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500 Basic CHINESE CHARACTERS A Cracking Course CHINESE - ENGLISH - VIETNAMESE Beijing Institute of Languages HOC VIEN NGON NGU BAC KINH Sp DAR BERR 5 OQ tee roa CO BAN The Most Practical & Cracking Elementary Course for Learning & Writing Essential Chinese Characters TONG HGP: LY CHiNH CHUYEN VIEN HOA VAN CAO CAP HIEU DiNH: TRAN MINH KHANH (M.A.) HQC VIEN NGON.NGU BAC KINH NHA XUAT BAN TRE First Edition 2001 ISBN 7-80052-460-4 Copyright 2001 by Sinolingua Published by Sinolingua 24 Baiwanzhuang Road, Beijing 100037, China Book Trading Corporation 85 Chegongzhuang Xilu, P.O. Box 399 Beijing 100044, China LOI NOI DAU Nguti nuée ngoai hoc tiéng Han khé nhét 1A hoc chit. Chit Hén khé nh4n, khé doe, kh6 viét, kh6 nhé. Déi véi nhiing nguvi da quen véi logi cht ghép van, khi méi hoe tiéng Han, thi loai chit hinh khéi vudng ding 1A mét thi sdch trdi, méi chit 14 m6t hinkwyé thén bi. Chir Hén khé ¢ hai diém : Thit 1- $6 chit rét nhiéu, tong s0 c6ydén trén 5 van, chat thudng ding téi thiéu cing cé 3-4 nghin. Thit 2- Nhiéu nét, sau Khi gidh héa} cdc chtfthtiong dang trung binh van cdn dén 10 nét. Ngoai ra, d6i véi nhingyngudi, ma tiéng Ahead 1a chit ghép van, thi chit khéi vudng té y khéc xa véi ch’ ghép,vant Himh va aur tréng cha Hén thutng khéng gin lién véi nhau, vi du trong cdc cha &, 8 Wy Z, A, X, MOM, R, RM déu c6 cht 2, nhung céch doc lai rat khde nhau. Ngudi ta thugng cho ring cha Hén la té Phithye ka tha: Hén/cha yéu 1a tugng thanh, thutng vila td ¥ vila tugng thanh, cho nén*tye.ngthedledu “doe Bhi thi doc nita bén, di: cho nhém lan khéng lén qué troi”. Tuy nhiémehtt Han dién biéiyeho dén ngay nay, gitta hinh, am va nghia da khong cdn gan bé chat ché nila, eho.nén cén phdi ndm duge that nhiéu chit rdi so sdnh, suy ngdm méi hiéu duge... Nhiingingwoi nuée ngoai méi hoc thutmg phdi ce nhé ting hinh vé mét, cho nén higu qua’rat kém, hay viét sai, tham chf tao ra nhiing chit la rét budn cui. Cudn sch nay thit ép dung hinh thie ma ede hoe sinh nuée ngoai va thich, trong mét thdi gian ngén t@p trung va0/500/cha Han co ban nhat, trén co sé dé hoc thém chi méi sé thay d8 hon, vi ho 6 thé van dung cdc kién thie vé thanh phan cdu tao, b9 thi, phat am... 46 higu va nhé méipquan hé gitla hinh, am va nghia ciia chit Han. Vi du khi da ndém duge nghia ela ede thanh phén (ch) «™, A, W» sé dé dang hiéu duge cha # (tiic) trong tir 48 (bie xd), Chiing t0i thay odin huy dong moi phuong tign nhén biét, cd tu duy 16 gich, Ian tu duy hinh tugng 48 x4y ding kho chit Hén trong b9 nao cia nhtng ngudi méi hoc, c6 thé 4p dung moi hinh thie thi gidc, lién tuéng, so sénh, phan tich, hai am, hoang dudng.... Phuong phép hau higu nhat 1A khi néi vé mét chit sé dua ra mét sy ggi ¥ hod lién tudng. Vi du khi hoc chit % (khéng), s8 gyi ¥ cho ngudi hoc tuéng tuyng chit “Is (ahd) 4 dudi nhu con chim nhé, gach ngang 4 trén nhw 1a ban tay dé xuéng, khéng cho bay; hoe nhw cha & (tranh), hay tuing tuong 6 gitta 14 mét bie tranh, xung quanh 1a edi khung i. Chit: (sém), tudng tugng 1a mit troi H hay cdn é trén néc nha thd -f, nglita lA hay cdn sém; chit 4 doc thé nao? jin, hay nhé phan dudi chit 4 1a j. Chit & (muén) ngudi Trung Quée muén gi? mudn phy ni Tay. Chit A (nhin): trén 1a $ (tay), dudi 1a @ (mat), tay dat é phia trén 48 nhin cho rd. Ch £, (trai phai) d8 ln, thi goi ¥ dudi £ 1A =, gidng chit Z (2uo), con chit # thi dudi 1a 7 miéng, ding tay phi dé an com. Chit 4f (chén), bén trai 1a K, chén cia Trung Quée 1A bling gé a? Khong, bén phai cé6 7, nghia 1A chén khéng lam bing g6. Véi kiéu gidng gidi chi nghta di dém thém chi dén ngo nghé nhv vay, tuy khong phi hgp véi van ty hoc, nhung rat thye dung va 6 hiéu qu, rét duge ngudi hoc dén nhan. Theo tam ly hoc d& nghién cifu, thi nhiéu khi nhitng céi hai huée, ngé nghé, hoang dutng, vé ly lai 8 nhé hon ed nhing cdi 16 gich. Néu thém vao bai hoc vai hinh vé sinh dong sé dat higu qua 16n hon, d6i khi mét bite tranh ch4m biém nho nhé cdn gay &n tugng va gidp nhé lau hon cd cau vain hang chue chit Méi chit trong sdéch déu gém 10 phan: hinh dang chit (ké cd phn thé)uphat 4m (co phién Am), gidi nghia, thet ty nét, kiéu cha, goi §, thanh phdn, bo thé, tinthteng.ding va be tp, c6 dich sang tiéng Viét va tigng Anh. ‘Thanh phén Ja céc thug ding dé tao chit Hén, kh@ng phai 1&)bo thifjwfidu chi i gém 3 thanh phdn: +, 3, F chi 4% gdm 4 thanh phan}, Ay eIex, Bist viet timg thanh phdn réi ghép lai véi nhau, sé bét duge sai s6t vé nét.chth vAyhiéu duoc sad Kon edu trie efia chit Han. Chau -Kién 6 trudng Dai Hoc Ky Viée dich sang Phan ggi ¥, bai tp, thet ny nét va so dd edu thc do Nam bién soan, cdc phin con lai do Ong PatfiekeLit\(Lam Bach ‘iing) dim nha tiéng Anh do éng Ching Cho Lu (Lye CattyChau) phu tréch, Qhérdau trang 12 ca nha thy phap La Minh Tam, cée téc gid hinh vé 1a ChthBach Finy2Chau Hoa Binh. Nha bac hoc tién béi, gido su” Nghiéu Binh Tai da g6p nhiéu ¥ ki€n quypatcho viée bién soan, gidm déc nha xudt ban ging day ti€ng Hoa Chau Khué Kién da(danhphiéuttim huyét vao viée bién soan, sita chifa va xuat ban cuén sdch. Ching t0i 86 gangibién soanteudn “500 ky ty tiéng Hoa co bén ” nay sao cho that hitu ich, sinh dOng va 6 nhiéu gid tri tham khdo nhung khé tinh khdi sai sot, rat mong nhan due su gop ¥ cia bart dye. Cha thank em da,, Hw OF BFAPRIE GRAF REFAFT - MPRA» ik WH Miz py RIPPLE HSTHEARE | DEG TRF > AFTRA «RDFA — HAP NG Bw” - RFA MELA RA: AKA RFRAHED SA REM PLA ZF REGS + MLE FMFFYWATELS - AFREDHELFOMERR Bh ERmL—h FERAL FHF RRELF WERE) AF FUSRGEERREER 4b > Hilde | RS IBS AY BS HRY RRM RR REF PMA «LOR hs Fate MIEVARFRABLF | KRHA FALURFERPRRELDE eA GE FREY RAWLA” Vil RUMFRR ED» LG > 3 LVM ORS BROOM K RULRGWL ELACHLBIKERF HRA » Bist Res BP TM Oh nF ARR RA «SAGA BIE IR” + FARSI NSE A ns Ae ERAS ART £0 BER © BSA) BRIAR HES POEL SPAS GRAZE PORTE AFAM CHEMI AEG RBM LEY > CALA AF ORES (RAV OB 7h oA TRARS AR 1 FARFYTRRIMA ES RHC) > FU Che) SF RIGA BR R PAR ARE PET LEAMA PAGE +H > ARR SF BR PATH LR PA Be Ato LARS RARE AIIE » B RAMEE FIG YR? DPM CN LLERFRA RET ° PGP LAKH WAN—ALR RAAT) HORE E 04 2G TA OAR AHR IRATE ET) © AHRBRAMOFLAM AMG TA > AMMHUMARERASOOPRRA MF > FART Reh VE RPRSAAR MRED + BAWATT VRE MAME» RS > aE SE PF RAMMICICA MELE +B LAMBA © Ho FAIRE T Om As HREM (ED See th « Te” Fo ahem HART - RAVAAE 87851 — 10 to FR 0 HEHE SENS HR. HARP RE» Va HEH ARGS + VARA) + DAH > Bah > REM IER BUG A FABER 2 — BOLIC ARAL © Hilde A Fi RA te FAG «oY BBR S$ bith —" RKF-B HH REA! BY Fe eh «> BE R-BAG PALATE BIE) 406 Fy FeRAM CH) CAREME (+) MER dow pw Fe «®” FELE? jin ie Edn SPURS | i Rio RF: PHARTAZTEFKAL (RP RERABR AME 45) b Raw Fs LWRF(F) FOAM (A) FAR LBEIE DURE © de 6k GM FER BA TEER «eo PFO 6 oH MZ (200) > mee” FFLANT AMM BF CR Rho «ie FEM KH Bs ARP RAR AK BIRR BURN HR” FHRUAT HAREM | RRA BBS RG «HEME + MRI REL FH > RM GOA + REAR o sO MELA MAE > Ries Soh AF GAH AH HH BiB ie 0 do yee HRAR OLY HOUR + BERKS GLE PHL AML © PL RERM (RIMS ) GER L SHER 2 UNDA BMI EE PA HUMES OEREUNFELHRK de B"F CHK) Br Pe MPO OUR Fe CREME KF GU PHA) TL PHBWRAARABM > RK FAALHA REF HREA BE” LRCRLIAERAFHMEK © “AG” PRARU RET OR Hh PLO EHRS LRMEE EHH HE MUMMERS FORE HAWR © Fit LHF AFP HSMM? FHL—-=AMS? MLERFRM EU» RE RARDRU ARF 9 RF RUF ORAL AE T © GHAMF ) RARERFH HAR FRAT RFU RKS AKAMA ELEM Rs SL PH MAIR PFE EPOAN CATR (HK) PALF H + LAME GARR TRA AM IE Dan E HG © Bik» RUNG MA —AARA A OF RAL CLK ) HAMAR EE T RNR SEL GRRL FESR 1 MALFURM > EF FLAT RY REF RA SOFA IER BOLE TR FRE TAA APE T° OE ARE HERR RIA + RADAR AP WAM EER EA MH CTE TER RARE HB RAs FAPMIRRAWRFLE ? “HE” HATMRULE PORAZ ST > ABEAOF ADB ED (DMA) > RE OEE HE FAAATIFZS) » FES ENTS FAR aR BME SBE LTR» RA ED IH RIE ° DAR «Sh RAR FEA AE RM, CAAA PMH EA, HORS FT HK Wade 9 do iA” FH 7S Hh ZAM 5 HE PRA hyn Hy > Rm IEEE PRWEB AT + Bin SAK 1 LT VG EH diy HAM He RAT FHT R SEGWAY BAER ROB ACL Beak » 199056 > RIL) HM > RFRA - POATMAMRRRES BURA, HGH, HF» FHMMLAER TD © KBB I SESH AGE Mia - Wis > Rist RAFAALAF ALD + 844343000 Rh BLLP DARE LS FR > TRIS E FARR sn 19884 Aa eS CIE BAI) PEK PI te CLI © RAM ARE? TUPMELSORBRRFH BRM ARRAN + APRFUSLEBLARETA FUL AA ORRIN F ION MAH (SF a HRRFFK ) M500 FREMF + LR (MCFAAM) PHU PAB > ¢ FRIAR HLBA EAE RAR AETA TT FHM AALRIT IER + BI KP ARM R Bs CPR FS F PAST MFARERS HAF RAK » HARA ( KMD HET i€ BAGH © ldo + KB RMMA ( FA) 1500 FA «5» By Rs Fly FF > HAHS00 SLB SENT Ben FFA (KA) Palo yA PABAM FIT» (FRY PHS 00 FF AR BART PEMA + HUN ALTIE + RABI IRD» IR 5 END fo EPIRA KE ARS + Shae abae DDFS PAPAL rick Lin (ARAnAS) HBS + I HEAL K OY WIGS HAL AHCH ing-ChouLy CRRA) te MASAI OFS + MGR RR T te BEE + wD HT DAA AANA © ARERR FMA A YB SOA RAT AGAR 5 GE ae BRAG K BAB OBER Oak RENE T pode 5 AAR ROM al «BUN tik AFA ERM A» SARA © TAP MIRTH MR + ARATE aE i] Rede Bae se 45 MAGE > WIN SEA w Preface One of the most difficult tasks in learning Chinese is the mastery of Chinese characters. For beginning learners Chinese characters are difficult to recognize, read, write and remember. Some Western learners who get used to the alphabetical writing may even view the square-block Chinese characters as some kind of mysterious writing from another world, each by itself a puzzling picture. The reasons that Chinese characters are diffi be attributed to two: the large number of Chinese characters “andthe lack of ,co¥¢elétion between the forms and the pronunciations. There is a total of over fifty thousand, Chinese characters, even the most frequently used ones still amouft to ‘thréésto four(thousands. To a foreign beginner, each character is different from the others, aad he has to leain it as it is. In a straight sense, Chinese characters, with thé miajorityof themy are” phonetic-compound characters, do contain some components to indiéate th®\pronunciatioaor meaning, only that iit for foreign beginning learners can the learner has to first master a large number of\basic componénts»and characters before he can comprehend the rules and apply them to his study of new characters. Aiming at these difficulties. this bogk i8idesigned to provide the beginning learners a fast and efficient way to masterfivéhimdred basic characters, and through the study of these characters, they also gain a basié knowlege on the compositions of Chinese characters - the radicals, pronunciationsjimeanings and the inter-relationships; thus, enabling them to further build up theit reading characters in a fast pace. ‘This book takes a new approach which is different from other books in this field of study. /It intends to mobilize every learning technique, including vision, imagination, association, comparision, analysis and assimilation, to help the readers learn the characters. For instance: the\character i is interpreted as “a picture is being framed.” ; the character (carly) is imagined as “the morning sun ( 4 ) just came up to the roof of the church (+ ) ; is’s still early’; the interpretation for the character # (cup) is that “ the character 4f contains a ‘wood’ ( 4.) radical in it, it certainly does not (7) mean that Chinese cups are made of wood.” ; a funny joke is used to explain the character % (want), which is: “what he wants is a Western ( &) girl ( 4c)”, Interpretations like these, matched with lively illustrations, will help the learners visualize the meanings of the characters and reinforce their conceptions of the forms of the characters. This new approach may seem to deviate from the traditional method with the lexicographic explanations based on the classical Chinese work #6 (The Interpretations of the Words and Characters). However, through our years of experience of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, we found the unconventional, imaginative, humourous way of presentation can frequently achieve a better result than the conventional, traditional way. Moreover, most of the readers of this book would be students who eventually will have to work with the simplified characters that are used in mainland China. In this case, the trace of the origins of the long form characters would be less useful to them. ‘Two other unique features in this book are: the inclusion of seven types of scripts and an array of exercises. Presenting along with each character, there are seven types of scripts, ranging from the ancient “oracle bone script”, “bronze script” and “seal script” to the modern “standard script”. “Sung style printing script” and even the “hand written style”. This feature will develop the learners an understanding of the evolution of Chinese chracters as well as an appreciation of Chinese calligraphy. The over eighty various types of exercises are so designed that the learners will practise the characters through games and fun rathersthan dread, forced memory. Listed under the five hundred characters introduced in this\book “there is a\fotal of over three thousand entries of frequently used words (two or three charaeters compounds) and phrases. In considering the practicability and extensiveness, the)seleetion of thése entries may not limit only to those begun with the heading character, but extends/#g“iny word or phrase that has the heading character postioned inbetween or at the eni@. The selections of these entries are based on two resources : A list @f 3000 high- frequency Chinese Characters (published by the Chinese Characters Reformatibu Commission yin_1985) and An Outline for the Classification of Chinese Vocabulary (publishedyby the Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Association in 1988). It is believed'that\the five hugdred characters in this book are extensive enough to cover eighty percéat, of the’ vocabulary items listed under the A and B categories (most frequently used Jevels) in An Outline. ‘Three indexesijare providedyfor the readers’ convenient reference: the “Character Order Index” ; the “Stroke Ofder index” and the “Phonetic index”. Although the “Pinyin System” (the Romanization system adopted in mainland China) is used in this book, the “Chinege Phonetic Alphabets System? (the traditional system adopted in Taiwan) is also used to show the pronuneiation of the heading character. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Professor Bing-cai Rao for his suggestions and comments on the draft of this book. Any criticism or suggestions that might make future edition more useful to the beginning learners are welcome. xa at 2 v 31 A R 4 we Ha 41 51 61 1 81 o 101 121 131 141 151 161 171 181 191 201 2u1 221 231 241 251 em Rm 22 32 42 52 62 n 82 92 102 202 212 222 232 242 252 43 3 63 B 183 193 203 213 223 233 243 253 APR ew F Bot + we > HA Hm DB cd & Me ae 4 om Oo om 24 34 44 54 64 4 84 94 104 4 124 134, 144 24 224 234 244 254 i ea Bang chi dan s6 thi ty cda chit Han Be AN Ro oH ae 4 ie oe Se mh cad 25 35 45 55 65 15 85 95 105 nS 125 135 145 155 165 175 185 195 205 215 235 245 255 + us 2 E We RH F/R RO RR RE 26 36 46 56 66 16 36 96, 106 116 126 136 146 156 166 186 196 206 216 226 236 246 256 eR > SK eH be 27 37 47 37 1 87 oF 107 7 127 197 207 217 227 237 247 257 SE WONG em > eae Fe SB Dw hob we FE 28 38 48) 58, RB 88 OR 108 118, 138 148 158 168 178 188, 198, 208 218 228 238 248 258 29 F 30 39. & 40 49% 50 58 ARC 60 69s 70 o> tk 80 89 £90 € 99 @ 100 109 47] 110 119 4 120 129 X 130 189 R 190 239 240 249 He 259 & 250 260 ae Bk HRB Pe Ce Rew eH me > a 261 an 281 291 301 311 321 331 341 351 361 371 381 391 401 4ll 421 431 441 451 461 4am 481 491 mR ie ae PF SRP RS BR RY BR & } 2 Bk 262 272 282 292 302 312 322 332 342 352 362 372 382 392 402 412 422 432 442 452 462 472 482 492 Se Rm oe mos lhe R&P ee we Me > Oe ew es $B 263 2B 283 293 303 313 323 333 343 353 363 373 383 393 403 413 423 433 443 453 463 473 483 493 ee e Fw Ro eS Fe we Re eH eS see £8 Ss 264 274 & 284 tk 294 ak 304 i. 314 A 324 334k 344 354 364 374 384 AL 394 A 404 414 Fi 424 434, aa 3b 454 4K 464 & 474 ih 434 494 48 265 275 285 295 305 315 325 335 345 355 365 315 385 395) 405 41s, 425 435 445 455 465 475 485 495 Sk oR km ¥ S BRM OH eR Re ®* * Fo Mw ® * 266 276 286 296 306 316 326 336 346 356 366 376 386 396 406 416 426 436 446 456 466 476 486 496 + oo mt ke we Re ma Re ee HF RB OF yo S i 267 27 287 297 307 317 327 337 347 357 367 377 387 397, Yor 417 427 437 447 457 467 477 487 497 eye ee AE SF SRT tee te Be RR HP oH 268 278 288 298 308 318 328 338, 348, 358 368 378" 388 398 408 418 428 438 448, 458 468 478 488 498 ee eae > D> Pt ee = 269 279 289 299 309 319 329 339 349 359, 369 379 389 399 ak 409 419 429 439 449 439 469 479 A 489 499 270 ch es ¥ # ww FP Re hee RH we RS we 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 430 460 470 480 490 500 KRPALGRFSRR A Bang chi dén 4m doc ctia 500 chit Han thudng ding nhét A bu a 438 | dang) = 297 | fang & 153 ai 2 2 | bo % 454 | dio $ 453 | fang & 154 an & 7 | bu ap 456 | dao sg] 128 | fi ae 383 an & 487 c dao it 353 | 8 % 337 B cai a 56 dao 48) 129 fén, a 227 ba A 8 cai KR 365 dé fe 246 feng By 401 ba ee 09) | cane 4s] | do % 102, To K 18 ba 4e 101 | céng & 452 | ding # 38h Wi td wi Sat ba ve 100 | chi & 486 | dt e455 | Tt Ge 4a bai 8 25 cha R 362 di We 186 fu Fe 472 bai =F 26 | chin *® 366 | di 159 | to a) ban = 404 «| chang K 310 | @i % 160) G ban + 88 || ching # 298 gai 427 bang # 468 chang 7 309 dian 169 gai wm 237 bao @ 331 chang 3H 69. dian = -@ 329 gan eal aR 364 ché $9 302 ding = 405 gan Re 308 m 67 chéng WR 221 dong # 144 gao % 326 ate 21 | Chip et? 167 | dong) 185 | gan) 406 béi ik 333 chi 367 dou aK (296 ge F 156 béi %& 459 chudng R 380 du #® 211 gé & 150 bén #59, ef 7) 261 dui xt 189 ge ey 54 bi He 22 ci 3 261 duo F 13 géi % 281 bi #320 cl a 350 E gén R231 bi oe 1B cong & 20 ér mh 164 géeng & 273 bidn i 354 cud 4457 ér Ju 103 gong 2 292 bian @ 274 D er = 2 gong x 89 bilan = 470 | da B 282 F gou #293 bido = 403 da ay 294 fa R458 gi a) bié #) 303 da x a %& 220 git ot. 32, bing §# 255 dai e488 fan es gu Kk 335 bing = 355 dai R 402 fan R46 guan 143 bi x 65 dan 42 247 fang % 152 guan & 256 x guang #% gud gud hai hai han hao hé hé hé hé hai hén hong hou hou hua hua hua hua huai & % 8 Rone Re AOA P oe tw HH mS 410 94 301 325 203 15 341 175 157 279 158 173, 230 382 195 450 317 318, 20% 143 316 69 278: 269 208 168 368 105 339 400 jing jing jing iid jiu Be et eRe BRD SOR EE wok 235 239 407 78 340 12 141 342 an 460, 304 396 162 311 387 11g, 61 225 210 442 252 327 361 xi jué jué jan kai kan kao ké ké ke ke kong kou kuai kuai, FO & 4 bh oe a Oe Moe fe de Rohe Be SOO He * SeIRS 200 357 260 155 413 384 414 31 229: 228 212, 428 125 440 263 1 358 473 345 346 62 287 174 474 183 182 259 312 liang lin ling ing tid tia lun eee > aR H ow a ROS Te OO A in o moe > Se BRS 270 444 58 344 343 475 233 41g. 97 95 96 187 188 370 369 226 7 240 324 108 163 109 110 462 372 149 23 431 323 138 37 na na na nan nan ne néi néng n nién nian néng na pao péng pian ping qi q qi qi qi qi qian agian aig qin qing ging ging Sau BRL ® +e o> ee +e ES Soh Re ae fm Bk hd ot OW 280 134 133 385 147 184 135 178 253 80 222 429 430 74 445 215 ls 330 315 314 238 299 214 300 B 371 161 302 441 248 249 ging qing san shan shang shang shao she she shéi shén shén shen shéng shéng shéng 4b OW oe BOR ee oe wos > RE > & wR pS we RS BE On 250 251 347 348 47 126 388 127 172 321 m1 13 192 389 166 485 29 87 241 476 136 373 477 116 193 478 489 xi shéng shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shuaing shui shud si si s song sil suan sul sul sud & SM RKB BO ee eR Re ED Ree ee RR Oe 196 191 267 10 21 174 484 an 272 397 28 319 479, 386 180 37 42 202 61 498. 39 85 306 360 257 408 481 480 432 wang wang wang + BY BBQ HO ew RH ot ER Sth Oe TH PEM RH Y Soe 82 83 84 419 491 436 437 60 7 34 492 179 15 338 68 416 374 313 151 90 417 ns 137 288 130 MW 19 390 244 483 wa xi xi x xia xian xian xiang xiang xing xiang xiang xiao xiao xiao 8 xis xié xin xin xin xing xing) xing xing xing xi xd xa xii Spike Seaiwu th ¥ We ee x # a & * SRF RK S aes 482 145 201 434 30 194 142 304 305 218 497 217 86 213 216 262 243 349 393 121 36 420 421 422 433 197 83 448 429 245 xuan yang yang ying ying ying yong you you you you ya ie Rr & We Fee oF te \ oom 4 eo eS ee eh we & 424 199 35 139 107 106 146 81 M4 409 332 425 236 165 447 290. 391 322 289 426 219 328 181 350 41 40 38 50 2 xv ya ya ya ya yuan yuan yuan yuan yuan yuan yue yan zai zai za0 zhan zhang zhao zhao zhe zhé zhe zhén zhéng zhéng zhéng zheng zheng i R&B BM wos Rw a A dr le RR Ae i * # & bf # = a OR 493 242 198 205 463 376 377 223 224 315 464 339 124 216, 24 122 500 365 291 170 132 265 268 379 44 286 283 285 284 zh zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi. zhong zhong zhong zhong zhi zhu zhu zhuaing zhin zi zi zi zong zou zi zul zué 2ud zud zud a Poo AP Paes k Sw R BPR Re Pe oe mo yh BM RK 352 131 190 378 495 499 307 494 467 55 443 177 351 91 92 93 334 359 52 234 53 465 232 466 48 119 49 336 120 70 we * & +e -1 AB R38 # 56 17 109 sb 86 ab 404 X98 % 226 # 202 ns 121 @ 25 ar 294 ta 340 F 330 4 #50 aT $453 it 301 i 204 HAs7 J 267 217 F 24 @ 101 46 455 Wy 12 E345 Ju 103 F 309 kM «74 & 81 R65 2292 K ST m2 39 vk 165 + 88 #R 402 of 33 #161 4, 82) 283 F 2% 2 186 ag 75 #R,209 42/369 R 479, 47421 $44 *é 100 th 46 A 395 #02 £8 * 3] Bdng chi dan sé nét cia chit Han 2 Ju 104 337 FB & 236 & 310 e316 Fy 178 85 R40 @ 331 ® 329 394 * 1%6 E84 R 190 H 255 #185 & 279 R275 4 149 ae 295 3 433 A351 HR 364 % 237 i 225 #176 3 303 + 406 3 210 i 259 A 182 = 89 +29 5 242 RAS BL 141 KH 192 137 P55 E22 R458 4 343 Bia Fp 482 302 & 150 #318 # 264 & 430 Hb 83 R332 F452 3E 66 229 i 240 47 @ 235 £8 2131 w 152, A118 ath xX 130 KAY Sod 23 #32 4 110 R27 243 %t 221 FH 293 @ 278 # 263 4 388 179 B 322 R367 fT 158 3h 228 & 324 Al AID 7 31e B95, Hel Skep201 + 52 PD jh, AO P54 183 DF 87, 116 F390 BS 34354 AP 438 203 F341 R372 #323 386 180 sk 409 A 181 ab 261 2k 350 K 256 BW 143 269 #105 4s 397 40 76 &, 389 Rll & 145 Wal & 124 79) 380 42 247 RT M69 A125 #440 H 184 9 135 +10 ZT ¥F 30 X18 AG $37 244 a 167 2 239 8 138 att 61 #350 3 297 # 410 + 342 96 HH 241 H 194 F 216 # 159 399 > 358 Me 80 34300 347 4p127 92476 373 A 478 GR 191 B27 HF 408 4h 60 435% 34 HHA HWW KID R434 HAW F3S 425 H 426 ‘F276 3G 224 3G 339 HH 36S R21 132 Ge 284 M499 £307 1293 232 46 120 4 70 AG $99 1K 67 459 470 403° H451 F128 4h 102 R405 gk 220 Feiss 154 4383 M412 ER AT2 3427 B94 KO fo 175 HT 157 46 207 Hi 148 H368 42-400 HE 496 4a 162 442 327 F414 2 428 H1A74 #312 58 HIBS H 108 3K 163 23 4 431 4429 HH IS SE314 248 HATH 484 W272 44397 31D HK 42 CH 490 w 338 42 4NT 4h 483, 142 262 HH 423 HINT R1ld HAI 3219 H 198 A 265 #0 352 F378 #494 14 467 3292 tn 466 ARIV9. B 493 Am HE ABT 4H 274 -H 486 362 F200 AH 140 FGI 394" hh 4BL wp 134 #147 W371 392 $2441 AP 477 24 489 (RE 196, 28 ABO 306 £257 #480 40304 218 1836 F420 RAM % 146 /H 289 i€ 205 fE375 122 sh 285 48 495 443 HLTA W465 a_119 * 4 468 +H 43 £320 fh 355 H363 1129 A296 ik 2A 326 -F 156 325 #450 HTS $8277 4 449 HBL YE 461 Re2kd L475 HF 280 ae 385 #2253 2238 if 251 AAT S A4O%GB 1364 419 44 491 3h 492 -B 115 F2AZ 276 HF 107 AE 106 H463 377 M500 $379 A359 Hk 333 #8 456 +—& F298 246 F 160, 439 & 266 473 92346 4344 HH 249 HF 250 3348 Bh 485 WR139 fk 336 6 282 V3 ISSR, M173 ah 361 E444 wh 445 MBS W172 I 436 WH 313 £497 W349 W464 F268 RIA HB +2) $4457 308 R231 MF 396 3h 233-498 38-305 HF 393 290 AITO Fram 4E 370) $481 F448 4h 252 +58 M437 4/328 +B E214 H 286 xv yi (nat) one (NU) 4 mt (sd) 1. SENG - Stroke order - Thit tu nét: 2. SF 4B - Scripts - Kiéu chi : ee oe Oe WEF OR tt RG tt cia ke Bat thung Teng Khai Le Hanh Tho \wrign Ra s- Goi Fs Using a horizontal stroke to indicate the meaning of “one”, — is a Self-explanatory cHaracter; itis also the simplest Chinese character. ABRAM" EDA RRR GBR MZ Ding gach ngang — dé ghi s6 1, day 1a ch Hén dow gid nat. 4. 3B #f - Component - Thanh phéin : = SBR: = Ga tric el 5. RBEF - Radical-B6 tha: [—\yp: one: Bg nhat) ‘ » +, F, BF, ete. Some frequently used characters containing — radical are: UG EMSA StF, RY Fo Be thii nay/es cde chu thuting ding? —, =, +, F, B, 7, W... 6. Hf Fil ia] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tw thudng ding : yigona (A) altogether (P) tat cd, tng cong yicing (Ai) definite, certainly (T)_nhat dinh yivang) (Ad) same: (®) gidng nhau vidio (N)allitla, a bit (D) mot st, mot chit yihur (N) | alitle while (D) mot chéc, mot lat nai (A) | together (®) cing nhau Myue tN) | January (D) théng 1, théng giéng Wixi’ | (N) | some,atew, allittie (D) mot 56 wanyil (Cc) incase L) van nhat 7. $5] - Exercise - Bai tap: Practice the following basic strokes - $4: 5] vA-F LAP RA ZH - Tap vist cde nét ca ban : = Bk:néng) horizontal ngang y Asdiny dot cham ] ci :sha vertical x6 - GR: rising hat 7 CHik:pi6) down stroke to the left phéy JEN c4§:96u) hook — mée \ Ciena) down stroke to the right. mée VBL caf:2n6) tuming gap [oy _— cal S ——=| two (ny) 2 hai(S) 1. SENG - Stroke order - Tht ty nét : 2. SEB - Scripts - Kiéu chit: a2 2 2 5S 2 200 RLF RR we RG tH #4, at ee le 3. HER - Tips - Goi ¥ With the bottom line longer than the top one, the self-explanatofyicharacter = consists 6L1wo horizontal strokes. MOPAR «= RAE + FB LA K— the Ding 2 gach ngang = dé ghi sé 2, gach dudi dai hangach trén. 4. BBE - Component - Thanh phén : i Cau tric = at- 5. SBE - Radical - BO thi : [= oi: one : BO nhat) 6. #5 FAIA] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tu thing ding =A Eryue () February (D) théng hai +24 shréryue (N)) December (D) théng 12, thdng chap FA shorten (A) more than 100 per cent, (P) hit ste, rat extremely BR— | xinaqrer (N) Tuesday (D) thi ba (ngay trong tudn) B—F= auytmer 4G) unique, unparalleled (tn) dc nbst v6 nhi, 6 m6t khong hai BLAH snlsyinv er E) mean what one says, (tn) néi mot khong hai, stand by one's word néi mét 1A mét hai la hai Sk—HK = shiiyksnaer IE) counts one of the very best, (tn) nhat nhi ranking one of the highest — AE yitenweier (ie) one divides into two (tn) mét tach thanh hai —F=E yigiénger bai (IE) poor and blank (tn) mét nghéo hai tring (mot la nghéo vé cong néng nghiép, hai la kém vé van héa khoa hoc ky thuat). 7. He3) - Exercise - Bai tap + Read aloud the following - BR - Tap doc : —_ = San (tam) three (NU) —— 3 ba(s) 1. SENN - Stroke order - Thit ty nét + 2. SFB - Scripts - Kiéu cha: WEF RK RH Rt tH Bat thuimg Teng Khai Le Hanh 348K s- Goi ys > are an = \— tH RE” Thday \Trien The self-explanatory character 2 consists of three horizontal strokes. The middle stfoke is the shortest while the bottom ono is the longest. PARRA“ 2” > Pll > FR Ding 8 gach ngang = 4. 384 - Component - Thanh phan : oe WBE tine = 5. SBE - Radical - B6 thi {— (0: one : BO nhat 6 ghi 36 8, gach gita ngdny gach dui dai. 6. SRI] - Frequently-used’words or phrases - TW thudng dang: Sanyue (N) March siing¢ yue (NU) three months Sin Gus {N) the Three Kingdoms {Chinese dynasty) Xingqisn (N) Wednesday ‘sanyanliéngyd (IE), ina few words sanxineryl (JE) be of two minds, half-heartedly ‘sansanildngliang (I) in twos and threes 7. HF - Exercise - Bai tap : Find out the same three strokes in each of the followings characters RESF PMA GLER ‘Tim 8 nét ging nhau trong cde chit: km 8B RR eA FH Bb (D) théng ba (S) 3 thang (D) 3 nuée, Tam Quée (D) thit tu (ngay trong tudn) (tn) dim edu ba digu, 461 Iai (tn) hai long (tn) timg tép déi ba ngudi, tdp nam tép ba si (tut) four (NU) 5 bén(s) 1, SMM - Stroke order - Thi ty nét : Vo} td} eo] eo] ee 2. SFA - Scripts - Kiéu ch 7 a9 ow ow ff RLF RR Beate eat 3. AR Tips- G RB RG cad FH ae Khai Le Hanh Théo \Trién Itis s0 strange that inside the character “four’ is “eight. RHE OFPMADA © La that, trong chit © (tit) lai o6 chit A (bat: 8). 4. ®B4F - Component - Thanh phan : a 5. SBE - Radical - B6 tha : eB Cau tric (15 widieencioaure: 66 vi] ‘Some frequently used characters containing [radical are: 9, Hf], BO, 4, 2, B, 8, Bi, g, A, B, @, etc. VAD ae HF FA A, EA, S, A, BB, Bw, WB, BF BO thi F] cé ede chit thubng ding, 79, H, A, @, 2, BH, AO, A, a, 6. $id] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tix thwding ding : way slyus “ BAA sige yue «n) waa sioho ” oe sizhou () we sit wy 2ZRaQ xingaisi w) WIGAZ\ simianbatang (te) PAR sienwilie (ey 7. $3) - Exercise - Bai tap: April (D) thang 4 four months (D) 4 thing all around, every where (D)_khap noi all around (D) xung quanh the four seasons (D) bén mia Thursday (D) thit nam (ngay trong tudn) all directions (tn) bén phuong tém hudng, ba bé bon bén {all apart, be all split up (tn) chia nm xé bay Locate the component “ ¥2” ( ™ ) in each character, and count the number of strokes in each character : REI (" )ASFPHEE HRUSFHLS + Xem xét vj tricia “09” ( ™ ) trong cdc chit va dém nét : ¥ £ FF w Bw HF H EZ wii (nga) five (NU) 4 nam (S) 1. SENG - Stroke order - Thi tu nét : T[T | al|z 2. SFB - Scripts - Kiéu cha: AAR REF RH RB RG But thing Teng Khai 7) 3. HAR -Tips-Goiy: Note that Z. has only four strokes, not five strokes. BEAFRAIH > Chi ¥ chit Z. chi c6 4 nét, khong phai la 5 nét. 4. SBE - Component - Thanh phan : 2 20K tH eH at Hanh @héo rien sei fl & ‘du tre i ey 5. Bi - Radical - Bo thi: [= 9: one : 86 nhat) 6. 8 FRIA] - Frequently-used word or phrases - TH thudng ding: BA wayue (n) May (D) thang 5 BAA wige yus (N) five months (D) 5 thdng SMB xingaiwo (N) Friday (D) thit sdu (ngay trong tudn) FZH2H waxing nonggl (Ny the Five-Starred Red Flag (D) Ce 43 nam sao ERAN), wanuabamen (16) multifarious, of a wide variety (tn) di thi, tram thit ba gin BLY R wisnivaxso (le) one who retreats fifty paces (tn) ché ché meo lim Jong a baba mocks one who retreats a hundred, the pot calls the kettle black 7. HS] - Exercise Bai tap: Read aloud - BRK - ap doc Yo or sin aha a oe - 2.2 MO & ARR eR fone, two, three, four, five gongs and drums, let’s strike mét hai ba én néim moi ngwdi g6 tréng chiéng woh sin aro Woo shang uu Pee a ee five, four, three, two, one upstairs, let's run nam bén ba hai mot eimg nhau lén edu thang v s —_—_— lid: (luc) P N ‘six (NU) x 4 sdu(S) 1, SEMI - Stroke order - Thit ty nét : ‘Ells | 2. SEY - Scripts - Kiéu chit : ~~ & ri KN wR ow A SY ft mes gh ote ke te tte ee Bat thuing Téng Khai Le Hanh ‘Thao ‘Triém 3. HEAR -Tips- Goi y: ‘As an even number numeral, the character 7< is symmetrical. Notethat the even numibef Chinese numerals =, U2, 26, “all includo the same two equal parts as indiated. RELA BE KH, HA” ERT ETAOAR © Chit 35 hai bén edn déi, Chii ¥: Cae chit sé chin, F2yZx, Addu 06 thé chia doi. 4, 3B - Component - Thanh phéin SHA PARR Cau tric = . 5. BBE - Radical - B6 thi : [A (08): eight: Bo bat) 6. $$FAi8] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Ti thuding dang: aE fhucha (N) Mthe six domestic animals (D) Ive stic (ché, bd, Ion, {dog, ox, pig, fowl, goat, horse) ga, dé, ngva) “* Ligue) June (D) théng 6 FAA linge yuesityp six months (D) 6 thang SMA xingaaia tN) Saturday (D) thit bay (ngay trong tudn) FHA _tinain burg (IE) refuse to have anything to do (tn) khéng nhan cd ngudi than with all one’s relatives and friends ZIRAL samo wor ((€) (with) three heads and six arms (tn) ba dau su tay = super human 4,3) - Exercise - Bai tap: 1. Read aloud the following telephone numbers HCP WA SS Doc ede sé dign thogi : 415-323-6514 512-463-5566, 631-135-2462 2. Convert the numbers into Chinese characters Fe FIR FA ERLE ¢ Vit ede sé bing chit Han : 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, | 1, 8, 5, 2, 4, 6, a qi (that) seven (NU) 2 bay (s) 1, SEMI - Stroke order - Tht ty’ nét + elie! 2. S24 - Scripts - Kiéu chit : Ete ee EN WEF RK RG RA He Eh k* Bat thuimg Téng —-Khai_ «Ls Hanh «= @hdo W\ rién 3. #2iR -Tips- Goiy: Itis stil seven (7) when you turn the character + upsi 46 6” FUERALAT De Chit + dao nguye van 1a 7. down, 4. SB¢F - Component - Thanh phan : + Cawtric : 5. SBE - Radical - B6 tha: [= 09: one : Bo hat) 6. $4 7B15] - Frequently-used Words or phrases - Tix thudng ding : +A Qiyue (N) July (D) thang 7 +44 A ‘alge yus (N) seven months @) 7 thdng ACEAF qishang-baxid (1) be agitated, be perturbed (tn) thap thém AEHSAF cist @rhdng 6) all sorts of occupations (tn) bay mui hai nghé SLEAAHY Iuanqbazdo, (16) at sixes and sevens, ina mess (tn) loan xj bat nhéo, hing tung 7. HB) - Exercise- Bai tap : 1. Read aloud the following Chinese numbers - BR - Doc cde sé BAG 2. Read aloud the following equalities in Chinese - Fl] LiS+& F FF A, - Doc cde ding thiic bling ting Han: 243 84427 T- 7-2-5 Ge =: fn =: déngyi) \ ba (bat) A 7 eight (NU) q 2 tam(s) uy 1, SEM - Stroke order - Thi ty nét : 7 a Coo 2. 546 - Scripts - Kiéu chit: rv KN ~~ NR | BEF RR HH RA tH 4 RG Bat thing ‘Téng Khai «=k. Hanh = Théo Tri 3. #B7K- Tips -Goiy: ‘The character A looks like Papa's moustache “A? FREEWAFH > Chir A ging bo rau chit A (bat) cia bs. 4. SBPF - Component - Thanh phn: Seah e i . Cen tric es LJ 5. SBE - Radical - B6 tha : {A (a, eignt : 86 bat) Some frequently-used characters containing radical A are: #, 2, 3%, %, 7%, HE, HX HL, ote VATE SEE RYE MEAT © HS, Ks, Hs HH HLF © BG thir A 6 ede chit thusmgdingii#s, 2, 3, &, 7, Jk, WW, HL... 6. #47) < Frequently-used.words or phrases - Ti thudng ding : AA Bayue (N) August (D) thang 8 AYA page yus ——(N FFA wom panjn-baligng (Ie) six of one and halfadozen (tn) nifa edn tém lang of the other — to be equal eight months (D) 8 thang SABLA dshus-badao (iE) talk nonsense (tn) dn néi lung tung, néi ldo AMLA B+ wapidalishl (16) pretty close, very near (tn) mui phn ehée chin 7. HS) - Exercise -Bai tap: Locate A (1 ) in each character, and count the number of strokes in the character ah «A> Cv) ASFP HEE HES: ‘Tim vj tricia A (7 ) trong ede chit va dém nét : ee ee jit (ctu) nine (NU) 2 chin (Ss) 1. SEMB - Stroke order - Tht ty nét : J [mu 2. $46 - Scripts -Kiéu chat: hr rz AK REF RR a RG tH Bat thong Téng Khai l@ Hanh Ey ee 3. #27K - Tips -Goiy: ‘There are only two strokes in JL. and it resembles in hook too. NF RALB* Chit AU chi c6 2 nét. 4. SBF - Component - Thanh phan : LEB: 2 A Cfiy tric : % L J 5. BBE - Radical - B6 tha: GJ wid), left stroke : BO phay] ‘The frequently used charactéts Gontaining ) radical are: JI], %, X, ft, Hk, +f, BH, ete. VL) HERE ALS A «LZ, x. HR AR HRY Fo Bé6 tha J) e6 cdc chit thutmg.ding: Ji], %, A, Sf. Hk. FH, RF. 6. $$ Rid] - Frequently-used words'or phrases - Ti thuding ding: nA sioyus (N) September (D) thang 9 WE sista (N) the Ninth Heaven; the highest (D) 9 ngay, trdi cao of heavens tA hong | (N)_ the Double Ninth Festival (D) Tring ctu (méng chin (9th day of the Sth lunar month) thang chin am lich) FOR Focuan (D) chin suéi JLH—A justyishBng (1) a narrow escape trom death (tn) thép ti nhét sinh, PLFA—L _jidniv-yimao (1) a single hair out of nine ox hides — a drop in the ocean 7. RS) - Exercise - Bai tap: Find the location of 7U in each character - #& uk F FIL F P 49 « JL” - Tim vi tri cia JL trong ede chit: we wR HR hw shi (thap) ten (NU) 2 mudi (S) 1. EMM - Stroke order - Thit tu nét : ale 2. SEB - Scripts - Kiéu cha: Fert rt Ho REF RMR RH RG ord Bd at Bat thigng Téng Khai v3 Hanh Théo) Trign 3. HEIR - Tips - Ggi The character + looks like the cross on the top of the churchi\Note that This read@e/'6i’ while + is read as “sh’’ FFRAELUTER » EEIS (si), +4 (sl) ® Chit ++ (shi: thap: mui) gidng cay thénh gid trén Be nha th! Chai ¥ chit V9 (te) doc la “sl, con chit + thi doc la “shi 4. SB¢F - Component - Thanh phan : JGR + el Cau tric + O 5. SBE - Radical - B6 tha (+ (eho : ten : 86 thap)) 6. #4 FHI] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Ti thudng dang = shiyue AN) October (D) thang 10 Shiyiyue (N) November (D) théng 11 shieryue (N) December (D) thang 12 shin (a) very much (P) rit, het site shiquan-shiméi (IE) be perfect in every way (tn) th ton thap my shiz lokéu (N) crossroads (D) nga te Hongshizinul (N) the Red Cross (D) Hoi char thap 48 7, HP) - Exercise - Bai tap: 1. Translate the following numerals into Chinese characters - ##7# - Dich cdc s6 sau sang chit Han: Examples - Side - Vidu: 35 2 +H 20=+ 59 40 +76 ,12 2. Read aloud in Chinese the following numerals - + -F F)8k F - Doc ede chit so bang tiéng Han : 15, 27, 68, 92, 80, 18, 44 3. Read the pithy formula for multiplication - FFA tk 7 HR - Doc cit chuong cdc sf nhén : — 4} (dé, make) = Re, FE, xwHA, Et, a He, SAH, SATA. 10 ri (nhat) 1. SMG - Stroke order - Thif ty nét : Lj o;Ala 2. SEB - Scripts - Kiéu chit : Hh A 8 8B a4 8 WEF RR RH RG aH Bad Bot thuimg Teng Khai La Hanh. Théo) 3. HEAR - Tips -Ggiy: This is a pictographic character symbolizing the sun ARK IAA © Chit tugng hinh, trong gidng mat tro 4. SBF - Component - Thanh phan: sesg Bie ¢ 4 (Cau trie : 5 5. BBE - Radical - B6 tha : (Ae ‘The meanings of those characters Gon! such as: 2, 9, Of, WR, “Fy Z, etc. 2 Sun, *B6 hat) the sun, day, time (N) mat trdi, ngay, 4 thdi gian (D) Vos 6 Rt Tries ing 'B) radical are frequently related to the sun and time, VAD HEREOF + EX FTAA MM» MAK + kos BW, Ht, we, Fa, Br Fe Bo thi: Ayes cdc chit phéin.nhiéu lin quan dén mat tréi va théi gian: 2, FA, Ht, Be, FF, Ze 6. SSFAi8 - Frequently-used Words or phrases - Tir thudng ding an richang (A) day-to-day, everyday (P) hang ngay Aa nché@. —(N)_ schedule, program (D) lich (am vige), chong trink ae ni (Ny) diary (D) hat ky aw tt (Ny date (D) ngay thang nam az Aibén (N) Japan (D) Nhat Ban aw Riya (Ny) Japanese (D) tiéng Nhat ay riz (N) day, time, life (D) ngay, théi gian, cud sng am rye (N) day and night (D) ngay dem IIA xinggin (nN) Sunday (D) cha nhat 7. RS] - Exercise - Bai tap: Point out the location of &] in each of the following characters, and count the strokes = MRT ASFP «OE HREFHSH : ‘Tim vj tri cia A trong cde chit va dém nét : 3.5 2 F f & mw HR RB yué (nguyét) the moon, month (N) 4 trang, thang (D) 1. SG - Stroke order - Thi ty nét : | J [ALAA I 2. SPf& - Scripts - Kiéu cha: 4 AA AR Bopp WEF RK ad RG ed FH a Bot thuong Téng Khai Le Hanh Théo Trin 3. #25K- Tips -Goiy: This is a pictographic character symbolizing the moon in crescent BUF BAF LGR» Chit tugng hinh, giéng hinh trang luoi liém, 4. BBE - Component - Thanh phan: Se25 a: A caret LP CI 5. SBE - Radical - B6 tha: [ Ayqueys the moon, meat.86 nguyét ] The meanings of some characteré.containiByFi radical are rGlated to the moon such as: 3H, 2, HA, etc; white some of the others ar@irelated to meat or flesh such as AA, Re, A, Be, KE, etc. VAR HESS a a5 F + ihey ae BATH 9 do «HH, BHD Fs AAO A K+ Ao « FA, TR, Ay, Bp, HE? Fao Bo thi Al céjmétisé chir lién quan dén trang nhu: 3, B, #, mot s6 lién quan dén nhuc (A) shit), nhur Bi, Re, Ay, Be, Hee. 6. $8 FRial - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tw thudng ding: FADE yuting WEEE oon (D) mit tring FL yusguing —_(N)_ moonlight, moonbeam (D) dnb trang A \ yuering (N)_ moon cake for the Mid-Autumn Festival (D) bénh trung thu AS wera (N) railway platform (D) san ga A yuepieo ) (N)_monthly ticket (D) vé thing RA mye (Nj pRoneymoon (D) tudn tring mat 7. S&S) - Exercise -Bai tap: Write the dates in character - 5 th “F 5) HM - Vist cdc ngay thang : Examples - fil-ko - Vi du: April 29 09 —-+7LH 29 thang 4 September 23 28 thing 9 July 4 4 thing 7 February 14 14 théng 2 December 25 25 thing 12 October ist 1 thang 10 November 30 30 théng 11 2 rén (nhan) 1. human being (N) 2. person (N) 2 ngui (D) 1. SMH - Stroke order - Thif tu nét : DTA l 2. 54 - Scripts - Kiéu chit: AKA A A ASF WEF RR HG RG tar ED Bat thing Tong Khai 1g Hanh (@qhéo rien 3. #275 - Tips - Goiy: This is a pictographic character symbolizing a man. Men u8e.onlyiwOiiegs to walk, this is a significant difference between men and apes. WF RAM AAR ¢ ARM PRIA ER AGO PRADA BA Chit tugng hinh, ging hinh ngudi A (nhén). NguOildi bling hai chan, Khiic v6i loai khi 4. BEF - Component - Thanh phan : BME: r A eae ~z oO 5. BBE - Radical - BO tha: TAF Yyren) : man : BO nhan) ‘The meanings of characters containing At radical are usually related to person, such as: 42, k, 4F, Fh, Mit, Rath, DOANE, etc. VAAAE RRR YF + BERGE AA HK 9 ho Ae, HE HE A BR BAS Bm Ho Bo thi A. g6m cdc chit phim nhiéu lién quan dén con ngubi: 42, t, 4, 3, Hf, AR, Hy OANA. 6. $6 FAial - Frequently-used words or phrases - Ti thudng dang : AAMT ronmen)() people, men (D) moi ngudi KB eénmin \ iw) \ the poopie (D) nhan dan Af Renminot (the currency in China (PRC) (D) Nhén dan te AA renedi—(N),_— a person of ability, (D) nhan tai AZ <_réng8eq_ (NAD) manpower, manual work, man-made (D) nhan cdng, nhain tao AR ~rénia | (household (D) gia dinh A — conja (PN) __ other people, the speaker itself (Dt) ngwdi ta AW rénksu (WN) population, number of people in a family (D) nhan khéu AK rene () mankind (D) loai ngusi RA aren (family members (D) ngwei nha 7. 5] - Exercise - Bai tap: Guess the meanings of the following characters - Hi} 4A F dik 2 F 4h. - Dosn nghia ede chit: mR 3 &. da, dai (dai) big (Av) 3 to, én (T) 1. SENG - Stroke order - Thi ty nét : -|+|% ala 2. SEEK - Scripts - Kiéu cha + KKK Re KM WEF OR HG RG HH BH a Bat thug Teng Khai Le Hanh = Théo) Trign 3. HEIR - Tips - Goi y: ‘A man stretching out his arme, this pictographic character symbolizes “big” KIARA BR HR * Ngudi dang réng hai cdnh tay, c6 nghia 1a (dai: to). 4. SB¢F - Component - Thanh phan : Ee x ne 5. BBE - Radical - B6 tha : LX (ca) * great): Bé dai) ‘The frequently-used characters containing. A radical are Ky K, K, H, ete VARA ERE AY FAK A, KKM F ° Bo thi K c6 cde chir thubing dimg: AYA, K, 5... 6. $$FRIA - Frequently-used Words or phrases - Tw thuéng ding : KM agit (Wal) probably, main idea (PT) gi khdi, 06 18 KE) caitu (N) doctor (D) bac si KR wala (P) all (Dt) moi ngudi KR sa (continent, mainland ©) dailue KA @rén (adult (D) —_ngudilén KB dashéng (a) loudly (P) In tiéng Ko aaxtto () _bigand small, size (D) — tomhé, «@ KF) aaxus (N) university (D) dai hoe KARE dashiguin (N) embassy (D) dai sit quén KFR sadvdsho (nN) the majority (D) dai da sb 7. $3) - Exercise - Bai tap: How many men altogether are there in these four characters? KORE HORS PPAF VA? Dém xem trong 4 chif o6 tat cd bao nhiéu nguéi? eB h RK 4 ~~ ~ tou (dau) N 3h 1, head (N) 2. first (AJ) 5 1.déu() 2. dau tién (1) 1. SENG - Stroke order - Thi tu nét : “Eye 2. S46 - Scripts -Kiéu chat: kkk & SE REF RAR we RG TH Bot thutng Twng Khai “a Hanh 3. 427K - Tips - Goi y= This is a simplified character for 3k. Here, X is the shape of a mafipand the two doté 3k ” Point out the position of the head. «BO GBF KY RAT» HH Chit K c6 hinh ngudi, hai chdm “ 3» chi re, 4. 2B¢F - Component - Thanh phan : OK” Tie kOYEF © triciadia 3 sD my % Céutnie 5. SBE - Radical - BO thu : LK (ea) big : B dai] 6. $8 FAIA] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tw thudng dang : Ke ‘téuding (W) first-class (D) hang nhat KR teuta (N) hair (on the human head) (D) tée he toundo (N) brains, mind (D) dau 6c wk xouté (N) oral, in words (D) bing migng aK gongtou (N) foreman (©) cai, d6e cong KI tou (VO) lower (bow) one’s head (Btn) cai dau BK gaitou (VO) take the lead (tan) din déu ad danou (Vo) nod one's head (Bean) gat dau EK CL) reorsuey (N) old man (D) ong gia FBI — yinidn dao teu (IE) throughout the year, (tn) quanh nam suét thing all the year round SB IRAE L —yingrousgansnang (le) ty hard to catch up (tn) vuom lén du6i kip 7. $5] - Exercise - Bai tap: Explain the meanings of the following terms - AEAEF Fi} 75] 15-44%. G - Gidi nghta cdc tir: AK KA kK FE tai (thai) Ny >) & 1. too (A) é 2. the greatest (AJ) ed in ZA 4 1. qua (7) 2. cuc ky (P) 5S 1. SEMI - Stroke order - Thit tu nét : [sala [TT 2. SFB - Scripts - Kiéu cha : ARK RK A K F Ok WEF RH Ht RG He Be at Bot thutng Ting = Khai Le Hanh = Théo) Trign 3. HEIR - Tips - Goi y: Adot added to % (big), this self-explanatory charactermeans “excessive” or #€xtremely”. «KY Bib h 6 + Ra eae v6 gb HS Chir & (dai) thm mét chém *, * c6 nghia lA thai qudjeye\k}) 4. S84 - Component - Thanh phin : ARB Rt *k SBR: Cau trite 5. SBE - Radical - B6 thi : (CK (ea) : big : BO dai) 6. %FAia] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Ti thuéng ding : KM ralyang (N) the sun (D) mat trot KE taikong (N) outer space ©) vat AK “tie (N) wife, Mrs, lady (D) vg, ba, quy ba KP taping (4) ) poacetul @ — théidinn AF \ win () crown prince (D) thai tir KE tainou (N) mother of an emperor (D) thai hau KA _thigong (N) —_great-grandfather Oo a 7. HB] - Exercise - Bai tap: Guess the mearting of the following terms HAT PAE ES * Bodin nghia ede tit: RAK RBA AKF 4 1. SENG - Stroke order tian (thién) 1. sky (N) 2. day (N) 1, tréi(D) 2. ngay (D) - Thi ty nét: FUR 2. SEB - Scripts - Kiéu chit : RE R RR ETM REF RR a RG tH Pe EP Bot thuong Tong Khai Le Hanh (@qhio rien 3. #BAR- Tips - Goi y: The sky (—) is above man (A) RBAWLA © Troi (KR) tren ngwi (A) 4. SBF - Component - Thanh phén : R » fa 5. SBE - Radical - B6 tha: UX (oa) : big : B6 dai) 6. Hf FRI8] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tif thing ding : RF RB RX RK RE ABR aR ER RR BR ‘Anca . Wanksng ‘ianal tianzhén ‘anznds Maitan chaitién iin aidan Sngtian (Way) talent, genius (DT) thién tai (Noo the sky, the heavens D) bau trai (%) weather (D) thai tise (A) innocent (1) ngay tho (%) the God ®) —Thién Chia, Chia (%) Sunday @) — chinhat () spring ©) mia xuan (y) summer (D) mia he (N) autumn, the fall (D) mda thu () winter ©) mia dong 7. $3] - Exercise - Bai tap: Fill in the blanks with characters according to the information given - 42 - Dién chit Han theo chit cho trude : 1. Fl (chou; week: tudn 18) # (you; have: 06) ____—_(seven days: 7 ngay). 2. 4 (td; he: anh dy) — F] =f (gongzue; to work: lm vigc)_ __(five days: 5 ngay). Sie any (June: théng 7) & (qu; go to: di) HK (rive Nhat Ban), 0 (phu) Y 1. husband (N) 2. man (N) 1. ngudi chéng (D) 4 2. dan éng (D) Hy 1. SE) - Stroke order - Tht ty nét : Sega 2. SEYK - Scripts - Kiéu chi : RRR RR TR WLP ORR Re RG He RR EE, Bit thwng Téng Khai. «= L@-S-Hanh_ = Théo.) Trig 3. FEAR - Tips -Ggiy: ‘The husband is higher than the sky. So you must respect him. KABUL © Chéng ( & ) cao hon trai ( A ) . Vi vay phai duge kinh trong, 4. SBF - Component - Thanh phan : see: CT x ied & O 5. BBE - Radical - BO thu : [LX (4a) : big : BO dai) 6. S$FAIA - Frequently-used words or phrases - TW thuding ding : kia tat (N) husband’and wife (D) va chéng zd — ad (x) husband and wite (D) vg chéng RAW \saren (Nf Lady, Madame, Mrs. (D) phu nhan DK § gnotu {Npstime, workmanship (D) céng phu, théi gian, céng stie MK —sbnatu {N) time, workmanship, skill, art (D) céng phu WA jeu Chi ¥ X Khée voi A 4. SB - Component - Thanh phan : x sea ‘Gdu trie = 5. SBE - Radical - B tha : [ACA ) (c6n): man : B6 nan) 6. $$ FAia] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tw thuding ding : AB roku (S) entrance (D) I6i vao, cita vao A rumen {VOIN) cross the threshold/ — (Dtan/D) ve long elementary course AF roxué {VO) enter a school (Btan) nhap hoe, dén truong BA ont (W) come in and go out (B) ra vio Tr jae () join, add (B) gia nhdp, them vao YA fincas (W) enter, get into (D), di vao ron shoura (VN) take in, income (BD) thu nhap HAN | chashangisi | (ie) go through fire and water (tn) vao sinh ra tit 7. HS) - Exercise - Bai tap: Riddles - #3818 - Dé cha: 1. 48 (ing; mirror: gutmng) *P (zhéng: inside: trong) A. (A person A inside a mirror - ngudi trong guong). 2 KF (xia; under: ha, duéi) A, (wa; not have: v6, khong 6) A. (Under the sky % , there is no people A - du6i trai khéng 6 ngudi). 19 COng (tdng/tiing) 4% 1. follow (V) 2. from (PP) 4 l.theo() 2.t¥(@ 1. SMM - Stroke order - Thi ty nét: JIA LA ITRKM 2. SFB - Scripts - Kiéu cha: Z am AA BO a NE BEF RH RG RG Ht Re aad pining Toy Rae Hh RT 3. HAR - Tips - Goi y: ASH GA? RIB © Ngudi nay di theo nguéi kia, cé nghia 1a “theo”. 4. 3B¢F - Component - Thanh phan : AeA Meee eo 5. BH - Radical - BO tha : {ACA ) (ren): man : Bg Ahan) 6. $$ FAIA] - Frequently-used words of phrases - TW thudng ding : nes congba (a) never (P) chua hé, khong bao gid AAs ‘eongel (C) from this time on (L) tirnay BA conglal (A) always, at all times (P) xva nay aa congaidn’ (An) before, in the past (PMD) trade day ah eong'er (© thus, thereby (L) tir d6, do a6 FRA ‘fuceng (V) obey (®) phye ting Bro 3& cong. (PH) from...on (aa) bit adu tir FB) céng..dao (PH) (da) tir... dé 3 R edng...chite (PH) start from... (an) di tir... 7. GF - Exercise - Bai t@p : Translate the following into Vietnamese - #17 - Dich sang tiéng Viét: 4, (a; he: anh dy) AA EI A (Ribén; Japan: Nhat Ban) 4 (lai; come: dén), TX (kssnr but: nhung) BARARAK. 20 béi (bac) north (N) 5 phia bac (D) 1. SE1GI - Stroke order - Thit ty nét : ee adea|eden pall 2. SF - Scripts - Kiéu cha: dt dk ak ae we to fh WLF Rk RE RG HH Re ae Bot thuong Tong Khai Le Hanh @ Théo)“ Wrrien 3. BGK -Tips-Goiy ‘Two persons standing back to back, the original meaning of this asociative compound character was “back”. Later it gained the meaning of “north” as the resultiof a phonetic loaf. BAVEWIH > RPOEE > BRM HEALS Hai nguéi ding tya-lung vao nhau, cé nghia laveding, Sau hay duse muen dé chi phia bic. 4. 38 4 - Component - Thanh phén : 5. SBE - Radical - BO thi [.& (ep: spoon : Bé chiy) 6. %$ FA ial - Frequently-used words or phrases - TW thuding ding : Ae béibian AN) north (D) phia bée 4bda—baiman {N) \north () phia bie HA vsitang (N) orth, the norther part of the country (D)-_mién bie IG Being (N)_ Beijing, capital of China (PRC) (D) Bae Kink AGH Bey (N) the North Pole (D) Bae eye AGS Ba) weizndu (N) North America ) Bae My AAG dng bai (N) Northeast (D) dong bac 7. HB] - Exercise - Bai tap: Translate into Chinese - ##7# - Dich sang tiéng Han : 1. There are too many people in Beijing (Bac Kinh qué déng dan). 2. The doctor came from Beijing (Bc si 1a ngudi Bac Kinh). 2 1, $8 - Stroke order - Thif tu nét : LIE [RL] we aE Dae bi) fi] 1.tocompare (Vv) 2. than (PP) 4 1,s0sanh (©) 2. hon (G) | 2. SE4B - Scripts - Kiéu cha : re ee HLA MEF Rk RG RG tH F* Re Bat thuing Teng Khai iv) Hanh . Tio ‘Trién 3. $878 - Tips - Goi y Two persons standing face to face to compare their heights, this associative compound character means “to compare’. RAs ARM GK MA“ HEE Hai ngudi dimg eanh nhau, so (Ht,) cao thép, cb sighia Ja 0 sinh. 4, BBE - Component - Thanh phan + ce ee 5. BBE - Radical - B6 thu: [& (en: spoon : 86 chy } 6. $f FAIAl - Frequently-tsed words or phrases - Ti thuding ding : Hazy biting, (Wi) likened to, analogy, instance (D) vidy Hoge bite (N) score for sport competition (D) tH so HERE) bipao. (V/A) to compare, comparatively (DIP) so sénh HoT bi (N) ratio, proportion ) tle HLH bisa (N) match, competition (D) thi, thi dau Heke bia (0) for example (L) vi dy, vi nher 7. HF - Exercise - Bai tap: Follow the examples to make sentences using “ Ft,” Ry GAPAF > Meter Fisa + ‘Dat cau o6 cha “ HL” theo mau edu: 1. AEA AEA H (gic: tall: cao) 2. PH] (zndngguo; China: Trung Quéc) LL ARK ° 2 ming (minh) aa ) H 1. bright (Au) = 2. to know (NU) 8 L.sang (1) 2. hiéu @) a = q Ce 2 1. SENB- Stroke order - Thi ty nét : ~~ a ay 2. SFB - Scripts - Kiéu cha: AOA} REF RR HH RG tH ¥* Rt Bot thung Tong Khai le Hanh | Théo | Trin 3. $B7K- Tips -Ggiy: This associative compound character means “bright” by putting the sun ( F] ) and taBwiGon ( H] ) together. BL AGE—KR? APART? ® » Al ghép vai nhau cé nghia 1a sdng. 4, 84 - Component - Thanh phan: sR: BtH Cau tric a 5. SBE - Radical - B6 tha: (5 (nm): the sun : BO nhat] 6. $$ FRia] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Ti thudng dang : 5% mingdat (Autvysclear/ understand, know (1) 16 rang, hiéu 76 FASE mingtiang (Ad) bright, become clear (1) sdng sia "A mingming (A) obviously, undoubtedly (P) 16 rang, ranh ranh ASE mingnién (N) next year (D) nam sau BA — mingtian (N) tomorrow, the near future (D) ngay mai ARR mingqua (Aan) elear, make clear (TR) 16 ret FE H mingxinpian —(N)__posteard (D) uu thigp FAR mingxian (Ad) clear, obvious (1) ro ret 7. SRS] - Exercise - Bai tap: Point out the location of in each of the following characters: abe Ae APRS FP EE + Tim vj trf cia Al trong cde chit ee ee ee 23 Z€0 (tao) 1, SBME - Stroke order - Thi ty nét: Vyaya[ele,e 2. SPB - Scripts - Kiéu cha: SZ 1. morning (N) 2. long ago (AJ) 6 1. buéisdng(D) 2. ti lau (T, S YA oa DB ys - == VAL ly WA Z ZAI | Se pee RG REF RR Hi RG TH Bot thuimg Teng © Khdi_ «= L@- Hanh 3. $27K- Tips -Ggiy: a4 Thao Ee ‘Triga! Imagine the sun ( | ) has come up to the top of the church (7), and you will oémprehend the meaning of this associative compound character “morning”. BR-FARM CA) ARERWL( +) RAPREAF LOSES Hay tuéng tuyng mat troi ( H ) d trén cay thép ty trénnée nha the thhbiét ngay chit nay ¢6 nghia la budi sdng, 4. 3B - Component - Thanh phan : att wR: Cau trie 5. SBE - Radical - B6 tha: [1H (ry: the sun: B6 ahat] 6. $¢FHI5] -Frequently-used words or phrases - Tix thudng ding : “PR zbodhen ()_fearty) moming Gey zaesning Will (eathy) morning FAR za0tan (N) breakfast PR rtowan YOnMeMihg and evening, sooner or later FI host (s)he early time period FL zioyl (&) Tong ago 7. RS] - Exercise - Bai tap: Point out the location of + in each of the following characters : a +7 APOE FTP OEE + ‘Tim vj tri cia + trong ede chit: © © o © o o séng sém busi aang bia diém tam sém chiéu, sém muon thai ky dau tirlau da + * @ A k FF KF KR HR 24 bai (bach) 1. white (AJ) 2. in vain (A) 5 1. trang (T) 2. khéng (P) 1. SEMBi - Stroke order - Thi tu nét : T Ula | 2. SEB - Scripts - Kiéu cha : 4 4 8 @ 6. REF OR it RH cad 2 at Bot thug Téng Khai le Hanh — @qhao\ rien 3. BIR - Tips - Ggiy: This is a self-explanatory character. With one additional stoke (\/ Jyabove the. sun ( A.) , this character implies the white light of the sun BLS) > RAM HGH > ‘Trén chit nhat ( Hl) e6 thém nét ( / ), c6 nghiala nh sdtig trang ci mat tro. 4. BB4F - Component - Thanh phan: 4 5. ABET - Radical - Bo tha : ( € (0); white 89.bach ) 6. SSAA] - Frequently-used words or phrases - TY thuding ding : Ok bainan (daytime, day (D) ban ngay ak baicai (N) Chinese cabbage (D) rau edi tring BA bairén (9) white people (D) ngwbi da tring ae ‘Bai Gong (N)_ the White House (D) tda Bach Ge OFA deicrsugya —1e) start trom scratch (tn) gidu Ién ti tay tring QRZ F spaiznensiet (1) (written) in black on white paper (tn) gidy tréng mye den 7. HF) - Exercise - Bai tp: 1, Translate into Vietnamese - ##i# - Dich sang tiéng Viét : We AK aK 2. Locate the ) radical in each of the following characters : ao” BSF PEE: ‘Tim vi tri cia & trong ede chit: Sf oe fe ee 8 bai (bach) 1. hundred (NU) 2. numerous (NU) 6 tram (S) 1, SENG - Stroke order - Thif tu nét = T7144 e 2. S$4& - Scripts - Kiéu cha: i er REF RR RG RA HH R at Bat thuing Téng = Khai Lo Hanh = Théo )\Trién 3. $B - Tips - Goi ys This is a pictophonetic character with € (bai) as its sound element and (one) as its ideogtam. GRAF) RUF? © chi thanh, — chi hinh. 4. SB¢F - Component - Thanh phdn : SABE vd tA B 5. SBE - Radical - BO tha + (= on: one : B6 nhat) 6. MFAia] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Ti thudng dang : aa balwan (nu Pilion (S) trigu ar baihuo (N) general mechandise (D) bach héa Be bainidn (N)) a very long period, lifetime ©) tram nam GH pairenvi {N) percentage (D) ty 16 phan tram BALA Valier zridsi (iE) a hundred per cent (tn) trétm phan tram BRB YP. vaieraicnong ((€) (as in archery and shooting) _(tn) bach phat bach tring every shot hits the target 7. BJ - Exercise - Bai tap + Write with characters the following numerals ASS ih TAR * Viét chit Han cdc con sé 400 218 760 899 956 379 26 | shi (thoi) x "F 1. time (N) 2. hour (M) 7 1. thdi gian (D) 2. gid (D) 1, SBM - Stroke order - Thi ty nét : Re | ey | 2. SPAR - Scripts - Kiéu chi: at mf ab ow i of 08 MEF RR RH RE tt FR VET Bat thing Ting Khai «= Lan Théo Trig 3. HER - Tips -Ggiy: This is the simplified character for B. H] is the sun x day "thus thé symbol St a hand holding a ruler. With Hand } together, this associative eompolind tharatter iriticates the measurement of the day, namely the time of hour. “oe” UF > BRAM tARRR? Bie tS Bae Kelty, Fla mat trai, -} (thén: td) Ia thude do, ghép Taile6 nghia 1a git, thai gian. 4. BBYE - Component - Thanh phan: Cl ] 5. SBE - Radical -Béotha : (A ithe sun: 8 nhat) 6. S$ FAB) - Frequentiy-used words or phrases - Ti thudng ding : BEAR shidai (N) age (@) théi dai WPT] shyan (N) (the concept of) time (D) thai gian FAR — chino (N)_ (the duration of) time D) ki, hic BEA] she (s) time, moment (D) thai khdc, thai diém REI shigt (N)_petiod of time (D) thoi ky BYR Shishi (A) always, in all time (P) luén luén, He ‘shi (N) season (@) mia BRE suishi (A) atany time, whenever necessary (P) bat cif lic nao, Juén Judn 7. SRS] - Exercise - Bai tap: Translate into Chinese - $411 - Dich sang titng Hén : 1. o'clock, tomorrow moming (7 gid sng mai). 2, December 26, 6pm (6 gid chiéu ngay 26 théng 12). wy shi (thi) it 1. correct (AJ) 2. to be (v) g 1. dung, phai (T) 2. 1a ©) 1. SENML - Stroke order - Thif ty nét : *l=[elelelz 2. SFB - Scripts - Kiéu cha: Berd 2 So Zk AR A ECB MEF RK RH RG BH Fe RE Bat thwng Téng Khai LS i 3. #2IK - Tips - Goi y: ‘Swearing under the sun ( #]) that something is true (GE * %), this assopidtive compound character originally meaned “to be correct, certain’. Now it means “to be”. BKM FRELFLALR APA o Xin thé duéi mat trdi ring viée dé 1a hoan toan diing;\¢6 nghia lay*phai”. 4. SB4F - Component - Thanh phan: ao aime: Ve Cau trie: 5. SBE - Radical - BG tha : ( (ey: the sun : Bofthgt } 6. $$ FHis)- Frequently-used words or phrases - TW thuding ding : ay shide (IE) yes, right (tn) ding, phai, vang Rik shill (N) right and wrong (D) phai trai, ding sai, thj phi RE shiteu (I) whether or not (tn) phai chang, phai khong 432i AE shi'shi 6r foi (IE) apparently right but actually wrong (tn) tung ding héa sai 7. HI) - Exercise - Bai tap: 4, Read aldud and translate into Vietnamese - Bik $+ #a7# - Doc va dich sang tiéng Viét : we +e+ teeter e+eat et+e20+o 2. Point out the radical in each of the characters - 4 zt F F&F 4)-9$-H - Tim b6 thii cde chit: ee a 28 shang (thugng) 1. upper (N) 2. go up (Vv) 3 1.trén(D) 2.1én() 1. SEMI - Stroke order - Thi tu nét : Nia ee 2. $46 - Scripts - Kiéu chat: bt EE & £ ENS MEF RR RH RG cee PH Et Bot thug Téng Kadi LG Hah Tha UUri¢n 3. FER -Tips-Goiy: This is a self-explanatory character, — represents the surface while the I indicatés’something above the surface. _F also looks like a hand holding the pump'handle. KO" RRA HG 6 YP HME MT UREHPASHEBR — la mat phdng, } 1a phan trén mat phdng. Céthé\hinh dung hhwmgt chiée tay quay. 4. 8B¢F - Component - Thanh phin : + shomae: | Cu trie: 5. SBE - Radical - Bo thi : [00 : one :B6.nhét) 6. $$ FAia] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Ti thuding ding : Lid | shangbian ANVHtORY Upper, above (D) bén trén, phia trén Ei shangmian (N) top, upper, above (D) bén trén, mat trén EAR shangke (VO) attend class, go to class (Dean) len lép ER shangisi () come up (D) len day LX shangqa (V) goup. ®) dilen EF shangwis (8) forenoon, morning (@) buéi sng LF shangrus {VO) go to school (tan) di hoc ER shangyt (N) upper outer garment, jacket @) so LSE shangoan (vo) go to work (tan) dilam LF shangxa (§)_ high and low, from top to bottom (B/D) len xudng, trén dudi 7. OR) - Exercise - Bai tap: Use the following characters to form as many words as you can - $2.78] - Tao tit: Example - fio -vidu: A__ = BA» KA AA + a 29 xia (ha) 1. lower (N) 2. down (V) 3 1.duéi(D) 2. xudng (B) 1. SBM - Stroke order - Thi ty nét : eat | ale) ale 2. SE4B - Scripts - Kiéu chit: — . > 5 OR F F F & ohh mee RR RH FH Bit thug Ting Khai «= L@— Hanh Thao) Trig 3. $B - Tips - Goi This is a self-explanatory character, — represents the surface while thel\) indicate® sémething below the surface. “F also looks like a man standing under‘a pavilion. AP REPEC bed EET LTE TAB RET FREE © —1a mat phang, 1a phia dudi mat phang, Cang cé\thé twing twig IA mot nguei ding duéi mdi dinh héng mét, tay vin cét. 4, SBF - Component - Thanh phan : ¥ BRE oO Cau tric 5. SBE - Radical - BO tha : [= : one : BO nht) 6. $6FAi9] ~ Frequently-used words or phrases - Tif thudng ding : FFB xiavisn (WN) bottom, under (©) ben dudi, phfa dudi Fi xiamian yyy bottom, under (D) bén dudi, mat dudi FIR vane (vo) finish class (Dean) hét gid len dp FARK xialai. (v) come down (D) xuding day FA xialal (8x) verb ending, indicates downward —(hdu t6) dat sau dong tit, 48 chi tit cao ditection or result of the action xudng thép, tirxa dén gan FA xaos — ) godown (D) di xuéng “FH xiaqu (8X) verb ending, indicates downward —(h4u t6) dat sau dong tit, 48 chi tit cao. direction or result of the action xudng thép, tif gdn ra xa FF awa £1) afternoon (D) buéi chiéu “FBE auaban (vo) go off work (Bean) tan ca, hét gid lam vige 7. 3) - Exercise - Bai tap: Guess the meaning of the following words - FA AIK F7A7S 67°E-E - Dodn nghia: ee oe 30 ku (khdu) mouth (N) 1. miéng (D) 3 2. miéng (com...) (It - tit chi don vi) 1. SEMI - Stroke order - Tht tu nét : ee atze |e 2. SP fh - Scripts - Kiéu cha: el or MEF RK RH RH 8% $4 Bot thuong Tong = Khai Le Hanh Théo 3. FER -Tips-Goiy: Symbolizing a mouth, this pictographic character means mouth MATAR » Cé6 hinh thi nhw cdi migng. 4. SBEF - Component - Thanh phan: Sea ¥ Cau trie : v 5. SBE - Radical - Bo thu : [er eouymouth : BO khdu) ud Es Trign ie) The meanings ofthe characters Gntsining 1 radical are usualy related to mouth, such as: HR, at, By PEE, IM, etc. VEO ERG BNR AR OH 9 do | «ob, of, 3, OF, As, ve, IE, YF » ‘B6 thi: 7 66 ede chit phan nhiéwJién quan dén miéng 7 (khdu) : vf, #4, 38, %F, *, ee al 6. $6 FAia] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Ti thudng ding : oe Kuda (N) pocket (D) tii a ug (N) tone, note (D) khdu khi, giong ve kéuhdo (N) slogan, watchword (D) khéu higu vR kéushi (NY oral test (D) thi van dép out (W) oral (D) bang mieng kéuya (N) spoken language ©) khéu nga RSE koushixintgi —(1€) ‘say yes and mean no (tn) néi m6t ding nghi mét néo 7. $F) - Exercise - Bai tap: Point out the 17 in each ofthe following characters : ik < APGAFpayeE : Tim vi tricia 1 trong ede chit: We 31 git (cé) ancient (Au) 5s 0616, ci) 1. SEMI - Stroke order - Thi ty nét: fee |e | ote ea |e 2. SEHR - Scripts - Kiéu cha: oe ee WEF ORK RE TH Be aE Bat thing Ting Khai. «= L@.=SS Hanh = Tho.) Triem 3. EAR - Tips - Goi ¥ = ‘Atradition passing down ( 17 ) through (+) generations, this associative compound Haracter means “old, ancient” +i RREH HR: Mudi migng trayén nhau, nghta la e6 18, 08 dai. 4. #B{f - Component - Thanh phan + +40 sea Be: = A Chu tric = 5. SBE - Radical - BG thi (2 ou): mouth : 86 ku] 6. $$FHiAl - Frequently-used words or phrases - TW thudng ding = Kr tia (N) ancient time (D) 6 agi, thai od Si oot (N) histori site (D) ditich, 06 ee guile (AJ) ancient, age-old (D) 6 xu, 06 15 BX gwen W)) classical writing (D) 6 van EA 3} gin 2nSngwal (fe) ancient and modern, Chinese and (tn) of kim, trong ngoai foreign, through out the whole World in al times EHEAK siwang.jriai (E) through the ages, of all ages (tn) tir 06 chi kim, tir xu dén nay, xua nay 7. 3) - Exercise - Bai taps 1, SoIVé the riddle - 44} Fit - Do chit: The character # falls down - FSR 1] - Chit & bi nga 2. Compare the radicals, strokes and structures of the two characters : HARA OSH » HAH sE AY + So sdnh bj thii va cau tric cia 2 chit: * F 32 v jido (khiéu) call (V) 5 goi() 1, SEMMl - Stroke order - Thi ty nét : ee | wf 2. SE4$ - Scripts - Kiéu chi + Py my of my of ooh 8 MiF Fh RE RE HM E*® Bit thing Ting Khai «= LS Hanh @ Thao. Uren 3. HEAR -Tips-Goiy: One yells with the mouth ( 17 ), the right side symbolizes @)puff of ait Ma}, om SS Kym BERS HZ MMe Goi bling ming, 17 1a phdn chi ¥. 4. SB¢F - Component - Thanh phiin: ae Bee 5. SBE - Radical - B6 thi: [7 (hou) : mouth : B6 ku) 6. M6 FAIA] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Ti thuding ding : 14 Fdozud {Vy bevealled @) goila 42% jaoh’o —(v)_—_ applaud, shout “Well done !” (®) hoan ho HT] jaomen_. (v)_eallat the door to be let in @) goi cita sR faon’n —(v)— shout, yell (B) kéu la, la het PYF faomai (Very one’s wares, peddle (BD) rao hang of aka (¥) complain of hardship or suffering (B) kéu khé, phan nan AREF jiaohwazi (NM) beggar (D) an may, an xin 7. HR] - Exercise - Bai tap: Riddle - Fk + - Do chit: One character has four mouths, another on has five, a third one has eight, and a fourth one has ten. ‘What are those four characters? SPENT PRFERD AEA D DEP BRHAET Chit c6 4 miéng, chit cé 5 miéng, chit c6 8 ‘miéng, chit cé 10 miéng 1a nhiing chit gi? Answer - tra le 33 y ting (thinh) #€ listen (v) 7 nghe ®) : a, 1. SENG - Stroke order - Thi tu nét : ee | Oe | OT 2. SEB - Scripts - Kiéu cha : oy OF oF oF OF BR MEF RR RR EH Bat thutng = Téng Le Hanh Thao 3. HEAR - Tips - Ggi y : °F is simplified character for 6. The left part a mouth ( 17), symbolizes sémebody }é speaking while the right part can be imagined as an ear that the othet person us68 to listemor “He” HF > ARO» HAMIE | BW TRRR—- RFR MAAR © Bén tréi cé 7 (miéng), nghia 1a cé ngudi ni, bén phdiltudng titong 1A cfii tai, cé nguéi dang nghe. 4. $B - Component - Thanh phén : a seh Cau trie “% 1 5. SBE - Radical - BG thi: (1 (Kou) : mouth : Bokhéu J 6. $$ FAia] - Frequently-used words or phrases - TW thudng ding : FR sngian (hear (B) nghe théy Hit ooking (WIM, listen toa talk, attend a lecture ®) _nghe gidng RHA — singh (8) \listoning comprehension (>) thinh lye RRL mgshus (be told (D) — nghe néi RR. tngxié (WIN) to dictate / dictation (DM) chinh td ASA tingalal (VY) sound like, ring (B) nghe chimg 7. #3) - Exercise - Bai tap: Translate into Vietnamese - ##11# - Dich sang tiéng Vist : 1. FA(gdu; chd) YAM + HARARE © 2. KAM KAM Wi (ciannaa, dign thoai) * Y os yan (ngén) wa 1. words (N) 2. say (V) 7 116i) 2.né6i@) 1, SEMI - Stroke order - Thif tu nét + eaep ut Kein KEEP OUT” 2. SFB - Scripts - Kiéu chi: a% st rest 28 tet gG SRR REF cad RE tH a+ ae Bot thutng Tong Khai Le Hanh Théo) Trign 3. HEIR - Tips - Ggiy ‘A mouth (2) with sound waves (=) coming out, this associative Sompound chafdetét means “words. FLAW LWA AR Dui la (17 : miéng), trén la séng am thanh ( 4. BBEF - Component - Thanh phan : ey Be = A Ogu trie : GC oO 5. BEF - Radical - B6 tha : [ $3 van) : words ; BO ngon) Characters containing & radical are usually related to languages and speech, such as: FA, 36, H, , K, HF, ih, ote. VETER OF 1A SIR SAK + 0 “HA, 38, Hh, HL, RH th” F > Cée chit o6 bo thi (7 ) thudng lidn quan d¢n néi nang ngon ngu, nhut 19,38, Hh Hh, 3, Thain 6. $8 FAial - Frequently-used words or phrases - TW thudng ding: Bt vyayan (N) language (D) ngén ng ae yanyli (N) speech, words (DD) néi nang, n6i te yanidn {N)_ opinion on public affairs (D) ngén luén SK yantan (N) the way one speaks, what one says (D/D) néi nang, néi SAHA yarningbayt | (le) one’s deeds do not match (tn) néi mot ding lam one’s words mot ndo SHAME yarverwixin (16) fail to keep one's words (tn) 18i néi bat tin 7. HS) - Exercise - Bai tap: Point out the radical > 7 in each of the following characters, and count the stroke number for each WS. G7 ATHSFPORE HU ORE SHES: Chi ra vi tricia $ > 7 trong ede chit va dém nét: fee ee 35 1. thu t¥ (D) x xin (tin) AE 1. letter (N) 2. believe (Vv) ae: wv 9 2. tin tudng (D) 1. SEM - Stroke order - Thi ty nét : 4 | 2. SE4h - Scripts - Kiéu chit: a fi tf ow ff (4 REF RR RG RA tt BH Rt Bit thuong Teng Khai Le Hinh = Théo Trin 3. HER - Tips -Ggiy: ‘Aman ( 4 ) with words ($), this associative character 48 mean8*message, letter.“ Sine® people should trust the man’s words, 48 also means “to believe". TRAM IE + 48 BIE > Khi ngwi ( 4 ) ding bén ngén () c6 nghta 1a‘nhd ngiei nhdn tin, gif thu. Khi ngudi ta da tin lai, thi 4F 06 nghia la tin tuéng. 4. BEF - Component - Thanh phén : 1+ 5. BBE - Radical - B6 tha : (4 (rén) : man : BO nhién) 6. S$ FA ia] Chit F of e6 hinh déng ban tay. 4. Bf - Component - Thanh phan : Sean + a Soin: LI 5. BBE - Radical - B6 thu : [AC4 Yendty: hand : Bo thi) Characters containing radical 3 usually refer to or have something to do with hand, e.9 B, tr, as, i, 4B, HR. UF (4 HERES » EXBBE SAK + to 4K, tr, 1B, AB, ab dR Fo Nhitng chif'es bo thii 4 (4) thudng 6 nghia lién quan dén tay, nhu: J, dr, 42, 48, 4B, 4B. 6. $8 FHi9)- Frequently-used words or phrases - Ti thudng dang: FB shoubiao (N) wrist watch (D) — déng hé deo tay FH shousuan {N) Means, medium, measure (D) _thd doan, phuong tién FAR shousha (N) surgical operation (D) thi thudt, phdu thuat FBNL shoursor (N) gloves (D) gang tay Fe srbuw (N) procedures (D) — thii tue FAR shourni () finger (D) —ngén tay FH shbugiang (N) pistol (D) sting Ie FY shoushi (N) gesture, sign (D) ra higu bang tay 7. $3] - Exercise - Bai tap: Locate the radical “ $ + 4 » in each of the following characters and count the number of strokes for the character MF dM APMSF PORE HR-MATHES Chi ra vj tricia “ $+ 4» trong ede chit va dém nét : ¢- ££ 8 F + R oR 37 you (hyu) again, and (A) 2. lai, nifa, vita (P) 1, SEM - Stroke order - Tht tu nét : M2 BT: 7\X 2. S$46 - Scripts - Kiéu chit: ZMLRAALAA met RE cd RG At B+ Et Bit thuiag Teng Khai Le Hanh = Théo) Trin 3. HBR - Tips - Goi y: The pictographic character X originated from the ideogram 3, symbolizing a Rand, “LP EFA RFHHR > Chit RX of viét 14 S gidng hinh ban tay. 4. SB¢E - Component - Thanh phén : SBE & wee ee? OO 5. RBH - Radical - B6 thi: [ equ) vhand, also : Bayhyu) Characters containing radical are frequehitly related to hand, such as &, A, BR, KH; some of them, however, and simplified characters, such as 3, #f, H, 35, At, Z, ¥B, 3, etc. DLE LY REE AREER 1 Ho 6S, BAY AAR AGE > de mE, HB, Hh, M,Z, HE BOE ° Céc chit cé b§)¢HGER. mét sé céilién quan dén tay, nhu: &. A,B, A; mot sé la chat gidn héa, nh 3, Ht, Hs 35 A, 6. $$ FAIA - Frequently-used words or phrases - Ti thu’ng ding = RA your (PH postscript (ps) (an) viét thém (cudi thu), tdi bit LEONE -yourcngybuzhusn | (e) both red and expert (én) vim héng vim chuyén ARRA~ — youks youriao (We) cry and laugh atthe (tn) vita khée vita cud same time ALE) young yout (ie) alarmed and happy at (tn) vila mig vita lo the same time FET RGR dle youww (IE) read again and again (tn) doc di doc lai = L— Yinian you yi nian (PH) year after year (dn) mot nam lai mét nam, ndm nay qua ném khde 7. BS) - Exercise - Bai tap = Locate SU in each of the characters and count the number of strokes: dL ATHSFP HEE’ HHL? ‘Tim vi tri cia SL trong ede chit va dém nét : R unm KF KR FS SF FE 38. } shuang (song) 1. two (AJ) 2. measure e (ly @ i hai 4 2. di (it) 1. SBN - Stroke order - Thié ty nét : |e 2. SEB - Scripts - Kiéu chi : SM RR REF RK cad RG L Bot thug Tong Khai 3. $IK- Tips -Goiy: This is a self-explanatory character ~ a pair of hands. B&F + ham Hai ban tay tife 1A mot d6i. 4. BEE - Component - Thanh phén : + MER Cdutrse: | Ol 5. SBE - Radical - Bo tha: [3 (you) : hand, also : B6 hdu) 6. 3 FAi8) - Frequently-used words or phrases - Ti thudng dang : Ry ‘shuangting (N) both sides, the two parties (D) hai phia, song phuong mid shuangbian {N), both sides, bilateral (D) hai bén, song phuong RE shugnggin (N) (both) parents, father and mother (D) song than, bo me TB ‘shuingsho (N) even numbers () 86 chan ae shuangxt (N) double happiness (D) song hy TAR ‘Shudngrénchuang (N) double-bed (D) givdng doi IRF —yishuangshbu ——(N)_ a pair of hands (D) dei tay RRA Yishuang yang (N) a pair of eyes D) d6i mit 7. HI] - Exercise - Bai tap : Fill in the squares with characters according to the structure indicated : HART A FGETS FD RMR + Dién cae chit sau vao 6 cho diing edfu tric : RRPRERH RH HF HE MAE Al 39 y6u (hau) friend (N) 4 ban () 1. SEM - Stroke order - Thif tu nét : lta | 2. 5h - Scripts - Kiéu chat : RRA KAAS MEF RR HRB de But thung —Téng Khai Le Hanh Thao ‘Trig 3. HB7K - Tips - Goi ¥ {As the originated form shown on the top right, two hands ( 5) jeining together means "fiend! BRFOA-K RMA? (AEF) Hai tay chap lai 6 nghia 1a ban be. 4, BE - Component - Thanh phén : rH are z & Cau tric: 5. BBE - Radical - BG thi: [.X (you) : also, a hand : B6 Huu) 6. FAIA] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tix thudng ding : ARF youndo (Adin) friendly / close friend (T/D) hitu héo BID yous (\)triendship (D) hau nghj AB youai (aun) friendly / love (PD) hitu éi, tinh ban Bethe youand (8) friendship, friendly sentiments (D) tinh ban RE — yousnan {Ay friendly, kind (1) tinh ban, than thién FAA véngyou () friend (D) be’ ban, ban hitu 7. GF - Exercise - Bai tap: 4. Read and translate the following sentence into Vietnamese - Bik fe fF - Doc va dich ra tiéng Viet : AEF (ay names ton nevi) ZARA 2. Write down the characters containing a radical given - ‘5 Ay F PSP H ay RF - Vist cde ch@ Han cé bé thi sau: Example - Bilde - vidy: = + A: zEE II [| 40 y6u (hau) have, possess (V) 6 cd) 1. $81 - Stroke order - Thi tu nét = | ela 2. 546 - Scripts - Kiéu chit : AHA we A AGI me RR RH RH TH RH Bat thutng = Téng Khai Le Hanh Thi, 3. HEAR - Tips - Goi ¥ + ‘A piace of meat ( A ) in hand ( 9) indicates “to have something's LWA) FURAN’ AAA Trén 1a tay, dudi 1a thit, nghia la cé. 4. 88 4 - Component - Thanh phan : yer 2i90 Cau trie : 5. BBE - Radical - BO thy [A (vue): moon : 88 nguyet) 6. # Fil - Frequently-used wordsior phrases - Tix thuing dang : bad Trign oy Aw youde (P) some (P) 06 AHA yousesty (¥)_ have plenty of (B) vo khéi, vo 8 ABIL yousianr (A), some, a little (P) 6 mot chit RE yOuguan (WV) ‘relate to, concern (B) lién quan dén, hitu quan AA —\ youming (43) well-known, famous (1) 66 tiéng, néi tiéng APY (AR) yousrmnou ()_ sometimes, at times (P) 6 khi, thinh thodng Ae yeuxis (P) some (P) mét sé REZ _youyisi (AJ) interesting (1) thi vi, hay AR youyong 1A) useful (1) hifu dung, cé ich an youl (A) powerful - (1) khée, 06 site 7. $3] - Exercise - Bai tay Read aloud and translate the following into Vietnamese - Bik 441% - Doc va dich sang tigng Vigt: LRLABA. 2AKM + KAM F + AATA(r close: ding, ngém) 2 + AA BY(dong: use: ding) F. 4 - Ww shou (thu) Ss receive (V) sg nhan (bp) 1. SBN Stroke order - Thi ty nét : elelelels a 2. SAB - Scripts - Kiéu cha: LZ xe &, = SS Zee Re Boies WEF RR RH RH HK RR Bat thusng =Téng Khai Lé Hanh Thao) ‘Trign 3. #27R - Tips - Goi ¥ While the hand above ( ) is delivering something, the hand below ( Lis receiving’ityThis is an associate character it F(% Riz > FHF (LR ° Tay trén (™ ) dua, tay duéi (Q) nhan. 4. SB¢F - Component - Thanh phiin : betray iB: Cauitric — 5. BBE - Radical - B6 tha : [ hand, also : BQhyu 6. 4 Ria] - Frequently-used words or phrases - TW thudng dang : RIK shoutiang Wo) catch cold (Btén) bj lanh, nhiém lanh BM ‘shoushang (V) be injured, be wounded (D) bj thuong AZ \ jeshou (W) accept (®) tiép nhan, nhan MS fanshou (As) feeling ill, suffering pain (T) khé chiu, khé & FH —xiangsnou (VIN) enjoy / enjoyment (BD) hudng thy A Hoshou () suffer © bj BX canshou (Mm) experience, feel / feeling (B/D) cém nhén, cam thy Bee ingshou (V) undergo, experience (D) chju dung, trai qua RS pe rancho (v) endure, bear, stand (D) chju dung 7. 3) - Exercise~ Bai tap: Find out the Chinese numerals in each of the following characters REFASFP OH PLKER + Tim cdc chit Han chi con s6 trong cdc chit: &# mk FP Be AB FE a2 > ai (Ai) FR & love, like (v) 40 yéu, thich (p) 1. SBM - Stroke order - Thi ty nét : Pars i 2. SFB - Scripts - Kiéu cha: Z < <$ze wt $3" RLF RK a RA Be Re Be Bat thwng Téng “Khai = LG. Hanh_ @ThAO\ Trin 3. BAR - Tips - Goi ¥ The upper part of # is a hand ({\) that holds on a present to belgiven to a friend (A) that one “toves’. RFLURF(M) + Aoriksly + FARK MAMIRM AS Phan trén chit % 1a tay (, JA) c6 nghia la°dua tang qua, phén du6yla ban (A), nghia la yéu ban, 4. SBE - Component - Thanh phan : ea sey Be Cau trie 5. SBE - Radical - BG thi : UK (zhao) : claws; B6 trao ) 6. $A] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Ti thuding din; KB —“alndo.-—_gvloveyliko; hobby; interest (B/D) thi hi , 86 thich, yéu chugng RAFAH aindozns ~_(N) lover (of art, sports, etc) (D) ngudi va thich, ngudi ham mé BP < ano (W) take godd care of (D) yeu qui, yeu thuong BZ BF 21 miadnai (vo) be concemed about (Dean) ty di, si dign face-saving BM aloo (09 VteBetwoon man (D) tinh yéu, éi tinh and woman) BA alten (N) Sweetheart, husband or wife (D)_ngubi yeu, vg hoae chéng Zant (W) cherish, treasure (D) you qu (thai gian, 46 dac...) RS wana (W) love, romance (D) tinh yéu, luyén di 7. GS) - Exercise - Bai tap: Read aloud and translate the following sentences into Vietnamese - BA it 4e #14F - Doc va dich sang ting Viet: KF (a person's name: tén ngudi) R4SF > 48-F SHE (qian; money: tién) KERR BERKS a3 zhéng (tranh) 1. contend (Vv) 2. argue (V) 1, tranh, gianh (D) 6 2. céi nhau (BD) 1. EMH - Stroke order - Thif tu nét : ‘|+[alala]e 2. SEHK - Scripts - Kiéu cha: $e # 2 SR REF RR Rt RA tt RH as Bot thutng Khai Le Hanh = Tho) Trign 3. HEAR - Tips - Goi y+ Two hands (<< & ) pulling an object ( | ) to different directions, théloriginal form’ot (4) symbolizes ‘to contend”, ARF (RS) OTA A HFF—Poth (V9 Hai tay (4S ) tranh gianh mét vat ( | ) 4. SEF - Component - Thanh phan : SB + ot Cau trie _ 5. BBE - Radical - B6 thi: (CZ, 11) (a8): knife : BOBO } 6. $718] - Frequently-used wordsior phrases - Tir thuding ding : $0) shangenao (vm) to quarrel /a quarrel (BD) cai nhau Bi \bpsncous (\) 10 fight for (©) tranh gitnh se zhéngian (vm) controvert, arguement / (B/D) tranh luén controversy eh znBngqd () strive for, fight for (B) tranh thi, gianh lay eh zhéngal (VO) try to make a good showing (Btn) ging vuon lén ez ‘zh3ngguaing (vo) win honour for (tan) gianh lay vinh quang $4 Grange (Vo) dispute, disagree (D) tran chap $A RFT shangquan-cuch —_(1€) scramble for power and profit (tn) tranh gidnh quyén Igi 7. HP - Exercise - Bai tap: Transcribe the following into characters and give its Vietnamese meaning : MAGES S LF oki + Vist céc chit phién am thanh chit Hin va dich ra ting Viét : aren you qian tnming ting mingbai 4 fan (phan) 1. inversive (AJ) 2. on the contrary (A) 1. chéng lai (7) 4 2. ngugc lai (P) 1. SEMI - Stroke order - Thit tu nét : TIF IA 2. S46 - Scripts -Kiéu cha: ARR RR AS RLF RR NH RE oH Pe ee Bit thug Tong Khéi_ = LS Hanh Qo. yien 3. $27R - Tips - Goi y= Tum over (J” )a hand (3), thus developing the meaning “inversion” 4eF(L)MER ) > RBA > Lat nguye (/° ) ban tay (2), o6 nghia 1a ngwye Tai 4. SB#F - Component - Thanh phan : Je BA + r a Cau tric B id 5. SBEY - Radical - B6 tha: {RX (you) : hand, also : Bé hyu) 6. #4 FRB] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tw thuding ding : BB téndong (Ai) Teactionary (1) phan dong BIE tancur (W) oppose, be against (®) phan asi Bk tanier (A) on the contrary (®) tréi lai BY mw (A) fepeatediy, again and again (P) lap di lap lai Bde sane ) counter attack (B) phan kich BAR tankang revolt, resist () phan khang BBL tanying (VIN) react / reaction, response (BD) phan tng BBR tanyng (WM) reflect / reflection (DD) phan énh Bs tanznong (A) anyway, anyhow, in any case () ding nao cing 7. $3] - Exercise - Bai tap: Move only one match from each of the following and create a new character : BAHRKR) RE GRFE RHF + Di chuyén mét que dim dé ede chit sau thanh chit khée : 45 Th fan (phan) 1. cooked rice (N) 2. meal (N) 1. edm (D) 7 2, bia an (D) 1, SMM - Stroke order - Thi ty nét: eee 4 | 2. SFB - Scripts - Kiéu cha: TA REF RR Bot thing Tong 3. HER -Tips-Ggiy: 4 (42) is food orto eat, fis A(R) RFR BI? 4 (AP) nghia la thye phém 4. BB¢F - Component - Thanh B+ 5. RBEY - Radical - B6 tha : Ti he RH Khai Le tH Hanh he sound clement ees hoac an, A 1a chithanhi phan: [4 (42) (ony : to eat 986 thye) Fh RH Thio \ Trién c 6. $$ FAia] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tir thudng ding: BH sana os) 4RJE \tancian ANE tanguan w) BUT ranting ” a en) BH anes 2X A) snanamtzno-| GE) BBG ndng shout 7. HF) - Exercise - Bai tap: meal, dishes with cooked rice hotel, restaurant restaurant dining hall, dining room fice bow, job dining table the tice is cooked—what's ‘oie can't be undone (D) com va thie an ©) ©) ) higu an, hang an, khdch san nha hang nha hang (D) bat én com, céng dn viée lam (D) ban an (tn) ‘ggo da thanh com; van da d6ng thuyén Write as many as possible characters you have leamed which can be divided into left and right two parts : SEMEL GEDA LSPS F * Vist cdc chit e6 thé téch lam hai phan tréi phdi ma ban da hoe : Example - fi4o-Vidu: #7 46 ii (thd) take (V) 3s lay @) se 1, SEM - Stroke order - Thif tu nét : aaj te ical 2. S4& - Scripts - Kiéu chia: mR RRR MEF ORR RH RG hd Bot thuing Tong Khai Le Hanh 3. $B - Tips - Goiy: R SP Pi Tha) at Tien Taking the lett ear JF with the right hand J. In ancient time, a sOldien after kiling enemy, would cut off the enemy's left ear and reported as a battle achievemeht, ZH BF 2 ERRERRE—ZAARA PH ZF RD? Tai trai (3+) va tay phai (JR). Ngay xua bisth Iinh/gidt duce mot quan dich thi cat tai dem vé béo céng. 4. SBF - Component - Thanh phan : FR sesame + Cau trie = 5. BBE - Radical - B6 tha [ (ou) : handyatso.: 86 nyu) RR 6. $$ FAi8] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Ti thudng dang : FAR aiidai (W) replace @) By quae ) gain, acquire, obtain © FR ads cy be decided by, depend on © eA ati )\(vo) seek pleasure, make fun (Dean) ag gunuin (VO) make warm (by afire, etc.) — (Dtan) UE qisheng (Vv) win vietory, score a success (B) BUH \—eoaito |v cancel, cal off, abolish © FRX —qanito# (vy taught at, poke fun at ®) JURAME qaenang- (1) leam from other's strong point (tn) biiduan to offset one's weaknesses 7. GPF) - Exercise - Bai tap: Give the pinyin for each of the following characters: AFARF ES Phién 4m ede chit Hén : ae 1 FR eEF RH a thay thé gianh duge tiy thude vao, quyét dinh béi 1am cho vui, tim thi vui suéi dim gianh thing loi, gianh phan thing xéa bé, thi tiéu ché nhao, néi dia, tru hoe edi hay bi ché kém BR +E e) Zui (t6i) you most (AD) 12 nhat (P) 1. SE)GI - Stroke order - Thi ty nét : * LR 2. S#4& - Scripts - Kiéu cha: 28 = m — Al RR OR 4b mEF RH ca RA tt 4 EF Bot thing Tong © Khdi «LS Hanh_ Thiol rit 3. 327K -Tips- Goi y: The most (3) difficult task is to got (), the sun ( 1) down, RARHSHART AK ‘Vige khé nat 1a lay (Jt) mat trdi ( H ) xudng. 4. SBE - Component - Thanh phan : BtH+R hr: 2 CAuirie: I 5. BBE - Radical - BG thi : (ET (ue): say : BO viét 6. MFA] - Frequently-used wordsoor phrases - Tw thudng ding = Keun Wun) initia first (1) dau tien RK zulda (as) maximum (T) én nhat aK ule (AJ) lowest, minimum (T) thép nhat RS zuigdo (A) highest, supreme (T) cao nhat RSA — wigdof (A) highest, summit (7) cap cao nat. RF ‘zulhdo (ad) best, first-rate, (1) tét nhat (40) had better (®) t6t nhét, nén RE zuthou (AJ) final, last, ultimate (T) cudi cing, t6i hau RE zu (Ay) optimum (D) tim FL zuljn (As) nearest () gan nhat (a0) recently (®) vita qua 7. HF) - Exercise - Bai tap: Write all the characters with the component of SL you have learned and make a word for each one. SLAPPERS AH «7 FHS MAE Viét cde chit c6 thanh phan Xt va tao thanh tir: 48 LT. 1. SEG - Stroke order - Tht tu nét : Zu6 (ta) left (N) 5 trai() eae: 2. S46 - Scripts - Kiéu chat : A MEF RR Bot thutng 3. HEAR -Tips-Goiy: ‘A mason uses his left hand ( £) to hold on a brick =. that jooks like 2. BF + Fidty « x 4622 (20d) © Tay tréi(£), X 6 dudi gin chit Z. 4. 8BfF - Component - Thanh phan : yen 5. SBE - Radical - B6 tha : [© Going) : work : BO cong] ‘Tag RH RG tt Khai 7 Hanh Thao rien 6. $6FHI8] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tw thuding ding : id dhe za ER AB EF £aF EAR bee ZRBR usbin 2uspai zusmian’ zu6yl zubyou zusshou Zusyoushou zudyou weinan 2U6..yOu, zudstyouxiang 7. HS] - Exercise - Bai tap : Translate into Chineses - #311 - Dich sang tiéng Han : 1. the biggest; 1én nhat 4. morning; buéi sing 7. ancient time; thei 6 tr SoA + lea] Géu trie & Lo (N) the left side. (D) bén trdi (N) the left, the left wing (D) phai ta {N) the left side (D) bén tréi, mat tréi (N) the left wing (D) cénh td (NAL) the loft and right sides / (D) trai phai, ta hit, approximate number khodng chimg (N) the left hand (D) tay trai (N) right-hand man, (D) cdnh tay phdi, valuable assistant tha dde lye (i) in a dilemma, in an awkward (tn) khé xit Predicament (PH) to emphasize repeated action (ie) think back and forth, ponder 2. left hand; tay trai 5. spouse; vg hode chéng 8. too big; to qué 49 (én) ta... hitw.. (t4 xung hau dot) (tm) suy di nghi lai 3. fetch letters; lay thu. 6. both hands; déi tay 9. left side; bn tréi 1. SEB - Stroke order - Thit ty nét : you (hiu) right (N) 5s phai(D) (2) Pu Te 2. SE4& - Scripts - Kiéu chit: RH ee BF REF RR Bit thiag Tong 3. HER - Tips - Goi y a RG tH 4 4a Khai Le Hanh Théo) Triea The upper part indicates a hand while the bottom part is a mouth (",). The Rand you satwith is the right hand, LWRF >) FLAT? MRCRHMR FRAP Trén Ia tay dudi 1A migng (7 ), tay edm dita 1a tay pha 4. 384 - Component - Thanh phan : veto 5. SBE - Radical - BO thi : [12 (x6u) : mouth : B6 kha sR —— © 6. #$FR18) - Frequently-used words or phrases - TW thuéng ding : Bit» elvan Bie yours AQ yourian, BAR youging BH your BF \ yousndu HBA kao youzou 7. G3) - Exercise - Bai tap: Np “ “N) ™ ) w) (PH) the right side (D) bén phai the right, the right wing () phai hie the right side (D) phia phai, mat phai right deviation (D) haw khuynh the right wing (D) cénh hit, ednh phai the right hand (D) tay phai keep to the right (an) di bén phai 1. Solve the following riddle - Fj - DS chit ASEAK IGF + FAR (mo: to touch) LF © ‘Mot nguéi ding dudi mat trai, tay phai sd tai tréi. 2. Fillin the blanks according to the pinyin given - ARABBE- SAB - Din chit Hain vao chd trOng theo phién am : RA —__(oruang) $ > HA cus) $5 F + Moo FEM & 50 — le / lido (liéu) 1.le, verb ending (PT) : | 3 2.lid0, understand (B) a 1. réi, da ) i 2 2. hiéu (pb) 1. SEU - Stroke order - Thi ty nét : , a5 ( p 2. $46 - Scripts -Kiéu cha: a 0 2 ee Ny WEF RK titi RG tt ad Rt Le Bot thung Tong Khai Hanh Thao \arign 3. HR -Tips- Ggiy: J looks like the Arabic numberal 3. 7] is a verb suffix indicating the\completion of af action or a change of a status; its also a sentence particle. PAR IT ALOR FIM WR © « J” RAM BM MRE ARYL IE LA © ‘J rit gidng 96 8, 1a dudi dong tir ciing la tit ngit Khiy 4. BBE - Component - Thanh phan : 7 ete Ny 5. BBB - Radical - BO thd : [C0 zone Boat) 6. MFRia) - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tu thuéng dang : “FRG J xayoie, (eH Its raining now (4n) mua r6i ETHEL xiaievan (PH) after work (an) hét gi lam vige, tan‘ca TH ose () finish, settle (D) két thiie, xong xudi TAR taj (V) understand, comprehend (B) tim hiéa, hiéu Fa iden Gy) Sepose’of a matter, gt eth. over cB) xong vite J RAL iiaodugi (le) amazing, terrific, extraordinary _—(tn) gidi giang, ghé gém J AFR _saobude (IE) terrific, extraordinary (tn) gidi giang, ghé gém, néi tréi FAET vuceito / (le) desperately serious, disastrous (tn) gh® gdm, nguy ri, hing réi 7. $3] - Exercise - Bai tap: Translate into Vietnamese - LiF#K - Dich sang tiéng Viet : LT 2. eB (ent to eat: an) J A, 3. RTE 4.4aT 5. J ZAC times: lan) J Zi (tt) 1. zi, son, child (N) 2. zi, noun suffix (SX) 1. con, con trai (D) vos 2. SPB - Scripts - Kiéu cha: 3 2. duéi ciia danh ti Ka Ly 1. SEM - Stroke order - Thi ty nét : $+ FFF 8 BSF REF RR RE a aH BH Bat thutmg Teng Khai Hanh ‘Thao 3. #278 - Tips - Goi Rt ‘Prien Look like a new-born baby. The upper part resembles the head and two Hands. BABIRP HAN ILIGR > LHR HF 0 Giéng nhu dia tré so sinh, phan trén la dau va hai tay 4. SB¢F - Component - Thanh phan : $ ae 5. SBE - Radical - B6 thi: (Fh: child : Ba tt) 6. MFHial - Frequently-used wordsior phrases - Tw thuéing ding: Fe zidan (NW). bullet, pellet tH zal (N) “students, diciples tk (ana (ty) sons and daughters (children) FH aan (8) descendants RF asst () table WF zhaa (N) bamboo BF aint () child 5 qa ) boy KF nazi ) git 7. HRS) - Exercise - Bai tap: Match the Chinese words with their Vietnamese meanings PP PF TER BAAR TE Tim nghia tiéng Viét pha hgp véi tir Han : A. assistant —_B. time C. table D. language F.rice G. listen to H. arguement |. double bed VAR LRT art she 68S TR 8. Ti) OR A.trg thi —_B. thi gian C. edi ban D. ngén ngit F. com G. nghe HL. tranh luén I. giutng déi 52. O (D) dan sing (D) con em (D) con edi (D) con chau (D) edi ban (D) céy tre (D) tré con (D) con trai (D) con gai E. about 4J. fondly affection BF 10.SRA RR E. khodng ching J. hitu di, tinh ban > Zi (tu) 1. SEMI - Stroke order - Tht ty nét : character, words (N) 6 chi (D) fel F 2. $46 - Scripts -Kiéu cha: a sy = = RLF Rk Bat thuong Teng 3. HR - Tips - Goi y: ‘*7 is a symbol of home, -F is a sound element — practising Chinese ¢haracters more often at home. FRA F > RE—ARSMRINF | F la chi thanh, * 1a nha — 6 nha phai chiukh6\tap vist chit Han. pm @ ¢ ca RS tH ¥% Khai Le Hanh “thio 4. SB¢F - Component - Thanh phan : mF 5. SBE - Radical - BO thi : {> (ian) : roof : 86 mién HB (Cau trie ad 6. MFA] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Ti thing ding : FR a 4 Fa Fh se pay Fe dian 2inua 2 zim ian inti aw yang FLAT aw-hangian 7. HF - Exercise - Bai tap: Make sentences by following the examples - #4 i¢ 4) - Dat cau theo miu : Examples - file - Thi du: “RO FFARR Fs (LW FW Ls SW) “Uy FeWZ« py Fe “ ow) wy ) } w) wy) ) e) gl a+ ‘rien dictionary (D) ty dién calligraphy and painting (D) thu phap va tranh words and sentences (D) cau chit riddle (D) 46 chit literal (D) mat char alphabet () chit esi style of writing (D) kiéu char model of written characters (D)_mflu chit between the lines (tn) timg eau timg char 33 sf * gé (ca) n measure (M) 481 B 3 cai (It) aA 1. SEM - Stroke order - Tht ty nét : Pes DIAL 2, 58h - Scripts - Kiéu chit : aide Acetate an MEF RR RH RB tH aad ca But thutng Tong Khai ee Hanh Thio ‘Tren 3. HEAR - Tips - One ( |) person (A) — a person is a unique individual. This is the most commonly used measure (IBAA MADD REA E © ‘Mét ( | )con ngudi (A), mot ngudi la “4”, Ta chidon ¥j thong dung nhat. 4. SBEF - Component - Thanh phan : A+] SABES Fa Cau tric Lt 5. SBE - Radical - B6 thi : LA (c6n): man : B6 nhan 6. FA - Frequently-used words or phrases - Ti thudng ding : Ara] gebie (as) individual (ca bist AIS gor (8) (ofa person) build, stature D) ding ngvei Ay’ \ \oese (®) everyone (P) moi nguoi RA geren (§) personal, individual (D) cd nhan A gexing (N) individual character () ed tinh cinta geal () (of a person) build (@) vée ding MAP gettha (§) individual small business (D) hG ed thé ZA SIA san goxhoai (PH) three weeks (aa) ba tuin 18 FAK ling ge gushi (PH) two stories (dn) hai cau chuyén 7. HI - Exercise -Bai tap: Translate into Vietnamese - LIFAK - Dich sang tiéng Vie 1. BFE (wis; write: viet) J +FLPKF & 2. Kee] J BAK (cai; dioh: mén an) © 8. 48-FHb (ons eat: an) J—VK> 4. KEA WIAA (peng: friend: ban) A © 54 ZhOng / zhong (trung, tring) 1. zhong: center (N) 2. Zhong: China (N) 3. zhong: hit (V) 4 1. zhong: gitta(D) 2. zhong: Trung Quéc (D) 3. zhong: tring (DB) 1. SEM - Stroke order - Thif tu nét : | 2. $4 - Scripts - Kiéu chat: i a oe Ft REF RR Hit RG cmd Bot thuing Téng Khai Le Hanh’ 3. HER - Tips - Goi y= ‘An artow hit the bull's eye right in the center. TRHAP TJ fers © ‘Mui tén bn tring ( *P ) tam bia. 4. SEF - Component - Thanh phan : wt | SOB Cia trie = 5. BBE - Radical - B6 tha : { ] (sha): gun, down stroke : Bd.cén Théo 6. $8 FAial - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tw thuéing dang : | EG ‘Trigat O > ia zhongjian (Njomiddle, center (D) giita, trung gian ¥, zhongnian (N) middle age (D) trung nién PAP \ znongwa () noon (D) gitta trua PRS zhongxtn IN) center (D) trung tam PAE zhongcan (N) Chinese meal, Chinese food (D) b@a an, mén an Tau PE] zrengous w) China (D) Trung Quée yx zhongwén (N) the Chinese language (D) chit, tiéng Trung Quéc Pay | znongyao () Chinese herbal medicine (D) thude Béc PE ~anéngyt (N) “doctor of Chinese herbal medicine (D) ‘Trung y, y hoc o6 truyén. Trung Quéc 4 ahengat (vo) hit the mark, hit the nail on the head (D) tring dich PH znongiang (vo) win a prize (D) tning thing 7. G3] - Exercise - Bai tap: Fill in each blank with character(s) - £3 - Dién chit 1 FAH (rua; stroke: nét) © 2 FHOH > 3. FAH 4. FRILG > 5. FRtIa: 35 cai (tai) ~~ 1. just (A) 2. ability (N) 1. vita mdi (P) 3 2. tai gidi (B) 1. SENB - Stroke order - Thi ty nét : Se lta | 2. SF - Scripts - Kiéu cha: taraeag REF Re Ne RH TH BH Bt thu’ng Teng Khai Le Hanh Théo 3. HEIR - Tips - Ggiy: This character is a symbol of a dancer kicking her leg high — competent: FERRARA SHARIF HA» BRAT A HE © Gidng nhu ngudi mua 44 chn, rat tai. 4. S84 - Component - Thanh phan: sera + Chaise) | \A- 5. SBE - Radical - BG thi : (#4 ) (shou) : hand : B9 thi) 6. $$FAi8] - Frequently-used wordsior phrases - Ti thudng ding : mii as ‘Tridn at caigan (%) competent (D) tai edn ae ceathud (N) literary or artistic talent (D) tai gidi, tai hoa At cainéng. (N) ability (D) tai nang ext. aig (N) literary talent (D) tai ba ae caixus (N) scholastic (D) tai nang va hoc vain a aie! (\) gifted scholar (D) tai tit AF rancal () a capable person (D) nhén tai VERA FFAS | bisai caikgishi (1) The competition just began (tn) Cue dua vila bat dau 7. HS) - Exercise -Bai tap: Complete the pinyin and write the character accordingly - 5 tk $34) HES RIF - Viet them chit cdi vao cho thanh chit phién am va chit Han = Example - fide - Thi du: tian, KR a ee a Ca oS fe a 56 mu (méc) tree, wood (N) 4 cy, gd (D) 1. SEM - Stroke order - Thi ty nét : Tl tal 2. SFB - Scripts - Kiéu cha + RAR RR BSH MEF RR a RG ceed Re ee eo ge Oe 3. HEAR - Tips - Ggiy : This pictographic character originated from the ideogram on the top right symbolizing a tree with branches and roots. EFR-HMM UR > LURK FURS Chit cf gidng hinh edi cay, trén la canh dudi Ta gée. 4. SBEF - Component - Thanh phan: SEAR + fe) x Ckutrie? ul 5. SBE - Radical - B6 thi: [ Atma): wood : B6 moc] Characters containing radical usually refer to or have something to do with wood or plants, e.g. RK, CORES OPW ER 2 BASU AK 9 Ho KAR RAR EYE Cée chit e6 bé thi méc A, thudng cé nghia lién quan dén cay cdi va gd, nhu: AR Rid, 6. $68 if] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tit thudng ding : A mobay (W) plank, board (D) tam vén AA — macs) timber oO & KE ‘muchai (N) firewood (D) citi KZ mbgsng (wy carpentry, carpenter (D) thy moe K48 _Jmivou | (Wy Barved figure, wooden puppet (D) tung 8, con roi gb KI: — mutou!—(m) wood o & ASKAIL matoursnr 0) blockhead (D) nguti nb g8 (ngu aét, cham chap) HEA shoma—_ my trees, woods (D) cay 63 7. HRB) - Exercise - Bai tap : Locate the # in each of the following characters, and count the number of strokes in each character : dK AP OSF POHL HR-RSFHES: ‘Tim vj tri cia Z trong ede chit va dém nét : moe ££ AR R Aw OK 7 lin (lam) 1. forest (N) 2. surname (N) 1. rifng (D) 8 2. ho (D) 1. SBM - Stroke order - Thi ty nét: 4 lak 2. S$ - Scripts - Kiéu chi : Ho Rw RK i WF ORR RH RB BH Bat thing Téng Khai «= LS sHanh_— Thao = 3. HER - Tips - Gai ‘As shown on the top right, two trees ( A.) standing together indicatela forest PRAHA Ae > fmt FH > BER > Hai céy (K) ghép lai thanh nhiéu cay, tite 14 rimgl 4. 884 - Component - Thanh phan : Atk SAB Oo au trae 5. SBE - Radical - BG tha: {AK (mo): wood : B6 moc], 6. # Ri] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Ti thudng ding : A tinchang itree farm @) lam trudng Ke linha (N) immense forest () bién rimg RA ‘inma, 4y) forest (N) rimg RE ngs (W), forest area N) hu wimg RL Anye (W) forestry (X) lam nghiép, nghé rig wR ‘shan (N) forest (N) rig nes saniin (8) iant forest (9) ring rém EBLE AR) abisnazicin GE) to make a forest by planting trees (IE) tréng cay gay ring 7. SRS] - Exercise - Bai tap: Guess the meanings - fff F FS 19 454.X - Dodn nghta ede ti Ae eee Agee BEF _ 58 bén (ban) 1. root (N) 2. original (AJ) 3. measure for book (M) 1. géc (D) 2. nguén géc (T) 5 3. quyén sach (it) 1. SEM - Stroke order - Thi ty né1 ALK 2. SEB - Scripts - Kiéu cha: RRR RR BOR REF RR eH RG tH RG Rt Bat thug Tung Khai 1 Hanh @ Théo. \ Tren 3. HEAR - Tips - Goi ¥ + The short stroke under the # (tree) indicates the root ofthe tree. KAR BRAETHAALIT A » li cay, gach ngang ngéin la r8 cay. 4. SB¢F - Component - Thanh phan : = SAA + me ee 5. BBE - Radical - B6 tha : CK (ma): wood : BS méc}) 6. $818] - Frequently-tised words or phrases - Ti thudng dung : A © bend () local (D) ban dia KR bani HMBtiginatly @ vind KAR vaniing (S) capability (D) ban tinh KA benrén (P) {a person addressing oneself) (Dt) tai (ty xumg) KH vansh¥n (®) _ byitself, oneself (Bt) ban than KH binsn (Ny ability (D) kha nang, tai nang KM baneni (N) in its own nature, innate character (D)_—ban chat KF __ bani (NW) notebook (D) 86 tay, quyén vd ARK — ganbin’ (N/A) “basic, essentially (DM) géc x8, hoan toan 7. $3] - Exercise - Bai tap: With the bottom stroke (—) moving to the top of ., two characters # and are created. Guess their meanings HRA TH-RMBNAL ) MRARKA HHRAPFURS + Dua gach ngan lén trén gach dai hoi sdt duéi gach dai cht X sé thanh cha # hoac R, hay dodn nghia hai chit nay : Away me) 59) ti (thé) #2 body (N) 7 than thé (0) 1. SEMB - Stroke order - Thit tu nét : 4m 2. SRK - Scripts - Kiéu cha: AK RR REF RH tt RA Bot thug Teng Khai Le 3. HE - Tips - Goi y: The essence (AL) of aman (A) is his body. SHRAMILA © ‘Thén thé 1A ei gée cia con ngubi 4. BBE - Component - Thanh phan : Rabe ' i bait Oautrses | 5. BBE - Radical - Bg tha : (4 (A) (ron): man : B6.aban] 6. SFA] - Frequently-used words omphrases - Tit thuding ding : th Be tin (VN) Know or learn from experience (B/D) thu hoach, n&m ving. MAR 8 (®) volume, bulk (D) thé tich HB tiwsn Wy), (body) temperature (D) than nhiet KA on lieystem, setup D) he thong RR tian (VN) embody, reflect (B/D) thé hién RF ty (N) physical education, sports (D) thé dye HAAR yuguan TP syronasium, gym (D) nha thi dau thé thao HAH tyochang (Wy stadium, sports field (0) san vin ding AAR shan () body () than thé 7. $3) - Exercise - Bai tap: Give the meanings for the following - AEAEF Fi] iS - Gidi thich ede tit : LAR 2. Fk 8. BURAE. 4. EK 5. RA, 60 shui (thuat) skill, method (N) 5 phép (D) 1, SEMI - Stroke order - Thi ty nét : ALR 2. 5F {6 - Scripts - Kiéu cha : . ~ . 29 KR R A KR BNI REF Re RG RG aH + Re Bat thuing = Tong Khai Le Hanh ‘Thao ‘Trién 3. #278 - Tips - Goi y + AA dot is added on the shoulder of a tree (4), the pronundiation is shd, (4 tree), but itis not a tree. KFRLF— KR? RHA sha RAH © Trén vai chit K 6 thém mot cham, doc a shi, hung kR6ng phai 1aeayp 4. 8B HF - Component - Thanh phan : a fue FE O 5. BET - Radical - BG thi : LK mo) : wood : 86 moc) 6. #86 FH i] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Ti thu’ing dang : RG shuya 4) technical terms (D) thudt ngir HR suansho (N) arithmetic ©) séhoe ek xuésha (N) learning, scholastic (D) hoe thuat BR Jsho (W) technique, skill ) ky thuat RR wisho (N) martial arts (D) v6 thudt ER vyisha (N) medical knowledge () yy thuat aR sho () art (D) _nghé thudt BR zhanshd (N) tactics (D) chign thuat 7. HB) - Exercise - Bai tap: Complete the pinyin and give the character accordingly : She ROHEARF + ‘Viét thém chit cdi vao cée chit phién am va viét chit Hén : ti 2k 3.1 49 Br 6s 78h Bt ow 10. x tty 12.2 61 a. \ iy) is TELE, Yl ly ‘ na 1. plum (N) A 2. surname (N) Sj 1, qua m4n (D) 7 2. ho () 4 1. SE)Bi - Stroke order - Thi ty nét = Se ~ x] 2 @ Re 2. $46 - Scripts - Kiéu chi: a tw =e REF RR WH RA th £4 Bot thug Téng © Khdi. «= sL@.SsHanh=— Théo @Trignh 3. HBR - Tips - Goi y Achild (>) is picking plums (3) under the tree (K). BFAD BAST ° Duéi edy A c6 dita tré nhat qua man. 4. 3B¢ - Component - Thanh phan : SEAR es Céainiss 5. BBE - Radical - B6 tha : LX ima): wood : 86 moc] 6. $$FBi5] - Frequently-used words onphrases - Tw thudng ding + FF ga «yy plum, (D) qué man te Lao Li {(N) Old Li, an address for an older (D) Ong Ly ‘or close friend be X10 LT (N) Little Li, an address for a younger friend (D) cau L¥ PEA ACF sori man tina (16)(teachers) have pupils everywhere (tm) hoe trd khdp thién ha 7. &3) - Exercise - Bai tap: 1. Fill in the blanks with proper measure words - 3. 74] - Dién lugng tit (chi don vi) 1. FF of 3.249 (sha; book: sch) 4.—_ SRF i 2. Write down the characters containing the component Buon «Ke eee F + Vidt ede chit od “ A": Ke 62 xii (huu) rest, stop (V) 6 nghi, difng (D) 1. SBMBi - Stroke order - Thi ty nét : 4K 2. SF - Scripts - Kiéu cha: IR th om oh IE OT BEF RR he RA ti 4 a% Bot thuimg Tong Khai Le Hanh = Théo Trign 3. HEIR - Tips - Ggi ¥ : A person ( 4 ) is resting (4K) by the tree (£). ABBFPAE ° Neguti nghi bén cay. 4. SBF - Component - Thanh phén : SOB w : Ue Re: 5. SB@ - Radical - BG tha: (4 (A) (060): man : B6 nha) 6. SFA] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tw thuding ding : AL want (voys(oftmeetings) adjourn, recession (Btn) AA xigja (VY) vacation ®) KE non (Y) rest o RR xidzhan (Wo) cease fire (Drain) RAE xidzneng) | (Y) (of troops) rest and regroup © ak ident (V) stop, cease ®) Ek pan W) ive up @ ER tet ) retire ® 7. H3] - Exercise - Bai tap: Solve the riddle - jak - Ds char: AF F (oud; add: them) —BK (7 pis; nét phéy) RAE LF 7 Chit mgc thém nét phy, dé la chit gi? 63 nghi hop nghi phép nghi ngoi tam ngung chién (quan doi) nghi ngoi, chan chinh dig lai cham dit, thoi nghi bu gud (qua) 1. fruit (N) 2. as expected (A) 1. qua, trai cay (D) 8 2. dung (P) 1. SEM - Stroke order - Thif ty nét = vyelelelelelele 2. 58H - Scripts - Kiéu chi: ZRReR eB REF RR RG RA tH FH Bat thuimg Téng Khai le Hanh Théo, 3. 327K -Tips- Goi y : Fruits ( ) ) grown ona tree (X). ACK MEH) (@) AMLGRE A la cay, 7 1a qua moe tren cay. 4, SEF - Component - Thanh phén : A+B 5. BB - Radical - B6 thi : (A (may : wood ; B6 moc] 6. $$ FAial - Frequently-used wordSoor phrases - Ti thudng ding : RK guoma th) fruit tree RK guébi (N) (of fruits) peel FR gubran (as expected RE usshi (y) fruit Rae udsha (w) fruittrees RE uszhen () ifreally BR chenggud () achievement a shuigué (N) fruit 7. HR] - Exercise - Bai tap: Fill in the blanks with proper characters - 37-48 7a] - Dién chit tao tit: ‘Trién ) w) ®) ) ©) ® ©) ©) cay an qua v6 qua qua nhién qua cay an qua aud that thanh qua hhoa qui, trai cay H__(body: than thé) 7R___(fruit: hoa qua) ___.& (rest: nghi) F (fight: tranh atu) FF (the best: t6t nhat) — B, (write a letter: viet thuy 78, (opposite: nguge lai) 18] (time: thai gian) e (art: nghé thuat) bu (bat) ~ not (A) 4 khéng (P) 1. SEM - Stroke order - Thit tu nét : fom ea eS 2. SFB - Scripts - Kiéu cha: 7 BR RR R SB REF RR RH RB tH F% Bit thing Ting Khai = L$ = Tho 3. $EAK- Tips - Goi y A small bird (+1) is blocked (— ) and can not fly up to the sky. AN CD) AL) BE? ERLE © Con chim nha (11+) bj (—) can lai, khong bay lén dupe, 4. SBE - Component - Thanh phéin : ses w Cau trie 5. SB - Radical - Bo thi: [= vi: one : B6 nhat) 6. #8 Ria] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tw thudng dang : at ‘Tien a ub! () ot need, unnecessary (P) khong cfin, bat tat RR bucue (A) not bad (P) khéng tdi, kha Ate badan ©) not only (L) khéng nhiing Ti buduan (4) unceasingly (P) khong ngimg Re bogus (©) however (L) bat qua, ching qua x balan (©) ho matter (L) bat lugn x boxing (43) unfortunate (L) bat hanh 7A bayéng @) It’s not necessary ®) khong edn RK ba (N) soon (D) khong lau, st lau Fhe bora (Ve) not as well as (DL) khong bing RA boxing (4) won't do (1) khong duge FRR — pode va (A) can't help but (T) khéng thé khong, danh phai FAT — buasido (As) teri ) ghé gom FAFERZ pundoyisi (IE) feel embarassed (tn) nguge, xau hd 7. 3] - Exercise - Bai tap: Solve the riddles - 4 - Dé'chir: 1. RELRF 2.RERE 3. LF FiW(oitn; side: ben) > FF hW 65 hai / hudn (hoan) x 1. hai: still (A) ~ = 2. huan: return (V) 1. hai: con (P) 7 2. huan: hoan tra, hoan lai (BD) 1, SEMB - Stroke order - Thit ty nét : R| wl ee] 2. Hh - Scripts - Kiéu chi: ike Re Ray” MEF RR RE ad cmd & Bot thuing Téng Khai La Hanh Tha 3. HEAR - Tips - Ggiy: Why haven't you yet (27) returned (2) my money ? MERE (naiy HE (nuamy HA 2 ‘Anh van cdn (2: nai) chua tra (2: hudn) tién cho t6iy 4. SBEF - Component - Thanh phan : i SEAR T ae eee 5. SBE - Radical - BG tha : CL CR) |): advance : BOisuse)) 6. $¢FHi@ - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tir thudng diing : 2L4F _ghaindo (A) Vallright (P) cdn duge, tam tam ER haish (arc) still, or (P/L) van la, hay 1a Be hung (W retum fire (B) phan kich, dénh lai 3B9L han ()) roturn a salute @) agp BR huanigian (vo) return the money (Dtan) tré tién iL huanang (W) return all (B) tra hét BF huanshdu () strike (hit) back (B) danh lai zy huanxiang. (v) return to one’s hometown () héi huong, vé qué 7. HB) - Exercise - Bai tap : Give the two pronunciations for each of the following characters : FG FRAT EE > HES FR Cée chit sau day 6 hai céch doc, hay viét phién am : 18 0 a ea ay 66 béi (bai) 1. cup (N) XY 2. measure (M) 8 chén, céc (D, It) 1, SEMBI - Stroke order - Thi ty nét + 4 | de 2. SFB - Scripts - Kigéu cha : th MR mR mw HR TH fh WEF RK RH RG tH aad EH Batthumg Téng Khai «LG Hah «Théo Taién 3. #B7R- Tips - Goi y= Accup (4f) is not (72) made of wood (K)! RATA AK IG | ‘Chén (48) khong (7%) lam bing @ (A)! 4. SBF - Component - Thanh phan : sR: RR Cau a a 5. BBE - Radical - B6 tha : LA (ma): wood : B6 mée) 6. FAA] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Ti thuding dang : WF paizi () cup, glass () chén, ly RR chabal (tea cup (D) chén (uéng) tra TH ganbai (vOpdrink a toast (Bian) can chén Bia pengbéi (WO) Glink glasses (Btan) cham chén, cung ly EK liangbat {N) Measurement cup (D) cde dong FR yinbai (N) silver cup (D) cap bac OK ybai shut (PH) a glass of water (dn) mét chén nude HRB HER baigdna-shéying (I) extremely suspcious (tn) béng cung trong chén tuéng rn dgc: than hén nét thén tinh MOKA baisnutchGxin (IE) an utterly inadequate measure (tn) chén nude xe cli, ding mot chén nude dé ettu ca xe citi chay: mudi é bé phf cong vo ich 7. HR] - Exercise - Bai tap: Give both the Chinese character and the Vietnamese meaning for the following word : ABRAM + HERAT + Viét cha phién am thanh chi Hin va dich sang tiéng Viét : —— Ft See bo —— (908) F — (ven) F ee ha. t tii (thd) 1. soil, earth (N) 2. local (Au) 1. dat ) 3 2. thé so, dia phuong (T) 1, SEM - Stroke order - Thit tu nét : -[+]2 2. SP46 - Scripts - Kiéu cha: btetne dt x t a WEF RR HH RH OH RH EH But thutng Tong Khai le Hanh Théo ‘Trién 3. #2IR - Tips - Gai y = indicates the earth, it produces all things ( | ). RRL ER) «| ORPALWLS RM RA” » la dat, « |» 1a moi thet sinh ra tir dat, 4. 8B#F - Component - Thanh phan : SSB: + diane > 5. SBE - Radical - B6 tha : [ © (rig earth : BS thé ) Characters that have +. as the radicalusually fe r@lated to the earth, such as : Ab, 3, 38, 3, Hk, AL (earth, field, clump, bad, slope, sit), VU LY ATF SL GF HU > LAK » do 4 3h, Ih, 3h, IE, HEY Fo Cée chit 06 bé thii + phan’ nhiéu liémquan dén dat: 8, 34, 3k, 3H, dk, A 6. $FHi8 - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tit thudng ding : ae tua (N) earth (D) dat dai, rudng dat LR tomo (N) construction (D) cong vige thé mde, xay ding ER trang () soil (D) thé nhuong + sachin + QW) local products (D) die san dja phuong, thé sdn LE tute {N) indigenous method (D) phuong phap thé so +R Waal (4d) rustic, counttified (1) qué mia, qué kéch AK tarén (N) natives (D) dan ban dia, dan dja phuong LA EK tishéngatizning (6) locally born (tn) sinh trudng tai dja phuong LAR LIR wabengwaje (le) disintegrate (tn) dét 16 ngéi tan, sup 46, tan ra 7. 5) - Exercise - Bai tap: Point out the location of +t in each of the following and count the strokes: dat AFHSFPHEE HHEB* ‘Tim vi tri cdia + trong ede chit va déim nét: 2 eee et SU le 68 huai (hoai) bad (Au) 7 xédu, héng (T) 1, SENG - Stroke order - Thi ty nét : 2 1K RK RB Khai A WEF Bat thing 3. $BAR- Tips - Goi y : Rk ‘Tong This character indicates “bad soil” , with 7; negating +. SRL “RY RRBR © IRE (dat xu), F 06 ¥ phi dinh. 4. S84 - Component - Thanh phan : 2t+m 5. SBE - Radical - B6 thi : (ca): earth : 6 thé) RG Le He Ras Hanh @Thioy \rrién mH | 6. Fi] - Frequently-Used words or phrases - Ti thudng ding : Seat huaiena (N) disadvantage (D) ché xa, didu xdu Ee husidan, (®, scoundrel, rotten egg (D) 46 ti, khén nan ie ‘rudihua (N) vicious talk ) Wi néi xu BRA huairén (N) bad person (D) ngudi xdu HE huaishi (N) bad thing (D) vige xau, chuyén xu FRAG > ruai ddngxs (N) bastard (D) 4 tdi AF hua tonat (N) bad element, evildoer (D) phan tir xu, ké xdu RACER IL husi xinydnr ——_(N)_ evil intention (D) ¥ xéu, xdu bung 7. SRF] - Exercise - Bai tap: Form a bound term by adding a character after the pinyin and give its Vietnamese meaning accordingly - JAF 2278) Hf MAiF - Dién chit tgo tir va dich sang tidng Viet : gus bus xi | hudn a 6 ye iz Zu (toa) sit (V) 7 ngdi() 1. SEM - Stroke order - Tht ty nét : a [alan | ap 2. SEE - Scripts - Kigéu ch: Ab ab ok et MEF RH RB RG Bot thuimg Tong Khai Le Hanh = Théo @ Trigm 3. #27R - Tips - Goi y= ‘Two persons sit on the earth and chat. RAB AML & : Hai ngudi ngéi trén mat dat chuyén trd véi nhau, 4, 8B - Component - Thanh phan : AtAtTE Se7h Bar Cu thie = ns 5. RBH - Radical - B6 thi : [& qa): earth : Bo thd] 6. SFB ia] - Frequently-used words or phrases Tw thu’ng ding + At mudbido, (N) Seordinate @) toa 49 Be Zidiéo (WO) to be in jail (Dtén) ngéi ta BS ‘zuolue (v) to be located at (®) toa lac, ndm tai (dja diém) 2B zudsh (Wj) Watch by doing nothing (D) ngéi nhin AL auowel (s) seat (D) ché ng6i AB zuozhan: (W) assume personal command (B) nim ving ALR zw yuort (W) confinement in child birth ® der AB aly BE zubeni-shankéng (IE) One's fortune will be empty if (tn) ngéi an mii 16 ‘one sits idle and eat AK FES zvosno-quantén (IE) looking at the sky from the bottom (tn) ngdi giéng nhin trol, of a well-a very narrow view &ch ngbi day ging ABS AE zuel-buran (le) feel anxious by either sitting or standing (tn) ding ngéi khong yén 7. HS) - Exercise - Bai tap + Give the Chinese counterparts for the following terms - #17 - Dich sang tiéng Han: 2. fruit trees (cay an qua) 4, get letters (lay thud) 6. people of talent (nhan tai) 1. worst (xu nhat) 2. sit down (ngéi xudng) 5. in the mouth (trong miéng) 70 gan / gan (can) + 1. gan: shield (N) % 2. gan: dry (AJ) 3. gan: to work (V) 3 1. gan: cdi khién (D) 2. gan: khé (T) 3. gan: lam (BD) 1. SE) - Stroke order - Thi tu nét : -T=|4 2. SF4B - Scripts - Kiéu cha: = < Coe & fee MLE RM RH RA tt eH Bot thumg Teng Khai. «Lah Théo 3. #B7K-Tips- Goi y: To work, to turn over the soil ( +). Fis > Xe» det 3h (Leal R ° Lam vige (Fi), xdi tung dat (4) len. 4. SBF - Component - Thanh phn : + 35458 Cau trie = 5. BBE - Radical - B6 tha : {Fican) : shield : 86. can) 6. ‘MFA - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tix thu’ing ding : FAL. oanrte (ypharass © FH Npansna (W) intervene ©) FE ganhan (Ad) (of weather) dried, arid uy) +4 ganing (Ad) clean (1) FRR incu (Axa) straight-forward, simply wr) FIR “sanza0 (Ad) dried oy) FHS ganma, (N) god mother (D) Fai game (N) cadre © Fi — ganhus (vo) to work (tan) $3) ganin () vigor © FB ganma (P) What's the matter? @ 7. HS] - Exercise - Bai tap : gay nhibu, gay réi can thigp khé han sach s8 ditt khoat Kkhd, hanh kh6, khé réo me nudi edn bo lam vige tinh than hang hai tai sao? Which of the following characters can become anew character by turning it upside down or lef to right ? FREED ML LU) 2 LT VLE RB) 2 (SLE BA EMRE) ‘Trong 86 cdc chit sau, chit ndo ¢6 thé dio bén tréi, phai hodc d4o ngugc trén dugi ma vin ding la chit Han? HX - FR F KR RK Ae oe a n yu (vu) % at, on, in, to, than (PP) 3 vé6i, hon (G) 1. SBM - Stroke order - Thi tu nét : f-]=[+ 2. SEU& - Scripts - Kiéu cha : jade RLF RR tt RG at Bot thuimg Tong Khdi «= L8H 3. HBR - Tips -Goiy: The difference between “ F” and “-F is ahook. FD fos +> Hh Silo Chi ¥ chit « F khde chit « -” chi mot edi méc 4. SBF - Component - Thanh phan : + 349B 5. SBE - Radical - BG tha: [— 9: one : 86 nhat) 6. MFA] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tu thuding ding: t+ yan (PH) as of now tz yush (©) then BT chays (W) stem from BT shengyd (W) be superior to RF siya (W) died at ide youyd (PP) because of = anys {C) as to, regard to RF aheroya fan) finally 7. H5] - Exercise - Bai tap : Add a stroke to the character and form a new character FASTER ZS TRF + Cée chit sau thém mét nét dé thanh chit khdc : pee ee Ae eee a 2 (an) a ©) ®) @®) @ 3) (PD) i Tria, hign nay, téi nay thea tir chd, vi hon chét vi vi, do, béi con, con vé, cbn nhwt cudi cing, rit cube qian (thién) thousand (NU) 3 nghin (S) 1. SEM - Stroke order - Th ty nét : - Jae 2. SFB - Scripts - Kiéu cha : a tt t+ * F F REF RK tit RG tt 4% But thweng Teng Khai = L@—sHanh@hdo 3. HER - Tips - Goi y : Notice the difference between -F and -F is the first stroke’n top “FP? fo 4 FY HRAMMET EK © F khée F 6 nét thit nhat. 4. SBF - Component - Thanh phan : aR He: ul Ayce: YT 5. BBY - Radical - B6 tha : (+ (sho : ten : Bo thap ) 6. $$ Fil - Frequently-used words or phrases - Ti thuéing ding : +4 gianga (N) through the ages te ianjin (N) your (honorable) daughter, thousand pieces of gold + ging (NU) 1000 jin (=one kilogram) ae () a thousand Chinese mite-a long distance FAR angio () centuries FA atinwan (NUIA) be sureften millions FRA qianbianwannua (We) ever changing FH BIt gianting-vay (ie) by every possible ways SHAE qanyan-wanya (I) thousands and thousands of words 7. HRS] - Exercise - Bai tap: “rien © ) o ©) @) (sp) (tn) (tn) (tn) thian 06 thién kim, qui c, ngan vang nghin ean nghin dam, thién ly thién thu nghin van, muti triéu /nhat thist phai thién bién van héa ‘trim phuong nghin ké mu6n van Idi néi Write the following numerals in Chinese - Ff] P< oF FR F - Viet cde 86 bing chit Han: 2,134 7,589 4,700 1,950 B 1..woman, 2. daughter (N) 3 1.danba, 2. con gai (D) ni (na) re " 1. SBN - Stroke order - Tht ty nét : cle |e: 2. SE4B - Scripts - Kiéu chi: kKeae wx ze HR MEF RR RH RG ccm tH Bot thutng Téng Khai Le Hanh ‘Thao 3. HEIR - Tips - Ggiy: The proper stroke orderis ¢ first, 7 next and — last ESEM ARC HE? RBE—- Chi ¥ thit ty nét cha, trude tién viet ¢, réi dén 7, sau cimglla 4. SBEF - Component - Thanh phan: * I: 5. SB - Radical - B6 tha : {4 (na) "Woman; BO no ) Et. Trién O Characters with the 4k radical usually are félated to females, such™as : #4 (she), 2% (mother), 48 (elder sister), 44 (younger sister), 4 (aunt)ecift (mother), 3 (grandmother). VA So” HERE GF + ENUF EH AK + Ho «Hh, HG, He HB dé, AR, SE, HT Fo Cée chit c6 b6 thi: 4¢ thuéng lién quan déW phy nd, nhu : +e (chi dy, (em gai), 43 (66), A (me), BE (ba), FF Use) 6. $$FAi8] - Frequently-used words or phrases - TY thuding ding : ik ae (N) daughter o KR onal girl ) PB ndlang (N) young girl (D) KE nashang (N) female student o KA nithen (N) woman. ©) Ke nash (W) lady, MS. o Ke nase (N) female charm (D) cH teu (N) sonindaw o KF naa (%) git o WAAL nopéngyou () itt fiend o 7. HP) - Exercise - Bai tap: iy ...), 35 (me), (chi), HR con gai bé gai 06 gai nit (hoe) sinh phu na, dan ba ba, phu nhan nit sde con géi ban gai Locate the in the following characters and count the number of strokes of the characters - 4¥ 3} « 4” BF HS F POE > HH LB - Tim k trong ede chit va dém nét : + F Hk £ FF RF HR " hdo (hao) 1. good (AJ) = 2. very (A) 1. tét, hay (7) 6 2. rat (P) 1. SEM - Stroke order - Tht ty nét : a | 2. 5E46 - Scripts - Kiéu cha : 4h &e & WEF OR RH RG TH Pi Et Bot thuing Téng Khai is Hanh Théo (Prion 3. HK - Tips - Goi y : What is s0 good ? My wife (4c) and children (>). HAH TER(K)) BI(F) > Céi gi (AF) t6t ? vo (4e) va con (F) 4, SBF - Component - Thanh phan : tt 5. SBE - Radical - Bo tha: [4 (nd) : female : B6 na) 6. $¢FHi) - Frequently-used words orphrases - Tw thudng ding: FTP doban (As) easy to be handled (D) a lam FFE) doch (Aly delicious (1) ngon ARE hoch {N)_ good points, strong points (D) Agi ich, duge lgi AFHFIL —naondor (Ad) in perfect condition, perfectly well (T) tir té, t6t, ty nhién, ty anh HA naowa (4s) ong time (1) rét lau, béi lau Be ‘hokan (Ad) pretty, good looking (T) hay, dep AFR naoronoyt (A) with great difficulty; have a hard time (P) khé ldm, khéng dé FFBOIL__haowanr (Ad) have fun (1) vui, thich thd SHR hdoxiang, (A) seem like (P) hinh nhy FP dons (Ad) quite a fow (1) khé nhidu RF yéuhao (as) friendly (7) hitu hdo, hitu nghi. 7. HB) - Exercise - Bai tap: Translate the following into Vietnamese - LiF - Dich sang tiéng Vic HA BF 8 en rd (nhu) 7 1. like (v) 3. C2 e is. VP] 2i© LF ; \ 1, nhu (D) a ae & 6 2.néu(L) rr Ny 1, SEM - Stroke order - Thif tu nét : \ 4 [40 2. SEYK - Scripts - Kiéu chit: to i de tin ab Yo fi REF RR RG RE TH RH Bat thung = Tong Khai le Hanh ‘Théo a 3. #BK- Tips - Goi y What are the words ( 1 ) of a woman (+c) simular to? Honey or knif@?, KA(K) 76(17) OPA 2 RB? CANF? Mém mép (17) cia phy nit (4) ging nhu (42) eilgh? MgUhaydao ? 4. SBF - Component - Thanh phan : ‘ m ad Ww 5. BBE - Radical - B6 tha : [4 (nd : female : B6 nd] 6. $¢FAial - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tir thudng ding : Fed rok 1) 80, in such away (G) nhut vay 4% \ Nragus © it (L) néu nbe HAT rine (©) how? (classical writing) (@) thé nao ea “rain (%) now (D) hign nay, ngay nay wee rors) (©) it (L) néu 4B] ratong (W) simular to, as if (D) gidng nhw eae (A) a8 one wich (1) nhwy, vita ¥ oF soxid (PH) as follow (an) nhw sau, nhu duéi ko. @ ALK rayuasshut (iG) fee! ike fish in water (tn) nhw ed gap nuée fio jars (©) suppose, if (L) néu, gid du 7. HF - Exercise - Bai tap: Fill in the following blanks so that AB and BC will form anew term YE > ARAB, BCR R79] + Dién vao ché trong cho méi cap AB, BC thinh mot tir: 1A 6c A He x + 16 Y n (an) 1. peaceful (Au) : 2. install (Vv) 1. yén (T) 6 2.lap dat ©) 1, SBM - Stroke order - Thi tu nét : oe 2. SEB - Scripts - Kigéu chi : a x KR ® REF RR cad RG tH tH at But thuing Tong Khai La Hanh Théo. ‘Trién, 3. #2AR - Tips - Goi y: Everything will be settled down when there is a women (+) in the house (>). E(M)LA PKA K)MEST © ‘Trong nha (>) c6 ngudi phy nit (4c) thi yén tam réi, 4. 3B - Component - Thanh phén : ~ seat 1 Cawtrtic & 8 5. SBE - Radical - B6 tha: [+> (ridin) : ro0f 7 B9.mtién ) The meanings of those characters containing #* ratical frequently related to house and family, such as RE, ¥, B.S, etc. ete ene ib F > EX aR BRK OK RSF SE Fe Cée chit 6 bé thi *>"Ehudtigdién quan dén nha, ahu: ¥, #, F, F, F. 6. $6 FA i5] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tw thudng ding : BLE | anding (Ay \ stable yen én eH | aning (As) calm and quiet yen tink HE anpal ) arrange ®) sdp xép, an bai HEA Anquan (AUN) safe (T/D) an toan EAE anwar ) —tocomfort, console ®) andi SS ginxn (A) ateasy (Dan tam, yén tam ER anhuang (Y) to install (BD) lép dat FE pingan (4) peace @) binhan 7. HF - Exercise - Bai tp: Match the following terms with the counterparts - 4&4 [772] - Tim tir d6i ing gita Han va Vist : 4. technical terms b. bodily form _¢. dialect d. wine glass ©, oneself 1. Gate of Heavenly peace g. return h. wood carving i, work j. talent and learning LAR 2 3B 4 dis 5 RE 6 RE TAI BRA 9. KB) 10.4 a. thugt ngu bobinh thé. ehé ngwe dichén niu e, bin than toi £ Thign An Mon & tra lai 1 hie gi ilam vige —_j. tai mang va hoe vain 7 jia (gia) family, home (N) 10 nha, gia dinh (D) 1, SMG - Stroke order - Thif ty nét : “llr iss ele 2. SE - Scripts - Kidu cha : A gz RRR E MEF RK RH RG tt Bot thu’ng Téng Khai Le Hanh 3.4BAR- Tips - Goi y: & €% ‘Théo @ Trign ‘The Westerners keep a dog in their houses (>), but in Chinese houses there 18 pig (4%) HP BOARLAB? PHAR) LRE—KM(A) * Neudi nude ngoai nuéi ché trong nha, ngudi Trung Quoc thivnudi In, (4) trong nha (+), 4. BBE - Component - Thanh phan : ae sO: (Cau tric 5. SBE - Radical - BG tha : [> (mii: root: 86 mién) z 6. MFA] - Frequently-used words or phrases - Ti thudng ding + RAR wo Wp guy, weapon (D) va kht, thing cha Ry iain (N)) furniture (D) 46 ding gia dink RB jacna {N) letterfrom the family (D) thinha KM yasno (N) dependant (D) ngudi trong gia dinh RE fang (N) family, (D) gia dinh RF faxing (N) hometown (D) qué huong ER ois (s) hometown (D) qué hwong, qué ci BR mings (N) famous authority (in a certain field) (D) nhén vat néi tiéng AR ren (N) other person (D) ngudi ta 7. HS) - Exercise - Bai tap: Guess the meanings of the following terms - 4478] X - Dosn nghia 1 RE 2BR 3. RAE ABA SAE oR? ny wo (nga) I, me (P) 7 tdi (Dt) — + Stroke order - Thi ty nét alt le [Alam 2. SEB - Scripts - Kiéu chi: RRR HR A AH REF RR RH RG Ht ee Rt But thwng Téng Khai «L8H (Thao grin 3. $27R - Tips - Gai y Notice that the fourth stroke of this character should kick Up, and thellast stroke is a downward dot. ESLEPEM > POLAR) REWZHRC>) 2 Chi ¥ thit te nét chi, nét thi tu la hat (v ),.néteudi cing la chanin’ <), 4. SBE - Component - Thanh phan : & mere oo 5. MBH - Radical - B6 thu : {2% (98) : spear : B6 qua) 6. #SFAIAl - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tw thu’ng ding: BAM women (P), we (Dt) chting tdi, ching ta BR wangwe (Ad) oblivious of oneself (1) quén minh BR» awe. (©) self (Bo ty than, ty minh 7. $3] - Exercise - Bai tap : 1. Translate the following into Chinese - A&27#3% - Dich sang tiéng Han 4. 1am (Ti 1a) 2.1 ove (Téi yeu) 8. I listen (T6i ngghe) 4.1 call (T8i goi) 5. believe (Toi tin ring) 6. Ihave (Toi 6) 7.1 fetch (Toi ly) 8. I sit (Toi ngéi) 2. Make sentences - if 4) - Dat cau: RR 2 RA. 3 RK as ni (nhi) you (P) ayn anh, chi, ong, ba ... 7 (Bt nhan xung ngoi thit hai) 1. SEM - Stroke order - Thit ty nét : 4M |e | ae | a | te 2. SEB - Scripts - Kiéu chat: kk te tk om th 2 Off MEF RM RH RG tH FH Re. Bat thdmg Tong Khai Le Hanh Thao. “Qarrign 3. HEAR - Tips - Goi ¥ The right part 4 of this character is the old form for "your. Bia Ae RAP Char #f bén phai, ngay xua o6 nghia la 4 (dai tir nhan Rung ng6i the Kai). 4. SBEF - Component - Thanh phan : ttm bn AR 5. SBE - Radical - BG thi: [ACA ) (16m): man : B6 nhan] 6. #FHi8] - Frequently-used words or phrases - TY thudng ding : ei] rnimen (P) you (plural) (Bt) cde anh chi, ede éng, cde ba (dai tit ngoi thit hai s6 nhiéu) RAR poten nwo (IE) make no difference between (tn) khéng phan biét anh va t6i you and me; share everything 7. HE) - Exercise -Bai tap: Based on the pinyin, add a component tothe radical and form a new character: BEER + EBSA te LIS HHH > RAM —AF + Dia vao phién4m, thém phan bén phi hop vao timg bé thit dé tao thanh chit: 4pm Ft jo _ KL + shuang 80

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