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Skill Builders: Speaking – Global Warming & the Environment

Discuss or debate the questions below. Remember to support your answers!

 Are you concerned about the present state of the environment? Why/not?
 Is global warming a myth to scare people, as some people say? Why/not?
 Will the lives of our children (or our children's children) be more difficult because of the
damage wrought on the environment? Why/not?
 Will humans become extinct because we have irreparably ruined the environment?

 What environmental problems have you heard in the news recently?

 How often do you think about the environment? Is it enough? Why/not?
 If temperatures continue to rise year after year, how will our lives be different in the near
future? How about long term, say 25 years from now?
 What do you do (or have you done) to help the environment? Please explain.
 In order to protect the environment, your city raises its tax by 25% for all citizens. How
would you feel? What would you do?
 In order to protect the environment, your city passes a law that requires cars with even-
numbered license plates to drive on even-numbered dates, and odd-numbered license
plates on odd-numbered dates. How would you feel? What would you do?
 What do you think about fines or jail time for people who use too many resources?
Would this increase environmental awareness and responsibility?
 What would you do if scientists realized that in fifteen years, the Earth would be unable
to support any life whatsoever... and nothing could be done?

 Would you ever donate some money to an environmental action group? Why/not?
 Could you do more to protect the environment? Please explain.
 Do you think humankind will be forced to settle on the Moon or Mars because a
ravaged environment on Earth won't be able to support life someday? Why/not?

 Why don't people do more to help the environment? Why don't politicians do more to
help the environment?
 What can other countries do to ensure large polluters like
America or China get serious about the environment now?
 Should the government or the people bear the brunt for
environmental protection?
 What has been the biggest failure of governments to fight global
warming? Please explain.
 What are five ways that every person can help the environment,
starting now?

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