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far-flung (adj)
hardened its stance
fall apart like a house of cards
went into a coughing fit
prime the pump
delve into something
spurned lover
hold up to scrutiny
put you through the wringer
reflects badly on
give you some leeway
got spooked by
keep in mind
real chatterbox
can’t get a word in edgewise with you
hold that thought
save my neck
I’m through with you
Dispense with your pleasantries
Welch on a bet

Sheep bleating
Chicken clucks
In the service of my obsession
I’ve served my interests very well
Throwing a bone
Touch base with
Yoke of soviet opression
Spangle – small glittering material that is sewn on clothing for decoration
Bite your head off
Hold up your end of the bargain
He is into me for 20 grand
Gusher – effusive
Trickler – trickle down
Dribs and drabs
There is bad blood between us
I feel camaradarie with you
In some respect
Social graces
In the sack
To be beside oneself
Real gut c heck
On my end
He is not one for something
I am not much on war stories
There is no way around this
I hear ya
Train wheels clacking crossing bells clanging
Switch clicking and whirring sound
Glass clatters
Bottle clinks
Keys clattering
I’m stuffed
pick up on something
ramp up to something
wayward – obstinate, stubborn, willful
we'll never see eye to eye on it
he's coming to his own
savoire faire
run in different circles
horse neighs
stigmatizing the afflicted
nip it in the bud
out of turn
malingerer, idler, slacker, shirker
gutter mouth
scourges and flays
keep him in the dark
stymied outside a saloon
get trampled
I'm in a quandary
turn a trick
loopy cunt
hoi polloi - common masses
kick her in the keister
backing over someone
get bent
lippy and twitchy
skeezy bar bags
I'm thrilled about it
mellow out
nutbag, wackadoo, head case
bring someone down
stroke out
snarky, snide
it's a thinker
blew it off
board up
bank a little goodwill
when hell freezes over
arboretum – a botanical garden devoted to trees
canopy – the upppermost branches of the trees in a forest, forming a more or less
continuous layer of foliage
shake sb down – an act of swindling someone or extorting money
lollygag – spend time aimlessly, idle
you sold me out
knock-off – a copy or imitation, especially of an expensive product
skulk around
take a potshot at – to shoot at someone or something.
Cluster fuck
lighten up on somebody
ease up on it
sinewy – muscular
pawn off
overplayed his hand a little bit
dink or dinky
movie bigwig
let me build up to it
that pretty much sums up our position
cop a feel
I totally started bawling
dither – to be indecisive
commiserate – express sympathy
gives me the runs
in droves
get a lay of the land
hunker down
she unleashed on me
political creed
turn the page on something
at times to the chagrin of her ally
anodyne – not likely to cause offence or disagreement and somewhat dull
winnow down
faustian bargain
across the spectrum
kicked the hornet's nest
a stone's throw from the station
ex-gratia payments
fly the coop
whooping it up
don't cause a ruckus
blow back
They're going to fight this tooth and nail
she'll go ballistic
a groundswell of
opposition developed
it was garbage
go tits up / dead in the water
pick up steam
play favourites
get into the weeds
ax to grind
get weak on someone
political fallout
shore things up
take advantage of a bump in the road
make inroads into
a little verbose
to use the parlance of the spec writers
abdicate us from the responsibility in the area
knock-on effect – secondary, indirect or cumulative effect
bleeding-edge – the very forefront of technological development
alarm blaring over speakers
antithetical – directly opposed or contrasted, mutually incompatible
across the board
real workhorses
stop bandying about such language
I cannot attest to its value
scorns the values and alliances that underpins the american influence
sing his praises to the skies
farther afield
If a debt that is settled for “pennies on the dollar”, it means that the creditor
has accepted much less than the original amount.
posse – a group of people with a common characteristic or occupation
blight - a state or condition being blighted
scourge - something causing misery or death
largesse - generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others.
Hush up
dicker with sth – bargain with someone/ something, haggle with sth
make eyes at someone
giving someone hot pants
cutup - :a person who behaves in a silly way and tries to make other people laugh.
Gung-ho - unthinkingly enthusiastic and eager, especially about taking part in
fighting or warfare.
Spitballing – to throw a suggestion out for discussion
leave some place in a huff. - in an offended manner
patsy - a person who is easily taken advantage of, especially by being cheated or
blamed for something.
That should take the sting out of all this
out of sorts
I'm terribly adrift - floating without being either moored or steered.
Coquette - a flirtatious woman.
Sourpuss – a bad-tempered or habitually sullen person
spastic - relating to or affected by muscle spasm.
Rustle up – to make, find, or prepare something quickly - rustle up
some scrambled eggs
snarky – snide and sharply critical
flagging – languid and week; becoming progressively less
reefer – a refrigerated lorry
hive off. phrasal verb. If someone hives
off part of a business, they transfer it to
new ownership, usually by selling it. [mainly British]
scion – a descendent of a notable family
coterie, clique
evince – reveal the presence of (a quality or feeling); indicate
approbation – approval or praise
heritable – transmissible from parent to offspring
dour – relentlessly severe, stern, or gloomy in manner or appearance
oaf – a man who is clumsy and unintelligent
after a fashion – in a way
unbesmirched – unstained, dishonored, discredited, undefiled
browbeat - intimidate (someone), typically into doing something, with stern or
abusive words.
Swoon – faint
kook – one whose actions and ideas are eccentric, fantastic or insane
screwball – a whimsical, eccentric or crazy person, zany
geld – castrate, deprive of vitality of vigour
dispense with sth
in the middle of the act
recuse oneself - remove (oneself) from participation to avoid a conflict of
open to interpretation
squalid – marked by filthiness and degradation from neglect or poverty
usury – the action or practice of lending money at unreasonably high rates of
profligacy - reckless extravagance or wastefulness in the use of resources.
Glower - have an angry or sullen look on one's face; scowl.
Whinging - complain persistently and in a peevish or irritating way.
Physical tells - an unconscious action that is thought to betray an attempted
Blackball - reject (a candidate applying to become a member of a private club),
typically by means of a secret ballot.
Ligature - a thing used for tying or binding something tightly.

Forgo - go without (something desirable), refrain from.

Newspapers are making hay
redacted - censor or obscure (part of a text) for legal or security purposes.
Jammed up - When you get busted by the cops or the feds and they decide to press
Pat down - an act of searching a person for concealed items such as weapons or
illegal drugs, made by passing the hands over their clothing.
Cooze - a woman, especially one regarded as sexually attractive or promiscuous.
Hammy – exaggerated or over-theatrical
she fits the profile
petulant - childishly sulky or bad-tempered.
I won't be party to this.
Eke out - : to get with great effort
sounder - a herd of wild swine.
Skewer - fasten together or pierce with a pin or skewer.
druthers - one's preference in a matter.
"if I had my druthers, I would prefer to be a writer"

Posit - put forward as fact or as a basis for argument.

Vagary -
an unexpected and inexplicable change in a situation or in someone's
He's acknowledged only vagaries
peckish – hungry

confetti - small pieces of coloured paper traditionally thrown over a bride and
bridegroom by their wedding guests after the marriage ceremony has taken place.

play hooky
hanky-panky / hokey-pokey / chicanery / skullduggery / subterfuge - behaviour, in
particular sexual or legally dubious behaviour, considered improper but not
seriously so.
lay off with smartass comments
play second fiddle
swan around – move around aimlessly
beholden - owing thanks or having a duty to someone in return for help or a
Bedridden and crippled with grief
profligate - recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources.
Deign - do something that one considers to be beneath one's dignity. to condescend
to give or offer - never so much as deigning a glance
untoward – unruly, intractable, adverse, unpropitious, improper, indecorous
show up on a whim
put you under
run afoul of something. to do something you are not allowed
to do, esp. breaking a rule or law: Foreigners who run
afoul of the law are punished severely.
Recounteur - a person who tells anecdotes in a skilful and amusing way.
Utterly and irrevocably
as of/from – used to indicate the time or date from which something starts
tubby, pudgy
hacknedyed - (of a phrase or idea) having been overused; unoriginal and trite.
Accost - approach and address (someone) boldly or aggressively.
Wonk - a person who takes an excessive interest in minor details of political
"he is a policy wonk in tune with a
younger generation of voters"

legarl fulcrum

cut the theatrics

overleveraged - (of a company) having taken on too much debt.
Heyday - the period of a person's or thing's greatest success, popularity,
activity, or vigour.
Wishy – washy : feeble or inspid in quality or character
get your bearings
trope, figure of speech, cliche
get your titties in a twist
commiserate - express or feel sympathy or pity; sympathize.
Semaphore - a system of sending messages by holding the arms or two flags or poles
in certain positions according to an alphabetic code.
Paragon - a person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality.
Petrify - to make rigid or inert like stone
stupefy - to make stupid, groggy, or insensible
stem (v) - to check or go counter to (something adverse) eg., Today, stemming the
plastic tide is a national imperative.
Patchy - irregular in appearance, makeup, or quality
war footing - the condition of being prepared to undertake or maintain war
eg., there has to be an effort on a war footing to
segregate it
scourge - whip; especially : one
used to inflict pain or punishment
upstage - divert attention from (someone) towards oneself.

Gangly - tall and thin and moving with a loose-jointed awkwardness

get things back on an even keel – regular and well-balanced and not likely to
change suddenly
gunk - filthy, sticky, or greasy matter
suave - smoothly though often superficially gracious and
struck out - smoothly though often superficially gracious
and sophisticated
manscape - The removal of excess body hair via waxing,
shaving, plucking. Also manscap - ing, ed
in a slump
adversity : a state or instance of serious or continued difficulty or
misfortune showing courage in the face of adversity
let you off the hook
I appealed to their sense of teamwork and camraderie with a rousing speech that
would put shakespeare to shame.
Ironclad: binding e.g., an ironclad case against the defendant
stifle : to withhold from circulation or expression
stifled our anger, are you stifling your yawn?
Thrive : to grow vigorously : flourish e.g., I'm wired to
thrive on dysfunction
fete (v) - to honor or commemorate with a fete (festival)
bogus – counterfeit, sham
I panicked and totally bailed
skeevy - morally or physically repulsive : disgusting,
skulk - to move in a stealthy or furtive manner
dalliance : a : play; especially :
amorous play
had dalliances with several women before getting married
b : frivolous action :
had a brief dalliance with acting
powwow - a meeting for discussion

croon : to sing or speak in a gentle murmuring manner

The mothercrooned as she rocked the baby.
; especially : to sing in a soft intimate manner
adapted to amplifying systems

checker : a : to variegate with different colors or shades

b : to vary with contrasting elements or situations

josh around : to tease good-naturedly : kid

rejoinder : reply; specifically : an

answer to a reply

souse : to make drunk

succubus : a demon assuming female form to have sexual intercourse with men in
their sleep

incubus : an evil spirit that lies on persons in their sleep esp one that has
sexual intercourse with women while they are sleeping

Vanquish: 1) to overcome in battle: subdue completely

2) to defeat in a conflict or contest
3) to gain mastery over (an emotion, passion, or temptation) <~ your fear> See
also: conquer

en masse : in a group; all together.

Enfant terrible : a child whose inopportune remarks cause embarrassment

slimeball : a repulsive or odious person
jack something up - raise something, especially a vehicle, with a jack.

Sobering reality

hang-up : an emotional problem or inhibition.



OUT OF EARSHOT - too far away to hear

kennel : a shelter for a dog or cat

teeter : to move unsteadily : wobble

b : waver, vacillate
teetered on the brink of bankruptcy

high-strung : extremely nervous or sensitive temperament

slack off : if someone slacks off, they stop working hard or putting
effort into something

reckoning - a settling of accounts

day of reckoning

chortle - to laugh or chuckle esp. in satisfaction or exultation vt to say or sing

with a chortling intonation

fluster: 1) to make tipsy

2) to put into a state of agitated confusion: upset vi to move or behave in an
agitated or confused manner See also: discompose

gambit : a remark intended to start a conversation or make a telling point syn:


strategem: a cleverly contrived trick or scheme for gaining an end syn: maneuver

co-opt : adopt (an idea or policy) for one's own use. a) to take into a group (as a
faction, movement, or culture): absorb, assimilate <the students are ~ed by a
system they serve even in their struggle against it A. C. Danto>
b) take over, appropriate <a style ~ed by advertisers
divert to or use in a role different from the usual or original one

portmanteau - a word or morpheme whose form and meaning are derived from a blending
of two or more distinct forms (as smog from smoke and fog)

wily : full of wiles : crafty

a wily negotiator

That's a grim commentary on the city we live in

Salvo : a spirited attack

the first salvo of a political campaign
buck up: : to become encouraged : brace up

: of, relating to, or characteristic of the devil : devilish

a diabolical plot

find something off

the deal is shot

catch wind of something

iffy : having many uncertain or unknown qualities or conditions

an iffyproposition

1: markedly distinct in quality or character
2: containing or made up of fundamentally different and often incongruous

step on (someone's) toes

US, informal
: to do something that upsets or offends (someone) You might step on some important
people's toes with this project.

1 archaic : clutch, grasp; broadly : control, mastery
2 : a pinching spasmodic intestinal pain —usually used in plural
3 : grievance, complaint Her main gripe was his utter lack of ambition

1 archaic : glib, talkative
2 : lacking proper respect or seriousness

Honestly, who gives a hoot!

rappel: to descend (as from a cliff) by sliding down a rope passed under one
thigh, across the body, and over the opposite shoulder or through a special
friction device

: having stripes or streaks

bellyaching: : to complain whiningly or peevishly : find fault

hyperventilate : breathe rapidly and deeply : undergo hyperventilation

lude : : a pill of methaqualone —usually used in plural

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