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Total water on earth: 100% Groundwater recharge

Sea water: 97.5% - water that replenishes aquifers
Fresh water: 2.5% - usually from surface water and precipitation
Total fresh water: 100% - happens when percolating water finally reaches the
Ice caps & glacier: 74% water table
Groundwater: 25.6%
Lakes, river etc.: 0.4%

Groundwater Groundwater movement

- Found in subsurface, inside pores within soil and - moves because of 2 factors: force and
rock permeability
- Much cleaner than surface water Age of groundwater
Groundwater Hydrology Ocean and seas – 4000yrs
- study of characteristics, movement, and occurrence Lakes and reservoirs – 10yrs
of water found below surface Swamps – 1-10yrs
Aquifers Rivers – 2weeks
- geologic unit that transmits water Soil moisture – 2weeks to 1yr
- each has its own piezometer surface (Used to map Groundwater – 2weeks to 10,000yrs
water levels) Icecaps & glacier – 10 to 1000yrs
Aquifers type: Atmospheric water – 10days
 Unconsolidated, consolidated, fractured
 Perched, unconfined, confined, artesian Locating and mapping groundwater
 Thermal springs - generate a piezometric surface
Aquifer properties: 𝑣 = 𝑇𝑣
𝑡 Drilling a groundwater well
 Auger method – uses a screw-like bit, works
Geology of groundwater in soft materials
 Sedimentary rocks  Hammer method – pounds a hole in the
- sandstone, shale, limestone, conglomerate rock (For solid rocks)
 Glaciated terrain  Rotary method – uses a hardened steel bit
- large valleys and basins were carved out tipped with diamonds to cut through rocks.
 Alluvial valleys and fans
- along rivers and streams Well components
 Tectonic formations  Well pad
- solid rocks are fractured due to earths  Blank casing
movement  Screened casing
 Submerged turbine pump
Types of well: dug well, bored well and drilled well

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