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MTI Newsletter

Current projects of
Organisational and Personnel Development

Kathrin Wolfsgruber
Business Development
The Machwürth Team International (MTI) in Consultant
China MTI Management
Consulting (Beijing)
The Machwürth Team International China held two customer Company Limited; China
events in September 2009

But successfully implementing pany’s structure and the com-

22nd September 2009 – Inter- strategic initiatives not only de- pany’s culture.
national Business Breakfast pends on defining winning strat-
egies, it’s important to imple- After the presentation the par-
ment them effectively. For suc- ticipants discussed the topic and
A German typical breakfast and cessful implementation the right had time to do some networking
a lecture with the topic “Aligning professional skill base in the before they had to leave to start
Strategy and People Develop- organization is key. Many stra- their normal working day.
ment” on the 22nd September tegic initiatives fail because the
MTI China inspired an interna- available skills are not aligned to
tional audience. the company needs. Especially
in China, where the workforce is
young on average, this can rep- 23rd September 2009 – MTI
To attract and build up a con- shows up at the German
tinuous business relationship resent a major obstacle for
business success. To solve this Stammtisch
with its customers located in
problem MTI uses an integral
Beijing and the surrounding area One day after IBB MTI held
MTI China regularly holds sec- training concept where em-
ployee skills of different posi- another customer event.
ond month an “International
tions are aligned with the com-
Business Breakfast (IBB)”. Dur-
ing the IBB next to a German pany’s strategy and values. Every month the club “German
breakfast MTI offers the partici- After analyzing the training expats in Beijing” organize a so
needs and designing training called German Stammtisch in a
pants and an interesting lecture
about a current topic delivered programs, training measures German restaurant in Beijing.
by an HR expert. After the lec- were aligned with the senior
management. In order to em- This event enables companies
ture the participants have time
to discuss the lecture topic and power managers to support their to introduce the business to a
to build up business contacts staff in the learning process and big group of Germans.
the process to transfer the
with other participants or MTI
learned they received specific
experts. On the German Stammtisch of
leading training. The result of
23rd Septembers MTI China got
the training measures are con-
The lecture “Aligning Strategy the chance to introduce itself to
trolled by previously defined
and People Development” held a group of about 80 Germans
KPIs (Key Performance Indica-
on September IBB was pre- (and also some Chinese guests)
tor) and observed by a steering
sented by Ms. Katrin Braun working in Beijing.
team. This shows how to deal
(General Manager MTI China). with approaching strategic initia-
Ms. Braun emphasized in her tives from the end of identifying Since a normal Power Point
lecture that achieving a competi- and developing the necessary Presentation isn’t really be suit-
tive edge is in the focus of many skills and how to set up KPI’s to able for the setting of the event,
companies especially in times of monitor the success rate. Con- Ms. Katrin Braun (Managing
financial crisis. This is being tinuously aligning the company’s Director MTI China) introduced
addressed by many strategic strategy and with the training MTI and some of MTIs business
initiatives currently being imple- measures of the staff is the re- fields in a playful way:
mented. quirement for implementing the
company’s strategy in the com-

MACHWÜRTH TEAM INTERNATIONAL • Dohrmanns Horst 19 • D-27374 Visselhövede

Phone: +49 (0) 42 62 / 93 12 - 0 • Fax: +49 (0) 42 62 / 38 12
Email: • Internet:
MTI Newsletter
Current projects of
Organisational and Personnel Development

The participants were asked to The feedback from the partici-

build up a pyramid with four logs pants regarding both customer
of wood within five minutes. The events was very positive. MTI
winner had to explain if he used China wants to thank all of the
any special strategy to solve the participants for their interest and
problem of constructing the participation on our events. We
pyramid or if he just acted on are looking forward to see you
intuitions or even by chance. All on the next German Stammtisch
attendees discussed the advan- in October and of course on our
tages of first analyzing a prob- next International Business
lem before trying to solve it. Ms. Breakfast on the 24th of No-
Braun transferred the problem vember with the topic Accel-
solving strategy from the pyra- erated Leadership in China.
mid to problems occurring in We gladly invite you to take part
daily work and suggested the on it.
same procedure like primary
analyzing a problem, afterwards We look forward to see you
to solve those daily work prob- soon
MTI Team China
In MTI training measures and
workshops we also introduce
problem solving strategies. After MTI
the participants are confronted
with problems in their everyday
working environment they get
trainer input about new problem
solving methods. Then they
have the opportunity to work
with real business problems to
practice the problem solving
strategies. The participants then
relate the learned to real situa-
tions and make an action plan
how to transfer the learned to
everyday life.

After visualizing the MTI working

style and introducing other work-
ing fields of MTI in China all
guests and the MTI staff en-
joyed a nice evening with free
beer sponsored by MTI and
delicious German food. There
was enough time to discuss how
to build up the pyramid and also
time to build up some business
or non-business related con-

MACHWÜRTH TEAM INTERNATIONAL • Dohrmanns Horst 19 • D-27374 Visselhövede

Phone: +49 (0) 42 62 / 93 12 - 0 • Fax: +49 (0) 42 62 / 38 12
Email: • Internet:

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