- for ear-moisture loss rate in maize. They
tures, together with moisture supply before identified precipitation + growing degree-
anthesis, were associated with some of the days from planting to black-layer maturity
GEIs (Haji and Hunt, 1999). (GDD-BL) and relative humidity + GDD-BL
A fertility score was used as an environ- as the two-factor combinations that
mental covariate in Germany (Piepho, explained larger amounts of GEI.
2000a). This score, ranging between 0 and Vargas et al. (2001) found the most
100, incorporates several variables, includ- important variables that explained nitrogen
ing soil type and the geological age of parent (N)–year interaction to be minimum tem-
material. Piepho (2000a), who provided con- perature in January–March and maximum
fidence limits for estimated risks, argued temperature in April. Evaporation rates
that, if yield depends on environmental for December and April were important
covariates, risk for a specific environment covariates for describing tillage–year and
can be estimated on the basis of covariate summer crop–year interactions, whereas

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precipitation in December and sun hours genotype effects, W and α are, respectively,
in February explained year–manure inter- a design matrix for and a vector of environ-
action (Vargas et al., 2001). mental effects, U and θ are, respectively, a
design matrix for and a vector of replica-
tions within environment effects, Zk and ak
Stability variance for unbalanced data are, respectively, a design matrix for and
a vector of GEI effects and ε is the vector
of residuals. Equation (15.3) can be solved
Plant breeders often deal with unbalanced
using Henderson’s (1975) MME. The levels
data. Searle (1987) classified unbalanced-
of random factors are generally assumed to
ness as planned unbalanced data and
be independent.
missing observations. Both categories of
The restricted maximum-likelihood
unbalancedness may occur, but planned
(REML) methodology is generally preferred
unbalancedness (a situation when, for
to maximum-likelihood estimates because it
different reasons, one does not have data for
considers the degrees of freedom for fixed
all genotypes in all environments) is more
effects for calculating error. The calculation
difficult to handle. Researchers have used
of REML stability variances for unbalanced
different approaches for studying GEI in
data allows one to obtain a reliable estimate
unbalanced data (Freeman, 1975; Pedersen
of stability parameters, and overcomes the
et al., 1978; Zhang and Geng, 1986; Gauch
difficulties of manipulating unbalanced data
and Zobel, 1990; Rameau and Denis, 1992;
(Kang and Magari, 1996).
Piepho, 1994). Usually environmental
effects are considered as random and
cultivar effects as fixed. Inference on
random effects using least squares, in the Testing and Breeding Strategies
case of unbalanced data, is not appropriate
because information on variation among The best approach for breeders and geneti-
random effects is not incorporated (Searle, cists would be to understand the nature and
1987). For this reason, mixed model causes of GEI and to try to minimize its
equations (MMEs) are recommended deleterious implications and exploit its
(Henderson, 1975). beneficial potential through appropriate
The values of Shukla’s (1972) σi2 can be breeding, genetic and statistical methodolo-
negative because they are calculated as the gies (Kang and Gauch, 1996). Appropriate
differences of two statistically dependent analyses of data can provide an opportunity
sums of squares, which is a negative feature for exploiting GEI using applied analytical
of this approach. Computation of σi2 is methods, such as AMMI, the use of climatic
impossible from unbalanced data, but factors in explaining GEI and the evaluation
genotypek–environment variance compo- of risk of production and the optimal alloca-
nents (σ2g(k)e) can be estimated using the tion of land resources to various genotypes
maximum likelihood approach. The general for selection in heterogeneous environments
linear model for randomized complete- (Singh et al., 1999). Some of the important
block-design experiments conducted in strategies for accomplishing this are out-
different environments is: lined below.

Yijk = µ + αi + θij + βk + γik + εijk (15.2)

Using matrix notation, Equation (15.2) can Breeding for resistance/tolerance to stresses
be written as:
Resistance or tolerance to any type of stress,
y = 1µ + Xβ + Wα + Uθ + ΣkZkak + ε (15.3)
biotic or abiotic, is essential for stable
where y = vector of observed yield data, performance (Khush, 1993; Duvick, 1996).
1 = vector of ones, X = design matrix for Sources of increased crop productivity
fixed effects (genotypes), β = vector of include enhanced yield potential, heterosis,

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Genotype–Environment Interaction 233

modified plant types, improved yield understanding and possible regulation of

stability, gene pyramiding and exotic and this phenomenon. Regions of plant genomes
transgenic germ-plasm (Khush, 1993). It is that provide stable responses across diverse
important to identify the factor(s) that are environments can be identified by deter-
responsible for GEI. If interaction is caused mining the linkage of QTL to RFLPs, which
by European corn-borer (ECB) damage, a should make it possible for breeders to
gene conferring resistance to ECB (e.g. the manipulate QTL in the same fashion as
Bt gene) could be inserted into one of single genes that control qualitative traits.
the two inbred parents of the susceptible Wang et al. (1999) reported a new methodol-
genotype. ogy based on mixed linear models to map
Brancourt-Hulmel (1999) used crop QTL with digenic epistasis and QEIs. Reli-
diagnosis with the analysis of interaction able estimates of QTL main effects (additive
by factorial regression in wheat. She pro- and epistatic effects) can be obtained with
vided an agronomic explanation of GEI and the maximum-likelihood estimation method,
defined responses or parameters for each and QEI effects (additive–environment inter-
genotype and each environment. Earliness at action and epistatic effects–environment
heading, susceptibility to powdery mildew, interaction) can be obtained with the best
and susceptibility to lodging were the major linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) method
factors responsible for GEI. In the same study (Wang et al., 1999).
(Brancourt-Hulmel, 1999), factorial regres- It is highly desirable to identify QTL
sion revealed that water deficits during the for a complex trait (say, high yield) that
formation of grain number and N level also is expressed in a number of environments.
were associated with GEI. Crossa et al. (1999) found that higher maxi-
To alleviate GEI concerns caused by mum temperature in low- and intermedi-
stresses, breeders need to know as much ate-altitude sites affected the expression of
about the various characteristics of geno- some QTL, whereas minimum temperature
types as possible. They also need to charac- affected the expression of other QTL, in
terize environments as fully as possible. tropical maize. Jiang et al. (1999) used
Knowledge of soil characteristics and ranges molecular markers to investigate adaptation
of weather variables and stresses that plant differences between highland and lowland
materials will be exposed to is a prerequisite tropical maize. They concluded that breed-
to exploiting the beneficial potentials of ing for broad thermal adaptation should
the genotypes and environments and to be possible by pooling genes showing
targeting appropriate cultivars to specific adaptation to specific thermal regimes,
environments. albeit at the expense of reduced progress
Economically important characters in for specific adaptation. Molecular marker-
crop species are generally quantitative assisted selection would be an ideal tool for
in nature. For improving quantitative traits, this task because it could reduce linkage
breeders need to know what genetic factors drag caused by the unintentional transfer of
are involved, where they are located on undesirable traits (Jiang et al., 1999).
chromosomes and what type of inheritance
they exhibit. Recent advances in molecular
genetics have provided some of the best tools
for obtaining insights into the molecular Breeding for stability/reliability
mechanisms associated with GEI. Molecular of performance
markers, such as restriction fragment length
polymorphisms (RFLPs), can be employed Evans (1993) pointed to the need for devel-
to find genomic regions with stable responses. oping new cultivars with broad adaptation
Molecular markers have paved the way for to a number of diverse environments
investigating the QTL–environment inter- (selection for adaptability) and to the need
action (QEI) (Beavis and Keim, 1996), which of farmers to use new cultivars with reliable
will ultimately provide a better genetic or consistent performance from year to year

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(reliability). Smith et al. (1990) pointed out Therefore, extensive cultivar testing across
that genetic improvement for low-input years is a precursor to cultivar development.
conditions would require capitalizing on Stability of cultivars would be
GEI and that slower or limited gains in enhanced if multiple resistances/tolerances
low-input or stress environments suggested to stress factors were incorporated into the
that conventional high-input management germ-plasm used for cultivar development.
of breeding nurseries and evaluation trials If every cultivar (different genotypes) pos-
might not effectively select genotypes with sessed equal resistance/tolerance to every
improved performance at low-input levels. major stress encountered in diverse target
This viewpoint is also highlighted by environments, GEI would be reduced. Con-
Ceccarelli et al. (2001). Because of the suc- versely, if genotypes possessed differential
cesses in favourable environments, plant levels of resistance (a heterogeneous group)
breeders have tried to solve the problems of and, somehow, we could make all target
poor farmers living in unfavourable envi- environments as homogeneous as possible,
ronments by simply extending the same GEI would again be reduced. Since we do
methodologies and philosophies applied not have any control over unpredictable
to favourable, high-potential environments, environments from year to year, the best
without considering the possible limita- approach would be the former.
tions associated with the presence of a large Stability analyses can be used to iden-
GEI (Ceccarelli et al., 2001). Selection in tify durable resistance to disease pathogens
good environments is favoured because it is (Jenns et al., 1982). If a cultivar–pathogen-
believed that heritabilities are higher there isolate interaction exists, it would be neces-
than in poor environments (Blum, 1988). sary to identify a cultivar that has general
Singh and Ceccarelli (1995) suggested, how- resistance instead of specific resistance.
ever, that there was no relationship between Kang et al. (1987a) examined whether
yield level and magnitude of heritability. stability of one trait was correlated with
Rosielle and Hamblin (1981) examined stability of another trait. If the stability
theoretical aspects of selection for yield in (stability variance, ecovalence or any other
stress and non-stress environments. They stability statistic) of two traits were reason-
showed that selection for tolerance to stress ably well, positively correlated, concurrent
generally reduced mean yield in non-stress selection for stabilities of the two traits
environments and that selection for mean might be possible.
productivity generally increased mean
yields in both stress and non-stress environ-
ments. Bramel-Cox (1996) reviewed relevant
literature on breeding for reliability of per- Measure interaction at intermediate
formance in unpredictable environments. growth stages
To be reliable, a stability statistic must
be based on a large number of environments A crop is exposed to variable environmental
(more than ten). Information on stability can factors throughout the growing season. Gen-
usually be obtained in the final stages of a erally, researchers investigate the causes of
breeding programme, when replicated tests GEI at the final harvest stage. To critically
are conducted. From the standpoint of indi- investigate GEI, one may need to record
vidual growers, stability across years (tem- environmental variables and plant-growth
poral) is most important. A breeder could measurements at weekly intervals. This
test cultivars or lines for 10–15 years and would help determine what effect, if any,
identify those that have temporal stability. the environmental variables from an earlier
Crosses could then be made among the most period had on GEI at intermediary stages
stable cultivars to develop source material and on final yield. This may provide a
(germ-plasm) that would be utilized for better understanding of the dynamic
developing inbred lines or pure lines. process of yield formation.

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Genotype–Environment Interaction 235

Early multienvironment testing efficiency for five plants per plot in four
replications and three planting dates was
Usually, there is a shortage of seed at the equivalent to that for the benchmark proto-
earliest stages of breeding, which prevents col. A relative efficiency of 100% could also
extensive testing. However, in a clonally be achieved with a sample of four planting
propagated crop, such as sugarcane or dates, three replications and three to four
potato, one stalk of sugarcane or one tuber plants per plot. When the number of replica-
of potato can be divided into at least two tions was increased to four in each of four
pieces and planted in more than one envi- planting dates, only two plants per plot were
ronment. Similarly, in other crops, if only needed to achieve a relative efficiency of
20 kernels are available, one could plant ten 100%. The number of planting dates (envi-
seeds each in two diverse environments. In ronments) was found to be a critical factor in
the absence of a GEI, one would obtain a determining the precision of an experiment.
better evaluation of the genotypes, but, if
GEI was present, one would obtain informa-
tion about the consistency or inconsistency Future Prospects
of performance of genotypes early in the
programme. This strategy would prevent With the increasing impact of molecular
gene loss or genetic erosion, which could biology on breeding and genetics, we are
occur if testing was done in only one at the dawn of molecular plant breeding.
environment, and would also result in Molecular approaches are being incorpo-
an increased breeding effort without a rated at various levels in crop-breeding
corresponding increase in expenditure of programmes. I expect that molecular
resources. biology (including molecular genetics, bio-
chemistry and plant physiology) will play
an enhanced role in breeding crop species
Optimal resource allocation and overcoming the constraints imposed on
genotypes by their interaction with envir-
GEI can be employed to judiciously allocate onmental factors. For example, cloning of
resources in a breeding programme (Pandey genes for cold tolerance obtained from cold-
and Gardner, 1992; Magari et al., 1996). tolerant plant species and insertion of these
Carter et al. (1983) estimated that, at a genes into cold-sensitive crop species could
low level of treatment–environment inter- overcome stress imposed by a cold climate
action (10% of error variance), testing in on the latter. Physiology will also increase
at least two environments was necessary our knowledge of signal transduction in
to detect treatment differences of 20% and plants in response to environmental cues.
it required at least seven environments to The area of QEI has seen vigorous growth
detect smaller (10%) treatment differences in the past 10 years. This issue is expected to
for growth-analysis experiments in soy- continue to expand and further investiga-
bean. With a larger magnitude of inter- tions will contribute to our understanding
action, a larger number of environments of the complex relationship between crop
would be needed for a given level of performance and the environment. Theory
precision in treatment differences. for QEI has lagged behind, but progress is
Magari et al. (1996) used multienviron- being made in this area (Van Eeuwijk et al.,
ment (different planting dates) data for ear- Chapter 16, this volume). Applied research,
moisture loss rate in maize, which exhibited such as that of Moutiq et al. (Chapter 17, this
planting-date–genotype interaction. The rel- volume), will contribute much to the under-
ative efficiency for the benchmark protocol standing of the QEI.
(11 plants per replication, three replications Statistical models for handling GEI data,
and three planting dates) was regarded as especially mixed-model analyses, are being
the reference value (100%). The relative advanced. The work of Smith et al. (Chapters

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236 M.S. Kang

21 and 22, this volume) and Crossa and planting material that is closely in line with
Cornelius (Chapter 20, this volume) on farmers’ needs, more quickly than is pos-
AMMI and sites regression model (SREG), of sible through conventional plant breeding.
Van Eeuwijk et al. (Chapter 16, this volume) Participatory plant breeding can make a real
on regression and of Balzarini (Chapter 23, contribution to supporting farmers’ efforts
this volume) on mixed models (best linear to maintain a wide range of crop varieties
unbiased estimate (BLUE) and BLUP) repre- on-farm (Cromwell and Van Oosterhout,
sent important trends for the future. 2000). Duvick (2002) envisions that the
The GGE biplot technique, which has farmer-breeders (acting either as individuals
been popularized by Yan and Hunt (Chapter or in associations, such as communities) and
19, this volume), is a versatile statistical/ their non-governmental organization (NGO)
quantitative genetic methodology. GGE partners would produce varieties with
biplot methods not only dissect GEI and QEI utility in farming systems that are not well
but also aid in analysing genotype–trait served (or not served at all) by formal plant
data, genotype–marker data and diallel- breeding, either public or private. Decentral-
cross data. The use of this methodology is ization (participatory plant breeding) is
expected to expand worldwide in the next essential for exploiting specific adaptation
decade. fully and making positive use of GEI
Annicchiarico (Chapter 24, this volume) (Ceccarelli et al., 2001).
proposes the use of artificial environments
to aid in selecting for adaptability. Accord-
ing to him, assessing the value of a specific
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and safeguarding the biodiversity of culti- tion patterns and definition of macro-
vated material can contribute to food secu- environments for selection and recommen-
rity and enhance the effect of this strategy by dation of common wheat genotypes in Italy.
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In: Cavalier-Smith, T. (ed.) The Evolution of
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icipatory plant breeding is expected to Proceedings of the Second International Con-
expand, especially in developing countries. ference on Quantitative Genetics. Sinauer,
This should help broaden the genetic base Sunderland, Massachusetts, pp. 492–504.
of crops and stabilize food production as Baker, R.J. (1990) Crossover genotype–
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wheat. In: Kang, M.S. (ed.) Genotype-by-
and using locally adapted crop varieties that
Environment Interaction and Plant Breeding.
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received as much emphasis in Africa as it Basford, K.E. and Tukey, J.W. (1999) Graphical
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Genotype–Environment Interaction 237

Beavis, W.D. and Keim, P. (1996) Identification of Ceccarelli, S., Grando, S., Amri, A., Asaad, F.A.,
quantitative trait loci that are affected by Benbelkacem, A., Harrabi, M., Maatougui,
environment. In: Kang, M.S. and Gauch, M., Mekni, M.S., Mimoun, H., El-Einen, R.A.,
H.G., Jr (eds) Genotype-by-Environment El-Felah, M., El-Sayed, A.F., Shreidi, A.S.
Interaction. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, and Yahyaoui, A. (2001) Decentralized and
pp. 123–149. participatory plant breeding for marginal
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