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TENTIFIC 4 RMERICAN 227% the Brain C2y/ 960- ‘The picture on the covers computer generated display of the normal ‘numa brain, The surface ofthe cerebral eorex is dark lu, that of the cxtebellum purple and that of the brain stem light blue (or yellow where other structures are not superposed oni) Here the front ofthe brain is rotated lightly toward the viewer. The display was created by a group the laboratory of Robert B Livingston atthe University of California at San Diego. Tis based on images of the cut surface ofa beainsTied ina giant microtome. Images ofthe srface made at regular intervals were ‘raced intoa computer memory and displayed asathree-dimensional ‘object on an Evans nd Sutherland pictre system, Sponsored by Roche Laboratories. The group included Rey E. Mills, William Atkinson, Guy Tribble Il, David Rempel, John MacGregor, ‘ohn Cornelius, Roger Suriner, and Philip Cohen Cover photograph courtesy of Robert B, Livingston Library of Congress Cataloging in Puliation Data Mainentry under title ‘The Brin, “A Scientific American book “The chapters... originally appeared as articles nthe September 1979 Jsgue of Scientific American.” Bibliography: p Inchndes index 1 Brnin—Addrescs, essays, lectures. 1. Scienife American, [DNLM: Brain Physiology Collected works 1300.3 B 814] QP376.BO9S 61282 79-21012 ISBNO0-7167-1150-8 ISBN 0-7167-1151-6 pbk. Copyrighte1979 by Scientific American, nc Allrighs reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or ‘electron process, or inthe form of a honostaphie ‘recording, nor may ithe stored ina retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for public or private use, without written permission from the publisher The eleven chaptersin this book orginally appeared as articles inthe September 1979 issue of Soenifc ameran. Printed inthe United States of America 9876543,

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