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Elixir Reference

Elixir Elements
1. Define (Hv) - Define meaning. Definition. Added after each predicate to indicate the
processing of previously presented information.
2. Recipe (Hx) - Assembly of ingredients to use in a larger definition. Dependent on other
Formulas and results.
3. Evaluate (Ha) - Knowledge Process, Resolve Links, Accept a Recipe of Definitions.
Transforms data and code into 'information'. Provides synchronizable, storable, and
replayable information. Information can be compared for equality but not necessarily
ordered. Evaluate processes data and code into the Equality-Comparable Information
4. More (Hi) - Greater, Bigger.
5. Equal (He) - Equal, Same. Pronounced 'ei' or 'ay' like the long vowel 'a' in say or play
(IPA e).
6. No (Ho) - False, Fail, Disagree, Dissent.
7. Less (Hu) - Lesser, Smaller.
8. Yes (Hy) - True, Success, Agree, Affirmative.
9. Create (Chv) - Make concrete
10. Erase (Chx) - Make abstract
11. Add (Cha) - Add into collection
12. Remove (Chi) - Remove from a collection
13. Guard (Che) - Permission, Authority, Protect Possession, Guard Ownership Rules
14. Clone (Cho) - Copy, Store, Remember, Commit, Clone physical memory bytes used to
hold information.
15. Undo (Chu) - Remove changes, revert to an earlier set of info
16. Change (Chy) - Change writes one or more values existing as information. Change
replaces whatever value a piece of information had with another valid value. These
operations are writes to an object uniquely based on how it is possible to alter it, such as
high and low ranges, validation of names, and other parameters to determine if any
clamping need be done.
17. Condition (Yv) - Status chart symbol
18. Schedule (Yx) - Schedule, Arrange timing.
19. Begin (Ya) - Open. Start a process.
20. End (Yi) - Close. Stop a process.
21. Update (Ye) - On, Play, Activate, Go, Resume, Continue. Triangle continue (play)
22. Pause (Yo) - Off, Halt, Deactivate, Freeze, Wait. Double quote pause symbol
23. Recycle (Yu) - Reuse, transfer assets to another purpose.
24. Sync (Yy) - Synchronize changes based on dates or authority. Resolves differences
between multiple sources. Request up to date values for information. To sample, to
gather, fetch or otherwise accumulate values.
25. First (Fv) - |< First in collection
26. Last (Fx) - >| Last in collection
27. Next (Fa) - >> Next
28. Previous (Fi) - << Previous
29. Current (Fe) - Now time, Updated to the Sync of the Context used. Examples include a
'here location' or 'latest reference'.
30. Count (Fo) - # Total Count
31. Each (Fu) - For each, Iterate, map function, Enumerate {1..n}. Finite Sum. Iterate over all
discrete elements, doing something for each element.
32. Find (Fy) - Search Completions,
33. Operator (Zv) - Maps a numeric to another. Isolated, independent remapping operation.
Unlike Nv as topic, there are no side effects to an operator. Numerical values go in and
numerical values come out. No additional memory access required, unlike Methods,
which may access various Thing's Information,
34. Complement (Zx) - Alternative. Portion Invert or Remainder as in 1-x. Complement
represents the value or items that are not the value. Generally this turns around a
number into its limit minus itself, such as 1-x if x is [0..1]. Thus a value and its
complement sum to the entire range of possibilities.
35. Negate (Za) - Negates value. Unlike complement, this is an inflection about an origin,
typically 0, such as 0-x. Complement is the 'remainder' while Negate is the opposite.
36. Reciprocal (Zi) - 1/x Reciprocal flips a value in order to be its multiplicative reciprocal aka
37. Difference (Ze) - - Difference, Numerical Subtraction
38. Increment (Zo) - + Increase, Numerical Addition
39. Multiply (Zu) - * Multiply, Numerical Scaling or division when complemented
40. Exponent (Zy) - ^ Exponent or Logarithm when complemented
41. 0 (Stv) - Zero 0x0. Infinity when Reciprocated. Kept separate from Empty for conceptual
and functional advantages.
42. 1 (Stx) - One 0x1
43. 2 (Sta) - Two 0x2
44. 3 (Sti) - Three 0x3
45. 4 (Ste) - Four 0x4
46. 5 (Sto) - Five 0x5
47. 6 (Stu) - Six 0x6
48. 7 (Sty) - Seven 0x7
49. 8 (Frv) - Eight 0x8
50. 9 (Frx) - Nine 0x9
51. 10 (Fra) - Ten 0xA Alpha
52. 11 (Fri) - Eleven 0xB Beta
53. 12 (Fre) - Twelve 0xC Gamma
54. 13 (Fro) - Thirteen 0xD Delta
55. 14 (Fru) - Fourteen 0xE Epsilon
56. 15 (Fry) - Fifteen 0xF Zeta
57. Scarce (Swv) - Less than 5% of All
58. Few (Swx) - Less than 25% of All
59. Below Average (Swa) - More than 25% and less than 50%
60. Average (Swi) - Centered 50% of a range of values
61. Above Average (Swe) - More than 50% and less than 75%
62. Many (Swo) - More than 75% of All
63. Most (Swu) - More than 95% of All
64. All (Swy) - 100% of Collection Count
65. Container (Vv) - Subida. Holds additional values grouped into a singular Ida.
66. Number (Vx) - Object used to count, measure or label. Quantity of integer or real or
amount or normalized values
67. Name (Va) - Names are a reference from an unknown set of possibles. Indicates how to
find something.
68. Quality (Vi) - Quality is a reference from a known set of possibles.
69. Dimension (Ve) - Vector. Fixed size container, such as 2D, 3D, or 3 symbol combo.
70. Portion (Vo) - Fraction, Percent, Degree, Amount used out of total.
71. Unit (Vu) - Orderable Values, Quantum, Computational Metric, Discrete units of
measurement at the same scale of representation. Units are how information is
compared or ordered. Units are independent values evaluated from information. Ordered
or 'Atomic' Units, such as a name expressed as a hash or a vector of numbers, must be
capable of sorting via a comparison method and can be copied independently.
72. Handle (Vy) - Index, Lookup, Indirection, or Address. Handles referencing a thought in
the topic to use in a Situation. Handles are often abbreviations used to cram space and
73. Imagine (Grv) - Theoretically possible, definable, and comparable with equality. If
something is not imaginable, it is expressly Divine or inconceivable such as infinity plus
one or divide by zero.
74. Prove (Grx) - Rules Consistent. Correct. Not an Error. Information that is valid,
represented and abides by any logical constraints.
75. Prepare (Gra) - Data Available. Information is fully accessible and not pending. No
waiting or loading.
76. Accept (Gri) - Data Validity, properly formed information. Can be trusted to be 'info' but
not trusted to be a truth. Anything that be represented in a simulation existence as units
of differentiation.
77. Cause (Gre) - Implication, Why, Trigger, Therefore, Reason.
78. Any (Gro) - Or, Also possible, In addition, as well, Alternate, Exception. Another way to
make a statement true.
79. Only (Gru) - Else, Either, Only one, Exclusive-Or, Xor, single truth only.
80. Every (Gry) - And, Also required, in addition, as well as. Requires that the next statement
follows for the entire expression to be true.
81. Domain (Tv) - Theme, Content, Cosm, or World. Collection of possibilities as a unit.
82. Possibility (Tx) - Possibility Content. Related content with a range of possible
expressions. Content Limits. Stream of Collections. A possibility is a container of
validated information. A possibility is a set of one or more units of information chosen to
fit a purpose.
83. Collection (Ta) - Set of zero or more info units representing the same idea.
84. Element (Ti) - Parts. Ingredients. A singular idea of information expressed as a particular
85. Instance (Te) - Instance. Cloned information that is now changing. An example is a
specific value taken from a possibility.
86. Information (To) - Information is generally one or more 'value-units' existing at any scale
of detail. Actual bits of information represented at a single timeslice. Information is
accessed as thoughts, such as a name or number or vector of numbers. Info may be
compared with equality, but are not required to be ordered and may contain
dependencies on other relational information or different metrics of representation.
87. Relation (Tu) - Link, Binding, Association between two or more Values.
88. Modifier (Ty) - Attribute, Characteristic, Adjective/Adverb, Qualifier, Refinement.
Attributes add additional information to a .
89. Topic (Nv) - Topic of Action. Using the topics' thoughts, contexts, and units of work, this
decribes processing.
90. Decide (Nx) - If-Then, Logic, Determine True or False, Choose amongst various choices.
91. Repeat (Na) - Loop until an 'End' conditions occurs or infinitely.
92. Match (Ni) - Mapping. Act of determining if all information considered is the same. Useful
for classifying and determining similarity as well as making terms like Copy information
or Clone object.
93. Choice (Ne) - Behavior path selected.
94. Has-a (No) - Possession, Ownership, Attributes
95. As-a (Nu) - Map, Convert, Translate, Metaphor, convertible, slang
96. Is-a (Ny) - part-of, membership
97. Thing (Dv) - Named Entity, Existence, Presence. Package of Possibilities in an
Spacetime existence. Presence describes a container for a thing, an existence, whether
concrete or abstract. Presence means that its name can be referenced as an existence.
Any Idea that exists and can be referenced in a Cosm.
98. Design (Dx) - Blueprint, Specification, Requirement. Designs are the name ideas that are
needed to define an Idea. Needed attributes for a Idea's or Thing's possibilities
99. Variant (Da) - Version, Edition, Permutation. Variation is a next set of changes. If no
change, no pulse. Updates check if a pulse occurs. Sync clones changes in different
minds for the same information pulse. Pulse updates its status relative to a current
interval of a spacetime simulation
100. Fate (Di) - Dice rolling. Reproducible Probability
101. Default (De) - Typical, standard
102. Ancestor (Do) - Creator, Parent, Same, Template
103. Shared (Du) - Each. Four circles
104. Unique (Dy) - Only. Exclusive. Star surrounded by three circles
105. Goal (Sv) - Purpose, Intent, Goal. Why is the action occurring overall. Usually the
'Abstract Topic' goal.
106. Situation (Sx) - Context, Setting, Configuration, Stage. Description of who, what, why
and where.
107. Self (Sa) - Narrator, Author, Thinker of the action who is processing the instructions.
108. Subject (Si) - The agent of an action.
109. Target (Se) - The direct object receiver of this action.
110. Reference (So) - The indirect object of this action.
111. Art (Su) - Context for Tek. Information for how a verb is performed. Context exist to
transform information units into sentence modifiers.
112. Tek (Sy) - Method. Tek is the bundle of methods and technology used to do work in
a situation, whether Jobs, Services, Methods, or Operations. Tek defines how work is
113. Think (Jv) - Mechanism of Change. Process State. Possibility of Awareness.
Thinking contains topics, thoughts, and examples. This occurs in a Mind contained by a
114. Record (Jx) - Discretely Grouped, Sequenced Records of Facts
115. Signal (Ja) - Forms of Continuous Signal Samples
116. Ability (Ji) - Abilities collecting instructions to describe Actions
117. Chronicle (Je) - Changes in time.
118. Spacetime (Jo) - Container of space and time to simulate.
119. Belief (Ju) - Collections of observations, opinions, and predictions.
120. Idea (Jy) - Ideas collect sub-ideas down to the simplest concepts of informational
121. Administer (Hrv) - Manage Work such as Host-Computer operations,
Data-Processing tasks, Conditional evaluations, and resource balancing services
122. Organize (Hrx) - Categorize and Order Information as services
123. Communicate (Hra) - Talk, Input/Output, Buffer, Communicate, and send and receive
messages. Device, Storage, and Data Stream communication services
124. Simulate (Hri) - Reproduce Events in a Scene from a Permutation of Spacetime.
Includes processing actions, whether thinking, doing, feeling, or other changes to data
as services
125. Symbolize (Hre) - Remap, Lookup, Translate or Interpret Meanings. Cultural and
Symbolic translation and relating services.
126. Calculate (Hro) - Calculate. Numerical solving or approximating services
127. Temporalize (Hru) - Auralize, Time-dominant signal services such as Sound
128. Spatialize (Hry) - Visualize, Space-dominant signal services such as Graphics
129. Heading (Gv) - Z Forward dimension, Depth.
130. Horizontal (Gx) - X Horizontal dimension, Width.
131. Vertical (Ga) - Y Vertical dimension, Height.
132. Time (Gi) - When. Past/future in time dimension W.
133. Location (Ge) - Where. Space. Location in X, Y, & Z dimension.
134. Direction (Go) - Direction, Arrow Pointing. Can be combined with dimensions to form
Orientation, Aim, and more complicated frames of reference.
135. Energy (Gu) - Ability to change information which is the ability of a system to perform
136. Matter (Gy) - Form of information that can be changed and retain its info-state. Able
to reflect, transmit, & absorb energy since it has mass, volume, temperature, and other
137. Work (Wv) - Work represents ongoing processing. Whether Jobs, Services,
Methods, or Operations, work functions as effort to possibly change information.
138. Force (Wx) - Source of Work. Form and magnitude of change. Can encompass
scalars, vectors, fields, or other means of representing the resulting scale of change.
Note that Power is then WxWa.
139. Shape (Wa) - Measure a connection of geometries as a continuous existence. Form
of the size sampled in space.^m:ai
140. Speed (Wi) - Rate of Change. Derivative. Velocity.
141. Propagation (We) - Shape Change. Propagation of all samples over time, integrating
all changes in location, orientation, size, & pulse.
142. Heat (Wo) - Activity level. Marker of heat based on speed of many associated things
143. Attract (Wu) - Pull towards. Force to alter a metric. Negation is Repel or Push away.
144. Accrue (Wy) - Integrate, Accumulate.
145. Galaxy (Skv) - Realms of star systems
146. Star (Skx) - Stellar body radiating
147. Planet (Ska) - Sphere orbiting and receiving raditation
148. Moon (Ski) - Small sphere orbiting larger
149. Sky (Ske) - Atmosphere. Containing volume environment, such as a sky with cloud
150. Land (Sko) - Ground, Land, Terrain. Contacting surface environment, such as land
with mountain symbols
151. Mantle (Sku) - Below the land and above the core is a partition of land that provides
a definied unit of scale and space.
152. Core (Sky) - Center of an existence. Nucleus. Innermost region.
153. Point (Gwv) - Single Location
154. Line (Gwx) - Continuous stream of point locations without area.
155. Surface (Gwa) - Continuous stream of line locations without volume?
156. Volume (Gwi) - Continuous stream of surface locations.
157. Joined (Gwe) - Linked, hitched, pinned, appended. Jointed connection or
158. Adjacent (Gwo) - Resting contact between objects.
159. Near (Gwu) - ~ Near distance relative to object's scale and maximum speed.
160. Far (Gwy) - !~ Far distance relative to object's scale and maximum speed.
161. Nuclear (Pv) - Nuclear and sub-nuclear/quantum forces holding.
162. Electromagnetic (Px) - Electric current sensor
163. Gravity (Pa) - A force that geophysically pulls toward another element
164. Chemical (Pi) - Organizational identity sampled in space
165. Pressure (Pe) - Sound, Atmospheric Pressure Differences in space, Wave
Amplitudes sampled in time
166. Spectrum (Po) - Color, Band of Energy, Wavelength sampled in space. Distribution
of energy power versus wavelength
167. Mechanical (Pu) - Impact, Tactile, Collision, Contact forces. Kinetic & Potential
(elastic) Energy of Motion, Compression, and Stretch.
168. Seme (Py) - Smallest unit of Meaning. Collected to form 'memes'. Significance.
Energetic unit of information. Implication. Evidence. A seme is a unit of meaning that
generates further concepts, whether a fact, belief or chronological event sensed.
Designed to be shared and represented similarly by different presenters.
169. Solid (Spv) - Solid matter defined as rigid clustering of structure.
170. Liquid (Spx) - Fluid matter defined as tension connected but mobile structure.
171. Gas (Spa) - Gaseous matter defined as unconnected mobile structure
172. Plasma (Spi) - Plasma matter defined as unconnected mobile structure with electron
emission further altering structure.
173. Changing (Spe) - Dynamic, Flux, can be modified
174. Permanent (Spo) - Fixed, Static, unchanging.
175. Chaos (Spu) - Randomized. Disassembled. Entropy. Many Fate Permutations.
176. Order (Spy) - Sorted. Patterned. Extropy ( Negentropy, Ectropy, Ektropy ).
Constrained Freedom of options. Rigid arrangement. Few Fate Permutations.
177. Head (Bv) - Think. Thought production.
178. Chest (Bx) - Endurance. Energy distribution.
179. Abdomen (Ba) - Health, immune system, & energy extraction operations
180. Arm (Bi) - Use, Wield, Dexterity.
181. Hand (Be) - Manipulation
182. Leg (Bo) - Agility
183. Feet (Bu) - Move
184. Skeleton (By) - Figure.
185. Object (Kv) - Inactive Form. A named and known thing that does not act on its own
186. Mind (Kx) - Information Form. Known information Processing. Formulas. Abstract
generic model for a concrete specific brain. Minds process information.
187. Body (Ka) - Sensory Form. Assembly of forms to occupy space and time. Stick
Figure Icon.
188. Spirit (Ki) - Choice Form. Belief information Processing. Behaviors. Agency in
creating, modifying and using behaviors in a simulation. Contains all patterns and forms
of possibilities.
189. Sapient (Ke) - Face_Icon. A 'person', regardless of creature species. A 'self-aware'
creature capable of turning ideas in symbols, performing abstract-thinking about
existence, and searching for meaning beyond mere purpose. Typically sapients exist as
sentients with various cultures, groups characterized by memes, and divergent tool use.
190. Sentient (Ko) - Creature_Icon. Lifeform. Consciousness defined as 'individual
awareness of your unique thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations and environment.' A
sentient creature understands, categorizes, and responds to signals. Using memory, a
sentient willfully plans actions according to its own goals.
191. Place (Ku) - Signpost. A location in space that can contain other things. It must have
enough information to be named distinctly from nearby things of a similar scale. A place
name can be known by others
192. Structure (Ky) - Model, Layout, House, etc. Building or assembly of objects that can
contain other things
193. Sense (Mv) - Interacts with an emission, whether energy, matter, or information.
194. Emit (Mx) - Radiate something, commonly energy but possibly other concepts apply.
195. Query (Ma) - Inquire, Probe, Ask, This creates a question or request for information
reply when it follows something such as a place, thing or action.
196. Take (Mi) - Consume, Ingest, Eat, Assimilate. Subject removes specific thing from
target (focused sense, guard ownership transferred ).
197. Give (Me) - Produce, Discharge, Eject, Purge. Subject adds specific thing to target
(focused emit, guard ownership transferred ).
198. Command (Mo) - Execute, Run, Direct, Demand Behavior. This creates a command
or imperative direction to change behavior plans Commands are distinct from Queries
since they demand an activity with a duration. Queries may never reply. The difference is
useful in information sharing.
199. Forget (Mu) - Halt, Drop, Abandon, Abort information and prevent recall.
200. Consider (My) - Read. Load. Recall knowledge (or possibly find via a calculation).
201. Detail (Brv) - Quality, Resolution, Fidelity or Samples per unit. Can be expressed as
Resolution in meshed grid per unit or as latency in reaction time or timeline notch
202. Flow (Brx) - Smoothness, Continuity, Degree of curvature or 'change-of-change', in
relevant dimensions versus abrupt sharp breaks.
203. Limit (Bra) - Clamp, Edge, Boundary, Margin, Outline.
204. Lifecycle (Bri) - Animate. Live. Timeline, Animation, Life cycle, from begin to end.
205. Spread (Bre) - Distribute, Value Balance, Exposure, Histogram of sampling.
206. Complexity (Bro) - Density of variable instruction steps, amount of branches,
decision points, or volume of unique variables. How complex is the logic and processing,
whether arithmetic, logic, or memory transfer based.
207. Bandwidth (Bru) - Resources needed to complete a task. How much information
needed per unit of time.
208. Formula (Bry) - Value-compliant rules to process information and return further
information. Formulas are a subset of recipes. Formulas can be short and complex or
long and simple.
209. Compare (Krv) - Judge References/Values. Relates references and finds
210. Predict (Krx) - Judge Probability of Expectations, Estimation, Converge, Approaching
Value, Anneal, Resolve, Settle upon.
211. Precise (Kra) - Judge Accuracy of Expectations. Compares probability of predictions,
regardless of satisfaction, fairness, or transparency
212. Need (Kri) - Judge Needs. Meets needs to advance towards goals.
213. Fair (Kre) - Judge Agreement. Contractually just and according to rules.
214. Knowable (Kro) - Learnable, Eval 'As-a' ability to Understand. Has Idas to map to
these Idas to process information and able to relate it to those shared Idas.
215. Relevant (Kru) - Utility. Eval Relevance to a given reference.
216. Familiar (Kry) - Ease of Understanding. Eval Valid Connections to reference.
217. Anger (Rv) - Feeling Wronged. Expressing Hostility. Face looking resentful, upset
218. Fear (Rx) - Scared. Face looking tense, nervous, anxious, terrified
219. Dislike (Ra) - Disgust. Bad. Thumbs down.
220. Like (Ri) - Approve, Desire, Delight, Good, Thumbs up.
221. Empathy (Re) - Mirroring, Relating, Experientially Reflecting. Able to produce
empathy for an experience.
222. Interest (Ro) - Attentive, Interest, Curious.
223. Sad (Ru) - Depressed, Unsatisfied. Face looking depressed, grieved
224. Happy (Ry) - Complacent, Content, Satisfied. Face looking satisfied, optimistic
225. Fly (Kwv) - Move through gases
226. Swim (Kwx) - Move through liquids
227. Dig (Kwa) - Move through solids
228. Jump (Kwi) - Move off of surfaces
229. Walk (Kwe) - Balanced-based movement on surfaces in directions perpendicular to
gravity, including crawling, running, rolling, etc..
230. Climb (Kwo) - Strength-based movement on surfaces in directions aligned to gravity.
231. Circle (Kwu) - Encircle, Ring, Surround
232. Pose (Kwy) - Align Shape Model, alter form to match another.
233. Mark (Drv) - Aim. Select or Tag something for further refinement. Can also be to
align a pointer, crosshairs, or projectile for aiming.
234. Throw (Drx) - Launch object, calculate trajectory for indirect projection.
235. Amuse (Dra) - Entertain, Captivate, Turns flat face into smile
236. Pilot (Dri) - Navigate, Seek, Track, Steering wheel turning, drive, sail, optimal or
finessed use.
237. Evade (Dre) - Dodge, Avoid, Prevent, Defend.
238. Contact (Dro) - Touch, Hit, Intersection, Catch, Strike, Swipe, Attack
239. Message (Dru) - String language symbols to write a message. Use of Language
dialog. Speaking mouth symbolizing communication
240. Swap (Dry) - Trade, Exchange, based on an assessed value. Currency or monetary
symbol symbolizing bargaining of goods
241. Make (Trv) - Screwdriver. Assemble. Generate.
242. Break (Trx) - Sledgehammer. Disassemble. Make dysfunctional.
243. Use (Tra) - Toggle Switch. Operate. Buttons pressing
244. Fix (Tri) - Wrench. Repair
245. Edit (Tre) - Crowbar, Pierce, Puncture, Open entry.
246. Seal (Tro) - Lock, Clamps, Seal, Tighten, Close entry.
247. Attach (Tru) - Connect, Bandage, Combine, Join, Seam, Unite, Duct tape gluing to
other tools
248. Extract (Try) - Saw, Salvage, Funnel, Filter, Distill, Purify.
249. Session (Smv) - Communications Session. Exchange of information inside of
250. Result (Smx) - Answer, effect, reply, information used as a solution to a query.
251. Offer (Sma) - Cui, Interface, Negotiate, contingent offering of a reward. Submit
request. Desire. Communicate an attempt to negotiate for a Command. Commonly
expressed as Bargaining, Persuading, Intimidating, or Fast-talking.
252. Browse (Smi) - Cxp, Experience, Explore possibilities in a session.
253. Investigate (Sme) - Progressively choose specific results in session
254. Obscure (Smo) - Hiding a message. Attempts to deceive. Secret.
255. Priority (Smu) - Weight, Importance, Defined Value. Describe Please. Describe
Pleading. Communicating importance, particularly relative to a thanks or welcome
confirmation or respectful/appreciative please in a message.
256. (Smy) - Reserved and not allowed in language representations.

1. Atomic - Simplest Units of Meaning and building blocks of higher relations.
2. Existence - Relating to base concepts that differentiate existence.
3. Experience (XP) - Relating to base concepts that differentiate existence.
4. Behavior - Relating to activities that change a Cosm.

1. Compare Acts (H) - Comparing two values, including true, false, unknown, and
termination. Pronounced 'huh', nearly silently but prefaced with a slight 'h' breath.
2. Collection Acts (Ch) - Collection Write. Pronounced Ch'h.
3. Lifecycle Acts (Y) - Animation. Timeline. Pronounced Y'h.
4. Find Acts (F) - Collection Reads. Ordering and finding. Pronounced F'h.
5. Math Acts (Z) - Value Modify. Formula Math. Pronounced Zzz.
6. Digits 0~7 Types (St) - Low Hexadecimal Digit names. Pronounced St'h.
7. Digits 8~15 Types (Fr) - High Hexadecimal Digit names. Pronounced Frrr.
8. Portion Types (Sw) - Pronounced Swww.
9. Value Types (V) - Pronounced V'h.
10. Logic Traits (Gr) - Formula types, such as Logic, Grouping, and Filtering of values.
Pronounced Gr'r.
11. Info Traits (T) - Information organization as types and relations to others. Pronounced
12. Thot Traits (N) - Thought verbs or relations to other thoughts. Pronounced Nnn.
13. Instance Traits (D) - Entity traits of being, belonging to all 'things', such as fate, ancestry,
and pulse. Pronounced Hard D'h sound.
14. Situation Traits (S) - Thoughts that make up a situation. Pronounced Sss.
15. Possibility Types (J) - Possibility Boxes. Pronounced J'h.
16. Work Types (Hr) - Pronounced Hrrr.
17. Spacetime Traits (G) - Dimensions and changes as values. Pronounced G'h.
18. Physical Traits (W) - Value Measurements. Pronounced W'h.
19. Scale Types (Sk) - Scale Units. Pronounced Sk'h.
20. Shape Traits (Gw) - Units of assembling shapes. Pronounced G'ww'h.
21. Energy Types (P) - Energy types. Pronounced P'h.
22. Matter Traits (Sp) - Attributes of matter. Pronounced Sp'h.
23. Body part Types (B) - Body parts. Pronounced B'h.
24. Thing Types (K) - Thing Types in Spacetime. Pronounced K'h.
25. Share Acts (M) - Info Transferring Acts including considering, generating (
emitting/sensing ), and forgetting. Pronounced Mmm.
26. Perceive Acts (Br) - Sense Think. Metrics. Simulation methods to refine and filter
sensory art information for further processing. Pronounced Brrr.
27. Judge Acts (Kr) - Sapient Think. Analytics. Short-term Belief Edit. Mind Motion. Evaluate.
Assessing references relative to Purposes. Pronounced Krrr.
28. Feel Acts (R) - Sentient Think. Emotion. Long-term Belief Edit. Spirit Motion. Feeling.
Emoting Expressing evaluations regarding references. Pronounced Rrr.
29. Move Acts (Kw) - Space Edit. Body Motion. Movement in Spacetime. Body Write.
Changing location, orientation, and shape over time. Pronounced K'h-W'h, similar to the
Q sound.
30. Do Acts (Dr) - Situation Edit. Agility in interacting with references generally with broad
coordination. Pronounced Drrr.
31. Use Acts (Tr) - Design Edit. Manipulates references such as tool objects, generally with
fine coordination. Pronounced Trrr.
32. Talk Acts (Sm) - Understanding Edit. Information Packaging. Pronounced Smm.

Elixir Vowels
1. * (v) - 000 v = *. Pronounced 'uh' like short vowel 'u' in put or could ( IPA ʊ ).
2. X (x) - 001 h = X. Pronounced 'ix' like the short vowel 'i' in trick ( IPA ɪç ) with a medium
glottal stop X as an ending.
3. / (a) - 010 a = /
4. ^v (i) - 011 i = ^v. Pronounced 'ee' or 'ie' like the long vowel 'e' in see or heat ( IPA i ).
5. C- (e) - 100 e = C-. Pronounced 'ei' or 'ay' like the long vowel 'a' in say or play ( IPA e ).
6. O (o) - 101 o = O. Pronounced 'oe' like the long vowel 'o' in go or home ( IPA oʊ ).
7. (u) - 110 u =
8. /< (y) - 111 y = /<. Pronounced 'aye' like the long vowel 'i' or diphthong 'ai' in five or eye (
IPA aɪ ).
Generalized Format Features
1. Procedurally Created (Autogen) - All characters in the Aigo can be created procedurally
to match a particular resolution and scale up into future tech resolutions.
2. Importance of Low Resolution Recognition (Ease_Of_Identification) - Note Chinese
characters are effective up close, but as they are used in the Periodic Table, are hard to
read at a distance, unlike the 2 letter pairs used in the west.
3. Geometric Primitives (Geom_Prm) - Uses common geometric shapes to form the
patterns and ease the challenge of distinguishing different characters.
4. Primitive Combinations (Prm_Combo) - Can assemble the primitives into more complex
concepts by combining them in tiles containing a single glyph, vertical glyph pair,
next-character-facing triangle of 3 glyphs, or 4-glyph quad. Tiles can be bordered
together to form words and words can be slated together to form sntcs. Given their
nature, this also includes a means to pronounce any composited name and understand
the keys to its meaning.
5. Translation Tree (Translate_Tree) - Aigos act as an intermediary language to translate a
message into Aigo and then out into another language using a translation tree. Each tree
of meaning can select synonyms based on the speaker's context and various conditions,
such as with find (generic) vs hunt (serious) vs quest (motivation). Trees can also handle
conjugating a complex grammar such as time-tense, singular vs plural, completed vs
incomplete actions (begun? ended?), and other rules of sntc formation.
6. Uniform (Exceptionless) - Aigos can be combined in any linear series. There are no
exceptions or odd rules. All phonetic possibilities operate effectively. Phoneme design
was geared to avoid sounds that are absent from well-represented languages and focus
on uniformity and ease of pronunciation regardless of primary nature language, age
(child phoneme pronunciation concerns included), or common speaking challenges.
7. Human Linguistic History (History) - Many of the terms used were purposefully matched
to the earliest of proto-language pronunciations for common concepts such as ku =
'who', ma = 'what', pal = 'two', akwa = 'water', tik = 'finger', boko = 'arm', bunku = 'knee',
sum = 'hair', kuna = 'nose, smell', etc.
8. Forms of 'to-be' (Copula) - 'To-be' can be used for identity, of the form 'noun copula
definite-noun' [The cat is my only pet], [The cat is Garfield] class membership, of the
form 'noun copula noun' [The cat is an animal] predication, of the form 'noun copula
adjective' [The cat is furry] auxiliary, of the form 'noun copula verb' [The cat is sleeping],
[The cat is bitten by the dog]. The examples illustrate two different uses of 'be' as an
auxiliary. In the first 'be' is part of the progressive aspect, used with '-ing' on the verb,
and in the second it is part of the passive, as indicated by the perfect participle of a
transitive verb, existence, of the form 'there copula noun' [There is a cat], location, of the
form 'noun copula place-phrs' [The cat is on the mat], [The cat is here].
9. Romanization for Pronunciation (Romanization) - The optimal way to transcribe aigo into
a Romanized Alphabet-using language, like English, is to capitalize the first letter of the
consonant and lower case the second consonant, if it exists, and vowel. Although there
are cases where the inverse might have distinguishing value, the convention is to
eliminate scope rapidly, thus going from 256 to 8 ( consonant recognizer ) is more
efficient than 256 to 32 ( vowel recognizer ). All capitals fails due to single consonants
making it harder to distinguish. Consider the example series JiJeJo vs jIjEjO, or
HriHruHra vs hrIhrUhrA. Then consider the example series JiHriHiTi vs jIhrIhItI. Clearly
there are always preferences, but given the above costs and the metric.

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