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Related Work

This section consists of recent related work. The authors in [10], work on the load balancing
technique named as dragonfly algorithm. This algorithm performs efficiently than other
algorithms in term of processing time and task allocation. The authors in [11], implements the
self-similarity based technique for load balancing. The authors compare this algorithm with
various others algorithms and results show that this algorithm outperforms other techniques. In
[12], the authors proposed an algorithm named as cloud load balancing and by comparing with
other algorithms results shows that this technique performs better than others algorithms.
In [13], authors implement bacterial foraging algorithm and social spider algorithm. Results
show that social spider optimization algorithm performs better in term of user comfort and peak
to average ratio. The authors in [14], implements Harmony Search and Firefly algorithms.
Comparison results with other algorithms demonstrate that Harmony Search algorithm
outperforms other techniques in term of electricity cost and peak to average ratio.
In [15], the authors proposed the Harmony Search algorithm and to evaluate the result
of harmony algorithm authors uses social spider algorithm. The proposed algorithm
performs well in reducing the peak to average ration and electricity bill. The authors in
[16], implement a semi-online framework to reduce the wastage of resources. The
algorithm uses bin packing to map tasks to machines. The authors in [17] use MSLBL
technique. The proposed algorithm preallocate tasks to minimize the scheduling length.
The results demonstrate that MSLBL in various condition reduces the scheduling length
of tasks.
Due to the rapid increase of Internet of things devices computation power of smart grid is
adversely affected so a centralize cloud-based platform is presented [6]. Request response time
and data storage have become a critical issue from the past few decades, to manage this fog
computing concept is presented [7]. Fog act as a middle layer between the end-user and the cloud
[8] that allocate resources closer to the end-user which optimize the response time. A large
number of users are utilizing cloud and fog services so the load balancing issue arises [9].
Various load balancing algorithms are used in this paper to manage a large number of requests.
This paper has the following contribution:
As fogs are placed near to the end-users, fog provides low latency and respond faster as compare
to the cloud. Provides better allocation of resources and optimize load in the on-peak hour
System Model
The proposed system model is consists of a cloud and fog based environment. Fog includes
various hardware and software resources. Fog act as a middle layer between users and the cloud.
Fog responsibility is to manage users request that comes from the variable region of the world
including electricity demand and reduce the load on the cloud. In this section, a system model
with three layer architecture ie. cloud layer, consumer layer and fog layer is proposed. These
three layers are interlinked with each other to share information.
The end-user layer contains two clusters of buildings with multiple homes. Requests coming
from the building are sent to fog through the smart meter. When fog receives request it looks for
the nearest MG and establishes communication with MG to fulfil users demand. If MG has the
capacity to fulfil the demand then respond back to respective fog otherwise fog send the request
to the cloud to search other MG. Fog encompass various VMs to manage request and provide
services with optimized response time.
Fog is an extension of the cloud which manages user requests and acts as the intermediate layer
between consumer and cloud layer. Each cluster is connected with fog. Fog layer retains data
temporarily and to store data permanently fog send the request to the cloud. Fog is closer to the
end-users and provides the same services as the cloud. In this manner, end-users get services
with low delay time. Fog contains virtual machines to process user requests. MGs are connected
with fogs, users send the request to fog to get energy from MG.
The cloud layer contains remote servers to provide on-demand processing and management of
data. Fogs are interlinked with the cloud. Fogs store user data temporarily and for permanent
storage of data, fog sends the request to cloud.
The world is comprised of six regions as shown in table 2. In this paper, region 2 and 3 i.e.
Europe and Asia are assumed because these regions contain a dense population and load
balancing issues arise in these regions. Each region contains two fog and fog are connected with
the cluster of buildings. In this system model, various load balancing algorithms are used which
are discussed below.
Problem Formulation

Round Robin
Round Robin algorithm store entry of user request with respect to time in the
form of a table. Roun Robin uses time sharing technique to allocate virtual
machine resources to tasks one after the other to maintain the balance of
multiple requests on virtual machines.
Throttle algorithm comprises the index table which retains the information of
virtual machine and allocates requests to that virtual machine that has the
capacity to fulfil end-user demand. Data centre controller receives the request
and is then sent to the load balancer to allocate virtual machine. From the index
table, load balancer search for the available virtual machine and allocate the
virtual machine to respective tasks.
Active virtual machine
The request sent to fog is received by the data centre and kept in queue. The data
centre checks the availability of the virtual machine. If the virtual machine is
available then the virtual machine is assigned to user tasks and the request is
dequeued from the list. The virtual machine after performing tasks become
available to perform another task.
Particle Swarm Optimization
PSO is a metaheuristic self-adaptive technique for load balancing. In PSO
algorithm solutions are known as particle and population is known as the swarm.
Each particle in PSO consists of fitness value through which fitness function is
evaluated. Each particle has a particular position in the entire group. This
algorithm is used to allocate users requests.

Odds Algorithm
The odds algorithm use optimal stopping technique to search the virtual machine
that can available to perform useful tasks. In odds technique, virtual machines are
checked one by one and stop on the first virtual machine that has enough
capacity to perform tasks.
Ant Colony
ACO algorithm finds the suitable path from large range by seeking the optimal
path. In real-world ants roam to find food and after finding food ants return back
to their colony by laying down a pheromone track. The other following ants follow
the same path to find food by searching the shortest path.

[13] Ali, Waqar, et al. "Home Energy Management Using Social Spider and Bacterial Foraging
Algorithm." International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems. Springer, Cham, 2017.
[14] Rehman, Anwar Ur, et al. "Efficient Energy Management System Using Firefly and Harmony Search
Algorithm." International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and
Applications. Springer, Cham, 2017.


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